rks-art-and-design · 19 hours
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite? I am going to answer this like a non-American. My favorite holiday is any time I get to go to the coast. I love the ocean and being by the ocean; the fresh salty air, the sound of sea gulls, the crashing of the waves along the rocks. It is my everything. It is a time to just be. All of reality can put on pause till I get back home. As an…
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rks-art-and-design · 2 days
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rks-art-and-design · 2 days
Have you ever been camping? I have been camping a few times. I went with my family when I was a kid and my husband and I have taken our kids when they were little. Wish we went more but it’s a lot of work to live like you’re homeless for a while. I enjoyed it.
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rks-art-and-design · 3 days
With age…
When do you feel most productive? It is amazing how you change as you get older. I was one a night person. Like a vampire, active when it was dark, minus the blood drinking. Now I am more productive in the morning. I am not sure how and when things changed for me but I am not alone. Now in the mornings I am reading and writing and getting things done, just like my grandmother did when she was…
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rks-art-and-design · 4 days
What are your favorite emojis? I looked at my recent emoji use and the check mark and the heart my first two favorites that I use regularly. 🤭 I never thought about picking favorite emoji’s but 👸 I definitely have ones I like to use often. 🥰 😘
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rks-art-and-design · 5 days
Conversations with me
What topics do you like to discuss? I can talk about a lot of things, but I enjoy talking about books, my faith, having children, and my stories. It is mostly small talk. I converse with my sister about deeper things like how we coped with our family life growing up. How different our experiences where since we are 12 years apart. But I am through and through a thinker so I prefer to think about…
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rks-art-and-design · 6 days
When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out? Another question about taking risks. Seems like a theme is going on. I am taking a risk right now. I am slowly and methodically become a writer and author. As far as I know most things are risky. There are no sure outcomes for anything. I know that nowadays becoming a writer and author isn’t what is used to be. Filled with money and…
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rks-art-and-design · 7 days
Risks In Life
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret. I have two endeavors that I have undertaken that so far I haven’t regretted. One is giving birth and becoming a mom. Many still die during childbirth and it is life-changing. And although I am suffering the effects it had on my body because of my genetic disorder (I didn’t know I had it at the time) I am very happy to have my kids. They’re all…
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rks-art-and-design · 8 days
Hindsight is 20/20
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently? Well anything that had to deal with conflict. I hate conflict of any kind. I retreat, retract. I wish I had the ability to stand up for myself. Like a snail with salt I completely disintegrate. It makes me so angry with myself. I have gotten better in some cases but there are certain situations that I…
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rks-art-and-design · 9 days
Writing prompt: Recall a time when elements in your life felt like they were running smoothly. There was a sense of ease as varies pieces in your life were flowing harmoniously. I do have moments that seem to run smoothly and harmoniously together. Times when I am connected to my true self. The one that hides from the world and from my other selves. I find it mostly with nature. Interacting with…
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rks-art-and-design · 9 days
What makes you nervous? I get nervous in most social situations. I like people but I keep them at a distance. I am an introvert but I think this may be something else. I am in a relationship. I keep him at an arm’s length most of the time. If I have to get closer I tend to detach from myself. Most social interactions make me nervous. Even just having to walk around the grocery store. Although it…
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rks-art-and-design · 9 days
Trail of Blood
Former Detective Anne Sullivan Genre: Mystery & Suspense  Plot: Arriving in a Small Town That has a Secret Words to use: cult, mystery, murder, power, stranger, newcomer, alien, weapon, silence, danger, police, hidden, map, discovery, bond ——————Part 1 What Anne needed was a change of scenery. She felt it deep down inside. Her therapist said “PTSD”, but she thought she was just tired. She…
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rks-art-and-design · 10 days
How do you unwind after a demanding day? Hard days usually mean work and I don’t usually get to unwind at home. Working in customer service is challenging because it is filled with impatient people who don’t understand that they need to wait sometimes. Depending on which shift I come home from will determine what I do. So when I get home from closing I am exhausted and I sit for a minute or 10…
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rks-art-and-design · 11 days
Social Media
How do you use social media? I was kinda slow to use social media. I finally got on it when so many had used it for quite a while. I feel it causes more stress and anxiety. Never before in human history have we been able to see and look at the lives of other people to the extent we do today because of social media. We are exposed to a great variety of opinions that people can misuse hiding…
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rks-art-and-design · 12 days
Appreciation of Art and Design - My Evolution (my essay for class)
Art and design wasn’t always a passion for me. I remember enjoying the artwork inside my picture books, although my memories are vague. Like my parents, mine gave me a small collection of Little Golden books with stories about the Three Pigs, Bambi, the Porky Little Puppy and many others. In those days, reading was a typical pastime for adults and children. It was the time before internet and…
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rks-art-and-design · 12 days
Okay..what I am thinking about right now.
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind. Why is it that when I am requested to do that or if someone is asking me what I am thinking, nothing comes to mind then. I am at the moment wondering at what to do next. I did some reading. I should do some writing so let’s open jet pack and then I need to work on my essay for class and my short story. I do need to work on my novel today. I was…
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rks-art-and-design · 13 days
Random acts
Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you. So something I remember happened when I was dating my now husband. We were taking a trip to the coast of California. He wanted to go to the beach and use a metal detector to find stuff people lost in the sand. We were at a local grocery store getting something to eat and drink for a picnic and there was an older…
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