redteethed · 5 days
A bit of subtle tension melted from Nil's posture almost as soon as Gale's hands met his hips. The skim of thumbs just above the waistband of his smallclothes sparked fizzing warmth up through his core and out into his limbs, even prickling over his scalp. Nil almost physically ached for more, despite knowing they had plenty of time.
His hand pressed slightly firmer over both orb and heart when they met in a kiss. Gale's hunger stoked Nil's own, until his lips parted nearly in tandem with the other's. He sighed out a hum through his nose, the sound dragging longer and lower as nails skated over his back just hard enough to cause a pleased, subdued shiver down his spine. "Yes," Nil breathed, all sincerity and desire, before going in for another - albeit shorter - kiss.
As Gale's mouth traveled downward, Nil leaned into the attention along his neck. Thighs pressed in a little tighter against his favorite wizard's waist. His palm slid back around from the other man's chest, burying in soft brown waves; in answer to the nips from Gale's teeth, amid treasured sweet kisses, it was his turn to gently rake fingernails over tender skin. Nil's other hand, meanwhile, mirrored and complemented the attentions on Gale's upper back.
Turning his head just enough to murmur near the other's ear, Nil assured, "You can bite harder if you want. Your mark is one I'd be glad to wear." He punctuated with a nip of his own to the tip of the outermost curve, then a softer kiss just behind Gale's ear.
The look, the sigh, the hint of a blush - Gale looked so relaxed, so trusting. Like he already knew the truth, that Nil would never draw a blade on him. Gale would look enticing in all the hues of blood, but as fabric, not liquid. In fact, Nil was just as certain that if anyone did harm Gale, he would not make their death an easy one.
That knowledge fueled his reciprocation of the other's kiss, eyes remaining closed even after Gale parted just far enough to murmur an answer. The pinch of teeth softly contrasted the tender desire just enough to heighten both, sending a thrill down Nil's spine and a quiet low noise from his mouth. He knew Gale's tongue could make any word sound pretty. Nil wanted to find out how it could make him sound.
His eyes only opened once the other man stepped back too far for him to chase after Gale's mouth, hands belatedly lowering to his sides. Already, Nil could feel a subtle tingling where he'd been touched, as though the skin was left feverish for more. He'd just started on the first tie holding deep red fabric closed, when Gale's shirt came off. Grey eyes were drawn first to that circular mark - hard to ignore given its glow - before wandering further over every plane and curve in view. Nil's tongue slipped out over parted lips for a moment, and he pulled the first tie loose.
Watching Gale settle in on the bed, hearing that earnest assertion and plea, Nil made short work of the second tie. It was only as he shrugged off the chiton to let it pile on the floor, he realized the yellow scarf was still wrapped round his neck. Half a moment's hesitation when he first grasped the fabric, then Nil pulled it off as well to drop it aside. He was clad only in teal smallclothes when he approached. Resting both palms on Gale's shoulders, Nil straddled his favorite wizard's lap before one hand trailed fingertips over the man's throat to his collarbone. The touch was light, just firm enough not to tickle, and mirrored the quiet affection in Nil's look.
"Just like I want you, then." He leaned in, but only for a slight nudge of his nose and the barest brush of lips. "I'm yours, Gale. What I am, and what I've wanted to be. All of it."
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redteethed · 1 month
The look, the sigh, the hint of a blush - Gale looked so relaxed, so trusting. Like he already knew the truth, that Nil would never draw a blade on him. Gale would look enticing in all the hues of blood, but as fabric, not liquid. In fact, Nil was just as certain that if anyone did harm Gale, he would not make their death an easy one.
That knowledge fueled his reciprocation of the other's kiss, eyes remaining closed even after Gale parted just far enough to murmur an answer. The pinch of teeth contrasted the tender desire just enough to heighten both, sending a thrill down Nil's spine and a soft low noise from his mouth. He knew Gale's tongue could make anything sound pretty. Nil wanted to find out how it could make him sound.
His eyes only opened once the other man stepped back too far for him to chase after Gale's mouth, hands belatedly lowering to his sides. Already, Nil could feel a subtle tingling where he'd been touched, as though the skin was left feverish for more. He'd just started on the first tie holding deep red fabric closed, when Gale's shirt came off. Grey eyes were drawn first to that circular mark - hard to ignore given its glow - before wandering further over every plane and curve in view. Nil's tongue slipped out over parted lips for a moment, and he pulled the first tie loose.
Watching Gale settle in on the bed, hearing that earnest assertion and plea, Nil made short work of the second tie. It was only as he shrugged off the chiton to let it pile on the floor, he realized the yellow scarf was still wrapped round his neck. Half a moment's hesitation when he first grasped the fabric, then Nil pulled it off as well to drop it aside. He was clad only in teal smallclothes when he approached. Resting both palms on Gale's shoulders, Nil straddled his favorite wizard's lap before one hand trailed fingertips over the man's throat to his collarbone. The touch was light, just firm enough not to tickle, and mirrored the quiet affection in Nil's look.
"Just like I want you, then." He leaned in, but only for a slight nudge of his nose and the barest brush of lips. "I'm yours, Gale. What I am, and what I've wanted to be. ...So where do you want to start?"
Strange, perhaps, that out of every touch they'd shared so far it was Gale's palms cradling his face which made Nil's heart stumble hardest. Strange, but wonderful. He answered that groan with a soft, contented sigh through his nose. When their kiss broke, grey eyes were slow to open as Nil focused more on the gentle press of their foreheads and on what Gale's choice might be.
The other man raised a good point. While Nil found his own tent comfortable enough alone, Gale could offer more accommodations with the Weave than any amount of pelts or bedrolls. Besides, he was pretty sure Gale's tent was closer anyway. That chuckle against his lips made them subtly part. His favorite wizard sounded so...happy, to be doing this with him. Most had been eager before, sure, but this felt different. It sparked a similar giddiness in Nil's chest and stomach, pulling another grin onto his face.
He followed close behind Gale to the latter's tent. Nil wasn't one to bother much about noise, but if it mattered to the other then he wasn't about to protest either. The interior of the tent looked more like the cozy private quarters of a scholar's tower, to Nil's best guess anyway. His expression relaxed into a brief, unspoken awe. Gods, the things Gale could do with magic.
Glancing over to the man in question, amid a flicker of surprise at what was asked, his smile resurfaced - not as broad, but just as warm - with the admission that came next. Nil stepped closer, brushing the backs of curled fingers over Gale's cheek. His touch briefly traced the dark curved lines that reached one eye. "It's perfect." Another kiss, short yet tender. "But if my mouth's going to get everywhere I want it to go, we should get some of these clothes off." Nil's hand smoothed over the fabric separating his palm from Gale's bare chest. "Mine too. Your mouth, your hands... I want anything you'll give me."
His own admission was softspoken, a little halting, very nearly flustered. It was the truth; Nil just hoped he didn't sound pathetic or too needy, like he'd come off to others before.
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redteethed · 1 month
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" the sky set to burst the gold and the rust the color erupts you filling my cup the sun coming up. "
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redteethed · 2 months
Strange, perhaps, that out of every touch they'd shared so far it was Gale's palms cradling his face which made Nil's heart stumble hardest. Strange, but wonderful. He answered that groan with a soft, contented sigh through his nose. When their kiss broke, grey eyes were slow to open as Nil focused more on the gentle press of their foreheads and on what Gale's choice might be.
The other man raised a good point. While Nil found his own tent comfortable enough alone, Gale could offer more accommodations with the Weave than any amount of pelts or bedrolls. Besides, he was pretty sure Gale's tent was closer anyway. That chuckle against his lips made them subtly part. His favorite wizard sounded so...happy, to be doing this with him. Most had been eager before, sure, but this felt different. It sparked a similar giddiness in Nil's chest and stomach, pulling another grin onto his face.
He followed close behind Gale to the latter's tent. Nil wasn't one to bother much about noise, but if it mattered to the other then he wasn't about to protest either. The interior of the tent looked more like the cozy private quarters of a scholar's tower, to Nil's best guess anyway. His expression relaxed into brief, unspoken awe. Gods, the things Gale could do with magic.
Glancing over to the man in question, amid a flicker of surprise at what was asked, his smile resurfaced - not as broad, but just as warm - with the admission that came next. Nil stepped closer, brushing the backs of curled fingers over Gale's cheek, past the dark lines that touched the corner of one eye. "It's perfect." Another kiss, short yet tender. "But if my mouth's going to get everywhere I want it to go, we should take some of these clothes off." Nil's hand smoothed over the fabric separating his palm from Gale's bare chest. "Mine too. Your mouth, your hands... I want anything you'll give me."
His own admission was softspoken, a little halting, very nearly flustered. It was the truth; Nil just hoped he didn't sound pathetic or too needy, like he'd come off to others before.
The way Gale had said his given name might've been a near-pleasant surprise, yet it paled in comparison to how Nil's chosen name dripped so lovely from the other's tongue, like vibrant red from gleaming steel. He'd decided on it for how right it felt, and its aptness - but Gale, like with most words, had made it pretty, filled it with affection even in the midst of a worried lecture. In Gale's mouth, it sounded like so much more than 'nothing'. Especially like this. Nil wanted to hear it panted into his ear as he was spread open, groaned against his skin or a pillow if he was the one doing the spreading, maybe--
An admission from Gale, after that welcome press closer, interrupted his trail of thought. Nil's inhale snagged audibly at the kiss to his jaw. Every word of that plea resonated with the depth and core of his desire, heightened by those quiet, breathy noises. One hand let go of violet robes, to splay flat and wrap his arm further around his favorite wizard's back. His other hand released Gale's, more reluctantly, to slide up over arm and shoulder before burying fingers in soft brown waves.
Nil kissed Gale's cheek first, near the hinge of his jaw. "I'd love to, Gale." So much adoration and want welled behind the other's name, without him even trying. It just felt right. Angling his head so their lips could meet again, the kiss was far longer and a little firmer than their first. Nil only paused long enough to murmur, mouth still brushing Gale's, "Your tent or mine?"
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redteethed · 2 months
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Just some Gale doodles… nothing to see here…
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redteethed · 2 months
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I can wait. I know you'll be worth it
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redteethed · 2 months
The way Gale had said his given name might've been a near-pleasant surprise, yet it paled in comparison to how Nil's chosen name dripped so lovely from the other's tongue, like vibrant red from gleaming steel. He'd decided on it for how right it felt, and its aptness - but Gale, like with most words, had made it pretty, filled it with affection even in the midst of a worried lecture. In Gale's mouth, it sounded like so much more than 'nothing'. Especially like this. Nil wanted to hear it panted into his ear as he was spread open, groaned against his skin or a pillow if he was the one doing the spreading, maybe--
An admission from Gale, after that welcome press closer, interrupted his trail of thought. Nil's inhale snagged audibly at the kiss to his jaw. Every word of that plea resonated with the depth and core of his desire, heightened by those quiet, breathy noises. One hand let go of violet robes, to splay flat and wrap his arm further around his favorite wizard's back. His other hand released Gale's, more reluctantly, to slide up over arm and shoulder before burying fingers in soft brown waves.
Nil kissed Gale's cheek first, near the hinge of his jaw in a close mirror of the other. "I'd love to, Gale." So much adoration and want welled behind the man's name, without him even trying. It just felt right. Angling his head so their lips could meet again, the kiss was far longer and a little firmer than their first. Every small, affectionate movement of his mouth mirrored his tone.
Nil only paused long enough to murmur, lips still brushing Gale's, "Your tent or mine?"
It almost itched his palms, the keen desire to pull Gale against him. His legs felt subtly restless, not to run but to wrap round his favorite wizard. Nil didn't want to think about past encounters, only this one, the first to lack lies or dares. Despite the comparisons still lingering at the back of his mind, and the learned reflex sitting stubborn in his stomach, he reminded himself again that Gale was different. With him, Nil could risk gentleness just as easily as he could passion. Because with him, Nil was simply Nil, seen wholly and without presumption. It was only a matter of whether Gale also wanted anything further, whether Nil would be pushing too hard too fast if he confessed his wants now.
Lips parting a little further and closed lashes fluttering, his inhale snagged in his throat for a moment. Nil could feel the forming of every word brush his lips. The rush spiked by Gale's admission wasn't unlike the flood of anticipation before a race, yet somehow both hotter and softer. The suggestion that followed pulled Nil's eyes open, halfway at first for a few quick blinks. Their desires truly were matched. While he appreciated that considerate reassurance more than he could express in words, his answer sat ready on his tongue, gaze rising to meet the other man's.
"Yes," he echoed. "I want everything with you." A light, brief kiss to Gale's upper lip. "Everything. No more guesses from people you aren't; I want to know you. Feel you, down to the bone."
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redteethed · 2 months
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i love Gale BG3 and i love how this turned out but i'm never drawing hair again.
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redteethed · 3 months
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A stolen glance, that sudden heartbeat... Sometimes the little things are worth more than kingdoms.
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redteethed · 3 months
It almost itched his palms, the keen desire to pull Gale against him. His legs felt subtly restless, not to run but to wrap round his favorite wizard. Nil didn't want to think about past encounters, only this one, the first to lack lies or dares. Despite the comparisons still lingering at the back of his mind, and the learned reflex sitting stubborn in his stomach, he reminded himself again that Gale was different. With him, Nil could risk gentleness just as easily as he could passion. Because with him, Nil was simply Nil, seen wholly and without presumption. It was only a matter of whether Gale also wanted anything further, whether Nil would be pushing too hard too fast if he confessed his wants now.
Lips parting a little further and closed lashes fluttering, his inhale snagged in his throat for a moment. Nil could feel the forming of every word brush his lips. The rush spiked by Gale's admission wasn't unlike the flood of anticipation before a race, yet somehow both hotter and softer. The suggestion that followed pulled Nil's eyes open, halfway at first for a few quick blinks. Their desires truly were matched. While he appreciated that considerate reassurance more than he could express in words, his answer sat ready on his tongue, gaze rising to meet the other man's.
"Yes," he echoed. "I want everything with you." A light, brief kiss to Gale's upper lip. "Everything. No more guesses from people you aren't; I want to know you. Feel you, down to the bone."
Gale wasn't anything like his past encounters. Most people came to Nil for any intimacy when they wanted a challenge, a wager to win, bragging rights; they tended to be put off or disappointed by his attempts at gentleness. A few others had come to Nil half-ignorant, but with their own presumptions that they expected him to know, expected him not to see the friends snickering behind their back; they were instead uneased by his passion, by his attempts to be what he thought they wanted after so many others' demands. But Gale... with Gale, there was a mutual gentleness, an equal passion without assumptions.
Despite that understanding, despite the surge of affection and relief and desire flooding his body at the tender kiss, a little reflexive wariness curled cold in his gut. It insisted he shouldn't be too clingy, don't go too fast but don't go slow, try to find out and be what Gale wanted. It was stupid, based in every experience this wasn't - but it was all he knew, the only comparisons he had.
Nil rested his forehead against the other man's, eyes still closed and fingers curling against Gale's back to cling firmer onto fabric. "So have I," he admitted, unable to help a faint flustered laugh. When he spoke next, though, Nil's tone was utter sincerity. "Want to do it again?"
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redteethed · 3 months
"I would recognise you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognise you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion."
- The Song of Achilles (Madeline Miller)
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redteethed · 3 months
Gale wasn't anything like his past encounters. Most people came to Nil for any intimacy when they wanted a challenge, a wager to win, bragging rights; they tended to be put off or disappointed by his attempts at gentleness. A few others had come to Nil half-ignorant, but with their own presumptions that they expected him to know, expected him not to see the friends snickering behind their back; they were instead uneased by his passion, by his attempts to be what he thought they wanted after so many others' demands. But Gale... with Gale, there was a mutual gentleness, an equal passion without assumptions.
Despite that understanding, despite the surge of affection and relief and desire flooding his body at the tender kiss, a little reflexive wariness curled cold in his gut. It insisted he shouldn't be too clingy, don't go too fast but don't go slow, try to find out and be what Gale wanted. It was stupid, based in every experience this wasn't - but it was all he knew, the only comparisons he had.
Nil rested his forehead against the other man's, eyes still closed and fingers curling against Gale's back to cling firmer onto fabric. "So have I," he admitted, unable to help a faint flustered laugh. When he spoke next, though, Nil's tone was utter sincerity. "Want to do it again?"
The veneer of casual confidence ebbed from his broadening smile, replaced with a soft sincerity, another glimmer of the deeper vulnerability he only really felt comfortable showing Gale. Nil might have to remember how to uncurl, so to speak, but baring his metaphorical belly to the other had been worth it so far.
Particularly when Gale moved closer to hide against his chest. Fortunate for both of them that he wasn't wearing his armor, only the cloth beneath. A faint surprised sound escaped, and Nil was sure his favorite wizard could hear the way his heart stumbled, but he didn't pull away. On the contrary, his free hand rested on Gale's upper back - gingerly, as some small stubborn part of him still feared this moment might fall apart into something too familiar. The rest of him simply missed the sight of that endearing blush. Of course it would be Gale who looked beautiful in any shade of red.
As if his thoughts had been heard, the other man peeked up at him. Nil felt his pulse hasten a little at the sight, while his eyebrows rose. "You're... asking?" That fear in the back of his mind weakened and cracked like spring ice. Nil's own cheeks warmed brighter, and he couldn't help another grin doused in newly freed affection. "One more reason I like you."
Nil leaned in until their noses brushed. "Of course you can," he murmured, barely above a whisper.
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redteethed · 3 months
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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redteethed · 4 months
The veneer of casual confidence ebbed from his broadening smile, replaced with a soft sincerity, another glimmer of the deeper vulnerability he only really felt comfortable showing Gale. Nil might have to remember how to uncurl, so to speak, but baring his metaphorical belly to the other had been worth it so far.
Particularly when Gale moved closer to hide against his chest. Fortunate for both of them that he wasn't wearing his armor, only the cloth beneath. A faint surprised sound escaped, and Nil was sure his favorite wizard could hear the way his heart stumbled, but he didn't pull away. On the contrary, his free hand rested on Gale's upper back - gingerly, as some small stubborn part of him still feared this moment might fall apart into something too familiar. The rest of him simply missed the sight of that endearing blush. Of course it would be Gale who looked beautiful in any shade of red.
As if his thoughts had been heard, the other man peeked up at him. Nil felt his pulse hasten a little at the sight, while his eyebrows rose. "You're... asking?" That fear in the back of his mind weakened and cracked like spring ice. Nil's own cheeks warmed brighter, and he couldn't help another grin doused in newly freed affection. "One more reason I like you."
Nil leaned in until their noses brushed. "Of course you can," he murmured, barely above a whisper.
His breath softly caught in his throat at the touch to his cheek. Astonishing, almost absurd, that after so many fights and celebrations and gambled intimacies, it was Gale cradling his face which felt new. New, and carrying such weight of meaning it lit up every nerve in Nil's body, before the other even spoke. 'You're everything.' Gale's tone rippled a tingling warmth from scalp to toes. Nil's heart had never hammered like this outside of a fight, a race, or some other exertion. It almost didn't seem real, that Gale felt so... tender about him.
It was the kiss to his knuckles which gathered that earlier warmth into his cheeks, flushed pink beneath tanned skin without any facepaint to hide it. Another smirk tugged at his lips, clearly flustered and unable to let out the confident chuckle he'd intended.
"It better be. I've been a lot of things to a lot of people before, but... never everything." Nil pressed a little more into the touch on his blushing cheek, then turned his head just enough to kiss the heel of Gale's palm. Bright greys met warm browns past dark lashes. "Does it always feel like this?"
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redteethed · 4 months
His breath softly caught in his throat at the touch to his cheek. Astonishing, almost absurd, that after so many fights and celebrations and gambled intimacies, it was Gale cradling his face which felt new. New, and carrying such weight of meaning it lit up every nerve in Nil's body, before the other even spoke. 'You're everything.' Gale's tone rippled a tingling warmth from scalp to toes. Nil's heart had never hammered like this outside of a fight, a race, or some other exertion. It almost didn't seem real, that Gale felt so... tender about him.
It was the kiss to his knuckles which gathered that warmth into his cheeks, flushed pink beneath tanned skin without any facepaint to hide it. Another smirk tugged at his lips, clearly flustered and unable to let out the confident chuckle he'd intended.
"It better be. I've been a lot of things to a lot of people before, but... never everything." Nil pressed a little more into the touch on his blushing cheek, then turned his head just enough to kiss the heel of Gale's palm. Bright greys met warm browns past dark lashes. "Does it always feel like this?"
Gale's abrupt counter was a twig snap to Nil's pulse, coiling reflexive tension in his core and leaving his posture utterly still. Though the subtle widening eased from grey eyes, initial surprise turned to breathless dumb-struck with only a few simple words and the return of Gale's hand to his. 'I like you.' That, in tandem with the other's gesture and blush and fumbling words, made the meaning of that 'like' clear. What was less clear to Nil was why. But then, how much did that matter when Gale actually did feel the same as him? It seemed like it should, the word wasn't banished from his mind, and yet...
Nil's own cheeks felt warm again. One foot shuffled half a step closer. His hold on Gale's hand curled a little more, fingers even slipping in between the other's, and Nil shook his head. No reason to hold back, not now. Not when the remaining risk would be worth it.
"You're not. ...And there's nothing to forgive. I'd have no idea if you were stumbling. People don't--" He caught himself. "Other people don't bother with me like that. They see how I look, and then the rest of who I am is just... a challenge, or an obstacle, or extra flavor depending who you ask. So you continue to be my favorite exception." A breathy, flustered chuckle in the back of his throat, though it soon gave way to sincerity again as their eyes met.
"I like you too, Gale," Nil continued quietly. "I may not know how in the hells to do this right, but I know that much."
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redteethed · 4 months
Gale's abrupt counter was a twig snap to Nil's pulse, coiling reflexive tension in his core and leaving him utterly still. Though the subtle widening eased from grey eyes, initial surprise turned to breathless dumb-struck with only a few simple words and the return of Gale's hand to his. 'I like you.' That, in tandem with the other's gesture and blush and fumbling words, made the meaning of that 'like' clear. What was less clear to Nil was why. But then, how much did that matter when Gale actually did feel the same as him? It seemed like it should, the word wasn't banished from his mind, and yet...
Nil's own cheeks felt warm again. His posture adjusted to lean slightly closer. His hold on Gale's hand curled a little more, even managing another subtle, gentle squeeze, and Nil shook his head. No reason to hold back, not now. Not when the remaining risk would be worth it.
"You're not. ...And there's nothing to forgive. I'd have no idea if you were stumbling. People don't--" He caught himself. "Other people don't bother with me like that. They see how I look, and then the rest of who I am is just... a challenge, or an obstacle, or extra flavor depending who you ask. So you continue to be my favorite exception." A breathy, flustered chuckle in the back of his throat, though it soon gave way to sincerity again as their eyes met.
"I like you too, Gale," Nil continued quietly. "I may not know how in the hells to do this right, but I know that much."
His smirk broadened enough for a glimpse of teeth, as dark lashes lowered partway and grey eyes flicked aside for half a breath. Nil's expression still felt too vulnerable, yet the hand beneath his was gentle and hadn't tried to pull away. It made him wonder about moving closer, but wondering was all he did. He wasn't the type people - even Gale, surely - wanted taking that sort of initiative, even for only an embrace. He was the subject of dares and bets, not genuine interest. This would be enough.
At least, until Gale cleared his throat and offered a few halting words. Nil's fingers curled around the other man's palm - but as his stare traced over every line and angle of Gale's expression, he reached a conclusion for what his favorite wizard might be trying to say. Most of Nil's smile faded. "...You can say if you don't like it, you know." Still, he was a bit slow in relaxing his hold and trailing it away from Gale's hand, to hold onto that point of warmth a moment longer. "I won't force anything."
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redteethed · 4 months
‘Bathing in Nature’ ( from gale for no reason. nope. none at all )
Send  ‘Bathing in Nature’ for the sending muse to catch the receiving muse bathing in a river or lake.
With his clothes all washed and drying in the sun, it was Nil's turn. After scrubbing sweat and vibrant paint from his face, he dove further into the lake to douse his hair and the rest of his body. Nil surfaced with a pleased sigh at the cool water in contrast to the summer sun. He made no efforts at modesty while wading back toward shore to fetch his soap. Nil knew his appearance sometimes attracted people, but with no one looking there was no reason to behave any sort of way about it. Or, he thought no one was looking.
Luckily, the person he caught staring was one he definitely didn't mind giving an eyeful to. "Want to join me?" Nil offered with an easy smile, then gestured toward Gale's clothes with the hand holding the soap. "I start sweating just looking at you in all that. Water's got a nice chill."
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