robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin felt his body tense as Obi-Wan moved his daughter into his arms. He furrowed his brow. Obi-Wan touched him so... naturally. Anakin had assumed he would be disgusted by the idea of touching him. But it was like nothing had changed.
That was ridiculous, of course. Everything had changed. 
He swallowed thickly as Obi-Wan moved the bottle in his hand, muttering out a quick thank you before fully turning his attention to Leia as she drank from her bottle. 
She looked a lot like her brother, which Anakin supposed was normal for twins, especially at their age. She was staring at him with large eyes as her mouth worked over time in draining the bottle. He smiled softly down at her, trying to get her to smile the way Luke had. Leia seemed more... distrusting than her brother. 
Honestly, Anakin saw himself in her instantly.
Obi-Wan nodded, walking over and motioned Anakin to hold Luke out. When the infant was far enough away from Anakin’s chest Obi-Wan leaned over, shuffling Luke into his arms and moving Leia into Anakin’s waiting arms. He honestly wasn’t thinking about how close he was getting to Anakin, his body automatically working for the comfort of the children. 
Once Anakin got a decent hold on the wriggling infant Obi-Wan handed him the bottle, smiling at Leia’s bottle grabbing attempts. 
“You need to support her neck and head while she’s eating, her head will flop over if you aren’t careful.” He said as he watched Leia take the guided bottle and start eating from it. Obi-Wan reached over and fixed Anakin’s hold on the bottle, knowing from experience that Anakin’s only wrist would fall asleep really fast if he kept that position up. 
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin kept his eyes on Luke for most of the time that Obi-Wan was out of the room, but as soon as he came into view with his squirming daughter, Anakin couldn’t help but crane his neck to get a better look.
A soft blush painted his cheeks at Ob-Wan’s question. He looked down at Luke, feeling embarrassed that he’d been caught staring. He shrugged and cleared his throat. 
“I would...” he started. “I mean, I would like to hold her...”
He felt so awkward talking to Obi-Wan when the man obviously didn’t trust him at all. Not that Anakin could really blame him, but it still made his blood boil angrily in a way he couldn’t control. He knew it wasn’t the best attitude to have around his new born children.
He finally looked back up at Obi-Wan and forced his face to remain peaceful and open, not wanting Obi-Wan to take his children away from him.
Obi-Wan shifted uncomfortably, not knowing at all how to deal with Anakin’s break down. He had seen many different sides to Anakin over the years but Obi-Wan had never seen him break down into tears before. To be painfully blunt, he had no idea what to do.
Thankfully Leia chose at that moment to scream loudly, breaking the sadness in her demands to be fed. Obi-Wan knew it was bound to happen, she was a lot needier than her brother when it came to attention and food, so he only jumped at little at the suddenness of it. Anakin on the other hand jerked wildly and thankfully Luke just laughed, innocently thinking that Anakin was playing with him.
“I’m going to get Leia, if she keeps screaming it’ll take forever to calm her down. I’m going to leave the door open, however there is a Force wall blocking your exit.” He didn’t need to mention to Anakin that he’d be keeping an eye on him with Luke. Obi-Wan didn’t believe that Anakin would try to hurt his son but one couldn’t be too careful.
Turning on his heel he let the room speeding back through the house, stopping in the kitchen only to warm Leia’s food before going to the children’s room and fetching her from her crib. He only stopped long enough to grab the re-warmed bottle before heading back to Anakin and Luke.
Walking back into the room, he quietly eyed Anakin to see what state he would be in and saw Anakin peak at his daughter before looking back down at Luke. Obi-Wan started to give Leia her bottle since she was impatiently grabbing at it before pausing, giving Anakin a long look. He wasn’t being overly subtle in his staring. It was quite apparent that Anakin wanted to see his daughter. 
“Want to trade?” 
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
The emotions that swirled inside Anakin were enough to crush a weaker man. As he was, he could barely handle it. Anakin had lost his wife and gained his children in a five minute time span. 
This fragile creature, this tiny baby that couldn’t fend for himself had changed everything in an instant. Where could Anakin go that would take away the pain of losing Padme? What could he do that would take his mind of his children if he escaped and left them behind? 
He could take them with him. Steal them away in the night. And go where? Anakin didn’t know the first thing about raising a baby. How was he supposed to care for two with no force powers, one arm and nowhere to go?
Luke. This was his son, his responsibility. His to love and care for. His to protect. His Luke.
The infant cooed softly and kicked his legs happily as he let out a loud laugh--and Anakin broke. He sucked in a pained gasp, trembling as he hugged his son close to his chest and let his lips brush his soft forehead.
“Luke,” he whispered, smiling through his tears. “Luke.”
When Obi-Wan felt Anakin’s hand graze his own he knew that it had been an accident. Anakin physically flinching away from him had been proof enough, feeling the empty place where their bond had been seem to widen only added to this idea.
It was hard to watch Anakin with Luke, the sadness and confused happiness was coming off him in waves and it only served to make the moment that much more bittersweet. Obi-Wan knew that on some level Anakin was thinking about Padme as he was holding Luke, the tears trailing down his cheeks making that very apparent.
Obi-Wan thought he’d been prepared for what could have happened, after all he knew how emotional Anakin could be. However the startled laugh turned sob that broke it’s way past Anakin’s lips was something he wasn’t expecting. 
“Luke. His name is Luke.” He answered softly, not wanting to break the strange aura that had settled around the room.
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin stared at his son, his heart stopping in his chest at the sight. He was beautiful and small. His blond hair just a tuft on top of his head and his blue eyes staring at Anakin. Anakin’s blue eyes. A lump formed in Anakin’s throat as he hesitantly reached out and took the infant in his arms.
His hand brushed Obi-Wan’s as he took the baby. He flinched away from the contact instinctively, turning away from his former master once he had his son. He sat down on the bed in the corner that he hadn’t realized was there until now and cradled the baby close to his chest.
He stared down at his son and blinked away the sudden moisture in his eyes. He swallowed around his emotions and brushed his fingertips over the infant’s tiny cheek. His son cooed and grabbed weakly at his fingers. A startled laugh forced it’s way up his throat, morphing quickly into a stiflled sob. 
He bit down hard on his bottom lip and took a deep breath before he attempted speech. His voice was hoarse and cracked but loud enough to hear. 
“What’s his name?” he croaked, refusing to look up at Obi-Wan and betray the emotions currently dampening his cheeks. 
Obi-Wan took a moment to compose himself before entering the code, keeping himself in place as the door’s locked hissed as they disengaged before the door slid open.
He didn’t know what to expect to see when the door slid away to reveal Anakin’s form, his brain still trying to connect the Padawan from his past with the Sith from recent memory. It wasn’t until Obi-Wan saw that Anakin’s eyes were blue, not the sickly yellow-red, that he relaxed an unseen fraction and stepped into the room.
He watched Anakin match his steps, one back for every one of his own forward and stopped just far enough for the door to slide shut behind him. Obi-Wan didn’t say anything, just watched Anakin watch his son still in Obi-Wan’s arms. Giving a small sigh he held his arms out slightly, holding Luke out to Anakin.
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin’s heart skipped a beat in panic as he stepped back. His mind ran through every possible escape before he shook his head and forced his self preservation down. Getting out was not the priority. Obi-Wan had his hands on his children. And while Anakin knew Obi-Wan wouldn’t hurt a newborn, there was no telling what he would do to keep the twins away from their father if he did anything.
He steeled himself against whatever Ob-Wan was prepared to throw at him and set his jaw. He slowly raised his hand and damaged arm for good measure so Obi-Wan would be able to tell he didn’t have a weapon.
“I understand,” he said as calmly as he could manage. “I just want to meet my son.”
Obi-Wan felt torn. Letting Anakin out was definitely a bad idea. Even without his Force abilities Anakin was still a soldier and could fight his way out of most situations. 
On the other hand letting Anakin see Luke might actually accomplish what Obi-Wan was trying to do. Seeing his son might help calm Anakin enough that Obi-Wan could try and help the Sith come back to the Light.
It couldn’t hurt to be cautious however so Obi-Wan put a Force wall in the doorway leading back to the main part of the house. If Anakin tried anything he wouldn’t get very far.
“Back away from the door” he quietly warned, stepping up to the door’s control panel, “I will not hesitate to lock you back in that room if you try anything Anakin. Have I made myself clear?” 
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin slammed his palms against the door, feeling it rattle in it’s frame as he shouted at the man on the other side.
“Keeping me locked in here isn’t a way to calm me, Obi-Wan!” he yelled. resisting the urge to kick the door for good measure. He did know Obi-Wan was right in the sense that he was most likely going to make his children cry with the screaming and banging but he would never calm down as much as Obi-Wan wanted him to when he was being held apart from his children.
“You are keeping my children from me! You want me to calm down!” He sucked in a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut, forcing his voice to quiet enough for him to sound desperate. “Let me hold me son.”
Obi-Wan had not told him whether the twins were boys or girls but someone he just knew. He could feel his son’s presence on the other side of the door. He could feel his daughter somewhere else in the building. Now that he knew they were there, they were a constant presence. 
Obi-Wan could sense the turmoil in Anakin before his emotions quickly spiraled towards a desperate anger. Now that he knew Luke and Leia were his children he’d be all the more determined to escape.
He had to trust that the Force knew what it was doing because Obi-Wan felt rather unsure about this decision. Anakin had always been fiercely protective of the things and people he deemed as his. That possessiveness had only grown with time.
“These children need to be protected from your anger Anakin. Look inside yourself, you know it to be true. I can’t let you out as you are now.”
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin listened intently for Obi-Wan’s response. He felt like his heart was in his throat, attempting to strangle him. A part of him knew he should know what was going on but it was like whatever it was was too much for his heart to handle.
 As Obi-Wan began to speak, the reality of the situation started to crush Anakin. He knew Padme had been pregnant. If she was dead... what had become of their child? He choked on a gasp at Obi-Wan’s last words
He sat in silence, back pressed against the cold metal door with his face in his hands as he tried to wrap his mind around what Obi-Wan had just said. His children were safe. They were alive and crying for food on the other side of this door. He had twins.
He was on his feet in seconds, all willpower to get out of the room tripled now that he knew what--who--was on the outside. He pressed his hands against the metal and growled, seeing red as he tried to picture Obi-Wan on the other side of the door, holding Anakin’s child in his arms.
“Open the door, Obi-Wan,” he hissed, hands shaking. “Let me see my children.”
Obi-Wan sighed heavily as he leaned against the wall behind him. Leave it to Anakin to somehow make light of the situation. “You’re a prisoner in the loosest of terms Anakin, it’s not like you’re shackled to the bed frame.” Obi-Wan quipped before he could stop himself, immediately grimacing at how naturally that had come forth.
Feeling the infant move in his arms he looked down at Luke and seeing that Luke was finished his bottle he took it and pocketed it. Once the bottle was away from his face Luke gave a large burp before turning his head this way and that; settling on the door in between them and Anakin. 
Obi-Wan knew well enough that a 2 week old baby couldn’t possibly figure out what was going on but it still felt like Luke was trying to see his father through the door. 
Experimentally he shifted Luke so he was facing away but the infant was determined to stare at the door across from them. Maybe it was the will of the Force, maybe it wanted Anakin to know he had children. Maybe Obi-Wan was reading too much into Luke’s actions but something was telling him that he wasn’t.
Picking up where he dropped off he kept his eyes on Luke, speaking to the infant was much easier than speaking to Anakin. “I’m not sure if Master Yoda was aware or not that you were on the ship, otherwise I don’t think he would have told me to bring the twins to Tatooine for safe keeping. Unfortunately when I arrived with the children our arrival was less than welcome so I had to improvise. I can’t leave you unattended what with the Emperor looking for you and I couldn’t very well abandon them so this is the current outcome.”
He paused, knowing that if Anakin hadn’t figured it out by that point that his next sentence would answer his questions. “You’re a father Anakin.”
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin listened closely to the crying of the small child, trying to analyze it. How old was the child? Probably no more than a few months. Why on earth would Obi-Wan have a child in his house? In the same house of someone he was holding hostage. 
Reasonably, this could be the home of someone Obi-Wan knew and that could be their child. But Anakin knew Obi-Wan better than that. He wouldn’t put a child into what he deemed a dangerous situation unless  he had no other choice.
That circled Anakin back to his original question. Who was this child? Who were his parents?
“Obi-Wan!” He called again, knowing the man was close because of the shuffling on the other side of the door. “What is going on? I  have a right to know. If a baby is going to be waking me up in the middle of the night while you hold me prisoner I would like to know why.”
Obi-Wan ignored Anakin’s confused pleas, quickly stopping to grab the twins bottles before heading into their room. He was thankful it was only Luke who was awake, Leia was somehow managing to still be sleeping peacefully in her crib. He quietly walked over and picked him out of his crib, knowing he’d have to go into the hall to calm him down before feeding him. Once Luke started crying it was hard to get him to stop let alone put him down once he did.
Once he got into the hall however he could still Anakin calling for him and Obi-Wan had to fight down a wave of guilt. He shoved the feeling away and focused on consoling Luke, humming a little while rocking and offering the bottle of milk till the infant eventually took it. 
Even though the twins had to be fed Obi-Wan knew deep down that he was just stalling. He had no idea what to tell Anakin once got back in front of that door. He knew he would, it was only a matter of time. 
Did he really need to speak to Anakin however? The pair of them had always has this uncanny ability to know when the other was near, though they both had chalked it up to their bond… which was no longer there. A hole in it’s place.
Making up his mind he checked on Leia and seeing that she was still asleep and would be for a while headed back towards Anakin’s room. It would be good for Luke to at lest hear his father’s voice in any case.
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin’s mind seemed to shut down at Obi-Wan’s words. There’s no way Padme could be... no. He would have known. He would have felt it! But... he had. He had felt the hole in his chest and had chosen not to see what it really meant. 
“No...” Every ounce of anger seemed to seep from his body. His legs gave out under him, falling to his knees as he let his hands press against the metal of the door. “No... you’re lying. You’re wrong. She can’t be...”
The sound of a child’s cry cut through the swirling emotions running through him. He let out a soft gasp as he lifted his head, trying to understand why there would be a child in a place like this.
“W-what... Obi-Wan, what was that. Who was that? Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan!”
Obi-Wan shifted uneasily, trying to mask his discomfort. He knew he’d have to tell Anakin sooner rather then later but with everything that’s happened Obi-Wan didn’t know how the other man would react. It took him several moment longer than he would have liked to clear his throat enough to speak.
“Anakin… Senator Amidala- Padme,” he quickly corrected himself. He couldn’t afford be so formal with this, not with Anakin listening, “she died 2 weeks ago. After our fight on that Force forsaken planet I took the pair of you to a medical facility and…. She didn’t make it through the procedure.” Force, how does one go about telling a self-blaming husband that his wife is dead, leaving two children behind? 
Just as the thought crossed his mind, for better or worse, that was when one of the twins chose to cry loudly, jolting Obi-Wan back to attention. Swearing loudly he took that as his cue to leave, saying something about being back in a few minutes even as he started hurrying away. 
He knew that leaving when he did was definitely not the best plan but the twins needed him more right than and if he used this as an excuse to leave and collect his thoughts no one but him needed to know.
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin closed his eyes and turned so he could lean his back against the door. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself enough to think rationally. There had to be some way out of here. Some way that wouldn’t alert Obi-Wan to his escape. 
The problem was, he didn’t know where he was. Other than the planet he was on, he didn’t know what kind of a building this was. There were no windows in his room and it was dark. Just the small overhead light cut through the dim. He could be underground for all he knew.
Obi-Wan’s words struck something inside him. There were others in this hell hole. Did Obi-Wan have Padme locked away somewhere here as well? One would think he wouldn’t lock her up, but it worried Anakin why he couldn’t feel her presence. Even with the force blockers, he could still feel Obi-Wan on the other side of the door. There was a hole inside him where the bond he’d once shared with Obi-Wan had been. He knew that that bond was broken but he refused to acknowledge why there was a second hole. 
His bond with Padme shouldn’t have been severed. Had she forsaken him completely? Had she been turned completely from him?
He ground his teeth together. “Let me see her, Obi-Wan... Let me speak to her.”
Obi-Wan sighed, hopes dimmed in the face of Anakin’s reply even though he knew better. It had always been a trail to reach Anakin whenever the other man got angry.
“I not trying to keep you locked away forever, just long enough for you to calm your anger to talk and maybe see reason,” however he knew that it was wishful thinking right now. “I didn’t want to use the blockers but there wasn’t any other option.”
He didn’t bother to mention to Anakin that every time he walked into that room to change an empty bag for a new one his feelings of regret and guilt grew all that much more. To be reminded every time he reattached the tube connecting Anakin to the IV that he failed. Failed to keep the peace and save innocent lives. Failed to see that Anakin had been falling in the first place, that he couldn’t save him.
Whenever these thoughts came to him remembered the twins sleeping back in their room and reminded himself that this was bigger than him, bigger than Anakin even. The Emperor would still be looking for Anakin and the only way for the galaxy to not fall into more chaos was if the Sith stayed hidden along with his children.
“Letting you go as you are now will only bring more chaos. I’m not the only one here who needs protection from you Anakin.”
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin slammed his fists against the door, feeling it rattle in it’s frame. He paused for a moment when he heard footsteps approaching. A low growl rumbled in his throat, accompanying a snarl. His fingers curled against the door, nails scratching down the metal and leaving angry red and white lines in their wake. 
His fingers ached from where he’d made his nail beds bleed from the damage he was doing to the door. He gritted his teeth and let his forehead press against the cool metal. 
“Open the door, Obi-Wan,” he growled lowly, trying to make himself sound calm but only managing to sound like he was fuming--which wasn’t exactly wrong. “How long do you think you can keep my locked away in here?”
He tried to figure out exactly how long he had been out. His body was incredibly weak, despite his furious attempts to bust out of the room. I figured at least a week, though the thought that Obi-Wan had kept him in an induced sleep for over a week made him angry in too many ways to count. 
Where was Padme? What had happened to her? He knew he would never be forgiven for what he had done to her when he’d seen her last but he still needed to know that she was safe. 
“You can’t keep this up forever. I’m away now. Have fun getting more Force blockers into me now.”
The morning had started off as normal as one on Tatooine could. Obi-Wan had woken up before the first sun rose, gotten himself ready for the day and headed out to check the moisture levels in the farm. Being raised a Jedi his whole life Obi-Wan didn’t really think it possible, but after 2 weeks of living the life of a self-imposed nomad he was surprised to find that he took to the lifestyle rather well. 
That is not however taking into account the other people currently living this life with him. Anakin hasn’t woken up since Mustafar and the twins, well… 
When Obi-Wan took Padme to Polis Massa and met with Yoda he had been informed that Senator Organa had been detained back on Alderaan and was being held under suspect for continued Jedi loyalties. He’d only had enough time to ask Yoda if the Senator would be killed before one of the medical droids interrupted, telling them of Padme’s worsening condition. 
Soon after Luke and Leia had been born and Padme had passed away, leaving her children crying in his arms. 
Yoda believed that separating the twins would be the safest option, but with Senator Organa detained and Yoda needing to go off on his own the option simply wasn’t there. They decided that Obi-Wan would take the children to Tatooine and give them to their step-uncle.
However when Obi-Wan arrived to the Lars home his appearance was less than welcome. So Obi-Wan had kept the children with him, used whatever credits and favours he could and bought the small moisture farm he now lived on and the Force blocking IV’s for Anakin.
The twins being so young stayed in a decent sized room next to Obi-Wan’s own, just off the sitting room near the entrance. Anakin however stayed locked in a room further in the house, attached to the IV around the clock. Obi-Wan wasn’t sure when his ex-Padawan would wake up but he was sure it would be with a furry and he’d rather not risk his or the twin’s safety.
With a heavy sigh Obi-Wan finished his idle task, needing to head back to the house proper to feed twins. They tended to wake up with the sun and Obi-Wan knew that if he didn’t leave now they’d be screaming by the time he got back.
Once he got back however the house was still quiet so he checked on twins. They were both still asleep in their cribs so Obi-Wan wandered off the the small kitchen, planning on making something for them to eat when they did wake up and set the kettle for himself.  
He only heard the sudden banging when he took the whistling kettle off the stove once he was finished warming up the twin’s food. At first Obi-Wan wasn’t sure what caused it, the farm did make banging noises now and again but when sudden silence fell as fast as the banging begin he knew it was Anakin.  
Obi-Wan didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he heard Anakin banging on the door again, this time accompanied by his yelling. Making himself breathe out, he calmly made his way through the house, stopping a few feet away from the now shaking door.
Obi-Wan could feel the anger coming from beyond the door in waves even without the help of the Force. It would be way too dangerous to let Anakin out right now. “Anakin you know I can’t do that.” He spoke calmly, hoping even with his doubt that if he stayed calm it might help Anakin calm.  
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
It had been just over four years since the fiasco with The light first started. The team had grown a lot, more members piling in and a few older ones filing out. Taking on his new role as Nightwing hadn’t been easy. Bruce had fought him tooth and nail the whole time, which honestly hadn’t helped his case any. Dick needed an out. This was it.
Tim was new to the Robin gig but Dick could tell he would manage. He had guts, that would help a lot--especially dealing with Batman, which seemed to be the hardest part of the job for everyone involved. It was about time Barbara joined the squad. She’d been Dick’s best friend for years and had figured out his nightly activities long before he’d thought to mention it to her.
Even now, with all the help they had and all the time they’d spent looking, they weren’t one step closer to finding The Light and bringing them to justice. It was like running in circles chasing something that wasn’t even there. Dick was just about at the end of his rope. 
That was until he’d gotten an idea. A crazy, stupid, foolish idea. 
About a month before the idea had popped into his head, Harley Quinn had decided to join The Light. She’d had a falling out with the Joker, who was currently locked up in Arkham anyways, and had found a new batch of crazy to spend her time with. Dick could tell she wasn’t very invested in the cause but she had a lot of man power under her and the Light could use that. 
Every time the team had run into her and her goons, she’d tried what seemed almost desperately to win over Nightwing’s affection. Now, this wasn’t the first time Harley had flirted with him. She often did when she had a falling out with her ‘puddin’. This was just the first time Nightwing was prepared to say yes to her teasings.
A couple weeks after she’d started her flirting, Dick had gone to Kaldur with his crazy idea. They needed a way inside The Light. Harley could be his ticket in. Sure, he’d have to sell the crazy, but he could act, right? Just pretend to fall for her, become her arm candy and prove to The Light that he was on their side so he could get close enough to find out their next move. Easy as pie.
Well, that was an exaggeration, but you got the idea. Kaldur thought he was insane. He also thought it was their best shot. They both knew that for this to work, no one else could no. The best way to convince the Light that he was on their side was to have them watch the look on Batman’s face when Nightwing betrayed him. The thought made Dick’s stomach curl.
Standing in front of Harley now, with his team behind him and her goons behind her, stopping her from tearing apart a city block, he was starting to regret his decisions. He’d been flirting back for weeks, trying to make the transition look believable. Barbara wasn’t too pleased with him, but it’s not like he could help it. She would be even more displeased soon enough.
“Listen Harl,” he said, ignoring the group of goons that stood in his way as he stepped closer to Harley. “You make even the sanest man a little batty, but convince me why I should go along with you. I don’t like being a rebound, sweet cheeks.”
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robinswhelmed ¡ 8 years
Anakin wasn’t sure how long he had been out. It felt like he’d been floating on the edge of consciousness for hours, possibly longer. His memories were a jumble in his mind. Whenever he tried to focus on something it slipped through his fingers. He wasn’t a food. He knew what being drugged felt like.
How he’d gotten to this point, though, he wasn’t completely sure. He remembered leaving, he remembered the slaughter. He remember Obi-Wan trying to stop him. He remembered Padme, how Obi-Wan had poisoned her against him. Didn’t they understand he was doing what was right? 
He remembered what he’d done to Padme.
Panic shot through him like lightning. He struggled against the drowsiness that clouded his mind. He had to wake up. He had to find Padme, see her and know she was alright. He could still save her, show her the right path, if only he could get to her.
He screamed, trying to force the sound to leave his throat. It felt trapped there. He screamed and thrashed inside his mind for what seemed like hours more. His strength was low and his body was weak but he needed to keep fighting. Who knew what could be happening right now, around him in a world he could barely even sense.
After so long struggling to wake, he’d almost given up. It wasn’t until one harsh scream finally ripped from his throat that he was able to open his eyes and push past the haze around him. He forced himself into a sitting position, almost falling over once more when he tried to place his hand on the ground and found it missing.
He stared down at his metal hand and his face twisted in anger as memories started to come back to him. The last thing he remembered was jumping at Obi-Wan and watching the green blade come down across his arm. Then everything went black and he’d woken up here, what was likely days later.
He looked around, taking in his surroundings. It didn’t look like a jail cell, just a regular room. A dusty room. He scrunched up his nose at the smell. He remembered it all too well. It had been a long time since he had been on Tatooine but not long enough. He had never wanted to set foot on this dustball again and yet here he was, locked in a room made of nothing but sandy walls, floor and ceiling.
He hissed softly as he shifted on the floor, looking down at his good arm when it met resistance. He scowled, yanking his arm away from the machine so the IV line pulled from his arm. He rubbed the bleeding skin with his forearm, mopping up the blood with his tattered sleeve. He had to get out of here. He struggled to his feet and wobbled to the door, trying the doorknob. He ground his teeth when it didn’t budge, slamming his shoulder against it in aggravation. He closed his eyes and thrust his hand forward, trying to force push it open. 
Nothing happened. He blinked in confusion, trying once more. He let out a loud shout of frustration and kicked the door hard. He stared back at the machine he’d been hooked up to when he woke up. Force blockers. He’d been pumped with so much of the stuff he wouldn’t be able to use the Force for weeks.
He slammed his fist against the door and screamed. “Obi-Wan! I know you’re out there! Let me out of here! Let me see my wife!”
It couldn’t have been more than an hour since Obi-Wan first confronted Anakin on this Force-forsaken planet but when Obi-Wan fell to his knees beside Anakin’s ‘comatose body he felt so tired. 
He wanted to deny all that he heard, all that he saw. Anakin Force-choking Senator Amidala and their unborn child. Anakin preaching about the goodness of his new Empire even as he brought down all that he’d spent his life to uphold and protect.
Anakin attacking Obi-Wan with calculated rage, eyes slowly turning from the bright blue he’d always known to the sickly yellow that denotes one as a Sith. 
A Sith. Because that’s what Anakin made the choice to be. Not a Jedi who strove to protect but a Sith, working to better themselves in darkness for power. 
Obi-Wan stared at Anakin’s figure, prone on the ground before him. It took him a moment to stop watching his face, so calm that he could’ve mistaken Anakin for sleeping if Obi-Wan didn’t know better. 
When Anakin had made his jump off the platform to get at Obi-Wan, he had believed that he’d finish his form, cut Anakin down and leave him on molten lava shore to meet his fate. 
However while Obi-Wan’s brain made one call, his heart made another. Instead of cutting off Anakin’s other limbs Obi-Wan had aimed for his robotic arm, sticking away from Anakin’s person so as to not hit himself with his lightsaber. Slicing the artificial limb clean off with his own ‘saber before spinning off the the side out of range of Anakin’s other fist, Obi-Wan called as much as the Force to himself as he could and shoved it at Anakin in every way he knew how.
He’d embedded the Force push with the heaviest sleep compulsion Obi-Wan had ever done and even then was somewhat surprised when Anakin didn’t stand back up after being pushed a good 10 feet away onto the ground.
Now back to the present Obi-Wan wasn’t sure what he should do. He knew with a deep certainty that he wouldn’t be able to kill his former Padawan but he couldn’t just leave the Sith here for his new Master to find. 
Grimacing at the bitter taste the thought brought to his mouth Obi-Wan pushed himself onto his feet, only wobbling slightly as he caught his balance. Making sure his feet were properly under him Obi-Wan hauled Anakin onto his back. 
He needed to get back to Padme, he was sure that the droids took care of her as much as they could but the sooner all of them got off this planet the better.
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robinswhelmed ¡ 9 years
Dick ran his hands through his damp hair, looking at himself in the foggy mirror. He frowned and picked at a few imperfections before he ruffled a towel over his hair. He sighed and turned on the fan, drying off his body before sitting down on the edge of the tub and wrapping his ankle tightly in the tenser bandage. 
It had been almost five months since the incident with Bane and Dick was starved for action. He was back to leading the team from headquarters, what he’d been doing for almost a year while Kaldur was undercover. He had been more than ready to give the title back to Aqualad and three months wasn’t nearly enough time away from that stupid computer screen and head set, giving out orders and pretending he wasn’t dying to be in the field.
He flexed his ankle and scowled, feeling a dull discomfort. He wasn’t at all battle ready yet, but that didn’t stop him from trying to get back out there. He was a crime fighter, in both worlds. He was training to be a cop and being stuck in a wheel chair for two months had really put a damper on his studies. 
He stepped out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, and sighed loudly. He padded toward his bed and stopped short when he realized it wasn’t as empty as it should have been. A smile broke out over his face.
“Conner!” he sang happily, sitting down heavily beside his boyfriend leaning up to kiss his cheek. “I didn’t know you were here. Did Alfred let you in?”
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robinswhelmed ¡ 9 years
Dick lay limply in Conner’s arms, breathing heavily and purring contently. He fought off sleep as he nuzzled closer against Conner’s chest, peeking up at him. 
“T-that was... amazing,” he said with a breathless smile. He leaned up a little to kiss Conner softly, sliding his arms around the clone’s neck. “You’re amazing. I can’t believe that worked.”
He laughed and rested his head against Conner’s chest, feeling completely satisfied. He was full of warm fuzzies and he wasn’t used to the feeling. He wasn’t used to being held like this after sex. He wasn’t used to the sweet kisses. It was a nice change. It made him feel all kinds of happy.
“I love you, Conner,” he mumbled softly, closing his eyes.
 Dick was beautiful. There was no other word for it, Dick was beautiful and especially so in this moment; head thrown back in bliss, a look of total euphoria on his face. Still being lead by his need, Conner’s mouth chased Dick’s skin, teasing the skin at his collarbone by lightly nipping and sucking.
Conner managed to thrust a few more times before he came himself, Dick’s tight heat along with his moans and nails sending him over the edge. His own moans joined Dick’s as they rode out their orgasms, the sounds echoing around the room.
He still enough brains to not fall directly on top Dick, landing on Dick’s left side as they both panted heavily. Once he’d gather enough breath back he sat up enough to pull out of Dick, kissing Dick softly in apology when Dick winced. He laid back down at Dick’s side and pulled him into a hug, kissing his forehead softly.
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robinswhelmed ¡ 9 years
Dick cried out when he felt Conner’s hand wrap around his cock, whimpering softly and dragging his nails down Conner’s chest. “O-oh, god...” He bit down hard on his lip and squirmed, feeling his cock eagerly in Conner’s hand as he felt himself nearing the edge.
He lifted his hips, tightening himself around Conner in an attempt to tease, his finger nails dragging lightly over Conner’s nipples. He smirked tiredly, a breathy moan slipping past his lips as his eyes fluttered closed.
His orgasm hemmed in a long stretch, pulling him slowly over the edge and into ecstasy. He let out a long moan and twitched almost violently as he came into Conner’s hand and across his own stomach, back arching higher off the bed and his head tipping back. 
Conner could only groan in reply, joining their lips together for another kiss. He could hear every noise Dick made, from the whimpers and moans when Conner hit his prostate to the increased heartbeat and heavy breathing whenever they broke away for air. 
He knew that even though they both just started they wouldn’t last for long, as close as they both were and with how long Conner had pushed this off. Conner moved one of the arms holding himself up and took Dick’s cock in hand, quickly matching the pace they set. He wanted to see Dick come undone, to see him fully in his bliss as he came. 
Conner broke their kiss only to move his mouth to the underside of Dick’s jaw, happy to listen to all the noises Dick made. “You’re amazing.”
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robinswhelmed ¡ 9 years
Dick cried out as he felt Conner fill him, back arching high off the bed. His moan died off into a whimper when Conner began to move, fingers gripping his biceps hard enough to bruise a normal human. His eyes rolled back in his head and he knew that if the room exploded he wouldn’t even notice.
Conner was inside him. Moving inside him. He gasped softly and rocked his hips to meet every thrust, letting his eyes flutter open as Conner kissed him. He kissed back with hunger, arms moving up to wrap tightly around Conner’s neck. His head felt fuzzy, like it was covered in a thin layer of cotton wool.
“C-Conner,” he gasped softly against Conner’s lips.
Conner smiled and kissed Dick softly before leaning back only far enough to slowly push into him. He kept a close watch on Dick’s face, looking for any discomfort but thankfully didn’t see any. He didn’t want to cause any discomfort but the blissful heat that now encased him made it harder for him. Conner was glad when he finally bottomed out, groaning lowly when Dick’s hips shifted around him.
He waited a moment to gather himself before he shifted his grip on Dick’s hips and pulled out a little then pushed back in. As they both got used to the sensation, Conner’s thrusts got longer and faster. The feeling was amazing but he felt to far away from Dick so he leaned over, kissing his way along Dick’s midsection and chest.
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