singerbooks · 6 years
And in other news, water is wet
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singerbooks · 7 years
Humble beginnings
I realized from a young age that words fascinate me, how I could use them to express what I wanted to say, how I could manipulate them when I didn’t want anyone to know what I was feeling. Words are an immeasurable value to the human interaction, honest and deceitful. People could create these fantastic, beautiful worlds I could escape to, and it was all completely private. No one could see what…
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singerbooks · 7 years
Good Morning Insults
Sometimes I wonder if people realize how their actions and words actually come across to others. Sure you can have a rough day but do you really need to yell at the barista because they’re out of soy milk? It is probably unnecessary to make everyone else as miserable as possible because the coffee shop ran out of blueberry muffins and it really tickled your fancy to have one. We all have bad days…
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singerbooks · 7 years
Existential crisis (a very unhelpful guide that might make it worse)
Existential crisis (a very unhelpful guide that might make it worse)
Insecurities born out of loss Finding the right words Existential crisis (a very unhelpful guide that might make it worse) What is the purpose of our existence? Do we even have one, or are we simply a pawn in a higher ranked game of chess? At the end of the day we have struggled and fought, cried and screamed, and loved and lost but have we made an impact on the world around us? Have we changed…
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singerbooks · 7 years
Our Failed Escape from Societal Standards
Our Failed Escape from Societal Standards
An everyday routine that leaves little room to interpret the life we are living is probably the most dangerous way to keep ourselves occupied. The mindless task of similar events day in and day out can stifle all creativity we all strive for. But do we really want to let go of the comfortable reassurance that routine can give us? Isn’t routine calming and simple in its complex importance? Even…
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singerbooks · 7 years
Exit signs and Identity Crisis
Exit signs and Identity Crisis
For most of us Life has a way of making good choices nearly impossible. We plan to clean our apartments. We plan to get the groceries. We plan to work in the field we’ve studied. But mostly there is a hurdle in the way to everyday life, and that hurdle is our own minds. Okay. So maybe our minds aren’t stopping us from getting groceries (although I’ve definitely been too lazy to go, even though I…
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singerbooks · 7 years
i just need this on my blog because anytime SNL makes fun of amateur theatre it’s…too accurate and also I’m pretty sure it’s based on this:
my personal favorite, a compilation of all the sales people #2 who are majorly distressed by courtney:
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singerbooks · 7 years
Hey guys my first video is up on my new YouTube channel. Go check it out if you're interested
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singerbooks · 7 years
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Moulin Rouge! (2001) dir. Baz Luhrmann - musical numbers
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singerbooks · 7 years
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So I'm going to try to make more of a conscious effort to dress better. I feel like that a big reason why i don't feel too good about myself is because I don't really take time to dress nice or just get ready in general. So be gone sweatshirts and hoodies. It's time for the Adulting to start. Tomorrow will be Day 1 plus I really love these pants. Very Grandpa chic. #ootd #fashion #tryingtobefancyandshit #challengemyselftodressnice #ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛɪɴɢsohard #adultingsohard #adulting #dresspants #imagrownupiswear #harrypotterwatch #causeicantfullyadult #herewego
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singerbooks · 7 years
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Happy international Women's day! This is a day to remind ourselves and others that we can and will be whoever we want. No one has the right to stop us! #internationalwomensday2017 #iwd2017 #girlpower #frauenpower #germany #usa #nolimittoourminds #nolimittoourlove #support #mainz #mainzuniversity #mainzuniversität #houston #johannesgutenberguniversität #johannesgutenberguniversity #proud #letsmoveforwardtogether #unity #wealldeserveachoice
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singerbooks · 7 years
Basically we are all anxious cucumbers.
You know cause they consist mostly of water and humans consist m... mostly of... I'm gonna stop.
i am made of water and anxiety
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singerbooks · 7 years
Really cool Harry Potter Tag about the 'Lumos' foundation. Her YouTube channel is @Brizzyvoices and she is a huge Potterhead just like the rest of us. Finally you don't know the Lumos foundation is helping children stay out of institutions and home with loving families, since it is known to be detrimental to a child's health if it is torn from loving families and put into the child services system. Even if you cannot donate share this video to bring awareness to the cause and help spread the word. Everyone has a voice, no matter how small we can change something if we stick together.
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singerbooks · 7 years
Orientation in a German University
Who knew it didn't mean you get to see where you'll need to go but 'here fill out these million forms' Currently I'm waiting my turn to go up front to fill out the rest and turn it in. And let me tell you this campus is huge and divided over like had the city, and no one is going to tell me where is what?! I'll be lost for the first month, thank you ORIENTATION! This is going to be a nightmare.
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singerbooks · 7 years
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Happy Valentine's Day everybody! Lin can sum up Love so perfectly. #happyvalentinesday #linmanuelmiranda #loveisloveislove #Germany #Alzey #beautiful #perfection #happyvalentinesdaytome
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singerbooks · 7 years
This is the perfect vocalization of my thoughts of this movie!!! GO SEE IT!!!
I’ve seen Moana twice now, and something that’s stuck out to me the most has been the reality of Te Kā. She was– for all intents and purposes of the story –a woman who was violated and had something important stolen from her, and in her protective grief, became a monster.
But when Moana saw Te Kā from the right perspective, she saw Te Fiti. Not “in spite” of her current existence; she understood that Te Kā and Te Fiti were the same creature.
“I know your name. They have stolen the heart from inside you, but this does not define you.”
The hostility of Te Kā and the legendary beauty of Te Fiti coexisted within the same being, and Moana accepted and validated that without hesitation. I think that’s profound as hell, given how so many women are held to unobtainable static standards of beauty and purity and get shamed if they show any capacity for ugliness or difficulty. Seeing that realistic duality exhibited and validated within a goddess, of all characters, was so powerful.
tl;dr– Moana is goddamned feminist as fuck, everyone should see it.
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singerbooks · 7 years
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“You are blinded by the love of the office you hold, Cornelius! You place too much importance, and you always have done, on the so-called purity of blood! You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow up to be!" 
— Albus Dumbledore
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