“Oh my god,” Mason blurted as he ran directly into someone’s back, his tea spilling all over himself and the other’s shirt. “Oh my god,” he repeated, frozen in place, glancing between his own soaked garments and the expression of the person who was just turning around. No others words came to mind as he continued to stand there, completely drenched, his now empty cup of tea still in his hand.
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Sebastian let out a high pitched squeal at the feeling of something wet drenching the back of his shirt and he turned around with a flustered facial expression. “Oh my god,” he echoed and he held the back of his shirt away from his skin, “I’m am-- so sorry ! I didn’t mean to get in your way !” He looked at the empty cup in the other’s hand and he felt guilt way on his shoulders, “I’ll buy you a new drink. Again, I’m sorry.” 
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cleo honestly didn’t know how long seb had been here but by the way his eyes looked, he had been for too long. the sore spot in his chest seemed to grow wider. “don’t apologize, seb, this isn’t your fault.” he sighed as he could see the toll it was taking on his friend. “please don’t. all they’re going to tell me is stop moving since i’m allergic to the meds. or they’re just going to bring me more food and i can’t.”
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sebastian’s button lip quivered slightly and he nodded his head silently. it was stupid how emotional he was getting especially since it wasn’t like cleo was gravely injured or near death, but his friend was in a car accident and it more than shook him up a little. hearing what he said about food had sebastian picking his head up again. “you should eat a little more....” he paused for a second, “--- that’s the cause all of this right?” he asked voice going soft. 
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“i fucking hate hospitals,” he grumbled, wincing as he tried to move again. honestly driving when he felt like he was an idiotic move but also mason had made him crazy. he wondered what happened to him… sighing he closed his eyes, trying once again to get comfortable but nothing felt right. “get me out of here… please.”
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sebastian was still sniffling quietly, wiping his eyes ever so often as he watched cleo shift around on the hospital bed. he was still getting over the fact that cleo was in an accident in the first place, had cried up until the moment that he could see the other boy. he frowned and quickly shook his head-- for a second he was worried about giving himself whiplash--, “i don’t think you should leave until they say you can, cleo.. i’m sorry.” he said, voice struggling to remain even before he sat up a little straighter in his chair, “what’s wrong? can i do something to make it more comfortable? do you want me to grab a nurse?” 
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I am not used to being held by good hearts, soft hands never did take to my soft skin. I was convinced that to love was to be torn apart, but this healing tells me otherwise.
i woke up early enough to watch the sunrise, Emma Bleker (via stolenwine)
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erik got worried from the first text he had gotten from his best friend, the bond that many called a romantic relationship kicking in high as he got dressed && called for an uber at the same time “ to this club please “ he showed the location to the driver, looking nervous throughout the whole drive. he felt like a truck was removed from his shoulders when he saw sebastian, hurrying to him with a small smile “ I try to “ he said before reaching to prevent the other from falling “ easy baby, I know I know BUT, “ he said as he got one of the brown haired boy’s arm over his shoulders “ we gotta go slowly so you don’t fall, okay ?? “ he questioned the other as his free hand was calling for another uber
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sebastian leaned his weight against erik’s side for support and he looked up at his best friend with a grin as his head slowly processed what he said “ alright, star “ he chirped. apparently sebastian was more of a happy drunk “ i wanna go home and play my ukulele. it’s too loud and noisy and there’s too many people here “ he was more or less repeating himself as he carefully, or as carefully as he could, tried to walk through the crowd of people. “ i’m not much of a club-y person am i ?? “ he let out a laugh 
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erik watched as sebastian got closer, leaning onto the touch when the tears were cleaned “ … “ he tried telling the other, he really did, but the words were stuck in his throat like a big lump of nothing making it hard for the blonde to breathe && talk 
instead, he moved in the bed to clear some space for sebastian to lay beside him, waiting for him to do so in order to cuddle the boy, just wanting to have someone he cared about next to him, close enough so that erik could feel protected
sebastian noticed the way that erik scooted over on his bed and it took him a second to realize just what he wanted. he placed the forgotten tin of cookies on the nightstand and shrugged off his jacket before he carefully climbed into bed next to him 
he wanted so badly to know what had erik so upset but he knew that he had to be patient until erik was ready to talk about it. there were so many times that erik was there for him, too many to count at this point, and it was time for him to be there for his best friend. the brown haired boy wrapped his arms around him, one of his hands coming up to run through his hair gently, “ it’s okay, star. i’ve got you. “ he said quietly
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[msg] kendall
kendall: how do you go a whole year without drinking?
kendall: i'm lucky to make it a week
kendall: where are you?
sebastian: imm not mhcu of a dirnker
sebastian: that doesn't sound goood
sebastian: im at soome club it's v loud
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will: it was good, nice to see the family and all that
will: even tho i had to deal with my aunt calling me mia piccola zucca
will: basically calling me a pumpkin
will: which was annoying and made me wanna bang my head against a wall
will: but it was good
will: that sounds chill. i'm jealous tbh.!
sebastian: aww pumpkin that's so cute
sebastian: i'm jealous i kinda miss those annoying family holidays
sebastian: it was!
sebastian: missed you while you were gone tho :'(
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WILL: so i got back from italy last night
WILL: and im exhausted but so hype to see everyone.
WILL: how was your new year?
sebastian: hey! how was italy? :D
sebastian: it was good i spent it with copper at my apartment :D
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[msg] willow.
willow: oh baby
willow: i promise you clubbing isn't that great of fun
willow: did someone pressure you into it?
sebastian: no i thought thta drinking and hooking up with someone woulqd make me feel better
sebastian: it didn'rt
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[msg] kendall
kendall: how long is forever?
kendall: maybe you're not doing something fun
sebastian: since last fchristmas
sebastian: i odon't get hoow this is fun
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[msg] willow.
willow: alright, let me find a babysitter and i'll be that way
willow: is this really your first time clubbing, seb?
sebastian: alrighwt
sebastian: yeah i never xtried sclubbing before
sebastian: not a fan
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[msg] willow.
willow: oh babes...
willow: do you need help?
sebastian: maybe qa jlittle help
sebastian: clubbifng iis no fun
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“Come on - I just a little extra help, surely you can provide that. I left my Christmas tree in my apartment while I jetted off to my parents for the holidays and now it’s like - well, it’s dead and it’s absolutely depressing. We can toss it off my balcony for all I care, I just want it out. Coffee it is, I’ll even throw in a bagel.”
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“Aw poor fella.. Alright I’ll help. It shouldn’t be that heavy with both of us lifting it up. I vote for tossing it off the balcony and then going for coffee. I’ll pass on the bagel though, I don’t like them very much.”
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“Really? Sounds like a good thing, actually. I really say a lot of stupid shit when I’m drunk, you wouldn’t like to hear.”
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“Yeah, it was pretty hilarious. I’m pretty sure a lot of people are the same way.”
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sebastian was slowly sipping his drink as he sat at the bar, waiting for erik to come pick him up. the club was too loud and had too many people and he just wanted to go home. he spotted the familiar blond hair of his best friend and he waved enthusiastically at the other, “ hi erik ! oh thank you for coming here ! you’re the best ever ! ” their was a distinct slur to his words that could be heard even over the blaring music of the club. he stood up from the barstool and stumbled, holding onto the bar for balance “ i wanna go home. this isn’t very fun ” 
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[msg] star of my life ✨✨
ERIK: don't move baby, I'm coming to get you
ERIK: also don't drink anymore drinks
sebastian: you're scuzh a good fren erki thre besetst
sebastian: alnso ri like when you clla dme baby
sebastian: arlrighty ctpaain
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