shurikensentai · 8 years
Trailer for FINAL WARS.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Promotion for the Super Complete Works + Mido NinShuriken edition of FINAL WARS featuring Megumi Han (Luna Kokonoe / MidoNinger & Kyuemon).
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shurikensentai · 8 years
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Bye bye, Ninjas. Please remember to stay hidden from now on.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
In case you all forgot, Megumi Han (who’s portraying Luna/MidoNinger) was also Kyuemon’s VA. Kyuemon’s colour while studying under Yoshitaka was green.
Kyuemon became the green Ninninger after all~
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shurikensentai · 8 years
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Toei has published more information for the upcoming Ninninger V-Cinema:
Set two years after the finale. As the Ninningers gather at the Igasaki Dojo to honour the second anniversary of Yoshitaka’s death, a Gashadokuro - a remnant of the Kibaoni Army Corps - crashes the party. Before Takaharu can defeat it, Kasumi and Fuuka finish it off. They reveal that they’ve been protecting the peace as the strong and popular team “Ninnin Girls”.
Sakurako (Shinobu Nakayama), Takaharu and Fuuka’s mother, arrives at the dojo and reveals that she created the Ninnin Girls team. Her grand plans don’t end with Kasumi and Fuuka though. She plans on expanding the Igasaki Ninja School globally under the brand name “Ninnin Girls”. Opposing this decision, Takaharu, Yakumo, Nagi, and Kinji form their own team, the “Ninnin Boys”, and challenge the girls to a duel.
Sakurako accepts the challenge, planning on using it to further promote the Ninnin Girls, and introduces the latest Ninnin Girl: Luna Kokonoe (Megumi Han) aka MidoNinger. To help even the odds, Tsumuji joins the Ninnin Girls’ team making it an even four versus four duel.
Meanwhile, Ariake no Kata and Kibaoni Mangetsu have both revived. They attempt to divide the Ninningers even further as the girls versus boys duel progresses. Can the Ninningers work together to protect the worlds’ peace again!?
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Ninnin Girls vs. Boys FINAL WARS was written by Kento Shimoyama and directed by Noboru Takemoto. It will be released on June 22nd as a regular edition, Super Complete Works, or as the Super Complete Works + MidoNinger Ninshuriken edition.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Last Shinobi Tale: No Hiding For Us, And Wasshoi to the Future!
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Last Shinobi Tale: No Hiding For Us, And Wasshoi to the Future! (忍ばず未来へワッショイ! Shinobazu Mirai e Wasshoi!) is the forty-seventh episode of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger. It originally aired on February 7th 2016.
[Over-Time Sub] [TV-Nihon Sub]
With the intent of ending the current world to create a world dominated by the Kibaoni Army Corps, Kibaoni Kyuemon Shingetsu activates the power of the End Shuriken. To prevent the world from ending, the Ninningers confront the remnants of the Kibaoni Army Corps; the father-son combo of Kibaoni Gengetsu and Shingetsu.
However, lacking power, the Ninningers are unable to transform. Still, Takaharu refuses to let that stop him from protecting the world. He believes that, with the six of them together, their Nintality will continue to grow stronger!
This is the final, decisive showdown between the Ninningers and Kibaoni!
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Best Sentai credit dance? (Kyoryuger, Ninninger or MagiRanger)
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shurikensentai · 8 years
What do you think of Ninninger? So far i heard this isn't everyone's favorite Sentai
It isn’t my favourite series by far. I had a hard time even keeping up with it on a weekly basis because the majority of the episodes felt like a chore to watch. It was an interesting premise filled with wasted potential.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Shinobi 46: The End Shuriken, Awakens!
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The End Shuriken, Awakens! (終わりの手裏剣、目覚める! Owari no Shuriken, Mezameru!) is the forty-sixth episode of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger. It originally aired on January 31st 2016.
[Over-Time Sub] [TV-Nihon Sub]
Three generations of the Igasaki Clan transform into AkaNinger! The stage is set for the final battle between the Igasaki Ninja Clan and Kibaoni Gengetsu.
The six Ninningers start the battle off with a coordinated attack on Gengetsu, landing a strong blow against the feared war lord. In addition, Takaharu, Tsumugi, and Yoshitaka pull off a deadly explosion of Shinobi Retsuzans.
However, Gengetsu won't go down that easily. Having been storing power while he was sealed, Gengetsu is as strong as ever. Is it actually possible to defeat Kibaoni Gengetsu?
Meanwhile, Kyuemon begins preparations for his own plan...
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Am I the only one who's glad that this piece of shit sentai is finally over?
It isn’t over yet. Two episodes, a V-Cinema, and next year’s Versus film to go.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Shinobi 45: Three Generations! All Ninja Assembled
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Three Generations! All Ninja Assembled (親子三世代!ニンジャ全員集合 Oyako Sansedai! Ninja Zen'in Shūgō) is the forty-fifth episode of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger. It originally aired on January 24th 2016.
[Over-Time Sub] [TV-Nihon Sub]
In order to become the Last Ninja, Takaharu must kill his grandfather and inherit his Nintality. However, he decides that he won't. The other Ninningers agree with Takaharu's decision.
Kyuemon Kibaoni Shingetsu arrives to declare that he'll become the Last Ninja by killing Yoshitaka. Takaharu and the others try to confront him but their mastered Shuriken Ninpo is overwhelmed by Kyuemon's own Ninpo. Kyuemon allows the Last Ninja one final night with his family, ordering him to face him in the morning.
When the time comes, Yoshitaka goes off to face Kyuemon. However, the rest of the Igasaki Clan rush after him.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
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Can’t get enough of Ninninger? Well you’re in luck! They’ve announced that just like the past few series, the Ninningers will be getting a V-Cinema film. Ninnin Boys VS Girls: Final Wars will be released on June 22nd on DVD & Blu-ray. There will be a regular edition, collector’s edition, and a collector’s + NinShuriken edition.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
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Hey, look, we were right all along! Kyuemon Kibaoni Shingetsu is going to be the final boss after all.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Shinobi 44: Final Climatic Battle! The Trial of the Last Ninja
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Final Climatic Battle! The Trial of the Last Ninja (最終決戦!ラストニンジャの試練 Saigo no Kessen! Rasuto Ninja no Shiren) is the forty-fourth episode of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger. It originally aired on January 17th 2016.
[Over-Time Sub] [TV-Nihon Sub]
Kibaoni Gangetsu has finally revived. The time for his fearful world conquest, alongside the revived Gabi Raizo and other Kibaoni generals, has come. With his son, Kibaoni Kyuemon Shingetsu, at his side, Gengetsu begins the Kibaoni Army Corps's full-fledged attack against the world.
Under Kyuemon's orders, Masakage Tsugomori departs for the front line of battle. The Ninningers rush out to defend against the Kibaoni assault. Meanwhile, Yoshitaka imposes a final test on Takaharu. This test will ensure that Takaharu inherits the title of Last Ninja. 
It turns out that the final test is a battle to the death between Yoshitaka and Takaharu! However, Takaharu cannot find it in him to kill his own grandfather...!
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Over-Time has released their sub of that Ninja Dinosaur movie.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Any thoughts to share on the Igasaki Ichizoku Nin Retsu Zan?
I’m like 20 episodes behind and haven’t seen whatever that is yet.
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shurikensentai · 8 years
Can you explain why do they put the ToQGer Vs Kyoryuger in Ninninger Schedule ? We have to wait 3 WEEKS until next Ninninger Episode, so, in that case it will have 47 episodes?
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