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     For a heartbeat when she mentions having been ‘offered something’ he thinks it’s some asshole’s idea of a marriage proposal (or worse), but he doesn’t interrupt. Not yet. Not when his baby sister looks ready to bolt for the door the moment she says whats on her mind. If he can’t be understanding and supportive for her, who else is left to? They’re all they have in the way of blood relation and she’s the last person on earth he wants mad at him. Especially when there are so few people left.
     At last she gets to the meat of her worries and he chews on it thoughtfully before swallowing the bitter truth. It makes sense. In fact, that’s the only thing that makes sense. He can’t spend his days corralling her back into the city, and she certainly can’t continue on without getting some training in order to defend herself. He breathes in and sets her peace offering on the table, book set aside face down against the pages.
     “It ain’t what I’m okay with. It’s what needs to be done. I think Cor training you is...the best idea . Am I happy about it? Hell no. But I gotta face the facts. You need to learn how to defend yourself and help the people who can’t.”
@gladys-sis-iris from here
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     Gladio might be a soldier at heart with enough muscle to lend to three men, but he was smart and he knew his sister well enough to recognize the look on her face. She brought news he wouldn’t want to hear and feared his response. Which could only mean she’d either found a guy she liked or someone he knew had died. Was it wrong to prefer the latter? His gaze falls to the cup in question, brows furrowing subtly. She even brought him a peace-treaty. Was the news really that bad?
     “You weren’t interrupting much.” A gentle gesture with book in hand, he places it pages-down to keep his spot while he relieves her of the tea, shifting to give her a proper place to sit around his bulky frame. Even if the drink was nothing like Ignis’s, she’d made it specifically for him. Not many people took time to prepare things properly anymore and if her time with them, during her own travels, had taught her anything, he knew this would taste better than his usual swill.
     “Thanks. Something wrong?”
  It was obvious he knew she was hiding something. She was never good at hiding anything and she should’ve seen it coming. There was nothing she could hide from her big brother. His side glance always told her what he was already thinking. He wasn’t stupid. Far from it. The girl kept her head down but did come closer when he made her more room. 
 There was a moment of silence between them as the younger tried to gain the courage to speak up. “No not something wrong just…I-I was offered something and  I don’t know what you’ll think about it.” She sighed softly before turning to her brother with an apologetic smile. “Cor offered me a position to train with him. To become his apprentice and….Ii think I might take him up on that offer. Would you….be okay with that?”
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  Iris hoped he didn’t get too angry at the news. 
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"You're screwed Gladdy. Your sister is recruiting her sisters."
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     “Who gave you drugs and what were their names?” So he can beat the shit out of them for trying this stunt on the future king. And so he can feel better about having left him alone that long.
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    For a moment it seems the shield couldn't care less about the condition of Noctis's sleeping habits or whether he'd been well-rested sleeping upright in the car or smushed against a feeble tent's wall by smelly feet or sweaty bodies. But in the same instance it might be questioned, his expression softens and he drapes an arm across the slender shoulders, dragging him into a half hug as they continue their path for the herb.
    "We'll stop at a motel if we happen to pass one. Get you a proper night's rest." Not that he's particularly keen on staying in doors where the goings on of their neighbors could be heard through the walls, their stomping around felt in the floors. Don't even get him started on how many fights he's overheard and slamming doors he's experienced in just their short journey's beginning thus far. No thank you, he'd rather sleep in a tent.
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     That’s it. He whirls, hand on Noctis’s chest just below the curve of his shirt’s neckline, forcing him not only away from the tree but so far back and quickly too that its inevitable he trips over himself. When he goes down Gladio stands over him. All imposing six feet and six inches of him. He casts an imposing shadow, even to his own eyes.
     “At least you came out to help at all? You think we’re your god damn slaves to do this shit? You’re lucky I don’t drag your ass outta bed every morning. But I’m gonna start now.”
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     ☽  —     Unceremoniously he falls, venemous gaze drifting upward past the glare of the sun to meet that of his Glaive’s. Were he perhaps more inclined to unholy thoughts he might find their positions vexing and seek equal footing again. As it stood he was not, and so he did not.
                    “No, I mean…damn it you know what I mean!” Frustrated, his hand reaches for assistance to stand, a frown set permanently upon his lips now. If Gladiolus had intended to knock him down a peg, it was well received and his goal accomplished. The air falls from his lungs in defeat.
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    Not one for sitting still, this 'vacation' was driving Gladio insane. His muscles weren't earned through sitting around and being lazy and this? Well, this was just entirely too much. But his company had needed the rest (and to be truthful, so did he) so here they were stuck in a house with too many people and so few rooms for privacy. Not that it had ever been a problem before. Not until so many under one roof he had a hard time getting a moment's peace to himself. This morning, Ignis had recruited all hands on deck to wander the seaside just beyond the short stretch of tunnel in search of the delicacies of the sea leaving the guard and his attendee to themselves. Luckily.
    The arms are a mild shock, not quite expecting them but always prepared in the event of a sleepy prince attack. A gentle hand rises to lay over the limbs, thumb brushing back and forth idly. Strange how comfortable he's gotten with this.
    "Someone's a little sleep drunk." A snort and he turns his head, returning the kiss to a perfectly pale cheek. One you'd might think had never seen the light of day. In stark contrast with the ebony hair tickling his nose. Beautiful...
    "Sleep okay?"
Calm Before The Storm (Closed)
After they had dropped Iris off at the Cape Caem house, the group decided it would be a good idea to take a few days and rest. They’d been going none stop, hunting, questing, and trying to figure out what was going on with the failed treaty and the destroyed crown city. It was easy to see how exhausted everyone was - their clothes nearly falling to threads, bodies pulled thin with sores and aches, minds dulled by lack of proper food and sleep. It was time to recharge and get everyone back to snuff, before heading back out to find the parts Cid needed to fix the royal boat. So, the impromptu vacation commenced at the Caem house. 
“Mornin’ big guy,” Noctis yawned, coming to stand behind Gladiolus and half drape himself over the man’s back. He hugged him loosely, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his stubbly jawline. 
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     [Spinning! Now there’s a trick! Don’t wait too long.]
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     [Trying? I’m insulted. Promise I taste better than metal though.]
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((Maybe I shall have to take you for a spin sometime. Sounds simply delightful.))
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     [Trying? I’m insulted. Promise I taste better than metal though.]
((Your tags almost made me choke on my soda. In a good way.))
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     [I can give you something else to choke on.]
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((Trying to tell me you’re hard as metal deary?))
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((Your tags almost made me choke on my soda. In a good way.))
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     [I can give you something else to choke on.]
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     Unfortunately (fortunately?) for the both of them, ‘Gladio was inclined to unholy thoughts’ and a man so long starved as he was had needs. Needs that weren’t being met on the world’s worst bachelor tour. For the smallest of seconds the reaching hand triggered a want to walk into it, feel it pressing against his thigh, tracing honed muscles he worked so hard to get that weren’t being appreciated enough. Never mind who the hand was attached to.
     But the feeling passed as quickly as it came and though it left him dumbfounded, he clasped his hand around Noctis’s and hauled him back to his feet, snorting at the resentment in the boy’s tone. Again. Small body reminiscent of a woman’s compared to the outline of his own, he held fast to the hand in his, preventing escape momentarily.
     “Yeah. I know what you meant. Better watch what you say from now on. Ain’t surrounded by the people who’ll pamper you. This out here’s the real world. People will take offense to anything and everything just because they can.”
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     That’s it. He whirls, hand on Noctis’s chest just below the curve of his shirt’s neckline, forcing him not only away from the tree but so far back and quickly too that its inevitable he trips over himself. When he goes down Gladio stands over him. All imposing six feet and six inches of him. He casts an imposing shadow, even to his own eyes.
     “At least you came out to help at all? You think we’re your god damn slaves to do this shit? You’re lucky I don’t drag your ass outta bed every morning. But I’m gonna start now.”
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     ☽  —     Unceremoniously he falls, venemous gaze drifting upward past the glare of the sun to meet that of his Glaive’s. Were he perhaps more inclined to unholy thoughts he might find their positions vexing and seek equal footing again. As it stood he was not, and so he did not.
                    “No, I mean…damn it you know what I mean!” Frustrated, his hand reaches for assistance to stand, a frown set permanently upon his lips now. If Gladiolus had intended to knock him down a peg, it was well received and his goal accomplished. The air falls from his lungs in defeat.
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Gladio: Ohhh...
Noctis: ...Yeah.
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Prompto: Check it out! Ignis is actually SMILING!
Ignis: What are you implying, pray tell?
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     [Literally every single battle picture Ignis is in, everyone compliments and calls ‘stylish’ or ‘awesome’ or in Gladio’s case ‘boss’. Fuckin’ ballerina in the field is what Iggy is.]
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Prompto: I'm dyin' of thirst over here.
Noctis: I'm starvin' to death.
Ignis: And yet we're all VERY much alive.
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Sorry spider lady, you're a little...leggy for me.
Gladiolus Amicitia
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     [Prompto takes photos of their journey so none of them forget Noctis’s face or any of the great times they had together. Ignis cooks every meal with all of his heart (even the cup noodles) and spares no expense on taste or ingredients because he’s determined to make every single meal memorable and filling. His king will not go hungry so long as he has something to say about it. Gladiolus fights every battle with every ounce of strength he has to keep them all together until there is no choice but to say goodbye. Even then, knowing that its his destiny, he’s so reluctant to let him go. Each of these are their greatest contributions that give Noctis a sense of normalcy and comradery and keep his mind off of the inevitable. But you’ve gotta wonder if he hasn’t felt some resentment towards them for being there to basically usher in and ensure he dies.]
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     [I’ve deduced that the reason my Prompto takes so many pictures of Noctis is because he’s making a scrapbook of all their adventures so no one ever forgets the hero who sacrificed himself to save the world. Can I buy twenty?]
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Insert joke about mile high club here
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» daenerys targaryen sentence meme ( book & show )
Feel free to adjust sentences to make it fit your muse better!
❝ I must be strong. I must have fire in my eyes when I face them, not tears. ❞
❝ Perhaps I cannot make my people good, but I should at least try to make them a little less bad. ❞
❝ All men must die, but we are not men. ❞
❝ Do not presume to teach me lessons. ❞
❝ Do you know what frightens me? I said farewell to a man who loves me. A man I thought I cared for. And I felt nothing. Just impatient to get on with it. ❞
❝ Will you fight for me? Swear to me. ❞
❝ A man who fights for gold can’t afford to lose to a girl. ❞
❝ I’m not going to stop the wheel, I’m going to break the wheel. ❞
❝ A dragon is no slave. ❞
❝ My reign has just begun. ❞
❝ It is not your screams I want. Only your life. ❞
❝ I have a gift for you as well. Your life. ❞
❝ You are small men. None of you are fit to lead. But I am. So I will. ❞
❝ I don’t want to be his Queen. I want to go home. ❞
❝ I will answer injustice with justice. ❞
❝ I will not lie with you. And I will bear no children, for you, or anyone else. Not until the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east. ❞
❝ Fire cannot kill a dragon. ❞
❝ This is not life. ❞
❝ I swear to you, these men will die screaming. ❞
❝ Is it so far from madness to wisdom? ❞
❝ I must be their strength. I must show no fear, no weakness, no doubt. ❞
❝ I want to make my kingdom beautiful. ❞
❝ He sent me poison wine, yet I live and he is gone. ❞
❝ Yet even crowned, I am a beggar still. ❞
❝ A queen must listen to all. ❞
❝ If I look back I am lost. ❞
❝ The fire is mine. ❞
❝ Do you know what it’s like to be sold, squire? I do. ❞
❝ Do you think I have forgotten how it felt to be afraid? ❞
❝ It seems to me that a queen who trusts no one is as foolish as a queen who trusts everyone. ❞
❝ Woman? Is that meant to insult me? I would return the slap, if I took you for a man. ❞ 
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