replacementdream · 1 year
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replacementdream · 1 year
Bee's present is left on the table in her house-- Puppycat is sleeping on the couch not too far away, but it looks like he was too embarrassed to give it to her himself. The note, signed with a pawprint, reads:
'Dear Bee.
I'm glad you're [scribbled out]
I missed you when [scribbled out]
It's good to be here with you. Even if this place sucks. Merry Christmas. Let's get cookies and candy and stuff later. Please make me the cinnamon kind. And we can watch stupid Christmas movies together. I like the one where the kid murders all those robbers.
Love, Puppycat.'
When she unwraps the present, she'll find a set of colorful, shiny hairclips, an ugly holiday sweater (he thought it was funny), and a charm bracelet with two starter charms-- a bee, and a star!
Bee was just about to settle down for the night herself, coming out of the bathroom after putting the remainder of her snacks in the toilet. She had a bedroom here, but sleeping on the couch still felt the most comfortable to her-- especially when Puppycat stayed over.
But before she cozied up next to him, the young woman spotted something that wasn't there before in the living room; the bright wrapping paper and bow immediately catching her attention. Walking over to it, she read the note over, and the words that were written there caused a warm feeling to filter through her chest; smiling soft and gentle as she glanced in Puppycat's direction.
"Oh, wow..!" she had to whisper her excitement as everything was taken out, admiring the gifts one by one as Bee set them atop the table. She was definitely going to style an outfit around her new hair clips, but until then, Bee chose to put on the sweater and the bracelet; running her fingers along it before wrapping her arms around her middle in a hug.
Quietly, she made her way next to Puppycat; curling up next to him. But before she drifted off to sleep, she leaned over her friend, giving him a gentle kiss upon his head.
"Merry Christmas, Puppycat."
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"I love you, too."
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replacementdream · 1 year
“Hahah... hahaha..”
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“Romance.. funny..” Bee, where’d you get all those snacks you’re currently shoving in your mouth.
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replacementdream · 1 year
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       it hadn’t meant to eavesdrop or spy - but when the human-passing person lifted up one of the vehicles on the side of the road, it was kind of attention-grabbing. it’s first thought was ‘uh-oh’, misreading the situation as a threat for about .03 seconds - before it saw her hand the phone back. it was still … strange, regardless. in hindsight, what it was about to do wasn’t the smartest thing - but that was ART’s job to be the smart one. ( it would never admit that to ART. )
       with an unreadable, slightly bored expression, murderbot glanced at the car - analyzing the weight - and then looked back to her. it bent down to put a hand under the front of the car - then stood up. bringing the car with it, lifting the front of the vehicle up off the street. it paused for 1.2 seconds for dramatic ( comedic? ) effect, then let go, leaving the car’s shocks to absorb the impact when it touched the ground again. “ you’re right. it was pretty easy. ” its voice was dry and as emotionless as its face.
For a second, Bee didn’t know what sort of response she was going to get for her accidental slip-up (and how did that even happen in the first place? Sure, she talked a little too much sometimes, but she was usually good at keeping that a secret..) hoping the person she’d just helped would either think she was crazy, or.. not believe her at all. To her surprise, however, the stranger just responded by giving her a particularly vacant stare, before it also lifted up the very same car, and let it fall right back on the pavement.
Wait, what?!
“H-hold on a second!!” practically having to pick her jaw off the floor, Bee suddenly cut the distance between them as she jumped close to its side, craning her neck to look up at th. “You’re.. like me?”
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“You’re like me..!” but all traces of shock were washed away within a moment, suddenly beaming bright and excited up at the stranger. “I’ve never met someone like me before..! But, wait-- are those your parts? On your head? Man, you’re way cooler than me! What’s your name? Where’re you from? -- have you seriously never tried to lift a car up before today??”
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replacementdream · 1 year
“It’s okay, my left eyeball is usually a sentient robot.” 
He paused, holding his phone in his hands once more, blinking twice. He… had not intended to say that either. And he probably sounded a bit insane, even if she was a robot.
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“U-Uh, I mean… um…”
“-- huh?!”
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“.. your.. left eye is a..” well, that was a first. Bee didn’t know a lot of people like her, but for a specific body part to be a sentient robot.. “That’s so..”
“.. cool!!” however, the young woman beamed almost immediately at the revelation, leaning up close to Ryuki to try and get a better look. “Wait, did you say ‘usually’? Aren’t they with you right now?! Aw man, I wanna meet them..! What’s their name? What’re they like? Do they like, live in your eye socket or something??”
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replacementdream · 1 year
“Oh, this?”
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“Naww, this is totally normal for me. I mean, I guess I’m not really normal, but hey, lifting up cars is pretty easy when you’re a robot.” And with just as much ease as she had with picking it up, Bee gently set the vehicle back on the ground, smiling from ear to ear as she handed the person next to her their belonging. It had rolled from their hand underneath the car, so she figured she’d help-- it was better than getting covered in snow from trying to reach for it themselves! “Here ya go! If you ever need help again, I don’t.. mind..”
“W.. wait, did I just-- uh, you didn’t.. you didn’t hear me say that, right? Right??”
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replacementdream · 1 year
He closes his eyes, and thinks. Then he raises a hand to where she sits, as a greeting.
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“I think that might be nice. My name is the Nightmare Knight. What’s yours?”
At that, Bee beams; her cheery smile returning in full force as she grabs onto one of his fingers, easily able to lift it up and down as a greeting in return.
“Oh, wow! I love your name! It’s just as cool as you are!”
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“I’m Bee. It’s nice to meet you-- and to make a new friend! We should totally go out and get lots of snacks together.”
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replacementdream · 1 year
Speaking truthfully? Looking down. Seeing normal people live normal lives that I could never have. Seeing families and friends get together. Seeing people baking cakes.
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Speaking artistically? The horizon.
His words seem to bring sorrow to Bee, tilting her head a little as she frowns. She thinks long and hard on his answer however, deciding to take a seat on his shoulder instead of continuing to stand.
“Yeah.. both of those sound really nice. There’s a cliff where I live, you can see the whooole ocean. It’s my favourite secret spot. I miss it, but this place is pretty, too. Plus, there’s so many nice people..! It helps when I start to feel a little homesick.”
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“I think you’re really nice, too. Do you wanna be friends? I don’t have a normal life either, but I think I make pretty decent company.”
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replacementdream · 1 year
Oh, sure.
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Let me just bring you up there.
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There you go. You may grab onto a horn if you need to steady yourself.
“Really?! Aw, yeah! Sweet!”
For a moment, Bee feels a little unsteady as the giant hand of the Nightmare Knight brings her up to his shoulder; though she gains her footing and jumps onto the rather big platform, doing as she’s told and gently holding onto one of his horns.
“It’s so pretty up here.. you can see everything!”
Her tentative expression has changed, now smiling wide from cheek to cheek.
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“Hey, what’s your favourite thing to look at? You sure got a lot to choose from.. but there’s gotta be one you like the most, right?”
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replacementdream · 1 year
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Bee has to crane her neck up to look at this guy.. and she does, for a whiiile.
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“Can I.. ride around on your shoulder?”
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replacementdream · 1 year
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You do not know.
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How nice it is. To see normal people for once. Nice, normal, animal people. Instead of these barely haired, fleshed out freaks.
“Hah.. aha.. yeah, flesh is super wei--”
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replacementdream · 1 year
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“Aw, I think everybody here is really cute.. I hope we can all be friends!” And maybe.. they’ll give me food..
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replacementdream · 2 years
          ★ –;; “Vibes…?”
If anything, the ‘vibes’ his guts give off are- or, used to be- full of literal energy. He thinks? He’s not entirely sure.
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“Anyway, if your guts are made outta’ pumpkin, how’re they gonna keep going?”
“Aw, crap! I didn’t even think of that!”
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“.. but.. I think.. I’m okay?” Bee grabbed at her body, poking herself in the arms, the stomach, then right on the nose. She felt much softer all around, but she didn’t feel.. wrong? Just sort of hungry. “Maybe it’s the Halloween magic keepin’ me on my feet.. or something. I could go for a snack though..”
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replacementdream · 2 years
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[Noooooo!] he protests, but doesn’t jump down. [I want to be something cool.]
“Weeeell, how about we make it cool?”
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“I could get you a nice orange leather jacket to match! What d’you say, Puppycat? Don’t you wanna go trick-or-treating with me?”
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replacementdream · 2 years
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[Don’t put me in a costume like that.]
Bee picks him up, giving him a smooch on his head.
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“You wanna be a pumpkin with me instead?”
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replacementdream · 2 years
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replacementdream · 2 years
          ★ –;; “H–”
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“How do you know what your guts feel like?”
“Doesn’t everybody? Don’t your guts give off.. I dunno.. vibes?”
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“You just gotta.. think about it. They’re what make you, you! And right now.. mine are makin’ me a pumpkin.”
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