rwby-analysis · 4 years
Any RWBY discord servers you can recommend?
I'm not active on any RWBY servers right now. Tbh right now I'm not really active in the RWBY fandom. I check Tumblr once every two months. Too busy with real life stuff and playing in several D&D campaigns while also running my own.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
Any chance the Roman discord still exists ^^? I tried checking it out, but it says it didn't work
That's been ages ago and the server doesn't exist anymore unfortunately.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
Out of curiosity, have you ever seen any of the Classic Monster movies from Universal (or inspired shiz like Van Helsing)
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
For me personally I understand if you don’t go back to this blog, the stuff that’s going on with RWBY AND Rooster Teeth communities is soul-draining
To be honest, right now I'm just focussing on other things. D&D is a big one, running your own campaign is so much work. University. Friends. Trying to grow mint. I'm not very focused on RWBY right now and that's fine.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
You're playing dnd huh? As a player, or DM? Or both, lol. And what class? I've been playing for a while and it's always so nice to see folks starting up.
Both! I play two Aasimar Bards (I do have a type) but my own campaign starts soon and I'm very excited to branch out into all sorts of classes with that. I do have a strong bias towards casters though. It's an amazing hobby and so much fun with the right group!
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
Do you still do RWBY analysis posts or review other analysis post still? I'm just asking because it feels like years since you made an analysis
I don't really know! I never really forced myself to do this and I won't force myself now. Right now I'm mostly obsessing over D&D and not RWBY, so that's where my energy goes. I've had times where I didn't feel motivated to post here before, I really don't know if I'll feel the urge to post something again. But D&D is a great creative outlet right now.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
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Did some party art for a dnd game Im in UwU. My character is on the bottom left. 
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
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Hey guys, it’s me, ya broke girl Ellie!
(6/3) I’ve been furloughed by my job for almost two months now and have yet to see any unemployment help from my state. While I understand they’re backed up, my bills are less understanding, so I’m opening some new cheaper commissions for everyone!
Please spread this around as much as possible! I’m taking as many as will buy with no time limit.
If interested, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you!
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
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Elleleh’s Commission Chart
If you’d like to inquire about a commission then please contact me at [email protected] or send me a message here on Tumblr.
If you can’t commission me, but would like to support me, please reblog. Thank you.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
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Elleleh’s Commission Chart
If you’d like to inquire about a commission then please contact me at [email protected] or send me a message here on Tumblr.
If you can’t commission me, but would like to support me, please reblog. Thank you.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
Hey... Could I trouble you for a small Icebyrd doodle? You don't have to, if course. I just really liked the kids and wanted to see how you drew the parents.
Sure, no problem anon. Have some Robyn x Winter content with their twins and a soft moment of just them. Hope the art brightens your day.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
Are you doing alright in light of the recent virus
Physically, financially: Yes.
Psychologically: No, not at all. Couldn't be further from alright.
Thanks for asking though.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
Highlights from the RWBY panel at C2E2 2020
Disclaimer: This is all from memory. And my one brain cell is dedicated to the bees, so... sorry if I missed anything non-bumbleby related that was important lmao
1. They’re going to start writing chapters 11, 12, 13 soon! Almost done with V8. It’ll be more complex than V7 apparently? Miles said the aim is to make it more bite sized and approachable since V7 felt so BIG. All the writers wished there were more character moments in V7 too, so it seemed like they’ll try to insert more in V8. “More pairing stuff” (Idk if he meant romantic specifically or just one on one convos, but probably both)
2. V7C3 got too long, so a convo about faunus between Marrow and Blake on comms was cut (when Blake goes alone to the other side in the abandoned Schnee dust mine). A convo about faunus still might happen in V8 tho??? Miles’ wording was Vague
3. Someone’s backstory has been pushed three volumes, which made Miles REALLY frustrated, but I think it’ll happen in V8??? (Nora? 👀)
4. Miles admitted that maybe being 22 years old and having two white men did not help with writing a complicated race storyline when RWBY began. It was probably “overly ambitious”
5. Someone asked “What’s the biggest aspect that you share with your character?” Arryn answered last and was like, “I can’t say the thing I want to say!!! ........... I like books 😔” (JUST TELL US BLAKE’S BI PLS)
6. (Paraphrasing here)
Moderator: “What’s the heart of the show?”
Dunkelman: “Well obvi since Yang has a flaming heart as a symbol. It’s me”
Arryn: Okay but I think someone already has Yang’s heart 👀
7. Arryn forgot Marrow’s name (and had trouble remembering what the ace-ops were called? 😂) and was like, “What’s his name! The hot dog???” LMAO. And apparently she has a crush on Neptune and Marrow? She brought up how good Ironwood’s butt looks lmao
8. All of crwby calls Ironwood “Irondaddy”
9. Dunkelman knew from the v beginning, right before voice acting for RWBY, that Yang’s arm would be cut off later on. Even the Yellow trailer foreshadows it and there’s a quote that mentions asymmetry :O !!!
10. (Idk if I remember the exact question bc it was a long one) I think someone asked about whether there will be an exploration of Penny (since she’s not human) being marginalized like the faunus are? It was confirmed that they won’t go into that
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
being part of the RWBY fandom and hearing a character say the word “destiny” is like hearing a fucking tornado warning out of nowhere. all of your senses are on high alert, you want to run to a safe area but you don’t know if anywhere is safe, and there’s a fucking tornado somewhere out there but you’re not sure which direction to look
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
Rooster Teeth: We’re releasing RWBY fairy tales. 
FNDM, remembering all the other fairy tales: You’re releasing RWBY prequels?
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
So, sorry in advance if this comes across as rude or ignorant or anything, but since I saw a debate about this on Reddit (where all civilized debate happens (not)), how do you feel they should confirm that May is trans in RWBY? Like, do you think they need to in-show, or is confirming it on Twitter and Tumblr enough in your opinion?
So, I’m not going to comment on any debate that may be happening, or comment on anything from the show itself, but there is a part of this that I do feel I should talk about.
When the announcement was made that I’d be voicing May Marigold, the headcanon of “May Is Trans” popped up pretty much instantaneously.
And I mean, that’s fair to be honest, but aside from me voicing her I don’t think anyone really had any big telling sign that she was trans.
Again, that’s fair, especially because she plays just one small part in what eventually became one of the most climactic and pivotal parts of the series thus far.
Still... knowing that these headcanons were happening, and also knowing that they were 100% on the mark, there was some talk of confirming it how I could at the moment to just let everyone know that... Yeah! Here she is! May Marigold, canon transwoman, voiced a transwoman!
I had known she was trans from the very first VO session, and at this point I’m sure everyone knows just how emotional I got when I learned more about her.
Couldn’t tell you how much it meant to hear who she was from Miles, Kerry, and everyone. Who May Marigold is was never even a debate, that was made extremely clear to me, and even just knowing that was the case made me extremely proud to be a part of this.
In the end I take full ownership of the eventual decision to announce it how it was. Good? Bad? Up for debate, and that’s totally fair. And I’m sorry if that ruffled some feathers.
But again, it was information I wanted people to have as soon as possible because it was something 100% canon, true, and pretty darn important to me. We also got to confirm the fun fact that May and Henry are cousins, another point everyone had picked up on.
I know Double Trouble from She-Ra was confirmed as a canon Non-Binary character, voiced by someone non-binary, in a fairly similar way. And the responses to that were fairly positive as well and for me having that person be the one to confirm it felt like having the character personally come out to everyone.
Which I thought was pretty cool of the She-Ra staff to do!
But that’s also coming from the weirdo who outted herself to 50,000+ people and all of her co-workers with a post on Twitter all at once, so... ya know.
So, again, I’m sorry. This one is on me, and I’ll take full responsibility for it. I’m very sorry if my excitement to announce it has caused any kind of discourse or debate.
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rwby-analysis · 4 years
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If you’d like a rough sketch commission, please visit my kofi page.
If you can’t buy but would like to support me, please consider reblogging. Thank you!
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