rogram · 2 years
you confuse a little concept. The water may be of a poor chemical state and will contain fish, but those that do not need super clean water. But if the water level in this polluted river drops, it is natural that the living conditions of these fish deteriorate drastically. And it really happened in the Oder. These pollutants are the result of the high anthropomorphization of the river, but the final lethal ingredient was the water level and temperature (which was of natural origin). That is why they will not punish anyone for it. Because the anthropomorphization of the river happened a few decades ago, in a different economic system. And this is not a question of some single illegal waste discharge, but a whole history of bottom sediment connected by barrages that make up artificial LAKES on the river. This is what the hydrolologists talk about. aodre in this case should be treated as a network of interconnected lakes, not a river. We know what, for example, happened in the German lakes at that time. Due to the anthropmorphization of the Oder, the river does not clean up to the same degree as, for example, the Vistula. And I will say more: even if we dismantled the dams, closed mines and industrial plants … it would probably also have an effect for the next dozen or so years, because restoring the river is not a magic wand that will make the river repair itself right away.
Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious
In case you are wondring why I never posted any updates on the Oder/Odra disaster it’s because we have no conclusive results.
There was to be joint German Polish investigation but Poland doesn’t want to investigate together. Any questions on their findings is basically “trust me bro” territory.
We still don’t now what killed an entire ecosystem.
In the German-Polish dispute over the environmental disaster that led to the death of millions of fish in the Oder River, the fronts are hardening. The Polish government blocked the work of the bi-national expert commission that was supposed to investigate the cause of the catastrophe.
The Polish side neither shared comprehensive data nor showed any cooperation, criticises Lilian Busse, head of the investigation commission. “In the beginning, we actually exchanged information quite well in the German-Polish group. As things progressed, however, the Polish colleagues became more and more reticent, in some cases almost secretive,” says Busse.
From time to time some PiS politicians still claim that Germany poisened the Oder though. Even though Germany is still downstream and hasn’t magically moved upstream. Also Germany bad for bringing up the topic of the dead fish simply to make Poland look bad.
I am so tired of PiS and everyone who votes for them.
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rogram · 2 years
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I recently realized that when Western Europeans, US Americans, Canadians, Australians, and other Westerners refer to oppressive systems, they usually use the word “fascism” for it. Eastern Europeans & other post-Soviet folks most often use the word “totalitarianism” instead.
Why? Because Westerners experienced only far-right totalitarianism, which most often appears in the form of fascism, while Eastern Europeans had to experience both right-wing and left-wing totalitarianism.
Unlike the Westerners, we, the Eastern folks, know that any system can change into a prison, regardless of ideology, because humans are flawed and often desire to impose power on one another. And that no amount of progressivism, beautiful phrases and quotes and no amount of analysis can save you from that.
Western naivety is a part of Western privilege. Or, at least I have come to such a conclusion recently.
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rogram · 2 years
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Real things that happened in Fate 2 that sound made up
- Valtor owns an arcade machine
- Aisha gets a boyfriend only for him to be an evil blood bending witch who betrays her. He gets a 10 second backstory explanation. It is bad
- Sky kills his dad!
- Farah Dowling makes a Force Ghost appearance for 5 minutes to teach the girls how to spin in the air with CGI elements - I mean transform.
- The secret hideout where the blood bending witches are hiding is a bright pink house where Valtor and crew decorated the banisters with fairy lights #teambuilding
- Terra comes out as a lesbian and starts dating a random female specialist who never confirms to have broken up with her current girlfriend. This is not discussed! Justice for Francesca
- Bloom is 1,000 years old
- Bloom pulls a Riku from Kingdom Hearts and goes into the realm of darkness to lock it because it can only be locked from the inside. She goes into the realm of darkness wearing a velvet blazer and a miniskirt. Sky sniffles sadly
- a real subtitle to describe the portal to the realm of darkness is scratchy whooshing
- Terra - confirmed lesbian - gets jealous of Flora and Riven’s relationship (?)
- Dane TEXTS the enemy that they are there even though he knows everyone is under Valtor’s mind control. He - somehow - is surprised this doesn’t work out well.
- Everyone is obsessed with crocs
- There is a courtroom episode. DUN DUN
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rogram · 2 years
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rogram · 2 years
As usual... Poor Ruzzians and very bad and racist Balts/Poles/Ukrainians/other colonized by Ruzzia people
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rogram · 2 years
The only reason why USSR fought against Nazi Germany is because Hitler was actively threatening its imperialist interests when he made it clear that after Western Europe he would attempt to take Eastern Europe as well.
Communists knew Germany would try to annex European states and that is why they signed Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of nonaggression, basically saying "you can do whatever you want in Europe, just don't mess with me". Nazis were of course happy to sign the pact because it meant Communists would not be fighting against Nazis. Communists never wanted to fight Nazism, they wanted to protect their own sphere of influence and since that was guaranteed by this pact, they did not even consider fighting Nazis.
The important thing is, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was signed in August of 1939, the war broke out in September. There is just one month difference, Communists knew that Germany would start the war (because it had already invaded Czechoslovakia in March) but since they were safe, they didn't care.
The pact had a secret clause which guaranteed splitting Poland in half. Comminists were actively negotiating with Nazis to divide Poland and so to divide new border between Germany and USSR. Soviets knew Germany would attack Poland but they made sure that Nazis wouldn't go futher in "soviet territory".
Nazis attacked Poland in 1939 (start of war) and they only occupied half of it because, as already mentioned, there was an agreement between Nazis and Communists to divide Poland. Other European countries joined the war to help Poland but not USSR.
Communists joined war againt Nazis only when Germany attacked Soviet-occupied part of Poland in 1941 (thus breaking agreement). USSR had more than a year to help out Poland against Nazis but they didn't do anything when other European countries acted immediately (France and Britain).
When USSR joined the war there were no noble causes for "defending" Poland from Nazis, as there is no noble cause for "denazification" of Ukraine now. There is only one thing: Russia thinks Eastern europe is its sphere of influence, if someone is slipping out of that influence, Russia acts.
Communists were not agains Nazis untill Nazis directly threatened Soviet influence. Russia is not trying to denazify Ukraine, it's trying to russify it.
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rogram · 2 years
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The Face of Zelensky shows everything
okay but like… isn’t that weird how not a long time ago Macron wanted Ukraine to cede parts of its territory… and to be ready for the compromise with russia…. and was basically fucking acting as if Ukraine had already lost… and now he’s saying that no one can force Ukraine to negotiate with russia and that Ukraine should receive EU candidate status asap? what the fuck happened?????
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rogram · 2 years
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NATO expansion!!!! Neo Nazis in Ukraine!!!! Spheres of influence!!!! America is bad too!!!!! What about Syria and Palestine!!!!! White people's war!!! And whatever bullshit people like to talk about, putin compares himself to an EMPEROR and you pretend this is not an issue when the biggest country in the world with the second biggest nukes arsenal decides to "return" territories
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rogram · 2 years
odpowiem Ci dlaczego występuje ten dysonans poznawczy...
W Polsce NIE MA tradycyjnego podziału na prawicę i lewicę - 90% ugrupowań politycznych w Polsce ma tradycje, przekonania i programy wyborcze socjalistyczne i semi-socjalistyczne (dlatego tak ważnymi partiami są PiS i KO - obie centrowe).
Wynika to z kilku czyyników:
Pozytywizm i Realizm, które w czepiły w Inteligencję myśl socjalistyczną (absolutnie nie komunistyczną - Inteligencja była nową warstwą społeczną składającą się zarówno z dawnej szlacty imieszcaństwa jak i nowobogackich chłopów, więc nie było tam mowy o żadnej wojnie klas);
Dwudziestolecie międzywojenne, które było okresem rządów tejże Inteligencji, która jednocześnie miała dość.. konserwatywne pogląd;
PRL i rządy komunistyczne;
Okres po upadku komunizmu i szalone lata 90te (upadały zakłady przemysłowe, ludzie tracili pracę).
Warto też dodać, że Polska jest państwem o tradycji rolniczej i ziemskiej co zawsze daję dość konserwatywne poglądy w porównaniu z państwami, w których dominują miasta i tereny przemysłowe.
W każdym razie... w polskim społeczeństwie zdarzyła się rzecz bardzo dziwna ponieważ ekonomiczne aspekty socjalizmu są w Polsce traktowane jako wartości... konserwatywne, a kapitalizm jest tym elementem nowoczesnym, postępowym. I to widać.
Dlatego możesz mieć problem z określeniem się czy jesteś bardziej lewicową czy prawicową osobą. A zaryzykuje stwierdzenie, żejednak jesteś bardziej centrum (trochę to, trochę tamto)
I do not know what my views are, I thought I was a left-wing person, but a certain right-wing type directly suggested to me that since Hitler was left-wing because he used socialism, I am right-wing because I use capitalism
I have an identity crisis
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rogram · 2 years
let's stop supporting a man who is addicted to his own writing. He will never finish this book anyway because he has already written it a few times and then threw it into the trash
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I bet he has like two pages of the entire book written after he deleted everything or forgot.
He is teasing again because he knows people told him to go to hell after the whining Post about how Dunk and Egg was more important than working in his main series.
I honestly don't believe a single word he says.
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rogram · 2 years
@celestia5morgenstern no my dear, the swastika used by Hitler was not stolen from India. It was a very popular symbol of happiness all over Europe before WWII
I’ll personally fight every single self-proclaimed communist here or anywhere else. If you still don’t understand that communism is genocidal regime and hammer and sickle is as bad as swastika, I don’t know what to tell you
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rogram · 2 years
You still thinks communism is cool?
In the 80s in Poland, people were imprisoned and even killed for having a "bad" opinion on government. In the US, 80s were so colorful and happy... In Poland, shelves in the gorcery stores were empty, every Pole had a specific amount of meat they could buy a month. Civil Police/Milicja, supported by ZOMO was brutal. During one in 70s manifestation miners were carrying their 18-years-old dead colleague on broken doors to symbolize this brutality.
And that's only years 1970-1983. In 1956, people were chanting "We damand bread"
Kids in schools were forced to write letters to "their soviet friends". There were "soviet-polish friendship" clubs in schools.
If you didn't approve the government, you could get fired from your job and left with nothing
Poverty, hunger and suffering, that's what communism gave us
And if you're a privilaged white american or just from not post soviet country: SHUT UP
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rogram · 2 years
Some of you might think I’m biased towards "poor, innocent russians". Of course, I have every freaking right to be. But if you don’t believe me just ask anyone you know from Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia and the rest of the countries which were dealing with russian savages for centuries.
Ask them what they think about russians. It’s not "russophobia", it’s a natural reaction to their cruelty, narrow mindedness, xenophobia, their imperialistic arrogance. I’m still seeing russian people steaming from anger because of the sanctions. They are not angry about the wars and the suffering their disgusting country has been unleashing for decades. They are only angry about the consequences for them, calling everyone racist, being offended when people ban their fucking zwastickas and don’t want to have any business with them.
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rogram · 2 years
@cherrypigeon this is an element that the media often overlooks. Especially the "very progressive" ones. And there is a reason for this - Journalists are ignorant. It's easier to write click-byte news like "Ukrainians are treated better than blacks", but the substantive value of such an article is ... small, because it ignores the real reasons for what is happening and their potential effects. As a result, many journalists do not see certain problems and do not understand them. And here there is one problem - if a given conflict hits a country with specific impacts on some part of the world economy, then this conflict hits all recipients related to this part of the economy. Ukraine is a large supplier of food, which is why this conflict is hitting consumers of this food. And the more people flee from Ukraine, the more people die, the more areas are contaminated, e.g. by bacteriological or chemical pollution ... the more difficult it will be to obtain the right amount of agricultural products needed on a global scale. And giving you another example to explain it to you, let me give you the mortgage example of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is one of the largest tea producers. If I had used biological weapons in Sri Lanka to exterminate or put pressure on the people of Sri Lanka so that they would surrender ... it is very likely that we could have a tea crisis. And in the case of Ukraine, we are not talking about the tea market, but about the cereals market. Cereals are one of the most basic crops and the most widely used. In many countries of the world, the traditional form of eating is bread - either in the form of a loaf or in the form of a cake. Already at this point in European countries they will consider where to get feed for farm animals. There are no animals, no meat. Ukraine currently has a problem with the transport of certain products because they have been cut off from most ports, which has resulted in land transport, which is even more difficult and more expensive due to military operations. The lack or lack of any raw material makes the prices of its products rise. In rich countries it will be mainly higher prices, but for poorer countries ... it means that people will not be able to afford food. Currently, there is also the problem of sunflower oil (these pictures with sunflowers are of HUGE importance). In any case, the ordinary media will probably not pay attention to how the crisis affects geopolitics. It does not tell you that the conflict in Ukraine is caused by high food prices in the "third world" countries. or at least they won't tell you that today. but ... the industry media is already warning.
remember when it was an actual take to say "stop talking about non-ukraine conflicts it takes attention away from the situation in ukraine"? it basically comes down to "stop talking about POC dying in wars it takes attention away from the obviously far more important white people dying in wars".
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rogram · 2 years
if it were that type of problem ... then the war in Ukraine would not be IGNORED for 8 years by rich Western countries. Ukraine is not the west, accept it. And if you think that all food-producing countries will replace the losses incurred in Ukraine, then you are wrong. At best, you will pay more for your food, but in countries like Egypt and other African countries that relied on grain made from Ukraine ... Agriculture takes TIME, if they don't sow the fields now, there will be nothing to harvest in the fall. After that, there is also a huge contamination of the BEST farmland in Eurasia. Chernozems are susceptible to being blown away, and in winter they do not necessarily have any vegetation, which in turn may cause them to be blown away. Going back to the crops - it can be a huge problem to quickly intensify agriculture elsewhere (and it won't be very organic either). To modernize agriculture on less fertile soils, a HUGE financial investment is needed, but also TIME. Therefore, next winter WILL BE a serious food crisis. But you do not care because you are "safe"
remember when it was an actual take to say "stop talking about non-ukraine conflicts it takes attention away from the situation in ukraine"? it basically comes down to "stop talking about POC dying in wars it takes attention away from the obviously far more important white people dying in wars".
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rogram · 2 years
I will say it differently: the sooner Putin loses and ends this conflict, the sooner and more Ukrainian farmers will be able to sow, and this will contribute to the fact that half of Africa will have enough to eat, because THIS war is threatening us with a huge food and humanitarian crisis, which will intensify all other crises
remember when it was an actual take to say "stop talking about non-ukraine conflicts it takes attention away from the situation in ukraine"? it basically comes down to "stop talking about POC dying in wars it takes attention away from the obviously far more important white people dying in wars".
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rogram · 2 years
Putin is committing war crimes in Ukraine
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This is a residential neighborhood, like any other all over our planet. This is a place people live. People who love their kids, who play games, who watch TV and listen to music and have lives JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD. 
These people now have no homes, because Putin is committing war crimes in Ukraine.
The world must remember this. This must never be forgotten.
And we must not allow American Fascists who publicly supported Putin at the beginning of this unprovoked attack on innocent Ukrainians to rewrite their despicable support for this abomination out of history. 
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