1754-1763- The French and Indian war was between the British and the France, who had the support of the Native Americans. The song reflects the British’s outcome of the war, as they won. With the British winning, the outcome resulted in the Treaty of Paris. This treaty made France give the British all their land in North America. The aftermath of this war lead Great Britan in a lot of debt, which will cause the Townshend acts, leading to colonial rebellions like the Boston Tea Party
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They came with a bible and their religion, stole our land, crushed our spirit, and now they tell us we should be thankful to the Lord for being saved.
Chief Pontiac
1763-  Cheif Pontiac created a western confederation to rebel against those who encroached their land.  The quote above is displayed his hatred for those who’ve given him such injustice.  Although the Frech and Indian war has been won, there still remain conflicts between Native Americans and the British & Colonists. Pontiac’s rebellion would soon lead to the Proclamation of 1763 which would increase tension between the British and the Colonist.
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October 7, 1763- The Proclamation of 1763 restricted colonist from moving toward the west of the Appalachian Mountains. I used this image to really sum up what the proclamation was all about. The British passed this act to help prevent Native American conflicts. Although this seems like a good idea, many colonists were furious that this passed as it was against the British policy. This event, of the British using their power to do what they believe is best, was one of many that lead to the American Revolutionary War.
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April 5,1764- The Sugar Act was an act passed on the taxation of sugar imported from outside of Great Britain. The song’s only relation to this act is really the title but it’s a good way to remember this act. Sugar was a very common resource and it outraged many colonists once this act was passed. Once more acts like these were passed, tensions started to rise which would soon lead into the Revolutionary War.
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March 5,1770- The Boston Massacre was the first sign of physical conflict between the colonist and the British. This song not only discusses the event but the outcome of the event. Many images of this event show the British on the fighting side of this conflict as their firing at the colonist. It started as an argument and it quickly escalated in shooting and throwing sticks. This “massacre” was the first sign that the colonists and British were at a rivalry with each other. 
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May 10, 1733- The Tea Act has deemed the last straw for may colonist after the numerous injustice acts the British have done. Tea wasn’t safe from taxation as it was also given a tax. This act, as the gif depicts, its the last straw for many colonists as they will soon commence their famous act of rebellion known as the Boston Tea Party. This final act of taxation will soon become a series of related events leading up to the war.
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Intolerable Acts ft. British and Colonist
British: So you pulled that Boston Tea Party stunt, huh?
Colonist: Yeah! Take that! Hear our protest!
British: You do know we need to tax you guys to pay off our war debt, right?
Colonist: So what? We've shown you what happens when you give us taxation without representation! Nothing to do but make us free from your rule.
British: Or we can punish you for your the Boston Tea Party.
Colonist: Ha ha Ha!
British: I'm serious. (puts the Intolerable Acts in motion)
Colonist: ...please don't.
Britsh: Don't mess with a Brtish man's tea.
March 31,1774- The intolerable acts were punishments for the colonist after the tea party event. These were a series of acts as the Boston Tea Party was an expensive attack on the British. This chat shows how the Boston Tea Party was the British's last straw. The intolerable acts would soon lead to the First Continental Congress, arriving closer to the war
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October 26,1774- The First Continental Congress was a meeting consisting of 12 delegates from the 13 colonies. The delegate of Georgia wasn’t able to attend as they were dealing with a Native-American uprising. The image represents the delegates discussing new ways of colonial resistance. After the Intolerable Acts, the colonist were given more of a challenge and under the very risky conditions, leading to this Congress. This congress discussed to boycott British goods so the intolerable acts can be repealed, giving the colonist a greater chance of fighting the British leading to the American Revolutionary War.
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December 16, 1773- The Boston Tea Party was the colonist's response to the tea act passed by the British. As the tea act was the last straw for many colonists, they dumped boxes of tea dressed as Indians to show how they feel to this act and many of the other acts. The gif captures how the British felt about this event. After this event, the British will make the colonists  pay for their acts, getting closer to the war
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April 19,1775- The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the first real battles of the American Revolutionary War. This song represents the Colonists having to fight for their independence and break from the British rule. It's a clever relation because its about a strict parent(the British government)that forbids it's teen(the Colonists) from being independent. The Colonists won these battles which would soon turn into the war. This war also showed that the Colonists didn't't really have any military.
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Stamp Act ft.Fellow Colonist and Lame Loyalist
Colonist; Alright lets play cards!
Loyalist: Ooooohh...we can't use those.
Colonist: Why not?
Loyalist: They don't have the stamp!
Colonist: What stamp? When did we need stamps?
Loyalist: We are required to pay a tax to acquire a stamp that must be placed on most printed materials
Colonist: So I have to pay a tax to have a stamp on my cards
Loyalists: We do not judge the ways of our government!
Colonists: This is how you lose friends, dude.
March 22, 1765- The Stamp Act was along the many taxes that were forced upon the fellow citizens of the 13 colonies. As the chat discussed, people are required to have a certain stamp on many printed items such as documents and cards. As those materials were widely used, colonist will become more enraged. It only takes at least one more act like this to make the colonist rebel in an extraordinary way.
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May 10, 1775-  This is an image of the Second Continental Congress. This congress was a meeting of delegates from the early 13 countries. This congress was more successful than the first one, on the topic of how colonist can have a just as powerful military.  Colonist soon created their military: Continental Army, which would fight in the American Revolutionary War                            
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Common Sense chat ft. Thomas Paine and the fellow colonist
Colonist: Man! I hate the British! With all their taxes and rules! I wish I didn't have to be under their rule!
Thomas Paine: Ok...so don't...
Colonist: What, like fight for my independence and create like, an independent government?
Thomas: Yes! And it can be based on Enlightenment ideas!
Colonist: Ha Ha! Yeah, right! You think you can convince others? What are you? A philosopher?
Thomas: Yes I am. I'm also a persuasive writer.
Colonist: Oh. Well...you should make something to share this idea with others.
Thomas:*pulls out Common Sense pamphlet* Waaaay ahead of you!
January 10,1776- Thomas Paine created the common sense pamphlet to persuade colonist to free themselves from British rule. As the chat describes, Thomas as a persuasive writer so he was able to get people on board with his ideas. The name makes sense as it the most logical thing for the colonists to do. Thomas' idea will soon play a role in the reason of the Revolutionary War.
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June 11, 1776- The Declaration of Independence consisted all the motives of the colonist. Above is a quote made by Thomas Jefferson on his thoughts of the declaration.  This declaration made all men equal, separated colonist from British rule, and contained the ideas of the democratic nation. Thes ideas play an important role in the American Revolution as it was the first step in creating a democratic nation.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"
-Thomas Jefferson
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