shipcestftw · 8 months
Imagine your younger/child f/o trying to cheer you up. They don't fully understand what happened, but they can tell you're feeling down. They ask you to sit them on your lap, and you do so, only to be immediately wrapped in a big, affectionate hug. Once both of you pull away, they steal quick kiss from your lips.
"I don't like it when you're sad, so please... smile for me?"
You find their attempt way too adorable. With a genuine smile on your face, you're the one who kisses their lips this time.
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shipcestftw · 2 years
I have a new blog @colonyofgayants.
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shipcestftw · 2 years
I wrote a long emotional post and tumblr ate it
it involved an elmo cake and now I'm emotionally burned out and not sure I can explain this anymore.
anyway, the elmo on a birthday cake is not a real child. everyone knows that. so if an adult ordered a children's birthday cake at their adult party, with strippers and alcohol or whatever, it's not like the elmo is suffering. even if someone gave him a dildo for a laugh. everyone knows that's not a real kid, right? that it's just a bunch of adults having fun. would anyone accuse the person throwing the party, or the person making the cake, of torturing a child? of thinking that a child should witness strippers and drink beer? look at Elmo. look at his smile. look at his eyes. he's happy with the strippers and beer. why? because he's not even fucking real and antis are fucking insane.
Tumblr media
this made more sense in the other post but like I said. tumblr ate it. enjoy the cake. enjoy your strippers, Elmo
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shipcestftw · 2 years
*looks at non-shipcest couple*: so which one is the older sibling/parent that's saddled with guilt and fear and which one is the younger sibling/child that wants attention, cuddles, and possibly sex
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shipcestftw · 2 years
age gap ships where the younger one has the older one wrapped around their finger and despite being super guilty about it the older one can't resist the younger one...... the best flavor of age gap ship imo
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shipcestftw · 2 years
yes! I love fluffy stuff where the character with more power over the other cares about trying to make it an equal relationship and doesn't want to abuse the other one. depending on the circumstances the one with less power is like "awww you're so sweet" "hah! I'm the dominant one!" or "no bitch I want you to step on me"
Raise your hand if you like power imbalance ships!
(For me specifically, I mostly like “weird, scary-ass god/worshipper” ships, but I’ve also shipped “master/servant” “owner/sapient pet from another species” and “boss/employee” stuff too.)
Also feel free to gush in the replies/rbs if you want, I like to read.
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shipcestftw · 2 years
an idea I've been exploring for my OCs Candace and Britney (who are sisters 15 and 10 in this AU) is age regression and mommy-baby roleplay. I don't know what possessed me honestly I was like a normal shipper like 2 years ago and now I write stuff like this but maybe I'm just healing from my own shit.
Like everything on this account, this is totally self-indulgent. If you like it too, great! But please don't make requests for anything. I personally don't want to write about going to the bathroom in a diaper, just wearing diapers is interesting to me. There's plenty of fiction and art that explores scat/watersports/whatever it's called, and no hate to anyone looking for that, but it's just not my thing.
Anyway. Britney was parentified at age 9 when she was constantly told to take care of her baby cousin Fred (the baby character is not important to the story other than backstory stuff). Candace (who was busy with school stuff and not able to intervene as much as she wanted to) tried to make her aunt stop making Britney do that but Britney liked the attention and praise for being "a big, responsible girl." Candace had a bad feeling that it would mess with Britney's head. One year later, Britney wasn't asked to babysit anymore with the baby going to preschool, and poor Britney started spiraling after some other things too, like being bullied in school, and struggling to keep up with homework.
Also, takes place before any dating/confessions, Britney (10) is autistic and Candace (15) is trans. Sister x sister, incest, age gap, you know the drill.
One day, Candace forgets to knock and walks in on something strange. Britney with a box of their cousin's old baby things, sucking on a pacifier, naked except for some white shorts. The scene alarmed and disturbed her at first. "What are you doing?" She asked, almost demanding to know. Britney took the pacifier out, face turning red, and covered herself in the nearest cloth -the baby blanket with teddy bear and heart design. "I was...missing Fred. So I got out his stuff. I was pretending..."
"Pretending to be Fred?" Candace tried to finish.
"Pretending to be a baby." Britney said, in a quiet tone.
"Why?" Candace asked.
"It... it makes me feel better. And I was thinking about what you said to Aunt Fiona."
"What did I say?" Candace asked, confused.
"You said forcing me to grow up too fast would leave me emotionally and socially stunted." Britney laughed awkwardly. "I think you're right. I don't feel like I'm ten, I feel like I'm more mature than everyone in my class, but somehow way dumber, and I hate it. I don't have any friends, I'm too behind on homework, they said I'm going to repeat this grade, and all the girls talk about is boys or makeup, which is so stupid."
Candace sat next to her and sighed. "This has been a tough year for you, hasn't it?"
Britney answered a small "yeah" and nodded. There was a pause. Then she said something that threw Candace for a loop. "I realized I've been compensating for my lack of social skills by acting like I'm older, forcing myself to grow up too fast, and I don't know how to be a kid anymore. So I'm trying to..." she gestured at the toys. "Trying to relearn what it's like to be a little kid. By coming in here and doing this. Sometimes."
"Is it working?"
Britney looked up at Candace. It sounded like an interested question, not a disturbed one. She smiled. "I think so! Even if it isn't, I'm feeling better. Less stressed anyway."
"Well, that's good then!" Candace smiled back. "You know, I've seen so many people just ignore their problems. It's refreshing to see someone admit something's wrong with them and work to fix it. Uh, no offense by that. There's something wrong with everybody, honestly. But you're doing good."
Britney's face brightened. "So you don't think it's weird?"
"Maybe a little," Candace admitted. "But that doesn't mean it's wrong. I've heard of people using age regression to cope with their problems."
Britney's eyes widened. "You mean there's a NAME for what I'm doing?!"
"Oh yeah." Candace said. She worried about Britney trying to find that community. "Be careful about looking it up, though. It might not be safe for kids. But yeah, I've heard of adults dressing up as babies and pretending to be babies to feel safe and comforted. Sometimes they get other adults to play as their caregivers."
"Oh." Britney's face turned red, but she smiled. Candace wondered what she was thinking about.
"Don't talk to random people on the internet."
"I don't!" She responded. "I never talk to anyone on the internet. I just lurk everywhere."
Candace giggled.
"Do they get diapers?" Britney asked, in an embarassed whisper.
"Yeah." Candace said.
"They sell adult diapers at stores and stuff."
"Can-" Britney looked at the floor. "Never mind. Can you leave me alone so I can get dressed?"
"Yeah, sure." Candace got up to leave.
"And Candy-" Candace turned to Britney. "Please don't tell anyone. Not even Mom and Dad. This is really embarrassing."
"I won't."
"And-" she added. "I - I know you like teasing me for stuff sometimes, I don't mind it usually, but please don't tease me about this. Ever." She looked so serious and a little scared about this. "When I'm not being a Baby, I want to be taken really seriously. Okay?"
"Of course." Candace said. "This is off-limits for jokes. I got it."
Britney looked very relieved.
"Hey Britney!" Candace pulled her sister aside, whispering "Can we talk in my room? In private?" Britney said "yeah" and the two ran to Candace's room. Britney watched Candace take off her backpack and hand it to her. "I got you a surprise."
Britney opened the backpack and saw...diapers. Oh, big diapers, that could fit her. She gasped and blushed.
Candace looked nervous. "I, uh, I just happened to see those at the store, I just happened to be at the store...okay, I admit, I was looking for these for you!" Candace blurted out that last part, talking really fast, her eyes kept turning from the gift to the recipient.
"Thank you!" Britney said. "I can't wait to try them on! Uh, I'll do that later."
Britney was definitely smiling, but she was surprised by how happy Candace seemed to be. "Yeah-yeah, I um...by the way, if you want me to get you like...a lot more, to keep getting them, I can do that. I don't mind."
Britney raised an eyebrow, confused. "O-kay, but I don't need more than one, thank you."
Candace turned red. "I'm saying if you want to go in them, that's fine!"
Britney winced. "I don't want to go to the bathroom in these. I just wanna wear them."
"There's nothing wrong with it if you do!" Candace whispered, like she was stopping herself from shouting. "Look, I know it's totally embarrassing to ask, so I'm just telling you I'm okay with it if that's what you want to do! I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with..."
"I'm uncomfortable now." Britney admitted.
"What?" Candace asked, dumbfounded.
"That's gross. I just want to wear one, like it's cosplay."
"Ohhh." Candace looked super embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, I'll leave you alone. I was trying to be helpful. I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
Candace slapped her own face. "I'm not trying to be creepy. I'm not even that into this stuff. I was just excited to help you, because I know how embarrassing it is to feel like you're alone with a weird interest, and I wanted you to feel comfortable talking to me, if you want to. But only if you want to. I can leave you alone if that's better."
"Wait! You're into this stuff too?"
Candace's mouth formed an awkward, horizontal line. Britney could tell...Candace had said too much. " 'Was a bit curious." She muttered.
"You wanna play with the toys with me?"
"Uh, sure." Candace sat down on the floor, and Britney ran into the closet to change into the diaper. Candace blushed. Was this really happening? Why did this make her so excited? When Britney came back, she was in the diaper and her t-shirt, but she covered the bottom half of her body with the baby blanket. Candace respected that. She tried not to look at her too long, in case it made Britney uncomfortable. She wanted Britney to be comfortable. And she didn't want to be creepy.
Candace and Britney were both awkward and giddy at first, and settled into setting up towers of blocks, hosting a tea party, making dolls talk to each other. Candace sneaked the baby bottle into the kitchen and put some milk in it. Britney happy-bounced at the idea her sister suggested. Britney rested her head on Candace's lap and Candace fed her the bottle. It was a special, tender moment for both of them.
"Thank you, Mommy." Britney said after she finished. The first time she ever called Candace "Mommy." It just felt natural and right. Candace felt her heart swelling. "You're welcome, Baby."
(possibly a to be continued)
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shipcestftw · 2 years
more age gap prompts because why not
-the older one has an addiction (smoking, drinking, drugs, etc) and the younger one encourages them to quit, including saying "I won't give you kisses until you quit/if you smell"
-OR maybe the younger one is getting addicted to something and the older one has to get them to stop, bonus angst if they're both addicts and even more if the younger one started bc they were influenced by the older one
-one of them is going to school and is asked out by someone that everyone knows they used to have a crush on, and they say no, and now their friends want to know why they would reject THEM of all people and does this mean they're secretly dating someone else??
-the younger one surprises the older one by showing up wearing lingerie
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shipcestftw · 2 years
untitled. about a teen drinking at a party and the younger kid having to be responsible
More prompt/story stuff (kid x teen, siblingcest, underage drinking)
Hurt/comfort. Teen, who is normally more responsible, gets wasted at a party and has to be dragged home by their younger sibling, Kid, who is NOT happy to be taking on the responsible role and dealing with Teen being drunk.
Teen and Kid's parents unexpectedly say they're leaving for the weekend and Teen has to babysit. Teen normally doesn't mind, but they had plans to go to their friend Danny's party this weekend. Teen tells Kid they still wanna go to the party but will be back by 8:30pm, I promise, don't worry about it. That doesn't happen and as it's now a bit past Kid's bedtime they're getting pretty worried.
Kid: Hello, is this Teen?
Teen: (sounds very drunk) Oh, hey Kid! How's it going over there?
Kid: It's 9:45. When are you coming home?
Teen: Oh...oh yeah...oh no... I forgot I'm sho shorry,,,,I can't drive I'm drunk (another drunk kid yells not to say that, and Teen says "Shut up it's just Kid! They won't tell!") Oh yeah, ha ha, I can jush walk home we moved the party to Neighbor's house. (more arguing with the other drunk kid). I'm on my way, just hold -oof!
Kid hears a bunch of party noises and what sounds like their sibling getting hurt. Teen's voice is distant through the phone. Kid gets a flashlight and immediately run to their neighbor's house (only about three houses away), where Kid shines the flashlight on their sibling, who is on their knees in the grass looking for something. They look up startled at the light, but relieved to see it was just Kid. "Oh, heyya!"
Kid helps them to their feet. "What happened?!"
"I dropped my phone..."
Kid shines a light on the ground and finds it in mere seconds. They hand the phone back to Teen.
"Did someone hurt you?"
"No, I jush fell in the doorway." Kid wasn't sure if they could believe that. Teen wasn't usually this clumsy, but then again Teen wasn't normally like this. Is this what it was being drunk does to you? They couldn't see the appeal, as they had to hold up their sibling who was like twice their height and struggling not to fall over again.
Teen just smiled at them, in a daze. "You're the BEST, you know? How did...did you drive here???"
"I walked. Where's the car?"
"Oh yeah." Teen laughed, almost maniacally. "I took the car."
"Where IS it?"
"It'sh at Danny's."
Kid groaned. Well, they definitely weren't getting the car back tonight.
The two siblings continued walking to their house, Kid keeping Teen up.
Teen started giggling. "You're shoooo cute."
Kid grunted.
"You're my shibling and my little datefriend." Teen kept giggling, and Kid's face turned red.
"I know. Shut! Up!" They spat through gritted teeth. They knew there was nobody around, but Teen had made it clear that they shouldn't talk about that when they were out of the house, and what if someone else heard it somehow?
"You're cute when you're mad too!"
Kid was losing their patience. This was such a bizarre night. Finally, when they were home, Kid closed and locked the door, sat on the kitchen floor, and starting crying.
"Nooo, what'sh wrong?" Teen, laying on the couch in the next room, reached their hand out in Kid's direction and had a sad expression, like they wanted to help.
"What's wrong with YOU?!" Kid yelled back. "You're not acting like yourself at ALL! And you talked about us in public! And you left the car at Danny's!" This was so scary to Kid. Teen was usually pretty responsible and would help Kid, not the other way around.
Teen looked taken aback. They started crying too. Kid felt bad, but they didn't want to say sorry, because they were right.
"I'm sorry!" Teen said through sobs.
Kid stared at them. They looked so worried for Kid, but also so tired and sick, like they were trying to wake up for Kid but could barely comprehend what was happening.
"I love you." Kid said, hugging them. "I'm still mad, but I love you."
"I love you too." Teen said, returning the hug.
Kid saw Teen puckering their lips and reaching forward. Kid knows that you shouldn't kiss drunk people, so they held up their hand in front of their mouth and said "No." Teen reached up and left a sloppy but quick smooch on Kid's forehead. "Oh." Kid muttered. "I guess that's okay."
Kid sat on the couch with Teen, and they both eventually fell asleep.
The next day, Teen woke up with a hangover. Still, as soon as they saw the messages about the car, they immediately got a ride to get it back. Thankfully, the car got back to the house safely, and the only punishment so far was a lecture from Danny's parents (though, they were relieved to have one less car to deal with. Apparently Teen was far from the only one to take up their driveway when they moved the party).
"Don't drink ever again." Kid said to Teen.
"Not you too." Teen groaned. "Look, I'm not in the mood to get lectured again. You know Mom and Dad are gonna kill me if they find out."
Kid pouted. Teen saw the bags under Kid's eyes, and wondered how late Kid stayed awake. Then some memories resurfaced. But only some.
"Wait, did you help me get home last night?"
Kid gave them a WTF expression. "YESSSSS, we WALKED, remember??"
Teen's head hurt, but they held back the instinctual anger. They knew Kid didn't deserve it. "Barely." Teen muttered.
Kid sighed. "Promise me you won't drink anymore."
"I can't," Teen said.
"Why not?!" Kid asked. Then they realized, "have you gotten drunk before?!"
Teen rolled their eyes. Kid gasped. "That's really bad! You're not even 18! What if you lose the car again?!
"Look-" Teen started in their Lecture tone. "I'm sorry I made you have to come get me. I'm sorry I acted like a total idiot last night. That wasn't fair to put you through." Teen sounded mad, though Kid could tell this was mostly the headache and not anger at them. "I shouldn't have gotten trashed, but I can't promise you I'll never get drunk again. It's fun. It's harmless! I'd look dumb if I said no while everyone else did! And besides the car thing, nothing really bad happened."
Teen realized they must have said something wrong when Kid's eyes filled with anger-tears. "Wait, did something else happen? I don't think I remember everything right."
Kid sighed. "I called you and it sounded like you fell or got pushed or something. You were fighting with someone, so maybe they pushed you. Then I ran to get you, and I found your phone, and you said that you fell when you walked out of the house and that's how you lost your phone. Then you called me cute and said that I was your datefriend in PUBLIC!" Teen's eyes widened in panic, and Kid continued. "And then we went home and slept on the couch."
"I said WHAT in public?" Teen muttered, looking horrified at themself.
"Yeah, like you wanted to tell the whole world! And I told you to shut up!" Kid didn't hold back their anger. Teen had made it very clear in the past that it would be very bad for Teen if anybody knew they were dating, so this really got to Kid.
Teen hugged Kid and said, in a horrified whisper, "I'm so sorry. I was being really dumb!" After a long pause, they added "And I said that in front of my friends?!"
Kid blinked. They realized they never mentioned where that happened, and Teen might have thought it happened at the house. Kid normally tells them the truth, but they figured, if this scared them from drinking again, maybe a little white lie wouldn't hurt.
"Yeah, but I don't think anyone heard you, maybe."
Teen looked like they wanted to throw up.
"Well." Teen said. "Uh, anything else?"
"I yelled at you, and, uh- hey! How come you don't remember this?!" Kid asked.
Teen winced. "Never drink at parties." They held Kid's hand. "I won't drink anymore, I promise."
Kid sniffled and smiled. Okay. Things were okay.
"Did anything else happen? I was really drunk...oh God, I didn't hurt you or anything, did I?"
"I had to practically carry you home and that was annoying."
"I mean, I didn't...I would never...." Teen couldn't finish it, and Kid realized what they were implying.
"Oh, no. You didn't. You called me cute twice and I had to tell you not to kiss me and you kissed me...on the forehead." Kid laughed. "It was kind of funny but I was too mad to like it."
Teen nervous laughed. "You are cute. If I told you every time I thought you were cute, you would think I was annoying."
Kid laughed. "I already know you're annoying."
And all was right with the world.
The end.
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shipcestftw · 2 years
more ideas (angst, hurt/comfort)
Younger Sibling mistakenly trusted one of their best friends by admitting their crush on Older Sibling, and their "friend" told other kids and now enough of the school knows about it for Younger Sibling to get a bad reputation, lose their friends (some of them are actually grossed out, the other ones just don't want to be unpopular by association), and get bullied/ostracized. going to school is now a nightmare and they're so scared that Older Sibling will hear about it and they'll lose their crush, sibling, and the last friend they have. Older Sibling does learn, but basically this is what makes them admit their crush to Younger Sibling because it's like, fuck it, if Younger Sibling is already getting bullied by everyone and they really do have a crush on Older Sibling then maybe this can make them happy again. they should be able to have one dependable person in their life, right?
also, at some point Older Sibling shows up in the middle of Younger Sibling getting physically/emotionally abused by classmates and kicks the bullies asses. this could happen after the confession, but if it happens before the confession there's the added conflict of Younger Sibling worrying that the bullies will of course bring up their crush to Older Sibling right in front of them! not that Older Sibling would listen to those bullies, of course, but Younger Sibling doesn't know that yet.
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shipcestftw · 2 years
(important: this post is all about fictional characters and this is all "dead dove do not eat" content. none of this is about real life anything.)
I've been thinking a lot about parent x child dynamics and sibling x sibling dynamics interacting with each other.
like, the older sibling goes to one of their parents that they know they can trust and confesses that they have a crush on younger sibling and feel so so guilty about the age gap and the incest thing, and the parent is sitting there comforting them and in their head they're like Hell if I can help you sweetie, I have it even worse because my age gap from you guys is like 20+ years and I literally made you 😳.
also, if both parents are crushing on their kids, they must trust each other a LOT to tell each other about it knowing that the other one wouldn't go to the police or something. or, if they're the less responsible type, one of them just blurts it out to the other one when they're both drunk or something so Parent A is like "our kid is so hot" and Parent B is like "oh damn, it's not just me?" and then they both agree to keep each other in check.
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shipcestftw · 2 years
AUs where YB(Peter) is Your Brother
the Your Boyfriend fandom is already a gatekeeping mess let's see how much hate this can generate lol
I haven't even played this game this is based on what I know about the character from the fandom. I know he has a sister in canon but I just ignored her lol
and yes, this is sibling incest au. Y/N doesn't have to be you in particular I consider them their own character and also nonbinary (they/them). don't like don't read ;D
Where YB is the older one (age difference is up to you!):
before Y/N was born, he hated the idea of having a sibling. his parents put the new baby in his arms for the first time and he said "Ew, no thanks! Can I go now?"
he warmed up to being a big brother over time
Y/N and YB's parents were lousy and neglectful and YB had to make them breakfast and lunch sometimes, which was often just cereal
this was the time he switched to being more protective big brother
he still gave Y/N piggyback rides even when they were getting so heavy. Y/N was like "Are you sure I'm not too big?" and YB was like "No! I got this!"
(violence/blood tw) one day some kids bullied Y/N in school. YB heard them crying, listened, and then was like "OK, I'll be right back." he comes back and happily announces that he talked to the bullies and they switched schools and won't bother Y/N again. Y/N was so happy about that! but they later found a bloody knife that YB told them not to worry about
where YB and Y/N are twins:
due to his sharp teeth and creepy nature, everyone jokes about YB being the evil twin. Y/N laughs, but never actually thinks he's evil
YB cried when Y/N asked their parents about having separate rooms
Y/N sometimes wakes up to find YB sleeping next to them. they asked him "aren't we too old to share a bed?" and YB responded with "no way! we're never too old for sleepovers!"
where YB is the younger one (again, age difference is up to you, though I imagined Peter's age is 8 and Y/N is a teenager):
the creepiest most yandere AU unless you interpret the older YB AU as darker than I described
YB is a shitty irredeemable brat of a child lol
I admit this isn't even romantic I was just writing this for a laugh
YB insists on holding hands when crossing the street, even when he's getting a bit old for that
Y/N could be relaxing on the couch, and YB crawls on his lap, gets in his face and goes "Gimme a kiss or I steal your hat!"
YB takes every advantage of being an "innocent little kid" to touch Y/N inappropriately. Y/N has to keep pushing him off.
YB gives back Y/N's phone after stealing it. Y/N's like "what were you doing with my phone?" YB says he "took some pictures, so you can always think about me~." Y/N is horrified to realize the nature of these pictures and smashes the phone with a hammer, now getting a cell phone with no camera.
YB hates seeing Y/N going on dates and will resort to tattling if it means keeping his big sibling at home all to himself
Y/N tried to have a date at their house but that was a mistake, because YB insisted on tagging along and being creepy/annoying/stopping them from being alone. the worst part was that the date totally bought his act and thought he was just being a "cute protective little brother," but YB would kick Y/N under the table or wink at Y/N and Y/N hated it.
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shipcestftw · 2 years
shipcest story prompt:
Youngest Sibling, who is a kid, walks in to find Oldest Sibling kissing Parent. they run to their room crying. Oldest Sibling and Parent think Youngest is confused/scared and try to explain, but really the Youngest is upset because they've had a crush on Oldest and maybe a little bit on Parent too, so they actually feel jealous and left out. it ends with poly family
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shipcestftw · 2 years
Homestaying prom
short story, fluff, Sister x sister, ocs. the older sister Candace is a trans girl, the younger sister Britney is butch/tomboy, the parents know they're dating and are supportive of them,
Candace was getting her books together when she heard the sound of a person hitting the locker behind her. "Hey~"
She turned around. She may not have immediately picked up that it was Britney's voice, but it was instantly obvious to her that it was her younger sister leaning with her hand against the locker, dressed in an uncharacteristically frilly purple shirt, messy blond curls falling in her face that were obviously part of a wig she tossed on her head.
"I'm Elena." She said in a low voice, probably trying to sound something different from her normal voice. "I'm new in this school, and you're cute. Wanna take me to prom?"
Candace couldn't help but laugh, which she could tell made Britney lose her confidence as her face fell. "Britney, you look ridiculous!" She said, a little loudly by accident as she struggled to control her volume in this state. "Who exactly are you trying to fool?!"
"Shh! Shh!" She whispered, patting her hands down in the visual cue to be quieter. "I'm not trying to fool you, just... everyone else." There was no one else in the hallway, no one that wasn't walking to class anyway. Was Britney trying to avoid attention, or get attention with this stunt? "So.... we can go to your junior prom together? Please?"
Oh boy. Candace sighed. Now Britney was giving her the adorable puppy eyes. "We can't." Candace whispered, disappointed in her own answer. "I'm sorry, but no. Even if you could actually pull off that disguise, it's too risky."
Britney whined and tore off the wig. Even her makeup looked pretty messy. Britney offered to help her remove it in the bathroom. She knew her sister wasn't enjoying it on her face.
"It doesn't have to be romantic. Maybe you can take me as your best sister friend?" Britney offered.
Candace really didn't want to say no, but she also really didn't want any rumors to start. "I don't think they'd allow it, but it doesn't matter. I'm not going anyway. Dances are stupid."
Britney sighed but didn't argue anymore. At least Candace knew Britney could be relieved to not feel jealous of anyone.
Candace hoped that Britney would like the surprise. She finished getting ready and stepped out of her room, showing Britney her new red dress and nice necklace.
Britney sat on the couch and watched her sister. She looked, her pupils grew, but she didn't smile. "So you are going to prom." She said flatly.
"N-No," Candace responded. "I just wanted to look nice."
"Please don't lie to me" she said, scrunching her hands on her camo pants, head down, her falling tears dripping onto her glasses. She wasn't looking anymore. "I know you're not getting dressed up for nothing. I know you wanna go. You should go." No sarcasm or anger towards her sister in her voice, just sadness, and some frustration at the situation. "Have fun. You...you look lovely by the way." The last part almost whispered. Candace's heart nearly broke, even knowing what she knew was coming up next.
Suddenly, the lights went down and the song DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again started playing in the speakers through the house. "What-?!" Britney asked, so confused that it broke her crying.
Candace smiled and held out her hand. "May I have this dance?" she asked, bending over a little bit.
Britney looked shocked, and blushed. "I- really? This is-?" Colors started swirling in the room, and she and Candace realized that their parents activated the little disco ball on the ceiling. Candace forgot they even had that, so this was a surprise for her too.
Britney got up and ran past Candace, shouting "Wait a second! I have to get dressed too!" Candace looked up at her parents, who she could barely see standing upstairs controlling the sound system and everything, and motioned her hand cutting her neck, signaling them to turn it off. Her parents, leaning on the rail with goofy grins on their faces, nodded and paused the music.
"I'm back!" Britney said, running in her adorable tan suit shirt, black dress pants, and bow tie. She even had the right shoes for this! Candace was impressed. "I had this on standby, I still held on to some hopes we could go to prom together..." Britney admitted.
"Well, this is prom now." Candace tried to wrap her arms on Britney to dance, Britney followed her lead, but they stopped at the lights turning on.
"Wait, wait!" Their dad yelled, running towards them.
"Pictures!" Their mom followed behind, showing the camera.
Britney was visibly excited, but Candace's eyes widened in fear. "Guys, prom pictures are a bad idea. Somebody's bound to see them. What do we do if-"
"Oh hush." Their mom silenced her. Britney put her arm around Candace's torso without hesitation. "It's a picture of you two, and I won't put labels on it so nobody will know what this is from, and it won't go on Facebook or anything, we'll just print it and it'll stay in our home."
"Fine." Candace rolled her eyes, but she smiled.
The pictures came out lovely. Only one of them ever left their parents house, where it was hung on the wall years later, at Britney and Candace's new house in their new town, in a time and place where they could now safely say that they went to prom together.
The End :)
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shipcestftw · 2 years
Wanted to share a plot summary idea I got from a fanfic about soulmarks (the kind that appear when you touch the first time): A couple has a baby and realize that their baby has a soulmark already, and they have new ones that look the same as the baby's! They panic on what this could mean and get judgement from family and friends, but they're told by an expert that the soulmark is most likely just a (very rare) familial mark which means they'll be close bffs with their kid. They are relieved, (time skip) especially when their second kid has the same mark, but then panic again when their 4-year-old holds the baby for the first time and it gives their kids new, more obvious marks. The same expert, an eccentric lady, lives with them temporarily and helps them process, accept, and even appreciate the reality that based on the look of the new marks their kids are pretty likely to fall in love with each other when they're older.
Also, the kids get way older and the couple starts realizing they might be attracted to their kids too, not to the same level as their kids are with each other or the parents are with each other but still they obviously feel guilty about that because I'm all about that angst baby
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