realmjit · 2 months
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realmjit · 4 months
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realmjit · 5 months
$50,000 immediately dropped into my bank account wouldn't improve EVERYTHING but boy it sure would be a grand, sexy little start to a good, happy life path, don't you think
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realmjit · 5 months
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realmjit · 9 months
Your journal became Literature.
“My livejournal? No, I shut that down. I even killed my dreamwidth account. I saved everything to a Wordperfect file. My tumbler was just recipe snark, and my facebook was a meme dump.”
Your hard drive was found, your files were hacked, and now you are a symbol of survival and independence. Young women drag out their undergraduate studies over a decade, pursuing three or four degrees without finishing. They run campaigns to build women’s health clinics in every town. They write comparative papers about you and Jane Eyre. There’s even an American Girl doll named after you.
“Oh fuck.”
You die two deaths - your physical death and your true death when your name is spoken for the last time. You, a mild-mannered introvert, have been stuck in limbo for centuries waiting for your true death, and finally found out why.
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realmjit · 9 months
Ok barbie let's go party
I had a Barbie doll when I was 8. It was a tanning Barbie, that got slightly darker on the shoulders is sunlight and you could move her shoulder strap and see the tan line. One day, she just sort of disappeared out of my hand. I set her down somewhere while I was hanging out at the neighbors' house and never saw her again. I'm pretty sure they, being boys, had a high old time playing out their serial killer fantasies, finishing off with a good laugh as they threw the parts in the trash. One of them is Deputy Director of the state prison system, now.
I never got another Barbie after that. I never had the car, the house, or anything like that. I couldn't even convince my parents to get me her horse. Just the clothes. lots of generic clothes. I lost interest in Barbie soon after, because it was something girls liked, and I didn't want to be pigeonholed. I did a lot of that -- disliking things because I was a unique individual and not A Girl. I still don't like pink, but I do enjoy cooking and baking. Never changed my mind about not having children.
My longheld disdain of all things Barbie has centered around the pink bottomless money pit of collecting all the pink accessories. Much of it, I think, is sour grapes at never having my brief foray in Barbie fandom indulged and my annoyance at the color pink. I also had zero faith in a movie based on a girl's toy.
So I went to the Barbie movie, because it was being touted as this big feminist manifesto. Barbie's purpose in the universe is to be anything she wants to be, because girls can grow up to be anything they want to be. I walked out wishing I had waited for it to come to streaming. There were some great lines about the reality of a woman's existence in the US and its cultural shadow -- the difficulty in being strong enough to stand against anything without looking unbreakable, the entire list of attributes a woman is supposed to carry without looking under- or over-burdened, and the damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't list of choices a woman is expected to make -- the big speech that happens in every piece of drama about feminism. Lots of cute moments lead up to this.
Did I like the movie? Eh. It was a better written, better acted Lifetime-Hallmark cry-umph. Romantic entanglements were minimal. I don't hate Barbie as much as I used to. I kinda want a Weird Barbie workshop where I get to chop off her hair and redo her makeup.
Random fact: Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space in 1963; Barbie got her bubble helmet in 1965.
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realmjit · 1 year
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This is maybe the funniest (worst) radfem post I've come across in a while. It was a comment about cis women getting hysterectomies.
Do y'all know how many feminists have been fighting to be allowed to get hysterectomies without a) birthing (often multiple) children or b) a husband's permission? Including many people who have extremely painful and/or dangerous uterus-related conditions, like PCOS or menorrhagia? So many doctors HATE giving hysterectomies specifically because "you really should have kids first".
Also, cis men don't need to "remove their ballsack" to avoid having kids. They get vasectomies. An incredibly simple, routine procedure.
People who are getting hysterectomies are often doing so for reasons not solely related to pregnancy - if it were just about fertility, getting your tubes tied would suffice if you were averse to other forms of birth control. My mum did that after my sister was born, and then went back in for a hysterectomy a few years later because her periods were agonising. My aunty also had a hysto several years back, because not only were her periods agonising, but they would cause flare ups in some of her other conditions.
I just... how are you calling yourself a feminist while advocating for LESS bodily autonomy for women? How can you act like women are being stupid or reckless in their choice to get a hysto and not see the indescribable misogyny you're utilising?
"It's never [cis] men who remove an organ just because they don't want it" yeah, I wonder if that's because they don't have an organ that causes agonising blood loss on a monthly basis? Like... nobody's out here getting kidneys removed for fun. It's a very specific organ only being removed for very specific, personal reasons.
It's my body, not yours. Hands the fuck off.
*This post is authored by a trans person. If you're agreeing with me about this topic while being against trans healthcare, consider that your whole ideology is built in opposition to bodily autonomy for people outside your ideals of gender. Sit with that information.*
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realmjit · 1 year
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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realmjit · 1 year
Holy fuck 3/4 of this is me at a social event
Amnesia Dialogue Prompts
"I'm sorry, but who are you?"
"How would I know if anything you tell me about myself is the truth?"
"I have no idea how I should feel about you."
"You look familiar. I just can't quite remember how I know you."
"I don't know who you are, I mean, I don't even know who I am, but I do know that I can trust you."
"When you called me by my name... I felt nothing."
"I know you're mad at me for things I've done, but I have no memories of them, so please tell me how to fix this."
"If I never get my memories back... I would need to start all over. My whole life."
"I've seen pictures of myself with people I don't know and in places I don't remember."
"Tell me lies and I will believe you."
"Maybe it will all come back. One trigger word or a smell and I know everything again. I'm not sure I would even want that anymore."
"I'm tired of not knowing myself."
"I always thought not knowing you be better. Ignorance is bliss. But it's much worse."
"Do you know how much it hurts to hear someone say they love you and they're strangers to you?"
"I'm not sure I like the person people tell that I was."
How to write amnesia + Amnesia Prompts
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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realmjit · 2 years
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realmjit · 2 years
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again with the beef bouillon cubes. cut the water, use beef stock. if there’s fat on the beef, use that instead of shortening to grease the pan and keep the meat from sticking. Sage would be good.
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realmjit · 2 years
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If you’re going to buy cans of baked beans, may as well pick up pre-made beef stock instead of bouillon cubes. And use up the whole package of bacon while you're at it. 
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realmjit · 2 years
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About the only useful information in this is the advice to season your meat, wrap it in foil, and stash it near a fire for a bit. Also note that a large chunk of meat will take a long time to cook. There are whole cooking shows about barbecue that are better than this. Go forth, young chef, nd fine them.
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realmjit · 2 years
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In our house, we call them āhuacatl like the Aztecs did, because that means tesiticle. and hoo boy, just lettuce and ãhuacatl? Throw some tomatoes in there.
As for the 3bean salad: Fresh beans are easily found, but kidney beans are sold dry, so canned is easier.
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realmjit · 2 years
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Okay, Cole slaw. Cabbage, check. green pepper, okay. Dressing looks good. 
Where’s the rest? No carrots? red cabbage? broccoli? Seriously, there should be a whole crudité platter shredded up in there. Heck, you can get undressed coleslaw in a bag at the grocery store. If you’re really lazy, there’s premade slaw dressing and premade slaw. But do try your hand at making your own. Spike it up with garlic  or celery salt. Note that the picture shows a dusting of paprika on top.
By the way, throwing the veg in a blender with water is how to fine-chop veg without a processor or salad shooter.
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realmjit · 2 years
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Oh damn. This actually looks good. #oldRecipes
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realmjit · 2 years
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I firmly approve of greasing the skillet with a bit of trimmed pork fat, then using the rendered fat to fry up the potatoes. But this thing lost me with the whole “1 package of our scalloped potatoes”.  If you really want scalloped potatoes, buy a mandolin slicer and a proper bag of potatoes. Then make a bechamel sauce. Add whatever seasonings your heart desires.
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