rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
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Astrid Bergès-Frisbey for Glamour
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
poor jem omg
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
the beginning of something new | albus potter & jem corner
The pains had started a few hours ago. Al had been over since last night, and Rory didn't know if she should send him away or keep him near. At first, she thought the pains were just the baby kicking and moving in the wrong places like up against her ribs. But she realized later it wasn't her ribs that were hurting, and the pains came and went.
Her belly was large now, and she was slightly overdue. The fact that Al was here, along with Jem frightened her into staying silent, and every time a pain came, she would excuse herself to the bathroom where she could twist her face in pain. It won't be long now, she thought to herself as she sat on the toilet with her legs together and her hands on her belly. She'll be here within a matter of hours and I need to tell them.
But Rory didn't want to tell them, especially not Jem. His constant worrying was already dampening her mood and she didn't want him to freak out. It would be scary, no doubt, but things had to happen, and she figured she'd rather be on her own with this. When she was sure the pains had given up, she stood up, wobbled for a moment, and hobbled outside towards the living room. She took her seat next to Jem on the couch where she nestled her body into his. 
She wondered how long she could hide it before she finally told them she needed to go to the hospital. Rory couldn't explain her feelings about giving birth. She wanted to do it, and get it over with, but then again she didn't want to go through the pain and agony just to have one little person come out of her. Even if it was her daughter. She was afraid of everything she would have to go through.
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
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Astrid Bergès-Frisbey | Aime Moi [x]
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
What? How- what?
I think it’s probably not good.
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
What do you think...?
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So why is it required? I don’t know, that just seems odd to me.
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
I don't know.
So why is it required? I don’t know, that just seems odd to me.
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
But the questions are harmless! 
It looks more serious than that, I think…
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
I don't know. Maybe some sort of census? 
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rory-notaurora replied to your post: Evaluation. Um.
It’s absolutely ridiculous.
It is. Why is this required?
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
Midnight Serenade // Katie Herzig
Close your eyes, think of what you have beside you.
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
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rory-notaurora-blog · 12 years
Rory laughed weakly, and pulled him in for one last hug. "We don't have to talk about it anymore. Ever," Rory whispered into his shirt. It was comforting to know he was willing to leave this all behind. She was sure now that he knew she was his, and he was her's. His arms around her made her feel safe and his scent lingered in her nostrils for a long time after she finally pulled away. She took a step back, and raised her hand towards his face to up his cheek. "I love you," she said, not knowing if she was getting annoying with the phrase. But when she felt like someone needed to hear it, especially now, it was good to say it over and over again. She was even convinced that she would say the same thing to her daughter to make sure she never forgot how much her mum loved her. She tells her mother, her father, and even her brother how much she loved them every time she saw them. She lets Al and his family know much too often. But there was no one Rory loved more than her James Corner.
Finally his enthusiasm for naming the baby filled her up with pride as a smile lit his face up. He seemed to be glowing the way he smiled. His cheeks were still glossy from tears and the light from the room was reflecting off them like they were diamonds. The pit of her stomach began to ache with affection and she nodded at him. Both suggestions were wonderful, but Rory didn't know if she liked Rose with how very much the same it was to Al's cousin's name (actually it was the same!). "What about a variation of Rose? Or another floral name like Lily or Tulip or something? And Clare! That's really pretty darling!" Rory flung her arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. When she leaned back she watched his expressions carefully. She wanted to keep him as happy as possible.
When he sat down, Rory stood until he beckoned her to sit. She wobbled over to the bed and sat down (well, more like leaned down as it's so very hard to sit straight when you're belly is the size of an workout ball!). At his suggestion, her face went white. "I- I know you have good intentions but we are not naming our child Aurora. I won't put her through that. " Rory shuddered at the name. It was a hideous name for a child. She would rather have a cat named Aurora than have her daughter called that. "Let's stick with Clare and Rose for right now. Any variations?" She smiled at him kindly as she scooted across the bed to lay down. Her belly protruded so high in the air, she was sure the skin would rip and the baby would fall out right there. She figured it couldn't be long until she went into labor. 
Rory looked at the ceiling for a moment, memorizing the creases and cracks. She would need to get used to this view laying here in her pregnant state. She thought about how she wanted the baby out now. How it was so uncomfortable she could cry. For a moment she was sure she was going to, until her daughter kicked. She placed her hand above her bellybutton and smiled. "Feel," she motioned for Jem using her hands. She grabbed his hand quickly and yanked him closer so he could feel his growing daughter. 
“Okay,” he said, after a brief pause. He still wasn’t convinced, but decided to let it go. There was nothing else to say, anyway, so he offered her a frail smile, and when she leaned back he gave her another peck on the lips. Happy. Look happy. He nodded for a while, bobbing his head up and down as he tried to twist his lips into a proper grin. It took him a while to pinpoint exactly what it was that she had said that had bothered him. Then it dawned on him. More children? Instantly, he went back into panicking, his eyes widening and his hands scrambling to push her back, so he could get a proper look at her face. He didn’t know if she was kidding, but felt compelled to find out before he made yet another outburst. Not that he didn’t love his daughter, but he thought one was enough, right? One kid was bound to be enough trouble. But two? He didn’t think he could handle two. They would have to save money for two colleges, and buy two bicycles every Christmas, and a bunch of other things. Not to mention all the extra poop.
The sentiment was nice, that they would stay together long enough to even consider more children; that Rory was saying she loved him enough to go through the pain of childbirth multiple times; that she wanted him to spoil and baby more than one little human being. The sentiment itself was lovely, and if he hadn’t been so preoccupied he would have found it touching. But Jem was Jem, and he was evidently unable to keep calm for more than two seconds. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking about what she had said, and what it would mean. Freaking out on her again wouldn’t do any good, and he had already decided that the panic attacks had to stop entirely, or at least not occur in front of Rory. He had to keep it together, or he would push her into the arms of another person. Most probably. So he had to pretend the comment didn’t bother him, even though it was all he could think about. “Okay, can we not talk about it anymore, then?” he asked, turning to her, hoping they could just move on without any fuss.
Since all he could think about was children, he decided to stick to that topic. “I decided on a name for the baby!” he said, even though he hadn’t, not really. Not until just then. As he thought back to the conversation with Amelia, he remembered that he had chosen the name Clare, so he said, “Clare is a good name, I think. Or Rose. It’s like Rory. But- but not at all like that.” He swallowed, realising that the reason he was having trouble coming up with something to say was because he was not at all in the mood to talk. Actually, all he wanted to do was be by himself. Which was kind of an awful thought, considering the conversation they had just had. For the first time in maybe forever, he didn’t feel like spending time with her. The realisation didn’t improve his mood, not one bit. It only made him even more upset, if that was even possible. Now, on top of being a terrible dad, he was also being a terrible partner. Neglecting his children before they were even born, not wanting to spend time with his wife. That was all pretty bad. But he couldn’t just leave, that would send mixed signals, so he carried on. “But if you don’t like any I can just think it through some more.”
He smiled half-heartedly, then leaned close to kiss her again, hoping the feeling would go away soon. He should be happy, ecstatic that they were putting all that behind them. Right? Right. Stop being a baby and be happy. Idiot. “Hey, Rory,” he started, patting the seat next to him, so she would sit. Pregnant women had to stay seated at all times, or something. He didn’t really read that anywhere, but reckoned it was good advise. The baby was probably really heavy. “We could call the baby ‘Aurora number two’. Don’t you think that would be cool? Then she’ll be, you know. Well, she’ll have your name and that would be funny. I could call you Rory and the baby Aurora or something. So you don’t get confused.” He smiled at her, happy that he had managed to think of something to say, and that his voice wasn’t doing that high-pitched thing it had been doing before. His hands had stopped shaking too, which was a good sign.
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