simonegalitzine · 3 months
No way I just predicted a whole arc in season 3 from 2 years ago...
Holy SHIT!!! I knew that Erik's arc would persist but I didn't expect it to take this turn in season 3..
I kinda feel bad for August now😭💔
We are sorry August 🖤
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simonegalitzine · 3 months
No way I just predicted a whole arc in season 3 from 2 years ago...
Holy SHIT!!! I knew that Erik's arc would persist but I didn't expect it to take this turn in season 3..
I kinda feel bad for August now😭💔
We are sorry August 🖤
Let's talk about Erik
So something has been nagging my mind lately about Erik.
As we know Erik has so little screentime and that created an alluring character that I applaude the writers for. But despite this fact that we know so little about him, he is still popular in the YR fandom and for a good reason.
For instance, he is the only person that Wilhelm seemed to be comfortable around and could actually talk to, and he was supportive when Wilhelm tried telling him about Simon (I understood that he used gender-neutral terms). All of that makes him a good brother yeah for sure.
But on the other side, Erik is August's friend.
"Birds of a feather flock together."
And that begs the question, is Erik actually a good person?
Well we actually don't know that and we can't take it for granted either, let's see why. Here is my speculation.
August is not just a simple second cousin to Erik. Although their interactions were limited and we can't clearly tell the extent of their friendship but the fact that Erik trusted August so much and he kept telling Wilhelm that he too should trust him because he is "family", is very confusing to me.
Firstly, I don't think Erik would use this term "family" so loosely because it is not like Wilhelm felt necessarily a sense of family within the walls of the Royal Palace. But Wilhelm felt a sense of family with Erik. So basically, Erik was insinuating that August is like him. So August is like Erik?
It is hard to believe that Erik was a bully, classist, racist and straight up an asshole.
Well let's break it down further. It seemed that it was a common practice for August and for the Society (the elite club that Erik was formerly a member of) to break the rules whether by sneaking in drinks or drugs or by simply abusing their power to get what they want and enjoy their privilege in general.
And as we know also that Erik is the older than August so did he approve of these practices? These practices that resulted in August being an addict and probably Erik too (a popular theory says that Erik might have been on drugs when he had his accident, but we are not sure whether it was an attempted suicide or he was just being careless). Either way, Erik didn't seem to mind August or the activities the Society were indulged in.
Erik is -thank god- not homophobic and by the way I don't think August is either (yeah his internalised homophobia will eat him up alive but still Nils and Vincent are both in a relationship and they are both close to August but I digress), on the other hand Erik might be a classist and maybe a bully too just like like a typical Society member.
I didn't necessarily make this post to bash Erik, it is not my point. My point is Erik was as stressed, as clueless and as desperate to live a normal life just like Wilhelm. But he couldn't. And maybe his mechanism for a while is to go with the flow and live the elite life like everyone else, which unfortunately sometimes comes with a cost of classism and prejudice.
We can't know what Erik was like for sure, but we know that at least he was a good brother and we will always stan him for that. But the story of him and August being friends will be left for interpretations and will always add a layer to a character that captivated many with just 3 mins of screentime lol XD.
And that my friends is the beauty of Young Royals.
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simonegalitzine · 3 months
It's not like I even live in Sweden XD But why is it so tricky tho 😭
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simonegalitzine · 5 months
They are finally smiling omg 😭😭💜
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simonegalitzine · 1 year
We need to keep voting on justjared! June is not over yet and number 2 is creeping up on YR!
Still in the lead but vote, vote, vote!
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simonegalitzine · 1 year
Two of my favourite actors ever omg
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simonegalitzine · 1 year
He is not scared anymore 🖤
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The character development of Omar Rudberg is making me emotional and insane at the same time 😭🖤
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simonegalitzine · 1 year
It's most logical that Sara would report August (a man of legal age aka 18) asking (a 17 year old) for nudes cause I am pretty sure we didn't get her birthday mentioned for nothing. Right?
Update: I totally messed up the sequence of events and yeah she turned 18 indeed before her glorious relationship with September...😒
But now I genuinely can't think of anything she might have against him dammit🤦🏻‍♀️
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simonegalitzine · 1 year
Guys I know someone stupid with zero emotional intelligence who once said : "You are not like your dad" after someone confessed to him that he doesn't want a serious relationship with him.
Yes we all know who's this stupid person *Marcus*😶🤢
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simonegalitzine · 1 year
As if the anxiety I had before season 2 wasn't enough now I have it for season 3 😭 *finger crossed*
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simonegalitzine · 1 year
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"Okay. I should stop staring now."
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simonegalitzine · 2 years
Isn't anyone gonna talk about the first version of Simon's song that was played in the first episode when Marcus 🤢 went and introduced himself?? LIKE why isn't this version released yet??? IT IS SO GOOOOOD
It turns out to be a Swedish song Cherrie - Aldrig igen
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simonegalitzine · 2 years
Is it just me or Rousseau had more screentime than Wilmon as a couple? xD
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simonegalitzine · 2 years
I made a Young Royals edit with an Arabic song 💜
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simonegalitzine · 2 years
I feel like Nikita and Malte purposefully didn't try to guess the right film because they wanted Edvin and Omar to continue whatever they were doing. XD
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OMAR RUDBERG & EDVIN RYDING Detention with Young Royals | September 22, 2022
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simonegalitzine · 2 years
Can smell the angst from here oh gosh 🙃
We all say we’re ready for season 2. Ready for the angst. Ready for the Revolution. Ready for Wille’s reputation era. But this is gonna be us the moment the Young Royals logo pops up on our screens:
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simonegalitzine · 2 years
Let's talk about Erik
So something has been nagging my mind lately about Erik.
As we know Erik has so little screentime and that created an alluring character that I applaude the writers for. But despite this fact that we know so little about him, he is still popular in the YR fandom and for a good reason.
For instance, he is the only person that Wilhelm seemed to be comfortable around and could actually talk to, and he was supportive when Wilhelm tried telling him about Simon (I understood that he used gender-neutral terms). All of that makes him a good brother yeah for sure.
But on the other side, Erik is August's friend.
"Birds of a feather flock together."
And that begs the question, is Erik actually a good person?
Well we actually don't know that and we can't take it for granted either, let's see why. Here is my speculation.
August is not just a simple second cousin to Erik. Although their interactions were limited and we can't clearly tell the extent of their friendship but the fact that Erik trusted August so much and he kept telling Wilhelm that he too should trust him because he is "family", is very confusing to me.
Firstly, I don't think Erik would use this term "family" so loosely because it is not like Wilhelm felt necessarily a sense of family within the walls of the Royal Palace. But Wilhelm felt a sense of family with Erik. So basically, Erik was insinuating that August is like him. So August is like Erik?
It is hard to believe that Erik was a bully, classist, racist and straight up an asshole.
Well let's break it down further. It seemed that it was a common practice for August and for the Society (the elite club that Erik was formerly a member of) to break the rules whether by sneaking in drinks or drugs or by simply abusing their power to get what they want and enjoy their privilege in general.
And as we know also that Erik is the older than August so did he approve of these practices? These practices that resulted in August being an addict and probably Erik too (a popular theory says that Erik might have been on drugs when he had his accident, but we are not sure whether it was an attempted suicide or he was just being careless). Either way, Erik didn't seem to mind August or the activities the Society were indulged in.
Erik is -thank god- not homophobic and by the way I don't think August is either (yeah his internalised homophobia will eat him up alive but still Nils and Vincent are both in a relationship and they are both close to August but I digress), on the other hand Erik might be a classist and maybe a bully too just like like a typical Society member.
I didn't necessarily make this post to bash Erik, it is not my point. My point is Erik was as stressed, as clueless and as desperate to live a normal life just like Wilhelm. But he couldn't. And maybe his mechanism for a while is to go with the flow and live the elite life like everyone else, which unfortunately sometimes comes with a cost of classism and prejudice.
We can't know what Erik was like for sure, but we know that at least he was a good brother and we will always stan him for that. But the story of him and August being friends will be left for interpretations and will always add a layer to a character that captivated many with just 3 mins of screentime lol XD.
And that my friends is the beauty of Young Royals.
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