shrimpiest-cat · 7 hours
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shrimpiest-cat · 10 hours
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shrimpiest-cat · 17 hours
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shrimpiest-cat · 17 hours
I've tried to find some eloquent way of saying it, but it is SO fucked up that trans women are so systematically starved for affection.
Give your friends a hug for me when you can, please. Let her cry on your shoulder or something. Just be there for her.
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shrimpiest-cat · 17 hours
cuddle buddies
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shrimpiest-cat · 18 hours
you ever think parappa the rapper just had really strong echolalia
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shrimpiest-cat · 2 days
Isn't transgenderite one of the elements commonly used in the manufacturing of robot girls?
blocking some anti-trans people and one of them was talking about how they wished anime never existed so we wouldn't have "transgenderite idolatry".
"transgenderite" is a new spelling.
Also, what are we idolizing? anime girls? I mean, I guess, but I think non-trans anime fans are doing that FAR more.
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shrimpiest-cat · 2 days
no amount of bird posts i make can ever capture how truly strange bitterns are
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shrimpiest-cat · 2 days
As awareness of plurality continues to spread online, that also means more and more people will realize they are plural. And unfortunately, there will be a response from certain gatekeepy exclusionist types, who will push back against these newfound systems and insist on invalidating them. They’ll insist they’re just hopping on a trend, or just fooling themselves, or whatever other justification they can make up to maintain the idea that being plural is extremely rare and being plural means suffering for it.
Don’t fall for it. Being plural presents challenges and difficulties without question, but being plural also can bring joys and clarity that weren’t possible otherwise. Being plural can be hard, and it can be beautiful.
No two systems present and function exactly the same ways. No two systems are plural for the exact same reasons. So we can’t expect there to be an absolute common trait present in every system. So any attempt to weed out the “fakers” is pointless and malicious.
If someone believes themself to be plural, they have good reason to. No further “proof” needed. If someone comes to us believing themself to be plural, we will help them along without critique or question. And above all we will be happy for them. Even if someday they realize they aren’t plural, that process of being allowed to question and experiment is so important, and they should be allowed to do so regardless of where they end up.
Plurality is a spectrum that encompasses a vast swathe of experiences and outlooks. It can be difficult to reckon with, which is why community is so vital. And as that community online grows and becomes more and more visible, we should all do our part, systems and singlets, to make sure these newfound systems feel safe, seen, and welcome.
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shrimpiest-cat · 2 days
Tango were so confident in Hi-Fi Rush that they released it on the same day they announced it; hotdropped it out of nowhere with nothing but a single trailer saying "THIS IS OUR COOL NEW RHYTHM-ACTION GAME IT'S OUT NOW!" and it actually worked. People loved it, it was popular, it wasn't an AAA game but it looked gorgeous and was a complete and polished experience, just an all-around triumph for the devs at Tango Gameworks.
I cannot overemphasize how crazy that is. If you're an indie game launching on Steam (meaning you're operating on a lower budget than most games) one of your first goals is to hit 20,000 wishlists before you launch, since that's the magic number that makes the Steam algo start showing your game to people who don't know you exist. You need months of hard work and good luck to make it, and even then you're still praying that the 20k wishlists actually convert to sales (I've worked on projects that hit 20k wishlists, but with a really low conversion rate so the games still 'failed')
An AA game with a hefty budget would need way more than that to make back its money spent. They would have to compete with AAA games hogging all the attention (and the audience's budget), while not having that scrappy indie culture behind them. If they don't sell enough to make their money back + enough for a new game, that studio is toast.
Hi-Fi Rush's team really went for a hotdrop stunt that would instantly kill 90% of other studios outright, somehow pulled it off spectacularly with a completely new IP that couldn't even fall back on brand recognition, and Microsoft STILL closed them down. They had a miracle team and just fired them all.
There's really nothing you can do to survive in this industry anymore
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shrimpiest-cat · 4 days
sometimes i feel like people forget autism is a disability. and that’s not a bad thing! i’m all for disability acceptance, im proud of my disabilities. but i feel like we forget autism can hurt.
it hurts that i have to put more time and energy into socializing than others.
it hurts when i need to move so bad, usually cause im overwhelmed by either my surroundings or emotions, that i thrash and hurt myself.
it hurts that i cant be in places that are too loud or too bright, which on bad days can be as simple as a small, quiet noise or dim lights.
it hurts that i struggle to tell when im hungry, thirsty, tired, etc. so i can’t properly take care of myself. it doesn’t help my insomnia and i get very nauseas and get UTIs.
i 100% believe in autism acceptance. i don’t want a cure. but i also want us the acknowledge that it can hurt. it doesn’t mean my entire life will hurt, but some parts will. and i want a community where we can see both sides, see the hurt, and celebrate it anyway.
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shrimpiest-cat · 4 days
Me, watching my kitten hold still for a suspiciously long time: Ollie, are you peeing on my floor?
Ollie: Not
Me: Are you sure?
Ollie, grunting through time and space to push out a chocolate mcmuffin wider than he is tall: Not
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shrimpiest-cat · 5 days
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I had an upsetting dream last night.
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shrimpiest-cat · 5 days
it's important to mock and belittle military and law enforcement to signal to others that these are not respectable professions, both to dissuade entry and to devalorize the institutions in the public eye
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shrimpiest-cat · 5 days
I don't know if it's because of my autism or depression or what but I've never been able to decide on a fursona because I don't see the point.
Like, specifically, it's like "why would I have a drawing/3d model of what I could look like? I don't see what that gets me"
But cruicially, this is different from not wanting to be an anthro animal person, see? Like, if a genie stopped by and was like "hey foone I'm nearly out of wishes but I have one left labeled 'you turn into a catgirl', want it?" I'd be like "yes, obviously."
So at some level it's like... I haven't made a fursona because I'd rather be my fursona, and it doesn't seem worth it to settle for second best (ie, continuing to be a boring human but having some art of what you'd prefer to be)
Is that weird? It seems weird.
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shrimpiest-cat · 5 days
[video id: a close-up shot of a peahen's face as she investigates the camera. The bird is indoors and beeping very enthusiastically as a hand plays gently with her neck feathers and gives her neck strokes. The camera person asks "you a happy bird?" and the bird keeps beeping. /ID]
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shrimpiest-cat · 5 days
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that’s a whole man.
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