skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
Are there any specific foods that help hair grow? My hair has always been very fine but the last couple years it's getting thinner and it has stopped growing in spots - I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be bald if I don't do something about it. Help please!!
Hi there!
It is important to get the source of your hair loss, it could be from stress to vitamins deficiency, to the products you’re using to wash it if you have done previous treatments, and so on. 
As hair is made of protein, ensuring you have enough protein in your diet is crucial for making hair strong and healthy. If you are not consuming enough protein in your diet, your hair is likely to become dry, brittle and weak. Extremely low protein diets may result in hair loss. 
Iron is an especially important mineral for hair and too little iron (anemia) is a major cause of hair loss. The hair follicle and root are fed by a nutrient-rich blood supply. When iron levels (serum ferritin) fall below a certain point, you may experience anemia. This disrupts the nutrient supply to the follicle, affecting the hair growth cycle and may result in shedding. Vegans can raise their iron stores by including lentils, spinach and other leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, kale and salad greens.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C aids the absorption of iron so foods high in vitamin C are good to eat in conjunction with iron-rich foods. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant so is used readily by the body. The best sources are blackcurrants, blueberries, broccoli, guava, kiwi fruits, oranges, papaya, strawberries and sweet potatoes. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen that strengthens the capillaries that supply the hair shafts.
Omega-3 fatty acids are important fats our body cannot make itself, and therefore must be obtained through our diet. Omega-3s are found in the cells that line the scalp and also provide the oils that keep your scalp and hair hydrated. Look out for plant sources including avocado, chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is needed by the body to make sebum. Sebum is an oily substance created by our hairs sebaceous glands and provides a natural conditioner for a healthy scalp. Without sebum, we may experience an itchy scalp and dry hair. Include orange/yellow colored vegetables which are high in beta-carotene (which makes vitamin A) such as carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes.
Zinc and Selenium
Scalp protection involves other important minerals, notably zinc and selenium. A lack of zinc can lead to hair loss and a dry, flaky scalp. Fortified cereals and whole grains are a good source of zinc.
Vitamin E
The sun can damage our hair just like it can damage our skin so ensure you eat foods rich in vitamin E to provide protection for your hair. Nuts are nutritional powerhouses, providing zinc and selenium as well as vitamin E so try to include them as part of a balanced diet.
Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin. Too little biotin can cause brittle hair and may lead to hair loss. Include biotin-rich foods such as wholegrains, soy flour, and yeast.I hope this helps! Good luck ♥️
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
WHY YOUR HAIR ISN'T GROWING | Spilling The Tea On Natural Hair Growth
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
beauty & self care tips
â—¦ hydrate (drink enough water everyday! use DIY detox water recipes for interesting flavour options & vitamins)
◦ no touching your face (seriously, don’t touch your face!)
â—¦ sunscreen (just do it; and reapply every two hours)
â—¦ toner (this will help even out your skin tone!)
◦ moisturiser (don’t let your face dry out!!!)
â—¦ use spot treatment for breakouts (it will help without doing any damage)
◦ masks 2-3x weekly (treat yourself to these. they’re always wonderful and make you feel great)
â—¦ double cleanse (cleanse with an oil-based wash first, then with oil-free!)
â—¦ no/minimal makeup (avoid a ton of makeup at all costs!)
â—¦ vaseline (is wonderful for retaining moisture, especially on your lips!)
â—¦ chapstick (good to carry around to avoid chapped lips & cracking)
◦ cleaner diet (if you’re eating more fruits & veggies and less processed fruit & dairy, your skin will thank you!)
â—¦ wash hands constantly & use lotion (keep your hands clean & moisturised!)
◦ don’t pop pimples EVER (this does more harm than good. leave them alone)
â—¦ shower daily (cleaning yourself everyday is really important!)
◦ wash hair 3x weekly (don’t overwash! you’ll strip your hair if its oils!)
◦ only shave 3x weekly if you do shave (if you shave, don’t overdo it! it’s not exactly the best for your skin; do it only when you need to!)
◦ body wash & lotion (don’t neglect the rest of your body! use a nice body wash and always apply lotion afterwards)
â—¦ eyebrows (taking care of your eyebrows will make you feel like royalty)
â—¦ vitamins & primrose oil & biotin (these vitamins and oils will help your skin and hair be their best!)
â—¦ file and trim nails (keep them nice and clean!)
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
GUYS guys omg!! so i started a new skin regimen not even a week ago and my skin is GLOWING like it’s soft, it’s moisturized but not oily, it’s bright, AND my acne scars are fading. i wanted to share what i’m doing with yall bc it changed my life so maybe it’ll change yours.
(DISCLAIMER: my skin isn’t naturally oily or dry, but it is prone to getting scars even though i don’t pick at pimples. that said, i don’t know if those of you with different skin types will benefit from this, but for those with acne scars it may really help. (for those with dry skin types, i would be careful, bc a lot of the stuff i use is abrasive and might really strip your skin if it’s already dry.))
FIRST OFF, get yourself a facial cleansing brush. it doesn’t have to be expensive – i literally got mine from walmart for seven bucks – but just get your paws on one. it offers a lot deeper cleaning that’ll make sure nothing’s in your pores.
before you do anything with your face, brush your teeth. (as a side note, i now rinse with hydrogen peroxide after brushing and my teeth are whiter after about a week and a half. just rinse with hydrogen peroxide, and then rinse with a little bit of water. (if you have sensitive teeth your teeth may get more sensitive, so be careful.))
lightly wet the brush head of your cleansing brush and lightly wet your face.
put some facial cleanser on your face (whatever cleanser you use – personally i use two different cleansers for the morning and the night, and the one i use in the morning is clean & clear morning burst skin-brightening cleanser, which you can find at walmart). spread it evenly over your skin.
turn your brush on (for the mornings i usually put it on the low setting) and move it around in circular motions (moving up and outwards) until the cleanser looks like it’s blended into your skin a little bit.
rinse your brush head off and set it on the side of the sink to drain a little bit while you rinse your face off. (USE LUKEWARM WATER. hot water is too abrasive and strips your face of ALL its oils, which is bad.)
pat your face dry. also pat your brush head dry. (be gentle with your brush head or all the bristles will go haywire and it won’t be good anymore.)
now tone. for a toner i use burt’s bees natural acne solutions clarifying toner (which i found at target), but it’s a little abrasive and drying (it has salicylic acid and witch hazel in it), so those of you with dry or more sensitive skin may want something more soothing with ingredients like rose water or aloe vera. just grab your toner, grab a cotton ball, put some toner on it and swab it all over your face and neck, always swiping upwards.
moisturize. (personally i use two different moisturizers for morning and night, and for morning i use spa naturals coconut oil moisturizing cream, which can be found out dollar tree for, you guessed it, a dollar.) just rub it into your face – keep in mind, a little dab’ll do ya. if you go hog wild, it’ll be too much and your skin will be gross.
i finish off with a facial mist – i use garnier skinactive soothing facial mist with rose water. it gives a nice soothing finish to my face, and although i don’t wear makeup, i’ve heard it makes a nice setting spray.
for my lips during the daytime, i use burt’s bees beeswax lip balm. i constantly chew my lips (thanks, anxiety) and this lip balm still manages to keep them soft and smooth.
brush your teeth, then wash your face just like you did in the morning. i mentioned that i use two different cleansers, and i do – at night i use st. ives fresh skin apricot scrub.
moisturize. as a night moisturizer, i use cosmetic lad from lush.
finish off with your facial mist.
i also put vaseline on my eyelashes – it takes a while for results, but they do get thicker and a LOT longer.
before i go to sleep, i put on carmex lip balm. it keeps your lips moisturized while you sleep and you wake up with them soft. careful, though – carmex lip balm is really thick, so don’t apply a lot of pressure when you put it on.
i do masks twice a week: wednesday nights and sunday nights.
on wednesday, i wash my face with let the good times roll face and body cleanser from lush, then use the mask of magnaminty from lush. let it sit for ten minutes, then wash it off, tone, moisturize and mist.
on sunday nights, i apply birth of venus jelly mask from lush, let it sit for ten minutes, then apply let the good times roll on top of it and wash my face off. then i tone, moisturize and mist.
on the nights i do face masks, i also use bubblegum lip scrub from lush on my lips to get all the dead skin off, and then apply carmex lip balm. sometimes, if i’ve been biting my lips a lot recently, i’ll do it more often than twice a week, but i never do it two days in a row, bc that’s a good way to get your lips really dry and cracked.
on nights i use masks, i also use apple cider vinegar with the mother (find it at just about any grocery store) – i put it on a cotton ball and use it almost like a toner, but after i’ve toned, moisturized and misted. it evens out the ph of your skin and helps clear up acne scars – it smells horrible, but it’s worth it. (don’t use too much, bc vinegar is acidic and if you use too much it’ll throw off your ph instead of evening it out. if you have dry skin, you may want to skip this step entirely.)
here’s a pic of all the products i use (except the lip scrub, bc 1. you can go to lush and find like thirty different flavors, so it doesn’t really matter what it looks like anyways – just look for the lip scrub section at lush and pick your flavor, and 2. i forgot to put it in the pic and i’m too lazy to retake it. i also neglected to include the apple cider vinegar bc it comes in a big ass glass bottle and i’m always nervous that i’m gonna drop it and break it):
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my facial cleansing brush
clean & clear morning burst skin brightening facial cleanser (my morning face wash)
st. ives fresh skin apricot scrub (my night face wash)
burt’s bees natural acne solutions clarifying toner
spa naturals coconut oil moisturizing cream (my morning moisturizer)
cosmetic lad facial moisturizer (my night moisturizer)
garnier skinactive soothing facial mist with rose water
burt’s bees beeswax lip balm
carmex lip balm
vaseline (for my eyelashes at night)
birth of venus jelly mask
mask of magnaminty face mask
let the good times roll facial cleanser
bubblegum lip scrub
apple cider vinegar with the mother
above all, drink water (some people say it doesn’t help your skin BUT even if it doesn’t at least you stay hydrated and healthy!), and drink a cup of green tea nightly or bi-nightly.
i hope this changes some of yall’s lives bc it sure as heck changed mine!!
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
7 WINTER Hair Care Hacks Every Girl Should Know For Healthy, Shiny Hair/...
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
2018 the year of skincare!
Here’s for anyone who has a New Years resolution to start looking after their skin. It’s the most satisfying, rewarding and relaxing form of self care. I highly recommend starting a basic skin routine. So here are the basic steps for starting to properly care for your skin.
1. Identify your skin type.
You could be oily, dry, acne prone, combination. All sorts. Start by researching these skin types and see which your skin identifies with most.
2. Cleanse.
Our skin gets put through a lot. Every day we expose our faces to pollution, makeup, bacterias, dirt. Our pores produce oil that can build up and clog pores and act as a breeding ground for bacteria. Everyone should gently cleanse their face to rid it of the bad stuff with out drying it out and stripping it. Good basic cleansers to start with are:
- Cosrx good morning low ph cleanser
- La Roche Posay gentle hydrating cleanser
- Cerve cleansers
3. Treat.
Depending on your skin type and any skin problems you may have, this is the stage where you help your skin fix those problems. If you have acne, you find a good spot treatment. If you have texture or closed comedones you find a good gentle chemical exfoliator. If you have dry skin you find a intense hydrating serum.
4. Tone.
I highly recommend toning. Despite it not being completely necessary, so if this routine seems a bit much for you skip out toning. A toner with help balance your skin, promoting health. Healthy levels of PH, bacteria and oil production. I have a post on what a toner is which ones I recommend have search through my tags.
5. Moisturise.
Everyone should moisturise. Every skin type will benefit from a good moisturiser. Especially dry skin. Many dry store moisturisers have the same ingredients as high end, expensive ones. So try a bog standard basic moisturisers first and see how your skin likes it.
You’re all set with a great skin routine for the new year! Try and stick to it every day and watch your skin glow. Good luck and happy new year everyone!
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
30 Coconut Oil Uses for Beauty: Unexpected Hair & Skin Benefits
Makeup Remover: Even the most resistant waterproof mascara doesn't stand a chance against coconut oil. Apply it directly to the face as an oil cleanser, or let it sit on your skin with a cotton pad. Makeup will melt away.
2. Breath Freshener: Coconut oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Gargling for 20 minutes with a spoonful of oil (AKA oil pulling) can help clear up germs in the mouth, leading to fresher breath, whiter teeth, and healthier gums.
3. Lice Remedy: Start this all-natural lice treatment with a rinse of apple cider vinegar. Once the vinegar has dried, apply coconut oil to the entire head and let it sit for 12 to 24 hours. Brush through hair with a fine comb, then shampoo.
4. Body Moisturizer: Sweet-smelling coconut oil is rich in fatty acids, making it an effective moisturizer, and it absorbs quickly, explains cosmetic chemist Ni'Kita Wilson. That's really key, because it means that the oil makes your skin look more glowy than lotion-y — which is why it's a favorite of models like Frida Gustavsson, who has worked with Dior, Chanel, and Valentino. "It makes your skin soft and radiant," she told Allure.
5. Face Moisturizer: Just as you can use it on your body, you can use coconut oil on your face to moisturize your skin. It's particularly effective as a primer to soften the skin before applying makeup. It'll give you a glowy, dewy look after you apply your foundation.
6. Makeup Brush Cleaner: Cleaning your makeup brushes should be a monthly ritual. You can use a DIY cleanser that's two parts antibacterial soap and one part coconut oil.
7. Lip Balm: Coconut oil is the ideal remedy for chapped lips especially because it's semisolid at room temperature. Pack a bit in a miniature jar and smooth over lips throughout the day.
8. Tinted Lip Gloss: Take your coconut oil lip balm to the next level by turning it into tinted gloss. It's as simple as you might imagine: mix up coconut oil with bits of an old lipstick, or combine coconut oil with a berry-flavored Koolaid or Emergen-C packet.
9. Undereye Cream: Don't want to spend the extra money on eye cream? Use a dab of coconut oil on undereye bags and fine lines. It's light enough for the most delicate skin on your face.
10. Body Scrub: Mix half a cup of coconut oil with a handful of coarse salt or sugar to create an exfoliator. The moisturizing oil will last long after the grains have melted away.
11. Lip Scrub: Combine one tablespoon of coconut oil with two tablespoons of brown sugar and one tablespoon of honey. Mix it all together and you've got a delicious DIY lip scrub!
12. Massage Oil: Warm coconut oil in the microwave and add a few drops of an essential oil, like lavender or peppermint, for a soothing massage mix.
13. Whitening Toothpaste: Run out of toothpaste? Grab the closest jar of coconut oil and add baking soda for a quick fix. Everyone will wonder how you got such a white smile.
14. Shaving Cream: Who said shaving cream has to lather? Use coconut oil and shea butter as a base to get a closer shave that leaves legs smooth instead of dried out. To create your own coconut oil shaving cream from scratch, try this DIY shave-cream recipe. from Popsugar. It's so easy. Grate a block of shea butter soap until you get 3/4 of a cup of shavings. These shavings will be the base of the shaving cream. From there, add two tablespoons of coconut oil and 1/4 of a cup of witch hazel. Bring it all to a boil. The soap should melt in about five minutes. Once the mixture is entirely melted, add in 1/4 of a cup of aloe vera gel (for its healing properties) and a few drops of essential oil for an amazingly sweet smell.
15.Dandruff Treatment: Dandruff and dry scalp go hand in hand. To send moisture right to the roots with a nightly coconut oil treatment. Just apply lightly to roots and massage in, which will also stimulate hair growth.
16. Body Oil: Why purchase a separate body oil when you can keep coconut oil near the bath? Just slather it on wet skin after the shower, then pat dry. You'll smell like a beach vacation all day. Plus, it has a natural SPF 4.
17. Itch Relief: Burns, bug bites, and bruises can all be soothed with a topical balm of coconut oil.
18. Deep Conditioner: You can use hot coconut oil as a pre-shampoo treatment to soothe dry hair before you shampoo and condition. Leave in for at least an hour for an allover moisturizing treatment.
19. Night Cream: Another one of our favorite coconut oil beauty uses is a night cream. Apply coconut oil to your face at night for maximum moisturizing benefits. The antioxidants are great for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles while you sleep and let it really soak in.
20. Leave-in Conditioner: Hydrate dry hair by using coconut oil as a leave-in conditioner. Apply a small amount to wet strands to seal in moisture.
21. Frizz Tamer: Flyaways be gone with this smoothing treatment. Just rub a dime-size amount in your hands and smooth from midshaft to ends for frizz-free style that's high on shine.
22. Deodorant: Yes, you can make your own natural deodorant at home (and it works). Mix coconut oil with arrowroot powder, cornstarch, baking soda, and a scented oil for a DIY odor fix.
23. Eczema Relief: A recent study even suggests that virgin coconut oil can soothe eczema better than mineral oil. Coconut oil can reduce inflammation and relieve itching when you apply it to affected areas.
24. Cuticle Oil: Got cracked cuticles? Another one of the beauty uses for coconut oil is cuticle oil. Remedy peeling skin with a coconut oil balm right at the base of nails. It can also help your manicure last longer.
25. Wound Salve: The same antifungal and antibacterial properties that make coconut oil a solid breath freshener also make it a good would salve more minor scrapes and cuts.
26. Stretch Mark Cream: Expectant moms should keep a jar of coconut oil nearby to help ward off stretch marks, but anyone can use this as a topical treatment for scars. While the oil won't fade any marks, it can help prevent dark spots and blisters from forming.
27. Chest Rub: Combat congestion, sinus headaches and stuffy noses with a DIY chest rub made from (you guessed it) coconut oil. Actress and Food Network star Ayesha Curry shares this recipe in her latest book: Combine two tablespoons of coconut oil with five drops of eucalyptus oil and three drops of peppermint oil. Stir them together and you're good to go! To apply, rub a bit between your hands to warm it up and then apply it to your chest, hands, nose, and even feet to feel better in no time.
28. Cold Sore Treatment: Coconut oil also helps to stop the pain and itching of a cold sore. It also stops the underlying virus from reproducing on your lips, which can lead to even more cold sores spreading out from the original sore.
29. Eyelash Growth Serum: Thanks to the many fatty acids found in coconut oil, it makes for an excellent base for creating a DIY eyelash growth serum. The coconut oil can help to stimulate growth and lead to longer lashes. Combine a tablespoon of coconut oil with one drop of lemon essential oil and one drop of lavender oil. Apply the mixture to your lash line each night with a Q-tip and dab away any excess moisture with a tissue.
30. Hair Protectant: Headed into the or ocean? Protect the fragile ends of your hair from sun and chlorine by coating them with coconut oil before getting it wet. The added bonus to this hack? Your hair will dry smooth instead of tangled.
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
My Best & Worse Natural Hair Products of 2017
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
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i swear skin care is so essential✨ you should really love the skin that you’re in❤️
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 6 years
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I’m not wearing any makeup in any of these pictures. The before pictures are from back in June and the after pictures are pictures I took this morning. My face has done a compete 360! Sticking to a skincare routine and looking for products with only natural ingredients has really changed my skin. I could not be happier with the way my skin looks right now.
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 7 years
Natural Skincare Routine | How I cured my Acne
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 7 years
Face Masks To Try
1. To Tighten Pores:
-1 egg white
-½ teaspoon of honey
-ÂĽ teaspoon of lemon juice (for oily skin)
Dip facial tissues/toilet paper into the mixture and place onto your face for 10-15 as a sheet mask.
2. For Blackheads:
-1 tablespoon of honey
-1 teaspoon of milk
Dip cotton ball in mixture and apply to affected area. Rinse thoroughly after 15-20 minutes.
3. For Acne:
-2 tablespoons of mashed banana
-1 tablespoon of baking soda
-½ tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
Mix and apply to face for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
4. For Dark Spots and Acne Scars:
-1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
-3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
-½ tablespoon of pure almond oil
Mix and apply to face. Rinse thoroughly after 10-15 minutes.
5. For Wrinkles:
-1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
-3 tablespoons of tomato puree
-1 tablespoon of turmeric powder
Mix and apply to face. Rinse thoroughly after 15-20 minutes.
1. Tree Hut Hydrating Overnight Masks ($14.99, available at Ulta)
2. Black Sugar Strawberry Mask Wash Off ($11.50, available at Ulta)
3. I Dew Care Pure to the Pore Mask ($19.00, available at Ulta)
4. Freeman Feeling Beautiful Mask *comes in charcoal or peel-off cucumber* ($3.99, available at Rite Aid)
5. Biore Deep Charcoal Cleanser ($5.99, available at Target)
6. Biore Pore Strips ($6.49, available at Walgreens)
As some of my followers have helpfully pointed out, lemon juice and baking soda CAN be harmful to your skin if used excessively or on the wrong skin type. Please be cautious using these ingredients. I personally have TRIED all of these masks myself, I’m never gonna post stuff like this without guaranteeing it works. I had no problems with either ingredient, my skin looked and felt fine, but that is not a guarantee that the same will pertain to you. Please be careful, test any dicey products or ingredients on your hand or arm and make sure that they are not abrasive before applying to your skin, and perhaps lessen the concentration of these ingredients when making these masks if you still choose to make them. Thank you to everyone for reblogging with the reminder that some ingredients can be harmful, I completely forgot to add that disclaimer. Stay safe hoes💖
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 7 years
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skinhaircarestuff-blog · 7 years
Why you lose your hair when you get older
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