slimquick1 · 3 years
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Losing weight is a skill that not many seem to get the hang of. Some eat low-calorie and healthy snacks for weight loss, while others do rigorous exercise. However, many times, we blame our weight-loss failures on our metabolism. Metabolism is mainly responsible for weight loss, but eating foods that decrease metabolism can do more harm than good. We are all guilty of irresponsible snacking, especially while working. Unhealthy snacks affect our metabolism, making it a little less efficient.
Therefore, we bring you a list of the most healthy snacks for work that increase metabolism while keeping your taste buds satisfied. Read on below!
Your metabolism is what’s in control of your body and how it makes and burns energy from food. Increased metabolism promotes a higher calorie burn rate, helping you lose weight faster. Therefore, it is essential to eat foods that boost metabolism. Here are some snacks for weight loss that you need to start munching on while you work.
Green tea and metabolism go hand in hand, as it contains catechins — phenolic compounds that are potent antioxidants. These compounds increase metabolism and promote weight loss. Moreover, if you take green tea for a fast metabolism, it will reduce the risk of obesity and heart diseases in the long run.
Oats are another food that boosts metabolism extensively. Oats are really low-calorie and extremely rich in fibre content, making it the ideal work-time snack. Moreover, they fight against stomach ailments, such as bloating and constipation. If you are looking for a tasty oats option, try out SlimQuick’s cream & onion oats.
Quinoa is very nutritious and is one of the most popular health foods around the world. It contains fibre, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants that increase metabolism and assist in weight loss. While consuming quinoa with milk is common, many people snack on quinoa without any additions. SmilQuick’s Quinoa Peri-Peri is your ideal healthy snacking partner while you work.
Dry fruits such as almonds contain healthy fatty acids and a high protein count that increases the body's metabolism. Therefore, you can take a handful and snack while you work to keep your metabolism kicking. You can also try raisin water for weight loss while you are at it.
Many foods will help increase your metabolism, helping you burn more calories. However, many of these dishes lack the required taste, hindering people from consuming them regularly. If you want to get slim quick, but don’t want to compromise on eating tasty snacks, fret not, as SlimQuick brings you a wide variety of healthy snacks that tickle your taste buds.
Start healthy snacking today with SlimQuick.
Check Out Our Healthy And Tasty Snacks
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slimquick1 · 3 years
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When it comes to creating lasting changes to create a healthy lifestyle, we often make exaggerated goals that we hope to accomplish. Whether going to the gym every day or eating healthy food and healthy snacks, we often think it will be easy to switch and adapt to this new healthy lifestyle. However, after about a few days, many of us give up and switch back to our old habits of munching on fried snacks and unhealthy habits.
But all is not lost for the people who want a healthy lifestyle but cannot master the changes they need to. SlimQuick can be your gateway to a healthy lifestyle without having to change a lot. Surprised? Don’t be!
Read below to know why SlimQuick should be your fitness and health partner.
One major problem fitness lovers face, is going over their desired calorie count and then having to drop extra sweat to cover it up. At SlimQuick, you get calorie-counted, and portion-controlled meals specifically prepared to help you plan your healthy lifestyle. No need to calculate calories in food portions, as we keep the calorie count for you.
In this day and age, hygiene and minimal contact are paramount. We at SlimQuick take safety precautions seriously for the health of our staff, delivery partners, and most importantly, our beloved customers, YOU! That is why all our products are safely packed and untouched by human hands. Our delivery partners deliver your food only after proper sanitation and with as minimal contact as possible. We keep you safe, both with our food and our safety procedures.
Healthy food and low-calorie snacks are often bland, which is a huge reason why people quit pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Not in the case of SlimQuick. We offer a wide range of healthy and tasty snacks and meals that not only help you stay fit but tickle your taste buds as well. From Mocha Hazelnut Energy Bar to Pav Bhaji, we have healthy variations of all foods that don’t compromise taste.
Keeping a healthy lifestyle is a difficult task, but cooking for the same is almost back-breaking for many. SlimQuick removes the hassle of cooking with ready-to-eat meals. Just unpack, heat, and eat! Staying fit was never so easy.
Making healthy lifestyle changes and executing healthy eating takes dedication and consistency. Healthy eating habits are easy to aim for but extremely laborious to achieve, especially when you are planning and executing all meals. SlimQuick does all that for you and much more!
Don’t make a healthy lifestyle a task! Make it easy with SlimQuick —
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slimquick1 · 3 years
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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, and many professionals are now working from home. But while you work from home, it is extremely easy to move away from healthy meals and a balanced diet and start munching on unhealthy food. Keeping your nutrition in check and having healthy food while you work from home is extremely important, as regular intake of unhealthy food can be disastrous for your health and weight. To keep your balanced diet regime up and running, here are some healthy eating habits that you can take up while you work from your home office.
Here are three ways by which you can stay healthy while working remotely:
Plan Your Meals In Advance: While working from home, we often lose track of time and then opt for junk food or unhealthy food in general, as it is most convenient. Therefore, you must plan your healthy meals in advance so you can prepare/order accordingly. This planning will ensure you eat healthy even when neck-deep at work.
Count Calories: Since we do not have extensive body movement while working from home, we burn fewer calories. Therefore, you should count calories to ensure that you are not going over the calorie limit. You can also order calorie-counted healthy meals to keep calories in check.
Water Is Your Best Friend: While you work from home, ensure that you are not dehydrated. Water is the best drink you can give your body, so make sure you drink up a lot. It is recommended that you keep a bottle of water on your work desk to ensure that you do not forget to drink.
While working from home, we often consume food that is convenient but unhealthy. Therefore, these are some foods to avoid when working remotely.
Say No To Junk Food: While this is one of the most common tips you will receive while working from home, we can’t stress this enough. Avoid unhealthy junk food such as fried snacks, sugar-rich desserts, processed foods and more. Instead, go for healthy snacks that help you gain the required nutrients while keeping health in check.
Limit Sugary Drinks: Sugary drinks are accessible but extremely unhealthy. While working from home, sugary beverages such as soft drinks and fruit juices often take our sugar intake high. Instead of these drinks, go for healthy milkshakes or low-sugar lemon water.
Too Much Caffeine Is Unhealthy: It is no surprise that while working from home, we often gulp down way too many caffeinated drinks. While it might keep you active in the short term, long-term effects include headache, anxiety and even digestive problems.
Here are a few tips to help you get your diet back on track while working from home:
Ensure You Eat Calorie-Counted Meals: Having calorie-counted healthy meals, or healthy snacks can be the first step in ensuring you are not filling up on calories. Unhealthy junk food often contains a lot of calories, which catalyses weight gain.
Snack Up On Fruits And Healthy Snacks: Unhealthy snacks are convenient and tasty, which is why most people working from home choose them. Instead, choose healthy snacks or go for fresh-cut fruits that help you feel full.
Eat More Veggies: While this tip is accurate for anyone and everyone, it holds true for people who work from home. Veggies give you the required nutrients while making you feel full in lesser calories.
If you are looking to plan your meals as you stay engrossed in work, we at SlimQuick can help you. Our customised diet boxes come with a variety of snacks and meals filled with protein, fibre and other essential nutrients. SlimQuick offers ready to eat, calorie-counted & portion-controlled healthy meals that offer a balanced diet while you work and aid your weight-loss plan.
SlimQuick’s bring you the best ready to eat meals for a healthy breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. So, stop eating junk food when you work and start eating nutritious snacks and meals by SlimQuick.
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slimquick1 · 3 years
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There’s nothing like going on a fantastic vacation and feeling like you are on top of the world. But what happens when you come back and feel bloated from overeating or eating something unhealthy? While there are a lot of travel food ideas, right from famous eateries to finding road trip food on a budget, choosing healthy food on the go is essential. Finding the proper meals for your next trip shouldn’t be difficult, and we at SlimQuick make it simple as ever. Our calorie-counted, portion-controlled and ready to meals are here to save you from unhealthy food on your next trip. Why You Should Avoid Unhealthy Food When You Travel
While we travel, we often look for the most convenient options for a quick snack or a meal. However, these options often contain unhealthy food choices, and may not be a good option. After you fill up on soft drinks, burgers, pizza and fried refreshments, you might end up feeling lethargic, bloated and drowsy during and after the trip.
Here are a few reasons why you should absolutely avoid eating unhealthy food while you travel:
Ignored Cleanliness: The key reason to avoid convenient food options while on a trip is lousy hygiene and unclean cooking environments. Many eateries often ignore hygienic cooking conditions, which can cause diseases, especially bloating and an upset stomach.
Weight Gain: Another key factor to avoid greasy and fast food while on a trip is weight gain. Frequent consumption of fast food will increase your calorie intake, and in turn, increase your weight, leaving you a few kilos heavier at the end of the trip.
Acne: You might not know this, but constant consumption of unhealthy food can cause acne and impact your skin health. The oils used in cooking fast food often affect the hormone levels in the skin and cause acne.
The best way to avoid eating unhealthy food on your trip is to take balanced diet options with you. SlimQuick’s calorie-counted diet box acts as your ideal trip partner, with rich Indian cuisine filled with protein, fibre and other nutrients.
Here are certain benefits of eating healthy food while travelling:
Keep Your Weight In Check: Eating healthy meals while travelling can help you keep your weight in check, as convenient fast foods add a lot of calories. Fast foods often contain extra oil, fats, and can increase your weight when eaten frequently.
Prevents Travel Infections: While travelling, we are prone to stomach ailments, mainly from having unhygienic road trip food. If you eat healthy travel food, you can avoid these bugs and stay safe.
Reduces Mental Stress: Travel stress is real, and healthy food can help you stay calm. When you eat food that is a good source of energy and nutrients, your body reduces anxiety and helps you stay calm.
SlimQuick brings you tasty and healthy travel food that is calorie-counted, portion-controlled and filled with the goodness of nutrients. We offer a wide variety of ready to eat non-perishable road trip food that helps you stay fit while travelling. Choose from an extensive Indian cuisine and satisfy your travel cravings with SlimQuick.
When you are going for a trip next time, make sure you pack these ten healthy food options to stay healthy and fit while travelling.
Muesli: Muesli is the perfect healthy breakfast, as it is an excellent source of protein, fibre and other essential vitamins & minerals. Museli is the ideal healthy breakfast and can improve cognitive function, boost your heart health, and increase energy levels. You can easily get ready to eat packs of muesli, which come in a lot of flavours, so you need not settle for the basics. SlimQuick’s crunchy honey muesli is your ideal travel partner with its high nutrition value and rich taste.
Quinoa: Quinoa is a highly healthy snack and is very nutritious. Considered one of the top diet snacks, it contains fibre, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, and various beneficial antioxidants. Quinoa has emerged as a healthy alternative, and many travellers now prefer it as an alternative to rice as well. It is the ideal snack for your trip, as it is easy to transport and will help you feel fuller rather than bloated. Try SmilQuick’s Quinoa Peri-Peri that has the perfect mix of taste and health, on your next trip,
Soup: Soup has always been an inexpensive and healthy food option for many, especially travellers. While making soup from scratch is difficult while on vacation, ready to eat soups are a godsend while travelling. Soups are also loved by travellers as they are an inexpensive food option, helping them stay full and hydrated, while they can taste a lot of flavours. Moreover, soups are proven immunity boosters, keeping you healthy on your trip. You can try out SlimQuick's range of soups that are packed safely with advanced technology, that keeps the taste and aroma packed while you travel and keeps the soup fresh for a prolonged period.
Roasted Chana: Roasted chana has been a go-to diet snack for many decades now. It is convenient, easy on the pocket and loaded with nutrients. Black legumes, also known as ‘chana’, are an excellent source of protein, fibre and carbohydrates. They also contain vitamins, iron, magnesium and many other minerals. This healthy snack boosts the immune system and promotes muscle mass. Travellers often find this snack on roadside eateries, which are packed with flavours, but often lack hygienic preparation. SlimQuick’s roasted Chana Jor Garam blends in the goodness of chana while bringing out the taste of the Indian streets while being completely hygienic.
Milkshakes: If you have a sweet tooth, then milkshakes are the ideal travel buddies for you. They bring in the goodness of milk, which is rich in protein, calcium, and healthy carbohydrates. Moreover, you can get milkshakes with a large variety of flavours, including butterscotch, chocolate, peanut butter, and a lot more. The milkshakes come in easy to store and consume packs, making it the perfect travel beverage. SlimQuick’s impressive line of milkshakes is here to help you find the ever-impressive flavourful taste while you travel, without worrying about the calories.
Indian Cuisine: Indian cuisine is known for its rich flavour worldwide, but it also holds key vitamins & minerals that are perfect for a healthy lunch or dinner. With delicacies such as dal, rajma, saag, choley and sambar, you can never go wrong. While the Indian cuisine is hard to manage while travelling, SlimQuick’s ready to eat and carefully crafted packs makes it a perfect travel pack. Just heat and eat, and you are done. Pair it with chapati or naan, and you have a healthy Indian lunch or dinner prepared in minutes.
Fresh Fruits: Fresh fruits are highly potable and high nutritious, making them a perfect choice for a healthy travel snack. When you are on the road, munch on healthy fruits as they are filled with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and provide a feeling of being full that helps you control the calorie intake. They even keep your stomach healthy and keep it from getting bloated due to inactivity. If you are on a short trip, keep fruits handy when you begin your journey, or even try to go for dried fruits. However, if you are on a long trip, try to source fresh fruits every day.
Nuts: Nuts have multiple health benefits and a high concentration of protein, healthy fats, and fibre. What makes them the perfect travel snacking partner is the ease of availability and portability. Nuts don’t go bad quickly and can be consumed at your convenience. Nuts even aid in weight loss, making them an even healthier snack. Some of the top nuts include walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, and pistachios.
Sandwiches: Sandwiches are a reliable snack when it comes to travelling. Whether you are travelling on the road or are taking the air, sandwiches can be a part of your journey to satisfy your hunger while keeping you healthy. However, it is essential to note that all toppings and sauces are not made to sustain changeable weather and long journeys. Therefore, while you build yourself a healthy snack filled with veggies and your favourite seasonings, make sure you read the instructions clearly. For example, a cheese and pickle sandwich travels well and doesn’t lose its taste and aroma quickly.
Trail Mix: While we have discussed nuts above, trail mix, too, is a great travel partner for people looking to have a healthy snack. It was initially developed for hikers and generally contains granola, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. Many trail mixes also have additional sweeteners, such as honey or syrup. Trail mix is a healthy snack rich in protein and ideal for convenient snacking. It contains heart-healthy fats that keep you active while you travel, rather than making you feel lethargic. However, make sure you choose the trail mix that doesn’t have a high sugar volume, as it can be bad for the teeth and heart.
Unlike popular belief, ready to eat meals are healthy and have now become the norm around the world. They have now become a convenient solution for many people, as it removes the hassle of cooking and provides the taste you so desire. Moreover, with new technologies in place, food is now prepared by providing extensive heat for a short time, locking in the aroma and taste. This food is then packed with special machinery to keep it fresh for a long time. In to do, ready to eat food is easily accessible, incredibly convenient, time-saving, and safe to use.
SlimQuick’s bring you the best ready to eat meals for a healthy breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. Get portion-controlled and calorie-counted ready to eat Indian food for travel with SlimQuick.
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slimquick1 · 3 years
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If you have done everything to stay fit and healthy but still haven’t seen good results, then you are not alone. Most people lose the will to get fit when they don’t see results quickly and quit soon. Before you think about leaving as well, we bring you some healthy habits you should add to your routine right now to get exemplary results!
Walking is and has always been the most accessible and cheapest exercise option for anybody looking to stay healthy. It may not seem to make a huge difference at first, but over time it will start making a difference, not just in your weight but also in your stamina and overall physique. Coupling walking with healthy eating habits is ideal for anyone looking to start their routine to stay fit.
Even if you alter your eating habits and stay away from unhealthy snacks, your body still needs the required calorie count. To keep your hunger and oily snack cravings at bay, you can go for healthy snacks. Oats are packed with fiber and nutrients, for starters, making them the ideal snack for your daily routine. Other diet snacks include nuts, dried fruits, quinoa, dark chocolate, and fresh fruits & vegetables.
Counting calories is the ideal stepping stone on how to lose weight, and if you are serious about shedding some kgs, you need to count your calories. You can go for a calorie tracker device and a calorie counter app for your exercise routines. For food, you can get calorie-counted healthy and tasty meals directly at your doorstep with SlimQuick. Counting intake and output calories can help you plan better.
Most people believe that the gym is the only way to stay fit. However, if you cannot go to a gym, you can go for HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) at home instead and continue your weight loss plan. These power exercises include high-intensity training for short intervals that helps burn calories and improves metabolism. It is the same as a gym workout done to stay fit and healthy.
Most people stop their healthy routine not because of bad decisions but because of inconsistency. Therefore, be consistent in whatever steps you have planned. Be it good eating habits, eating healthy snacks, power workouts, and even walking. The more you are consistent, the sooner and better returns you see.
These are only a few habits that you should follow if you are looking to stay fit and healthy. These habits don’t need too much of your time and can be done quickly with today’s busy schedules. Therefore, if you want to remain healthy and get SlimQuick, the right time is now!
Kick-start your journey to remain fit and healthy with small healthy eating habits. Get calorie-counted healthy and tasty meals at your doorstep.
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slimquick1 · 3 years
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Some things are just meant to be together, and we at SlimQuick love to bring you healthy combos that help you stay fit while keeping your taste buds happy. We know how difficult it is to keep looking for snack ideas to munch throughout the day without the surplus calories. This is why we bring you this list of the perfect healthy snacks + milkshake combos that will keep you energized and full throughout the day.
There is nothing better than starting your day with healthy food that not only fills your stomach but keeps the calories in check. Wake up with a bowl of our low-calorie Oats that are filled with the goodness of fibers. Oats have been the go-to healthy food for many, and SlimQuick ensures you get all the nutrients in your daily dose of oats without any preservatives. Pair it with our tasty Butterscotch Milkshake that brings in fiber and protein to help you rise and shine.
We love trying different flavors, and there is no substitute for having a savory snack with a milkshake that soothes it all out. We are talking about one of our top-selling diet snacks, the roasted Chana Jor Garam, and the fan-favorite Strawberry Milkshake. Great for your body and taste buds, this diet snack and low-calorie milkshake combo will keep the calories low but the nutrients high for you.
Tired after work or looking for an evening snack session that keeps your cravings satisfied till dinner? Try out our Quinoa Peri-Peri snack, which contains nutrients that increase your metabolism and helps you stay fit, while the peri peri seasoning brings out the age-old flavor. Pair it with the traditional Vanilla Milkshake, and you have a combo that cannot go wrong. This high-protein yet tasty combo is sure to get you out of your evening hunger cravings.
We know how hard it is to stick to a healthy lifestyle round the clock without feeling the need to munch on something tasty. Unfortunately, most tasty options are not healthy. Not in the case of SlimQuick. We offer the best low-calorie snacks that promote healthy eating while keeping the taste worth remembering. Now, munch on your favorite snacks, feast on the best milkshake flavors, and get calorie-counted and portion-controlled ready-to-eat meals, without the need to calculate calories in food, only at SlimQuick!
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slimquick1 · 3 years
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While many diet plans are available online, finding the best Indian diet plan for weight loss seems to be a tad trickier. The Indian cuisine is crafted with multiple spices and almost always topped with ghee, oil or butter. Therefore, finding healthy meals in Indian cuisine is an uphill task. However, instead of avoiding the subcontinental cuisine altogether and going the way of bland food, we bring you the best Indian diet plan. SlimQuick’s diet plan is filled with healthy meals that can help you stay fit and lose weight without avoiding the tasty Indian cuisine.
If you are looking to lose weight, Indian cuisine offers a lot of choices for you. Having healthy Indian meals can help you follow a healthy lifestyle and stay fit. Generally, the average female (aged 26-50) requires 2000 calories per day, while an average male (aged 26-45) requires 2600 calories per day.
Here are the estimated calories in healthy Indian meals:
Rice: One cup of cooked rice contains approximately 200 calories
Dal: One cup of dal can hold around 100-110 calories.
Curd: 100 grams curd contains about 100 calories
Chapati: One medium-sized chapati made from wheat flour will include approximately 80 calories
Paratha: One medium-sized paratha made from wheat flour will include approximately 130 calories
Sweet Dish: A sweet dish such as gulab jamun or jalebi can contain about 150-175 calories
While following a healthy lifestyle, counting calories is extremely important. Keeping calories in check can help you avoid overloading and stay on your fitness goals. SlimQuick’s diet box contains calorie-counted healthy Indian meals curated just for your fitness goals.
The Indian cuisine can be overwhelming, and many Indian dishes are unhealthy to consume. These are five unhealthy Indian food to avoid:
Deep-Fried Pakoras: Pakoras are a traditional delicacy in India, especially in the monsoon. However, these deep-fried snacks are incredibly unhealthy due to the excessive oil they soak in. If you want to avoid this unhealthy Indian food but still want to enjoy the taste, you can bake them rather than deep-frying.
Parathas: Parathas are the favourites of many families in the northern part of India and are a part of the core Indian cuisine. While the stuffing is not the primary problem, what makes them unhealthy is the oil used in pan-frying them and a dollop of butter added on top.
Sweets: This one is a bit tricky! Sweets culminate in the platter of Indian dishes in every Indian household, and avoiding them is tough. Gulab Jamun, Rasgulla, Imarti, Jalebi and Gujiya are just some of the delicacies that are extremely tasty but unhealthy as well.
Kachori: This stuffed Indian dish is loved by many as breakfast and snack alike. However, eating Kachori can be unhealthy due to its stuffing and oil used in deep frying. Kachoris are high in calories and should be avoided.
Samosas: We have all munched on these fried little triangles while sipping hot tea. However, this Indian snack is a part of the unhealthy Indian food list and is responsible for many calories and increasing weight. Avoiding this snack will be a healthy decision to take.
If you are looking for a balanced diet and are constantly searching for an Indian meal diet plan online for your weight loss, here are some of the top options for you. These healthy Indian meals are appropriate for vegetarians, as they cannot rely on meat and chicken for protein. The list includes:
Rice: Rice is healthy if consumed frequently in small quantities. It goes well with lentils, curd and curries, and are one of the top healthy Indian vegetarian meals.
Chickpeas & Kidney Beans: Chickpeas and Kidney Beans are a type of bean that are a part of healthy Indian meals for weight loss. They are rich in protein and fibre and good for health.
Lentils:  Commonly known as dal, lentils are a permanent delicacy for many Indian families. They are a great source of protein and can be enjoyed with chapati and rice, or even alone. They carry low calories and are suitable for weight loss.
Bread: Many Indian recipes are served with a wide variety of bread, including chapati, paratha and naan.
If you are looking to stock up your plate with healthy Indian vegetarian meals for weight loss, SlimQuick is there for you. SlimQuick’s calorie-counted and portion-controlled meals are a must-have for your diet plan. With SmilQuick’s diet box, you can receive customised diet solutions with healthy Indian meals for vegetarians.
Having a balanced diet Indian meal is necessary to continue a healthy lifestyle and keep your weight in check. The Indian cuisine offers a lot of options to choose from, filled with all essential nutrients. You can create your own balanced diet with Indian meals, and it should contain:
Carbohydrates: Cereals, millets and fruits & vegetables (besides potatoes and corn) offer healthy carbohydrates;
Proteins: Pulses, milk, leafy greens, eggs, white meat and sprouts contain proteins;
Fats: Healthy fats are essential to the body, and vegetable oil, butter, and ghee contain healthy fats. However, they should be taken in low amounts.
SlimQuick’s diet plan includes portion-controlled calorie-counted meals filled with the goodness of proteins, fibre and critical nutrients. Just open, heat and eat without the hassle of cooking.
Here are some habits to follow for staying fit and following a healthy lifestyle.
Eat Foods With High Fibre: Foods with high fibre are a part of any healthy diet plan, as fibre lowers the risk of heart conditions, diabetes and cancer. A diet rich in fibre can reduce calorie intake and make you feel full faster, helping you stay fit and lose weight.
Eat Lots Of Fruits And Vegetables: Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet plan can help you stay on your fitness goals and reduce your calorie intake. Healthy eating is essential to lose weight, and fruits and veggies make it easier.
Reduce Sugar Intake: Eating calorie-counted meals is essential when you are trying to lose weight. However, additional sugar can be damaging to your diet plan and your body. Reduce the intake of added sugar, especially in beverages and desserts. Check out SlimQuick’s calorie-counted and portion-controlled meals for a healthy lifestyle.
Avoid Extra Salt: Salt makes food exciting and is required in almost all dishes to bring out the flavour. However, salt causes high blood pressure and can be damaging to the body.
Keep Your Body Hydrated: Your body needs its daily dose of hydration, especially in summers. Keep beverages handy, especially water, and don’t let your body get dehydrated.
Leading a healthy lifestyle takes dedication and finding the right diet. For vegetarians, finding a balanced Indian diet plan for weight loss is sometimes difficult. SlimQuick makes it easy for you with their customised diet box, filled with portion-controlled and calorie-counted delicious Indian dishes. Don’t compromise on taste with a healthy lifestyle.
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