samandtwitch · 6 years
i moved! follow me over at @5ublimis !
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samandtwitch · 7 years
please reblog and consider donating to catherine; she’s a very good friend of mine and she’s worked unbelievably hard for this and deserves more than anyone to be able to finish for her degree
Help me pay for college, getting my car back, bills, etc.
Hi, my name is Catherine. I am 22 years old and a senior in college. The upcoming spring semester is my last semester and I am taking a course in that summer to finish up. However, I need help. I have to pay 600 dollars to my school for the spring semester by January 2, 2018. This is what my school loans did not cover because I commute to college to be able to keep my weekend job. I can only work weekends because I have a very busy schedule as a senior student. I only make 9.15 an hour which doesn’t add up much when you only work 2 days a week. I also pay monthly bills which drain me of any money I get from my paychecks. My family cannot help me because we are financially struggling severely. Not only that, I have to pay money for my textbooks this semester when it is time and I will have to pay for my summer class up front in a few months because financial aid will not cover only taking 1 summer class. One class can cost anywhere from 300 to 500 dollars along with extra fees such as using the school library which is added on. Textbooks can easily cost up to 500 dollars if I cannot find used ones or they require a certain type of textbook. I also was in a car accident 2 weeks ago which led to my car needing repairs. I have to pay a 300 dollar deductible if I want my car back. I only have 150 dollars to my name. I also have a doctor visit bill that is past due I need to pay back. My car insurance may increase whether it is deemed my fault or not because I been driving for a little over 2 years which is still considered new. I sometimes help my parents buy groceries for the house. So, I am literally stuck. I am in the process of getting a bank loan but I have no idea if they will give me one due to me being unable to start paying it back after I have graduated. So, I could be more screwed if I have to start paying my bank back right away if they let me get a loan at all. I am in the process of trying to get a new job but I am not sure if it is going to happen. Even if I do get hired the limited amount of hours I work will not be able to pay for these bills and I will not be starting til after my school fee is due on January 2, 2018. I am also very mentally ill and need to go to therapy and can only afford it once a month. Unfortunately, due to financial burdens I am no longer going to therapy until further notice. I hate to do this but I could really use help especially if the worst does happen. I am struggling and so is my family. I have a ko-fi link right here if you are able to donate anything but if you cannot I would appreciate it greatly if you can reblog this post and spread it.  Any money given will be sent directly to my bank account to help pay for these bills or to help pay for food. I am sorry and I hate to be asking this but my friends suggested I try it. Thank you so much for your time.
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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The Silence of the Lambs (Thomas Harris 1988)
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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New from American Eldritch: high-quality facsimile editions of two of William Blake’s continental prophecies. America a Prophecy (1793) features an introduction by Aladdin Collar, and Europe a Prophecy (1794) features an introduction by William Butler Yeats. Both volumes of premium cosmic horror are published in full color, and contain supplemental plain-text versions of the poems, as well as a diagrammatic interpretation of the cosmology. 
Blake’s system repurposes gnostic philosophy, Quabbalic mysticism, and greco-roman/pagan tradition with an almost wholly new order of celestial deities. The poet himself seems to have lived a persistently visionary existence; he explained his writing process as taking dictation from spirits. As WB Yeats describes him, “He saw in every issue the whole contest of light and darkness, and found no peace. To him, the universe seemed filled with an intense excitement, at once infinitesimal and and infinite, for in every grass blade, in every atom of dust, Los, the ‘eternal mind’, warred upon the dragon Urizen, ‘the God of this world.’” - Aladdin Collar, from the Introduction to America a Prophecy
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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I felt like painting a little fanart.
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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Jigsaw (2017) dir.  Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig 
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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Jigsaw (2017)
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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Mizumono 빗물씬 (1 / 3)
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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By 壬生 ※ Permission to upload this was given by the artist.
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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samandtwitch · 7 years
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