robiras · 8 years
Ohh I- I’m sorry, I’ll come back later. I didn’t mean to inconvenience you. 
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robiras · 8 years
“Keep your chin up, someday there’ll be happiness again”
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robiras · 8 years
And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love. Grey clouds roll over the hills bringing darkness from above.
But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?
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robiras · 8 years
“Oh no, they stopped assigning me interns a long time ago... apparently I was too demanding and I believe one used to word intransigent to describe me once...” 
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“What can I do for you Miss Moore?”
❝ This is what they consider productive? Surely they were not         y o u r interns that embarked on such a foolish task. ❞
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robiras · 8 years
“Yeah, I thought that since I was here I would like to help out too, the business is good for the town, so why not...” he said with a smile, “I can’t wait to see how this ends. The competition is getting hard. Are you going to bid princess? Or are you not fond of blind dates like me?”
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“I got curious about the buzz and decided to check it out. I know a certain blonde bartender here who’d probably love it if I’d help out.” Izzy replied. “Not yet. But I’m sure it will soon, if Miss Kent and Mr. Rockwell have anything to say about it. They both seem very fond of a certain basket.”
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robiras · 8 years
“Thank you, for your words...” it was nice to know that someone understood what he meant, but memories for Rob were a dangerous thing, so they probably should talk about something else. “Noted” he said in respect to the drink, “I’d still would like to get you one if you’ll have it” it was the polite thing to do after all. “I hope I didn’t interrupt what you were doing by staring or something...”
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“Thank you,” Jeliza responded. “No, you’re not bitter. It’s true in some peoples’ cases,” she added, giving a slight shrug. “You don’t have to get me a drink if you don’t want to,” she said, giving a small shrug. “But, I’m never one to turn away a free drink. Just thought you should know, you don’t have to.” 
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robiras · 8 years
“Please ask him if you don’t mind, that way I can get the forms ready.”
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“For now we’ll just proceed with the typical process for a yearly wrap...”
“And you as well, Mister Iras.”
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“Not that he mentioned to me, but I would ask Mister Rockwell if he does.”
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robiras · 8 years
“Well I’ve never been a fan either, far from it actually, but when the Queen requests my attendance there’s nothing much I can do” Rob said with a smile. “I would assume that you being an Admiral would get some invitations for tea at the castle...” Rob knew that the best thing to do would be to just wrap up the conversation and leave, he had heard enough about Westmont to know that he should talk to him more than it was needed.  
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Hans looked down at him, trying not to think of ways to annoy him because he’d almost stepped on his coat. That coat was far too precious to him. He nodded along with his response, not really caring very much. “Sounds interesting, I guess. What the hell is so great about tea anyway? I don’t get it.” It had never been an important thing to him and he really didn’t care, but he wanted to get a better chance to get a read on the man for future annoyance.
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robiras · 8 years
❝ Good, good. I’m doing fine, thanks. ❞ she said with a gentle smile as she relaxed somewhat once it seemed apparent that he wasn’t offended by the fact that she had sort of taken over his secretary’s office. ❝ Oh? Well I could help you find them if you want. Your filing system was out of date, so I’ve sort of been helping her shuffle things                  around && getting your cabinets sorted out. ❞
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“Glad to hear that.” Rob was a little bit confused as to how to act around the girl, he wasn’t exactly mean to his secretaries, but he wasn’t exactly friendly either. The less associated with him they were the better. But this was a different case, this was her being nice enough to cover for his secretary. “If you wouldn’t mind I’ll appreciated it. But I don’t think they are filed, the forms still require my signature and I need a copy before they go into the file” he said, “and I really appreciate what you are doing with the cabinets” he added almost as an afterthought. 
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robiras · 8 years
“Trust me” every time Rob spoke those words it pained him, he has lost count of how many he had asked to trust him, if only they knew. But at least about this Henry could trust him. “Yes! Lunch sounds great!” Rob said remembering the papers he had in his hands, “you sure you are not busy? We might need to stop by the post office first...” he said with a smile, “I just need to drop these papers and then I’m free to go to lunch.” 
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“As long as you keep trying...” Rob understood what Henry meant, there were things that seemed impossible, specially in this town, but life had taught Rob that as long as there was hope, there was life. “I’m glad to hear that. So shall we?” he asked with a small gesture towards the direction of the post office.
Henry was glad that he hadn’t hurt him in any way. He knew that Rob was an important person and knew he shouldn’t hurt him. “If you say you’re alright, then I’ll trust you.” Nodding, he checked him over one more time just to be sure that he was alright. “No, not really. I was gonna go find some lunch, but I haven’t really decided what I want to eat yet. I’d love to tell you what I’ve been doing. Would you like to have lunch with me?” Henry was always full of energy and wanted to share it with everyone else around him as much as he could. “I promise I’ll try. There are some things that are harder to believe in, but I’ll be alright. I’ve done quite well so far, I think.” He had secrets that he didn’t want other people to know about, things he couldn’t let them know about. Boy did he want to tell someone, but he couldn’t. There was no way he could. Ever.
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robiras · 8 years
“She sounds like my mother. Maybe it’s a universal things for mothers, they want their children to be the best at what they do...” Rob said with fondness, if his mother ever found out what he really did, well he wasn’t sure how she would react, so it was better if she never did. “Don’t we all?” he said with a small laugh, “my sleeping schedule has been a mess for years, my roommate insists I need to take things slowly, but now it’s just a part of who I am” Rob admitted.
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“That means you are a very passionate person...” Rob gave her a smile, he tried to figure out how a girl like this fitted in court, something told him she didn’t share most of the court members opinions. “Yeah, for me it’s terrifying.”
"Oh no… I- …"
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robiras · 8 years
“Yes. I’m okay. I just didn’t want to sound rude by pointing out your hat...”
“You are very welcome. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, you sport peculiar hats very often.”
"Oh no… I- …"
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robiras · 8 years
“You seem like your thoughts are occupied.” Melissa smiled as she took the empty seat beside him. “I don’t think I’ve seen you in here often, Mr. Iras.”
“Yeah, it was a work thing...” he said with a dismissive gesture and offered her a smile as she sat down next to him. “Well I don’t have a lot of free time, when I do I usually catch up on sleep... but I needed a drink. I’m surprised to see you here Ms. Kent.”
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robiras · 8 years
Rob bowed slightly, “thank you.” He smiled when she laughed at his bad attempt at joking, “well if you insist on thanking me, then just bring something you think will bring life to this place...” he said with a smile.
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“And you turned out to be a wonderful man.” Melissa chuckled. “A little. Perhaps a framed photograph or a painting to hang in your office. Give it a little personal touch, if you’d like?”
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robiras · 8 years
“I’m so glad I’m not them...” he joked.
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“I just realized it’s been so long since I last visited my parents.”
“I was thinking of dancing.”
“As I shall, once this party has ended.”
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“I’m sure she would, along with knowing how to be a gentleman.” Melissa laughed.
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robiras · 8 years
Rob tried his best to guess what she would like. He was so relieved to have a legitimate reason for sitting in the shadows. He was so worried about what the rebels were doing to be able to function properly around people. With the princess he guessed there wasn’t going to be much talking, she seemed very reserved, much like himself. He made his way to the table where she was already sitting and set down the drinks. “Everything looks great” he said while taking a seat, “so is there any particular reason you don’t like parties?” he asked, “for me i get anxious around big groups of people...” Rob admitted. 
"Oh no… I- …"
“Both would be correct.” Izzy smiled, nodding as she watched Rob walk off. She turned her attention to the tables of food and began to pick out what she wanted, mostly making sure that she had a sample of most of the desserts. Once she was satisfied with her selection, she made her way to the table and took her seat. She began to try what she had picked out, starting with the chocolate cake as she waited for Rob to join her.
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robiras · 8 years
“Or we could have lunch one of these days” Rob wasn’t a very social person, and he had learned that princess Drizella wasn’t either, so maybe having lunch at the castle could suit them well. Rob often thought about how if life had turned out different, he would’ve wanted to be a father. He thought about how he would like his children to be life. For a boy he always said, at least to himself, that he would like his son to be like John. As for a girl, well he had just realized that he would like his daughter to be like Drizella, who despite everything she had gone through, was still kind and full of hope. Rob was shaken from his thoughts by Drizella’s word, he let out a small laugh, “maybe she is...” he said in a conspiratorial tone, “she does like twice the amount of work that I do and I’ve never seen her yawn.”
Izzy gave a small smile in return, feeling a bit at ease with Rob. He didn’t seem to be as bad as others often made him out to be. He seemed quite friendly, someone much more genuine than the people of the court. “I will keep that in mind the next time I get an invitation.” She replied. Izzy wondered if she had struck a nerve when she mentioned the positions and decided to change the subject, hoping to get his mind off of it. “Come to think of it, Miss Kent has been here for five years, but I’ve never seen her fall ill. That seems a little unusual, doesn’t it?” She wondered, offering a smile. “Maybe she’s a witch.”
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