reign-factors · 2 months
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Who shall find a virtuous woman? For such a one is more valuable than precious stones. Proverbs31:10
Proverbs 31 talks about a woman, a woman of noble character, a woman of compassion, generosity and integrity. How did she acquire these characters? It begins with the fear of the Lord. Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised” (Proverbs 31:30). Her strength comes from her reverence to her God. Her aim is to please Him and to serve Him. Her life is a life of true success and happiness. Whether seen by many or by a few, the life of a noble woman leaves a legacy for generations to come.
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reign-factors · 2 months
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Do not let the sun go down on your anger. - EPHESIANS 4:26
How many times have you wished you could take back what you said or did? Ask yourself, "Is this really critical, is this really something we should be arguing about? If it is, then ask God for grace to sort it out amicably.
Ephesians 4:26 gives us the parameters:Before bedtime!
It's an issue of obedience. God is pleased when we obey His Word and refuse to go to bed angry. Harboring anger doesn't get us anywhere! When you and your spouse, or you and your children, go to bed without resolving the problem--or at least agreeing to address it, the problem only gets compounded if you don't address it.
Scripture couldn't be more clear: Don't give your enemy such a foothold in your heart and in your home!
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reign-factors · 2 months
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1 corinthians 13:4-8
god is love
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reign-factors · 2 months
But my journey is discovering that there’s more value in learning what I don’t know than in teaching others what I do know.
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reign-factors · 2 months
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reign-factors · 2 months
If it comes down to war should it be California versus America or God verse Allah?
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reign-factors · 2 months
If you are a prince and the order of the monarch is known what is the problem. That's right you did not think of it until now. When your the favorite cousin that makes your mom the favorite aunt or grandmother of a prince but has always been the king.bThat is just a play of words or fact. Why in the flying duck would you disrespect another king from an empire who created the correct phrase in title. Now do you see your not a noble one that is why you don't understand you would only have to consult when who would ask " Are your ready" to fully understand. To be embarrassed or ashamed that your in the middle or last. You have to look past that. This coming from A alpha and omega whose learning the power of contemplating outside the box to only act inside the box to think of twisted and backwards like east=south meaning in the hills is back, Right and left will be u Air-ri. Common just not relating unless you can prove this theory to be true fact. It's on the flag "IT" btw ri time to go to Jamba 0. I'm just an hybrid of different mind controlling tools from being taught in different and multiple dimensions of education. Will that make me higher or just like you a proverbial crustacean in a bucket or will you realize the power that is not like the tower if babbl cause if done correctly it has the blessing of the true creator. Just like day and night man and woman the sun and the moon. So maybe we have been taught to turn a blind eye when it is right in front/forth or back/rear of us. Use your bindi. And your heart then you can make a connection with a conscious desire for a decision. This is no diss just a dish of food for thought for those who just want beef even though it still be like pork at times green like envy or mild. Its time to change the tampon and cups of blood for something more human cause we are not karma life's cyster whose close relation to destiny will there creator is faiths destiny.
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reign-factors · 2 months
The only way we’re ever going to solve homelessness is by giving free housing to homeless people. 
Not cots in homeless shelters. Not beds in domestic violence shelters. Real, actual, permanent housing, with a door they can lock and the freedom to come and go as they please. 
It seems like a stupidly simple solution to an incredibly complicated problem, but this is the only way we’re ever going to end homelessness for good. Everything we’re doing right now is like flinging thimbles of water onto a house fire, and it’s time to call the fire department. Don’t believe me? Consider that:
Providing free housing is actually cheaper than what we’re doing right now. Even when you factor in the cost of having round-the-clock mental health staff on hand in housing facilities, giving the homeless housing costs about one-third as much as leaving them on the streets. How is that possible? People who sleep on the streets go to the hospital a whole lot more than anyone else. Being homeless is hard on your health - you are more likely to be assaulted, experience frostbite or heatstroke, or fail to manage a medical condition like diabetes. Homeless people are also more likely to get arrested for minor things like public urination or loitering, and it’s hugely expensive to arrest them, process them, put them in prison and put them through court dates. We save so much money and eliminate so many problems by just giving them somewhere to live. 
It’s extremely difficult to get a job when you don’t have an address. There’s a huge amount of prejudice against homeless people, and the same people who shout “get a job!” are the first to toss someone’s application in the trash as soon as they see “no fixed address”. Having an address also makes it easier to vote, open a bank account, keep up with your taxes and obey the terms of your probation. 
Homeless people waste a lot of time standing in line for shelters and services. Shelters have limited space available, and if you want to make sure you have a bed for the night, you need to be there long before the doors open. The same thing applies to soup kitchens. When your whole life revolves around being in line for vital services for hours on end, it’s hard to make much progress in getting your life together. Providing people with housing gives them more time and more flexibility to return to school, find jobs, or reconnect with family. 
It’s virtually impossible to manage a mental health condition or recover from addiction when you have no permanent housing. It’s just not going to happen. Recovering from a mental health issue requires stability, routine and a safe place to retreat to, which are impossible when you live on the streets. Living rough makes it extremely difficult to show up to appointments, hang on to your prescription medications and avoid trauma. It’s more efficient for everyone involved to provide housing to the mentally ill first, and bring mental health services right to their doors. 
It’s hard to make much progress in life when you can’t accumulate possessions. Think about how hard your life would be if you had no safe place to store your things. When you’re homeless and sleeping in shelters, you can only keep as much stuff as you can carry with you, and most of your energy is going to go towards keeping that stuff safe. You can’t take advantage of clothing drives, because you can’t carry too many clothes. You eat a lot of fast food, because you have nowhere to store or prepare groceries. Showing up to appointments, interviews or shifts is difficult, because you have to lug everything you own with you to ensure nothing is stolen. Having a room with a lock changes everything. 
It keeps children out of the foster system. Ending up on the streets often means losing your children - if you can’t provide children with a stable home, that’s grounds to take them away. Families fleeing domestic violence can find themselves re-traumatized when children are placed in foster care due to inadequate housing. Providing stable housing allows families to stay together and minimizes trauma for children and parents, as well as foster care costs. 
It preserves basic human dignity. It’s hard for most of us to imagine how humiliating and dehumanizing it is to be homeless. Imagine not having access to regular showers, or even toilets. Having nowhere to clean your laundry. Having your schedule dictated by a homeless shelter. Sleeping in rooms with dozens or hundreds of other people, with absolutely no privacy. Being chased out of businesses and public places. Enduring the crushing boredom of having nowhere to go. Being treated as less than human. It’s impossible to maintain hope and dignity in those conditions, and no human being should have to endure that. 
We live in a society that treats housing like something you have to “earn” by proving yourself worthy of it, and that toxic thinking has put us in a position where we’re literally willing to spend more money to have people sleeping in the streets. It has to stop. Housing is a bare minimum requirement for human dignity, and it should be a human right. Everyone deserves a safe and private space of their own, regardless of their abilities, mental health or circumstances. No one is asking for luxury condos here - dorm-style settings with private rooms and shared bathroom and kitchen facilities have proven to be effective. This isn’t about who “deserves” housing; if you are a human being, you deserve a safe place to call home. 
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reign-factors · 5 months
Stay prepared. Opportunities are coming.
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reign-factors · 5 months
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reign-factors · 6 months
As an update being civilized man, instead of tarnishing a record of Blair Slavazza. I believe it being fair to ask for a ride along from her sergeant. Small city don't plan on going that far. So I will use my past tax dollars and go to her sergeant and ask for a ride along. To level the playing field . I would love to hear about equal rights and how this day in the reservist free liberal bay we as a city must uphold the cycle of civilization make sure we as a community need to work together so we are equal with rights respected in each authority. Since on October first 2020 I just came from court . When I got off phone with dispatch I went to my lawyers number to call since order with what you arrested me for was modified to no Ham and since I called for a civil standby i stayed on recorded line till you came on scene . All I did was follow dispatches instructions . You threw down my phone putting me in hand cuffs when I was supposed to be there. I met all the judges requirements as well as you so called sister. The medicine you ripped the label off was saving my life from a suicide attempt. When I noticed your biased ways only then I requested for a male to search me since they were on seen including a sgt. You honored it you will not honor the same one when putting me in car. If I was not supposed to be there why did you leave my stuff there when you're supposed to log that in property. I had all my medicines paperwork on hand at my lawyer's number I was on a recording call when you pulled up to the scene and I was the one who called you guys. I was told from my wife I could come home but she lied to you guys but you the sergeant and her has some some words which I know were caught on your body Cam that had to be on right if they weren't on I'll gladly say online and everything but I was not that's why I kept sending social media accounts of your department on their disregard for the law. That's why I always hastagged it and I sent it to you. I help raise five brilliant children learning on my way and becoming better that's why in the beginning of 2020 none of the officers knew my name. I'm came a functioning man of society who has rehabilitated and corrected myself. Everything I told you guys was not a lie. Like me being a borderline diabetic or when my housing is stable I am able to control it with heathy eating habits and not medicine. Do you even lie to say our waiting for the cop to bring me the probation paper but when he brought it you had to lie it says everything I said to you proving that I was being honest. But I'm trying to be the bigger person consider humanity over being judge as a non-functioning member of society I've learned a lot of lessons in my life and I was on the right path but you jeopardize that yes not on your record for one reason is because I because I avoided the 6 months that I could write a complaint but for you to not acknowledge it or your captain not to acknowledge it and discuss it without disciplinary faults is way better than having this streets disrupted. Because it did happen October 1st 2020 on your body cam your sergeant barleycam all the officers on scene body cam you in the transportation even though you could have taken me in your car because that's what you searched me for I'm trying to be the solution not the problem . What are you trying to be the solution or the problem you is a officer need to get that off your chest because he has a taxpayer don't feel that if you can't answer that properly you shouldn't be a cop on another job there's other people that can have your position that can follow the rules especially the ones that the ACLU brought to trial and won. I would think you being a female in a mixed individual you could understand rights and rights taken away in a civil basis. This angers me so much I'm just going to take a couple minutes to reflect into bring down my cosmic vibrations all I can do now is just pray look out for part two.
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reign-factors · 6 months
Strong boundaries and high standards are keys for protecting your energy.
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reign-factors · 6 months
Often times, it takes chaos and misfortune to redirect us back onto our destined path. Though it may feel painful or depressing navigating these pathways, things always seem to work out for the better - once we surrender.
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reign-factors · 6 months
Be grateful to those who disappoint you, they force you to look within.
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reign-factors · 6 months
Every act of love & kindness raises the vibration of the entire universe.
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reign-factors · 6 months
Dear ACLU,
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek guidance and assistance regarding an incident that I experienced involving an illegal search conducted by an officer of the wrong sex. On the date of October 1st 2020 in Newark California. Caught on body cam. To provide some background, after going to court and meeting all requirements from judge and victim to get restraining order modified to No ham order, I was subjected to a search during a civil standby(that I called assistance for) by a law enforcement officer of the opposite sex. {After being searched by one of same sex 5mins before.} And requesting the same treatment was denied. This search not only violated my right to privacy but also raised concerns about the potential for gender-based discrimination and misconduct within the police force. Since on body cam there is myself yelling when inappropriate search happen and the removal of medical labels from prescription bottles by police before transport. So denying my life saving prescription I received the month of September 2020 labor day at St rose. It is all captured on body cam. Which they the Newark Police Department I believe are fake. I firmly believe that this search was conducted without just cause and was in direct violation of my constitutional rights. It is deeply troubling to me that such actions are taking place, as they not only undermine trust in law enforcement but also disregard the fundamental principles of privacy and personal dignity as well as orders from honorable presiding Judges. I understand that the ACLU is dedicated to protecting civil liberties and fighting against injustices, so I am reaching out to you for guidance on how to proceed with addressing this situation. I am seeking your support in holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions and ensuring that this type of violation does not happen to others in the future.I would greatly appreciate any advice or assistance you can offer in navigating the legal process and advocating for my rights. Please let me know how I can provide further details or documentation to support my case, as well as any specific steps I should take moving forward. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I have complete trust in the ACLU's commitment to justice, and I am grateful for your support in pursuing this issue and working towards a resolution.
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reign-factors · 7 months
First of all Officer Slavazza not Blair the comment I made was racial it was to grab the attention. I would have said my idea. It might have been took and used like alot of art is but it would be out there. And that's all I want. I wanted to just see my idea out there while thriving with my family...
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