schizophreniceddie · 1 month
Today I learned that Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause psychotic symptoms to increase in people who are prone to them.
I met with a doctor today, someone I hadn't seen before, and he told me this. I was talking to him about how my antipsychotic injection seems to not be working very well--I'm still getting paranoia and delusional thinking, tactile hallucinations, and internal auditory hallucinations even though I got my shot 9 days ago--and he ordered a B12 and B6 test to see if I have a deficiency.
Important information, definitely.
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schizophreniceddie · 1 month
Hello, stranger. Stay awhile, have some tea or coffee. Call me Eddie--one of my many names.
I'm 23 and use they/them pronouns. What about you, stranger?
I promise I'm not angry--my face doesn't express the right emotion for what I'm really feeling most of the time, because of a combination of Schizoaffective Disorder and Autism.
I've been in mental health services for many years, but have only recently gotten some correct diagnoses. I have been considered Severely and Persistently Mentally Ill for 2-3 years, however. I have Schizoaffective Disorder--depressive type, C-PTSD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and possibly OCD and OSDD or DID.
I also have fibromyalgia, prediabetes, and a couple other physical health conditions. I am trying to exercise more, and getting physical therapy for joint pain so hopefully I can go running again.
If you've found me, stranger, I will not turn you away. Please feel free to talk to me about anything. However, if you do display hateful behavior, I will not hesitate to turn you out of my house (block you).
So, what do you say? Would you like to talk over a meal? Become friends, perhaps?
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