savxgil-blog · 8 years
I'm still alive.
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savxgil-blog · 8 years
[ cont ]
Having a day off was not something that Sanggil was used to. Most his days were spent working tirelessly at Lotte Mart, while the only free time he got was spent working on his other job. Whenever he had a day off circled on his calendar, something always cropped up at his workplace which meant he was being called in time and time again. He grew sceptical and even now he was up and dressed in the morning, his mobile resting between his hands as he awaited that dreaded phone call. Hours passed and he finally loosened up, deciding to go and enjoy whatever time left he had to spare. 
The Coffee Shop was a regular lounge for him when he deemed it too early to drink alcohol and he easily slipped into his favourite spot, flipping through pages of information on his phone. It was nothing interesting, just routine check ups and browsing the news. Anything to draw less suspicion to him. When he finally does look up from his screen, sipping the hot beverage; he notices a person of interest walking down the street, his opportunity to make something entertaining happen today.
It was not something that Sanggil made a habit of, following people, that was.  Vernon was an exception and hopefully the last. He kept his distance, sipping idly from the empty cup that held nothing but drips of coffee clinging to the edges of the inside. Sanggil makes sure to keep his distance from him, stopping now and then to check the text messages and calls that he never receives. When he sees the phone drop, he takes the opportunity to call out to the other and make a connection.  “Uh excuse me, I think you dropped this”, he grins sheepishly at the other, trying to come across as open as possible when he points to the phone on the ground. A part of him wanted to pick it up, pretend to observe it and get his number, but he figures that it would be too easy.
The tone does not go unnoticed, and the words that follow have him raising an eyebrow at him. He waits until Vernon is looking up at him again “I was going to offer to buy you a new one, but now that you've given me attitude...” he muses, his gaze still on the crack that ruined the phone. “I haven’t even done anything to you.”
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savxgil-blog · 8 years
savxjessica “I’m a little tipsy.”
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Sanggil carefully tilts his glass side to side, observing the way the liquid swished. It was a generic evening for him, hanging out at the bar to drown his boredom in cheap alcohol. He hums when he hears an unfamiliar voice, his gaze flicking up from his glass to look at her. He takes a sip. “Well, that’s the point isn’t it?” shrugging, he downs the contents of his glass before slamming it not-so-gently onto the counter and demanding another. “You don’t come here to stay sober. Unless you’re one of those people who...” his nose scrunches up, hands nursing the new glass in his hands. “come here to observe those who get drunk.”
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