shinu1425452 · 10 days
Dr Sachin Mahajan : Best Neurosurgeon in Pune | Neurosurgeon in Pune
Dr. Sachin Mahajan is one of the leading Consultant Neurosurgeon practicing at Sahyadri Hospital Pune. He is a Neurosurgeon in Pune Specialised in handling complexities in Brain & Spine surgeries. Avail best option for your spine disorders.
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shinu1425452 · 10 days
Early Warning Signs of Spinal Conditions
Spinal conditions can significantly impact one’s quality of life, causing pain, discomfort, and limited mobility. As a leading spine specialist in Pune, Dr. Sachin Mahajan understands the importance of early detection and intervention when it comes to spinal health. In this blog, we’ll explore the early warning signs of common spinal conditions and discuss the importance of seeking timely treatment.
Understanding Spinal Conditions:
Understanding spinal conditions is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. The spine, also known as the backbone or vertebral column, plays a crucial role in supporting the body’s structure, protecting the spinal cord, and facilitating movement. However, various factors such as aging, injury, poor posture, and underlying medical conditions can lead to spinal problems. Common spinal conditions include herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, and spinal cord compression. These conditions can cause symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, radiating nerve pain, muscle weakness, and difficulty walking. Early detection and intervention are key to preventing further damage and preserving spinal function. Seeking prompt medical attention from a qualified spine specialist is essential for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment. With the right approach, individuals can manage spinal conditions effectively and maintain a high quality of life.
Common Warning Signs:
Persistent Back Pain: Chronic or recurring back pain, especially in the lower back, is often a sign of underlying spinal issues such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, or spinal stenosis.
Neck Pain and Stiffness: Persistent neck pain accompanied by stiffness or limited range of motion may indicate cervical spine problems such as cervical spondylosis or cervical disc herniation.
Nerve Pain: Radiating pain that travels from the spine down the arms or legs, often described as tingling, numbness, or weakness, could be a symptom of nerve compression or irritation.
Muscle Weakness: Weakness or difficulty moving certain muscles, particularly in the arms or legs, may indicate nerve compression or damage affecting motor function.
Changes in Bowel or Bladder Function: In severe cases of spinal cord compression, individuals may experience urinary or fecal incontinence, indicating a medical emergency requiring immediate attention.
Difficulty Walking: Progressive difficulty walking or maintaining balance, along with coordination problems, may signal spinal cord compression or other neurological issues.
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shinu1425452 · 1 year
Stroke Management
Stroke is an emergency condition that needs immediate treatment depending upon the type of the stroke. Quick treatment improves chances of survival and reduces complications.
 Ischemic stroke:In cases of ischemic stroke, treatment is done to quickly restore blood flow to the brain.
Emergency medication for Ischemic stroke: Emergency treatment includes clot-busting drugs that dissolve blood clot. Drugs include:
Intravenous injection of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (TPA)
Emergency procedures: Depending upon the features of bold clot, surgeon may decide to perform following procedure in patients of ischemic stroke:
Medications delivered directly to the brain through a long, thin tube called catheter to deliver TPA directly into the area of stroke.
Mechanical clot removal is done using a catheter to maneuver a tiny device into the brain that will physically break up or grab and remove the clot.
Other procedures: Following procedures are recommended by the surgeon to decrease the risk future stroke:
Carotid endarterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes plaques from carotid arteries to reduce the risk of ischemic stroke.
Angioplasty and stents is a procedure in which surgeon gains access to the carotid artery through an artery in the groin and expands the narrowed artery by using a balloon. Now a stent is inserted to support the opened artery.
Hemorrhagic stroke: In case of hemorrhagic stroke, treatment is done to control bleeding and reduce pressure in the brain.
Emergency medication for hemorrhagic stroke: Patients taking warfarin (coumadin) or other anti-platelet drugs such as clopidogrel (Plavix) to prevent blood clots are given drugs to counteract their blood thinners’ effects. In addition to this, drugs to lower pressure in brain (intracranial pressure), lower blood pressure, prevent vasospasm or prevent seizures. After bleeding stops in brain, supportive medical care is given to absorb blood and fasten healing.
Surgical blood vessel repair: Any of the following procedures is done to repair blood vessel abnormalities associated with hemorrhagic stroke:
Surgical clipping to stop blood flow, prevent bursting of aneurysm or to prevent re-bleeding of an aneurysm.
Coiling (endovascular embolization) is a procedure to insert a catheter into an artery to attach tiny detachable coils into the aneurysm. This will block the blood flow into the aneurysm.
Surgical removal of accessible AVM to eliminate the risk of rupture and lower the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.
Intracranial bypass is the procedure of bypassing intracranial blood vessels to treat poor blood flow to a region of the brain or complex vascular lesions.
Stereotactic radiosurgery is an advanced minimally invasive treatment used to repair vascular malformations
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shinu1425452 · 1 year
Back Pain Treatment in Pune | Back Pain Specialist in Pune - Dr. Sachin Mahajan
Back pain is one of the most popular common problems and potentially serious disease. It can turn out to be so debilitating for certain patients that it obstructs their capacity to take participate in regular activities. Dr. Sachin Mahajan is a renowned back pain specialist and spine specialist in Pune, gives Best Back Pain Treatment in Pune at Sahyadri Hospital Pune.
The Maximum majority of the general people have encountered back pain eventually in their lives. The treatment of this back main may vary with the different causes of the reason for the pain. Many examples of back pain are the aftereffect of a muscle strain. Fortunately, such back pain, for the most part, mends rapidly in half a month or months. Depending upon the reasons for back pain treatments in Pune can vary from person to person, so it is commonly advisable to recover a back pain diagnosis from an accomplished medicinal expert.
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What are the types of Back Pain?
Back pain is a pain in any area of the back. It is separated into neck pain (cervical), center back pain (thoracic), lower back pain(lumbar) or coccydynia (tailbone or sacral pain) in light of the section affected. The lumbar area is the most widely recognized region for Pain, as it supports the vast majority of the weight in the upper area.
Most instances of the intense back as well as leg pain may not require any examinations and will recuperate with initial treatment. Contingent upon the presumed getting an x-ray, blood examinations and an MRI scan might be asked. Tests that might be requested incorporate an x-ray, CT scan of the lower spine, or MRI of the lower spine.
What are the causes of Back Pain?
Strained muscles and ligaments.
Disc Injuries.
Herniated discs causing nerve compression resulting in Sciatica.
Piriformis syndrome.
Causes due to infection and Autoimmune disorders.
Spinal Canal Stenosis, Scoliosis, Spondylosis, Spondylolisthesis, Sacro-iliac Joint Dysfunction.
In some cases caused by metastatic cancers, Spinal Osteomyelitis, and Epidural Abscess.
What are the symptoms of Back Pain?
Low back pain might begin as acute due to an injury but can become chronic.
Dull aching pain in lower back accompanied by mild or severe muscles spasms &decreased range of motion
Sometimes low back pain includes a sharp, tingling, shooting pain that can radiate down the thighs to the leg and feet
Pain worsens during sitting
Pain that feels better while changing positions
Inability to stand up straight without pain
What are the Back Pain Treatment options in Pune?
How Lower Back Pain is Diagnosed The first step for successfully treating lower back pain is to record an appointment with your primary care doctor. Before the appointment, take note of your symptoms. Back pain doctors may ask specific questions to gain better perceptivity into the sustaining cause of your pain.
Questions may include:
The spot of your pain
The intensity of your pain
Quality of your pain
Your medical history including any prior treatments or studies you’ve shared and how you’ve responded to the treatment.
The primary purpose behind Upper Back, Mid Back and Low Back pain is musculoskeletal imbalances. Hip misalignment causes serious musculoskeletal pain and compensation resulting in Disc prolapse, Spinal stenosis, Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction resulting in Pain. Dr. Sachin Mahajan is the best spine surgeon at Sahyadri hospital Pune providing all treatments regarding spine surgery and neurosurgery.
Generally, the current medical methods focus on reducing the pain, however, these back pain treatments don’t eliminate the underlying source of pain. The exact reason for back pain is never found in up to 85% of cases and often the diagnosed “cause” of back pain is the clearest structural harm that can be seen on an X-ray or MRI, yet is frequently not the real reason for the pain and can lead to unnecessary and possibly hurtful medical procedures and different interventions.
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