scrollgroupone · 10 years
A presentation by Business Insider CEO Henry Blodget.
Where is digital going? Many screens, many devices, many connections.
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scrollgroupone · 10 years
Before beauty shoppers step foot in a store, they do tons of research online at home and on their mobile devices, as well as watch videos for a better look at the products that interest them.
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scrollgroupone · 10 years
Research and Papers
Useful case studies on advertising effectiveness and efficiency.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
Click the headline. About a 9mb download.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
Coca Cola 2020 - liquid content
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
What is media planning - good slides on what is digital
What is media planning? from John V Willshire
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
Tumblr media
Does Real-Time Marketing Work?
 Topsy crunched Twitter data for recent examples (via AdWeek
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
Nokia Ovi Maps
Ethereal reflections claimed the market wall in Covent Garden for the launch of Nokia's Ovi Maps. With eyes all aglow, players discovered that their movement controlled the graphics, and soon they were sending arrows zipping around the building and floor like some crazy complex game of arrow chess! Face-tracking technology pinned tags over the heads of the players just to let them know they were appreciated, and a little architectural projection mapping let the building itself become part of the event.
seeper sees no reason for a commercial project to lack artistic integrity. But more than that, we have turned a simple product launch into a community event that not only inspires people to interact with the display itself, but with each other and with their environment. Connectivity is key in the seeper collective.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
There was a time--early 2012?--when memes were "cool," and "funny." In those days, I often laughed at the memes when I came across them in my browsing, sharing them with friends via Twitter or Facebook, and even posting them on Gawker.com.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
So, San Pellegrino will let folks remotely control robots on the ground and in the air over Italy … but NOT for the purpose of Dalek-like mass destruction? Where's the fun in that?
To help bring the sparkling water's "Three Minutes in Italy" promotion to life, Ogilvy & Mather in New York partnered with Deeplocal to create five robots that Facebook users can control romotely to take in the sights of Italy. Four ground-gliding units and one skybot perched on a 40-foot pole allow users to take virtual tours of Taormina, a picturesque village in Sicily. San Pellegrino's Facebook fans can sign up to drive the ground-bots for 180 seconds, viewing the town in real time. The robots are equipped with tablets displaying users' Facebook profile pics, and a translation program allows participants to talk with local residents.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
If you’ve ever wanted to see a city before you got there, this is your chance. Introducing Tourism Victoria’s ‘Remote Control Tourist’ who can be controlled from a website, and will do anything you ask, and stream it live from a first person point of view, right back at you!
And whilst I do wonder if people will even know what to ask the ‘Remote Control Tourists’ to find in Melbourne given they haven’t been there, it is a seriously cool idea, and plenty of agencies will be jealous they got something like this up before anyone else! It also reminds be of ‘David on Demand’ who did this at Cannes Lions a few years back! Cool work from Clemenger BBDO MLB.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
BBH Asia Pacific created a virtual stadium in which passersby could test their striking skills--in a new Hypervenom football boot of course.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
This is what you get when you combine robotics, the projection-mapping of 3D computer graphics, and an actor all working together in perfect synchronization. It's a five-minute short film called "The Box" — and it's nothing short of revolutionary.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
The Beauty Twist
There was an interesting comment in the Contagious coverage of the Cyber Lions winners fromJames Hilton, AKQA co-founder and Cannes judge: 'Digital,' he said, 'is everywhere and everything. It's redundant to talk about it as one category'. Indeed. But we still do, just about everywhere.
It was interesting as well that the category was 'book-ended' (as Flo Heiss described it) by two solutions that were about as far apart in every way as two solutions can be. At one end was the amazing Intel/Toshiba multi-episode, content-led project The Beauty Inside which saw members of the audience audition for, and cast in, a series of films which ended up acheiving 70 million views (and apparently a 360% lift in sales).
At the other end was Oreo's culture-jacking Daily Twist which celebrated Oreo's 100th birthday with a hundred days worth of current, timely, spreadable content. One rich, immersive, episodic, long-form. The other quick, topical, adaptive, responsive.
This divergence in form speaks to both the challenge but mostly the opportunity inherent in capitalising on changing patterns of attention (slow, fast and spiky), and mastery over both 'stock' (durable, longevity in value, slower moving) and 'flow' (inexpensive, lives in the moment) types of content. The winners of-course, will be those that can do both. Fascinating times.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
This divergence in form speaks to both the challenge but mostly the opportunity inherent in capitalising on changing patterns of attention (slow, fast and spiky), and mastery over both 'stock' (durable, longevity in value, slower moving) and 'flow' (inexpensive, lives in the moment) types of content. The winners of-course, will be those that can do both. Fascinating times.
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
Ideas - bookmarkable sources
Google provides a platform of case studies, and makes some of its trend information available.
Sites which collect global case studies are useful.
To get a sense of what's coming next, move out of the advertising space.
Look at how people are trying to solve meaningful challenges with technology (and maybe get involved?).
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scrollgroupone · 11 years
User-led advertainment from Tom Uglow at Google Labs
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