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Scene X: Through the Night
Romeo couldn’t bear to leave the house where he had been so soundly struck down. Each step he took would carry him further away from Giulietta. He couldn’t go just like that. His heart was here – nowhere else. And he knew what would happen on the way home. Mercutio and Benvolio would mock him. He could do without that. 
‘Romeo! Hey Romeo!’ They were right behind him. He pressed himself against the hard stone wall as though trying to find a hiding place among its crevices. 
‘Oh Ro-me-o! Ro-ho-ho-me-o!’ They were coming closer. In desperation Romeo searched for a foothold and found one. He pushed himself up the wall. Another foothold, and another, and before he knew it, he was on top of the high wall…
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Scene IX - To love your foe
They were one without knowing each other’s name. Romeo and the strange beauty. But loud noises suddenly shattered their world of love. It was Romeo who first departed his lips from hers. “Something must be wrong” he said before rushing to the great hall. He held her hand still, but she took it from him to stay behind.
A man had been pushed down to the marble floor while everyone else surrounded him. Romeo noticed anger on their faces. But why? Then he recognized the man dressed in a toga with golden horns.
“Uncle, a Montecchi has dishonoured your house” Tebaldo indeed looked like Lucifer himself. So furious.
Odoardo Capuletti said nothing. His deadly green eyes focused on the kneeling Mercutio. His wife at his side looked down in disgust.
“Let me kill him here and now!” Tebaldo demanded. “He mocked you, he soiled your name. We have every right to kill him” Odoardo Capuletti shook his head.
“No” he said loud. “And do you know why? This man is a shameless fool who lived in my enemies’ house. But yet he ate my bread tonight. There’s a thing holier than revenge and it’s called guest law. I may hate him, but I won’t spill his blood within my halls. I’m sorry, Tebaldo”
The young Capuletti’s face turned red with fury. He spat out in front of Mercutio but stayed silent
Romeo, impressed with Odoardo’s hospitality, stepped forward.
“Milord”, he said. “You know me. My mother is your mortal enemy.”
“Another rat in our house” Tebaldo turned to his uncle. “You must do something!” Odoardo ignored him.
“We hate you” Romeo said bravely. “But whatever happened between our houses, everyone agrees that you are a man of honour.”
All Odoardo answered was: “Leave now! All of you!”
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But Romeo had only eyes for his strange beauty who was still standing on the gallery.
“Feast is over” Capuletti’s wife told her. “It’s time to go to bed, sweet daughter.”
Daughter! Romeo couldn’ believe: “I’m in love with my foe.”
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Scene VIII - Prayers
She didn’t say a word. The green eyes behind the mask smiled at him when she took his arm.
“Forgive my rough hands”, he whispered as they danced.
“There’s nothing to forgive, Milord.”
“If you find them to rough, I have two soft lips to soothe you” Oh God, what am I saying.
“No” she said. “Don’t speak so badly of your hands. When two hands touch like this what they’re doing is kissing.” She rolled her hand round in his so that their palms met. The touch of her palm against his sent delicious feelings all through him. “See what a lovely kiss this is?’
Their bodies were close, he could feel her warmth and asked himself: Am I going too far with that stranger?
But it was her who answered his doubts. Her lips moved closer to his but suddenly she turned away. “Wait, not here.” She dragged him outside onto the gallery, so fast that he couldn’t protest.
“So, what you said about our hands’ kiss?” he wanted to know.
“Only our hands might kiss, because lips are used for praying.”
“As are hands are” whispered Romeo. “So let our lips do the same as our hands. I’m praying that you’ll kiss me.”
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Scene VII - The Ball
I don’t want to dance, Romeo decided when they arrived at Capuletti’s palazzo. His heart was still sick with love for Rosalina. May his friends be jolly, he couldn’t.
He wandered around in hope he’d raise no suspicion. The other guests were dressed as if it was still carnival. He saw the lord and lady of the house all in red and gold. And he kept an eye on Tebaldo, dressed as Lucifer himself. The young Capuletti in all his cruel beauty danced with young lady.  But he had no eyes for her. His gaze always wandered to another, Romeo noted.
He searched for her himself and found her dancing with the god of the forest. Romeo watched her closely: she was dressed all in gold and was shining brighter than the sun. Something about the girl fascinated him. The way she moved. Her smile. Romeo drew his breath. His mind was completely preoccupied with the heavenly image before him, moving so gracefully to the music. She was an angel. She stood out from the other girls like a snowy dove in a field of crows.
He couldn’t watch any longer and decided to make a move. The girl’s partner bowed and departed right then. Romeo’s chance. His heart was beating faster. She’ll reject me, his conscience told him, but his voice had already spoken:
“May I ask for this dance?”
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The Story continues...
... after a break that lasted for too long, Tales of Verona will be back with the infamous ball scenes. Updates starting this Saturday.
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For all those who wondered: Storytelling on this blog will continue soon.
My good friend @danjaley is responsible for that. Thank you a lot💖
I know this story makes very little progress. Sorry for that!
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Romeo and Juliet Poses
There’s always this last pose-request where I run out of steam and postpone it endlessly… This time it came from the very patient @tyrellsimsoficeandfire
I apologize for the spelling mistake in the codes! I only thought to look up the word “balcony” when I wrote the poselist descriptions. I corrected it wherever I could without re-exporting all the poses.
Poses 2a, 2a2 and 3c are technically below floor level and off-centre, to be placed outside the balcony.
The railings used are the Egyptian wall from World Adventures and the balustrade fence from the Basegame. The Barnacle Bay wall also works well, as seen in pose 3. And of course there are endless possibilities with custom fences and OMSPs.
Poses 3ab were actually the first I made, that’s why I was still figuring out the levels. It might still be used as a climbing pose with the right camera angle.
Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox
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SCENE VI: Kings of the World
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“Oh Romeo, what’s the matter with you? “  Benvolio asked. Since he met his cousin in the afternoon, he had been spreading such a horrible mood. He was simply sad and they all suspected what was wrong.
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“Sad hours seem long” Romeo said.
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“What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?” Actually, Benvolio didn’t want to know or he already knew. Romeo loved sweet Rosalina but Rosalina didn’t love him back. Old song.
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“You know, boy, I’m already twenty years old. Women desired me, they taught me what they know but I never felt… loved.”
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“You know that love is just a game for many?” Benvolio asked unnecessary. Actually, they came here to meet up with their friends. Mercutio wasn’t here yet, but he planned some fun for tonight…
“I hope to find true love once. My mother expects too much. Now she expects me to lead the Bank and soon she’ll want me to take a bride of her choosing…”
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“Then choose me, my beloved”, Mercutio approached from the dark. He was dressed up to the nines. Greek toga, golden horns and mask. He looked like a satyr.
And Benvolio wore a fool’s dress. The other’s as well. Only Romeo wasn’t masked. They wanted to go to some masquerade. He didn’t intend to be with them.
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“You know what day is today?” Mercutio asked as he began climbing to the edge of the fountain.
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“Saturday?” Romeo answered.
“It is but it is that day our old foe Capuletti celebrates every year.”
“The anniversary of his great victory?” asked Romeo. “The one at the battle of Pad… Pav…Pam…”
“Some stupid Italian town, certainly” said Mercutio. “But more important: We are going to crash his Masquerade tonight.”
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“Should we really make our entrance there in disguise?” Romeo protested and it was Benvolio who took the word:
“Oh, I hope Cupid’s arrow will hit the Capuletti girls when they see us!”
“We’ll kiss them and do thing a lot sweeter. And poor Tebaldo can’t do anything”, Mercutio announced. “Because we are young and fierce. We are the kings of the world!”
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Suddenly someone took out his flute. “Take your lute,Romeo!” All the youths were dancing and singing they tried to free Romeo from his sadness. And they sang:
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“We know how to live we squeeze the juice from every moment
We make love day after day night after night we sing we dance
It makes no sense in being careful not when time files like an arrow
We take every risk that's out there we're prepared to take that chance
We are the...
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 Kings of the world, free as the wind
Looking for sins that we haven't yet sinned
They think they're smart, but they're really quite dumb
You miss the tune when you're banging your drum”
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The Song Les Rois du Monde from the Musical Romeo et Juliette: French, English, German, Hungarian/Magyar, Italian
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Scene V: Sweet Offers
„Think of my offer, Signore,” the young count suggested. Tebaldo couldn’t stand him any longer. Paris was the man’s name. Paris - what a silly name! As far as Tebaldo knew, Paris was the city where the French king resided. So, why name a boy Paris?
“Your request of marriage honours the House of Capuletti” Odoardo seemed flattered. Well, when Tebaldo looked at that slimy Paris he knew why. He was rich. The boy was dressed all in gold with stupid knickerbockers and female jewellery. His childish face and carefully trimmed beard looked ridiculous. How old was he? 21? Tebaldo despised him.
“But be careful. Mistakes are made too easily” Odoardo reminded his guest. Right choice, Tebaldo thought.
Even his aunt Caterina seemed quite impressed with the young lord. She constantly smiled at him. Maybe she’d prefer him in her own bed.
“You know I’ll make the perfect groom” Paris declared. “Your Giulietta will be one of the most respected ladies in fair Verona. My heart will not rest until she is mine.”
His heart! Tebaldo was about to laugh. But his uncle told him not to intervene. As hard as it was, he better obeyed.
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But his uncle apparently had doubts, as well: “She's just a child, fourteen tender years. To take a heart before its time, would be a rash, irresponsible crime. Come to our ball tonight, meet her, charm her and maybe you’ll catch her heart… if she wants.” As he said so, he put his arm around Paris’ shoulder and together they went off.
Tebaldo spat out when they were gone: “Whom does he think he is? Why does uncle even consider such a marriage?”
Caterina laughed out loud.
“My sweet Tebaldo! Someone is very jealous. You have nothing to fear from Paris. He’ll marry Giulietta, I’ll take care of this. But you are still your uncle’s heir. Nothing will change.”
“You have no idea…”
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SCENE IV: Born to Hate
The two sinners arrived at once. The whore of Babylon and Lucifer himself, Prince Mastino thought as he saw them and then: Why does Capuletti always dress in scarlet? To hide the blood strains?
“Signore” It was Angiola Montecchi who sank to her knees first; not without giving a deadly glance to her foe.
The Prince didn’t say a word. Instead, he faced the high altar pretending he was praying. Later, he turned bag with a dazzling smile to enjoy the suppressed anger in the red faces of Montecchi and Capuletti. Kneel and atone.
“You do us wrong” Odoardo Capuletti cut through the silence, rising without permission.
“Do I?” The Prince was pleased with the direction of that conversation. “But I didn’t tell you any charges, yet.”
“We all know why we are here” Angiola Montecchi protested in unusual harmony with Odoardo.
“So, you admit your family’s guilt?”
Odoardo Capuletti’s nostrils flattered, his finger sharply pointing at Angiola. “Her brood attacked my noble nephew…”
“Your nephew who had drawn his sword first” Angiola fired back.
“A knight defending his houses’ honour”
“How noble of him to defend the non-existent!”
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Prince Mastino really started to enjoy that little show. He watched fascinated how the veins on Capuletti’s neck pulsed while his face slowly got the same scarlet tone as his surcoat. Would he dare to draw his dagger against a woman? The prince’s eyes turned to Angiola Montecchi’s clenching fists. She’d rather destroy Capuletti’s face with her claws, he decided.
“You talk about honour when it was your husband who betrayed Verona to the Pope?”, Odoardo asked sharply.
“And who betrayed our late prince’s order of peace by attacking my family with German mercenaries? Within that holy cathedral?”
“Your family needed to be stopped from corruption. But Jews like you never cared.”
“And you and your beloved emperor butchered the innocent outside our city walls!”
“Enough!” It was the first time the Prince needed to scream in a long time. No one challenged his authority more than these two vipers. “It is my last word spoken on that subject: The next man drawing his sword against another, I will lead to the gallows myself. No matter if he’s Montecchi or Capuletti. Your noble names protected you far too long. And now I want you to swear upon that holy altar.”
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Masquerade: Tebaldo
“Patience perforce with wilful choler meeting Makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting...”
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Masquerade: Caterina Capuletti
“Verona’s summer hath not such a flower.”
                                                  Coming soon…
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Masquerade: Benvolio
“By giving liberty unto thine eyes; Examine other beauties.”
                       Coming soon...
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Masquerade: Giulietta
“Then have my lips the sin that they have took.”
                            Coming soon...
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Masquerade: Romeo
“Is love a tender thing? it is too rough, Too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn.”
                      Coming soon...
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Masquerade: Mercutio
“You are a lover; borrow Cupid's wings, And soar with them above a common bound.”
                                                       Coming soon...
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Scene III: The Rose of Capuletti
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“Giulietta! “, Gianna was running through the garden. Well, indeed she was running through the labyrinth which Odoardo Capuletti called a garden. Well, his wife called this a garden. Her lord never cared for such representation, but that was another story.
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“Giulietta, where have you been hiding, child?” It wasn’t funny anymore. Gianna’s legs were hurting, She couldn’t catch her breath and she reminded herself that she was past forty.
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“Giulietta? Giulietta, please. My lady and my lord will soon be home.”
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She found her beneath some hedges, sitting down on the grass, her nose stuck in a book.
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“Why do you dally so?” Giulietta asked with an innocent smile. Gianna has been her nurse since the child’s first day on that world. A mother in all but name.
“Oh, I should so hurry till my heart gives out. Your heart is made of sterner stuff than that. Your heart is made…”
Giulietta started laughing.
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“…that you should laugh to see me so wore out. What are you reading there by any means?” 
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Gianna grabbed the book. She couldn’t read but she knew the stories told by the small pictures. An expansive book but someone had torn out several pages. “What’s that?” she asked. “Your mother’s work?”
“Certainly not! She would have ripped the whole book apart” Giulietta sounded quite amused. “Young ladies shouldn’t read at all, if she’s concerned. It was my father’s doing. And I understand. Some tales are too bloody and frivolous for a girl.”
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“His decision. But you miss the best part!” Gianna said. She thought of those stories her own parents told during winter nights. Stories of simple life, hot-blooded lovers, obscene jokes… It would turn Giulietta’s cheeks red…
“So, tell me” the girl insisted
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“Only when you are older. Now come with me. We have to dress up for the ball.” “I hate balls. No one’s there who is of my age.”
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“Maybe some young lad will fall with love with you.”
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Scene II: Of Hot Blood
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The great fountain was always a favourite place of Benvolio. Despite is noble birth, he grew up at the city’s piazza. Here, with his feet in the cold water beneath the monument of some glorious prince, he had his first kiss.
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 Here, the young and fierce ones of Verona, regardless of their origin, found together. And more than once they had to fight over that elysium with the Capuletti…
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Benvolio glimpsed scarlet cloaks over leather, gauntlets and greaves, shining gold and silver swords. "Behind!" he heard Mercutio cry. "Make way or die!"
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"The boy is protecting his lover, I see," their leader said. They wore the colours of Capuletti.
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Benvolio walked forward, step by careful step. “Tebaldo. We are not here to quarrel. Just let us leave.”
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"I don’t think so. My sword wasn’t red from Montecchi blood in a while"
“And I haven’t slit a Capuletti throat for months”, Mercutio corresponded. No, don’t join his game, Benvolio thought but it was too late.
Tebaldo smiled. "Heard your uncle shit himself when he died? Didn’t deserve better, I think."
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Benvolio understood. Tebaldo provoked Mercutio to draw his sword first. And Mercutio did.
He ripped his longsword from its sheath. "Show me your steel, Bastard.”
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The Capuletti men had drawn their swords. Eyes watched from nearby windows and the market, but no one was about to intervene.  And so, the fight began. Even for Benvolio…
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The whole Piazza was burning within minutes. 
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Chaos envolved, Red fought against Blue, merchants were hiding their goods, women escaped screaming. 
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And then, there was only silence.
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People bent their knees and rose again, when horses trembled. But not the brave men of Montecchi and Capuletti.
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“Stop this madness”, a voice commanded from above and ended the bloody rush.
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The Lord Mastino of the noble della Scala family looked down to the fighters, anger in his eyes. Not even Tebaldo dared to speak to him.
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“I will not tolerate your feud any longer within my city walls,” his Highness continued. “What are you? Animals? Constable, restore the order here and send for Odoardo Capuletti and Angiola Monteccchi. It’s time to show them who’s the law here…”
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