skylarsin7 · 3 days
Drunk Robin: Don't fear death, fear the state you will die in.
Drunk Eddie, whispering fearfully: New Jersey.
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skylarsin7 · 3 months
Epilogue: A Deal with the Devil
She parked as close to the fissure as she dared. The air practically vibrated with power, the scent of damp and decay even heavier here than it had been at the trailer. The sky was black, interrupted now and then by the flash of crimson lightning. It was a nightmare, come to life. The lines between the Upside Down and the Rightside Up were blurred, fading into nothing as the worlds converged. This was the future Vecna had shown Nancy. And Lily had a feeling she was about to help it into fruition. Ash fell from the sky like snow, coating everything in her sight in a thick blanket of grey. It caught in her hair and made the air stick in her lungs. She coughed, taking several deep breaths in an attempt to quell her nausea. It did not have the desired effect. The air grew progressively colder as she neared the center, vines creeping along the ground like a slimy animal. It was not unlike the Red Weed in War of the Worlds. She almost scoffed at that. Hadn’t H.G Wells hit the nail on the proverbial head?
She paused, everything inside her screaming for her to flee, to escape this place and never look back. But the ring around her neck warmed, as if encouraging her forward. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but she couldn’t back out now. Too many people were counting on her, even if they didn’t yet know it. 
The cross where the four lines converged pulsed like a disembodied heart, her own tugging to match the cadence. She cleared her throat again, willing her courage not to abandon her. Eddie had shown no fear as he took on the bats, so neither would she. She owed him that much. 
“Alright Vecna, I’m here. I’ll listen to what you have to say.” Her voice rang clear through the charged air, her statement punctuated by another flash of lightning. “Liliana…you’ve arrived at last…” Lily rolled her eyes, some of her anxiety drowning in a wave of annoyance. “Yes, I’m here. Do you delight in stating the obvious, or are you stalling?” She didn’t have the patience to deal with his dramatics. “Very well, I will show you… touch the vine before you.” Lily watched as one of the vines slithered towards her like a snake, periscoping like a cobra ready to strike. She half expected a hood to open up and the thing to hiss at her. She reached forward with a trembling hand, nearly shrinking back as the clammy thing brushed her skin. She shuddered, her face darkening into a look of pure disgust. Without warning, the vine twisted around her wrist, wrenching a gasp from her throat as everything around her faded into nothing. 
When Lily opened her eyes, she blinked into confusion. Where had he taken her? Blackness extended in all directions, and the only sound was a faint dripping, as if the tap had been left on. “Hello?” She called, her voice clapping back and forth in the stillness. “No need to shout.” Vecna’s voice was everywhere and nowhere at once. “Where the hell are you? I’m tired of this cloak and dagger nonsense. Show yourself or whatever deal you have cooked up is off.” She crossed her arms over her chest to emphasize her point. She was tired of being jerked around. “Very well.” Came the disembodied reply. Mist unfurled dramatically to her right, a faint crimson glow marring the perfect darkness. She rolled her eyes again, waiting for the creature they called Vecna to show himself. 
He was even more revolting than she remembered. Every step he made was a squelching sound, as if he waded through coagulated blood or mud. “Liliana, I know why you are here…and it is not for the deal I am prepared to offer you.” He spoke with no urgency, as if they had all the time in the world. She fought the urge to remind him that SHE did not. “I’m here to protect the people I love…nothing more.” She said flatly. He chuckled. “Oh Liliana, we both know that is a lie. You are here to retrieve who you have lost, and we both know it.” Eddie’s face came to her mind, followed by Max’s broken form in the hospital. Her heart squeezed. They were beyond her help now. 
“What if they weren’t?” He seemed to pull the thought right from her mind. She growled. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t do that. Dig around my head.” She clarified as if he wouldn’t figure that out. “What if they weren’t?” He repeated, ignoring her request. “How? Ed-” She choked on his name again. Frustrated, she coughed, forcing his name through clenched teeth. “Eddie is dead. You’re little bat minions made sure of that. And Max…” She paused. Surely, given time… she would heal. “What do they have to do with this?” She hissed. Another chuckle rippled over her spine like a snake. “I am in need of a vessel. A proxy if you will. I cannot leave this place. You cannot live without my power. It's a win-win.” He seemed very sure of that fact, which disgusted her even more. “And if I choose to become your vessel? What would that entail.” Vecna shrugged. “I get my revenge. You get your loved ones, and your friends are safe.” Lily almost laughed out loud. “Safe? Define safe, because I’m pretty sure we have vastly different definitions of safe.” Vecna’s eyes glittered dangerously. 
“You do this, and I will be bound by my word that none of them would come to harm from any of my creatures, or my hands. Or yours, by extension.” Lily’s laughter faded. This was too good to be true. There had to be a catch. “What’s the price? Nothing is free.” Vecna leveled her with a stare that both cursed and praised her all at once. Clearly he wasn’t expecting her to be so detail oriented. But what she had learned in all her years of D&D, was to ask about every facet. No detail was too small to be important. “You, as you are now, will cease to exist. You will become my face in Hawkins, and your friends will likely hate you for it. But you won’t know it. You will fade from existence as I take over that body of yours.” 
When said like that, it didn’t seem so bad. She had longed to join her father on the other side, and now Eddie, this was her chance. They might miss her initially, but ultimately, she was just an acquaintance after all. Someone they met only a week ago. And, given time, they might even forgive her for this. “I’ll do it. But you have to swear that none of my friends will be harmed, maimed, possessed, used, or otherwise scarred: mentally, physically, or emotionally. Not by you, your minions, or by me, by extension.” Vecna let out a rough sigh. He was clearly tiring of her thoroughness. “Done. Your friends are safe. The deal is struck. Go home and heal. I will be in touch when you are back to your former strength.” He didn’t give her a chance to respond, but flicked his fingers, effectively dismissing her. 
Lily’s eyes snapped open, the mottled black and red clouds swirling above her like the storm on Jupiter’s surface. She shivered. She didn’t feel any different. She rose, having fallen prone when Vecna had dragged her into his mindscape. Her father’s ring burned against her chest, catching the faint light and practically glowing as it cast it back. She stood on shaky legs, weak, but feeling better than she had in weeks. The vines around her rippled, slithering away and towards the cross a few feet away. “Lily?” A voice asked from behind her. She froze. She knew that voice. She turned, her eyes filling with tears as her knees gave way beneath her. “Liliana Rose Halen-Munson, what have you done?” 
~End of Part 1~
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skylarsin7 · 3 months
Chapter 22: At the Crossroads
Lily knew that this trip had been a stupid idea. She had argued with herself enough over the entire trip that her head was pounding. Yet, she was here. At least she was fulfilling the promise she made to Eddie. This would be the last she would ever see of her father’s grave, and the town that had been her home for nearly eighteen years. She wondered briefly if Steve had received her note yet, and how furious he would be when she returned. Because regardless of what awaited her, she would return. Hawkins had become her home, and she had to pitch in and defend it while she still could. Vecna had told her that the longer she stayed out of the Upside Down, the sicker she would become. So she had to act now. She glanced at her reflection in the rearview mirror. Dark circles stood out like vivid bruises on her glaringly pale skin. Her face was gaunt, her eyes sunken and lackluster. She looked for all the world like a terminal cancer patient who was rapidly losing the fight.
She sat in the parking lot for a long time. The sun had risen hours ago, and the light of it was glinting off the dew that still lingered on the grass. She hated this place. Hated that this would be her final farewell to the man that had been her rock for so many years. She wondered if he was looking down on her now, and if he would be proud of her. Proud of the woman who was about to risk it all for the people she loved.
She forced herself from the warmth of Steve’s car, her heart clenching as the all too familiar lawn of the cemetery came into view. She shivered, the chill of spring not yet giving way to summer. Goosebumps pebbled her flesh and she could feel the beginning tingles she was certain would manifest into a splendid nosebleed. She shook off the sensation and trudged up the nearest hill. Her father’s grave was nestled under a beautiful red oak, its leaves still vibrant green swaying serenely as the breeze blew through them. Lily closed her eyes as she approached, concentrating on the sound, loving how, for a moment, she could almost hear her father’s laughter through the branches. 
She stopped as the ground leveled out, indicating that she had reached the vicinity of the gravestone. She hesitated a moment, then opened her eyes. Surprise flooded her. Nestled next to the stone that bore her father’s name was a slightly smaller, polished one that bore her own. Unexpected tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision. A set of delicate angel wings decorated the crown of the stone. She hadn’t expected this. Surely her step loser would be pushing her mother to forget that she even had a daughter. He had been embarrassed in Hawkins and that was something she knew he would not let go of easily. Fear lanced through her.  It hadn’t occurred to her in her state of grief that because of that embarrassment, her mother might suffer now. She shoved the fear away. Her mother had made the choice to marry him. It wasn’t Lily’s fault that he was an abusive ass. Maybe now Elizabeth would see that everything Dustin told her was true. She squared her shoulders, taking a deep breath to center herself.
“Hello Dad, I know it’s been a long time. I’m sorry that I haven’t been to see you in a while. A lot has happened lately. I…got married and became a widow, pretty much in the same day.” She almost laughed at how absurd it was to say out loud. She was a widow. At eighteen. “Now I understand the grief mom went through when she lost you.” She paused, taking several more breaths before she could speak again. “You would have liked him dad. He was a bit eccentric and a little weird, but he was passionate about music and absolutely obsessed with fantasy and D&D.” Her voice broke and she fell silent, unable to stop the tidal wave of emotions that welled in her chest. “You’ve probably met him already. Us metalheads have to stick together, right? If you do meet him, tell him I love him? And that I miss him. So much it hurts.” She fell silent again, clutching the front of her hoodie, almost as if she held on tight enough, she could somehow push the jagged pieces of her heart back together. A single silvery tear slipped free of her control. 
A cough sounded behind her and she whirled, a barely audible growl on her lips. The owner of the cough stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes, the color of a summer’s sky widening as she saw Lily. For several moments, neither of them could move. They could barely breathe as they stared one another down. Her mother’s blonde hair seemed dull and straw-like as the wind ruffled it, and even at a distance, Lily could see that she was sporting the same dark circles that ringed her own face. 
“Who are you?” Her mother’s voice was hoarse, strained as if she fought to keep it level. As if volatile emotions struggled to break free of her control. Lily could relate and hesitated for a moment. “A fellow mourner.” She answered simply. Her mother drew closer, her fair eyebrows knitting together in a frown that nearly made Lily cry with its familiarity. On reflex, Lily stiffened a little, steeling her heart against the rejection, anger, or disbelief that was sure to come, her own emotions running the gambit between anger, sorrow, and downright pity. But it was not pity for the woman standing before her. It was a deep rooted pity for the woman she once was, a mother Lily would have been devastated for the loss of. But she hadn’t been that woman for years now. What hurt now was the cold indifference encasing Lily’s heart. 
“What are you doing here?” Her mother’s voice was not as gruff this time, but curious now as she drew closer still. They were barely six feet apart now. Lily shrugged, going for nonchalance. “I’m not rightly sure. I felt drawn to this place.” She cocked her head as if in contemplation. “Are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost.” Her mother hesitated, shifting her weight uncomfortably. “I thought I had. You bear a striking resemblance to someone I lost. My daughter. For just a moment, I thought you might be my Lily-bug, come back to me.” 
Lily’s heart clenched at the use of her nickname and she was having a hard time distancing herself from her emotions. It was painful to see her like this. Despite the years her abuse fell on deaf ears, and how her mother had turned a blind eye, Elizabeth Ramsey was still her mother. Since she couldn’t trust her emotions, she forced herself to remain silent. 
Elizabeth turned away slightly, towards the gravestone that bore Lily’s name. “If she were here I would have so many things to tell her. So many things to atone for. I would tell her how sorry I am. I was so wrapped up in my own grief, I couldn’t see that she was suffering through it as well. Yes, I had lost my husband, but she had lost her father as well. I would tell her that the man that abused her was no longer in my life.” Lily had to glance away to keep her surprise from being obvious. Her mother had divorced Arland? “I married him so quickly after I lost my first husband because he gave me a false sense of comfort. I was too blind to see what he was doing behind my back to my Lily. If I had been more attentive, maybe she wouldn’t have…” Elizabeth cut off as a sob tore from her throat. It took all of Lily’s self control not to reach for her. 
“Sometimes, our grief can swallow us whole and we do things that make us seem cruel to those around us. It makes us blind to the needs of others, as our own needs seem so monumentally unattainable. I lost my own husband last week so I know how you feel. He was killed right in front of me.” The words left her before she could recall them. Her mother let out a tiny gasp. “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I must seem so selfish, standing here rambling on when your grief is so new. How long were you married?” She asked. Lily sighed. “Less than a day.” Her mother reached for her, but stopped short and let her hands drop. “I am so very sorry. Losing a loved one so soon after vowing to spend forever with them. I can’t imagine.” She shivered violently and coughed, clearing her throat. “Sorry, I know all this seems deeply personal. I don’t know why, but I feel comfortable talking to you. So, thank you Mrs…” She trailed off, a question hanging in the silence.
Lily smiled. “Munson. Aezadora Munson. Most people call me Aeza or Aez.” Her mother reached out again and this time, Lily didn’t hesitate in grasping it. She was shocked anew by how pale and bony her hand looked cradled in her mother’s. Elizabeth didn’t seem to notice. “Pleasure to meet you Aeza. And thank you for listening.”
Her mother turned away from her and Lily had to once again school herself into stillness. Elizabeth seemed so small and frail now, not like the strong woman Lily had looked up to for most of her life. Lily’s heart felt as if a wire were wrapped around it, growing tighter and tighter with every step her mother took away from her. Despite the pain in her chest, Lily took a deep breath. “I’m sorry Mom. But it’s better this way. Better you believe I am already dead than having to mourn me twice.” Lily shoved her hands deep in her pockets, staring down at her father’s gravestone. 
Elizabeth’s heart, despite the losses of both her husband and daughter, was the lightest it had been in over three years. Somehow, talking to Aezadora seemed to take the weight of guilt off her chest. It was as if her Lily had been with her, smiling at her in the face of a stranger. Aezadora. What a unique name. Odd to be sure, but lyrically unique. Almost whimsical. Familiarity slammed into her like a truck, pulling her up short. Suddenly she was no longer in the cemetery, her memories having pulled her into the basement of her home. 
She remembered the morning she had discovered Lily's disappearance. It had been a Saturday morning and Lily had not been in her bed when Elizabeth had come knocking. Had it really only been a few weeks ago? It felt like a lifetime.
Arland had been furious, ranting and raving around the house about Elizabeth's wild and godless hellspawn of a daughter. Elizabeth would have been ashamed to admit later that her first thought had not been for the safety of her child, but what the other Elders would say when they found out that Lily had stolen her mother's wallet and her car, disappearing into the night. Arland had insisted on calling the police and reporting the theft of the car more so than the fact that their daughter was missing as well. 
The first twenty-four hours had been a roller coaster of emotions. Grief, worry, and anger had warred in her heart. Then the first possible lead. Hawkins, Indiana. Why on earth her daughter had fled to Indiana was anyone's guess, but their car had turned up there. But no Lily. The anger grew into mind-numbing worry as memories of her first husband’s death had surfaced then. She had been unable to save the love of her life, and now she had lost her only child. Arland had fixated on catching Lily, not to bring his wife's child home safely, but to make an example of her. Elizabeth had begun to see the darkness behind his eyes and had wondered just how blind she had really been. 
She had hoped that upon arriving in Hawkins, she would be reunited with Lily. Only to find the town in ruins. Only to be informed that her daughter had perished with countless others in an earthquake that had ripped Hawkins apart. Her grief had been swift and immeasurable. She remembered the boy they had met at the school, limping and dirty, his brown eyes bright and full of fury. He had known Lily, and had been with her when she died. His words burned her, even now. Arland had not denied the abuse. Had simply told her that the Elders would be notified and that they would go about their lives as if they had never had a daughter. Elizabeth had made up her mind at that moment and divorced him, kicking him and his abusive, gaslighting, perfectionist nature to the curb.
It was days before she could venture into Lily's room. It was as if the room itself was a vacuum and had sucked all the air from her lungs. When she could stand it no longer, she explored the rest of the house, going about the motions of tidying. She then found herself in the basement, where she had banished Martin's things so they didn't have the power to bring up painful memories. She found Martin's old frequency rig he had used in college to tap into their local radio stations. It seemed Lily had been as adept with the contraption as her father. Somehow, that thought had made her smile through her tears. She found shelves of books, their spines pale with having been well read and loved. Tolkien seemed to have been a favorite, for the spine barely held together as Elizabeth had leafed through it. One spine caught her attention and held. This one was new, barely touched. A Bible. Elizabeth remembered frowning. Lily had detested the scripture, so why…
She had pulled the tome from its shelf, both surprised and a little impressed to find that it was not, in fact, a bible, but a clever disguise to a notebook containing what looked like Dungeons and Dragons stats. She was no stranger to the game. Martin had been a DM as well as a player for years, beginning long before he had even met Elizabeth. Like father, like daughter. It was this memory that held her captive now. The name on the sheet. Aezadora. She remembered it because it had a very Elvin ring to it, a very Lord of the Rings feel to it. And this stranger….
Elizabeth whirled, her blue eyes frantically scanning the cemetery. Disappointment bloomed in her chest when she found it empty. 
Lily ducked behind a tree, panting hard from her hasty retreat. She had noticed the moment her mother had stiffened, and not knowing what had caused it, had used a nearby tree to hide behind. "Sorry mom, I hope one day you can forgive me. Because I forgive you. I forgive you for everything. I hope one day you can look back with pride that I was your daughter." She whispered. Tears stung her vision and she didn't even bother trying to stop them. Her breath hitched and she let out a rattling cough, one so violent it doubled her over. She muffled the sound with her hands and when she pulled them away, they were smeared crimson. She shuddered, her heart pounding. Her illness was progressing. Fast. She had to move, get back to Hawkins before she would no longer be able to. Just one last thing she had to do here first. 
She waited until the sun had sunk completely below the horizon before making her way to the house the Ramsey family had occupied. From what her mother had told her, she had kicked Arland out, so in theory, Elizabeth would be alone. Lily parked Steve’s car in the empty lot at the corner of the cul-de-sac, pulling her hood up over her head and cinching it tight. She couldn’t risk anyone recognizing her in case she was seen. She paused as she reached the pale monolith that had been her prison. The place was dark, silent. It felt strange. Only a few weeks ago this place had been her ‘home’, but now she felt like a stranger. 
She approached the front door carefully, lifting the tiny marigold pot by the window. A small brass key caught the light of the street lamp and Lily couldn’t help but smile. Some things never changed. At least she wouldn’t have to break in. She opened the door slowly, taking a glance around before stepping inside. The living room was much the same as she had left it, but there were a few notable changes. Spaces on the walls where photos that had included Arland were missing. She paused, her eyes drawn to the space over the fireplace. Unexpected tears welled in her eyes, burning as they streaked down her face. Gone was the severe white clad photo of Elizabeth’s and Arland’s wedding. In its place was a photo of her, her mom and dad. She had frosting on her upper lip. Her mother was smiling, and her father’s face was almost purple with his laughter. She remembered this picture vividly. It had been a sunny day in the summer when Lily was fourteen, a day they had all played hookie and spent the day in the park. The sky had been a clear blue, with fluffy clouds that occasionally provided shade. They had had a picnic, hoagie sandwiches and whoopie pies for dessert. Lily remembered lying down on her back, the remnants of a whoopie pie still on her face. Her mother had flopped down beside her, her long blonde hair fanned out like a curtain of spun gold. Her father had completed the circle with his own wild curls of rich auburn, and had snapped the picture as he held the camera above them. 
Lily pulled back from the memory. She swallowed hard as she forced her emotions down. She had a job to do and wouldn’t risk lingering too long. She climbed the stairs to her bedroom, pausing for a moment at the top of the landing. The door to her mother’s room was open, and Lily couldn’t stop herself from crossing the narrow hallway and peering inside. Her mother was curled on her side, and from the deep, even rhythm of her breath, was sound asleep. Lily sighed. She hoped that one day, her mother would be able to smile at the memories and not feel like her heart was being ripped out of her chest.
She stepped back from the doorway carefully, crossing the hall again, this time, for her own room. The familiar sights of her sanctuary nearly drove her to her knees. She took a deep breath, her muscles relaxing in increments. The bed was made, and the room had none of the signs of haste that had claimed her that night that felt so long ago now. So much had happened that it felt like another lifetime. She crouched, her joints creaking in protest. She ignored it, carefully wedging her nails beneath the loose floorboard and pulling it up slowly. To her relief, it made no sound. Setting it aside, she pulled the small wooden box from its hiding place. Opening the lid, she stifled a sob. Her treasures caught the light and winked back at her. All her father’s band pins, his wedding ring, the book of letters, and the cassette tape were all on top, and as much as it hurt to see them, it was as if she were among old friends. 
She stood, setting the box on the bed and crossing over to her dresser. In her jewelry box, she found a plain silver chain, and returning to the bed, she threaded her father’s wedding band onto it before clasping it around her neck. It was cool against her skin, its weight a welcome one against her chest. She smiled. It felt right wearing it. Her fingers brushed over the pins, but she left them, reaching instead for the cassette and the book of letters. She held them close, breathing through tears that threatened to drown her. She placed the cassette back, closing the lid to the box and placing it back in its hiding spot. She stuffed the book of letters into her hoodie, unable to stop herself. Despite the fact that she was surely hurtling towards her doom, she couldn’t leave the words her father had written to her behind. And as desperately as she wished to hear his voice again, she couldn’t deny her mother the opportunity.
Smiling through her tears, she didn’t replace the board perfectly, leaving a tiny gap that would creak when stepped on. Her mother deserved this closure as well. To have some part of her husband and daughter back. 
She rose, tiptoeing back down the stairs and out into the waiting night. She took one last look at the house before climbing back into Steve’s car. “Goodbye mom. I hope one day you will be happy again.” She let the tears break free of her control, streaming down her face as she pulled out of the cul-de-sac, and for the last time, let the town of Philly grow smaller and smaller in her rearview, until it disappeared all together. 
It took considerably longer for her to return to Hawkins the second go around. She had to stop multiple times as dizzy spells plagued her, and nausea was a near constant companion. Her stomach ached with the dry heaves that refused to abate completely, and her throat was dry and burning from the bile. She was even paler than before, exhausted, and shivering with fever. She didn’t know what possessed her, but she found herself turning down the familiar road that led to Eddie’s trailer. The sun had already begun to set, casting the eerily silent trailers in shades of orange and gold. It would have been pretty, save for the crimson glow that split the park like a scar. 
She stood before the ruined trailer, amazed the place wasn’t crawling with monsters already. The scent of damp and death hung like a miasma around her, choking the air from her lungs. Half the trailer was an open maw, and this close to the fissure, Lily felt instantly sick to her stomach. But the lack of activity unnerved her even more. It was as if Vecna was deliberately waiting on her to launch his attack. That thought was nearly a growl. “Arrogant son of a bitch.” She murmured. “Anyone I know?” Wayne’s voice was tired, and his joke felt thin as a result. She turned and flew into the weathered man’s arms. He seemed so much thinner since the last time she saw him. Had it only been a few days ago?
Wayne pulled her close, as if her presence was a balm to his shredded heart. She knew exactly how that felt. “What brings you here?” He asked quietly, releasing her. Her eyes met his, and it was all she could do to keep her tears in check. His blue eyes shone with concern as he took in her face. “Are you alright, you look pale as a ghost.” He brushed away a tear that had slipped past her control. She managed a smile. “I’ll be fine. Just haven’t been eating much.” She nearly choked on the lie as it stuck in her throat. But she coughed to clear it. “I came to say goodbye. And to give you this.” She took her wedding ring out of her pocket, its black stone glittering ominously as she set it in his hand. His brows knitted together in confusion. “But this is yours…he…” He cut off and swallowed hard. Lily understood. Eddie had been more of a son than a nephew to him, and even in her anger, she knew he had done what he felt was right. “I know…but where I am going, I won’t be needing it. I want…no, I need you to keep it safe for me.” She told him gently. Wayne’s tired eyes met hers once more. “Where are you going?” He asked warily.” Lily’s gaze hardened. “I’m going to make a deal with the devil.” 
Wayne stared at her for a long time. “No.” Was all he said. Lily forced her eyes to soften. “It’s the only way I know how to save everyone and protect Hawkins. I need you to trust me on this.” Wayne reached for her, pulling her back into his arms. “I do trust you Lily. You’re my daughter. No matter how brief your marriage to my boy was. But I cannot stand by to watch you do this to yourself. I can’t lose you too.” Lily pulled away, offering him a sad smile. “Eddie sacrificed himself to save this town and the people he loved. How can his widow do anything less?” 
He eyed her with grief written on his every feature, but slowly, his hand closed over the ring and he tucked it in his jacket pocket. “I will keep it safe for you. But you have to promise me that you will return to get it back.” She reached for him again, hugging him tightly, fighting back the torrent of her tears. Her father would have loved Uncle Wayne. They would have been fast and great friends. Reluctantly, she released him. “I know this may seem odd, but…” She broke off, unsure of the words. “May I…may I see his room?” As soon as the request was made, her heart yearned for it, longed to see the place her beloved had spent his evenings and his nights talking with her. See the place that was so inherently Eddie’s. Wayne nodded. “Be careful.” He said as he stepped back, a soft cough was the only indication that the air was getting to him too.
Lily approached the trailer carefully, holding her breath as she tugged open the mangled door, skirting the pulsing gate and doing her best to avoid the writhing vines. The rest of the trailer looked identical to its twin that resided beneath her feet. At least, it did for now. She made her way to the back of the trailer, past another two doorways across from one another. These had to be the bathroom and Wayne’s room. A force she couldn’t fight pulled her even deeper into the trailer, into a room that had her nearly falling to her knees as she entered it. Everything about this room screamed Eddie. Posters covered the walls in carefully thought out patterns, and clothes littered the floor. The Warlock hung in its place of honor over his mirror. Her heart clenched as she could see the first tendrils of vines snaking their way towards Eddie’s first love.
 An assortment of coins and an ashtray of cigarette butts overflowed the nightstand, and an old, worn copy of “The Hobbit” lay with curling pages next to his pillow. She sank onto the bed, picking up the pillow and bringing it to her face, inhaling deeply. Pain exploded along her senses. The scents of shampoo and cigarettes clung to the fabric along with the faint scent of cedar and sandalwood. If she let her mind wander, she could almost believe she had buried her nose in his soft hair, and the warm closeness of the room could have been his arms around her. Despite the hurt she felt in her heart, she couldn’t deny that she still loved him. She always would, no matter what. “Forever Yours, Faithfully.” She whispered. She buried her face deeply into the pillow, clinging to it as tears spilled down her cheeks, soaking into the fabric in ever-widening circles. “I’m so sorry…” She murmured, sniffing. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you…” As her sobs slowed, she lowered the pillow to the bed. It was all she could do not to curl up on the bed and let the world slip away. 
A white shirt hung over his closet caught her attention, and she rose. It was a Hellfire shirt, still stark and crisp as if it had never been worn. The logo on the front was only half finished, the eyes and ears that were meant to be yellow were still white and the dice to either side were just black outlines. The Hellfire Club name was also just an outline as well as the flame above the letter “I”.  It looked much too small for Eddie. She took it down from the hook, her fingers brushing fabric paint on the back. She turned it over, another wave of grief plundering her control.
Shieldmaiden of the Stars
He had been making her a shirt. Her very own Hellfire shirt. This one was unique, as the others had not had their name inscribed on the back. And now, he would never have the chance to give it to her. How cruel fate was. It almost seemed fitting that the shirt was incomplete, just like her. She took the shirt of the hanger, draping it over her arm as she made her way to the Warlock. “Hello, dear friend…” She croaked, taking the guitar from its hook. “Your place is not to rot here. Come, I will keep you safe.” She hooked the guitar strap over her shoulder to drape the instrument across her chest. Her fingers hovered over the strings, warmth rippling through her as if an invisible hand laid over them, poised to play. That warmth surged through her and a faint smile curved her lips. “Don’t worry, my love, I will keep her for you.” 
She was about to turn away when another flash of white caught her attention. On the dresser beneath the mirror was a small glass dish, filled to the brim with odds and ends, and even a few rogue cigarette butts. Atop this pile was a set of tickets, still pristine and uncreased. 
Sunshine Promotions Presents: 
with Special Guest:
Tuesday, April 8th, 1986
7:30 PM
Indianapolis, Indiana
$14.50 ADVANCE………$15.50 DAY OF SHOW
Tickets available at the MSA Box Office and ALL TICKETMASTER Outlets
Including Karma Records & Brock’s Dept. Stores
She swallowed hard as grief threatened her again. She picked them up, smiling ever so softly through her tears. It amazed her that she even still had any to cry at this point. “You would have loved this.” She murmured. She tucked the tickets in her pocket and took one last glance around the room. She blew a kiss to the space Eddie had called home, as if kissing him one final time in goodbye. She doubted she would ever see the place again.
Wayne stood where she had left him. This surprised her. She would have thought the stench of death and decay would eventually drive him away. “I see you have his Warlock. I was going to go retrieve it myself.” Her father in law grunted as tears turned his blue eyes to glass. Lily unlooped the strap and handed Wayne the guitar. “I have retrieved it for you. Keep her safe. Oh, and here…” She handed him the tickets as well. “Go to this. I’m sure one of these tickets is yours anyway, and he can still see it through your eyes.” Wayne shook as sobs tore through him, shaking his head violently. Besides, She added in the privacy of her mind, if you are Indianapolis, I won’t have to worry about you being killed in the crossfire. “I…can’t…” He croaked. Lily pressed her palm against his chest over his heart. “He is still with us, though we cannot see him. He is here. Always here.” She didn’t know where the words came from, but they rang with truth in her chest. He gripped her hand, his fingers shaking around hers. She could see him mustering up every bit of his strength as he squared his shoulders. “I will then. For him.” He managed. She hugged him one final time, gripping him as tightly as she could, as if she could somehow squeeze the broken pieces of his heart back together. But as she pulled away from him, she knew that was impossible. Nothing, not even time, could heal a heart broken so completely. They would both bear scars for the rest of their lives. Scars so deep that it was likely that they would never recover from them. She squared her own shoulders and stepped back from Eddie’s uncle. Clearing her throat, she turned and disappeared into the growing darkness, the faint crimson glow of the gate at her back, on her way to the crossroads to make a deal with the devil.
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skylarsin7 · 5 months
Chapter 21: To Bear the Weight of the World
Steve wasn’t sure what time it was when his eyes fluttered open. Nor could he immediately tell exactly where he was. In A bed, sure, but whose, he wasn’t sure. The dim grey light coming between the dark curtains suggested the arrival of dawn, casting faint shadows of the tree outside the window dancing on the wall. The next thing he was aware of was that he was not alone in bed. Strands of dark curls tickled his cheek as the scents of jasmine, honey, and whiskey flooded his senses. His eyes snapped open as recognition dawned and it was all he could do not to leap from the bed as if he had been scalded. Lily had tucked her head under his chin and against his chest, and Steve’s arms were locked protectively around her. He managed a glance down and sighed with relief when he saw they were both still clothed. 
Memories of the previous night trickled back to him: the cellar, the whiskey, the glitter of her wedding ring as she hurled it away from her. His heart squeezed as her screams of anguish echoed in his ears, even their remnants powerful enough to send goosebumps pebbling along his skin. He eased away from her, slowly and carefully detangling himself from her hair. His body protested as he rolled away, standing up before he gave into its demands and curled around her again, surrendering to the warmth her body provided. He tucked the blanket back around her, managing a small smile as she stirred, but didn’t wake. She had a tiny bit of color in her cheeks, and she didn’t look quite so ghostly in her sleep. She was so beautiful, even in her sickly state, that he had to physically shove himself away from her. He had been struck by her beauty from the first moment, but knew she never saw him in that way. Memories of that first morning, of her kiss that seared right through him surfaced and he had to turn away from her completely, escaping into the hall. 
He closed the door quietly behind him as he crossed the space to the bathroom.  He splashed cool water on his face, willing calm into his limbs. His breaths came in shaky rasps, her tormented gaze haunting him. He needed to get his emotions under control before he did something he would regret. She was not his. No matter how much he wanted those expressive eyes to soften in his direction, they never would. And there was no use pining over it.  That thought had him scoffing. First Nancy, then Robin, and now Lily. “King Steve, you sit on a throne of unrequited attraction.” He mocked his reflection before glancing away. Standing here wasn’t helping. He needed to keep busy.
He gave his reflection one final disdainful glance before drying his face on a towel and leaving the bathroom.
Sunlight filtered in between the drapes as Lily’s eyes fluttered open. She was warm, tucked tightly into her comforter, and for once, she didn’t have the images of a receding nightmare dancing in her head. She felt slightly groggy, like someone coming up from a drug induced slumber. She lifted her head, her world shifting so suddenly and violently that she groaned, sinking back to her pillow. Her stomach tightened, saliva flooding her mouth in preparation for bile. She drew in breaths that already tasted foul. 
She extracted herself from the comforter, closing her eyes as the world tilted dangerously. “So this is what it feels like to be hung over…” Her mind mocked. Her head pounded with a splendid migraine, and she had to breathe slowly to keep from hurling the entire contents of her stomach. Her eyes slitted open, falling on the nightstand. A fresh cup of water, two tylenol, and Eddie’s ring arranged neatly on its surface. The sunlight glittered off the black stone, the shadowed prisms it cast almost mocking her with their brilliance. See? The stone said. I am a beautiful reminder of what could have been, and what isn’t. She shoved the covers away, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and stood much too quickly. 
Her knees shook, unwilling to hold her weight as she sank back onto the edge of the bed. She took in great lungfuls of air as the room spun, the contents of her stomach warning a swift and messy escape. She closed her eyes, holding her pounding skull in her palms. Sweat trickled down her brow, drying into salt on her skin. Once her nausea quieted some, she rose, this time slowly. She held onto the bed until she reached the end of it, then crossed the space to the doorframe. She clung there a moment to steady herself, before moving to the stairway. 
She froze as she made it to the bottom of the stairs. The smell from the kitchen hit her like a truck. Chocolate chip pancakes. She knew them by smell alone. She heaved, a swift and punishing wave of nausea doubling her over and her knees gave way beneath her. She hit the polished wood floor with a loud thump. Steve’s head poked out from the kitchen doorway, his eyes widening as he took her in. “Lily!” He exclaimed, ducking back into the kitchen long enough to drop the pan back on the stove. 
He was beside her the next moment, gripping her shoulders as the alcohol she had drunk came flooding to her throat, splattering all over the floor in a vile smelling pool. Steve had to glance away before he doubled over himself. He ran his knuckles down her spine gently as her heaves gradually slowed. Tears streamed down her face as she drew in ragged breaths, grimacing as bile continued to burn her throat. Steve only had to wonder for a moment what had caused this sudden and violent reaction. He felt like an idiot. Of course she would react that way. She had said once that chocolate chip pancakes were Eddie’s favorite. “Lily, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking…Hang on, I’ll be right back…” He murmured, standing and bounding back into the kitchen. He returned with a damp paper towel and a small glass of water. He sat beside her, offering her the towel and water when she could sit up again. She didn’t look at him right away, wiping her mouth and sipping the water. “I’m sorry…” She murmured, swiping at her eyes and the tears that turned them to emerald glass. It still unnerved him that the amber fire that had become so familiar to him was absent. 
“No need to be sorry hon. You were impressively drunk last night and with no water or food to combat the alcohol, I would imagine that you are in the throes of one splendid hangover.” He spoke the words as a joke to hide his concern. Her face was pale and splotchy, the hollows beneath her eyes standing out like purple bruises. He closed his eyes for a moment to ground himself. “Can you stand?” He asked quietly. She nodded. He looped one arm beneath hers. “Lean on me, let’s get you back to bed.” She shook her head. “I want to go see Max.” She said, her voice hoarse from the burning in her throat. He gripped her a little tighter. “But you are not well. You need to rest.” He protested.
Lily sighed. “I cannot stand to be around that smell. Please…I want to go see Max. I don’t think it possible to feel any worse than I already do.”  He hesitated, but could find no argument that could change her mind. “Alright, let’s get you cleaned up and changed. I’ll take you to Max.”
She was quiet as he drove her to the hospital. The fresh air went a long way to ease her nausea and clear her head, but she felt a little sick. As they neared the stark white building, Steve slowed, pulling off the side of the road. She rounded her confused gaze on him. “Lily, I want you to swear to me you will NOT try and heal Max again. We still don’t know what that power is capable of, and you are sick as it is.” She had the grace to flush. That had been her plan exactly. She was tired of feeling useless, feeling like a burden. She swallowed. “Ok.” She croaked. He continued to stare at her, his dark eyes hard. “Not good enough. I want you to swear it to me.” She sighed. “Alright, I swear to Tou Mu that I won’t try to heal Max.” She said, staring into his eyes. He held her gaze a moment longer before nodding and throwing the car back into gear. 
The hospital was a far cry from the first time she had visited. Families still milled around and sat in clumps around the lobby, but it was not the three ringed circus it once was. She made her way to the visitors desk, offering the clerk a smile she did not feel. The woman’s eyes widened, but she didn’t comment on Lily’s bedraggled appearance. “I’m here to see Max Mayfield. My name is Rose. Rose Munson." She forced her last name through clenched teeth. The clerk smiled gently, as if sensing Lily's turmoil. “Room 201.” She said.
The third floor was just as she remembered it, sterile and falsely cheerful. She was reminded how much she hated hospitals. She could hear Lucas’ soft voice as she approached room 201, rapping gently upon the door. His voice stopped abruptly as he came to answer the knock. “Lily? Are you alright? You look sick.” He commented, wide eyes raking her form. She was sure she looked as awful as she felt. Still, she offered him a smile she was sure did not reach her eyes. “I’m a little hungover, but I’ll be alright.” She tried to make her voice sound convincing, but his gaze told her that she fell short of the mark. Lily cast a glance over his shoulder. “How is she?” She asked quietly. He lifted one shoulder in a shrug that was meant to be nonchalant, but didn’t quite come across that way. “No better, no worse. The doctors say that if she doesn’t come out of it soon, she…she may not.” He struggled with the words, his dark eyes glassy with the tears he barely held at bay. She wanted to reach for him, but knew her touch and support would be of little comfort.
“May I see her?” Lily asked quietly. Lucas nodded. “Do you want me to step down the hall?” His question was careful, as if he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Lily understood. Being away from someone you love and could potentially lose was painful. She nodded. “Just for a few moments. I won’t be long.” Lucas brushed past her without another word, his shoulders set in a hard line as he forced his feet to carry him away from the room. She sent a sympathetic look after him she knew he wouldn’t see. She stepped into the room, skirting the bed before settling into the chair Lucas had obviously been sitting in. Talisman was face down on the edge of the bed. He was almost done with it. She vaguely wondered how many more books he would read to her before he, too, gave up. Lily sighed heavily, taking the prone girl’s hand into her own. “Hey Max…” She said quietly, squeezing the hand in her grip. “I promised Steve I wouldn’t try to heal you. I doubt I could anyway. I’m so tired.” She paused, taking a deep breath. 
“Why don’t you relax?...” Eddie’s voice was quiet, barely a whisper against her ear. “You’ve been through so much, it’s time to rest now, my love.” She stood, searching the room for the source of the voice. It couldn’t be him. She froze. He never called her his love…he always called her Sindarin endearments. A growl bubbled up in her chest. “Vecna…” Her eyes searched in vain for his figure in the shadows. 
“Liliana…” That cold, serpentine voice slithered down her spine and she shuddered. “You look exhausted. You should follow your lover’s advice and rest.” Lily snorted. “As if you give a shit. You wouldn’t know concern if it bit you on the ass.”  She was playing with fire, but she didn’t care. Anger burned like bile in her throat. “Temper, temper. I happen to know why you are so ill. And…how to fix it.” Lily gritted her teeth, her breath catching. “And how would you know that?” She hissed. “Because I have seen it before. That power you have…it comes with a price.” Lily rolled her eyes. “I already knew that, Captain Obvious.”  A little voice in her head warned her not to be so snarky, but she brushed it off. After all Vecna had put her and her friends through, he didn’t deserve her politeness. “You are ill because you have been out of my realm too long. That power you squander requires regular contact in my plane, and without it, it will feast on your longevity until you no longer draw breath. You have about two weeks at most.”   Lily’s heart dropped into her shoes. Two weeks? She knew she was sick, but she expected to have more time than that. Even if only a little. She swallowed hard. “Why are you telling me this?” She dreaded the answer, but couldn’t help but ask. “I have a proposition. Should you accept, it may save your life, and the lives of all you love. Meet me at the Crossroads, and we will strike a deal.” A shiver passed through her, and she knew that other than the girl prone on the bed, she was once again, alone.
She didn’t know how long she sat there, but she slowly sank back into the chair. A knock at the door roused her, if only slightly. “Come in…” She called absently. Lucas opened the door, shivering as he came in. “It’s cold in here…” He commented, his eyes finally falling on Lily. He froze. “Are you alright?” He asked, lengthening his stride and approaching the bed. “Did anything…?” He broke off, biting his lip as his dark eyes raked over Max. Lily shook her head. “Nothing, I…I had a dizzy spell.” The lie slipped off her tongue with the ease of a serpent. He eyed her a moment, but let it go. Lily rose slowly, the room tilting dangerously. The dizzy spell wasn’t exactly a lie, she felt faint and weary. She made her way around the bed, hugging Lucas gently. “I’m sorry I can’t help her. I made a promise to Steve that I wouldn’t try to heal her.” 
Lucas’ eyes narrowed in confusion. “What are you talking about? Heal her…how?” Lily sighed. She had forgotten that not everyone was privy to her weirdness. “Something happened to me in the Upside Down. I got these…powers. One of which is a sort of healing ability. But…like everything, it comes with a price. And so far, that price seems to be my health.” She held up her hands, which were boney and pale, like the rest of her. Lucas sucked in a small breath. “No, I wouldn’t want you to use your powers either. I wouldn’t trade your life for Max’s.” He said firmly, gripping her shoulders almost to the point of pain. Lily managed a small, sad smile. “Trust me, if you did, you’d be doing me a favor.” 
The ride back to Steve’s house was heavy with awkward silence. Steve had asked her how her visit was, but Lily couldn’t find the words to tell him. She shivered, remembering the conversation with Vecna. It was an easy choice of course. She would go, if only to find out what he wanted of her, and if it meant that she could protect her friends, all the better. There was just one thing she had to do first. And Steve would not be open to the idea, so she would have to do it after he went to bed that night. 
She told Steve that she had a headache, and that her visit to the hospital had taken more out of her than she anticipated. He helped tuck her into bed, offering tylenol that she refused. “I think I’ll just sleep.” She told him gently. He offered a small, apologetic smile. She forced herself to return it. He leaned down and pressed a feather-light kiss to her temple, and she had to close her eyes to keep from bursting into tears. This would only be the first of her betrayals, her mind told her. But if she managed to protect them, she would pay any cost associated. 
Lily lay still and listened to the quiet of the house. The sun had set at least four hours ago, and there was not a breath of sound to be heard. At least, not on this floor. She kept her eyes closed, straining to hear. Nothing. The house was silent as a tomb. She rose, stuffing her wedding ring in her pocket. She padded on tip toe into the hallway. Darkness and silence greeted her. She padded down the hall to Steve’s room, and leaning on the door, she could hear the sound of his soft snores. She smiled. “Have pleasant dreams.” She whispered, meaning it with every fiber of her being. Her fingers lingered on the wood of the door for longer than seemed necessary. She hated that she had to do this. Especially since Steve had made it perfectly clear that he would stop at nothing to keep her safe. And here she was, running headfirst into the very jaws of the thing that hunted them. 
She padded back down the hall, sliding into the shoes Robin had lent her. She tucked her long hair under the beanie she had worn to the high school, and pulled on her hoodie. She found Steve’s keys in the glass dish by the door, and wrote a note for Steve on the back of an envelope, and laid it in place of his keys. Slowly, and as quietly as she could, she stepped out into the night. Steve’s car started without a fuss, but she still watched the upper floor of the house for movement. Tense seconds ticked by, and after a whole minute of silence and stillness, she backed out of the drive. 
Her heart constricted as for the second time in her life, she raced off into the night. In a stolen car, on a suicide mission. Only this time, there was no Eddie, no safety net waiting for her at her destination. 
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skylarsin7 · 6 months
Chapter 20: A Matter of Time
She lay there in silence for what felt like an eternity after Steve left. The pills sat on the nightstand, mocking her with their distance. Her head pounded, but she couldn’t force herself to sit up and take the aspirin Steve had left for her. They wouldn’t help anyway. It had been several days since any of the painkillers had worked. Sleep tugged at her consciousness, beckoning her into a welcoming darkness. She found that she couldn’t resist it for long, and surrendered to its call.
When she opened her eyes, she was in the woods near Skull Rock. The wind whistled serenely through the trees, and the sunshine fell in muted shards through the canopy. A wave of calm settled over her and she drew in a deep breath. “Lily?” A voice drew her attention, her eyes widening as she turned towards the owner. Tears flooded her vision, grief and joy welling in her chest in equal measure. “Eddie?” She asked, quietly, afraid that the moment would shatter and disappear, and him with it. He smiled softly, nodding. He was dressed in a suit that was clearly too small in the shoulders for him, and a few inches too short. It was shabby and tattered, but he never looked more handsome. His long hair was combed, but left to gently brush his shoulders. His hands were devoid of his rings, his fingers oddly naked without the shine of the silver ringlets. “H-how?” She could scarcely breathe for the lump in her throat.  He shrugged. “Does it matter?” She shook her head, unable to contain herself any longer. She flew to him, all but launching herself into his outstretched arms. She buried her face in his chest, sobbing openly. He stroked her hair, holding her close. “Shh shh…it’s alright love. Don’t cry sweetheart, you’ll stain your dress.” She pulled away long enough to look down. She was no longer in the oversized sweats and hoodie she had been living in the past few days, nor was she adorned in the black velvet gown Robin had lent her. 
White lace hugged her curves like a second skin, the gown fitted to her waist, where it gathered on one side in a waterfall of iridescent organza, falling all the way to the ground. It flowed out behind her in a train that would have made the Queen of England jealous. A simple birdcage veil crowned her head and fell over her face, a scattering of glass beads catching the light and winking like stars. Her dark hair fell in perfectly tamed ringlet curls down her back, tiny rhinestone clips scattered across its plane. Similar beads and stones adorned her gown in patterns of white spider lilies and roses. In her hand, which was clad in a white satin glove that went just past her wrist, was a gorgeous waterfall bouquet of the same flowers that were scattered on her dress. “You look stunning…” He whispered, mirroring her thoughts. He brushed away a stray tear, and leaned in to kiss her. She surrendered to his touch, but something felt off. His lips were cool, almost cold as they closed over hers. She ignored it, content to be in his arms again, no matter how. 
Applause reached her ears and she pulled away from him. A congregation of their friends and Eddie’s uncle were clapping for them, all dressed in their Sunday best. Even Max was there, clapping and grinning from ear to ear. Max, Nancy, and Robin stood to Lily’s right, clapping and smiling. Dustin, Steve, and Lucas stood likewise on Eddie’s side. No question who walked who down the aisle. Lily returned her attention to Eddie, joy making her soul soar, eclipsing her grief so completely it was as if it no longer existed. “If this is a dream, I never want to leave. I’ll murder anyone who tries to wake me.” She whispered. Eddie’s smile faded, and the applause rose in a roar, then morphed into a chorus of screeches and screams. Lily turned, her eyes widening as the congregation was overrun by an army of demobats, creatures that walked bipedally, their heads opening like a deadly flower, and creatures that walked on all fours. Demogogons and Demodogs. Lily didn’t need to be told to know what they were. Bodies littered the ground, torn and broken dolls as the mob engulfed them, screams dying one by one until only the cries of the monsters remained.
Something warm dripped on her shoulder and she turned back to Eddie, her heart hammering as horror gripped her in its icy fist. His eyes were dark, blank, all the light gone from them. A wide gash had been torn across his throat, and blood dripped lazily from the wound. The entire front of his suit was stained crimson, and his skin was so pale it was nearly transparent. His lips were parted in a ravenous maw, sharp fangs arching savagely downward. She pulled herself away from him, staggering back and falling on her rump. Into something wet. She looked down, crimson splattering her white gown, the white lilies in her hand stained in the same bloody liquid, resembling their dark counterpart, the Lilies of Death as it soaked into the petals. She screamed, throwing the bouquet away from her, scream after peeling scream tearing from her throat. 
Her screams of terror followed her into the waking world, echoing through the rafters and clapping back and forth like thunder. "Just a dream...just a dream…" She murmured to herself as she rocked back and forth. And it had to be. He was gone for good. Buried in the ground beneath Skull Rock. Pain gripped her chest, the grief that had momentarily been abated roaring to life, lungs constricting until she could barely draw in air. She didn't know how long she could stand this agony. Her eyes fell to her hands, the skin sunken in between the bones, so pale they were nearly ghostly. She didn’t know if it was the grief of losing Eddie and Max that was making her sick, but whatever it was it seemed to be getting worse. 
She rose, her legs shaking as they struggled to hold her up. She staggered a step and nearly fell, knocking over the glass of water and one of the pills onto the floor. The pain in her chest refused to dissipate, and she was breathing rapidly past the lump in her throat. These emotions were going to be the death of her. And if sleep wouldn’t dull them, she knew of one thing that would. 
She descended the stairs carefully, to the door that led down in the cellar. The cool air had goosebumps pebbling her skin, making her shiver violently. Maybe she would die of hypothermia and alcohol poisoning. Then she wouldn’t feel anything anymore. She could be with Eddie again, and see her father on the other side. She made it to the base of the stairs, not bothering with the light. She grabbed the closest bottle and twisted the cap. Or tried to. The metal ring refused to budge. Frustrated, she tapped the bottle on one of the shelves. It cracked, but refused to give way, steadfastly holding onto its contents. Distillers were no joke in the 60’s. Seemed that you needed a crowbar to get into the damned things. Tears of frustration slid lazily down her cheeks, tracking dust and other debris down her face. Huffing, she set that bottle down and chose another. This one came open easily, and with a half-hearted smile of triumph, she lifted the bottle. “To Damned Vows and Broken Promises…” She growled as a toast, and tipped the bottle to her lips. 
A feeling of dread had settled in Steve’s stomach as he had dropped Dustin off at his house. As he headed home, the feeling increased. He had expected the house to be dark when he arrived, with Lily having a migraine. But as he unlocked the door and stepped into the foyer, something felt very wrong about the house. He climbed the stairs to Lily’s room, surprised to find that the door was open. Maybe she is in the bathroom? His thoughts offered. “Lily?” He asked quietly, peering into the dark room. There was no answer. “Lily!?” He called, a little louder this time. His voice carried through the house, but still there was no answer. He practically flew back down the stairs, fear making his heart race. “LILY!” There was genuine panic in his voice now. He was about to throw open the front door when he heard it, faint but unmistakable. Singing. Very, very off key singing. He turned back to the kitchen, which is where he was sure it was coming from. It was muffled, almost muted. He made his way to the doorway to the kitchen. 
He found the cellar door open a crack, and the off key singing seemed to be coming from beyond it. “You staaaaand byyyy meeeeeee…..I’m fooorevvverrrr youurrrss…..” A hiccup. “Faiiiiithfullllllly…” The words trailed off with a half sob, half giggle. Steve’s heart dropped into his shoes. She was drunk. He descended the stairs carefully, as it was still pitch black at the base. The sounds of her singing got louder as he drew closer. Her words were slurred, most intelligible, but he recognized some of the lyrics. Her final words at the funeral. Forever Yours, Faithfully. He remembered another conversation he had had with her and her mention of her treasures back in Philly. One such treasure was a cassette recording of her father singing Forever Yours to her mother. Maybe it was a comfort song. Something of her father’s she could cling to. He berated himself for leaving her alone. Today was not the day for her to be left alone. First her father, and now her husband. “Lily?” He asked again, reaching his hand out to feel along the wall for the light switch. 
“FAITHFULLY!!!!” Her voice cracked and reverberated off the stone walls, clapping back and forth in the semi-close space. He found the switch, and the overhead lights came on. He found her in the corner, sitting against the wall, a bottle of whiskey clutched in her fist. Her face was bright red, her eyes swollen and puffy with tears. She blinked at the light, wincing as it speared right into her eyes. She looked awful. 
“Lily? What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself?” His words were harsher than he intended and he winced. He understood her need to escape the grief. He was only surprised it had taken her this long to resort to the numbing effects of alcohol. Part of him wondered how exactly she had managed to get into the cellar in the first place, as she had buried her lockpicking tools in the chest under Skull Rock. She stared at him, her breathing a little shallow, and raised the bottle once again to her lips. Most of it dribbled out of the corners of her mouth, joining the widening stain on her shirt. “Would it-hiccup- matter if I was? Every man I've-hiccup- ever loved…has left me…my dad…Eds--” She drew in a pained breath. Her voice was sad, defeated. "Soon enough…you will too. It's only a-hiccup-matter of time." Her voice dipped into bitterness. He crouched down to her level. "Don't talk that way. I'm not going anywhere. I made a promise to Eddie that I would look after you. To take care of You. And you are making that job very difficult.” As soon as he said it, he wished he could take the words back. She froze. 
“What? What did you just say?” Her voice was all venom. Steve sighed. “I made a promise, Lily. I made a promise to Eddie that I would look after you in the event that something happened to him. He made me promise before we split up to take on Vecna.” His words fell on her ears with all the gentleness of a jackhammer. In that moment, the alcohol she had consumed meant nothing and she was stone cold sober. 
Pain exploded in her chest anew, halting her breath in her lungs. Sobs tore from her throat, rending cries echoing all around them. Steve winced. He hadn’t meant to shoot off his mouth like that. He shifted closer to her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Lily, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” He began, but she cut him off. “He made you promise because he knew he was gonna die. He knew….” Her voice was hoarse, barely audible, almost a hiss. Steve shook his head. “I don’t think so…No. He made me promise just in case. He had no idea what was going to happen.” He wanted to believe that, but with Eddie, who knew. 
Her sobs tapered into hiccups, then silence, her eyes staring right through him as if he wasn’t even there. “It was all for her…always for her…” Her tone had taken a dangerous turn into emotionless, dead as the man she loved. “It was always for Chrissy, he had to be a hero for her and in the end….he chose her over me…” In a flurry of motion, she stood, tottering a little as she struggled to gain her balance. She dropped the whiskey bottle and it fell with a crash, shattering and spraying the amber liquid everywhere. Steve was forced back onto his rump, staring up at her with wide eyes. Hatred burned like acid in her stomach, her thoughts angry wasps that swarmed around her heart. “I was right…all along. It was for Chrissy. Always for her. He scratched an itch with me. That’s all.” She didn’t voice these thoughts, but they railed her from every side. She all but clawed the ring off her finger, its black stone glittering as she hurled it into the darkness. It clanged faintly as it hit the floor.  “You wanted to be with her so goddamn badly, well you did it, didn’t you! DIDN’T YOU!!!” Her voice broke into a rending sob, and even her anger couldn’t stop the torrent. Steve scrambled to his feet, gripping her arms as she swayed dangerously. 
“Lily, listen to me…Eddie loved you. Loved you enough to ask you to be his wife. IF…and that is a BIG IF, he knew he was going to die, I bet it was to protect…you. Not because he wanted to be a hero for Chrissy’s sake. I bet Chrissy didn’t even cross his mind as he faced down those bats. I guarantee he was only thinking of you.” She deflated, crumpling in on herself. She couldn’t voice the fact that she didn’t believe a word of it, for her husband’s actions had spoken louder than Steve’s words ever could. Steve pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as she shook with the force of her cries. There was no sound, her grief much too deep to produce any. It was several long moments until she stopped shaking. He ran his knuckles up and down her spine, offering what comfort he could. He knew it wasn’t enough, that her pain went beyond what comfort mere touch and presence could lessen, but it was all he had. Finally, she pulled away. Her face was even more drawn, blotchy here and there with pink, her eyes bloodshot and lifeless. 
He offered her his arm. “Come on Lil, it's been a long day for the both of us. Let’s get you settled in. Ok?” She didn’t argue, but took the arm he offered, letting him lead her up the stairs. When they reached the landing, she stumbled, almost falling. He scooped her up bridal style, shocked motionless for a second by how little she weighed. It worried him, and fleetingly he wondered if he should take her to a hospital. “What good would it do?” The little voice in his head asked. Grief was doing this to her, and no hospital could help with that. Hell, he wasn’t even sure a shrink could help her right now. 
He carried her up the stairs to the second floor, and sometime during the walk, she had passed out against his shoulder. His heart ached with the knowledge that he couldn’t do anything to help her beyond being there for her and making sure she ate, slept, drank water, the basics. Everything else she would have to heal on her own. He laid her gently on the bed, debated for a moment about getting her out of her damp clothing. He crossed the hall to his room and tugged an oversized t-shirt out of one of his many drawers. He carefully pulled her damp one off, keeping his eyes on her shoulders as he helped her into the clean one. It wasn’t much, but it would have to do. He laid her carefully on the pillow, pulling the covers over her. She looked so delicate laying there, almost childlike. He smoothed an unruly curl back from her face. She stirred, her eyes fluttering open. “Steve?” Her voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper. He was surprised that it was this small touch that had woken her. “I’m here hon, I’m here.” He said gently, wondering only briefly where the endearment came from. “Will you stay with me? I…I don’t want to be alone.” Her eyes were deep green as they fixed on his. Her gaze was pleading. He was unnerved by the lack of amber fire in her eyes. “I don’t think…” He began, but the look in her eyes cut him off. She looked so lost. After another moment’s hesitation, he nodded. 
He circled around to the other side of the bed and slid in beside her. She snuggled up next to him, her back against his side. She was cold to the touch. He rolled over to curl around her, throwing his arm over her body and nuzzling into her hair. Even under the smell of whiskey, she had a light scent of honey and jasmine. His heart thumped wildly, his mind screaming for him to remove himself from the room lest he do something he would regret. But she curled her hands around his, holding his arm against her chest and he found he could not pull away. She needed him and for her, and for the promise he made, he would stay strong.
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skylarsin7 · 6 months
A Silent Reflection
A "Ghost Hunt" Oneshot
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He would never admit this out loud of course, but having Mai hanging on his arm like a dependent child warmed Lin’s heart. It reminded him of happier, simpler times: chasing the boys around the manor, shaking his head at their antics, scolding or comforting them if their abilities got out of hand, training them to channel their energy instead of radiating it. Oliver had always been the quiet twin, contemplative to the point of coldness, while Gene had been the free spirit. Gene had always pushed his limits, testing the boundaries of his body in ways Lin was sure gave him grey hairs. 
It was little wonder that Gene would be the first to leave the nest, the first to spread his wings and explore the world. Lin winced. He never should have agreed to let Gene out of his sight. Maybe if he had….what? “Stopped Gene? You honestly think you could have?” The voice of his conscience sneered. Lin shook his head. It was an argument he had had many times with himself and there was no use rehashing what he couldn’t control. 
He remembered offering his hand in comfort when Oliver had discovered Gene’s fate. Naru had pushed him away, with the same self disgust that filled Lin now. Naru had blamed himself for many of the same reasons Lin did. But it was too late to change anything. So now they searched, searched for the body they might never find. Lin’s shame burned bright. Despite the happy ending of finding Kenji’s hiding place and helping him on his way to the beyond, Lin felt guilty that had nearly destroyed any chance of that by refusing to allow another minor close to him, even if it was simply a charade to keep Kenji from disappearing. Mai’s closeness had hurt, but it was a bittersweet pain with the memories that it brought. 
Now Mai ran ahead of them, dancing around in the falling snow. It was Christmas and the case had been solved with a positive outcome. But that satisfaction was only skin deep for Lin. As the others joined Mai in her enjoyment of the holiday, Lin glanced back at the church. The bells began to toll, and Lin closed his eyes. He offered up a prayer for Gene, and prayed that soon they would find him. Lin and Naru deserved that closure at least. So did the Professor and his wife. 
“Soon Gene, I promise we will bring you home.” 
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skylarsin7 · 6 months
Chapter 19: A Softly Spoken Eulogy
The next two days passed with the muted quality of a dream. Everything seemed to blur together, losing the distinction of color, sound, and any individual events. Steve sent Dustin to notify the others with the plan for the funeral. It was to be held at Skull Rock. They didn’t have a body to bury, but it wasn’t about that anyway.
         More than once, Lily awoke drenched in sweat and trembling, a scream of terror and anguish on her lips as the images of a persistent nightmare slunk back into her subconscious. Once, she even tasted copper as she awoke and found she had a nosebleed in her sleep. Steve watched over her like a meticulous mother hen, as if he were afraid that if he diverted his attention for even a moment, she would vanish before his eyes. On the rare occasions he would nod off into a nap, she found herself wandering aimlessly through the expanse of his house. She didn’t dare venture outside again or go near any of the windows in case their nosy neighbors were watching. On one such occasion, she found a door off the kitchen that was locked. Desperate for anything that would occupy her mind and provide a much-needed reprieve of her taunting memories, she fetched her lockpicking set. 
         The door proved to lead down into the cellar, and as she delved down into the darkness, the air grew progressively colder. It was nearly pitch black at the bottom and she had to run her hand along the wall to keep from bumping into anything. Unlike the rest of the house that was wood frame, this portion seemed to be lined in stone bricks. She smiled. It wasn’t just any cellar. It was a wine storage room. The stone was meant to keep it constantly cool down here so the alcohol aged properly. Feeling around the wall, she found a light switch, a series of muted overhead lights glowing to life as she flipped it.
         Bottles ladened the shelves that lined the stone walls. Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was not wine on the shelves, no. It was whiskey. She selected a bottle, carefully dusting it off. “Highland Park 1960. Orkney. Product of Scotland.” She read off, her eyebrows lifting. Seems Steve’s father had good taste in alcohol. This had to be an expensive vintage. Imported too. She placed the bottle carefully back on its shelf. Curiosity sated, and mind successfully diverted, she climbed the stairs back into the rest of the house. She had promised herself that she would never drink alcohol, so there was no need to remain, let alone explore further. She left the door unlocked, guessing that because it seemed to have been locked for a long time that Steve wouldn’t think to check it. The lock had been a little stiff when she had picked it.
         She found Steve where she had left him, slumped in the overstuffed armchair in the living room. He snored softly, his features smoothed over in slumber. He was handsome, she admitted to herself, and not for the first time. Memories came to her then, and she realized with some shame that she had been unfair to him. He had always been kind to her, had always seemed to have her best interests at heart, even if it annoyed her. He was brave, and if she was willing to admit it to herself, she could say that she was mildly attracted to him. She blushed, shoving the images of The Morning After from her mind. She had been almost monstrous to him, and it didn’t help that she was avoiding him out of embarrassment for her less that demure actions. “I’m sorry…” She whispered, reaching over to brush a lock of his thick hair back. He stirred ever so slightly but didn’t wake.
         She stepped away from him and down to the linen closet, pulling out a light throw blanket. She returned to him and draped across his body, laying the edges over his broad shoulders. He stirred again, a soft sound escaping his lips. It wasn’t a groan exactly, but perhaps something that in the wrong light could be misconstrued as a sound much more intimate. She shivered, rebelling against that thought altogether. She had no business thinking of him in that way. She had been married to his friend after all. And even though Eddie was gone from them, she would not insult his memory by entertaining such thoughts. She stepped away from him again, weariness seeping into her joints as she climbed the stairs. She was exhausted. Sleep had not come easy, and when it did come, it was marred by images of the man she loved broken and bleeding on the concrete, the fading cries of hundreds of bats chasing away the peace of her slumber.
  When Steve awoke, the house was still dark and oddly silent. Panic shot through him and he threw off the blanket, bolting for the stairs. “Lily!” He called, taking the stairs two at a time. He didn’t receive an answer and that served to hike his anxiety. He opened her door carefully, relief flooding him in a wave. She lay curled up on the bed, her long hair fanned out behind her like a banner. She looked so frail, so fragile laying there. Almost birdlike in her fragility. Had her collarbones always stuck out that far? Still, he couldn’t help but smile at the fact that she seemed to be sleeping a little easier today. He was about to turn away when a whimpering sound escaped her. Her face scrunched up in an expression of pain, and her hands twisted in the bedspread. Her eyes flitted back and forth beneath her pale eyelids almost feverishly. It was another nightmare. Steve crossed the room, sinking onto the other side of the bed and reached for her. She shied away from his touch, another, louder whimper, almost a muted scream tearing from her throat. Her movements became frantic, her brow beading with sweat. Steve shook her gently, calling her name. It didn’t seem to reach her. Her brow wrinkled, her eyes squeezing even tighter shut as tears leaked from their corners. He shook her again, a little harder. “Lily, wake up!” He called. 
         She came awake with a cry, her eyes bloodshot and deep green as they scanned the room. Her hands curled protectively against her chest, her fingers still gripping the edge of the coverlet like it was her lifeline. The lack of amber in her gaze unnerved him, but he brushed her cheek lightly with his free hand, turning her to look at him. “Lily, can you see me? Are you alright?” He asked quietly, his eyes swirling with concern. She hesitated, then shook her head as a new wave of tears engulfed her. “I can’t...I can’t get away from the nightmares. They won’t stop.” Her voice broke and she drew a shuttering breath. Steve pulled her into his arms. “I know. I wish I could battle them away for you. After all you’ve been through, you deserve some peace.” She nuzzled into his chest, her tears soaking into his shirt. Her trembling fingers latched onto his arm. “I keep seeing him die, over and over, and I am always unable to get to him. They tear him apart, over and over and over again.” Her voice was small and very far way. Steve didn’t need to ask to whom she was referring. He nodded his understanding. “I know. I’m so sorry Lily.” He knew there weren’t a words of comfort he could offer her, but he could offer her his strength should she ever ask for it.
          He pulled away a little, running a hand gently over her forehead. She had a fever again. “Let me go get you some aspirin. You’re running another fever.” He went to pull away, but she tightened her grip on his bicep. “Don’t go…” She whispered, pulling him tighter against her. He hesitated. “I’ll be right back with the aspirin. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” Her eyes met his and he was startled anew by how dull a green they were. Her gaze was skeptical. He smiled. “I promise. Are you hungry?” She shook her head. He nodded and gently eased her fingers off his arm. “Lay back down, I’ll be right back.” She sank back against her pillow but said nothing.
         Steve had to shake himself as he forced himself away from her. She looked so much like a lost child that his heart ached. He would gladly hold her for eternity if it meant he could somehow keep the nightmares and her pain at bay. But unfortunately those things lived inside her, to a place he could not reach with comfort alone. He ran the tap until it was cold, and grabbed two aspirin from the bottle by the sink. He would need to get some more soon. Only four tablets rattled around the bottom of the bottle now. It seemed that every time she had a nightmare, she would wake with a fever. And they were growing progressively worse. Her fingers had felt so bony when he eased them from his arm, her wrists narrow and pronounced. It also hadn’t escaped his noticed that she had lost a significant amount of weight since she arrived in Hawkins. If he thought it would help, he would get her away from this place, away from the danger and the memories Hawkins held for her.
         Lily lay motionless on the bed, her limbs trembling as the images of her nightmare still danced transparently in the reality. They were getting worse. It seemed that every time she closed her eyes she would see them and it was getting to the point that it didn’t matter if she was asleep or not. The concern on Steve’s face had her heart tugging. She hated that she worried him so much. Part of her still wanted to leave this house, to get as far away from Hawkins as she could. But a larger, more powerful part refused to give into her mind’s demands to flee. Eddie was here. Whether here or in the Upside Down, he would never leave Hawkins. So neither would she. Her parents already believed her to be dead, and if it came down to a fight between them and Vecna, she would fight alongside them to protect this town that the people she loved called home. Home. That notion had died with her husband, and now she felt like an island without a base. Just a floating stormcloud with no ties to anywhere or anything.
          Steve came in without knocking, and briefly she wondered how often he had done that. It seemed like a thoughtless action, and if she was being honest, the familiarity of the gesture was a little unnerving. He handed her the aspirin, sitting on the edge of the bed. She sat up, throwing the pills back and washing them down with a swig from the glass of water Steve handed her next. As she swallowed, her stomach grumbled, tipping dangerously. Everything, even food seemed to make her nauseous these days.
         She finished the glass, more out of politeness than actually being thirsty. He took the cup from her and was about to say something else when there was a knock at the front door. He offered Lily a small smile and rose, leaving her to the silence.
         The knocking came again, a little louder this time. “Yeah yeah, I’m coming…” Steve called out. He opened the door, surprised to see Robin standing there. She smiled warmly in greeting, holding up a garment bag. “I have something for Lily.” She announced without preamble. “And what possessed you to come here at this hour? It’s not even dawn.” He growled. Robin shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep.” She answered, as if that explained everything. “May I come in?” Steve gestured for her to come inside. “What is that?” He asked as she passed. “A dress for the funeral. I figured Lily would want to look nice for the occasion. And since she has precious little of her own…I brought her something she might like.” Steve led the way upstairs to find Lily staring into nothing. “Hey Lil.” Robin said as she stepped into the room. Lily’s eyes regained focus, falling on the other girl. A smile curved her lips. “Hello Robin, what are you doing here?” She asked quietly. Robin held up the garment bag again. “I brought you a dress. To wear tomorrow.” Lily’s smile faded. Tomorrow was the funeral. “Thank you, that was very thoughtful of you.” She said, her voice trying to be light, but falling short of the mark. Robin laid the bag out on the end of the bed as Lily rose from it.
The dress Robin pulled from the bag could hardly be classified as a dress. It was a gown. Exquisite in its simplicity. Soft velvet draped from gathers at the shoulders into a gently sloped neckline. The hem fell in three overlapping tiers, the longest of which would have fallen to just above the floor. The waist was cinched in a gather adorned with a single brooch encrusted in splintered shards of onyx. The black crystals caught the light and shimmered like a cluster of stars. She reached for it, her hand halting just short of the fabric. “Robin, this is…I can’t take this.” She let her hand drop. Robin frowned. “Why not?” She said as she fit her fists into the curve of her hips, her voice almost offended in its sharpness. Lily winced at her tone. “I…I don’t want to be responsible if something happens to this beautiful gown.” Robin shook her head. “Nonsense. My mom gave that dress to me after my Uncle’s funeral and I’ll never wear it again. You’d be putting it to good use Lily. Besides, it will look a million times better on you than me. I’m too blocky for it. You, on the other hand, are petite and…feminine. I’m sure you will look stunning in it.  I know he would have thought so too.” That last was a knife twist to Lily’s heart. 
She carefully picked the dress up, holding it against her front. The dark material made her look even more pale, but Robin was right. It was stunning. “Thank you.” She managed, carefully laying it back down. Robin nodded. “You’re very welcome. I also brought a pair of flats for you. I figured they would be more comfortable.” Lily offered her a small smile, reaching out to hug her tightly. Robin stiffened ever so slightly, then relaxed as she wrapped Lily up in her arms. “I don’t know if I can do this…” Lily admitted, her face buried in Robin's chest. The other girl squeezed her even tighter. “We will all be there for you. I can’t say it won’t be painful, but…it may also give you and Wayne a little closure. Well, a little closure for all of us.” 
The next morning had dawned sunny and bright, and it annoyed Lily to no end. It was proof that the world didn’t care that one of the most courageous hearts had ceased its beating. It didn’t care that this group of people lost someone they loved dearly. It refused to even slow its pace to honor him. Or any of the lives lost when the gates opened. She had risen that morning from a fitful sleep and dressed in the gown and shoes Robin had left for her. She had no makeup, but she supposed that was probably a good thing. There would be no doubt she would cry and she didn’t need it to run and make her look even more like a raccoon. Robin had stared at her when they had picked her up, claiming that she had been right and Lily did look stunning. Lily had managed a small smile, but was sure the light of it did not reach her eyes. 
The drive to Skull Rock was a silent one. Steve drove, and Robin, Dustin, and Lily accompanied him. It felt off, having only the four of them in his car. Max’s absence was felt keenly by them all. As they approached the point where the road curved and the path that led to Skull Rock came into view, Steve braked, pulling off into the grass. There was nothing for it, they would have to walk from here. 
The trek through the woods was disturbingly quiet, save for the birdsong and breeze as it rippled through the trees. More than once, a twig would snap beneath their feet and Lily would jump as if she had been shot. There was no argument over direction, and it wasn’t too long before the pile of boulders came into view. Nancy and her brother were there, along with the two boys that Lily had met in Max’s hospital room. A taller boy stood beside the older brother, but his eyes wandered, as if he were completely spaced out. His long hair hung dark and straight to his waist. Three other boys stood to their right, and she recognized them from Hellfire. Her heart squeezed. Wayne stood a little ways away from the group, his frame looking even more withered than it had in the high school gym. Lily approached him first, offering him a soft smile. She extended her hand for him. “Thank you for coming.” She said quietly. He nodded, took her hand, and pulled her into a hug. Stunned, she couldn’t react for a moment. “Thank you for organizing this. It means a lot to me.” He replied. She nodded, nuzzling into his button-up shirt. “I couldn’t let him go without a proper send off. He deserves to graduate.” She said firmly, shoving her tears aside. There would be plenty of time for that later. 
Steve motioned for everyone to gather around the rock formation, and Lily made her way to the front of the group. She forced her spine into rigidness, holding her head high. She took several deep breaths, clutching the rolled up diploma against her chest. Steve had dutifully prepared the hole that would serve as the grave, with its small wooden chest they would bury in lieu of Eddie himself. 
“You know, I thought I would have a million things to say when I got up here. A million little anecdotes to share. But I find that all of them fall short somehow. My husband…” Her throat closed with emotion and she paused, struggling to take a breath. “My husband was the ill-fated, star-crossed love of my life. He offered me a home when mine had become inhospitable. He taught me that I didn’t have to fit the mold of what the world expected of me, that I could just be myself. That I, whoever I chose to be, I was enough. He understood my weirdness in a way that so few others did. Except for maybe you, Dustin.” The boy offered her a small smile, silvery tears turning his eyes to mahogany glass. “He taught me how to open my heart again after suffering devastating loss. Now I am drowning again, and this time, he isn’t here to be my life line.” She drew in a shuddering breath, tears slipping free of her control. They streaked silently down her cheeks, and it was a moment before she could speak again. “Some marriages have years. Ours had hours. But in every one of those hours was crammed a lifetime of the love and devotion you read about in romance novels, the kind of love sonnets are written about.” She turned her head to gaze at the hole where they would place the chest of treasures everyone had gathered. “I would give anything to have you back Eds, to make chocolate chip pancakes with you, watch Bowie in tights with you, and jam out on the Warlock with you. I love you Edward Kaspian Munson, and I promise you, I will clear your name. I am Forever Yours, Faithfully.” She managed a sad smile as she stepped away. She knew she would never be able to listen to that song again. First her father, and now the love of her life. Seems that song only brought suffering for her.
The others spoke briefly, Dustin all but collapsing into tears as he recounted a similar story to Lily’s. How Eddie had offered him and Mike a place when they had been outcast by the student body, how he was the kind of man that Dustin could only hope to aspire to be. Lily stole a glance at Steve, whose expression was closed off and unreadable. Lily knew that this couldn’t be easy for him either. The other Hellfire members spoke of stories Lily hadn't known, how Eddie had saved Gareth from the basketball team, and had encouraged each of them to step outside their comfort zone in Corroded Coffin, a band that had died with their lead guitarist.
Robin spoke of his steadfast sense of humor and unique outlook on what could be said to have been the darkest moments of his life. That he always managed to crack a joke or find the silver lining no matter the situation. Nancy spoke of his bravery and selflessness, how Eddie had been the older brother she wished she had, how she found herself missing him more than she thought she would. Her words filled Lily with a sense of pride. Even if the rest of the town hated him, Eddie had touched so many, and they would never be the same without him. But, it was Steve’s eulogy that held Lily’s attention captive. 
“Eddie Munson was a freak. He was loud, eccentric, and an all around oddball. But he was also the kind of guy that once you gained his trust, would take on the world for you. He was the kind of guy you wanted on your team. For everyone else, he was a rebel without a cause. For us, the people that managed to see past that hardass exterior, he was the most fiercely loyal guy you could meet. I never thought I would miss a guy like Eddie Munson. But I do. I miss how he always kept me on my toes, always challenged me to push my limits and face the things that scared me. Even in the short time I was able to be in his circle. My biggest regret is writing him off as the weird kid to be avoided instead of befriended. I wish we could have had all those lost years back. If I had known what I know now, I would…” He paused, swallowing hard. His eyes shone with unspent tears. It seemed for a moment, that words had failed him. Then he straightened his shoulders. “He made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us all safe. And that is a debt none of us can ever repay.”  
His dark gaze landed on Lily, who felt heat rising in her cheeks, creeping up her neck. She remembered that morning at the base of the stairwell, and while a large part of her recoiled from her lack of propriety and for the betrayal of loyalty to the man they were eulogizing, a smaller, rebellious part of her heart longed for that contact once more. For the few blazing moments of that passion, she hadn’t felt the agony that now consumed her. She bit her lip and looked away. 
Wayne stood, wobbling a little as he made his way to the front of the crowd. Lily stepped forward quickly, offering him her arm. He paused as if gathering himself before taking it. He straightened his spine, turning to face those gathered. “You came into my life at a time when I wasn’t equipped to care for even myself, let alone a small child.” His voice was thin, but strong, and carried over those gathered. “In the beginning, I could barely even look at you. You were the reminder of all that I had lost. A reminder of the little brother that had gone so far astray. As you grew, I found that I drew more comfort than pain from your presence, and I think that is when I finally started to love you. I no longer saw my brother’s face when I looked at you. Didn’t see the monster that your father had become when the world turned against him. No matter what anyone said about you, I always believed you were a good kid. A little eccentric, a little weird, but never the bad seed everyone labeled you as. I’m sorry that I failed you. Failed to protect you when you needed me most. I would give anything to have you home again. You were my boy Eds, the best son any father could have asked for.” He broke off, his head bent as his emotions overwhelmed him. Lily tightened her arm around him, offering him what little strength she could. 
The rest of the ceremony was a quiet affair. Everyone gathered around the tiny hole, its cedar box nestled snugly in the void. Each lay an item that reminded them of Eddie. From guitar picks to bandanas, polyhedral dice and even a shotgun shell from Nancy. Lily approached the chest last, her lockpicking set and the rolled up diploma cradled in her hands. She knelt down, placing the lockpicking set in the chest. The paper she clutched to her chest once more. “This year was your year, Eds. Your year. And I couldn’t let you go without presenting you with this diploma. Class of ‘86, Edward Kaspian Munson. You did it, my love.” She caught Wayne’s eyes as she lowered the diploma into the chest, closing and latching the lid. He was smiling proudly, tears making his eyes even more glass-like. She dug her fingers into the damp pile of earth beside the ‘grave’, sprinkling it over the chest. “Always and forever, my heart is yours. Until my very last.” She whispered before straightening. The others followed behind her, each sprinkling their own handful of dirt. Dustin and Steve finished filling in the grave, patting the surface flat. They couldn’t risk a gravestone lest someone else discover it and dig the chest up out of spite. Wayne approached her, wrapping her in a tight hug. His arms trembled around her and she knew just how much it was taking for him to hold everything together. She squeezed him back, telling him without words that she understood and felt as he did. He let her go, and she wandered a little distance away, settling down on a nearby boulder. This entire afternoon had taken everything out of her, and she could only watch in numbed silence as the others milled around, offering comfort to one another as best they could. More than once she was approached by Hellfire members, their wide eyes seeking guidance from the Leader of their party. But all she could give them was a sad smile as they each turned away.
“May I…join you?” Lily turned slightly to see the sandy haired boy from the hospital staring at her. She nodded, scooting over on the rock she sat on. “You’re Lily, right?” He asked as he settled down beside her. She nodded again, not trusting her voice to speak. It had been all she could do to say the few things she had during their makeshift ceremony. The boy beside her cleared his throat. Up close, his eyes were a rich brown. Though they weren’t quite as deep, they reminded her distantly of Eddie’s dark gaze, and she swallowed hard. The breeze kicked up, the boy’s scent reaching her. He smelled faintly of weed smoke and Lily had to fight back a wave of tears. He may never have smoked in her presence, but there had always been the faint scent of weed on Eddie. It was just another element of who he was, and another thing she would miss. 
“I know you don’t know me from Adam, but I wanted to say that I am very sorry for your loss. I knew Eddie, but then everyone that has ever lived in Hawkins knew him. He was famous, in his own way. We weren’t exactly friends, but for what it’s worth, I would have been one of the ones that believed he was innocent. Eddie was a lot of things, but a killer wasn’t one of them.” She managed a small smile she knew did not reach her eyes. “Thank you. That is very kind of you to say.” Her voice was hoarse and monotone from the weight of her emotions and she fell silent once again. He nodded, reaching a hand out. “I’m Jonathan Byers, by the way. Nancy’s boyfriend.” He introduced himself. She took his hand gingerly, her own dwarfed by the sheer size of it. He was warm and she shivered, too many memories battering at her. He pulled away as if sensing this, shrugging off his coat and wrapping it around her shoulders. “So you don’t catch cold.” He told her. "Thank you." She managed softly, pulling the coat closer around herself. She found it was surprisingly easy to sit in silence with Jonathan. Much like Eddie, he made no demands of her. But unlike her late husband he was quiet and contemplative. She understood immediately what Nancy saw in him. 
“I know…a little of what you are going through. When we first discovered the Upside Down existed, my little brother Will was taken. The lab here in Hawkins tried to cover up the existence of the monster that took him by dumping a lookalike body into the river for the police to find. We had to identify the body.” He spoke in a gentle tone, slowly and carefully. He had a way of speaking that was very soothing. “But it wasn’t him.” She replied, wrapping her arms around herself. “No, it wasn’t.” He answered, falling silent a moment. The silence stretched for several beats before he spoke again. “I cannot pretend to know how it feels to watch the person you love die, but I want you to know that if you ever need to talk about things, or just have someone there who is willing to listen, I’ll be here. I want you to know that you don’t have to face this alone.” He reached out and touched her shoulder gently and she nodded, unable to find the words to reply. He smiled as if he understood, rose, and stepped away from her. 
Lily sat there in silence a few more moments before Steve’s voice caught her attention. “Come on Lil, let’s go home.” His eyes were soft as they landed on hers, and she found she couldn’t hold his gaze for long. She nodded, taking the hand he offered her. “Could you drop me off first, I’m starting to get a headache. I think I should lay down.” She asked quietly. She set Jonathan’s coat down on the boulder she just vacated, waving at him to grab his attention. He nodded in acknowledgement. Steve hesitated, as he was reluctant to leave her alone anywhere, including his own house. But he relented and nodded. “I’ll get you some tylenol. Come on.” He placed a gentle arm around her shoulder, and it took all of her self control not to shake him off. 
As they reached the car, Lily froze. A shiver rippled up her spine and she glanced back, tiny flecks of grayish ‘snow’ fluttering like tiny aerial dancers on their way to the ground. Her eyes widened as she turned them to Steve, who shared her expression of shock. Without a word, she turned and bounded back towards Skull Rock, ignoring his frantic calls of her name as he tore after her. 
As she reached the rock formation, she hiked her shirt up, tying it in a knot before climbing the stone face. She felt what was becoming a familiar tingling in her fingers that quickly spread to the rest of her limbs. Energy surged through her and she climbed faster, leaving Steve staring after her from the ground. When she reached the top, she was panting heavily with cold sweat clung to her skin. She could see the skyline of Hawkins through the thick pines, darkness creeping over the town as thick, heavy clouds rose from the earth. Lightning forked, lighting up the sky the color of fresh blood. Lily shivered violently. The Upside Down was bleeding even more rapidly into the Rightside Up than anyone had anticipated. She could feel the temperature dropping rapidly, her breath solidifying into puffs of fog as it escaped her. 
She could almost feel the fissures that spanned across town pulse, like a disembodied heart, her own tugging to match it. Nausea roiled through her, and she fought to keep from vomiting. “Liliana…” Vecna’s voice was faint as the breeze carried it to her, but the sound of it still had the power to chill her all the way down to the bone. “Vecna.” She hissed, hatred boiling in her chest, scalding her throat. There was a throaty chuckle that reached her next. She growled. “I swear on whatever deity that is listening that I will find you, and I will make you pay for what you did. To Max, and...E…” Another chuckle sounded as she struggled to get his name out. “You need not search for me Liliana, you know right where you can find me.” The surety in his voice was nauseating. But, she realized with a flash of fear that she did know. He wanted to meet in the place the four gates converged. At the crossroads, so to speak. Just like any demon waiting to make a deal. “I will be waiting, Liliana…don’t make me wait long…there is much for us to discuss.”
She climbed back down carefully, hoping against hope that her conversation with Vecna hadn’t been overheard. “Lily, what in the hell were you thinking!” Steve was yelling at her, his face flushed, his eyes wide with anger and concern. She met his gaze reluctantly. “The Upside Down, it's bleeding into Hawkins. More accurately, it’s already here.” She said flatly, turning to Nancy. “Just like Vecna showed you. Max’s momentary leave of mortality seemed to have been enough for him to open all four gates. Hawkins is literally sinking into the Upside Down.” Her words were met with a series of stares. Wayne's eyes shone with his confusion. “What is the Upside Down?” He asked. There was a moment of strained silence between them. “We can’t keep him in the dark forever. He deserves to know what really happened.” Dustin insisted. Lily nodded in agreement. Steve sighed. “I guess there is nothing for it now….” He cast an annoyed glance at Lily, who blushed, then gestured to Dustin. “Wanna do the honors?”
Dustin took a deep breath, turning to Wayne and squaring his shoulders. “Do you remember that girl Barb? She disappeared in late 1983? Well, she didn’t just disappear. She was murdered. We couldn’t prove it because it didn’t exactly happen in this…” He sought the words. “Dimension. See, there is a world underneath Hawkins. A desolate, dark mirror image of our world. We call it the Upside Down. And to get there, we have discovered fissures, or what we call ‘Gates’. There are creatures that live in the Upside Down, monstrous things that are constantly trying to get into our world and take over. Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and…,” His voice caught in his throat, but Wayne just watched him with patience. “Max were killed so that those monsters could gain access to our world. And it seems that they have succeeded.” Dustin’s words rang into silence. Lily reached out and laid her hand on Wayne’s arm. “Those fissures that destroyed most of Hawkins? They weren’t made by an earthquake. Ed…” She choked, swallowing hard. “Eddie was killed by monsters in the Upside Down. He died protecting Dustin and Me, trying to prevent those monsters from coming here.” Wayne’s eyes closed and his limbs trembled. From grief or anger, Lily wasn't sure. “You mean my boy would still be here if it weren’t for this Upside Down?” 
“Yes.” Steve replied, his voice flat. “We had a plan to take out the monster behind the most recent murders. But, things didn’t follow that plan and as a result, Eddie, he…well, you know.” Wayne’s eyes snapped open and fixed on Steve. “So what are we going to do now? If what you are saying is true, that this Upside Down is bleeding into Hawkins, we have to find a way to stop it, right?” Silence greeted his question briefly before Steve answered him. “Yes, but we aren’t sure how. Our friend Eleven took him on in the last fight and…it didn’t go so well. I know we are not prepared to try again.” He admitted. 
Lily went to mention her conversation with Vecna, but her throat closed over the words, effectively silencing her. Something told her that revealing that Vecna wanted to see her wouldn’t be received with anything but suspicion and disdain. And she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to go anyway. He had nothing to offer her. He had already taken the love of her life, mangled the little sister she barely got to have, and had destroyed the town she now called home. Still, she couldn’t lie to herself and not admit she was a little bit curious as to what Vecna wanted from her.   
Wayne sighed. “I know revenge won’t bring him back, but I can’t sit here and do nothing if we can put the sonofabitch that killed my boy down. I want to help. In any way that I am able.” He said firmly. Steve nodded. “When we know more we will let you know.” Wayne nodded, though his eyes clearly stated that he wasn’t happy with having to wait. Steve turned to Lily. “Are you alright? You are even paler than this morning.” She nodded. “Just tired, and my headache is getting worse.” Steve returned her nod. “Let’s get you home then.” 
The drive back to Steve’s house was a quiet one, and Lily found herself nodding off more than once. It seemed that their little makeshift funeral had sapped her of energy, and now all her body could do was sleep. Robin sat in the front seat, uncharacteristically quiet, as she had been since they said their goodbyes to Nancy, Jonathan and his brother. But she did hug Lily as Steve let her into the house. Robin helped her change into her sweats and a t-shirt, and Steve settled her into bed. He told her that he would be right back once he dropped off Robin and Dustin. She could only nod, exhaustion rimming her vision in black haze. He brought her two aspirin and a glass of cool water. She promised she would take it and likely be asleep when he returned. With one last worried glance at her, he disappeared back out the door.
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skylarsin7 · 6 months
Chapter 18: Possessions in a Box
Dustin insisted on spending the night on the grounds of not wanting to be alone, or allowing Lily to be alone either. Steve had no objections to the arrangement and Lily found herself with a roommate. Dustin sat on the edge of the bed, picking at a slice of pizza that had long ago gone cold and stale. "I saw El and the others go in after you. Did you get the chance to meet them?" He asked quietly. Lily nodded. "We met briefly. Tayr and two brothers I didn't recognize." Dustin nodded. "Mike, Will, and Jonathan." He explained, identifying each as he said their names. Lily sighed. "I don't think that El likes me very much." She admitted. Dustin didn't seem surprised by this.
"That's not unusual for her. It takes her some time for her to warm up to people. Give her time. You may find you have some things in common. She lost her dad as well." Lily was surprised by that. A sensation of sympathy welled in her chest, and she nodded, choosing to keep the fact that she felt uneasy around her as well. Dustin eyed her sideways. “You were also really pale when you came back to the car. What happened?” She couldn’t meet his gaze, biting her lip. “I tried to heal Max, but El and the others interrupted me.” Dustin’s eyes narrowed and she could feel his anger like a flame against her skin. “I told you not to do that! We don’t yet know what lasting effects using your powers will have on you. With El, her powers have to charge like a battery, but it is as if she is a conduit. I saw what it does to you. It saps more than just strength out of you.” He was breathing hard, exasperation and fear clear in every line of his face. Lily managed a contrite smile. 
"How are you holding up?" She asked quietly, diverting the conversation away from herself. Dustin sighed and his eyes told her that she may have diverted him this time, but they were not through having this conversation yet. His gaze slid away from her as he answered her question. "I feel…odd. Off kelter. Like I'm climbing a staircase and distinctly remember that there being one more stair than there is." Lily nodded, scooting closer to him. "I know how you feel." She admitted. He leaned his head against her shoulder and silence stretched between them. "I know you worry about me. But I can’t just sit by and wait like everyone else. I wasn’t able to save…him…but I’ll be damned if I don’t try and save Max.” Her voice was quiet, but with a thread of fierceness that booked no argument. And surprisingly, he didn’t offer one. “I know. All I can ask is that you be careful.” He said as he snuggled closer, and she wrapped her arm around him. “I can’t lose you too.” He admitted, his voice breaking as he tried to hang onto his emotions. She rubbed her knuckles up and down his arm, pulling him closer. “I know. I promise I will be careful. We need to do something for him. I know we weren't able to bring his body back for a proper burial, but I can’t just....I can’t let him go without a proper send off. After all he went through, he deserves to graduate." Lily said, the fierceness in her voice growing. It was a thought that had been burning in her mind since they had left the hospital. 
  Dustin smiled softly, sitting up. "I was hoping you would say that. What did you have in mind?"
Steve didn't know how long he stood outside their door, listening. Long enough to creep himself out for sure, but a part of him couldn't tear himself away. He listened as they talked, unable to make out any definitive words, but felt a twinge of jealousy over how casual they were with one another. She wouldn’t spare two words for him, and would barely look at him. But here Dustin was, holding a conversation with her. That jealousy had him wanting to knock on the door, to somehow interrupt the easy flow of conversation between them. He understood that they were grieving in ways he would not understand, but that didn’t stop him from feeling this way. He was about to give in to his jealousy when he heard a knock at his front door. 
With a sigh, he turned away from Lily’s room and made his way downstairs to the front door. Opening it, he was surprised to see Nancy standing there. His face must have shown his confusion because she held out a small box. “These are Lily’s things. Her pajamas and slippers, lockpicking set, wallet. Well, I guess her mother’s wallet anyway. I figured she might want some familiar things around her right now.” Steve took the box, marveling at how light it was. A scoff escaped him. “What’s so funny?” Nancy asked, her tone sharp. His gaze was soft as his eyes landed on hers. “Nothing really. I just find it sad that one’s whole life can be reduced to a few meager possessions in a box. Lily has so little now. And I don’t know how to help her.” His voice was strained with frustration. Nancy’s eyes softened as they swept over him. He shivered. Even now Nancy still had the power to make him quake. “Be there for her. That’s all you can do. This is something she is going to have to work through, but we need to be there on the sidelines should she need help in any way.” Nancy glanced away, swallowing. 
“I never got to tell you how brave I thought you were down there. You jumped in with both hands, no matter what needed to be done.” She said quietly. Steve could only stare at her. “I wasn’t brave. Not really. If I’m being honest, I was trying to be a hero. Stupid, really. For that very thing was what got Eddie killed.” His tone was bitter, full of self-loathing. Nancy reached for his hand, but stopped herself just short of touching him. “It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. He chose to deviate from the plan. There wasn’t anything anyone could have done to stop him. Lily is living proof of that.” She said quietly. They stood for a moment in silence. “How’s Jonathan?” Steve couldn’t stop himself from asking. Nancy looked startled by the question. “F-fine. He and Will are going to be staying in the basement for a few days while we try to get ahold of Joyce again. Seems no one has heard from her or Murray since they left for Alaska.” She explained. Steve nodded. So he is going to be an arm’s reach away from you… Part of him sneered. He forced down that jealous voice. He shouldn’t have been surprised, really. Jonathan was her boyfriend after all. Steve was just a memory of a time before they knew about the Upside Down, back when they just were stupid teenagers learning what it meant to be in love for the first time. They had both grown so much since then.
“I’m glad he and Mike and Will are safe.” He managed when he realized he hadn’t spoken in several minutes. She managed a small smile. “Me too, although I wish they were still in Lenora. At least they would be safer there than they will be here.” She bit her lip. “Anyway, I should go. It’s getting late.” She said quietly. Steve could only nod as she turned away from him. It took everything inside him not to call after her, to capture those trembling lips with his own and make her forget, for just a second, how precarious their situation was. But he didn’t. He couldn’t do that to her.
         He watched as Nancy climbed back into her car, and even forced himself to wave as she backed down the drive and disappeared into the night. As the glow of her tail lights faded he couldn’t help but take a glance up at the window of Lily’s room. The light was out, which meant that they had likely gone to bed. He sighed again, closing the door. 
  He carried the box to the second floor landing, debating for only a moment before knocking lightly on the door. “Yes?” Came Lily’s quiet reply. She hadn’t been asleep yet by how quickly she answered. “I have something for you.” Steve said quietly, backing away from the door a step. She opened the door tentatively, wide hazel eyes staring out of a too-pale face. How had he not noticed how pale she was? Surely she hadn’t been that pale this morning. He lifted the box for her to see it. “Nancy brought these over for you. Your pajamas, slippers…” He let his voice trail. She offered him a half smile, holding his gaze for only a moment before her eyes slid to the contents of the box. “All this feels like a lifetime ago. Thank you.” She said quietly. Steve nodded. 
         “I’m sorry I yelled at you this morning. I was…surprised to see you and…” He fought for words, something that wouldn’t sound as stupid as he felt. He had been afraid for her. He had no right to keep her locked away in the house. Even if it was for her own protection. She shook her head. “I understand why you did. Someone could have seen me…or worse. My parents could have found me.” She cast a small smile over her shoulder, to the bed where Dustin was snoring softly. “But Dustin and Wayne took care of that. They won’t be searching for me ever again.” Her smile faded. “My only regret is not retrieving my box of treasures.” She said heavily, her voice quiet. Steve couldn’t hide his interest. “What kind of treasures?” He asked. She hesitated a moment. “A collection of small, sentimental things I’ve collected. My dad’s wedding band and his collection of band pins, a cassette recording of my dad singing to my mom. It was the only cassette that escaped my mother’s grief.” There was a sadness in her voice that made Steve’s heart ache. He wished he could comfort her, but knew his touch would not be wanted or welcomed. It was a miracle she even looked at him at all.
         “Where is it?” He couldn’t help but ask. She sighed. “Under the loose floorboard in my room. I hid them so that they wouldn’t be destroyed or thrown away.” Steve made a mental note of this. Perhaps he could surprise her with them. Give her a little piece of what she had lost back. Lily sighed. “Thank you again for these.” She lifted the box, offering him another half-hearted smile. He nodded. Silence stretched between them. He knew she had been attempting to dismiss him, but he couldn’t bring himself to turn away from her. She was pale, definitely paler than she had been this morning, blue veins running like spiderwebs beneath her skin. Pain showed in every line of her face. She was hurting so badly, and he felt powerless to help her. 
         “I know this may sound like a dumb question but…are you alright?” He searched her face, dark brown eyes so much like Eddie’s drilling into her own. She knew she couldn’t lie to him. “No, I don’t think I am.” She replied carefully. “Anything I can do to help?” He asked. She hesitated. “I don’t know. Something happened to me in the Upside Down. And now, I can do things. Not like El. Or Vecna. I noticed it first in the War Zone. I burned Jason with just a thought.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She summoned the power from deep inside herself, like dragging a fish to the surface of a dark lake. She felt the familiar tingle, faint, but there. She opened her eyes, their depths no longer the shifting hazel but a molten amber, glowing faintly off his face. His eyes widened. “What the--” She glanced away from him hurriedly. “As I said, something happened to me when we were in the Upside Down. My character, Aezadora, can bend certain elements, like fire and light to her will. It worked with fire, so I tried it with light. And it worked. She is also adept in healing magic….” She trailed off, glancing back up at him. He hadn’t moved. “I know how this sounds. Crazy, delusional, whatever. But it’s the truth. I tried to heal E…” She choked on his name, swallowing hard as she fell silent. “But I failed. So I tried again with Max today. But using these abilities… has a cost. It always does. And Dustin seems to think that that cost might be my own strength. And maybe even more than that.” She admitted. Steve visibly shivered. “It saps your life, doesn’t it?” He asked. Her silence was all the answer he needed.
         “I know it isn’t my place to tell you how to live your life, but I don’t like the idea of not knowing how these powers work. I know you want to help Max. Trust me, no one understands that better than I do. I shouldn’t have let her act as bait. I never should have allowed E-…” He choked on the name as she had, but it was obvious of whom he spoke. “I never should have allowed him to come with us. And now he is gone, and it was my plan that killed him.” Lily wanted to reach for him, to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault, but she couldn’t make herself move. So she settled for the next best thing. “I want to do something for him.” She said quickly. Steve glanced at her, confusion wrinkling his brow. “I want to do a proper send off for him. He deserves that. And Wayne deserves some closure.” With the enthusiasm in her gaze he found he couldn’t argue with her. “What did you have in mind?”
         “I cannot tell you how uncomfortable this makes me, Lily.” Steve murmured as he pulled up in front of the school. It was nearly midnight and the place was deserted. “So don’t try. Don’t worry, I’ll be in and out as fast as possible. With luck, no one will ever know I was here.” She got out of the car before he could argue further and make her change her mind.
         She crouched low, keeping close to the ground as she nearly sprinted across the grounds, her gaze darting back and forth in anticipation of discovery. She was grateful that there were minimal locks and that this particular institution did not seem to have security cameras. At least, none that she had found so far. She picked the gate padlock quickly, closing the door behind her to stave off suspicion. It was bad enough that Steve was idling on the curb. Should one of this town’s more zealous cops happen upon him, they would be completely screwed. Ignoring the niggling fear growing in her belly, she made her way quietly through the halls to the principal’s office. They had to be in here. Somewhere. She started at one end of the office and worked her way towards the other, tearing through filing cabinets and drawers, all coming up empty. Frustration boiled in her belly. Her search became steadily more frantic with each failed attempt. There was only one place remaining. The desk. She circled around behind the huge chunk of polished oak, clicking her tongue as she bent to inspect the aged brass fittings. To her surprise, the drawers opened easily, save for one. She smiled. This had to be it. 
         She picked this lock more carefully, depressing each tumbler slowly so as not to scratch the keyhole. She held her breath as she slid it open. A huge Manila envelope sat at the very top. Bingo. She slid it free, carefully opening it so that when she replaced it, no one would be able to tell it was handled at all. The top page was a blank diploma, likely the master copy. Already signed by the Superintendent. Lily smiled. Finally, something was going right. 
Her smile faded a little as she noticed that the principal had not yet signed the master copy. Grabbing a spare bit of paper, she searched the desk once more for anything that may have been signed by him so she could practice his signature. There would be no point in going through this if it wasn’t going to be completely official. Thankfully, whoever was principal in this place was vastly disorganized and had papers nearly falling off the desk in haphazard piles. She found a form with a loosely scrawled signature along the bottom. Another smile graced her lips. This would be a piece of cake. 
Placing her scrap paper beneath the signature, she very carefully traced it in pencil, pressing fairly hard to imprint the paper beneath. She had to bite her lip to keep from hollering in triumph as it came out nearly flawlessly. She traced it again, going much slower this time, following the curve of the grooves to replicate the signature on the diploma. She could hear Eddie’s chuckle in her ear. “Grand Theft Auto, theft of a wallet, and now breaking and entering? There is some devil in those angel eyes of yours, Lil.” Her own laugh felt hollow and strange in her throat as it escaped her, nearly a half-sob. When she finished the last loop, she held it away from herself to check her handiwork. It looked like all the others, neat and official. “Told you that you would graduate, Eds. It is your year.” The thought came unbidden and with it, a fresh flow of tears. Gods, but she was tired of crying. 
  Carefully, she rolled up the diploma, tucking it in her hoodie sleeve. That way, if she was caught, she wouldn’t immediately be caught with stolen property and for falsifying documents, forging a signature, or anything else they might think up. She closed the drawer and relocked it, leaving the office pretty much as she had found it. With as disorganized as their principal seemed to be, it was unlikely that he would notice any difference.   She retraced her steps through the lawn once more, taking a quick glance around before climbing back into the car. She was breathless, the short trek through the school and to the car seeming to have winded her. “Did you get it?” Steve asked, his eyes watching her with concern. She nodded, managing a half smile. “Piece of cake, see?” She held up the roll, letting it drop to her lap and laying her head back. She was still having trouble getting her breath. “Are you alright?” He asked. She nodded again. “Just out of breath.” He eyed her a moment longer, his concern written in every line of his face. “Let’s go before someone finds us.” She urged, forcing herself to take deep, even breaths. He hesitated for a moment before turning his attention to the wheel.
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skylarsin7 · 6 months
Chapter 17: No Man's Land
The third floor, in contrast to the rest of the hospital, was oddly quiet. It reeked of antiseptic, and Lily decided then and there that she despised hospitals. There was a sense of despair that seemed to cling to every surface despite the attempt of using yellow paint to brighten the place. It did not have the desired effect. She found room 201 without much trouble, pausing for a moment with her hand poised over the handle. Was she prepared for what was behind the door? No, she could say that with utmost honesty. She had pieced together enough to know that Max’s condition was dire, but stable. Lily’s heart hammered painfully behind her ribs. Closing her eyes, she twisted the handle, pushing on the door to open it. 
Lucas' voice greeted her as she opened the door, but it died as soon as he glanced up to see her. She sucked in a breath. Max looked so tiny in the hospital bed, her limbs wrapped in cast plaster, a brace around her neck. Lily choked back a sob. Her father's broken body swam in her mind's eye and she had to look away, breathing hard. "Lily…" Lucas said gently as he stood, crossing the room to her. His sister sat against the wall and she too, rose to greet her. Lucas hugged her gently, as if he were afraid she would shatter. "How is she?" Lily managed, her voice hoarse. He pulled away, his gaze straying to the bed. His face was battered and bruised, one eye nearly swollen shut. He looked like hell. "Stable. The doctors said that her heart stopped for over a minute. They aren't sure if she is in a coma or if she's…" He broke off and Lily didn't need to be told what the alternative was. Lily extended her arms to Erica, who stood almost awkwardly beside her brother. Lily pulled her in close, squeezing her reassuringly. 
Lucas seemed to remember where he was and turned back to Lily, placing a warm and gentle hand on her shoulder. "I heard about…I'm so sorry…" He managed, squeezing her shoulder lightly before letting his hand drop. She nodded. "I'm sorry too. It's because the plan failed that Max is lying in that bed. We failed her. And I am sorry." Lily felt tears burning at the edges of her vision, but she fought to hold them at bay. "No Lily, it wasn't anyone's fault. We had no idea just how powerful that asshole is. No one could have foreseen this. Any of this." His words were meant to be comforting, but fell short of the mark. "Lucas…I know I don't need to tell you this, but I'm going to say it anyway." His eyes met hers. "If she makes it through this, hold onto her with everything you've got. You never know what you have until it's gone. Losing the love of your life is the most devastating thing that can happen to a person." Her voice rang into silence and she wilted. It was as if her words had taken something vital out of her. 
Lucas nodded. "I understand. I have something for you. Max had it on her when…" He broke off, shivering. "I think she would insist you have it now." He pulled a slightly crumpled envelope from his pocket. Lily recognized it as the goodbye letter Max had tried to give her before their visit to the cemetery. The tears she had forced back reared again as her fingers closed around the envelope. 
"We'll step down the hall for a drink." He told her with a soft smile, gesturing for Erica to follow him. She knew he probably didn't really need a drink, but was offering her privacy to read what was likely going to be a very emotional letter. She returned his smile briefly and nodded before he turned and the Sinclairs left her alone. 
Lily sank into the chair Lucas had been sitting in, The Talisman laying open on the bed. Lily sighed. "I told you I never wanted to have to read this letter Maxine." She spoke words as devoid of emotion as she could. Somehow, using her full name made it a fraction less painful. She opened the envelope, her fingers trembling as she carefully unfolded the stationary.
         I know we haven’t known each other for long, and I am sorry for that. I really am. Have you ever just met someone and felt in your bones that they would be your kind of person? That is how I felt when I first met El, and now again when I met you. I had always wanted a big sister, someone that I could look up to. Someone badass but caring. Someone I could come to about anything. I had an older step brother, but we kind of made each other’s lives a living hell. He died protecting me. To this day I still believe I could have saved him, but I didn’t. And now I guess if you are reading this, then I have paid my dues for that. I wish we could have had the time to get to know one another better. I’m sorry it had to come to this. For what it is worth, I am glad to have met you.  If I could have chosen anyone to be my big sister, it would have been you.
Her tears would not take no for an answer this time and flowed in a relentless torrent down her face. They soaked into the paper, threatening to blot the ink. She closed her eyes, clutching the letter close to her chest. "If I could have chosen anyone to be my big sister, it would have been you." Max's words sat like heavy stones around her heart, making it difficult to breathe. She had written these words less than forty-eight hours after meeting Lily, but she had already felt the bond of a chosen family. And Lily had failed to keep her safe as a big sister should have.
Lily reached out and took Max's hand, curling her fingers gently inside the unconscious girl's. "Max, you have to hold on for me. I wasn’t able to save…him…but I…I’ll do my best to save you..” She tightened her grip on the redhead’s hand. She closed her eyes, focusing on the contact, the feel of Max’s skin against hers. “Heal…” The word rippled through her mind, the now familiar tingling beginning in her fingers, spreading along her limbs like a wildfire. It bloomed in her chest with a swell of power, goosebumps pebbling in its wake. Her eyes prickled, and she knew that even closed that they were a glowing amber color. She willed that power into Max, the warmth of the contact intensifying as it flowed. 
  The door opened abruptly, startling Lily and severing her concentration. Four people she had never seen before filed in, stopping dead in their tracks as they saw her. She bristled, her eyes still tingling. The girl at the front of the line seemed to stiffen, her dark eyes wide for a second before they narrowed dangerously. “Who are you?” She demanded, her voice nearly a growl. Lily rose slowly, refusing to relinquish Max’s hand. “My name is Lily. I’m a friend of Max’s. Who are you?” She tried to keep her voice as steady and calm as possible. The girl leveled her with a stare that may have had lesser opponents shaking, but not Lily. She had seen and been through far too much to be intimidated by this wisp of a girl. Despite what she had heard about her. 
“El.” The girl answered flatly. The others around her seemed frozen, unwilling to jump between the girls. Power seemed to crackle in the space between them. Lily refused to back down. The door opened again and Lucas joined them, somewhat surprised to see El and the others in the room. “Oh my god…” He whispered, catching the group's attention. The two boys standing closest to El hugged Lucas tightly, and Lily relaxed a fraction. This had to be the other half of the party she hadn’t met yet. “We’ve been calling you guys like crazy.” Lucas’ voice wasn’t accusatory, but tired. “I know. We came as soon as we heard.” The tallest of the group replied. He had a mass of black curls atop his head, and thin, wiry limbs. Lily recognized his voice almost immediately. Tayr. The boy beside Tayr was slender, almost frail looking. His hair was a deep chestnut color and styled in a bowl cut. His soft brown eyes were almost honey colored. The boys stood aside and El embraced Lucas next, tears filling her dark eyes. Lucas nearly curled around her, and Lily could hear her whispering “I’m sorry” over and over as they embraced. Lily swallowed hard, suddenly feeling like an outsider once again. Lucas released her, and in unison, the group turned back to the bed. Lily shrank back, turning her gaze away. It seemed that Eddie and Max had been the glue holding her little family together. And now… 
“Do they know…when she will wake?” El was asking. Lucas shook his head. “No. They say she might not.” There was so much devastation in his voice, Lily couldn't help but wince. “Her heart stopped…for over a minute. She died. I…I mean, clinically, but…then she came back.” Lily kept her gaze down, but she listened intently to every word. This she hadn’t known. Lucas took a deep breath. “The doctors don’t know how…They say it’s a miracle.” The boys exchanged a glance, then, in unison, they turned to El. The girl did not acknowledge their gaze, which had alarm bells ringing in Lily’s head. El approached the bed, and it was all Lily could do not to growl a warning. She backed away from the bed, clasping her hands together to keep from springing to Max’s defense. She trembled as El slipped her fingers into Max’s, closing her eyes as the girl whispered that she was there for her. 
Erica cleared her throat. “Lily, are you alright?” She asked, startling Lily. Her eyes snapped open to find every eye in the room on her. The fourth of El’s group, who Lily had nearly forgotten was there in his silence, cleared his throat as well. He had kind eyes and a shaggy mop of light brown hair. But the angle of his jaw and the set of his nose matched the boy with the bowl cut. They had to be brothers. “We should go. We can come back another day.” He said quietly. The boy with the bowl cut nodded, following his brother out into the hall. 
Lily shifted uncomfortably, folding the letter Max had written her and tucking it carefully into the pocket of her hoodie. The action drew El’s attention, and the girl’s brown eyes narrowed once more. Lily felt a shiver skitter up her spine, something about El’s presence making her uneasy. Lucas seemed to pick up on this. “El, this is Lily. She is a friend. She helped save Max’s life before.” El’s gaze softened a fraction, her gaze falling on Max’s still form. “You did?” She asked quietly. Lily nodded. “I believe you call him 001, or Henry. He marked her. Cursed her. I managed to get into his mind, distracting him a moment, which allowed for Max to escape the first time he had her trapped. She then insisted on being bait and I wasn’t able to save her a second time. I wasn’t able to save…either of them…” The words left her before she could stop them. El looked at her in confusion, but Lily couldn’t elaborate. But Lucas came to her rescue again. “She means…when we tried to kill Vecna…Henry…whatever you want to call him. We lost Max and…" He trailed off a moment, his eyes falling on Tayr. “Mike, I don’t know if you heard but…Eddie, he…” He spoke slowly, gauging Lily’s reaction. 
She did not meet his eyes, swallowing hard. “Is he okay?” Tayr, now known as Mike, asked. Lily didn’t need to look at Lucas to know he shook his head. “He didn’t make it.” Lily closed her eyes, forcing air into her lungs. 
“Does Dustin know?” Mike asked. Lucas nodded. “I just spoke with him, he didn’t tell me.” Mike’s voice sounded a little hurt. “I think it was more for emotional preservation than forgetfulness. He and Lily were with him when it happened. Lily was…very close to him.” Lily opened her eyes to find Mike staring at the floor, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. His expression was one of masked pain. She swallowed. “I wasn’t able to save him…or Max. I’m so sorry.” Her vision blurred with burning tears and she skirted the bed, stepping past the others without another word. She suddenly felt very claustrophobic, struggling to pull air into her lungs. 
She could hear Lucas and Erica calling after her, but she couldn’t force herself to stop. She debated for only a moment before opting for the stairs. She stepped quickly down the flights, grateful that the staircase seemed to be deserted. Her eyes burned with a fresh wave of tears and it surprised her that she could still have any to shed. She wondered briefly how much pain her heart could withstand before it was shattered beyond repair, beyond recognition. She came to the door for the lobby, leaning heavily against the wall as she struggled to catch her breath. Steve and the others would be wondering where she was, but part of her dreaded returning to them. Steve would insist that she return to his house, to that spare room that felt as empty as the chasm where her heart should be.
Despite the dread that grew in her chest, she knew she couldn't just vanish like her heart was urging her to. She desperately wanted to disappear and grieve far from the judgment of others. But she couldn't. Dustin needed her. He was the only one who knew that her grief ran as deeply as his own. He should not be forced to endure this alone. She squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, and forced herself into the lobby, through the front doors, and out into the parking lot.
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skylarsin7 · 7 months
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Two Days Later
An earthquake. They were calling it an earthquake. Ridiculous. But, the good news was that most people were packing up and leaving. It was for the best really. There were so many missing or dead already. If the Upside Down was really bleeding into Hawkins, then the less people on the battlefield, the better. 
Lily watched as Steve pulled out of the driveway, and stared after him long after the car vanished from sight. She let the curtain fall back, and turned. The guest room was comfortable enough, but the last two days had been hell. Nightmares and fevers had plagued her, and that didn't even come close to the embarrassment and shame she felt for her open display of poorly placed passion. She still couldn't look Steve in the eye. Or bring herself to speak to him beyond a word or two. She crossed the hall into the bathroom, catching her reflection in the mirror. Her face was pale, drawn, her lips a thin, grim line. Dark circles stood out under her eyes like vivid bruises, her eyes sunken and lackluster. She looked like death, and didn't feel much better. She had overheard Steve talking with Robin last night about helping out at the high school. It had been set up as a kind of relief center. She didn't care that she was still technically a missing and wanted person or not. She had to help.
She searched through the closet of the guest room, finding nothing. Disappointed, she crossed the hall to Steve’s room. She rummaged around, ignoring the fact that she was in Steve’s room, letting out a small triumphant sound as she found a pair of faded black sweatpants. They hung off her several sizes too big, but at least the pants had a drawstring. In his closet, she found a hoodie, which also hung off her slight frame. Once dressed, she tucked her hair into a beanie cap, taking one last look in the mirror. She looked like a hobo, but she supposed it was different enough that she wouldn't be recognized right away. If anyone paid any attention to her at all. As she turned to leave, she spied Eddie’s jean vest hung in the closet. Grief and rage bubbled up in her chest in equal measure. Why did Steve still have it? If it belonged to anyone, it should be her. She reached for it, her fingers halting just centimeters from the rough fabric. Steve’s blood still stained it in places, and each patch mocked her with its familiarity. These were all the things Eddie loved, and would never enjoy again. She tore her gaze away, bolting from the room.
The high school was swarming with people when she arrived, droves upon droves flooding the doors and milling outside. She was already tired from the walk, covered in a light sheen of sweat despite the chill. She made her way inside, nearly overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in the building. It was a zoo. Cots had been lined up in neat rows, nearly one on top of the other and there were almost no vacancies. Tables laden with blankets, clothes, kids toys, and food were arranged around the perimeter, with several volunteers working them. She spied Steve sorting clothes, smiling softly to himself. She wondered briefly what he was thinking about. Maybe you… Her mind teased, taunting her with images of her romantic blunder, which caused her face to heat up. She shook her head, dispelling that mocking voice. She spied a huge bulletin board on the back wall, nearly overrun with missing persons posters. She felt drawn to it by a force she didn't comprehend. As she neared it, she froze. 
"Mr. Munson? I'm Dustin Henderson, can we...talk?" Dustin approached Wayne as he replaced the graffitied missing persons poster of Eddie with a new one. Wayne paused, barely offering Dustin a glance. "I don't believe there is anything for us to talk about. My nephew is innocent, and he's still missing. I'll put up as many posters as I need to until he is found." Wayne's voice had an edge of determination and Lily had to suppress a sob. Dustin hesitated for a moment and Wayne brushed past him, heading right for Lily. His eyes looked right through as if she wasn’t even there. "Good day to you." He said to Dustin as he walked passed. "I was with him…I was with him when the earthquake hit." Dustin's words froze the older man in his tracks. "And…where is Eddie now?" Wayne asked, turning back to face the younger man. Dustin's face crumpled, his brown eyes glassy with tears. He reached into his pocket and pulled out Eddie's guitar pick necklace. "I'm sorry…" Dustin managed as he handed it over. Lily could see that Eddie's blood still stained the chain. Wayne seemed to age right before their eyes, crumpling in on himself as his shoulders shook, grief crashed over him. Lily understood his pain all too well. 
  Eddie's uncle sank onto an empty cot, gripping the chain tightly in his fist as silver tears streaked down his tanned and wrinkled face. Dustin followed, sitting on the edge of the cot. "I wish everyone had gotten to know him....really know him. Because they would have loved him." He said quietly. "They would have loved him. Even in the end, he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything…" Dustin swallowed hard, taking a deep breath as his emotions threatened to overwhelm him. "I never even saw him get mad." He paused again, as if searching his memory. "He could have run…could've saved himself. But he didn't. He fought. He fought and died to protect this town…this town that hated him. He isn't just innocent, Mr. Munson…he's…he's a hero…" Lily gathered her courage and cleared her throat. 
"He was so much more than that." She said as she approached. Dustin’s attention snapped to her.  "Lily, what are you?..." He asked, his eyes wide with shock. She silenced him with a look. She sank to her knees before Eddie's uncle, gently taking his withered hands in her own. "He was kind, courageous, and had a bigger heart than anyone gave him credit for. He was the man that I loved. And the people that really counted, the ones that really mattered,  always knew he was innocent." Wayne turned her hand over in his, eyeing Eddie's ring. "This was one of his…" He managed quietly. Lily nodded. "He asked me to marry him the night before the earthquake. And I said yes. With your permission, I would like to bear his name for the rest of my life." Wayne stared at her, his eyes wide and full of tears. "I can think of no better way to honor him. But...are you sure? You are so young and to tie yourself…" Wayne broke off and she offered him a small smile. "I was prepared to bear his name as his wife. I will bear his name as his widow. For under the stars we were wed in all the ways that truly counted." She told him. Wayne leaned down and hugged her tightly. "He was lucky to have you. To have you both." He murmured. 
  "Excuse me, hello? Officer, I am looking for my daughter…" Lily froze. She knew that voice. She turned her head just enough to see her mother and stepfather cornering an officer of the Hawkins PD. She slowly pulled away from Wayne. "Dustin…it's my parents…" She could barely breathe as her heart leapt in her throat. Dustin's eyes widened as he followed her gaze. Wayne's eyes fell on them as well. "Go, we will hold them off." Eddie’s uncle seemed to understand without prompting that they couldn't know she was there. Dustin stood, his eyes steely as he approached them. Wayne stood, shoving Lily behind him. "Walk slowly into the crowd, and try not to draw attention to yourself." He murmured. She nodded, squeezing his hand. "Thank you." She whispered. He nodded. "Go." 
"Please, her name is Liliana and we are so worried…" Her mother was saying as Dustin approached. "You’re Lily's mother?" He asked, his voice a low growl. She turned to face him, her stricken expression turning into one of confusion. "Where is she?" The man at her side said, mock concern edging every syllable. Dustin would have laughed but for the hatred blooming in his chest. “Somewhere you will never be able to hurt her again.” Dustin’s voice was a snarl, his eyes steely and ice cold. Mr. Ramsey leveled him with a stare that a few days ago would have had him quaking in his shoes, but after what they had seen and been through, it would take a lot more than an angry glare to intimidate him. “Hurt her? How dare you presume to…” Mr. Ramsey’s face lit up scarlet, rapidly bordering purple as his rage bubbled. Dustin ignored him and his eyes fell on Lily’s mother, who seemed to shrink a little behind her husband. “You heard me right. She is out of your reach now. Did you know that your loving husband used to beat her? Slap her, scream at her and abuse her whenever you weren’t around? Threaten her with even more pain if she went to you about it?” Mrs. Ramsey stared at him, her jaw hanging slack. Clearly, she hadn’t known. Mr. Ramsey bristled even more. “How dare you… who the hell are you?” He hissed, his fists curled at his sides. He seemed to be weighing the merits of decking a minor. 
Dustin continued to ignore him. “She had the bruises and scars to prove it. One that was particularly bad across her back. Made by the buckle of his belt.” Dustin’s eyes finally landed on Mr. Ramsey. “Who the hell am I? That’s rich coming from you, Pastor. There is a special place in hell for those that delight in inflicting pain on others. Especially women who are not as prepared to defend themselves. Especially a daughter you were meant to protect. I was one of Lily’s friends. We were there for her when no one else was.” He sneered. His eyes fell again on Mrs. Ramsey. “You want to know where your daughter is? She’s dead. She died alongside the man she loved, sacrificing herself to help save a town that barely knew her, but had become her home. We offered a safe place where she could be herself, not some better homes and gardens version of her you tried to create. No wonder she ran away from home. You didn’t care enough to see what he was doing to her, didn’t care enough to listen when she tried to tell you. You and your false concern can go straight to hell. Straight. To. Hell. She is beyond your reach now.” 
Mrs. Ramsey continued to stare at him, as if his words didn’t quite penetrate her thick skull. Wayne placed a gentle hand on Dustin’s shoulder as Mr. Ramsey leveled him with a glare that had the potential to curdle dairy. “And why should we believe some small town, godless freak? If you are withholding my daughter’s location from us…” Mr. Ramsey sneered, his threat hanging unspoken but heavy between them. It was Wayne that spoke before Dustin had the chance to. “Not that I care about your high and mighty opinion or disposition, but the boy is telling the truth. Lily was engaged to my nephew, and they perished together in the earthquake that has devastated our town. As you can see, we are all in mourning. I suggest you go back to where you came from and do the same. As the boy said, she is out of your abusive reach now.” Mr. Munson’s voice never rose, but held all the coldness of an arctic blast. He tightened his grip on Dustin’s shoulder. It was all the warning he needed to stay put, and stay quiet. 
Mrs. Ramsey seemed to finally understand Dustin’s words and let out an agonized wail, burying her face in her husband’s chest. He cradled her close, but the gesture was only a front. His eyes never left Wayne’s face, and that stare promised an eternity of torture and pain. He led the prone woman away, who continued to cry and wail. At least her grief seemed real enough. Lily stood frozen, her back to them. She didn’t dare glance back in case her stepfather was still watching. She hadn’t known that Eddie had told Dustin about her scars. She thought back to all the times that the duo could have been alone and…she shook her head. Up on the roof of Eddie’s trailer in the Upside Down. That would have explained Dustin’s expression and the fact that they immediately stopped talking as she had approached. She felt a brief flash of anger, but understanding followed after it. That was a burden she shouldn’t have expected Eddie to keep to himself. Dustin cared for her as much as Eddie had, and it was better he knew instead of him finding out by accident later. Her heart felt heavy and sore with the loss of her mother, but in its wake came an incredible lightness. She was free. She sent a grateful glance skyward as if to say “See Eds, it’s over now.” She stepped away from Dustin and Wayne, moving into the crowd. She had almost reached the door when a hand curled around her bicep, yanking her to a stop. She gasped sharply, her heart hammering like a drum as she half-turned to see Steve’s furious dark eyes glaring back at her, spearing her to where she stood. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” He hissed. She swallowed hard, but felt herself relaxing, grateful it wasn’t her stepfather. “I’m not a child Steve. I will not be herded like one of your nuggets.” She matched his tone, lifting her chin in defiance. “You are certainly acting like a child. You know how dangerous it is right now.” He growled, tightening his grip on her arm. She fought a wince, leveling him with eyes sharp as amber glass. “I turned eighteen three days ago. I am an adult and can make my own choices. I wanted to help. So I came to help.” She fought to keep her voice level. Steve made a sound of frustration in his throat, pulling her with him as he stepped outside.
         “Are you out of your mind?” He asked, keeping his voice low. He pulled her around the side of the building, out of sight. He all but pinned her against the wall. It didn’t escape his notice that under any other circumstances, this would have been a very seemingly intimate situation. She didn’t answer him right away, her eyes glazing over with tears. “Why do you still have his vest?” She asked bluntly, her voice quiet, almost a growl as she wrestled with her emotions. He hesitated, glancing away from her. “That isn’t the issue at hand.” He replied. She stared him down, amber blazing in her irises. “Why. Do. You. Still. Have. His. Vest?” She asked a second time, her tone daring him to refuse her again. He sighed heavily. “I…I just couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it.” He admitted. She swallowed hard, unable to hold her tears back. They streaked down her face, soaking the collar of her hoodie. He reached for her but she shrank away, out of his grasp. He sighed. “I thought maybe if I kept it…it would make things less painful…his absence less real.” He added, stepping towards her once more. And again, she shrank away from him. “Lily, please…” His voice was beseeching, his eyes begging her to let him comfort her. She refused to concede and he sighed. 
  “Alright, let me take you home.” He compromised. “I want to go see Max first.” She said, her eyes and voice like stone. He hesitated, but nodded. “Let me go get the others.” He backed away from her cautiously, as if he were afraid she would bolt. She didn’t and he returned a few moments later, Robin and Dustin in tow. “Lily?” Robin asked breathlessly as she approached. Lily nodded, unable to keep eye contact for long. “I wanted to help.” She offered simply in way of explanation. Robin’s gaze softened. “Oh honey…” She whispered, wrapping Lily in a hug. She sank into the taller girl’s arms, clinging to her like a lifeline. She could almost feel Steve’s hurt gaze drilling into her back, but she refused to look at him. “Let’s get out of here before her parents come out to their car.” Dustin advised, taking a wary glance around the parking lot. 
The ride to the hospital was a silent one, with Lily leaning heavily against Robin’s shoulder. Not for the first time Lily felt as if she stood on the edge of a great precipice, and this time, there was no Eddie to pull her back. Steve stole worried glances at her in the rearview mirror, but she did her best to ignore him. Things were still awkward between them, and it was unlikely that that would ever change. 
  The hospital was larger than Lily anticipated for such a small town. Steve had barely parked the car before she was climbing out of it. “Hey, wait for us!” Steve called after her. She turned, shaking her head. “I want to go up alone.” She insisted. Steve looked like he was going to protest, but thought better of it and nodded. She disappeared into the double doors without another word. 
The lobby she entered was brightly lit and brimming with people, families waiting for news, medical personnel moving to and fro like busy worker bees. She approached the reception desk, where an exhausted looking woman peered over half-moon glasses at her. “How may I help you?” The receptionist sounded exasperated and clearly stretched to her limits. Lily managed a small smile. “I’m here to see Maxine Mayfield. I’m a friend.” She replied. The woman’s fingers flew lightly over the keys, her gaze only landing momentarily on the screen before returning to Lily. “And your name?” She asked. Lily swallowed hesitating. “Rose. Rose Munson.” The name slid off her tongue with the ease of a serpent, much too quickly for Lily to recall it. It shocked her that she could speak Eddie’s surname without choking on it. The woman didn’t seem to notice or care that she bore the last name of the man everyone was convinced was behind all this. “Third floor, room 201. Turn left as you leave the elevator.” The receptionist instructed, handing Lily a visitor’s pass. She stuck it on quickly, breathing a quick sigh of relief as she turned away and headed for the elevator.
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skylarsin7 · 7 months
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skylarsin7 · 7 months
Chapter 15: The Descent into Hell is Easy
“Eddie….” Dustin’s call of his name seemed so far away to Lily, even though he sat right beside her. “Eddie, come on…” He begged. She couldn’t bring herself to speak, her heart exploding into splinters of razor sharp shrapnel, shredding everything in its wake. She gasped for breath, the pain in her chest temporarily cutting off her air. “EDDIE!!!” Dustin bellowed, the cry carrying for several seconds before fading into silence. He clung to them both, sobbing opening into Lily’s shoulder. Heat flared along her limbs, anger and anguish in equal measure welling in the void where her heart used to be. She shook Eddie’s still shoulders. “Eddie, baby please, you cannot leave me here…EDDIE!!!” Her plea echoed Dustins and climbed into a scream so loud and violent that the sound shot out from her like a shockwave. As it swept over them, the bat’s bodies exploded, bursting apart in a rain of gruesome confetti. It seemed that only their contact with her saved Dustin and Eddie from a similar fate. Still, it was not enough. The sound of her cry carried for miles through the Upside Down. 
As her cry faded into silence, another took its place. The distorted chimes of a grandfather clock. They rang nearly on top of one another, rippling into one continuous sound. Four chimes. Lily’s broken heart ached wildly. Max. Max was gone. They had failed. Lily’s jaw clenched. “Vecna…” She growled, her voice raspy and paper thin. Her hate burned bright, nearly burning away her grief with its white hot violence. She looked down at Eddie’s still face, his dark eyes open to a sky he could no longer see. “No, you are not leaving me. Not yet.” She lay him down, standing. “You supposedly gave me this power, now watch me use it against you, asshole!” She screamed into the void. 
She brought her hands together, her limbs tingling as if she had touched a live wire. Her eyes burned, everything around her going into sharp hyperfocus. The clarity in her mind left her dizzy and she swayed on her feet for a moment. Lightning forked, carving a steaming divot in the ground not twenty feet away from them. Dustin jumped, but he stayed crouched by Eddie’s body.  Heat flared between Lily’s palms, as if she were cradling a dancing flame between them. A light grew there, golden and warm, the same color that her eyes were currently blazing. It had been proven that she could manifest those abilities mirrored by her D&D ego Aezadora. Arcane Archery, shapeshifting, and healing magic were her specialties. She focused on that tingling, making it grow with powerful healing intent. Dustin watched her with his jaw slack, his eyes wide. She knelt down beside Eddie, the light pulsing between her palms like a disembodied heart. She let out a cry as she slammed it into Eddie’s still chest, the light extinguishing as it sank into his flesh. 
Nothing happened. She tried again, to no avail. Again and again, each try more and more frantic, her skin paling with the effort, the light between her hands growing dimmer with each time. Dustin could see it was draining her. It was as if she were trying to force her own life into him. “Lily, Lily STOP!” He gripped her wrists, forcing her to look at him. His dark brown eyes were glassy with tears, bloodshot and puffy. She collapsed to her knees, crumpling a little as she hit the concrete. “You’ll kill yourself if you keep this up. If I have learned anything from El, it is that there is a limit to how much power you can use.” Lily’s breath came in a shattered sob. “He’s g-gone…” She stammered, unable to draw enough breath as her chest constricted. Dustin could only nod, unable to offer any words that may comfort her. She swayed on her knees, her skin so pale it was nearly transparent, her limbs trembling. “Lily, hold on, don’t you die on me…” Dustin told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She would have laughed at the joke if she had been able to feel anything beyond her all-consuming grief. Her hate had fizzled out with the last flame she had forced into Eddie’s chest, unable to reignite the life inside him. It was gone, snuffed out like so many others. 
The ground rumbled, shaking violently as the chimes came again, the clock ticking so fast that it was nearly one continuous sound. Dustin gripped her tightly, curling against her as the world broke apart around them. The gates…they were opening. A new wave of grief crashed over her. Max. The redhead spitfire Lily had come to adore was gone as well. Distantly, she could hear the pounding of feet, the frantic call of their names. She lifted her head, her vision fuzzy as Nancy, Robin and Steve came into view. She tried to speak, but no sound escaped her lips. And this time she knew it wasn’t a vision. 
“Henderson! Lily! What happened?” Steve crouched down beside Lily, who could barely keep her head up. He looked down, his eyes wide as he took in Eddie’s still form. “Eddie…” He managed, his voice choked. “We couldn’t stop him. We tried. He…” Dustin broke off. The ground rumbled again, aftershocks rolling through. “We’ve got to go…” Nancy said quietly, emotion an edge to her voice as she hid her tears. “We can’t just leave him…” Dustin protested brokenly. Steve placed a hand on his shoulder. “We don’t have a choice. Right now we need to get to safety. Nance, Robin, help Dustin. I’ll get Lily.” He reached for her, but she shrank away from him. “No, I won’t…I won’t leave him!” She protested, but he ignored her, scooping her up into his arms bridal style. She thrashed with a sudden burst of strength, struggling to get free as he carried her away. But it was not enough. He held her firm as she clawed the air over Steve’s shoulders, desperately trying to escape his vice-like grip. Eddie’s body became a blur in the distance as tears welled once more, streaking down her face like a torrent that wouldn’t stop. 
         “She can stay with me. My parents are never home anyway so no one will know but us. She’ll be safe there.” Lily was only half aware that the conversation involved her. She sat against the door of Steve’s car, staring blindly out the window. She felt hollow, the thrum of her heartbeat echoing in the empty chasm of her chest. Her tears had long ago run dry, but her eyes burned as if they were still falling. Robin nodded. “Do you think she will be alright?” She asked quietly, glancing nervously at Lily. Steve shrugged. “I don’t know. All we can do now is be there for her. Her and Dustin both.” Robin cast another worried glance in the rearview. Dustin was equally unresponsive, staring out of the opposite window. “It was my stupid plan…” Steve murmured, anger lacing his words. “No, no, it was a good plan. He just…didn’t follow it.” Robin protested. Steve sighed. “I never should have let them come with us. If they weren’t in the Upside Down…” Robin cut him off. “We would have died. We never would have gotten past the bats, and that slimy asshole…” She broke off, realizing that her words were not helping to make Steve feel any better. He pulled up to Dustin’s house, helping the injured boy from the car. They hobbled to the door, where Dustin’s mother was beside herself. Her boy was home, and despite the injury to his ankle, no worse for wear. Robin watched as Steve waved goodbye to Mrs. Henderson, returning to the car. 
         “What did she say?” Robin asked as Steve pulled away. “She didn’t say much, but I could tell she is grateful that her son is home, relatively safe.” Steve replied quietly. They rode in silence as Steve headed back to Robin’s house. He paused in her driveway. “Actually, before I take you home, could you help me?” He asked her quietly. She cocked her head as if asking for what. “I need to get Lily cleaned up and I don’t know if I can do it alone.” He admitted. Her eyes widened. “And you think that I am going to be any better?” Steve offered her a small smile. “At least you are female. It won’t be as weird for you as it will be for me.” Robin sighed. “Fine. But only because it is Lily. She is going to need all the support she can get.”
Lily felt the rest of the night as if it were happening to someone else, and that she was just a casual observer. Steve had helped her into his house, and Robin had run a bath. She settled her in and scrubbed the dirt and blood away from her skin gently. Robin had sucked in a breath at the sight of her scars, but didn't comment. Lily felt numb, drained. Once she was clean, Robin wrapped her in a towel, and Steve helped her upstairs to a spare bedroom. Robin dressed her in a pair of boxers and an oversized shirt and set to work tending to the various gashes and bites she had sustained. Then, very gently, she brushed out Lily’s hair. Robin sat her in the bed, pulling the blankets over her legs. Despite her attraction to Lily, she found that if she focused on the tasks needed of her, her mind wouldn’t wander into the realm of wanting and longing for what she couldn’t have. Steve approached Lily with a glass of water, some soup, and a pill. She stared at him blankly, as if unsure of what he was asking of her. “You need to eat something, and this will help you sleep.” He told her gently. She didn’t respond, looking down at the soup with unseeing eyes, tears turning them to glass marbles. 
“He’s…gone…” She managed, her voice a hoarse sob. It could barely be called a voice. Steve nodded and Robin wrapped the girl in her arms. “I know. I’m so, so sorry Lily. If I could rewind the clock…” Steve paused mid-sentence. What could he possibly have done differently? They were only supposed to distract the bats, not engage in full on combat with them. He had seen the bodies, there were literally hundreds of them. It was a fight they wouldn’t have been able to win. And he would have bet that Eddie had known that before he made the decision to engage. “Come on honey, you gotta eat something.” Robin coaxed. She ran her fingers through Lily’s hair, but for the first time, it didn’t soothe her. “I…can’t…” Lily admitted. “I know it’s hard….but we have to try, right? Have to keep your strength up…” Robin urged. Lily attempted to pick up the spoon, but it shook violently and she set it back down. “I…can’t…” She repeated. “Here, let me help.” Steve said quietly, lifting the spoon to her lips. She took the bite, but it tasted like sand to her. She forced it down. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she ate, her motions on autopilot, her heart a heap of shattered glass, shrapnel tearing her chest apart. She was surprised she wasn’t visibly bleeding. Once the soup was finished, she swallowed the pill, allowing Robin to tuck her in tightly. The girl placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, but she was far from feeling it. “I’ll come back and check on you in a couple days, okay? You rest.” Robin whispered. Lily managed a nod, but didn’t speak. Robin smiled sadly and turned away. 
Robin motioned for Steve to follow her out into the hall. “Keep a close eye on her. I don’t want her hurting herself. That kind of grief can make someone do things they wouldn’t normally do. Did you know that she is covered in scars?” Her question had Steve's eyes widening. “What kind of scars?” He asked. She shook her head. “I don't know, but they don't look self-inflicted. Listen, if anything goes awry, I want you to call me. I don’t care what time it is.” She insisted. He nodded. “I will.” He promised. “She is running a slight fever, but don't give her anything for it unless it gets worse. You don't want to mix sleeping pills with aspirin. Just in case. Stay with her. I mean it. Even if you have to pull an armchair in there. She’s going to need you.” Steve nodded again. 
Lily lay in the semi-darkness, images of the last twenty-four hours playing on loop in her head. It was as if she were trapped in a never-ending nightmare, no way of escape. As if she was caught in one of Vecna’s mind games. Tears streamed endlessly from her eyes, soaking the pillow beneath her head, caking it with salt. She was surprised she had any left at this point. But they just kept coming. It was only after the sleep aid finally kicked in and she slipped into oblivion did her tears finally cease. 
         Morning light came in filtered shards through the curtains, the thick fabric not quite enough to keep it out completely. Lily stirred, wincing as the light fell across her eyes. She was in a bed she didn’t recognize, and for a moment, the ignorance was bliss. She was clean, warm, and pleasantly out of it. She stretched, sleep tugging at her, beckoning her to slip back into peaceful slumber. She reached out, searching the bed for Eddie’s sleeping form but came up empty. Disappointment shot through her. He was awake already. She rose slowly, groaning a little as her body protested. Sitting up, she ached everywhere, her hands and arms covered in scratches, bruises, and oddly matted gashes that looked vaguely like bite marks. She pushed past the discomfort and stood shakily, her legs wobbling dangerously beneath. “Jeez…” She thought, “Eds was a little too rough with me last night…” She smiled faintly at the thought. That would certainly explain her blissed out state. Eddie had proven that he would never leave her wanting. 
She stepped out into the hallway, clinging slightly to the wall for stability. Her brow wrinkled as she did not recognize her surroundings. She took a tentative step down the hall, slipping slightly and catching herself on a side table. Pain shot through her arm, shards of agony finally assaulting her senses. And with it, memories. 
She remembered the screeching of the bats, the crimson lightning, the last notes of “Master of Puppets” fading into silence. She remembered climbing the rope that led back into the Rightside Up and waiting for Eddie to follow. She remembered the look on his face as he told her Goodbye. Remembered following him into the fray, the bats like a vortex of featherless vultures, screeching and braying in near deafening unison as they surrounded him. Eddie fell, choking as one of the creatures wrapped its tail around his throat. She remembered being unable to get to him, screaming his name to no avail. He had been so still, so pale…the last words he would ever say to her ringing fading into the silence…Until my last.
She snapped back to reality as the images receded. “Eddie!” She called, her voice echoing through the quiet house. The dread in her belly couldn’t be right…he couldn’t be… She staggered down the flight of stairs, tears turning her vision to blurry shapes and colors.  
Steve was in the kitchen, fiddling with his father’s coffee machine when he heard her call. It startled him and he nearly dropped the mug in his hand. He could hear the rapid staggering of feet down the stairs and panic shot through him. She should not be moving around so much. And certainly not so fast. He set the mug down, his long legs carrying him to the bottom of the stairwell just in time to catch Lily as she stumbled and fell the last three steps. His arms went around her, dragging her close to his chest to break her fall. 
         “Whoa Lily, easy…easy…” He said softly, and he found he was holding her like one would a lover. Her eyes were wide and frantic as they settled on his, but they softened as they took in his face. “You’re here…” She murmured, relief clear in every line of her face. “Lily, what…” He asked, but was cut off as she gently caressed his cheek, her fingers finding their way into his thick hair. They were only gentle a moment before they tightened aggressively and the next thing he knew, her lips molded over his, stunning him with a sudden burst of strength as she pressed him roughly against the wall. Her knee slid between his legs, lifting ever so slightly to rub against him. White-hot passion struck him, igniting him like a match head. It scorched him all the way down to his bare toes. It was as if she were a live wire against his skin, burning him with punishing desire. His heart hammered wildly in his chest, blood singing in his ears. His mind short-circuited and he was unable to stop his response to her, springing to attention in the confines of his sweatpants. For a moment, he couldn’t resist her and melted into her body, wrapping his arms around her and dragging her close. It had been too long since he had felt the touch of a woman like this, that for a moment he couldn’t help but surrender to the sensations he had been so long denied. In this moment, she was passion personified and he was immediately drawn into her like a moth to a bonfire. 
She slanted her lips beneath his and he gasped, her demanding mouth taking his breath away. Her lush curves pressed against him, the fabric of the too large shirt he and Robin had dressed her in lifting to reveal the pale flesh of her thighs as she all but ground herself against him. She smiled against his lips. “Eddie…” The whispered name was a breath of warmth between them, almost a moan as her lips claimed his again. Her tongue slid along the velvet seam between them as if asking for access. Steve froze. She wasn’t seeing him. She wasn’t there with him. This open display of passion wasn’t for him. And why on earth would it? It was for the ghost of the man she had loved and lost. The man Steve himself had had a hand in taking away from her.
Steve grasped her wrists, using all his willpower to gently push her away, keeping her close enough to grab her if she faltered, but still far enough away he could think straight. His revelation had cut through his desire like a serrated knife, but the heat still hovered at the edges of his control, ready to latch back onto him if he wavered. He clearly wasn’t to be trusted in too close a proximity to her. “Lily, it’s Steve. You need to wake up now.” He said calmly but firmly. She didn’t seem to hear him, blinking lazily at him, a soft smile on her lips. All was right in her world for the moment. He was still having trouble getting his breath, his body’s sudden and fierce reaction to her, and then the lack of it making him dizzy. He shook his head, forcing calm into his limbs. Now was not the time. His heart tugged. Part of him wanted so desperately to sink into what she unwittingly offered, to find comfort in her giving form before he had to bring her back to the painful reality that was now. Hawkins was in pieces, and so many were dead, Eddie amongst them. But he couldn’t, wouldn’t use her like that. Because this was all Steve’s fault. It was his plan that killed the man she loved. They hadn’t even been able to bring Eddie’s body back to give him a proper burial. She herself was badly injured, and would likely bear the scars, both emotional and physical, for the rest of her life. However long that would be, depending on Vecna’s next move.
“Lily, it’s Steve. Come on, come back to me. “ He said, brushing a lock of hair out of her face. She nuzzled into his palm, a soft purr of contentment thrumming in her throat. “I knew you wouldn’t leave me…” She murmured, her smile broadening. Steve winced. This couldn’t continue. He had to break through the delirium she wrapped around herself like a blanket. “Lily, Eddie is gone.” He said firmly, almost harshly, his voice breaking over the metalhead’s name. She blinked, confusion wrinkling her brow before she giggled. “Silly, you’re standing right here, how can you be gone?” She asked. Steve swallowed hard, shaking her shoulders, none too gently. “Lily, listen to me. Eddie is dead.” His words, spoken like a harsh growl, finally seemed to break through her delirious fog. She froze, her eyes widening to the size of dinner plates.
         “No…” She whispered, her voice suddenly very small, very frail. Steve knew she was seeing him now. Relief and stinging pain seared him all at once. Her eyes raked up and down his form, lingering a second too long on the tent he hadn’t quite managed to get under control. “Steve…what…” The words seemed to be dragged from her throat, and he wasn’t sure how to explain his response to her. She twisted out of his grasp, staggering back and away from him. He found he couldn’t follow her right away, still dizzy and disoriented from the rush in his system. She staggered into the wall opposite him, sinking heavily to the floor, rocking back and forth like a child in the throes of a nightmare. He could only watch helplessly as her pain crashed over her in great tidal waves, each one a physical blow, shrinking her smaller and smaller against the wall. Her cries were silent but rending, her grief too deep for sound.
Once he had control over his limbs, he crouched in front of her, gently cupping her chin and forcing her to look up at him. “Lily, hey…it’s okay, I’m here…” He crooned softly, swallowing the heat that flared in his limbs by just being near her. She trembled, silver tears filling her eyes, streaking down her face in twin streaks of salt. “Eddie’s…?” The question hung for a moment between them and he closed his eyes, nodding slowly. “I’m so sorry Lily, I couldn’t protect him. It was my damned plan and I never should have let him come with us. Him or Dustin.” There was genuine self-loathing in his voice. “Dustin?” She asked immediately, her face flushing as he could physically see her pulse jumping wildly in her throat, panic in her eyes. “He’s fine.” He assured her. She only relaxed a fraction. Silence stretched between them, thick as salt water taffy. 
“What did I do?” She asked quietly, her voice hard. “Nothing, it's fine.” He tried to tell her, but she brushed him off. “Your tongue was not made for lying, Steve. What. Did. I. Do. To. You?” She enunciated every word, her eyes drilling mercilessly into his. He found he couldn’t bring himself to lie to her again. “We kissed. That’s all.” He admitted. She seemed to crumple in on herself, dissolving once again into rending sobs. Her skin was flushed bright scarlet, and he could almost feel the heat radiating off her before he even reached to check her temperature. “Come on Lil, let’s get you back upstairs. You’re running a fever again.” He said gently, wrapping his arms around her in a deadlift, steadying her as she wobbled. She tried to push him away, but her former strength had deserted her. “No, don’t be kind to me. I don’t deserve it.” She murmured. He stopped, his soft brown eyes finding hers. “What do you mean, you don’t deserve it?” He asked softly. 
  She sniffed. “I forced myself on you. And I would have done more if you hadn’t stopped me.” She said flatly. He smiled. “I nearly let you. I haven’t felt like that in a long time.” He admitted. She made a sound in her throat, her eyes squeezing shut as another wave of agony washed over her. “I just want this pain to stop. For a moment, I was holding him again.” She cried, her voice breaking. He pulled her in for a hug, running his knuckles up and down her spine. “Shhh, it’s alright. I wish I could turn back the clock and get him back for you. It was my plan. My idiotic plan that killed him.” Steve could feel his own emotions straining against the tight leash he kept them on. He could not break. She needed him to be strong right now. Lily snorted. “No, if I had been faster in getting to him, or if he had stuck to the plan in the first place…” She trembled and he pulled her closer, tucking her head against his chest. “You keep blaming yourself like this, you are going to make yourself sick. He wouldn’t want that for you. He would not want you to fall into a pitfall of guilt.” She sucked in a labored breath. “We will never know what he would have wanted. It is my fault. I should have made him go ahead of me…I should have…” She trailed off, running out of words. Steve ran his hand over her hair. “We all should have done things differently. But hindsight is always twenty-twenty. Right now, we need to get you into bed. You’re running a fever. C’mon.” He helped her to the stairs, but she stopped again. “You deserve so much more than this…you deserve to be happy with Nancy Wheeler, and your six little Harrington Nuggets.” She said quietly. 
He swallowed. “That ship has sailed.” He replied curtly, his tone sad and bitter. She shook her head. “No, it has simply lost its way in the storm. Be her lighthouse Steve, guide her back to your cove.” He had to admit, she had a pretty way of putting it. Her strength floored him. Here she was, dealing with the loss of the man she loved, and she was busy comforting him. “She chose someone else.” He couldn’t help but argue. “A strong sea breeze may be seductive, but it is the safe harbor that calls us home. Never let her be without that harbor.” Lily pulled away from him. “What are you doing?” He asked, dread unfurling in his chest. She sighed, looking away from him. “I cannot stay here. It will only lead to more heartache for us both.” He had started shaking his head before she finished her statement, stepping towards her. “No, you have to stay. Eddie would never forgive me if I let you get sick. Let me take care of you in his stead since he cannot.” She hesitated a moment longer and seemed to sink a little as she gave in, before nodding. 
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skylarsin7 · 7 months
Chapter 14: Puppet Master
TW: Death
Lily followed Eddie and Dustin into the trailer, making their way to his room for his amp and equipment. Eddie sucked in a breath as he opened the door. “Jesus…” He said, his voice a reverent whisper. His eyes were wide as he stared across the room. Lily followed his gaze, sucking in a small breath of her own. Hanging against the mirror was a guitar. This must be the Warlock Eddie had told her about. “It’s like…she was destined for an alternate dimension.” Eddie’s voice had a faraway quality to it, like he was entranced by the sight. Lily had to admit, the guitar was gorgeous. And happened to be Eddie’s first love. He had told her that himself. He approached the instrument, its place of display nearly a shrine. “What do you say guys, are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?” He asked as he took it down from its peg. The guitar almost seemed to thrum in his hands. “Is that a rhetorical question?” Dustin asked, a grin spreading over his face. Eddie turned to them, his eyes glittering with both excitement and unbridled passion. That one look stole Lily’s breath away. Eddie strapped the guitar across his chest, swinging it onto his back. “Let’s do it.” He announced.
         They set up the amps, placing a huge subwoofer off to the side. Lily watched in fascination as Eddie moved about the pile like a worker bee, plugging in wires and adjusting dials. He didn’t speak as he worked, but she could feel his tension in the air. This was the biggest moment of his life, and she could feel his anxiety, which only served to amplify her own. She desperately wanted to wrap her arms around him, to offer him her strength. But despite what they had shared the night before and the reassuring weight of his ring on her finger, she couldn't help the burning jealousy that welled in her chest as Chrissy's bright smile surfaced in her mind. She shook her head. The head cheerleader had been a brightly burning star snuffed out by Vecna's evil, and now was their one chance to make sure that her fate didn't fall on anyone else. Mind made up, she jumped back down, racing into the trailer. She grabbed a mic, smiling as its weight settled with familiarity in her palm. 
“Hey Dustin…” Eddie stepped closer to the younger boy, dropping his voice as he did so. "What's up?" Dustin asked as he turned to face him. "If we live through this, I'm going to make Lily my wife. Legally. And when I do, I need you to keep her safe for me for a few days. I'm going to get her stuff from Philadelphia, inform her mother that she has passed beyond her reach, and return with her things." Dustin's eyes went wide. "You are going to lie to her mother?" He asked in disbelief. Eddie's smile was mirthless and unkind. "That woman hasn't been Lily's mother in over three years. Not since her father died. Her stepfather abused Lily repeatedly, and her mother didn't care. Lily has the scars to prove it. One of them was made by the buckle of his belt. She doesn't deserve to know the truth." Dustin's eyes widened even further, swirling with a combination of intense hate and sorrow that Eddie himself felt all too keenly. "But this way, she will be free, and they won't come looking for her." He said fiercely.
The boys were murmuring together, and Eddie was making gestures with his hands that she didn’t quite understand, but they fell silent and glanced up as Lily joined them on the roof. Dustin’s eyes were wide and filled with an odd mix of sadness and fury so intense, she couldn't help but shiver. She wondered vaguely what they had been talking about. She found the plug for the mic, triumphant and proud she could be of some help. The boys glanced at her in question, but she only smiled in lieu of an answer. 
         “She’s in. Move on to Phase Three.” Came Robin’s voice over the walkie. Lily tensed. Max was alone with Vecna, and she was much too far away for Lily to even attempt protecting her. “Copy that. Initiating Phase Three.” Dustin responded, turning to the mother amp and cranking it up. “Let’s hope they hear this.” The amps roared to life, and Eddie stilled for a moment. Reaching up, he tugged his pick necklace from his neck, a look of steely determination on his face. “Chrissy, this is for you…” He said, letting out a cry as he struck the first chord. Lily couldn’t pretend that his comment hadn’t hurt, but she shoved the pain aside. She would deal with that when this was all over. She recognized the song by the third chord, smiling as it thrummed through her system. She knew this song very well and could belt it with the best of them. As Eddie played the intro, she readied, taking a deep breath. 
         “End of Passion play…crumbling away…I’m your source of self-destruction…” She belted the words, her voice a heavy metal growl, so unlike her normal speaking voice. Or even her singing voice. Eddie’s eyes snapped to hers, wide, questioning, but he didn’t stop playing. Dustin grinned, giving her the devil horns. She smiled. “Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear…Leading on your death's construction…Taste me you will see…More is all you need…Dedicated to…How I'm killing you!!!” She felt power pulsing through her, her heart pounding to the strike of the chords and the beat of the amp. “Come crawling faster…Obey your master…Your life burns faster…Obey your master, master!” It was every jam session her and her father had ever had, but so much more powerful. She closed her eyes, letting those memories come for the first time in three years, and for the first time, she didn’t feel pain. She felt elation and pride. It was almost as if she could feel her father smiling down on her as she sang. “Guys, we gotta lock down in T-Minus 30 seconds!!!” Dustin cried, gesturing to the horizon. Lily could barely make out a huge swarm of bats as they drew ever closer and closer. Eddie nodded, strumming even harder, playing for all he was worth. Lily continued to belt out the lyrics, a warmth spreading through her system. The same tingling tickled her fingertips, her eyes. It coursed through her like blood through her veins. Eddie shredded through the final rift, Lily’s voice ringing into silence as they finished the song together. 
         “MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!” Eddie bellowed as the bats closed in on them. “Shit, shit, shit!” Dustin agreed. Lily dropped the mic, jumping onto the truck then onto the ground. She landed lightly like a cat, dashing for the front door. She held it open for the boys as they followed after her. She slammed the makeshift gate just as the bats reached them, roaring triumphantly in their faces. They screeched and hissed, throwing themselves against the chain link fence. She smirked, following the boys inside. They panted heavily, jumping up and down. “Dude, MOST METAL EVER!!!” Dustin bellowed, and he and Eddie jumped around like excited children. Eddie whirled on her, grabbing her to him and spinning her. She couldn’t help but laugh. “Mrs. Munson, you are a Metal Goddess! Where did those vocals come from?” His wide eyes and words of praise warmed her, and she could almost push the hurt of his dedication to Chrissy from her mind. Almost. She shrugged. "My dad was a radio DJ and personality. I learned a thing or two from him. Besides, Metallica is one of my personal favorites." He smiled, his eyes alight with adrenaline and another emotion she was learning to recognize. Passion. "I knew there was a reason I loved you. You know, other than your charm, razor sharp wit, and stunning personality." He murmured. He let her down, kissing her, hard. She laced her fingers in his slightly damp hair, tightening her grip as she held him to her. He moaned against her lips and she could feel his hips move instinctively against hers. “Ugh, can you two just…get a room?” Dustin said with mild disgust. Lily jumped. She had nearly forgotten that he was there. She pushed Eddie gently away. “Laters, baby.” She said with a wink. He grinned wickedly in response, a world of promises in that smile. 
         The bats continued to beat against the trailer, screeching and thrashing as they tried to get in. Lily, Dustin, and Eddie were back to back, the boys with their shields and spears, Lily with her bow notched and ready. The sound faded almost abruptly. “Hey dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?” Dustin bellowed. The other two shushed him harshly. “Is that really necessary?” Eddie hissed. The clattering resumed, louder this time, and above them. “They’re on the roof.” Eddie said, his voice low, devoid of emotion. Lily shivered. 
Dustin froze. “Shit…shit…shit…” He whispered. Lily followed the line of his gaze, her heart stuttering as they landed. A vent in the ceiling. And it wasn’t boarded up. They approached it slowly, carefully as the creatures found it themselves. “They can’t get through there, can they?” Dustin asked quietly, hope in his voice. His hope was dashed as the vent burst open, a bat’s head poking through. Lily readied an arrow and fired before anyone else could react. The barb buried itself into the bat’s head, silencing it immediately. It hung for just a moment before it was dragged out of the hole and another one replaced it, screeching in defiance. The boys hollered, stabbing forward with their spears. Lily readied another arrow. “Save your ammo!” Eddie told her. She lowered her bow, eyes wide, her heart hammering. “MOVE!” Eddie bellowed, all but shoving Dustin out of the way before grabbing a chair from the kitchen, climbing on it, and slamming his shield, nail side up, into the ceiling. The sound of the bats sputtered and died. “Holy shit, holy…shit…” He panted, turning wide eyes on Dustin and Lily. “Nice.” Dustin said breathlessly. Eddie managed a small smile. “Thanks.” Lily let go of the breath she had been holding. “Are there any more vents?” Dustin asked as he high-fived Eddie. 
         Eddie stared at him a moment before his eyes widened even further. “Oh, shit…” He managed before bolting down the hall to his room. As he reached it, bats burst from the floor, where another vent had been missed. They swarmed around the room, screeching and braying in triumph. Eddie shoved the others back out of the room, slamming the door shut behind them. It was only a wooden door and the creatures immediately began throwing themselves against it. “That’s not gonna hold!” Dustin cried. “Let’s go! Let’s go!” Eddie agreed. Dustin climbed up the rope, flopping down moments later in the Rightside Up. 
  Eddie shoved Lily ahead of him, urging her up the makeshift rope. The bats continued to beat themselves against the door, the wood making sickening cracking sounds as it splintered. Lily fell through the portal, landing neatly on her feet like a cat. She stood, staring up at Eddie as he climbed. There was a loud snapping sound, not unlike gunfire, and Eddie paused in his ascension. “Eddie! Come on!” Dustin was calling. Eddie glanced up at them and his eyes locked with Lily’s. Her heart faltered. 
  Something incomprehensible flickered in his gaze and he dropped back onto the mattress, stepping back. “Eddie, come on!” Lily’s voice rose rapidly, her heart thudding painfully in her chest. He ignored her. Dustin begged him to climb, urging him to join them. Lily reached for the rope, moving to climb back through the portal. With a cry, Eddie swung his spear, cutting the rope and moving the mattress so they could not follow. “What are you doing!!?” Dustin demanded, catching the rope as it fell limply like a dead thing. Eddie’s eyes met hers again, stopping her heart in her chest. Those deep and expressive eyes were silently telling her Goodbye. 
  “No Eddie, please…” She said, her voice soft. “I’m buying more time.” He said with a small, sad smile. “Im Mel Cin, Nyn Naur Tinu.” He said, the words so full of the emotion behind them that tears stung her vision. ‘I love you, my Fire Star.’ He ducked away and out of sight. “Eddie, come back!” Dustin called after him as he disappeared out the trailer door.
As he ran, he could hear her piercing cry echo behind him. His heart squeezed and he nearly gave in to its demands for him to return to her. “I’m sorry my love. I know you won’t understand why I’m doing this. But I’ve spent enough time running away. Now, I have something I am willing to do anything to protect. You. And maybe this way, I can make up for all the things I’ve done wrong in my life. All the things that people have blamed me for. I love you, I will always love you. No matter what. I’m Forever Yours, Faithfully.  And I hope that you can forgive me for this.” He pushed faster, hopping on his fallen bike and pedaling away from the trailer, the bats closing in behind him.
“EDWARD KASPIAN MUNSON! COME BACK!!” Her voice was nearly a screech as those tears of anger and anguish raced down her cheeks. “Dustin, give me a boost!” She demanded, whirling on him with wild eyes. He hesitated only a moment before complying, cupping his hands together. She took a running leap, using his leverage to bridge the distance to the portal, her nails digging into the vines that surrounded it. Icy needles pierced her fingers where they dug in, but she ignored it. She heaved herself up, clawing her way back into the Upside Down. As she dropped down on the other side, she glanced up at Dustin. “Stay there, I’ll bring him back.” She said before sprinting through the door. She ignored the frantic call of her name as she dashed away from the portal.
         She could hear the bats as they shrieked in unison, circling like a demented cloud of featherless vultures. Lily readied her bow as she ran, grateful once again that her dad had insisted that if she wished to play an archer, she needed to learn how to shoot. “EDDIE!!!” She screamed, her voice barely heard above the flapping of hundreds of wings. He stood in the center of the bat vortex, spear and shield in hand, attacking as he was swarmed by the monsters. 
She stopped about a hundred yards from the vortex, forcing air into her lungs as she drew the throng back. The tip of her arrow glowed, the steel head glinting like a star. As she exhaled, she let the arrow fly. It darted through the air, slamming into the first bat, a blast of light temporarily blinding the rest. It only lasted a few seconds. When the light faded, she spied Eddie’s head whip in her direction. It was all the distraction the bats needed. One flew by his head, lashing its tail around his neck, yanking him to the ground as it dove. Eddie struggled to release the vine-like tail around his throat as it choked him. 
         Several more bats swarmed, biting down and rending his flesh. Lily screamed, launching herself into the vortex, firing arrow after arrow. But it was as if she were trying to beat back the tide with brittle twigs. They just wouldn’t stop coming.
 “EDDIE!!!” She cried, her heart shattering into pieces as each scream of pain escaped his mangled throat. She drove her way through the bats, swinging her bow like a club at the nearest of them. She tried to fling the creatures off him, but more only took their place. She stood, gripping her bow once again. She felt the tingling well up inside her as she notched an arrow. The tip glowed, the metal white hot almost instantly. She readied her stance, and it was as if everything was happening in slow motion. She closed her eyes, letting out the breath she had been holding. “Starlight Smite.” She whispered as she arched back, firing straight into the air. 
         Lightning struck, shattering her arrow before it could do any damage. It exploded in a flash of bright, golden light. The bolt continued, snapping her bow in two as it blasted her back. She was flung several yards, hitting the cracked pavement with a sickening smack. She shook her head, dark spots blooming in her vision, unconsciousness threatening to drag her under. She climbed slowly, painfully, to her feet, the bats still swarming around Eddie as he writhed on the ground. A cry of frustration bubbled up in her throat, and the bellowing scream that followed would have made a mountain lion flee in terror. “VECNA!!!” Her voice could hardly be called a voice anymore as she reached for a bow that was not there. Her eyes widened. “No…” She managed. She searched for something, anything that could be used as a weapon, but came up empty. All at once, everything halted. The bats screamed as they fell, broken, as if they were puppets whose strings had suddenly been cut. 
         She struggled to remain upright, staggering a step as her world tilted dangerously on its axis. “Eddie!” She cried, forcing her feet one in front of the other. He lay on his back, gasping for breath, blood bubbling up in his mouth, dribbling down his chin. “No, Eddie…” She collapsed to her knees beside him, gently lifting him into her arms. She gently unwound the now limp bat's tails from around his neck, wincing as blood flowed freely from the gouges, pooling beneath him. She was temporarily sucked into a memory of another scene too much like this one. She had been helpless to save her father then, and now she was powerless to save the man she loved. Eddie’s dark eyes were wide and a little unfocused, but they landed squarely on hers. “Lily…what…are you…” His speech was slurred and more blood dripped from his mouth. “Shh, shh…” Anger and sorrow warred in her chest, tears burning her vision. “Don’t try to talk.” She said softly, her voice breaking. “EEEDDDIIIIEEE!” Distantly, she could hear Dustin’s voice, but she couldn’t answer him. “I’m s-sorry…” Eddie whispered. Lily’s eyes once again focused on his. “Why did you…?” She trailed off, unable to utter the words. He reached up with a blood coated hand, his thumb brushing over the ridge of her cheek, leaving a smear. She didn't care and nuzzled into his touch. “I only wanted t-to…k-keep you s-safe…” He murmured. “We were supposed to keep each other safe. As a team.” She managed, her voice breaking into a sob.
“Eddie!” Dustin’s voice was closer, and Lily looked up. He was a few feet away from them now, hobbling on an injured leg. A stab of guilt speared her heart. His injury was likely her fault. She hadn't put the mattress back and Dustin wasn't as agile or steady on his feet as she was. “Oh God, Eddie…” Dustin managed between panting breaths. “Bad, huh?” Eddie tried to laugh, but it came out as a garbled cough. “No, no, we just need to get you to a hospital, okay?” Dustin insisted. “Okay.” Eddie said flatly, as if he didn’t really believe it himself.  His dark eyes glistened with tears as he glanced between Dustin and Lily. “I..I didn’t run away this time, right?” There was a tremor in his voice and he coughed again. “No, no, you didn’t run.” Dustin confirmed, struggling to keep his emotions in check. 
“You’re g-gonna have to look after those little s-sheep for me, okay?” Eddie said as he drew in a shuddering breath. “No, you are gonna do that yourself!” Dustin insisted. Eddie shook his head. “Naw man.” Lily’s heart clenched painfully, cutting off her air. “Say “I’m gonna look after them.” Eddie insisted. Dustin swallowed hard, tears streaking down his face. “Say it…” Eddie repeated. He was fading fast and they all knew it. And there was nothing any of them could do to stop it. “I’m…I’m gonna look after them…” Dustin managed, his voice breaking. Eddie smiled. “Good. Because I’m ac-actually going to graduate…” He murmured. Lily nodded, silver tears streaking down her cheeks. “That’s right Nin mel, you are. You’re gonna walk that stage, grab your diploma, and we are gonna get the hell out of Hawkins. Together. You promised to take me to go see Bowie in Tights, remember?" She told him, her voice trembling, breaking hoarsely over her words. He managed a small smile.
“I think it’s my year…I think it’s finally my year…” Eddie’s eyes were no longer focusing and they wandered between Lily and Dustin’s faces. She closed her eyes, willing power into her fingers. She felt the tingling spread through her limbs, her fingers trembling as they hovered over his neck. ‘Heal…’ The word whispered through her mind, the tingling intensifying. She felt his fingers wrap around hers, effectively severing her concentration. Her eyes flew open, his dark ones locked on hers with a sadness so deep it felt like a shard of ice lancing through her chest. “It’s o-okay love…” He murmured. She swallowed hard. “No, it’s not okay…Eddie, you have to hold on…please don’t leave me…” She whispered, her heart splintering into knives around the shard.  
  He didn’t seem to hear her. “I love you guys…” Eddie managed, his voice a hoarse whisper now. “We love you too…” Dustin answered, his voice breaking in a sob as it tore from his throat. Lily leaned down, her forehead pressed against Eddie’s. It was clammy and cold with sweat. He sighed, enjoying her closeness and warmth. She kissed him gently, trying in vain to ignore the coppery taste of blood on his lips. “I love you…” She whispered, gripping his hand tightly. Eddie smiled softly. “...Until my last.” He managed, his voice barely audible. He seemed to sink a little, relaxing in her arms. She held him tighter, as if that would somehow keep him from leaving her. A single, silver tear slid from his dark eyes as the light left them, and in that moment, Eddie Munson’s courageous heart stuttered and ceased its beating.
((And since I love you all, I have a recording of Eddie's thoughts as he went against the bats. Enjoy. ^.^)
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skylarsin7 · 7 months
Chapter 13: The Thirteenth Hour
Eddie awoke to the sound of birds twittering above him. His eyes fluttered open, squinting through the sunlight that managed to pierce the canopy of trees. Lily stirred beside him, her back pressed against his chest, her head nestled in the crook of his arm. His ring glittered on her finger, catching the morning light. His heart soared, elation skittering through him. She was his wife. His wife. He marveled at the thought. And if they made it out of this alive, he would marry her legally as soon as possible. With as many traditions as they were capable of. Traditions. Well, her father wouldn’t be able to give her away, but he was sure his Uncle Wayne would be happy to have that honor. He was sure that his Uncle would love his choice of wife as much as he did. He smiled. Maybe he would ask Mr. The Hair himself if he wanted to be a groomsman. Of course, Dustin would have to be his best man. There was no other choice for the job. He wondered briefly if Lily had any female friends back home to ask to be bridesmaids. She hadn’t mentioned she had any friends in Philly. And she was adamant that she would never return there, so perhaps not. She could always ask Nancy, Robin and Max. In turn, he would have Dustin, Lucas, and Steve. Distantly, he could hear the others calling for them, which broke him from his wandering, but blissful thoughts. 
He lifted his head, leaning in to whisper in her ear. He hated the idea of waking her, but there was nothing for it now. "Man erin, nin mel. The world requires our presence once more." He nuzzled against her, placing a gentle kiss to her neck. She let out a soft groan, curling against him tighter. "Tell the world it can screw off a little longer." Her voice was thick with sleep, but her movements had him shuddering. He stifled his own groan as she pressed back against him, wreaking havoc on his control. “Keep that up sweetheart and the others might get a show they aren’t prepared for…” He managed. She stretched like a cat, arching her back as she slowly sat up. He watched her in fascination, following the line of her spine. He froze as he reached the small of her back. A long, silver ridge cut across the lower portion of her back, curving and wrapping around her right hip. “Lily, what is that?” He asked, his voice stiff. 
She stiffened, hesitating for several seconds. It was clear by the way she held herself she knew exactly what he was talking about. Anger bubbled up in his chest when she didn't answer. “Lily, what. Is. that?” He asked again, placing emphasis on every word. She swallowed. “Old.” She replied. Eddie had to take several breaths before he could speak again. “Who did this to you?” He growled. She flinched. “It doesn’t matter. It is in the past, long before I met you.” She tried to dismiss it, but he wasn’t about to let it go. He would tear apart anyone that had ever had the nerve to lay an unkind hand on her. “Who did this to you?” He asked again. She sighed, accepting defeat. 
  “My stepfather. I made the mistake of walking away from him once when he was talking to me. This one is from the buckle of his belt.” Eddie closed his eyes, mentally counting to ten to calm himself. “This one? There are others?” He asked, not opening his eyes. “Other what?” Her voice was quiet, almost meek. “Any other scars?” He added, finally looking at her. His eyes dared her to refuse him. She nodded. His heart squeezed. So focused on the pleasure of holding her, he hadn't even noticed the scars. It was as if they didn't exist when the moonlight had been shining on her skin. “Where?” She twisted around to face him. “Why do you want to know?” Her eyes bore into his, but his gaze was nearly black with his barely contained anger. “I want to see them. I want to see all the times you needed me and I wasn’t there.” He told her, his voice forced between clenched teeth. She turned completely, taking his hand. “Don’t…don’t do this to yourself. This happened long before I met you. The others are not important. My stepfather is a self-serving, bigoted asshole, but he cannot hurt me anymore. He cannot hurt me if I am not there.” She held up her left hand, where his ring encircled her finger.
  “I belong to you now. I know you would move heaven and earth to keep me safe. And I would do the same for you. I’ll return to Philadelphia once more to say goodbye at my father's grave. But after that, they will never see me again. Unless…you find that the scars make me ugly and you regret your choice in marrying me.” There was a note of sadness in her voice, and he sat up, cupping her face in his hands. “Nothing could ever make someone as beautiful as you ugly. Your beauty is more than skin deep, Naur Tinu. It radiates from your very soul. I love you more than any man should have the right to love anything. Never question that.”  She offered him a smile, leaning in to kiss the corner of his mouth. At the last second, he laced his fingers in her hair, turning her head just enough to kiss her deeply. She sank into him, smiling softly against his lips. As she pulled away, he growled possessively. The sound went straight to her toes, fluttering in her belly. “Keep that up, sweetheart, and the others will get a show they are not prepared for.” She murmured, firing his own words back at him. He kissed her again, lightly this time. “Minx.” He accused. 
She smirked, pulling away from him and hunting for her shirt. As she moved, the muscles rippled along her body, drawing his gaze. She had to be the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on. Her scars, while the fact that she had them still angered him, also made him incredibly proud, and in no way diminished her beauty. She had endured at the hands of a grade A asshole, and yet, it seemed like nothing could slow her down, let alone stop her. She was strong and sweet, badass and still caring. His heart fluttered. He loved her, and she had been right. He would do anything to make sure she was safe. He willed calm into his body as she rose, all long limbs and pale, creamy skin, memories of their night together rearing in his mind. What he wouldn’t give for a few more hours to explore her completely. To wring pleasure from her over and over until neither of them could move. But he rose, following her example and pulling on his clothes. The others were closer now, likely only a couple dozen yards from their location. Once he was dressed, he reached for her, gripping her wrist gently, and spun her in for one final kiss. He dipped her low like you would a dance partner. Her heart fluttered with the sensation of falling…in more ways than one. “I love you.” He murmured as he held her. “And I you. Always.” She replied with a smile that lit up her entire face. “Is it too late for me to beg you to stay here, where it is safe?” His question dimmed her smile, nearly erasing it completely. “Stay here and watch from the sidelines while you risk your life? I don’t think so. We do this together.” She said firmly. He nodded, leaning in to kiss her gently. “I know. I was just asking.” He murmured. 
The others came into the clearing just as Eddie was pulling his jacket back on. Lily waved, smiling sweetly at them as they approached. “We were about to give up on you lovebirds.” Steve said with a smirk. Dustin was glancing between Eddie and Lily, his eyes narrowed in concentration. 
“Something’s…different…” He observed. Eddie reached for him, clapping him on the shoulder with his now vacant right hand. “A lot of things are different.” He agreed. Dustin grabbed the hand before Eddie could retract it. “Your ring is missing….why is your ring missing?” He asked. Eddie smiled. “Oh it isn’t missing Dustin, I know right where it is.” He cast a glance over his shoulder at Lily, who lifted her left hand, wiggling her fingers. Dustin’s eyes widened. “You…” For once, he seemed at a loss for words. Lily nodded. “He asked me last night, and I said yes.” She announced. There was a beat of silence, the group too stunned to say anything. Robin shook her head, her half-smile not quite reaching her eyes. “Congratulations.” She said, finally breaking the quiet. There was an odd tone to her voice, but Lily brushed it off. "Congratulations. Can we go?” Nancy asked quietly, shifting uncomfortably from side to side. She wasn't trying to be dismissive, despite her tone. Lily's heart sank a little, but understood that they couldn't linger. They had bigger fish to fry. The others said nothing but nodded in agreement. 
The ride back into Hawkins was quiet, tense even. Lily leaned against Eddie, her bow laid across her lap. Gone were the wooden arrows she had made for practice, replaced with steel stars of lethal sharpness. They glinted in the afternoon sun, catching the light as did the bottles at Robin’s feet. Dustin and Eddie gripped their makeshift spears, their shields leaning against the side of the Winnebago. They pulled up to the Creel house, a familiar shudder skittering down Lily’s spine. She did not like that place at all. Max, Lucas, and Erica rose, their faces stony and set with determination. Lily rose with them. “Max!” She called. The redhead turned and Lily enveloped her in a hug, dragging her close. “Be careful…” She whispered. Max gripped her tightly, trembling a little as she nodded. “You too.” She whispered back. Lily let her go reluctantly, casting intense eyes at Lucas. “You keep her safe, you hear me?” She said sternly. He nodded. “I will do everything in my power to make sure she is safe.” He replied firmly. She could see the love and devotion he had for Max, though it did little to quell her feelings of fear and anxiety. “I’m holding you to that, Sinclairs. Both of you.” The siblings nodded, this time in unison, as they exited the RV.
Lily settled into the seat Max just vacated, tears burning her vision. The RV felt so cold all of a sudden and she shivered violently. Cold sweat slid down her spine, leaving goosebumps in its wake. She had a sinking feeling clawing at her belly. A sense of immense dread. Somehow, deep down, she knew that all the warnings in the world were not going to be enough this time.
Steve pulled away from the Creel house, heading back towards Eddie’s trailer park. The silence in the Winnebago was not unlike the deafening silence of a funeral procession. Lily’s heart hammered in her chest. This was the exact feeling she had riding with her mother to the graveside that would serve as her final memory of her father. They were hurtling towards the Thirteenth Hour and her feeling of dread only grew. They parked a few blocks from the trailer park, behind a copse of trees so that they would not be spotted from the road. Nancy stopped them before they would climb out of the RV. 
  “Okay, I want to run through it one more time. Phase One?” She paced, her eyes darting back and forth, nerves clear in every line of her body. “We meet Erica at the Playground. She’ll signal Max and Lucas when we’re ready.” Robin replied, her own eyes trained on Nancy. Nancy nodded. “Phase 2.” Steve adjusted his jacket. “Max baits Vecna. He’ll go after her, which’ll put him in his trance.” His voice was stone cold, distant. Lily winced, her heart dropping into her shoes. She had never heard him sound so emotionless. “Phase 3?” Lily bit her lip, her dread growing. “Eddie, Lily, and I draw the bats away.” Dustin answered. Eddie clapped him lightly on top of his head, jerking it around a little in a parody of ruffling the boy’s hair. “Four.” Nancy pressed on. “We head into Vecna’s newly bat-free lair, and…” Robin lifted one of the Molotov cocktails. “Flambe.” Nancy paused, taking a deep breath. “Nobody moves on to the next phase until we’ve all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?” The group nodded, a collective murmur of “Got it.” rumbling through the RV. 
  The woods behind the trailer park were oddly silent as they moved through them. Lily shivered, the lack of nightlife around her making her feel odd and disoriented. She strapped her bow across her chest, her quivers of arrows strapped against her back. She crouched low, moving with the others as they made their way to Eddie’s trailer. Thankfully, it seemed that no one would be awake to discover them. They were armed to the teeth, and looked every bit like the ragtag group of teen commandos that they were going for. It reminded Lily distantly of the film "Red Dawn". Only this time there was much more at stake and they weren't fighting a human enemy. This time, it wasn't just the Soviets. Steve even had an ax strapped to his back and it glinted savagely in the moonlight. The trailer was just as they had left it, the caution tape fluttering in the breeze. 
Steve flicked on the lights, which oddly enough didn’t give him any trouble coming on. The others filed in after him, and Eddie closed the door behind them. Steve shrugged his pack off, his eyes trained on the portal. “Be careful.” Dustin told Steve, a note of anxiety in his voice. “Thanks buddy.” Steve replied, affection clear in his own tone. Not for the first time, Lily felt a pang in her heart. Family. They were family. Steve hauled himself up the linen rope, pausing only briefly as he climbed through the portal before letting go, dropping like a cat on his feet. He grinned up at the others, shrugging at his show of prowess. “Ooooh, what does he want us to do, applaud?” Robin said sarcastically. Lily had to suppress a surprised chuckle. Robin had said exactly what Lily had been thinking. Steve disappeared from sight, hauling the mattress out of Eddie’s room, laying it down for the girls to come through. Nancy was next, flopping down onto the mattress with a small gasp. Steve helped her to her feet, the shiver that passed between them nearly palpable. The packs came next, thudding heavily onto the landing pad. 
Eddie cast a small smile at Lily, who returned it, but knew that the light of it did not reach her eyes. He offered her a boost, which she took, climbing back up the rope and into the Upside Down. Her ears popped as she crossed the border and a strange calm filled her. It was not unlike the feeling of returning to a place one deemed home. But this place would never be her home. She shivered as she too, landed on the mattress. Eddie followed suit, followed by the shields, Robin, the spears, and finally Dustin, who sat up with wide eyes as he took in his surroundings. Clearly, he had never been here before despite his seemingly in depth knowledge of this place.
They filed out of the trailer, Nancy in the lead. Steve hesitated, turning back to Lily and the boys. “Hey, listen, if things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep ‘em busy for a minute or two. We’ll take care of Vecna.” His dark eyes landed on Lily. "Be careful." Steve's voice was surprisingly soft as he spoke to her. Lily managed a small smile, but it was Eddie that answered him. "Don't worry Steve, if we can't, we will name it after you." His response was sarcastic, but it was twinged with an affection that made Lily's heart ache. For all their puffed up egos and social spectrum differences, they both had a good heart. And respected one another deeply. “Don’t try to be cute. Don’t try to be heroes. You are…” Steve continued as if he was purposely ignoring Eddie’s quip. Dustin sighed. “Decoys. Don’t worry, you can be the hero Steve.” He said sarcastically. Steve stared at him, a little hurt showing in his eyes. “Absolutely, I mean, look at us. We are not heroes.” Eddie added, casting a smile at Dustin, who returned it. Steve stared at them a moment longer then nodded, turning away. 
Robin turned back towards them, hesitating for just a moment before jogging up to Lily and wrapping her in a tight hug. Lily was startled for a second before she relaxed in the other girl’s arms. As Robin pulled away, she kissed Lily lightly on the cheek. Their eyes met. A deep emotion flitted through Robin’s cerulean eyes, and suddenly everything fell into place. “For luck.” Robin said quietly, a blush dancing across her cheeks. Lily’s eyes were wide. She understood now why there was a notable lack of chemistry between her and Steve. Why, even though they looked like a power couple, there had been no spark. It wasn’t just the fact that Steve was hung up on Nancy. Lily stretched up a little to wrap her arms around the taller girl’s neck, gripping her tightly. “You be careful, and keep those love birds out of trouble. I cannot bear to lose any more of my family. And that includes all of you.” Lily whispered, returning Robin’s kiss on the cheek. She may not feel the same way about girls as Robin did, but she was as close as a sister to her. 
  “Hey, Steve…” Eddie called as Lily let Robin go. Steve turned back to look at him. Eddie stepped so close to him that Lily couldn’t hear what they were saying. Lily exchanged a glance with Nancy, no words necessary. Nancy nodded, offering a pinched smile that also did not reach her eyes. Lily’s dread solidified like a rock in her stomach. “This isn't’ goodbye.” She told herself. “Just a ‘see you later’.” 
“Steve, if anything happens to me, I want you to promise me that you will look after Lily.” Eddie whispered. Steve shook his head. “Nothing is going to happen to you, man.” He said sternly. Eddie wondered briefly if it was Eddie or himself the other boy was trying to convince. “I know, but if by some chance something does, I need to know that I have someone I trust looking out for her. Dustin is too young. He won’t be able to take care of her. If anything happens, she'll need you.” Eddie’s eyes were intense as they stared Steve down. Steve hesitated for only a moment before he nodded. “I’ll look after her. IF something happens. Which it better not, Munson.” Eddie nodded and Steve turned away. As they stepped away, Eddie called after Steve once more. Exasperated, Steve cast an arching brow at the Metalhead. Eddie hesitated for just a second. “Make him pay.” He said, his voice hard as diamonds. Lily glanced at him, a stab of pain lancing her chest. She didn’t need to be told what that was about. She knew. Steve said nothing, but the two boys exchanged a nod that said more than any words ever could. Lily watched in pained silence as Steve, Nancy, and Robin disappeared into the woods, the darkness only marred by the staccato flashes of crimson lightning. 
Eddie turned back to the trailer, cracking his knuckles. “Alright guys, come on.” He moved to the nearest chain link fence, pulling out bolt cutters. “We gotta rig this place Bat-Proof.” He said over his shoulder. They spent the next two hours boarding up the trailer as if they were expecting a hurricane. Which, in a way, they likely were. They had time as it would take the others a bit to cross the distance to the Creel house on foot. They also had to wait for the signal from Erica. When they were done, they observed their handiwork. “Not bad.” Eddie said, a note of pride in his voice. “Not bad at all.” Dustin agreed. The boys exchanged a glance, and a smile. “Now for the fun part.” Eddie said with a chuckle. 
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skylarsin7 · 7 months
Chapter 12.5: Forever Yours, Faithfully (18+)
As their lips connected, every romantic song Eddie had ever heard suddenly made sense. Though it wasn't their first kiss, it was by far the most powerful yet. It was true he had never been a poet, but now he understood what all the sonnets had meant. He pulled away from her, gently holding her at arm's length. Though they had no congregation of friends or family, and her father wasn't physically present to give her away, he wanted to marry her. In all the ways that mattered. Right here, right now. His slender, musician's fingers wound around hers. "We may only have the moon, the trees, and the stars as witnesses, but I, Edward Munson, choose you, Liliana Rose Halen, to be my own. To cherish and hold for as long as I may live." She blushed, biting her lip. She hadn't expected this, but her heart soared with his words. And she knew just how to answer them. "And I, Liliana Rose Halen, with only the moon, the trees, the stars, and my father's spirit as witness, take you, Edward Munson, as my own. To make you my world, and give every beat my heart is capable of. For as long as I may live." 
The air seemed to shift around them, ruffling their hair as it passed. It was as if the trees themselves gifted them their blessing. Eddie grinned, making Lily giggle. "I have loved you from the very first moment…" She murmured. His grin dimmed a little, dwarfed by the love radiating from his dark eyes. "And I will love you until my last." He replied. She returned his smile. "You may now kiss your bride." She said in a slighting mocking tone as she imitated every cartoon priest she had ever seen. His smile only broadened. "Don't mind if I do." He said as he leaned down, capturing her lips with his own. 
He wrapped his arms around her, dragging her close. Her supple curves fit against him perfectly and he couldn't help but respond to the contact. He slanted his mouth over hers, his tongue edging the seam of her lips as if asking for access. She obliged him, opening and engaging her own tongue in the dance. He growled, his hands bunching in the oversized shirt she wore. His shirt. He had to admit, he liked that she was wearing it. She reached up and laced her fingers into his hair, the action arching her back a little, pressing her chest deeper into his. Heat speared through him, yanking him to nearly painful attention. Panic flooded his system, and he pulled back just a little. 
  “Are you sure about this Lily? There is no going back from this.” He warned softly. She nodded. “I have never been more sure of anything in my life. If this is my last night on earth, I want to spend it in your arms.” She replied. He smiled. It was all the confirmation he needed. 
  He kissed her again, his fingers splayed across her upper back, nearly crushing her against him. The metal of his rings bit through her shirt, goosebumps pebbling her skin. She shivered in his arms, from pleasure or cold, he wasn’t sure, so he rubbed gently up and down her spine. She melted against him, her fingers tightening in his hair. He growled in response. "Hmmmmm do you have any idea what you do to me?" He murmured against her lips. She smiled. "I can take a guess." She whispered, rocking her hips into his for emphasis. He growled in response. "Come on Munson, roll for initiative." She teased. He smiled wickedly, growling again as he shrugged out of his jacket, laying it down before lowering her onto it. 
He lay down beside her, kissing her deeply before peppering kisses down her jaw, her neck, to her shoulder. She arched into him, her eyes fluttering as she sacrificed sight for sensation, surrendering to it completely. His clever musician's hands roamed over her, soaking in every dip and ripple of her form, his rings clunking softly as he explored her. He was so gentle, as if he were afraid she would shatter beneath his hands. She lifted his chin slightly, smiling as their eyes met. "I won't break. I promise." She whispered. "I know. I want to burn every bit of you into my memories. I cannot wait to touch and taste every inch of you. I promise I will never leave you wanting." His murmur was its own caress against her skin and she relaxed, soaking it all in.
Eddie was floored by the fact that Steve had been right. He had fallen in love with the little spitfire even before he had met her in person. The fact that she was stunningly, staggeringly beautiful was just icing on the cake. All those hours on Frequency, talking and laughing with her, comforting her when her step loser was being particularly cruel to her, even offering her a place to stay should she ever escape Philadelphia. They had learned Elvish together, teaching and helping one another. All had been the stepping stones into a love he had only read about in fantasy novels. She was the Arwen to his Aragorn. She calmed him with her quiet reason, her gentle nature. And in return, he had unknowingly offered her a home, far away from those who tried to make her what she was not. A home, buried deep inside his heart, and that is where she would stay, forever carved into his very soul. Now she was here, with him, offering herself completely, nothing held back. And all she asked in return was that he offer her the same. He was prepared to give it all to her, everything that made him who he was. There was a tightness in his chest that made it almost hurt to breathe. A weight that had settled in his heart and marred this perfect moment. Dread. There was a part of him, no matter how small, that sensed that this may be both his first and final act of true love.
         His hands faltered and she stared up at him, confusion in her gaze. “What’s wrong?” She asked quietly, taking his hands in her own. He swallowed hard. “I can’t help but feel like there is only tonight.” He admitted. She smiled, reaching up to brush her thumb across the ridge of his cheekbone. “Maybe there is. Maybe there isn’t. Either way, we will face what is to come together. And if this is it, then I could die a contented woman. To know that I have given everything I have to the man I love.” She told him, pride in her voice. His eyes bore into hers, burning right down to her soul, branding her as his as surely as any iron. She leaned up and kissed him, effectively silencing his mind, dragging his focus back to her wanting body. His hands resumed their journey, exploring her curves, traveling ever southward. He pulled away briefly, his eyes catching hers. “You know that shirt looks good on you…” He murmured, smiling as he grasped her lips again. She couldn’t help but smile back, her hands splayed across his chest, exploring him as he explored her. “I like wearing it. It's very comforting and smells like you.” She admitted, a blush dancing across her cheeks. He reached the waistband of her shorts, pausing there as he struggled to undo the clasp. She giggled, undoing it for him and lifting her hips to shimmy out of the fabric. His fingers hovered over her, only a thin barrier of cotton between him and the source of her heat, her scent. 
         She felt warm, tingly, heat flaring out from between the apex of her thighs, muscles clenching in throbbing need. Each sensation was new and she felt each one keenly, unable to control the rapid response to his touch. She lifted her hips, brushing against his fingers, the pressure sending a delicious jolt through her. He kissed her neck, nibbling it lightly with his teeth. He didn’t bite her hard enough to leave a lasting mark, but she could feel the slight indent he left as he pulled away. Her hands roamed over his muscular arms, tracing the bats at his elbow, the wyvern up his bicep. Every inch of him was endlessly fascinating. She would never tire of him, his eccentric personality, his boundless passion, and his massive heart. Her one regret was not meeting him sooner.
         His hands found the hem of the shirt she wore, easing it up her body as if he were slowly unwrapping a gift. Her breasts strained against the cotton fabric of a bra that had seen better days, her nipples hard as marbles and standing at perfect attention. He eased the shirt up over her head, pinning her hands down with it. Leaning down, his eyes locked on hers as his tongue darted out, flicking against one pert tip. She gasped sharply, muscles far below clenching in response. He switched sides, doing the same to the other nipple. She moaned, her eyes fluttered as all she could do was feel. Tugging the fabric of her bra down, which pushed the flesh of her breasts up in offering, he wrapped his lips around one taut peak, worrying the other between his thumb and forefinger. “Eddie…” She murmured, her voice a sultry moan as it caressed his name. He pulled away with a light popping sound. “Yes, Naur Tinu?” He asked, his voice a little playful as he spoke the nickname. Fire Star. “That feels so good…” She managed, a scarlet flush lighting up her cheeks. He grinned. “Then we shall have more of that.” He told her before descending on the other breast. She arched into his mouth, wordlessly begging him for more. He obliged her, suckling her into his mouth, pulling at it like a hungry calf. 
         Her body clenched, pleasure ricocheting down her spine, warmth and moisture seeping from her very hot center. It was as if every sensation was amplified to nearly unbearable, keeping her in a constant state of pleasure to the point of pain. She needed him almost desperately, everywhere at once. As if sensing this, he released her nipple, peppering kisses down her chest, her belly. Her muscles quivered beneath his lips, nerves tensing and coiling like springs. His gaze lifted to hers, impossibly dark but equally expressive as they locked on hers. “I love you.” He murmured against her skin. The words felt bittersweet as they left his lips, and she smiled through a thin veil of silvery tears. “In this life and the next, I’ll always love you.” She vowed. Her body throbbed with anticipation that not even the melancholy of their exchange could taint. 
         He moved ever south, his fingers hooking under the waistband of her panties, pulling them down her thighs slowly. Her scent hit him like a ton of bricks, his shaft pulling rock hard, straining against his zipper. He moaned softly, his slender musician’s fingers stroked over her folds, gently spreading them apart to glimpse the very center of her. He looked up at her again, wonder and awe in his gaze. The moonlight turned her skin to pale alabaster, a stark and breathtaking contrast with her dark curls. Her eyes glowed lightly in the darkness, catching the light and refracting it back with amber fire. “God, you’re beautiful.” He breathed. “And yours. Always.” She added. He smiled. “And mine.” He agreed. He leaned in to take a deep breath of her, his nose brushing along her inner thigh as he did so. She froze. He was so close to where she ached for him, so close to taking the innocence she had guarded so fiercely since puberty. Despite the wild screaming of that innocence to stop, she didn’t want to stop. She wanted to be with him in every possible way, and if that meant that by the end of it, she would be soaked in a mixture of her own blood and his seed, then so be it. She would have it no other way. 
         Her hands snaked down her body, fingers lacing into his wild hair, encouraging him forward. He didn’t need to be told twice. He moved with deliberate slowness, wanting to preserve this moment forever in his memory, burned into his soul for all time. He spread her once more with one hand, using the other to hike her leg back, opening her for him. His tongue darted over her folds, flicking lightly at first before running the length of her dewey petals. She gasped sharply, shuddering as her mind blanked. Pleasure shot through her like a white hot arrow, and her spine arched in response. Another moan left her, softer than the first, but just as powerful. He lapped at her gently, first with the tip of his tongue, then the flat of it, taking her entire core in stride. Her fingers tightened in his hair, and while she was trying desperately not to hurt him, he didn’t seem to mind the roughness. It seemed to encourage him as he slowed his lapping, dipping the tip of his tongue inside her with each pass. 
He took his time, exploring every inch of her, leaving no nerve untouched. He was surprised at how easy it was to stay in control. When he had thought about doing this with other girls, it was fast, aggressive, and over in a moment. Not with Lily. He wanted to savor each sound she made, feel them vibrate against his tongue as he drove her higher. Feel her throb in response to him before sending her flying over the edge. Gently, he eased a finger into her, curling it up as he reached her barrier. She shuddered, her walls clenching down around his invading digit and he straightened it, pulling it slowly out to the tip before easing it back in. The chill of his rings bit into her skin, sending shivers skittering over her. He stroked her, his tongue focused on that tiny ball of nerves at her pinnacle. Her hips moved against him, slowly at first, her legs trembling. Smiling against her skin, he slid a second finger in to join the first. She tightened again, an answering moan sounding above. He stroked them faster, curling as he pulled them out. 
Pressure grew in her belly, her muscles like a wire coiling to spring. His tongue moved over every inch of her, sparing her no sensation. If he didn’t slow down soon, she was going to explode. He seemed to pick up on her tension, moving a little faster, his tongue spearing her with wave after wave of pleasure. She panted hard, struggling to maintain that last thread of control, and rapidly losing the fight. Her legs trembled, her skin was flushed and hot, and finally, she tipped over the edge. She stiffened, her muscles clenching and releasing in rapid succession, dewey moisture flowing from her center. 
He smiled as she spasmed hard above him, his lips catching her honey as it left her. He slowed his tongue, gentling his touch as she rode the waves of her pleasure. He smiled, his lips glistening as he pulled away from her. “Seems your save throw was ineffective.” He murmured, teasing her. She didn’t answer him right away, still panting hard as aftershocks rolled through her. “Seems I’ll need a constitution save…” She managed. “That felt like a Crit Nat 20…god…” 
He grinned. “Never underestimate the power of a well-timed Crit.” He continued to tease her, his fingers stroking up and down her thighs. Her skin shivered with every pass of his fingers, the constant sensation not allowing her passion to dissipate. “I never did.” She agreed. “I never knew how intense pleasure could be.” She remarked, awestruck and a little dizzy. His grin broadened. “We haven’t even reached the pinnacle yet, my love.” He told her. He slid up her body, peppering kisses on the way to her lips. She lifted his long mane as he reached her, swinging around to pepper kisses up his jaw to his neck. She found she would never tire of the feel of him, his warmth, his vitality. The notion both floored and frightened her. Now that she felt how intensely she loved him and admitted it to herself, she was terrified of the thought of ever losing him. But she refused to allow her fear of tomorrow taint the beauty and love she felt tonight.
He kissed her deeply, claiming her for all he was worth as his fingers fumbled with the fastenings of his jeans. He managed to tug them open. She could hear the hiss of his zipper, and reached for him with hungry, explorative hands. Her fingers traced the edge of his jeans, easing them away to get to the heated skin beneath. She explored along his hips, brushing over the V that led further south. He pulled back, watching with astonishment as this woman, dare he say, his wife explored his body with a hunger that never seemed to wane. Teasing him expertly to the point of breaking. He eased his jeans down his legs, kicking them off and out of the way. Next came his shirt. Lily’s eyes widened as he bared himself for her, taking in the artfully tatted expanse of his chest. A trail of dark curls led south where it disappeared into his boxers. Her fingers dipped lower, hooking underneath the waistband of his boxers and moving them out of her way as well. She sat up, kissing him deeply before moving to his chest, pausing to pay special attention to his right pectoral, tracing the skull and the spider with her tongue. 
  She moved further south, flicking her tongue on both nipples, breathing cool air on each tiny, puckered mound. She kissed her way down his belly, across his hip bones. She loved exploring his skin. Eddie’s fingers dug into the fabric of his jacket, his eyes locked on Lily as she moved. It shouldn't have surprised him that she was able to find his weak spots so quickly. She was so good at that in D&D, so it wasn’t that much of a stretch that she acquired that talent in real life. Even if she had never done this before, her instincts were impeccable. “L-Lily…I need you…Lay back.” He managed, his breath catching. Her hooded eyes met his, sparking amber through the lace of her eyelashes. She had no idea what she was doing, but it seemed her intuition was in high gear, driving her every move. She pulled away from him, laying back on his coat, completely naked and on display for him. Her wine colored hair coiled to either side of her, a stark contrast to her pale skin. 
 He climbed over her, pressing the length of his body against her. She fit against him perfectly, as if crafted specifically for him. He gently lifted her legs, settling between them. “This is a first for me…” He admitted, his voice a little breathy. He pulsed against her thigh, almost unbearably hot against her already burning skin. She arched up a little, pressing her lips to his. “Me too.” She replied, kissing him once more. “We will learn together.” She reached between them, wrapping her fingers around him and stroked him gently. His eyes fluttered closed, surrendering to her touch. “Keep that up…and this will all be over far too quickly.” He managed, panting. Her hand stilled. Gently, he pushed against her, pleasure scorching him all the way down to his toes as he felt her moist heat against him. Carefully, he let her guide him in, gently easing into her sheath. Fireworks went off in his head, his eyes rolling back as she gripped him so tightly that she threatened to finish him right then and there. He took deep breaths, inch for inch, fighting for ground. 
Pain lanced through her, brief but intense. He stretched her, feeling impossibly large as he buried himself inside her. Her pain gave way to pleasure in moments, surrendering to the sensation of being filled to capacity. She clung to him, wrapping him in her arms, her nails digging lightly into his back as she fought for an anchor. “God, Eddie…” She managed, her breath quickening. He wrapped his arms around her curvy body, cradling her close as the heat radiating off them both was almost an aura around them. He kept pushing until he was fully hilted inside her, then stopped, holding still as they both adjusted to these new sensations. “Are…you…okay?” He asked breathlessly, his gaze finding hers. She nodded, smiling. “I’m…fine. And you?” She asked, their heaving chests meeting with every breath. 
He took several deep breaths before smiling down at her. “Perfect.” He whispered as he leaned in and kissed her, so tenderly, and with so much love in that single touch alone that it nearly brought her to tears. “I’m gonna move now…okay? You’ll tell me if I hurt you, right?” His eyes were intense, searching her face. She nodded. 
He moved, slowly at first, tentatively, as if unsure, but he found a rhythm in moments, rolling his hips as he stroked her. She lifted her hips to meet him, matching him thrust for thrust. The coarse hair of his torso tickled her skin, her nipples, adding yet another layer of pleasure. His hands, warm, calloused from years of dedication to his guitar, held her against him, his nose nuzzling along her neck. She shivered, every movement of their bodies a spear of pleasure that shot through her. He grew bolder, moving a little faster, angling his hips a little. She clenched around him tighter with every pass, moaning his name as if in prayer. It wasn’t long before that same pressure was building in her belly, the sensation growing with intensity.
He chanted her name, interspersing her nickname Naur Tinu in the mix. It was as if he too, were lost in a deeply profound reverence of her. She gripped him in a way that made it nearly impossible to move, but somehow their combined slickness made it happen. Tension built in his muscles, pulling them taut like bow strings. He felt like a soda can that had been shaken up, edging closer and closer to the inevitable explosion. Lily could feel him tremble, adjusting the angle of her hips so he rubbed against her front wall, an instinct as old as humanity itself driving her actions. Every brush was an intense stab of pleasure, and she felt that pressure building steadily closer to breaking point.
“I don’t know…how much longer…” He panted, digging his fingers into her back, doing his best to hold on as long as possible. He could feel her tightening, a coil ready to spring, sensing on a purely base level that she too, was teetering on the edge. He moved a little faster, angling his hips up as he moved, brushing over that spot that made her clench so deliciously around him. “Oh Christ, now!” He cried. She arched up against him, shuddering as she came apart beneath him. She exploded into a starburst of sensation, splintering into a heap of bone and flesh and need. Her cry clapped back and forth through the trees but she could no more stop it than the tide. 
  He bucked, once, twice, and on the third, emptied himself inside her. Every bit of his heart and soul, claiming her as his for all time. He didn’t care that their actions could have repercussions, didn’t care about what could come tomorrow. His only thoughts were of his immediate future with her. He knew in that moment he would do anything to keep her safe. He would give anything for her. His heart, his body, his soul…even his own life if it meant her safety. The feeling in his chest returned as the blissful tidal wave was subsiding. Dread. 
Lily gathered him to her, laying his head on her chest as he all but collapsed atop her. Her heart pounded beneath his ear, but she sighed contently. She lifted her head slightly to place a kiss against his hair, the scent of cedar and sandalwood stronger now that it had been several days since he had had a cigarette or carried pot on his person. She inhaled his scent deeply, burning it into her memory lest she not be around to smell it after tonight. She could feel the tension in his shoulders and would not pretend not to know what caused it. She shoved her own feelings of fear and panic away, holding him close in this tiny bubble of passion and love where the future could not touch them. She ran her fingers through his semi-damp hair, being rewarded with a sigh as he relaxed against her. 
”What's the first thing you want to do when this is over?” She asked him quietly. He smiled, peppering soft kisses across her collarbones. “I want some more of those chocolate chip pancakes you made. They were soooooo good.” He murmured against her skin. She laughed. “I’ll make them for you. Anytime you want.” It was easy to make such promises when one was basking in a blissful afterglow. He continued to kiss her, sending goosebumps skittering across her skin.
“Hey Eddie…” Her voice was soft, contemplative. He paused in his kisses. “Yes?” He spoke the word just as quietly, before resuming his liberal showering of kisses on her skin. “Tell me something that not many people know about you.” She asked quietly. He seemed to ponder this a moment. “I love pickles.” He said, a lilt in his voice. She playfully smacked at his arm. “I mean, something serious, something real.” She amended as he stifled a laugh. He was silent for a few moments, thinking. “Kaspian.” He said at last. Her fingers paused in his hair. 
  “What?” She asked, as if she hadn’t heard him right. “My middle name. It’s Kaspian. Only you and my uncle know.” She smiled. “Edward Kaspian Munson. I like it.” She said quietly. He shuddered against her, as if his name suddenly held power. “Yeah, my mom was a bit eccentric.” She kissed the top of his head as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck. He pulled out her gently, curling against her side. She turned to face him. “Well, at least you come by it honestly.” She teased. He kissed the tip of her nose. “I suppose so. Hey, maybe we can go see that movie…the one with Bowie in tights.” He murmured. She giggled. “Labyrinth, you mean? I thought you didn’t like Bowie.” She remarked. He yawned. “I don’t, but you do. I’d go and see it with you.” He said as he yawned. She smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Lily, would you sing for me? I miss the sound of your singing.” He asked quietly, reaching over to take her free hand in his. She smiled and nodded, humming softly at first. Her fingers curled around his as her voice became words and she began to sing. 
“Highway run…to the midnight sun...wheels go round and round, you're on my mind…" He sighed contently and snuggled deeper into the crook of her shoulder. She felt the world going dim as sleep dragged her under, her song dwindling slowly into silence. If they were to die tomorrow, there would be no doubt that this had been the happiest night of her life.
Back in the RV, Dustin was pacing. “Do you think we should go after them?” He asked, his voice slightly sharp. The commotion Lily and Eddie had caused by their argument had not gone unnoticed. And they had not yet returned. Steve shook his head. “No. This is something they have to work out for themselves. We don’t need to…interrupt them.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Interr--oh.” Dustin’s eyes widened and he glanced down sheepishly. There were many mysteries of the adult world he had yet to comprehend, but that was not one of them.
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skylarsin7 · 7 months
Chapter 12: War Games
They parked in a field just inside the city limits of Hawkins, a huge empty space of waving emerald grass. Here they prepared their weapons. Metal trash can lids became nail-studded shields, serrated knives strapped to poles became spears. Nancy sat off to the side with Max, sawing off the barrel of her newly acquired shotgun. The metallic clanking of nails being driven into aluminum should have kept Lily's mind from wandering, but it didn't. She watched Eddie and Dustin work side by side as she whittled wooden practice arrows, the older boy teaching the younger how to drive the nails without catching his fingers in the process. An image of a setting much like this one claimed her attention, sweeping her away.
Eddie chased a wobbly toddler, crouching low and scuttling after him like a crab. Lily sat in the grass, cradling a slumbering infant in her arms. Eddie’s magnificent mane was tied back in a ponytail, as it had been since their son first discovered that hair was fun to pull. And it wasn't nearly as fun for his daddy as it was when Lily yanked on his curls. Eddie had traded his skulls and winged hogs for a simple silver band worn on his left ring finger. He still wore that guitar pick necklace around his neck, chipped and worn that it was. He wasn’t any less the Eddie she had fallen in love with, but had become something far greater. Eddie, the father that wouldn’t abandon his children like his old man did. A husband that would protect those he loved at any cost. He was the man she would die for, and the father her children deserved. 
Lily shook her head violently, dispelling the image and bringing herself back to the now. Her heart hammered like an erratic drum and the little voice that accompanied such feelings mocked her. So many obstacles stood between her and that image of bliss she dreamed of. So many ghosts to overcome. Tears came unbidden to her eyes, but she batted them away impatiently. 
  Eddie was testing his newly made shield. "Light, but durable. Deadly…but reliable." Dustin chuckled at his antics. Lily couldn't help but smile through her emotions. "Here me now…there will be no more retreating! From Eddie the Banished." Though his words were said more in the spirit of fun than for any other reason, they sent Lily's heart plummeting into her combat boots. A terrible foreboding stole over her heart, causing it to beat erratically. "There was no shame in running." She thought. If the odds were stacked against you, there was nothing wrong with escaping to fight another day. But she knew in her heart of hearts that there would not be another day. They would either kill Vecna or die trying. 
“Hey, you’re really ready for bat-tle.” Dustin remarked as he rose. Eddie’s face displayed a mix of emotions that ranged from “Oh, my god it's mini me” to “Did I just hear him right? Are we sure he isn’t…high?” Dustin chortled, waiting expectantly for Eddie’s laughter. “You get it?” He asked when it didn't come. Eddie’s expression morphed into “Definitely high. Who gave this child drugs?” “Bat-tle. B-A-T.” Dustin went on. Eddie’s expression did not change. “No? Damn, I thought I had a good one.” 
Disappointment was clear in Dustin’s voice as he set his shield down, unaware that Eddie had already done the same and was readying an attack. Lily couldn’t help but giggle as he launched himself at the younger boy, barreling into him and wrapping his arms around his waist. He turned, and using his momentum, he spun Dustin away playfully. “What are you doing?” The younger boy asked, breathless as he gained his footing, in turn launching himself at Eddie. “You son of a bitch!” Dustin hollered as he ran. Eddie caught him once again around the waist, spinning them and going for a wedgie. “NO WEDGIES, NO WEDGIES!!!” Dustin cried, trying in vain to pull away from the older boy. Eddie straightened, holding Dustin by the back of his head. 
“Never change, Dustin Henderson. Promise me?” Eddie’s voice was soft, sincere. Lily’s heart clenched. If she didn’t know any better, it sounded like an allude to a Goodbye. That protective feeling rose in her chest, blood singing in her ears. She would do anything to protect those boys. She loved them both dearly. “I wasn’t planning on it.” Dustin replied, breathless and a little red in the face. “Good.” Eddie’s smile was radiant. “Goooood.” He echoed, releasing Dustin at last. 
His eyes met hers briefly, and he smiled, the action lighting up his entire face. She knew would never tire of that smile. It was nice to see it after the terror they had endured, despite the odds that were clearly stacked against them. His eyes wandered from hers. “Hey Sinclairs, how are those, uh…those spears coming on?” He asked as he stretched. Lucas gave a thumbs up as he and Erica wrapped spearheads with cloth and twine. Lily watched them, her small smile fading. Her eyes swept the field, watching each pair as they prepared for the fight of their lives. Robin and Steve looked downright cozy as they filled bottles, turning them into Molotov cocktails. For a moment, they seemed like an ideal couple, but the scene lacked a certain chemistry. Besides, she knew that Steve still had feelings for Nancy. She could read it in every line of his face when he looked at her. 
Lily had meant it when she said that she would never return to Philadelphia. That place wasn’t her home. Hadn’t been for nearly three years. This was her family now. Her home. And she would do anything it took to protect it. 
Lily stood, rolling her shoulders and tested the throng of her bow. It was tight, and for that she was grateful. The power that had pulsed through her in the War Zone seemed to have healed her shoulder more than just what was on the surface, because it didn't hurt to flex it now. She stepped to the treeline, sinking into her firing stance. She had fashioned wooden arrows to use for practice and readied one now. It had been over a month since she shot a bow, and her handmade one at home was a far cry from the pulley and tension contraption she wielded now.
She notched an arrow, taking a deep breath to center herself. She sensed several gazes on her, but she did not acknowledge them. On her exhale, she fired, sinking the arrow into the tree before her with a satisfying ‘thunk’. Cheers erupted behind her, and she half turned, watching as Eddie and Dustin hopped around like excited children while Nancy and the others looked on. Lily blushed, turning to fire another arrow, determined to split her first one in two. 
She readied her stance again, closing her eyes a moment and pictured Vecna’s face where her arrow stuck out from the tree. Heat bubbled up in her belly, and the tingling sensation skittered over her nerve endings. It was the same sensation she felt in the War Zone, but this time the tingling in her eyes was stronger. It felt natural to allow this feeling to well up in her chest, her muscles tensing as if coiling to spring. It seemed that the very world around her held its breath as she loosed the arrow. It shot through the air like a star, shattering its predecessor as it slammed into the tree, a sharp splintering sound following it. 
  The silence that followed was deafening. Lily turned back to her friends to find she no longer stood in the lush green of the field, but stood alone in a devastated mirror image, the sky above her dark and forked with crimson lightning. The grass beneath her boots crunched and snapped like blackened, brittle bones as she shifted her weight. 
"Liliana…so you have tasted the power available to you in my realm. It feels good, doesn't it? There is so much more I can give you…" The voice slithered over her skin like slimy tentacles, making her skin crawl. "Vecna…" She hissed. "So you know me…" He continued, a lilt in his voice that suggested Vecna was enjoying her squirming. "I know you are a murderous, disgusting lunatic. And you will not win. We won't let you." Deep laughter echoed through the field. She spun, eyes searching for the source. A man appeared behind her, his stagnant breath on her neck as she turned to face him. He could hardly be called a man, his skin somehow shriveled and damp all at once. His vine-like flesh writhed and squelched as he moved. Revulsion turned her stomach sour and she fought the urge to vomit at his feet. He reached a clawed hand to her, and she shrank away. “Don’t touch me, monster.” He drew back as she spat the last. 
“Monster? It is mankind who are the monsters here. They shun what they don’t understand, climb on one another’s shoulders to keep themselves from drowning, and kill one another to get what they desire.” The jock’s voice flittered past her, swelled with false righteous fury as he riled the town hall meeting into a frenzy. Vecna’s voice was a growl, his eyes startling blue in his decrepit face. Lily felt a twinge of sorrow for the boy Vecna used to be. There was a glimmer of humanity in his eyes for the briefest of moments before his gaze hardened. “You know firsthand how cruel mankind can be.” He added. Her stepfather’s voice boomed through her now, his mottled red and purple face coming into view. She could feel his iron grip on her arms, feel every bruise he ever inflicted on her rise to the surface. Her back spasmed violently, echoes of the blow that had carved it way into her flesh. She shuddered, gasping in pain.
         She shook her head violently, dispelling the images. “It doesn’t matter. There is still good in this world, and as long as that glimmer remains, I will fight for it. I will put an arrow between your eyes, asshole, if it’s the last thing I do.” She vowed. Vecna growled his displeasure, and the image shattered. 
She awoke to frantic shouts of her name, Eddie’s hands on her shoulders, shaking her. “E-Eddie?” She managed, her heart pounding. Eddie pulled her into his arms, cradling her close. “Lily, Christ, don’t scare me like that.” He managed, his voice hoarse, no doubt, from shouting her name. His arms trembled around her, from fear or exertion she didn't know. “I saw him.” Lily breathed. “What?” Came several voices at once. “Vecna…he had me.” She whispered. Eddie growled low in his throat. “He wants you, he’ll have to pry you from my cold, dead fingers.” His eyes glittered dangerously and Lily had to look away.
 “What did he show you?”  Nancy asked, her voice trembling. Lily shook her head. “Nothing I didn’t already know.” She said. She managed a smile, but she knew that the light of it would not reach her eyes. “You had us scared to death.” Dustin said, his voice breathy as if he too, had been frantically screaming for her. Lily ducked her head in blatant apology. “I did learn one thing…” She began, taking a deep breath before continuing. “He won’t stop. No matter what, he will continue to come at us until we either submit, or die. We have to kill him.” 
That night was somber, reserved. They had a simple dinner of canned goods and bread, barely speaking as each retreated to their own spot to catch a few Z’s before they went back into the Upside Down. Eddie grabbed a pillow from the couch, fluffing it as best he could before tossing it on the floor. 
"Are you afraid?" Lily's voice was small, breathless. He turned to her, watching as she wove the end of her hair into a single, long braid. She glanced up at him, her hazel eyes swirling with a plethora of emotions. "Terrified." He admitted. She swallowed hard, wrapping the end of her braid in a hair tie. “I have been through the plan a hundred times in my head and no matter how prepared we seem to be…” She broke off, drawing a shuddering breath. He said nothing as he crossed the space between them and wrapped his arms around her, effectively cutting off the rest of her statement. “Don’t talk like that. I already have half a mind to tie you to the chair and keep you out of this. But I know it wouldn't do any good. You would only hate me for it. We will get through this…together.” She pressed her face to his chest, stifling the emotions that welled up in the chasm of her own. His arms tightened around her. “Hey…I’m here. I’m here…” He said quietly as he ran his knuckles up and down her spine. “Shh…shh…” Her shoulders shook, and he held her closer. “I’m right here, you’re in my arms, you’re safe. We will win. We have to.”  He knew he shouldn’t promise this, but for her, he would promise the world if it meant she would smile again. She pulled back from him a little, swiping at her face impatiently.
“What if we don’t? What if Vecna somehow figures out the plan and….” He gripped the rope of her braid, tugging it gently but firmly, forcing her to meet his eyes. They drilled into hers without mercy, and he held her there. Her stomach flip flopped, and it wasn't in fear. “If things go badly tomorrow, at least we will be together, right?” She nodded, closing her eyes, silver tears slipping free. The hand that held her braid released, cupping the back of her head. He kissed her, hard. She relaxed into him, his body solid and warm and vital against her. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back, burning the feeling of him into her memory. If they were going to die tomorrow, she didn’t want there to be any doubt in his mind on how she felt about him. After a long moment, she released him. The others slumbered soundly, oblivious to the heat that now scorched through the space between them. The moon was not quite at the midnight point in the sky. 
“Eddie, I…I have something to ask you...” She said quietly as she pulled away, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. “What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice soft, breathless with the passion of their kiss. “Nothing. You told me once that my mother was wrong, that you would marry a bull headed, unladylike girl with her head in a fantasy dice game. I…I…” She swallowed, hard. He waited patiently, not rushing her. “Would you…make love to me?” She blurted the words before she could recall them. He froze and his eyes widened. “Lily…I…I can’t…” He replied quietly. Her chest tightened. 
“Why not?” Her voice was sharper than she intended and she fought to keep her composure. “Is it because of Chrissy?” She could not stop the jealousy that rose in her voice. His jaw dropped open. “No, it has nothing to do with Chrissy. Is that what you think?” He asked, his voice harsh. She bit her lip. She hadn’t intended to anger him. “I… I don’t know what to think. What do you expect me to think when you tell me that you would marry me, and then refuse me this. This could be the last night of our lives. I want you to know how I feel.” Eddie sighed. “It isn’t because of Chrissy.” He confirmed. 
“Then, is it because I am underage? I turn eighteen in a few short hours, I don’t think anyone is going to be that technical. Besides, you don’t tell them, I won’t tell them. Who would know but us?” Eddie had begun shaking his head long before she had finished her statement. “I told you I don’t care about that. That isn’t the issue.” He gripped her upper arms abruptly. She drew in a breath, flinching more out of reflex than actual pain. He realized what he had done and released her immediately. “Then tell me.” Her voice had gone dangerously quiet, and she found she couldn't meet his eyes. He sighed again. “It's because you are the one thing I want to get right. I love you Lily, but I cannot take what you are offering.” She drew away from him. 
“So how I feel doesn't count, is that it? Was all that talk in the Upside Down bullshit?” She knew she was being ridiculous, fighting to keep her voice level and losing. Here they were, hours away from the fight of their lives and she was arguing with him over whether or not he wanted to sleep with her. He went to answer her, but she cut him off. “You know what, nevermind. I don't think I want to know.” She brushed past him, out of the RV and into the night. 
Her boots barely touched grass before she was running. Tears turned her vision into a mass of blurry shapes highlighted by the moon. Her heart pounded, blood singing in her ears. Despite his denial, she couldn't help but think it was because she wasn't Chrissy. She really shouldn't have been surprised. She had seen Chrissy’s picture on the sports wall at Hawkins High, and she really couldn’t blame him for his attraction. She was gorgeous, talented, popular, and, if Lily could overlook her intense jealousy, looked like she was a genuinely sweet girl. Eddie had every right to have feelings for her. Lily made it into the treeline, and she could hear the scramble of feet after her, Eddie’s frantic call of her name echoing. She ignored him and pushed faster. She was desperate to put some distance between them. 
A tree root stuck out of the ground too far and she failed to clear it, tripping and sprawling across the forest floor. She lay there a moment, gasping, her heart thundering painfully in her chest. Her tears flowed, and she was unable to continue to hold them at bay. She had been stupid to come here. What had she expected? That he would see the face to the voice he had been hearing for months and instantly forget everyone else? Ridiculous. Ridiculous and incredibly naive. Even more painfully she knew that Eddie had known Chrissy since they were young, and they had history. Lily was just a voice over a walkie talkie. She managed to sit up, Eddie’s too large Metallica shirt askew, her pale legs covered in smears of dirt, her cargo shorts nearly unrecognizable. She curled in on herself a moment, tucking her arm around her face, breathing in the faint scent of Eddie that still clung to the fabric. “LILY!!” She could hear him crash through the brush, clearing the protrusion where she had failed to. “Christ Lily, what the hell?” Eddie asked breathlessly, crouching down beside her. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. “Lily, look at me, please…” There was a note of something she couldn’t identify in his voice that made it impossible to refuse him. 
Their eyes locked, his gaze so dark it seemed to swallow up the faint moonlight that managed to make it past the canopy. “Why did you run, Lil? You took off without letting me explain.” Shame burned her skin, but she couldn’t answer him. “What I said when we were trapped down there…it wasn't bullshit. I love you Lily. I have for a long time. Even before I knew what you looked like. And I'm sorry it's taken me this long to admit it.” His words were soft, gentle. Despite his tender words, pain rippled through her chest. “But you don’t want me.” She managed. He shook his head. “I want you more than my next breath. More than I want this nightmare behind us. I need you, Lily. But I want to do things right with you. I’ve never done anything properly in my life, but you, I want to get right. I wasn't lying when I said I would marry you. But I want to take you out on actual dates, save up and buy the perfect ring. I want to propose to you in the most beautiful place that I know.” 
Somewhere during his speech, her tears had escaped her control once more, streaking down her face. His eyes shone with pain as they met hers. "Please sweetheart, don't cry. I can't stand to see you cry." He brushed her tears from her cheeks. He continued quietly, his eyes bearing intensely into hers. “Never doubt my feelings for you. I knew Chrissy. Everyone did. And maybe to some extent, I admired her. But I never had feelings for her. I sensed something was wrong when she came to ME of all people for help. And yes, I was devastated and scared by her death. But she was just someone I knew. Nothing more."
It was several moments before she could speak. "I want to give you everything. All that I am. I want a piece of you buried so deeply inside my heart that no matter what happens tomorrow, you will always be a part of me. And I, a part of you." She swallowed.  It is not just for physical pleasure. I want there to be no barriers left between us." He smiled, brushing his thumb across the ridge of her cheek. She sure made a compelling argument. His resolve had wobbled, cracking and splintering over and over as her tears leaked free. He really couldn't stand to see her cry. "You know, it is almost midnight. You will be eighteen very shortly." His voice had some of its playfulness back, his dark eyes glittering with mischief. He couldn't refuse her. She nodded. "I know." He took her hand, helping her to her feet. 
Once she was standing, he pulled her close as he began to hum. Lily recognized "Faithfully" as he crooned softly, swaying her from side to side in a gentle dance. She lay her head against his chest, matching his rhythm and moving with him. Hearing the familiar notes of the song that once brought her so much pain, it surprised her once again when only warmth welled in her heart. He sighed, kissing her forehead. "I would be a colossal fool not to love you, Liliana Halen. And I am a great many things, but a fool is not one of them. Except for you. You are  the only one I am a fool for." 
He knelt down on one knee. "I know it sounds silly, or cliche, but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope you know that. You are every dream I have ever had, every wish I could make on the stars as they fall. You know I am not one for poetry, but I find myself wanting to give you every flowery word I know to tell you how much you mean to me. Liliana Rose Halen, I’m terrified to say that I love you because I know what loving someone means. And I know how dangerous it can be to fall in love with someone and acknowledge that, in some small way, that that person has the power to destroy you. But I am not afraid to fall in love with you. Because I have. I have fallen in love with you. As deeply as the ocean, and as surely as the sunrise. I love you. And I want to be there for the good days, the bad days, the sick days, and the angry days. I want to be there every single day for the rest of our lives. I want to kiss you every night and wake up with you every morning. Lily, would you make me the world's luckiest man and accept me as I am? I know I’m not perfect. And I won’t ever try to be. But I will always try to be the best version of myself…for you. Will you…marry me?"  
Her tears flowed freely and she nodded, not trusting herself with words. She didn't even need to think about it. He grinned, standing and working off one of his rings. "I know it's a little big, but I promise that after we finish this, I will buy you a proper one." He slipped the ring on her finger. Its single black stone glittered in the pale light and she flung her arms around him, kissing him deeply.
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skylarsin7 · 8 months
Chapter 11: I Wanna Start a Fight
“I have an idea.” Eddie rose from the couch, rummaging around the various cabinets. “What are you looking for?” Max asked. He glanced up at her, focusing on her a second before continuing his search. “A phonebook.” He answered without looking up. Max turned the corner, returning with a semi-thick copy of the yellow pages. “This?” She offered. Eddie nodded, reaching for it. He leafed through several pages before slamming it down on the table. “Check this out. The War Zone. I’ve been there once, it's huge. They’ve got everything you need for uh, well, killing things, basically.” He spoke quickly, pointing to the ad in the book. A wannabe commando with a squared off hairstyle toted a submachine gun in his hands, bare chested, with his hair tied back in a bandana. The American flag flew behind him proudly. “Do you think fake Rambo has enough guns there?” Robin asked sarcastically, scoffing. “Is that a grenade? I mean, how is ANY of this legal?” She seemed very skeptical. “Well, lucky for us it is so…” Eddie let the sentence trail a second before continuing. “This, this place is just far enough outside of Hawkins. As long as we steer clear of the main roads, we ought to be able to avoid cops and uh, angry hicks.” He explained. 
  Erica rolled her eyes. “If we’re trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn’t go to some store called The War Zone.” She pointed out. “Normally, I’d agree, but we need the weapons. So, I think it’s worth the risk.” Nancy piped up. Lily had to agree with her. “Me too.” Lucas said. “But is it worth the time? It’ll take all day to bike there and back.” Dustin said. “Who said anything about bikes?” Eddie asked, glancing at Dustin. “You got some car we don’t know about?” Steve asked, a lilt to his voice that suggested that he highly doubted it. Eddie stood up straight. “It’s not exactly a car, Steve. And it’s not exactly mine, but uh, it’ll do.” He said as he smiled wickedly. He glanced up at Max. “Hey Red, you got a ski mask or a bandanna, something like that?” He asked. She pondered a moment before turning and bounding down the hall to her room. She returned a few moments later with a rubber Mike Myers mask. Eddie stared at it a moment before taking it. “Alright, let’s go.” 
         Eddie slipped the mask over his head, his own curls hanging out beneath the mask's fake tufts. Because he looked so ridiculous, Lily couldn’t help but smile. It seemed oddly apropos. He led them around the side of Max��s trailer, pausing at the corner before signaling them forward. They kept close together, their heads on a swivel. Eddie had a small duffle bag clenched in his hand. It reminded Lily distantly of her lockpicking set, which she missed desperately. It was still at the Wheelers. They filed behind a Winnebago, the occupants of the RV listening to the radio and smoking while they sat in lawn chairs outside. Eddie led them around the other side of the RV, testing a window and finding it unlocked. He heaved himself inside, and the others followed after him, Steve giving Lily a boost so she didn’t injure her shoulder any further. As she climbed into the RV, she watched as Eddie made his way to the front, twisting the lock on the door before settling in the driver’s seat.
         He worked quickly, his hands moving expertly through the motions of hotwiring. Lily watched in fascination. “Where did you learn to do this?” Steve asked as he leaned over Eddie's shoulder, also watching, his expression a mixture of awe and a little concern. Eddie sighed heavily. “Well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hotwire. Now, I swore to myself I wouldn’t wind up like he did, but now I’m wanted for murder, and soon, grand theft auto.” There was a bitterness in his voice that made Lily’s chest ache. He didn’t deserve any of this. “I’m really living up to that Munson name.” He added with disgust. “Uh, Eddie, I’m not sure I love the idea of you driving.” Robin said over Steve’s shoulder. Eddie turned his head to her. “Oh, I’m starting the sucker. Harrington’s got her…don’t cha big boy?” He teased, a wicked grin spreading over his features. That smile seemed to wash every bit of bitterness from his face. Steve stared at him, his eyes wide. Eddie touched the wires together carefully and the engine coughed, roaring to life. The radio belted out “Somewhere around the Bend” and Lily couldn’t help but smile. Shouts and curses from the owners of the RV reached their ears and Eddie grinned again, standing to allow Steve to get into the driver’s seat. 
         “Everybody hang onto something!” Steve yelled back, throwing the RV into gear. “Drive Steve, DRIVE!!” Dustin bellowed from the back. The older boy stomped on the gas, and the RV lurched forward, rocketing down the dirt drive of the trailer park. “Oh they look pissed!” Dustin observed. Robin scoffed. “Well, it’s not every day you lose your house and car in one fell swoop.” She pointed out. The RV's owners ran after them, but were no match for the Winnebago’s get up and go. They left the pair cursing in the dust, disappearing around the bend and out of sight. 
         The sights of Hawkins faded from view as they drove down oddly deserted highways. Lily half expected there to be sirens behind them, the law sending the calvary after them. But there was nothing. She relaxed against Eddie’s side, exhaustion creeping to the forefront. He wrapped an arm gently around her, cradling her against him. “That was pretty metal.” She murmured. “Hmm?” He asked, glancing down at her. “How you hotwired this thing. You’ll have to teach me that…” He smiled. “I think I am enough of a bad influence on you without making it worse, Naur Tinu.” The Elvish endearment rolled off his tongue easily, warming her. Fire Star. It seemed a fitting nickname. She smiled broadly. “Oh, I called that asshole Jock a Lygion and Nadorhuan. I knew he wouldn’t understand them and it was so satisfying to see the confusion on his face. He thought I was speaking the “Devil’s tongue.” She air-quoted the last, laughing. Eddie’s eyes were serious as they settled on hers. “I don’t want you going anywhere near them again, understand me?” He said sternly, his intense stare shaking her down to her bones. “These fanatics are dangerous and if they think you are the enemy, they won’t ask questions. They will just shoot.” He told her. Her smile faded. “You have already put a target on your back by even associating with me, let alone antagonizing Jason.” He added bitterly. She glanced away, color on her cheeks. “I couldn’t just sit by and let them slander your name.” She said quietly. He kissed the crown of her head. “I know that sweetheart. And I admire your bravery and sense of justice. But you have to understand how these religious idiots think.”
         His words had her stiffening, her hair bristling. Oh, she knew EXACTLY how religious fanatics thought. She had personal experience at the hands of her very religious and bigoted stepfather. She had the scars to prove it. The largest of which spanned across her back, from just under her bra strap to the swell of one hip. She had received it when she had made the mistake of walking away from him. That had been with the buckle to his worn leather belt. It had bled for hours, healing into a matted rift that not even her mother had seen. She had made sure of that. Lily shivered. She was grateful that Eddie hadn’t seemed to notice. She was afraid of what he would think or do if he knew.
  “How’s the handle?” Nancy asked Steve as they drove along. He smiled softly, casting a brief glance at her. “Not half bad considering that this is a house.” He replied. She chuckled softly. Lily couldn’t help but overhear, and found herself sucked into the conversation. This was a softer Steve, a side of himself that he seemed to reserve for Nancy alone. There was a beat of silence between them before Steve cleared his throat. “Yeah it’s…it’s silly, but I…I’ve actually, uh…I always had this dream that I’d have this really, really big family. I’m talking like uh…a full brood of Harringtons.” Lily couldn’t help but smile, picturing it. “Like five, six kids” Nancy stared at him incredulously. “Six?” She asked, her tone matching the traumatized expression on her face. “Yeah, six little Nuggets.” Steve replied, oblivious to her panic. 
“Three girls, three boys.” He seemed to be lost in the image as he drove. “And…and every summer I figured all of us Harringtons, we would pack into something like this…” He gestured with his free hand to the vehicle, “and just…see the country. You know, the Rockies, the Grand Canyon…maybe Yellowstone.” Lily had to admit, his dream was nice. “End up in some beachside town in California. Spend a week parked in the sand. Learn how to surf or something.” Nancy was watching him in rapt fascination. “That sounds nice.” She whispered. His eyes met hers. 
“Yeah?” He asked, a slight smile on his face. “Yeah.” She replied tenderly before catching herself. “Well, uh, except for the six-kid part. That sounds like a total nightmare.” She joked. Steve scoffed. “If only I had some practice.” He said sarcastically, casting a glance back into the rest of the RV. Something about his tone made it almost seem like a boyish fantasy that he had somehow held onto through everything that he had been through. Lily felt a pang in her heart and she snuck a glance at Eddie. He was looking out the window, his eyes following the scenery as they passed. She wondered briefly what he felt about starting a family. Maybe even a family with her.
         The War Zone was smaller than she had anticipated. The way Eddie had talked about it, she expected a warehouse like space. But this was no bigger than a Piggly Wiggly or Kroger's back home. Steve parked the RV off to the side of the building, under the shade of huge oak trees. Steve and Nancy climbed out, followed by Robin, Erica, Max, and Lily. Eddie had been reluctant to let her go, but she had only offered him a smile before following after them. 
They entered the shop, pausing just inside the doorway. The place was crawling with people, the entire space filled floor to ceiling with everything from guns to drones, military attire, and every manner of weapon they could imagine. “So much for avoiding angry hicks.” Robin scoffed. “Let’s be…fast.” Nancy agreed. There was no argument. 
They fanned out, each choosing a corner and loading up the buggies with supplies. Robin and Steve found the kerosine, setting five or six  gallons into their cart. Robin glanced up, and froze. Steve followed her gaze and smirked. “What are you gonna do, Robin? Stand and gawk?” He teased. Robin’s eyes softened, taking in the scrawny redhead from across the room. She would know her anywhere. Vickie. “Shut up.” She said offhandedly, half-hearted at best. Robin went to move towards Vickie when a boy spooked the girl, wrapping his arms gently around her. Vickie jumped and squealed in delight, giggling as she turned around to face him. Robin’s heart fell. Steve felt a searing hatred for the redhead boil up in his chest. Robin turned and fled as the girl’s eyes landed on her. Steve called after her, but to no avail. 
Lily wandered in and among shelves of knives, throwing stars, and ammunition of every possible kind. She wasn’t the type to like guns, and even the throwing stars didn’t grab her fancy. She turned a corner, the far wall coming into view. Her heart hammered and she stepped closer. Bows. From simple wooden hunting bows to tension compound, every possible type gleamed from their hooks. This was more her style. Her father had insisted that if she wanted to play a Ranger, she had to learn how to shoot. The man behind the counter eyed her a moment. “May I help you, miss?” He asked, a little sarcasm in his voice. She smiled. “That one. How much?” She pointed to the huge tension and pulley bow in the center of the display. “That one is $220, and I’ll throw in 60 steel tip arrows if you do cash.” She smiled. Eddie had contributed quite a bit of quid for this excursion, as his side gig as a drug dealer seemed to have its merits. She had known about the dealing, and despite her own reservations about it, couldn’t deny it was indeed the fast track to getting out of one’s current situation. He had admitted to trying everything once, but found that he didn’t like the lack of control they provided. He only dealt them to save up enough to take care of his uncle and eventually get out of Hawkins. 
She paid the vendor, also purchasing a pair of boots and a steel hunting knife from a nearby seller. “Nancy Wheeler…” Jason’s slight drawl caught Lily’s attention, instantly drawing her gaze. He leaned over one of the display counters, cradling a handgun between his fingers. Not for the first time Lily had to admit to herself that if he wasn’t hunting the man she loved, she would have found him attractive. In a very "Boy Next Door" kind of way. She couldn't exactly hear their conversation as the jock had leaned in close but stiffened as he grabbed the barrel of the shotgun in Nancy's hands. A growl forced its way through her clenched teeth. "Let it go…" The words echoed through her mind, an unfamiliar tingling sensation skittering down her spine, stretching down her limbs and even making her eyes feel funny. Heat seared her shoulder, burning intensely for a moment before dying to an uncomfortable ember. Lily could see that Nancy had echoed her thoughts in words as she stared the jock down. He yelped and stepped back abruptly as if the barrel of the gun had burned him. Even at that distance Lily could see his hand tremble, slightly red in color. "What the hell?" He asked, his eyes widening as he staggered back another step. "You're a goddamn witch…" He said, now trembling from head to toe as he backed away from Nancy. "Goddamn freak." Lily had heard enough. Though her shoulder trembled and throbbed, she crossed the space to Nancy, her eyes never leaving the jock's terrified face. His jaw fell slack as she came into his view. "You....it was you!" He cried. 
Lily couldn't help another growl as it escaped her. "I suggest you leave while you can…" She warned. He hesitated, peering around nervously, no doubt, looking for his other stooges. “Where’s your master, freak?” He sneered with more gall than Lily would have given him credit for. She leveled him with a glare. “If you think I am going to tell you anything, then you are even more delusional than I thought. Leave while I am still in a charitable mood.” The tingling in her limbs intensified, flaring along her shoulder a second time. She ignored the stinging, refusing to look away from Jason. He met her stare only briefly as if contemplating refusing her, before his eyes went wide. He stared at her with a mix of horror and fascination, as if she was simultaneously the most beautiful and terrifying thing he had ever seen in his life. She growled at him again, taking another step towards him. Jason staggered back, turned tail and practically ran out of the store. It wasn’t until he was gone that Lily felt herself relax. 
Nancy grabbed her arm. "What did you do?" She asked hurriedly. Lily shrugged. "I didn't do anything…I don't think…" Nancy's eyes met hers and the older girl sucked in a breath. "Lily, your eyes…." Nancy fought to tear her gaze away, and finally succeeding, turned and snatched a pair of sunglasses from the rack. "Here put these on. Jason won't be alone. We need to get out of here before he can tell the others." Lily nodded, putting the glasses on. She slung her newly acquired compound bow over her shoulder, tucking her three quivers of steel arrows under her arm. A pair of army grade combat boots dangled from her fingers. "Let's go." 
"What in the hell is taking them so long?" Dustin paced the RV, back and forth and back and forth. It was beginning to grate on Eddie's nerves. He was about to tell him so when the door flew open and the rest of the gang piled inside. 
  "We gotta go!" Erica announced, flinging herself into a nearby chair. "Yeah, step on it!" Lily agreed. Eddie cocked his head at her. "Nice shades. Too bright for you outside?" He asked with a smile, teasing her. She shook her head. "I think something happened to me in the Upside Down. Something....weird." He eyed her, his expression urging her to continue. She sighed, taking off the glasses. Her gaze met his and he sucked in a breath. "What. The. Hell?" Was all he could say. Lily turned towards the back of the RV, where a mirror was mounted on the wall. Her heart began to pound. Her eyes, once a shifting hazel, were now blazing molten amber, burning like twin flames. She blinked several times, but they didn't change. "The leader of the Stooges was harassing Nancy. And I made him stop. He thought Nancy made it happen. But it was me." Dustin stared at her. She had almost forgotten that they were not alone. "Like Eleven? She's psychic…and telekinetic…" He asked, eyes wide.
Lily shrugged. "It's a possibility. I don't know. I wanted him to let the gun go and the next moment he did. As if the gun had burned him. And I’m tingly all over." Eddie reached out, his fingers brushing her cheek. "Lady Aezadora is living up to her renown." He said with a smile. Once it was confirmed that she wasn’t in any danger, he seemed to take her newfound weirdness in stride. It wasn’t by far the weirdest thing that had happened to him the past week anyway.
  Nancy cleared her throat. "Thank you for that. Jason had me really nervous. He is convinced that Hellfire is some kind of devil cult and that they are somehow behind the murders. And I don't think he is going to stop until he sees it destroyed." Nancy's voice shook as she spoke. Lily shook her head violently. "We won't let that happen. We will kill Vecna and stop the killings. Then we will clear Eddie's name." She spoke with a finality and confidence that booked no argument. And there was none. She reached for Nancy’s hand, taking it in her own. 
“Don’t let that pompous airhead get to you. He’s gonna think twice before picking on someone from now on.” Nancy smiled, but the light of it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Don’t underestimate him. What he lacks in intelligence, he makes up for in charisma. People are drawn to him and follow him blindly.” Lily nodded. She knew full well what charisma could do. She cleared her throat. “I know his type. My stepfather is a lot like him. Only he takes it one step further. He is in a position of power and doesn’t hesitate to let everyone around him know what kind of pedestal he has placed himself on.” She shivered, rubbing her arms where the bruises had faded. Eddie noticed the movement and rage shot through him.
  “Did he abuse you? Physically, I mean.” Eddie whispered, his voice dangerously low. Lily didn’t answer him right away as if afraid of his reaction. But her hesitation was all the answer he needed. He took deep breaths, willing calm into his limbs. “If I ever meet the sonofabitch, I will become what they’re accusing me of.” He vowed. Lily released Nancy’s hand, reaching for Eddie’s, which shook. “You won’t have to worry about that. I’m not going home after this. That place is dead to me. He can never hurt me again.” He seemed to relax a little, wrapping his fingers around hers, his thumb making little circles across the back of her hand. She smiled, marveling once again at how warm he was, as if he held a sun captive beneath his skin. 
The drive back to Hawkins was quiet, and Lily found herself dozing off. It has been nearly two days since she slept, and it was beginning to weigh on her. She leaned against Eddie’s shoulder, snuggled into his warmth. “Hey Eds…” She murmured, looking up at him. His dark eyes found hers, sparkling slightly. “Everything okay, how’s your shoulder?” He asked quietly. She lifted her arm, surprised that there was only the tiniest twitch of pain. “Hardly hurts at all.” He smiled. “That’s good. What did Max give you?” Lily shrugged. “Just Tylenol I think. But when I confronted Jason, I felt this tingling sensation all over. And a little burning in my shoulder. I wonder…” She sat up, unzipping the jacket and shifting his shirt away from her neck. Lifting one corner of the gauze, her eyes widened. “It’s so much smaller now.” Her voice was a squeak, disbelief an edge to every syllable. "Fire and healing magic. Seems the Upside Down really awoke the Aeza in you." He remarked with a smile. 
She snuggled back against him, playing with a loose thread on his shirt sleeve. "What were you going to ask me?" He spoke quietly, nuzzling into her hair as if they were alone. "Oh, it's nothing." She replied. He eyed her a moment, but let it go. 
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