simplymarconi · 5 years
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15 Kids Approved Halloween Movies! Kids love Halloween just as much as we do. They love the candy and the costumes, so of course they want to watch some October themed movies with us, right?
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simplymarconi · 5 years
Why Budgeting Fails & How To Fix It.
Why Budgeting Fails & How To Fix It.
Nobody likes or wants to live paycheck to paycheck, right? Of course not. We want to be comfortable with a nice savings built and no worries in an emergency because we are prepared. This can be a reality for all of us BUT we must stop these 3 habits first.
Unrealistic Goals
This is one of the most common mistakes made when trying to save. We always see Things like “Save $5,000 in a year” or…
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simplymarconi · 5 years
Free Movie Apps & Their Hidden Gems!
Free Movie Apps & Their Hidden Gems!
The idea of a free movie app is great right? But then you find yourself searching through a bunch of old never heard of films you’ll never watch and hit DELETE. 90% of the time your right BUT there are some apps that have hidden gems if you look hard enough. So, I decided to do the work for you, so you don’t have too. Here are the top Free Movie Apps and their hidden gems with NO REPEATS!
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simplymarconi · 5 years
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2019 Fall Bucket List! Kicking of the first day of fall with a Fun 2019 Bucket List ! Go to a pumpkin Patch…
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simplymarconi · 5 years
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TOP 15 FAMILY FRIENDLY ACTIVITIES! Spending time with your family after a long work week can be a great way to relax and relieve stress.
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simplymarconi · 5 years
25 Fun Date Ideas!
25 Fun Date Ideas!
 Date Nights are so important and necessary to keep your relationship strong and healthy. You should try and have a date night at least once a week even if it’s something small. Here are some Ideas for date nights for you and your loved one.
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simplymarconi · 5 years
Why Family Time Is Important.
Why Family Time Is Important.
Family time is very important and should be made a priority in everyone’s busy schedules. It is great for both small and large families. It helps build and strengthen bonds and family ties. It also allows everyone to relax and feel stress free. Family time Is also great for children. It allows them to feel important and as a result they have a better self-esteem.
Family time doesn’t have to be…
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simplymarconi · 5 years
Top 25 Shows on Netflix.
Top 25 Shows on Netflix.
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I think we can all agree that winding down at the end of a long day with snacks and a great show can do wonders for us, especially on days the kids decide to test our patience and well… sanity. So, here’s a list of great Shows on Netflix in case your current show is coming to an end and you’re in need of ideas!
GOTHAM (4 Seasons with 5th coming soon.)
GLEE (6 seasons.)
13 REASONS WHY (3 seasons.)
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simplymarconi · 5 years
Top 5 Secret Health Tips for Kids!
Top 5 Secret Health Tips for Kids!
  Getting Kids to eat healthy can be tricky and stressful.  With these 5 tricks you won’t have to worry about your kiddos because you will be 100% sure they are getting everything they need and more!
Gummy Vitamins.
Caleb loves eating his gummies every morning. He thinks he is eating candy and we know he is getting his daily vitamins. If your interested in vitamins for you child but they are…
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simplymarconi · 5 years
Handling Toddlers First Curse Word.
Handling Toddlers First Curse Word.
So, lets address the elephant in the room. Yes, I know children shouldn’t curse. No, I don’t allow my children to curse. This doesn’t mean your child won’t try especially if you let a word slip out here and there. Nipping it in the butt sounds like the perfect way to stop your child from thinking this is okay right? Well, it doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes you can’t help your reaction;…
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simplymarconi · 5 years
One On One Time, Why It’s A Must!
One On One Time, Why It’s A Must!
Family time is great, but I don’t believe its enough. I think that children and parents can benefit from one on one time as well. Family time is great because everyone can bond together doing a mutual hobby. It does have its flaws though, especially for larger families. Trying to decide on what to do can be quite difficult with so many different personalities. So, at the end of a family day…
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simplymarconi · 5 years
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POTTY TRAINING. 5 MUSTS! When my husband and I were thinking about starting potty training our son we had no clue where to begin.
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simplymarconi · 5 years
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Top 10 Netflix Movies Baby AND Toddler Approved ! Now I know a lot of people don’t agree with kids being in front of the TV these days and for the most part I agree.
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simplymarconi · 5 years
5 Things Toddlers Can Do To Help Around The House.
5 Things Toddlers Can Do To Help Around The House.
What age is appropriate to start teaching your toddler to help around the house? I think the age varies because every child grows and learns at their own rate. For Caleb the age was two. I would say its time to start teaching when you notice your toddler starting to mimic your actions. This is when its easiest. So, here are 5 things Caleb helps with around the house.
    Picking up Toys.
This one…
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simplymarconi · 5 years
5 Things Our Picky Eater Couldn't Stop Eating!
5 Things Our Picky Eater Couldn’t Stop Eating!
Our son Caleb went through an extremely long “Picky Eater” phase. It lasted about 10 Months! It was very difficult to keep any sort of weight on him because he did not want to eat ANYTHING, all he wanted was milk. He was drinking an average of about 10 sippy cups of milk daily. We finally found a few foods that he would eat, and we stuck to them. In doing this we were able to keep him at a…
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simplymarconi · 5 years
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The Game Plan. Now that fun time was over, I decided I needed to start working with the kids. Luckily, the time we spent having our “fun phase” didn’t disrupt anything for them.
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simplymarconi · 5 years
Just a phase?
So, you’ve decided staying home works for you. Great, but now what? Do you jump right into cleaning and laundry? Nope. Well at least not yet. My first two weeks of being an official stay at home mom was what I call a “fun phase”. We were super excited about it, and Why wouldn’t we be? My husband works nights and I would work days so we really didn’t get to spend much time together. Everything was…
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