seqular · 6 years
The Purpose of Life
Bill/Ford, ~2k wc, nsfw, unhealthy relationships, the usual Billford kinda content
Ford asks Bill about his purpose in life. Bill decides to show him. (Discontinued WIP. Also one of my first ever GF fics, hah.)
( But not for you! You’re meant for bigger things, Fordsy.”
“I am--?”
“What a size queen!” Bill interrupts. )
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seqular · 6 years
Nobody But You
Bill/Ford, ~2k wc, noncon, tentacles, unhealthy relationships
Ford attracts some unexpected attention, and Bill reminds him of his place. AU where Ford is much younger when Bill enters his life. Written for @anysin-can-hadplen for Nonconathon 2018!
( “Because I’m yours,” Ford says, easily, and tries to make himself relax for Bill. “Because you love me.”
“Because I’m the only one that loves you,” Bill echoes. )
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seqular · 6 years
On Twins
Stancest, ~500w
A journal entry about Stan.
( In my lifetime, I have traveled innumerable distances to discover new anomalies to study. Yet, in all this time, I have failed to look more closely into the anomaly that is as intrinsic a part of me as my six-fingered hands. )
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seqular · 6 years
Bill/Ford, Sex Pollen
~300 words sex pollen, only a little NSFW. 
Someone drew a cool thing for it here and it is great *__*
When Bill pops into his Dreamscape this time, there’s something different. Usually it’s about Ford—Ford’s fantasies, Ford’s sick desires. This time, Bill doesn’t bother shifting into a human form, just flies at him as a flickering triangle, one moment a small yellow thing, the next huge and red, with lolling black tongues. He settles on this form for just long enough to attack Ford with his tongues, one wrapping—affectionately, he hopes—around Ford’s neck, another pushing beneath his sweater, a last dripping slimy spit in Ford’s face and hair in a strange imitation of a kiss. “Woah,” Ford says by way of greeting, and Bill shifts again in another series of flickers before settling back into his standard form. 
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seqular · 6 years
Ford/Dipper, 100-ish words of grooming
Implied underage, incest.
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seqular · 6 years
Ford & Bill & Dipper, Time Travel
~150w, Dipper goes back in time to enter Ford’s mind and interfere with Bill’s plans. Gen in this part, but maybe shippy eventually?
“Name’s Bill! And your name’s Stanford Pines, and you’re…wait, who the fuck are you?” Bill asks, as Dipper follows into Ford’s mindscape shortly after him. He can’t let himself be seen as the scared, scrawny, scratched up kid he is, not if this is going to work, so he’s taken on the form of a blue square, in a similar format as Bill. The depth perception out of one eye is all weird.
“Mason,” he says, swallowing the uncomfortable sound of his name. Bill narrows his eye, and for a moment Dipper thinks that he’s been seen through. Maybe Bill has perception through time, and knows exactly who he is and what he’s planning. Luckily, his mindscape body has less gives for its nervousness than the real one does. He shoves down the uncertainty and continues, turning to Ford, ”Stanford Pines, you’re going to discover the Unified Theory of Weirdness, and you’ll do it without making a deal with this devil.“
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seqular · 6 years
Stancest, Memory Wipe
Prompt was “AU where Stan never got his memories back; Ford deals with it poorly.” ~600w.
Stan… actually doesn’t seem that different than before. He gets along the same with the kids, even though they tear up a couple times when Stan forgets things, and settles into the same easy relationship he had with Soos and Wendy. He swindles a bit less, actually talks to the townsfolk more. Maybe it’s that the shortest relationships are the easiest to rebuild. 
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seqular · 6 years
Bill/Ford, Catnip
~200w, slightly nsfw?
Bill’s face is nuzzled into Ford’s neck, his body thrumming with a purr that seems too large for his slim body. He’s wrapped his tail possessively around Ford’s leg, and his arms around Ford’s shoulders, and it’d be cute if he weren’t grinding shamelessly against Ford’s thigh.
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seqular · 6 years
Dipper/Ford, Orgasm Denial
100w exactly! NSFW, underage if you want it to be.
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seqular · 6 years
Quick thing in @ahkaraii​‘s evil stan AU! ~200w, death, mentioned noncon, nsfw
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seqular · 6 years
Bill/Ford, Tentacles
~100w, mildly nsfw & dubcon
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seqular · 6 years
Evil Stan!Stancest, Gunplay
Another thing in @ahkaraii​’s Evil Stan AU! After writing the last one, I realized I missed a perfectly good chance for gross gunplay. Anyway, here’s that.
~750w, nsfw, noncon, gunplay, character death
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seqular · 6 years
Bill/Ford, Frailty
Literal shota bait Bill unsuccessfully seduces Ford. SFW, some kissing
Seeing Bill as a child is distinctly disturbing for several reasons, not the least of which is the way he’s stumbling around unsteadily as if drunk. He’s just getting accustomed to the form, Ford knows from experience. The last time, Bill had appeared in his dreamscape as a dog, and spent a few minutes distractedly snapping at his tail, and before that, he’d been a tall, lanky man who tripped over his feet every now and then. 
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seqular · 6 years
For the Softer World meme: Stancest, prompt 18
I don’t know how to make things right.  So I’ll just keep pretending that nothing’s wrong. (you know that I’m no good)
~400w, NSFW. A bit of implied BillFord that can also be read as Ford being restless, haha. >__>
They’re halfway to Antarctica when Ford starts to get antsy. Stan can recognize the signs of it this time. They’re an echo, reaching through the haze of his still-recovering memory. Ford spends a lot of time pacing on deck. He sits out there and meditates, even when it pours rain. When he does return inside, Ford spends a lot of time writing in his journal, his jaw clenched in concentration. Once, when they’re drifting slowly in a calm sea, he catches Ford balanced precariously on the edge of a rail, looking longingly out at the distant moon.
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seqular · 6 years
So, uh, I was looking at those Softer World AU prompts and all I can see is beautiful, beautiful stancest. BUT. Heheh, how about #30, stancest? (I love your fics, you're amazing
Ahhhh no YOU’RE amazing!
Anyway, have some filthier than anticipated teen Stans. 
In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house and in that dark, dark house I think we should get drunk and fool around. (I want dirt under my fingernails.)
~600w, vaguely d/s
Ford is still nursing his second bottle of beer, but already he can feel himself getting a little lightheaded. He’d refused Stan at first—they could’ve gotten caught, and sent back home, and then where would they be—but Stan had wheedled and cajoled, and then, when Ford continued to deny him, shrugged his shoulders and started on his own. His lips had glistened as they wrapped around the narrow rim of the bottle, lingering perhaps longer than needed, and the slow grin that spread over his face as he offered it up to Ford said that he knew exactly what he was doing. Damn him.
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seqular · 6 years
Stancest 12! ;)
This… isn’t very serious, sorry! /o\ ~400w, dubcon, light bondage, and a werewolf
It’s a full moon.  I bought some rope and handcuffs to bring to bed tonight. (beware the moon.)
“We are NOT doing that,” Stan says, backing away. “Uh-uh, not happening, no fucking way.”
“Language, Stanley,” Ford says, even though none of the kids are around. Stan knows because he had glanced around frantically when Ford showed up in his room, half hoping for rescue and half hoping the kids would never see this side of their great-uncle Ford.
The side, specifically, that wanted to screw his werewolf brother.
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seqular · 6 years
Stans, Teeth
I should be writing other things but was gripped by the need to write Ford being an asshole. Edit: Also @ahkaraii drew an amazing thing for this, please check it out!!
~300w, body shaming, some teeth stuff 
Ford narrows his eyes and grabs him by the jaw. For one heart-stopping moment, Stan thinks that Ford is actually going to kiss him. Then Ford uses his other hand to pry open Stan’s mouth.
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