Risks of not absorbing enough Vitamin C?
The mighty vitamin C, in other words, Ascorbic acid is a potent antioxidant and an indispensable nutrient required for various metabolic  reactions in both animal and plant kingdoms. As a water-soluble vitamin, it is one of the safest nutrients that rarely causes overdosage. Which means even if you accidently ingest above the daily requirement most of the ascorbic acid will be excreted through urine without the need of any intervention.
Vit C is absorbed by both active transport and simple diffusion and readily excreted via kidneys. The recommended intake according to UK Food Standards Agency is 40 mg day or 280 mg per week. Continuing inadequate intake will result in Scurvy which will affect connective tissue and if untreated can cause death.
Significant sources of Vit C are citrus fruits like strawberries, oranges , raspberries etc. Green leafy vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, and lettuce. Some other vegetables and fruits like broccoli, potatoes, and brussels sprouts are also rich in vitamin C. It is also available as a dietary supplement and there is no difference in chemical formula. Slow Releasae Vit C shines among other due to its sustained releasing quality which releases slowly over an extended time constantly saturating your body with ascorbic acid not like a single high dose that will be excreted rapidly.  Vitamin C is also rich in citrus bioflavonoids derived from citrus fruits. Being also called Vitamin P, these will add extra antioxidative power to ascorbic acid and improve the circulatory health of the individual.
Few Cardinal functions are listed below.
Protects the body from free radicals that stress the body causing ‘cellular rust’. This oxidative stress can later lead to atherosclerosis (fat deposits within vessels) and cause heart diseases and stroke.
Vitamin C will lower the histamine level that causes cold and control a runny nose and body ache, minimizing the symptoms and shortening the duration. Those who are getting the required dose daily will be benefitted from the prophylactic effect against cold as well
Boosts Immune system
Vitamin C is well known for its ability to stimulate white blood cells and boost immunity. It’s a component of immune cells, but the mechanism is not yet understood though several hypotheses prevail.
Vitamin C is required for synthesis of collagen, a structural protein found in connective tissue comprising teeth, bone, cartilage, skin and blood vessels .So it will promote wound healing, protect you from harmful microbes and it will keep the skin glowing and firm. Deficiency will lead to a dry, wrinkled and lifeless skin. Skin will be rejuvenated and will exert an anti-aging effect.
One of the immensely studied areas of Vitamin C benefits. Recently British researchers studied antioxidant effect against vascular fat deposition(atherosclerosis) and results were outstanding. After six weeks of supplementation (250 mg /day) the leukocyte aggregation leading to fat build up reduced by 37 %. It is believed that each and every step in the atherosclerotic process can be benefitted by daily intake.
The antioxidative action will protect cells from DNA damage causing mutations which later becomes cancer. Immune boosting action will prevent the development of cancer precursor compounds as well.
Unlike many other supplements containing synthetic ascorbic acid, Vitabiotics and HealthAid supplements contain Bioflavonoids which are a vast array of phytonutrients that will enhance and prolong the action of Vit C. Actually without these, ascorbic acid will be easily oxidized and can be harmful to a certain extent. These are naturally found in citrus fruits like lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit etc.
Bioflavonoids will be most potent when they are picked from the tree and with time nutritional value will decrease. Supplements available on SKOT Chemist Online will be particularly beneficial for individuals with ‘high demand’ as athletes, sportsmen, sportswomen, over 50s, those with hectic lifestyles and adolescents who are at developing stages in their life.
Two time noble prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling declared that nearly all diseases can be traced back to a nutritional deficiency. So don’t wait, get a healthy diet rich in Vitamin C.
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Health precautions when traveling to South East Asia
Travelling is intoxicating and exciting and allows you to experience new food, cultures, and get you to do things that you will possibly dream of. Geographically South East Asia lies south of China and north of Australia and consists of popular tourist destinations such as Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar. No matter which country you visit, all travelers should check for the potential health hazards in their target destinations and follow preventive measures to mi
Travelling is intoxicating and exciting and allows you to experience new food, cultures, and get you to do things that you will possibly dream of. Geographically South East Asia lies south of China and north of Australia and consists of popular tourist destinations such as Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar. No matter which country you visit, all travelers should check for the potential health hazards in their target destinations and follow preventive measures to minimize the risks of getting a disease that is geo-specific. Even if you are coming back to your country of birth after a long time, still you should be protected.
Well, first things first. It's ideal to visit a medical practitioner about five weeks prior to travel. But last minute travelers can also be benefited. The need of vaccinations or prophylactic medicines like anti-malarial drugs will be discussed there. Few vaccines will be recommended like Hepatitis B and A vaccines which unless previously immunized, are a must. Another one is Typhoid vaccine as typhoid is very common due to contaminated food and water. It’s important to assume that all water to be contaminated. Use bottled or treated water and keep your mouth closed while taking a bath. Wash hands compulsively and keep hydrated.
Combined diphtheria, polio and tetanus (DPT) booster dose is also important. Pre- exposure rabies vaccine will be key in high-risk areas as once you get bitten the rabies vaccines in developing countries may be old and outdated causing violent allergic reactions on travelers. Rabies is 99.9% fatal once contracted so keep it in mind. The last vaccine to mention is JE (Japanese Encephalitis). JE is transmitted by only one type of mosquito that bites pigs and birds and accidentally passes the disease into humans. So if you are visiting farms with a large number of pigs and livestock, better get vaccinated. JE is unlikely in urban areas. Try to prevent mosquito bites wearing long sleeves and use bed nets.
Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should also be aware of the dreaded Zika virus plaguing South East Asia as almost all tourist destinations are already engulfed by it. Zika can cause birth defects in babies who were born to mothers infected with it during pregnancy. Up to date, there is no vaccine developed against Zika.
Malaria and dengue, the mosquito-borne infections are of much importance in Southeast Asia. Malaria is prominent in rural areas but Dengue is notable in urban regions. The vast majority of travelers do not require malaria prophylactic drugs as it is uncommon in coastal and populated urban areas, but those ‘adventurer’ type travelers may be benefited. For them, drugs like ‘mefloquine’ can be prescribed. In mefloquine resistant areas like certain parts of Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia, daily doxycycline is advised. For dengue, there is no effective prophylaxis available and preventing mosquito bites at all cost is recommended.
Being aware of  sexually transmitted diseases is crucial. Safe sex practices using latex condoms or preferably abstinence is suggested as the number of HIV-infected people from there are plummeting. Try to cut down alcohol use as travelers take more risks when intoxicated. Not only sexual activity, if you get any dental or medical care make sure the equipment are sterile and sanitized. Do not try to get tattoos or any other procedures that break the skin as all these mishaps can cause a life-wrecking HIV infection.
According to WHO, southeast Asia has the largest share of  trade in counterfeit medications. So don’t take over the counter drugs from any drug store and be sure to carry enough medications in a first aid box kept in luggage. Prevention is always better than cure. So always plan your travels early.
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