sjw-david · 7 years
So, Campers! Those of you who neither ship or hate shipper, what is your opinion of what the anti community is currently doing to Maxvid tag? Not only have they spammed it with memes by using all the Maxvid tags, but they are also sending it into the main tags. Could we all agree that hate/trolling should stay in its own lane and not be cluttering the same image in the main tags? I am sure even those of you who hate Maxvid are tired of seeing that image and the hate being dragged into the main tags as an annoyance as well.
The Maxvid shippers themselves have been trying really hard to stop new shippers and old from posting content into the main tags, shippers who don’t know not to post in the main tags. But the antis and trolls, are purposefully tagging every tag and cluttering them.
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sjw-david · 7 years
Please be kind to your fellow campers! Not even a Woodscout is as nasty as some people have been! Treat your fellow campers as you would like to be treated! Don’t send messages of hate into other campers’ tents then get upset when another camper decides to respond by pulling pranks or other means. While it is strictly looked down upon to harass other campers, it is also highly encouraged for if you are being singled out and harassed that you report it to a camp counselor(Tumblr Staff) or to stick up for yourselves! Don’t let hate win! We want you to be happy here at Camp Campbell and enjoy the many camps we have!
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sjw-david · 7 years
do you honestly think making ship hate blogs is what nazis do. oh my god????
(OOD) not ship hate specific, but attacking a certain group of people that they don’t like, that they think are wrong with prejudice yes. Hate groups make blogs attacking people for their race/sexuality/gender/etc. Hate groups send hate messages to people to intimidate them. Making a blog to trick someone just to attack them or humiliate them or going around spreading hate is exactly what Neo Nazis and other hate groups do. It isnt a comparison just over people liking ships, it is the fact that antis are legit telling people to die(or pee their pants), that they are singling out a specific group of people that they don’t like. That they are slandering people, calling people pedophiles, threatening to do violence toward people for just writing and drawing cartoon characters. So yes, Antis are a hate group.
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sjw-david · 7 years
Strong reminder to all to keep things out of tags. If you must ship maxvid please just keep it to the maxvid tag seeing that WILL freak people like me when we're just trying to scroll through the camp camp tag,. Similarly lets not tag hate in that ship tag....but god please just mostly keep maxvid out of the main tags it's so emotionally taxing seeing since new shippers keep showing up in the camp camp tag, sure I can block them, but only after the damage is done and I've calmed down :'(
(Out of David) Pictures should be tagged with only Maxvid/the other ships related tags that don’t show to main tags if the art shows them romantically doing things, NSFW text should be tagged only Maxvid/the other ships related tags that don’t show to main tags. SFW text that is cute headcanons that can be used for other things not just a ship, should be allowed in the main tags without hostility. SFW non-lovey-dovey  ship art should also be allowed in main tags.
Telling artist and writers they are pedophiles and attacking them, telling them they don’t deserve love, that they should kill themselves over cartoons, and let alone an older teen rated show, is wrong. Telling an artist their art is suddenly shit because they ship or support a ship that you don’t like is also wrong. Attacking people who actually DO just tag the ship name on their post is wrong. 
Making blogs to specifically attack a group of people is what Nazi and hate groups do. Luring them in to think they will be talking to people who also like the same ship is wrong. Defacing peoples art is wrong. Tricking shippers to think you want to join their chats then doxx them or treat them like shit is wrong.
People who post NSFW should definitely be making their blogs explicit only. I am posting this in the Camp Camp tag because it isn’t just one ship in the fandom being treated like shit, it is multiple.
SFW/Non-romantic stuff should be allowed in the main tags as it is fandom related, our AUs and theories and headcanons that can be used for both shipping and non-shipping count toward fandom.
Another point is YES there are a lot of new people coming into the Camp Camp fandom, I recently got into it last month, I have gotten multiple friends and family into it. Not everyone knows about tagging things properly right away. Antis should just block blogs they don’t like, it sucks that non-antis are also being dragged into this shit, but the hat has been thrown in. They came into our tags attacking us first.
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sjw-david · 7 years
I can’t believe how many bullies and gosh awful people there are attacking others who just want to enjoy things they like! Please be respectful and stop being bad Camp Campbell campers! Being horrible to one another is just wrong! There doesn’t need to be so much hate and camp vs camp wars! Leave the Camp Maxvid, Camp Camvid, Camp Danvid, and all other shipping camps alone! They signed up for these camps and if you all would please stay in your respective camp or distance yourself through some sort of..blocking action, things would be much better! It isn’t hard to make it so you don’t keep seeing things that bother you!
To all campers being harassed by these truly terrible and hypocritical bullies, please do not let their words affect the things you love! If they become too much for you to handle, you can also use some method to keep them away!
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sjw-david · 7 years
Aww! Aren’t you sweet! I wish more campers were kind and friendly!
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sjw-david · 7 years
Oh Dear, it seems like some of you are still really going out of your way to hurt your fellow campers! Please be aware that harassment and death threats are completely against the camp’s terms of service! Golly, it pains me to see you kids being so cruel to each other and gosh darn it!..excuse my language...It needs to stop! If you and a fellow camper can’t seem to get along, maybe you both should get away from each other peacefully.
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sjw-david · 7 years
Please be aware that artist put a lot of work into what they draw! It is one thing to make those me me and...poop..post things you kids talk about with shows, but a completely different story when it comes to fanartist! Please be respectful!
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sjw-david · 7 years
Gooood afternoon campers! I see there is an awful lot of hate being thrown around and that just isn’t the Camp Campbell way! Gosh! The type of mean-spirited post going around just aren’t right in the least! Everyone can enjoy fandom however they like, it is not up to anyone else to try and force their own views on each other! I think some of you campers may need some time at Behavioral Management Camp!
Just because you don’t like or approve of something, doesn’t mean you can bully or harass others who don’t agree with what you like! It makes people sad and could be very dangerous! Sometimes the best thing to do is to ignore and move on! This is totally not camp sanctioned activity!
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