selkie-irl · 2 years
I wish I had a mother figure
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selkie-irl · 2 years
So, I've been the alpha of the pack and recreated the pack tumblr for not even 2 days now and assholes are trying to talk shit about the pack already, so here's a post to debunk whatever is being said:
About us:
The First Family pack was created by @lycanthropeborn. She had to step down for now and now I am the alpha of it and @midorra is our beta. The tumblr was deleted so I recreated it. It's not the actual pack, it's like our social media now for the pack and for shifters in the shifting community. We are not people with lycanthropy, we are actual physical shifters. This is a totally different community than those who have clinical lycanthropy or mentally "identify" with someone that's not "human" such as otherkins. We never claimed to be that, that's a whole different thing.
Are yall physical shifters?
Yes, we are physical shifters. I am a mermaid and @midorra is kitsune. We have lycans as well
Why was the pack created?
The pack was created to unite fellow shifters in the community and become "a family pack." The community can be toxic and full of fakes. The pack is like our safe space, we are "family" by the fact we are physical shifters and have been burned by the community
People say yall are "a cult." Why should we believe yall aren't?
Because bro people can come and leave as they please, that's perfectly fine if you don't want to be in the pack- no hard feelings. We don't beat around the bush, we tell the facts how it is because facts dont care about your feelings, and we don't let just anyone join for obvious reasons. The community can be toxic and they like to start crap 🤷‍♀️
How does one join the pack?
You message us, we let you join our discord. There's a waiting period you have to be around for till you can join so you can prove yourself to us that you actually wanna be in it.
If you have any questions just send it in the ask
#pshifters #shifters #otherkin #shiftingcommunity
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selkie-irl · 2 years
How to make fire quick in an emergency.
How to use flint and iron to make fire.
Grab your iron in your dominant hand, it has to be iron, not steel. Steel doesn’t work. Grab the flint in the other. look for a sharp point on the flint, the sharper the better. Get something flammable and hover over it so that it can catch the sparks. Hit the flint with the iron as fast as you can. Make sure you don’t get splinters in your eye. If you do it often enough the flammable material will probably catch fire.
How to make fire using friction
Make a bow, preferably with a curved stick.Grab another stick and wrap the bow’s rope around it one time. Put the stick on a piece of wood, grab the stick and pull the bow back and forth as much as you can until you get fire. Make sure to protect your hands.
How to make fire using a phone battery.
It’s important not to use your normal phone’s battery for this since you might need it, but if you have a spare battery lying around, it is a great way to make fire. Grab the sharpest thing you can find and stab the battery, it should catch ablaze. Protect your lungs, burning plastic is not good to breathe in.
Tips for making fire
-Use birch, birch catches fire very easily, even when wet. Keep some birch bark with you at all times in the wild.
-Use dry wood, the dryer the better. If you already have a fire going you can dry wood next to it.
-Flames =/= fire. You can have a fire going without it showing any flames, especially when using coal.
-Don’t be afraid to blow in it a lot, the more the better, you won’t blow it out if it’s big enough.
-Do not use gasoline, alcohol, or anything else like that. It will create a big flame for about three seconds and will then make it very hard to get your fire going again. It is also extremely dangerous since it’s not the liquid that catches fire, it’s the vapours. If you have vapours stuck on your clothing you could catch fire.
-Do not burn plastic, it’s bad for the environment and your lungs.
-Do not put out your fire with water unless necessary. Instead try to separate the fire and trow ash over it.
-Speaking of ash, save it, it makes amazing fertilizer.
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selkie-irl · 2 years
Whenever I work with the fae I can almost feel my ancestors glaring at me like “don’t fuck this up Teivor. The Selkie and the Fae have had a strong bond for decades, don’t fuck this up for our kind”.
The pressure really is on.
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selkie-irl · 2 years
Selkie shifting 101.
- Never go to far past the shore.
- Research what kind of fish you can and cannot eat
- watch out for fishers and human men.
- Bury a set of clothes somewhere so you’re not nakedly having to walk back to your house.
- Carry a waterproof compass with you
- Watch out for non selkie seals, don’t come into their territory.
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selkie-irl · 2 years
Watch out for any selkie who says they come from the aruke-aran Harem. That Harem is a cult and has abused me since I was still a kid
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