rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: Thank you, I wouldn’t be surprised if she started crying when we got off the phone. I’m paying for a hotel for her too so she can stay as long as she needs to.
Ryder: Nah. Thankfully, I’m an actor and so I was able to fake my way through the rest of it.
Marley: Thank you for doing that for her... for me. You didn't have to.
Marley: That's good.
Marley: Ry... would you come stay the night here with me?
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: Then it's a good thing your mom is coming tomorrow.
Ryder: It's fine, it was just a choreography session. You passed out during my interview. And yes you are important.
Marley: What did she say when you got her tickets?
Marley: I hope I didn't screw up your interview too badly.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: I'd give you a hug right now if I could.
Ryder: I'm going to try. I have to work all day to make up for the bit I missed visiting you. Extra time in choreography, only reason I was able to go was because it was something easy to make up. If not then I'll definitely come Friday.
Marley: It's really lonely here.
Marley: Oh gosh, you shouldn't have missed work for me Ryder. I'm not that important.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: I'm sorry...I shouldn't have told you that. She's not upset with you though. At least she hasn't told me that she is.
Marley: I know she's not mad at me. No one is mad at me except me.
Marley: Are you coming back to see me tomorrow?
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: No, I haven't told anyone. Not even Santana. They know you fainted on set and are in the hospital. That's really nice of Santana though, told you she had a heart.
Ryder: She's just worried, you need her now more than ever. She's already trying to sell things and borrow money to fly out here and see you. This is just easier on her and get her out here quicker.
Marley: She didn't tell me she was doing that...
Marley: Now the nurse thinks I'm even crazier because I just started crying. They're going to send the stupid shrink to talk to me again.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: Okay, then we won't.
Ryder: And you're not. I'm doing everything I'm doing because I love and care about you.
Marley: Did you know Santana sent me like a huge thing of flowers? Does everyone know what I'm here for?
Marley: I really want to see my mom but I don't want her to be upset with me.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: Marley, as a son of a doctor, you are. I've noticed you've looked different for a while but I didn't say anything. It's the bulimia messing with your mind.
Ryder: I want to.
Marley: I don't want to talk about it anymore.
Marley: And I don't want to be your charity case.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: I know, but you do,
Ryder: She did, of course. I might fly her out here. You need your mom right now and she’s worried sick.
Marley: I'm not underweight like they keep telling me, you know.
Marley: Ry, you don't need to do that.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: You have a disorder that came from throwing up what you ate.
Ryder: That will happen until you're better, Pika. Your mom would agree that that is where you need to be.
Marley: I don't want to have anything.
Marley: I can't believe my mom called you... And I'm sorry you got dragged into all of this. You really don't need more stress in your life.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: Marley, you're bulimic. It's the best place for you, even if it sucks.
Marley: Stop using that word. I hate it.
Marley: Ryder, I just don't want to be here and they keep watching me eat. It's like I'm a toddler.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: How are you feeling? I’m sorry I had to leave you.
Marley: I hate being here. There's nothing wrong with me.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: That’s good. I’m sure she’ll be doing great things too. She’s a talented actress.
Ryder: Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.
Marley 🌹: Oh I know she will. She's amazing.
Marley 🌹: It's the truth. Some day you'll accept it.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
These Secrets Are Walls That Keep Us Alone
Tagging: Marley Rose
Timeframe: Wednesday, September 12th, Early Afternoon
Location: On the Chorus Set/Hospital
Trigger Warnings: Eating Disorder, Bulimia
Notes: Long self-para
Marley was feeling pretty proud of herself. Her morning had been spent helping dress the choir room set with a lot of fun props and toys for the one on one interviews between cast members that afternoon. She had brought her own lunch and had even felt okay eating it. But, after eating she sat watching Santana Lopez chatting with Ryder, so casually. The two of them were friends, she knew, but Santana had such an easy confidence and a killer body. It just reminded her even more than she had eaten way too many calories at lunch so once the promo had gotten started filming, she headed for the bathroom. She at least had the whole vomiting thing down to a quick science because she really did not want anyone walking in on her purging again, not after the whole debacle with Scarlett.
After she forced herself to be sick, and cleaned herself up, Marley headed back out for the set to continue watching the interview while she smoothed some lotion over her hands.
Santana pulled another question out of the fish bowl (which Marley had filled with the questions as well as Swedish Fish) and smirked at Ryder. “This is a great question for you. Would you rather live a short life and be rich or have a long life and be poor?” Santana asked before popping one of the candies in her mouth while Ryder answered.
“Hmmm…” Ryder hummed as he reloaded the Nerf gun he’d found under his chair and shot it at Santana’s forehead causing the other woman to laugh and roll her eyes. “Long life and be poor.”
As she listened to Ryder answer, Marley’s vision started going blurry. She’d had this happen before after purging but as she stumbled her way to a chair trying not to draw attention, she could feel that something definitely wasn’t right. Her hands were shaking, and she felt like she was sweating, even though it wasn’t even that hot today. As she tried to sit down, that was the moment she lost all consciousness and collapsed to the ground.
Marley was in and out of consciousness as she heard some people around her panicking, and then the studio EMTs were there loading her onto a gurney and into the back of an ambulance. She vaguely remembered feeling the prick of a needle in her arm and one on her finger as the world phased in and out of black.
The next thing she knew, she was in a bright white hospital room. Her head was killing her and she had an IV hooked up to her arm. A nurse was sitting by her bed, waiting for her wake up. “How long have I been here?” Marley asked, squinting against the lights. “Just about ten minutes, we got your blood sugar back up. That’s why you passed out.” The nurse answered, sitting up a bit straighter. “You’re lucky there were EMTs so close because you were very close to being in a coma, sweetheart.” The nurse cleared her throat a little bit, “We don’t have to talk about it right away, but the doctor is going to want to know about your eating disorder, Miss Rose.”
Marley felt her heartbeat quicken and she shook her head, wanting to just rip the needle out of her arm and run away. “No, I don’t have one of those… maybe I’m just diabetic?” She asked, trying and failing to keep the sheer panic out of her voice. The nurse patted her hand, “Marley, I know you’re not in a place where you want to talk about this, but even in a short physical I can tell. We’re going to get you feeling better first and then we can talk… Someone will be in to do some paper work with you alright?” The nurse more told her than asked before getting up to leave.
A few minutes later another person came in to get copies of her driver’s license and insurance card while she signed HIPPA paperwork. She didn’t know what drove her to it, but she wrote down Ryder Lynn as an emergency contact and as someone who could have access to her medical records. It was mostly because her mom was so far away and she knew Ryder would look out for her if it came down to it. Of course, she gave her mom all the same permissions but it was nice to think about having someone here that could take care of her.
Next a stern looking doctor entered her room, and Marley immediately felt like shutting down as the man started grilling her with questions... Questions she did not feel like answering, so she ended up sobbing and the nurse consoled her. The doctor coughed awkwardly, “Sorry, Marley, I know this is all difficult for you. Let me be frank with you, though, you have all the signs of being bulimic and it is taking a toll on your body. You passed out because your blood sugar was low, but you are also life threateningly anemic and dehydrated. I also suspect that you’ve got some hormonal issues going on as well as being underweight by a good fifteen pounds. I’d like to have you admitted to the hospital for at least a few days.” She shook her head and coughed a little, “I can’t be sick. I just can’t…”
The nurse held her hand, “But you are sweetheart, and we’re going to help you start getting better.” She told Marley gently until Marley finally nodded. “A-alright… but c-can you tell my mom all that? I don’t think I can tell her.”
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: Oh...well, I hope she's okay.
Ryder: Yes...which I will definitely need to look into getting right now because I'm a mess of a person.
Marley 🌹: She's alright, just enjoying our senior year I think. Plus, she is taking a bunch of easy classes.
Marley 🌹: You're not a mess, Ry. You make dumb choices but you're still the wonderful, amazing person you are.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: That's not a new thing, she did that when we were friends. Thought you knew. I miss her, tell her I say hi!
Ryder: Hopefully all good.
Marley 🌹: Well, she's doing it more now, I guess. I'll let her know.
Marley 🌹: Let's hope so, but that's what you need a good PR person for right?
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Texts 📱 Pikachu & Han
Ryder: What's weird about that? She's awesome!
Ryder: Find anything on me? The nobody?
Marley 🌹: No she is awesome, just kind of out there sometimes. I think she might have started smoking pot.
Marley 🌹: Not yet, but I'm sure there will be things soon.
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
Right. I probably won’t remember that and will certainly ask again later. 
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I understand. I’m sure you’re meeting a lot of new people and what not. It seems like you have an interesting but hectic sort of job. 
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