shxyn · 9 years
Hi everyone. Are you doing well? It’s been a while since I’ve set foot in here. Lonely weeks are not easy to go through, especially for someone like me. This is not my return though-- not yet. But I promise to be back as soon as I can! So you have to promise not to forget about me too, alright?
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shxyn · 9 years
So I was going to come back but a lot of shit happened annnd I’ve been without internet for almost three weeks. OTL We’re in the process of getting a new one buuuut this also may take a while, since all of this was pretty much unexpected. I liiiive, yes, and I miss rping Shiyoon and all of my friends. First thing I’ll do when I come back is answer all the inbox stuff, I’m really really sorry! I hope everyone’s doing great. I miss all of you!
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shxyn · 9 years
You, an ordinary peasant? Don't make me laugh, baby. You're more than that, believe me.
Only because you turned me into something better– I swear I’m not being cheesy, it’s true. But hey, I rarely manage to make people laugh, so that’s a plus!
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shxyn · 9 years
[SMS » Donggu oppa ♥] I'm dead tired right now & I need you by my side. ASAP T_T
[ SMS: 아라 ♥ ] Rough day? I’m so sorry, princess… ㅠㅠ I’m on my way![ SMS: 아라 ♥ ] I’ll hold you in my arms until you fall asleep, how about that? Don’t be sad.. ♥
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shxyn · 9 years
I miss you. I love you.
Minhyun… [ he smiles warmly as a short chuckle escapes between his lips; ] I miss you too. How’s the baby girl doing? I hope she’s behaving well and you’re not going through much stress. Take care of yourself, yeah? Sorry your hyung is so.. distant lately. And I love you too.
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shxyn · 9 years
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Goodness... [ sighs; ] This week has given me nothing but a headache. I just want to let all my frustrations out. I’m sure that would make me feel a lot better-- that and a big round pizza.
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shxyn · 9 years
Dear boyfriend,
I will write about the following, leave one in my ask box.
Dear boyfriend,
How should I start this letter? By telling you how deeply in love I am with you? Should I tell you my date ideas instead? There’s so much I want to write, but it’s better if we just ‘talk’ about all that in person.
I realized this morning that I started the year with you. We weren’t dating back in early January but we were both falling hard for each other, each day that passed by. Remember that time I asked you when I could call you my boyfriend? That was… a really sudden question on a really late night but I really wanted to call you mine from that point on. I didn’t want, and I still don’t want any other pretty girl approaching you to catch your attention. (Even though I know you’re a cute fool in love with me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 
I really hope we can make it through this year together and look back at all the good and bad memories that happened between us. I love you sooooooo much, baby. You’re the greatest gift I’ve ever received from God.
Love, 아라 ♥
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shxyn · 9 years
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
Omar Khayyam, The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (via wordsnquotes)
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shxyn · 9 years
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shxyn · 9 years
Canadian Rockies James Bian
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shxyn · 9 years
You think you got what it takes? I won’t go easy on you. [ he squints at her threat, gaze locking onto hers as his expression begins to shift into a rather confused look; ] ... And people tell me I talk a lot. You're drifting away from the topic, cutie! Hello?! Earth to Ara! [ he smiles in amusement as he leans closer to her, stealing a few small pecks before resting his forehead against hers; ] It’s a kiss, dummy.
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Oh, I’m up to anything, really. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with me. (/smirks slightly before glancing back at him) You silly head. Tell me what this ‘thing’ is before I change my mind. Should I countdown the seconds you have left to tell me? I– should just go ahead and start. But then again, I’m not very good with countdowns. Maybe I should get myself a timer–
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shxyn · 9 years
Reblog/like this if I am allowed to respond to your starters and ask memes even though our muses barely talked before.
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shxyn · 9 years
[ SMS: あみ ] Alright you asked for it >:( [ SMS: Hamister ☆ ] I’M NOT A SUPERHERO DAMMIT [ SMS: Hamister ☆ ] Yah no superhero is a loser! They’re superheroes!! [ SMS: Hamister ☆ ] No I am a genius that was the perfect nickname admit it [ SMS: Hamister ☆ ] ... but why am I still texting you [ SMS: Hamister ☆ ] I see you and your back is weird
[ sms: superyoonie ] contact name changed! [ sms: superyoonie ] what kind of superpowers do you have? [ sms: superyoonie ] or don’t tell me.. you’re one of those superheroes who are kinda losers? it seems possible  [ sms: superyoonie ] hamister? ……..that was lame -_- [ sms: superyoonie ] don’t be so proud of yourself, I’ll be embarrassed for you [ sms: superyoonie ] HUH WAIT I DUNNO… why are you even asking me this in the first place?? JUST SCROLL UP AND READ THE PREVIOUS TEXTS.
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shxyn · 9 years
Another soft, short huff came out as he scrunched up his nose at her response, still quite amused. It was nice to be out with a friend, discussing about irrelevant things. It felt peaceful and he needed that. “Yeah...” Taking a deep breath, his eyes closed momentarily; feeling and enjoying the soothing breeze. 
“Ah-- you go on and name the clouds. I’m gonna take a nap.” He added in a playful tone, messing with her as usual, though he did look like he was about to fall asleep at any second, judging by his relaxed features.
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“There’s definitely something wrong with your eyes, it’s clearly an elephant”, she chuckles, pointing up again. Though at a second glance, it does look rather like a dinosaur to her, but she doesn’t dare to admit, so she ends up chuckling some more.
“Spring is nice, despite all the rain. Everything’s coming back to life and waking up; it’s definitely refreshing.”
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shxyn · 9 years
And as she took the bait, he felt light again. It wasn’t a common occurrence to see Shiyoon avoiding a question so shamelessly like that, but that one asked a bit too much of him. Blame the interviewers in the first place -- and thank goodness she was understanding. “Is that so? Mm, good work. I don’t have much to do either, except for a.. meeting later tonight and script reading.” A palm rested against his nape as the actor sighed softly, trailing off. “I’d ask if you want to hang out, but it’s pretty crowded outside today.”
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She glanced from the corner of her eyes. Junhee didn’t do any abrupt move, sensing the other’s discomfort as one probably would after hearing a rather intrusive question. Her curiosity, despite being genuine and innocent, could often lead to this kind of scenario, to which she decided not to dwell further on the subject— just for the sake’s of not having a discontinued conversation. “Hmm… I’m done with practice for today, so I’m pretty much left with having nothing to do at the moment. What about you?”
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shxyn · 9 years
He could barely notice her expression. It was obvious she was concerned, and although his eyes were fixed on her frame, they felt distant. Emotions he thought he had forgotten came rushing back towards him and the pain was immense.
“Am I.. seeing things? I’m seeing things, right?” He asked, genuinely curious, though it looked like he was about to break into tears. Letting it all out was something he deeply wanted, but in public he was too vulnerable. Thus, the actor tried to collect himself; barely, but he managed. 
In silence, he grabbed the female by the wrist, his free hand adjusting his jacket and scarf to cover up his face. Leading her to a quieter place, which ended up being an empty alleyway. The book was left behind, abandoned somewhere in the ground near the wooden bench, something he didn’t even remember anymore.  It took him a few more moments of silence before he could let go of her hand. And when he did, Shiyoon turned back to face her again, except this time, the tears were already flowing. Slowly.
It was so strange.
Unconsciously, he stepped closer. Shock was still clear in his eyes, maybe even fear. Resting a warm hand against her cheek, he stroked her skin, as if to verify if she was real. 
Anger. Longing. Fear. Relief. He had no idea how to feel or what to say. But the words that came out of his mouth were as soft as a whisper, and the most sincere. And yet, they were filled with sorrow.
“I.. miss you...”
She wanted to hide her face and run away she wanted that so badly but no matter how much she tried to move her feet was stuck to the ground it felt like. She let her mind race from how he was going to take her standing right in front of him  or all the questions she knew that was going to hit her in the face. She was ready for it well she hoped that she was. All she really wanted was for him to hug her. 
“ Its me..Mingkki..I.. “
That was all that she could get out of her mouth honestly she as so nervous she felt like her stomach was in her throat choking her to death. Staring back at him looking into his eyes she tears up. She missed him to much. His laugh their conversations how he was always there for her when she needed even spending the night time to time. They were best friends to come at it. 
“ Shiyoon..please say something.”
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shxyn · 9 years
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Go Ara in High Cut
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