sistaseparatist · 11 months
if y'all haven't heard already, shoutout to @sistaseparatist on IG for escaping the sex trade & speaking up about it!
please go check her out, she is a lesbian radical feminist & female separatist who is speaking up!!!!
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
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imagine if any other minority group had this problem where like 50% of them considered themselves “former nazis”
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
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Free to use, made in Microsoft Word 1997
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
He deserves to be locked in prison with every other violent male, far away from the womyn he wants to harm.
Okay so the trans woman and London Trans Pride and actual facts.
Sarah who, articles fail to mention, was a victim of CSA. 
The man she “kidnapped and tortured” was one of her abusers.
She was barely an adult at the time.
Her story is all too similar to that of many women behind bars. People GCs say they care about but don’t. They never will and will only mention investigations or just parts that they can weaponize.
Punch a TERF is fucking valid.
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
These malescums and dickriders wouldn't last a second in ACTUAL womyn's shoes. They have to lie and say radfems are white because the truth doesn't fit their agenda.
They think femicide, restricted abortion access, sex trafficking and sexist legislation is easy.
TRAs are truly the most insidious scum of the earth and they are footsoldiers of the patriarchy.
you know whats so funny abt terfs is if they had to suffer a single day of the oppression that trans people face they would give up on living. terfs are majoritively white middle class women who are mad they cant die under a horse for womens suffrage, they wouldnt survive a minute as a black trans woman
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
You're nothing but a gaslighting, manipulative, dishonest misogynist trying to smear and silence anyone who outwardly opposes sexism. That's the only reason you have a problem with what I'm saying.
Normal people who oppose sexism agree that gender is a scam and upholding it perpetuates negative stereotypes and forces people to acknowledge social myths like "masculinity" and "femininity".
Because I can argue that NOTHING I've said is bigoted and that you haven't made any valid attempts to disprove my FACTUAL statements.
"Queer theory" is a scam. Gender ideology reinforces sexism and misogyny.
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
If it didn't exist/was only used by "transphobes" you wouldn't be trying to smear and silence everyone who talks about it. The piece of shit asshole here is YOU. Willfully participating in and endorsing misogyny because it's comfortable for you.
This is MY page and you WILL NOT dictate what I say or do. Take your own advice and fuck the hell off.
"Queer theory" is a scam. Gender ideology reinforces sexism and misogyny.
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
"Queer theory" is a scam. Gender ideology reinforces sexism and misogyny.
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sistaseparatist · 11 months
#BurnBarbie: Barbie is NOT A Feminist Icon!
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Firstly, Barbie's commercialization of feminism disguises the underlying capitalist motives behind the brand. The false emphasis on "female empowerment" and diverse career options is presented as a progressive step towards gender equality. However, this is a shallow attempt to cash in on feminist ideals while perpetuating a consumerist culture that reinforces traditional gender roles and beauty standards.
Secondly, Barbie's connection to pinkwashed capitalism is evident in the commodification of feminism itself. The branding of Barbie as a feminist icon creates a marketable image that appeals to consumers seeking empowerment and social progress. By packaging feminist values as products to be consumed, the underlying message becomes one of consumption and individualism rather than challenging systemic inequalities and institutional violence.
The pinkwashed capitalism surrounding Barbie undermines the radical potential of feminist movements. Instead of encouraging collective action and dismantling patriarchal structures, Barbie's brand perpetuates the notion that empowerment can be achieved through consumer choices and the acquisition of material possessions. This individualistic approach fails to address the root causes of gender inequality and reinforces the status quo by diverting attention away from structural change.
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