sagelasters · 9 hours
luxurious fragrance ideas to manifest (tried n tested!)
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❀ 🪷 ུ these are a few fragrances that i tried and then end up adoring them. i thought i would make a fun little post to give you suggestions if you need something specific to manifest!
𓇼  st barts by ouai
my favourite summer scent but it works if you live in humid countries. honestly my holy grail, there's something about this scent that gives me a tropical holiday vibes. i swear to god you would literally smell like you got money, but it's not a boring fragrance! not sure to describe but you can pick up a light hint of coconut and fruity scent. i dont think ouai released a perfume (they really should) but so far there's a body scrub, body cream (my favourite), shower gel, and body/hair mist. highly recommend this if you want to smell like the hamptons (i know it's specific).
𓇼  allegra baciami by bvlgari
another top favourite, this is actually my signature scent (i dont gate keep) and i have a lot of fragrances so yeah! i was on a search for good vanilla perfumes and where im from, people don't really like sweet fragrances since the weather here is usually hot. i really hate floral scents so i tend to stay away from popular perfumes like gucci blooms. anyways, i smelled allegra baciami in store and was blown away! it smelled like vanilla but i could pick up hints of coconut, amber and musk. the scent overall has depth to it and you just straight up smell like luxurious vanilla when the perfume dries up. i need to try their lotion next though.
𓇼  eau de rhubarbe écarlate by hermes
this one is more of a fruity scent but i wouldn't classify it on the sweet zone. it's definitely very fresh and you can smell a bit of berries, i would considered this scent as gender neutral (i mean men can use women perfume too if they like). it reminds me of red wine and a dance into your local jazz club. i would definitely recommend this fragrance for someone who is more into neutral scents, or they just don't like anything sweet or floral.
𓇼  j'adore eau de parfum by dior
a classic scent and you've been probably heard of this if you're really into fragrances. this used to be an everyday scent for school because i feel like it fits any occasions. initially when you spray it on your skin, you can smell a little bit of vanilla but a slight floral scent too. like i said, i hate floral but i love this one bc the floral notes isn't too overpowering. when the wind blows, the caramel and amber notes just blossoms in your nose. i think this specific version of j'adore is more bright and lively, just a very young scent!
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❀ 🪷 ུ okay that's enough rambling from me but if you're looking for rlly good fragrances, girl i got u!! hope u found smth u liked from my list, im a little biased bc i love sweet scents, rlly sorry if you're a floral girlie.
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sagelasters · 15 hours
_ 𝓂anifest while you sleep 💤
humans sleep around 7 to 8 hours every day. most people think that their body is resting while they sleep, but that’s not true. subconscious mind is still working, when your conscious mind shuts down.
─── more theory. .
when you drift off to sleep, it’s easy to impress the subconscious mind because the conscious mind isn’t working. your subconscious mind accepts the ideas impressed upon it & will manifest them into reality.
─── how to manifest while you sleep .ᐣ
1 . visualise your desired thing, repeatedly until you fall asleep,
2 . affirm your affirmation(s) repeatedly while falling asleep,
3 . listen to subliminals as you fall asleep & during your sleep,
4 . script or read scripts just before going to bed,
5 . listen to recorded scripts while failing asleep & during your sleep,
6 . listen to affirmation tapes while falling asleep.
─── with 𝑙ove, 𝓋ittoria ♥︎
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sagelasters · 1 day
the void state through the context of asian philosophy 
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How often does one hear about the void state? Many people probably think it doesn’t exist because the idea of instant ‘manifestation’ is too good to be true. The fundamental realm of our world taught us that suffering is inevitable, and success can only be achieved through physical hard work. Sometimes, the idea of exquisite comfort and abundance of wealth hangs above people’s heads like a bait, oftentimes those that climb the ladders, falls off and never to return again. If it was fake, there wouldn’t be so many similarities in philosophy all across the world, some stretches back to ancient civilizations. The void state has many names/terms depending on each culture interpretation, but it is always referred to the state of stillness.  I used to be skeptical of anything metaphysical related, but if you really want to change your life, I’d advise you to drop all of those doubts just for several minutes. Remember your roots, just remember. 
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In Taoism, there is a concept called ‘wuji’ (無極) which directly translated to ‘without limit’ or ‘without roof’. Wuji is represented by a blank circle and described as the state of unmanifest, a stillness, infinite ‘no-thing’, and a primordial universe. Many Taoist scholars described ‘wuji’ as a ‘good night sleep’ where all negative and positive emotions cease to exist, many believers of Taoism stated that the world was once in the ‘wuji’ state. Since it is boundless and an infinite universe,  ‘wuji’ must exist in order for movement and manifestation to arise. This state is taught in many forms of Chinese martial art, oftentimes requires deep concentration to fully ‘enter’ (I don’t like this word because ‘wuji’ isn’t a magical place, it literally exists within you, it needs you to exist. You are the movement and manifestation). Overall, martial artists used this to relax mentally and physically, it’s actually a meditative state. In ‘wuji’, you have the potential to ‘move’ and become ‘something', as it is a pre-existential state. 
Another state of stillness can be seen in Buddhism is the Śūnyatā or suññatā (voidness, vacuity or emptiness) Buddhist philosophers even refers to is ‘The Void’ where the essence of the soul is empty, it is ‘the synonym of that which has no cause, that which is beyond thought or conception, that which is not produced, that which is not born, that which is without measure.’ ‘Sunyata’ is a composition of ultimate reality and the release of attachment. The Buddha found true enlightenment when he realized ‘emptiness’. He freed himself from all of the suffering and dissatisfaction of the Earthly world. In ‘sunyata’, every entity is interconnected with a blankness, the concept explains that the universe's ever-changing and empty nature allows for the creation and destruction of all things. To reach the state of ‘sunyata’ or the great void, one must have great concentration and tread gently, avoiding forcing their way in. 
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That was a lot of researching and summarizing but I love to share my knowledges with you. As you can see, the void state is not anything new. In-fact the concept is much older than we think! I hope this post showed you new insights and please stop doubting the void's existence. It lives within you, it is literally a part of you.
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sagelasters · 1 day
Please stop overcomplicating the law.
I cannot stress this enough, the amount of misinformation I've read from other bloggers (will not be naming names and nothing personal) is concerning. The LOA community seems to forget that everyone has their own way of 'manifesting', it stems from what you assume to be true, there is literally no wrong or right way to 'manifest'! we are limitless for a reason, why are we imposing restrictions on other people?
there's nothing wrong with using the void state as a tool, neville himself referred to it as the i am state. there's nothing wrong with NOT using the void state, you don't need to attain your dream life, and it's definitely not a necessity. It's just a tool. What you assume to work, will work! The law cannot fail you.
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sagelasters · 3 days
If it's already done, why go back to the old story?
What part of it's already done do you not understand. I mean c'mon, you have been affirming every single day morning and night that it's done and it's here right now and then feel disappointed when it's not here? That literally does not make any sense does it? When you affirm or script or visualise or whatever it is that you do, you are making it clear to your subconscious mind that it is already done and that you have it now. Every single time you go searching for it in the 3d you are contradicting whatever you did all this while aren't you? You're giving your mind a reason to think, Oh wait, I don't have it.
Now you are the creator of you reality. The one who has all the power to get anything and everything you want in your reality. Creating every situation and circunstances good or bad and you're telling me you're choosing to let the old unwanted story replay in your life? Now why on Earth would you do that yourself? I mean why.
I had received a question similar to this (which got deleted accidently I'm so sorry btw) on how this person sleeps knowing it will be done in the morning with the greatest conviction and gets disappointed when it didn't manifest in the morning. Now lemme ask you if you know you are the creator, why are you trying to get it in the 3d? Why are you making it happen? Don't you know its already done. That you have it in your imagination and that's all. I mean like that's it. The 3D will conform, you don't have to make it so . Be fulfilled in imagination only. You must know that imagination is the real reality, You just decide what you want and let your subconscious mind do it's magic. Stop being bothered by what is in the 3d. It doesn't matter one bit. You have what it takes to manifest absolutely anything you want in your life. No, your circumstances aren't special. No nothing is too bad that it can't change in a matter of seconds. You can get it if you want it. But that isn't gonna happen if you keep reverting back to the old story every now and then.
Trust in yourself , trust in your imagination. Keep persisting in your new story no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT. Circumstances do not matter and nothing is impossible for you. Everything is open to you. The only thing you got to do is discipline your mind, get clear on what you want and keep choosing the new story. Persist, persist and persist. Don't stop till you actually get it in the 3D. But don't try to manifest it or be in the process of doing so. Just know that it is already done and go ahead and live your beautiful life.
Love Shrads.
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sagelasters · 3 days
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sagelasters · 3 days
𓇼 Metaphysical philosophers, connection to the mind.
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Anne Conway 
Lady Anne Conway was one of the few female philosophers in the seventeenth-century and notable for her legacy in STEM. Her work consisted of the three layer hierarchy, in which she classified them as ‘species', Anne believed that although all creatures are born with a body, the spirit/soul/mind is better and has the possibility to be perfect like ‘God’. She rejects the material world and explains that suffering is a part of spiritual recovery. All creatures have the potential to be ‘perfect’, but nowhere near the perfection of ‘God’, she stated. The context of ‘God’ here can be interpreted in a different lens, it doesn’t necessarily entail religions. The context of so-called creatures are human beings limited by the laws of our Earthly realm. ‘God’ however are the ones who broke free, it is the limitless consciousness, it is the ego. 
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Gargi Vachaknavi
Gargi Vachaknavi is a notable Vedic scholar and daughter of sage Vachaknu, she explores the knowledge of metaphysics and what was beyond the body. Gargi explains the journey of ‘koham’ (Who AM I?) and that the inquisitive mind aids us in the revolution of finding ‘soham’ (I AM). She challenged the notions of existence by daring to ask challenging questions like, what was the ‘woven, warp and woof’? Referring to what is beyond human understanding of the world beyond the sky and earth. It is notable that Hinduism seems to be the few religions where divine knowledge can be passed to both men and women equally. Although there is sadly a lack of English source materials, Gargi’s philosophy revolves around the fundamental ontology of the world. 
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Plato is one of the oldest philosophers during the Classical era in Ancient Greece. He is a big believer in Dualism, separating the body and mind into two substances (the mind can live without the body even after death). His most famous theory is allegory of the cave where prisoners trapped in a cave believed that the shadows on the wall were their reality, the prisoners regarded the cave as true and nothing else outside of it exists. Eventually, one of the prisoners steps outside and is faced with true reality or enlightenment. The prisoner returned to the cave and tried to tell his peers, only to meet with hostility because everything they’ve known their entire life was false. The lesson of his allegory was the escape from ignorance, one must question every assumption they have about the reality they call ‘real’. Plato believed that reality is created by the mind. 
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Hypatia of Alexandria 
Hypatia was a renowned astronomer, mathematician, hellenist, and philosopher in the Classical era of the Roman Empire. Most of her work did not survive through the test of time, but she was a strong believer in Neoplatonism. Neoplatonism was coined from Plato’s Platonic theory that argues that the world which we experience is only a copy of an ideal reality in which lies beyond our material world. Overall, Neoplatonists believed that happiness and prosperity can exist without an afterlife. Hypatia’s belief in Neoplatonism drove her to seek knowledge in mathematics and astronomy.  
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sagelasters · 4 days
welcome to my blog
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𓇼 via's abode
'i' mainly talk about law of assumptions, the void state, and other philosophical theories that 'i'm' interested in. please keep in mind that 'i' am not a 'professional', 'im' just here to spread my knowledge and engage with the community!
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𓇼 general informations
᪤ 'i' go by the code name via
᪤ 'i' am 18
᪤ i'm asian
᪤ 'i' don't identify with any specific genders but feel free to use she/they pronouns on me
᪤ a lot of random thoughts and rambles, sometimes reposts of very informative posts.
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overall, 'i'm' open to making new friends!! please free to message 'me' but no trauma dumping or rants without permission. that's all, ty for reading!
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sagelasters · 7 days
Anyone who reblogs this post will have their user written on a poster saying "We Stand With Palestine" that I hope to put up somewhere in the village I live in, or the town that the village is next to.
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sagelasters · 16 days
Q & A
persisting, the 4D and letting go
Not so long ago I became stuck in a loop of wanting and waiting. Weeks passed by like minutes, and I was desperate to "get" what I "wanted"-- real desperate, I tell you. But one way or another, loops end. They do. Even if it doesn't seem like it in the moment, they always pass, and your higher self shines through. These are a couple of questions I had while at my lowest, and my answer to them now. Hope this post may be useful to someone!!
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"How do I persist even if I don't see anything?"
"You just persist" is what I've been told time and time again. "Yeah, but how?" is what I shot back. And silence followed. Paraphrasing, there's this quote by Einstein I've seen around here saying that, it's when you sit with yourself in the silence you're so desperate to fill up, when you stop looking for answers, that's when you get them. It doesn't matter how many times people here tell you to persist (to decide, to know it's yours) if, when you close the app, you forget everything and go right back to the old story. Why keep entretaining a story that you don't like? It's like if you're watching a really bad movie -- you can just turn it off.
You are able to persist. It's not something supernatural that only a handful of people can do. Everyone persists in something. You are persisting in the old story, for example. "B-But... Why??? Why is my subconscious doing this to me? I want to change!! I do!". This is so silly. Why are you mad at your subconscious? There's no 'good' or 'bad' (or 'ugly') story, that's just something you add the meaning to later. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference.
In the end, it all comes down to choosing. Just one final choice (do I even need to tell you that you're the creator of all? You must know by now). When you choose -- when you accept that you have it in the 4D once you imagine it, that's who you are. And once you've chosen, you cannot just give it up. You don't need proof in the 3D when the 4D is the only reality that should matter right now. Accept that you have it and move on. Creation is finished.
"And how do I convince myself it's set in stone?"
Close your eyes right now and imagine whatever it is that you "want". You can see it. You've just experienced it within, you can't deny that. That being said, you now know creation is finished. It's done. Done. Done. Done.
The 4D is the only true reality. It's the blueprint, nothing would exist in your 3D if it wasn't for it, your old assumptions, thoughts and ideas. For you. All you need and want already exists within you. Your desires are not separate from you, so you can experience them within; your mind is not separate from you, so you can change your old patterns; your 3D is not separate from you, so you can control it! You are the 3D and the 4D, just -- different, in another form.
The 3D is not real; it is a reflection of your mind! It may feel real, look real... But just because you see from it, not beyond it; the body is experiencing the 3D, but it's when you start to look at it from the 4D that you can understand that and take it in. All you need is the 4D. And, within, you've already experienced your desire, and you don't need anything else in order to experience materialization. It is set in stone if you decide it is -- so choose.
"I want to experience 'x' now. What do I do everyday in order to get it?"
No. There's no "getting". There's no "in order to". There's no "want". From the moment you get involved in the imaginal act, creation is finished, and 'x' is already experienced. Therefore, it's done. If you're not focusing on the end, but rather on the "I want", you're in a state of lack. Shift your state. Why not? It's not hard; you're in a state now. But I get it. You want the -- 'real' experience in the 3D? You want everyone on here to stop talking in riddles and tell you what to do, because random people on the internet have more power over you than... you? Aren't you tired of chasing? Of trying? Maybe not -- enough.
But seriously, if you "want" "it" "now", persist in the knowing and go to sleep. Tell yourself it's done and it's done. Persist in the old story and that's what you "get". Persisit in the new one, and your reality shifts. After all, "nothing changes if nothing changes". Don't allow any other thought to distract you from the end. Just -- don't. Thoughts come and go, and doubts will come as well; observe them and let them go. The end will materialize in the 3D because it has already materialized in the 4D. The inner man is your true you, so be him. Be unbothered by the neutral 3D and focus on living as the inner man.
"Is this fail-proof? How do I know I'm not just wishing my life away?"
It's real if you assume it is! Now get off this app and do something! Because, who's going to do it for you? Be the inner man and continue being! It will happen! Trust yourself. Trust. Why not?
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sagelasters · 18 days
Your circumstances do not matter
Last night, I was alone in my room, just thinking back on how life used to be for me and how I am so very grateful to be living the current life that I am living.
I was reminiscing on the fact that i manifested my life despite what I was going through and thought I should just let you guys know, IT'S OKAY TO BE THINKING NEGATIVELY. You're not going to be thinking that way all the time.
I used to be planning my suicide, calculating how fast trains or cars could go for me to be dead on impact at least once a day and I STILL MANIFESTED my dream life.
I knew that I couldn't fail not after over-consuming this much. I did my best to push away the fact that deadlines were coming (hence the planning of my demise) and yet I still did it.
If you need a post or two, or a few success stories to fall back and motivate you when you feel like giving up, save them and get off tumblr. Go out if you can, pick up some hobbies.
Idk where I'm going with this but come on, how long are you going to be delaying the life you deserve to live.
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sagelasters · 18 days
"the old story" that's all it is, a story a piece of fiction fabricated by what? who? circumstances? memories? yeah it's really not that strong at all, is it. its just a story.
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sagelasters · 25 days
Every one who reads this is going to enter the Void State tonight
Repeat these affirmations
“I am shifting my awareness to an asleep state”
“I am pure consciousness”
“The Void is easy because it is within me”
Chose which one resonates with you
Than you guys for making my previous post blow up
It’s not a lot to most but I manifested it’d reaches more than 20 people so it worked
Do this
You don’t need a subliminal
Or theta waves
Or anything like that
Play an instrumental
This idea came from @ghostfest
So all credit to them
Read their post for more information
The void really is easy
So instead of wasting time on here(yes I’m looking at you) go get your dream life
Baby girl it’s a reason why you know about this stuff
It’s not just for knowledge you’ll never use later
The universe wants you to know
This is YOU
You’re not going to Narnia
The Void state is you
Once you realize this
You’ll understand
All you have to do
Is put your body to sleep
And just think
Let your thoughts come
Don’t try to change them or stop them
Because that’s what’s gonna irritate you you’ll be like
“Why can’t I just think about the void or affirm correctly?”
Darling you’re not giving yourself permission to just BE
Just free yourself the void state really is a fun technique for manifestation
With beautiful permanent results
It really should not be a chore don’t use subs if you don’t want to
Today find a song that makes you feel at peace
Any song
Tonight use the instrumental version and put it at a nice comfortable volume
And daydream about your dream life until you’re in a trance like state
Just be free to do whatever you want as long as you end up zoning out
Then just start counting
You don’t need to visualize
But just feel
As if your desired self were talking to you or you feel like you ARE her/him/them
And count
Up to a 100 or 500 it doesn’t matter
Them just keep doing that
Until you feel super zoned out and peaceful
Then just affirm using the affs I put above
That’s it
I’m gonna need to see some success stories:)
Once again credit to @ghostfest
If you enjoy my posts leave a comment so I can start posting more positive content like this
Don’t procrastinate
Get it done
The cost of procrastination is the life you could’ve had
Much love, Honey💕💕
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sagelasters · 25 days
to whoever stumbles upon this
this certain video popped up on my youtube feed just in time when i needed it. i just spent an hour crying in the bathroom, and i felt like there is a lot i want to let out. i've been into loa for a while, this account was created mainly to scroll through tumblr. i never plan to actually post something but...it just felt right to. the philosophy of our mind and ego fascinated me, multiple philosophers from classical and contemporary times have talked about it, they just defined it in their own terms (Plato, Aristole, etc).
Our world is build on limited beliefs and i know people will call me crazy, especially when i told them that everything starts within us. we are consciousness, we still consciousness without the five senses, what we assume to be true, it will show up on the physical realm. it took me two years to realize that and looking past my doubts. life is hard, i find that living is pain but it doesn't have to be that way. i was born in a chaotic, angry family where bitter adults tried to live through me because they couldn't achieve their dreams. they are always comparing themselves to their friends and relatives, why are other people thriving while we're suffering? i would ask myself that till i realized they had that horrible mindset in the first place.
Their mindset influenced me, i spent my childhood and teenage years shaming my own body. i confined myself in a shell of fear, never wanting to take risks and putting myself out there. i became cynical to avoid the disappointment i already had to face from dead-beat parent and abusive family. now i am 18, a month away from high school graduation, and 4 months away from attending university. i mourned for my teenage years, i regret not realizing sooner. but it's okay, i can start over, i can change my life. it doesn't hurt to try, im tired of holding myself back, im just so tired. persisting in my assumptions despite not seeing it in the 3D, doesn't hurt as much as trapping myself in this cycle of suffering. i know i was built for more, i know this reality isn't for me so i am changing it. i am in control.
if you allow your mind to be a place of war, constant fear and sadness, it'll reflect on your reality. now i know it's not easy to just be happy, staring at the reflection in the mirror, the smile forcing itself on your tear-streaked face. it takes a while to realize, to figure it all, but i promise it'll eventually hit you. when it does hit you, that's when you learn to practice, to make new assumptions.
i know this is pretty long, thank you for your time if you're still reading this. i really just had to get it out, ive been holding it back or didn't know how to articulate my ideas well. but for some reason clarity hit me and i couldn't miss the opportunity. we are limitless. we are not confined to suffering, as much as i am grateful for the life lessons it gave me. we are limitless. be kind to yourself, we were built to care, to be nourished in love for as long as our souls are tattered to this Earth. i know you can do this <3
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sagelasters · 26 days
also the 3D isn’t the enemy, considering that it reflects exactly what you believe at an instant, it would be safe to assume, that just like a mirror you can look into the 3D to fix whatever it is that you need too. - the same way we look into the mirror to fix our lipstick or outfit, is the same way we can look into the 3D and ask ourselves "what do i wanna see in my reality and why aren’t i seeing it?" and then working on those beliefs.
and i think that alleviates some of the dependency we have on the 3D, instead of seeking validation and emotional stability from it. we can look at the 3D to build up much more favourable beliefs so that they can materialise. – that’s why they say change self, it begins with you and the 3D just extends your beliefs into physical materialisation so that you can experience it. i think that’s really sweet of the 3D bc it proves how it’s only there to give you what you want. (or what you believe you’re good enough to have ahem)
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sagelasters · 26 days
🫶🏻hey any tips on how to live in the end!! Thank you.
to live in the end, is the same as feeling fulfilled. so lets understand what the word fulfilled means: bring to completion or reality; achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted). (from google) so all you need to do to feel fulfilled is affirm and give your desire to yourself. know that you are god and you already have it. since the 3D reality is an illusion, (created by you) the only reality that is REAL is your IMAGINATION. if you can create the weather, the people you talked to today, the school/job you attend, the money you make, etc etc, you can MOST DEFINITELY manifest anything else. you need to realize that you ALREADY have your desire. whenever you catch yourself thinking about HOW you will get your desire, stop and realize that IT IS ALREADY YOURS. you are already at the end of your manifestation journey. there is nothing left to do but to sit back, relax, look pretty, and know that it's already yours, it was always yours to begin with. make this post your wallpaper if you have to
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sagelasters · 26 days
how do you accept something as true ?
it's so simple. you accept(assume) "i am xyz" "i have xyz"
don't complicate things. JUST DO IT. simplify everything.
how difficult it is to be simple! -vincent van gogh
you do NOT accept your desire in the 3d. the 3d is irrelevant. the 3d has nothing to do with manifesting, NOTHING. leave it alone. you accept it IN IMAGINATION-where all things are already created and you can be anything you want and you don't need no one's permission, where you can just do you. and identify yourself with the "you" in imagination(which is the real you, what you always have been) who has the desire not with the outer self which is a temporary body.
I remember my only goal is to BECOME the one I want to be IN IMAGINATION ONLY. So I think about something I want to be, anything. Then I assume I AM that IN IMAGINATION, and in Imagination I can be all things. When I say the words, “I AM” I am not speaking about this outer-body but the Inner Man. The Inner Man to me is I AM and I know that all I must change is I AM to change my life. I accept that I AM that Inner Man EXPERIENCING in present tense what I desire -ed art
your desires are in your imagination WAITING and BEGGING for your acceptance. it's right there. all you have to do it give it to yourself in imagination.
manifesting has absolutely nothing to do with the 3d....nothing....not a thing! it's about giving yourself what you want for yourself. it's about showing love to yourself in imagination.
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