skinsimpletrue · 3 months
7 Best Temporary Instant wrinkle Remover For Youthful Skin
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Do you have a big event and don't have time to get a wrinkle removal treatment? Or you want to know about the best instant wrinkle erasers to keep them in your beauty arsenal. Either way, we've got you covered. 
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skinsimpletrue · 3 months
DIY Mielle Hair Oil
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skinsimpletrue · 3 months
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skinsimpletrue · 3 months
How To Use Fenugreek For Hair Growth & Control Hair Loss?
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Fenugreek is becoming a popular home remedy for hair growth and is known to prevent hair loss. People are raving about the benefits of it, praising its natural properties for nourishing the scalp and strengthening hair. But does it really work? Read the article for all you need to know about this oil!
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skinsimpletrue · 3 months
8 Skincare Hacks a Dermatologist Recommended for Winter Radiance
As the winter chill sets in, our skin often undergoes various challenges that can leave it feeling dry, dull, and irritated. To combat these seasonal skincare woes, I recently had the privilege of consulting a dermatologist who shared invaluable tips to keep skin healthy and radiant during the colder months. Here are eight expert-approved skincare hacks to incorporate into your winter routine.
Hydration is Key: One of the fundamental principles emphasized by the dermatologist was the importance of hydration. Cold weather, indoor heating, and hot showers can strip the skin of its natural moisture. Combat this by incorporating a rich, hydrating moisturizer into your daily routine. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to lock in moisture and keep your skin supple.
Gentle Cleansing: Avoid harsh cleansers that can further dry out your skin. Opt for a gentle, hydrating cleanser that effectively removes impurities without compromising your skin's natural barrier. Consider cleansing your face with lukewarm water to prevent excessive drying.
Humidify Your Space: Combat the dry indoor air caused by heaters by using a humidifier in your living space. This simple addition helps maintain optimal moisture levels in the air, preventing your skin from becoming overly dry.
Protective Layers: Don't skimp on sunscreen just because it's winter. Harmful UV rays are still present, and snow can reflect sunlight, intensifying its effects. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it to exposed areas, including your face, neck, and hands.
Exfoliate Wisely: Exfoliation is essential to slough off dead skin cells and encourage cell turnover, but too much can exacerbate winter dryness. Opt for a gentle exfoliant with ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) once or twice a week to maintain a healthy glow.
Lip Care: Chapped lips are a common winter woe. Combat this by using a nourishing lip balm containing ingredients such as shea butter, beeswax, or coconut oil. Apply it regularly to keep your lips soft and hydrated.
Invest in a Night Cream: Nighttime is when the skin undergoes repair and regeneration. Enhance this process by using a richer night cream during the winter months. Look for formulations with ingredients like retinol, peptides, or ceramides to promote overnight rejuvenation.
Stay Hydrated from Within: Hydrating your skin goes beyond topical treatments. Ensure you're drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day to maintain overall skin health. Herbal teas and water-rich fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your hydration levels.
As winter brings its unique challenges to skincare, implementing these dermatologist-approved hacks can help you achieve a radiant complexion despite the harsh weather conditions. Remember, a consistent and thoughtful skincare routine is the key to keeping your skin healthy and glowing throughout the winter months.
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skinsimpletrue · 3 months
16 Best Anti-Aging Tips That You Can Try At Any Age
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As we age, taking care of our skin is important to maintain a youthful appearance. However, you can still look and feel great as you age by making healthy lifestyle choices and a good skincare routine.
The best way to age gracefully is to start taking care of yourself NOW.
So don't wait - start taking steps today to take control. These anti-aging tips can help slow aging and keep your skin looking its best. This includes sleeping, sun production, what type of anti-aging products are, and how to follow good skin care habits.
Aging Gracefully is possible with a little effort and knowledge.
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
Pimples Vs. Herpes-7 Signs To Tell Them Apart
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This article talks about pimples vs Herpes in many aspects to help you know more about the difference between the two conditions. We will also discuss different treatments, prevention, and home remedies to help you manage your condition.
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
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Do not touch your skin!!!
Face wash + moisturiser + SPF are the basics and all you really need.
SPF comes in many forms, choose one you find more comfortable (lotion, spray, stick), but remember you might need to use more spray to achieve the same effect as with lotion.
Start simple and only when you establish a routine, start adding more other products.
Try to work out your skin type! There's dry, oily, normal, combination, sensitive.
Dry skin is a type, dehydrated is a condition.
When using actives (retinol, AHA, BHA, Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, Vitamin C) it's better to start off wiith lower concentration and build it up, so as not to shock your skin.
Retinol - you don't need to start using it during your teenage years, as you don't really need it yet. Focus on other aspects of skincare and come back to retinol in your mid-twenties.
Nourish yourself from the inside - stay hydrated! Water is always good, I also have been hearing how peppermind/spearmint tea could help reduce irritation and help blemishes through it's antiseptic properties. FYI - with teas etc, the effect might not be shocking or immediate, but when having a choice between staying dehydrated and getting some tea in - which is better?
I think that's all for now! I wanted to make a post with universal tips, but I can also make one detailing my own skincare routine if anyone would like to see. 💕
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
Sunday Steve - Day Seven
Things that would be new or unfamiliar to Steve in the 21st century, either due to the time period he grew up in, or his social-economic status and other such factors.
Day Seven: Deodorant
For a long time body odour was not considered a problem for men. It was considered manly, and deodorants and antiperspirants (invented in 1888 and early 1900s respectively) were marketed to women.
Some solutions to body odour before deodorant became more mainstream in 1910s were excessive washing and perfume. To protect clothes women used dress shields (cotton or rubber pads placed in armpit areas). Scented talcum powders were another popular deodorizer.
Men started to be targeted by antiperspirant companies in the 30s, targeting male body odour as negative and unemployable. "In 1938, it was estimated that 60% of women and 20% of men in the United States used a product to control underarm odour" (Link).
Early deodorant formulas had to be suspended in acid. "Formulas of early deodorants damaged clothes and irritated skin" (Link). There were some health concerns in the early 20th century but these died away by the 30s.
Deodorant came in powders. liquid, creams, and eventually sticks, roll-ons, and aerosols.
Powders were "packaged in tins with a perforated lid" and put on with puffs.
The only form of antiperspirants in the 30s was liquid. The liquid was kept in glass jars, with plastic lids (early form used corks).
“Liquid deodorants were either applied to a rag and rubbed in or poured into the palm and splashed on. [...] Men also used cologne to cover up body smells but these were generally very expensive.” (Link)
Liquid deodorants/antiperspirants could be applied with a cloth or sponge. Later forms had an applicator built into the lid.
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Above: Applying Check Deodorant with a sponge applicator.
Pastes and creams were the preferred form for early deodorants. They were less irritating, although sometimes greasy, especially in the 1910s before the formula improved.
The first successful antiperspirant cream was created in 1936, but it was less effective than liquid antiperspirant. Even so, it became very popular by 1945 and creams dominated the market.
Early stick deodorants used lipstick bases, so they were much smaller and 'stick' shaped than the typical deodorant shape today. From the recipe (found here) it seems this sticks were similar to today's deodorant sticks, or maybe chapsticks. Evaporation was an issue and the sticks had to be kept in airtight containers.
Sticks began to get bigger, into what we would recognise in the 60s.
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1945 Lor-Odo, a deodorant stick, sold for 50 cents.
Roll-ons appeared in 1952 and the first commercially successful roll-on deodorant was created in 1956, so Steve wouldn't know this method. Same with aerosols which came out around the 60s.
As for price, this image gives a good idea for prices of deodorant products in Steve's time.
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1937 Hush Cream, Instant Hush Liquid Deodorant, Hush Stick Deodorant and Personal Deodorant Powder for sanitary pads. (Link).
This inflation calculator says 10¢ is $2.14 in today's money and 50¢ is $10.68. For comparison, the cost of a gallon of gas was 10¢, a loaf of bread was 9¢ and toothpaste was 35¢. (Link)
Wrap Up
So would Steve have used some kind of deodorant/antiperspirant? Maybe. He wouldn't have started wearing it until the 30s for sure, but he may have bought it, if he could afford it.
I am not an expert but I feel the cost of deodorant would have been a stretch (especially if we think he was using baking soda for toothpaste as per our last post).
But considering how cleanliness and body odour began to be viewed in the 30s—and considering that Bucky clearly took pride in taking care of his appearance—Steve may have bought deodorant when he could. The possibility grows later into the 30s and 40s.
If he bought deodorant he would likely be used to cream or liquid deodorants, as these were very common.
Perhaps Bucky cared more about deodorant than Steve, and Steve bought some for Bucky as a gift when he could. Or, Steve used it himself periodically to hopefully seem more presentable to employers who might overlook him just on principle.
But it is also possible that Steve didn't bother with deodorant. After all, only 20% of men used it in 1938 and it would stretch his budget.
However, he may have used it on the USO tour. I can see them deciding Captain America needs to smell nice when smoozing with investors.
Either way, the 21st century's approach to zero body odour wouldn't entirely surprise to Steve—since the roots of that were developing in the 30s, but it would still be an adjustment to learn that men almost universally use some form of deodorant nowadays.
Sunday Steve Master Post
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
Side Effects of Using Baking Soda as Natural Deodorant
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
How to stop hair loss after pregnancy?
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Postpartum hair loss, shedding, or thinning hair after pregnancy can cause panic for mothers. The last thing you want to see in this sensitive phase with a new baby is clumps of hair falling out. As alarming as it sounds, and as a dermatologist who deals frequently with hair loss issues, I want to assure you that this is temporary and quite common. Most women experience this form of hair loss after childbirth, and there are measures that you can take to make it a smoother journey.
Read the Full article for all the tips to prevent your hair from shedding after giving birth!
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
How I grew my hair to hip length
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I think I'm at a point in my hair journey where I'm pretty close to archiving "perfect hair", so if you're looking for some tips, you've come to the right person. <3
My Routine:
I wash my hair every two days. I have straight brunette hair, so it's pretty obvious when it starts to get oily, but I've learned that training your scalp is BS, so just wash it when you feel like it's necessary!!
Hair oiling. I use Amla Oil once a week; I apply it to my scalp and massage it throughout my hair. I only oil once a week because I have to double cleanse my hair after each time, and it's annoying lol
Olaplex. Olaplex was a game-changer for me; I listed my products down below!! Only use Olaplaex when your hair feels dry or damaged tho!!
Protective hairstyles for the night. I ALWAYS sleep with two Dutch braids, I've tried my hairstyles, and this one has been my favourite!!
I don't use heat. The only thing I do is blow-dry my hair when it's already like 80% dry!! Letting your hair air dry completely can make it oily. :)
Trimming your ends. I Trim my hair every 3 months by myself. Invest in a good pair of haircutting scissors; it's so worth it!!
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Products I use:
Lush. I've tried many things, but the 'Fairly traded honey' shampoo and the 'American Cream' conditioner are my all-time favourites!!
Olaplex. Nº.6 Bond Smoother 1x every week, Nº.7 Bonding Oil 1x every two weeks, Nº.4C Bond Maintenance Clarifying Shampoo 1x every 4-6 weeks.
Moroccan oil. Moroccanoil Treatment Light like 1-2x a week.
Other stuff I use: tangle teezer wet detangler, silk scrunchies, Dyson Blowdryer, silk pillowcase.
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Simple Do's and Don'ts:
Eat more protein
Take collagen subelements
Try overnight hairstyles like 'overnight curls' to avoid using heat
Don't dye or bleach your hair
Don't use heat or styling tools
Never sleep with wet or damp hair
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Some more secrets and weird stuff:
When I'm bored I trim my split ends one by one lol don't ask
I would rather eat rat poison than use a curling iron or cheap shampoo
If I have to sleep without my silk pillowcase I will definitely cry
I'm terrified of regular hair ties
braid your hair when it's windy and you have to leave the house!!
Brush and braid your hair with good intentions… again… DON'T ASK!! >:(
As always, please feel free to share your own suggestions, glow-up tips and further questions in the comments! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
Our patients love this procedure. A non-invasive vampire facial procedure that stimulates the process of healing and rejuvenation to help your skin glow from within. Book your appointment today with Dr. Sagar Verma 😊
#aesthetic #vampirefacial #medicalaesthetics #lifestyle #PRPmicroneedling #microneedling
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
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Botox vs. Microneedling: Which Offers a Better Beauty Boost?
Choosing between Botox and microneedling ultimately depends on your cosmetic goals and preferences. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:
Choose Botox if:
You want to target specific dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movements, such as facial lines in the forehead.
Quick results are essential for your upcoming event or special occasion.
You prefer a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment with minimal downtime.
Maintaining regular treatments aligns with your long-term skincare routine.
Choose Microneedling if:
You desire overall skin improvement, including texture, tone, sun damage, fine lines, and scars.
You want to start an antiaging treatment to maintain the health of your skin.
You can commit to multiple sessions to achieve long-lasting results.
You want to boost the natural production of collagen for younger-looking skin.
You prefer a natural-looking enhancement that doesn't immobilize facial expressions.
You have a more extended timeline for achieving your skincare goals.
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
Achieving a Radiant Complexion: A Simple Nighttime Skincare Regimen
In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to overlook the significance of a proper nighttime skincare routine. However, dedicating a few minutes before bedtime can make a world of difference in achieving healthy, glowing skin. Let's delve into a straightforward nighttime skincare routine that will leave you feeling pampered and your skin revitalized!
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Cleanse: The First Step to Radiance
The foundation of any effective skincare routine is cleansing. Before heading to bed, ensure your face is free from makeup, dirt, and pollutants that have accumulated throughout the day. Opt for a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type. Gently massage it onto your face using circular motions, focusing on areas prone to oiliness or dryness. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water to preserve essential oils.
Aprilskin Carrotene IPMP™ Hydromelt Cleansing Balm
JUNO & Co. Clean 10 Cleansing Balm 10 Ingredients Makeup Remover 
La Roche-Posay Toleriane Purifying Foaming Facial Cleanser
Exfoliate: Unveiling a Fresh Canvas
Exfoliation is essential but limit it to 2-3 times a week to avoid overdoing it. A gentle exfoliant will remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and enhance the absorption of your skincare products. Look for products with natural exfoliants like jojoba beads or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs).
SkinMedica AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser 
Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant - Exfoliator
Paulas Choice--SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid Salicylic Acid Exfoliant
Tone: Balancing the pH
After cleansing and exfoliating, toning comes into play. A toner helps balance the skin's pH levels and prepares it for better absorption of serums and moisturizers. Choose alcohol-free toners with soothing ingredients like rose water, chamomile, or witch hazel.
PCA SKIN Nutrient Face Toner
THAYERS Alcohol-Free, Hydrating Lavender Witch Hazel Facial Toner
SOME BY MI AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner
Serum: Targeted Treatments
Serums are packed with potent ingredients that target specific skin concerns. Whether it's fine lines, hyperpigmentation, or dehydration, serums offer a concentrated boost of active ingredients. Gently apply a small amount to your face and neck, letting the serum work its magic overnight.
COSRX Snail Mucin 96% Power Repairing Essence
Paula's Choice CLINICAL 1% Retinol Treatment
Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum
Eye Cream: Soothing and Refreshing
The delicate skin around the eyes requires special attention. Apply a nourishing eye cream to help reduce puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines. Use your ring finger to dab a pea-sized amount around the orbital bone gently.
IMAGE Skincare, VITAL C Hydrating Eye Recovery Gel
Dongyu 5% Caffeine Eye Serum and Under Eye Roller Cream
QOI Dark Circle Eliminator
Hydrate: Locking in Moisture
Moisturizing is crucial to keep your skin hydrated and plump. Select a night cream or moisturizer that suits your skin type, whether it's gel-based for oily skin or thicker for dry skin. Massage it into your skin using upward strokes to promote better circulation.
COSRX Snail Mucin 92% Moisturizer
Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance
PCA SKIN Collagen Hydrator Night Cream
Lip Care: Soft and Supple Lips
Don't forget to show your lips some love! Apply a nourishing lip balm or treatment to keep your lips soft and supple throughout the night.
LANEIGE Lip Sleeping Mask
Overnight Mask or Face Oil: Nourishing and Repairing
For an extra boost of nourishment, consider using an overnight mask or face oil. These products provide intense hydration and repair your skin as you sleep, waking up to a fresh and revitalized complexion.
Hands and Feet: Extending Skincare Love
If you have a few extra minutes, pamper your hands and feet as well. Moisturize them with a rich cream and put on cotton gloves and socks before sleep, allowing the products to deeply penetrate and hydrate the skin.
Paula's Choice Radiance Renewal Night Mask
LANEIGE Water Sleeping Mask
Beauty Sleep: The Ultimate Secret
Finally, the most essential part of any nighttime skincare routine is a good night's sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted rest to give your skin and body the time they need to repair and rejuvenate.
Remember, Consistency is Key!
The true magic of any skincare routine lies in consistency. Don't expect overnight miracles; instead, practice this easy nighttime skincare routine regularly and patiently, and you'll soon notice a radiant and healthy complexion that makes the effort entirely worthwhile.
So, go ahead and treat yourself to a little nightly skincare ritual – your skin will thank you for it!
P.S Highlighted are my personal favs
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
Bruised But Beautiful: How long does lip filler bruising last
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Curious about lip filler bruising? It's a common topic during patient visits. Bruising is a typical side effect with varying severity and duration. In fact, it's the most common side effect of dermal filler treatment. Wondering how long it lasts? Get the full details by clicking the link for a comprehensive explanation.
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skinsimpletrue · 4 months
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Anti Wrinkle Injections
Deluxe provide anti wrinkle injection treatment. Anti wrinkle injections are produced from a natural, pure protein and a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The injections relax some of the muscles contributing to wrinkles, making the user look younger and more vibrant. They prevent the nerve from transmitting neurotransmitters to the muscle, preventing it from contracting and wrinkling.
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