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The second fic I drew for!! @theladysherlock ‘s fic, Consultations! Since my markers ran out for Crawford Investigations, I had to resort to digital art. Because I’m not 100% good at digital, I only did a few strips because quality > quantity. I LOVED her flolly fic, guys, the gay was…so pure…the precious cinnabuns. So check out her fic and I hope you like my art!!
Click on photos for captions that feature my thoughts at the particular scene!
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really obscure theory
*spoilers from the creeping shadow in here, so if you haven’t finished book four, you probably shouldn’t read this*
lucy is insanely powerful. we all know how amazing her talent is, and how she is one of the only people known to be able to communicate with type three ghosts.
well, what if somehow, that talent was shared through blood?
the thought of talent being passed through generations has come to me before. you see families like lockwoods who have a lot of talent, and families like lucy’s who are mostly dry (more on that later.) so that’s kinda what this theory is based off of.
so, penelope fittes is really marissa. we’re not sure what really happened to the real penelope and her mother, but in order for this to work, let’s say they both escaped and went off to go live somewhere away from london.
what if penelope got pregnant while on the run? she is around forty or fifty, i’m assuming, so if she got pregnant when she was in her twenties, her child would be around 14 or 15. guess who else is around that age?
none other than lucy carlyle. it would have been easy for penelope to want to give her child up for adoption, especially if they weren’t living in very nice conditions.
now we don’t really know much about her family or what they look like, and she was the youngest, so it works. (it’s been a while since i’ve read the first book, so this may be impossible, but stroud didn’t really give us much so i think it fits.)
i’ve always thought it was really suspicious that there is only two people that have this incredible power, and that they both are important to the story. in marissa’s case, it makes more sense; she was the one who practically started this new era with ghosts. but, supposedly, lucy is just a random girl fighting ghosts with her best friends.
(this is kinda a separate theory, but what if lucy can control ghosts with her emotions? think about it. one of the worst times in the history of ghosts was when she was really lonely and by herself. idk i just think it makes sense)
anyways, this is probably a big mess, but i thought i should share it with you, because i think it’s pretty neat. tell me what you think!
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i’m so ready for the fifth book, because then our what ifs turn into oh nos and screams
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so, i drew lockwood to let some of my pre-teg nerves out 😬 i really like it, i was going for a "let's kill everyone i want to win" kinda vibe (i feel like lockwood really fits the fall out boy vibe)
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hey uh, this is the fanfic i wrote! it kinda ties into @askthespianjeremy (although a little more far paced) id appreciate it if you read it and gave me feedback!
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A particularly annoying ghost is haunting the Ravenclaw tower, stopping Holly from studying. If she could convince anyone to take her problem seriously, maybe she’d be able to stop it and focus on exams - or maybe she’ll just spend the rest of her seventh year with yet another annoying companion, of the spectral instead of friendly sort.
Here is my @lockwoodandcobigbang fic!! Thanks to @thebedazzleddementor for Beta-ing!!
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sidenote, if lockwood and lucy weren't as intuitive and quick on their feet they could've died while in the other side
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theories for the side effects lockwood and lucy have
because they went to the other side, they never loose their powers. somehow, being in the ghost world made them more permanent (and more stronger.
lucy freaks out. she subconsciously really hates her powers, and was really ready for them to go away. they’re just so overwhelming for her. they keep getting more powerful, and they obviously harm her.
lockwood is excited at first. he has always been worried about what he would do without his powers in the future, considering he has no high school education. so he can just fight ghosts for the rest of his life. it’s perfect for him.
but, after a while, he breaks down, too. ghosts just really get to him after a while. his sight is so powerful that he can see almost every ghost vividly. he really panics when he starts to see his sister.
lockwood and lucy never appear to age. they do actually age; they will eventually die, but, somehow, being in the ghost world stopped their aging. so, for the rest of their lives, they’re stuck as teenagers.
and yeah, that's really all i have. i was gonna do more, but i never ended up finishing it, so this is all ya got. sorry!
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// ed sheeran - supermarket flowers //  
and when god takes you back we’ll say 
 you’re home
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reblog if the first musical you ever listened to was not hamilton
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The first time Kipps and Lockwood met, probably
Lockwood: What is this feeling, so sudden and new?
Kipps: I felt the moment I laid eyes on you
Lockwood: My pulse is rushing
Kipps: My head is reeling.
Lockwood: My face is flushing (?)
Together: Oh what is this feeling?! Furvid as a flame. Does it have a name? Yes...
Together: Loathing. Unadulterated loathing.
Lockwood: for your face
Kipps: your voice
Lockwood: your clothing
Together: let's just say, I loathe it all.
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pages 384-385, the creeping shadow
“and there, slouching in a corner by the sidewall, a thin and ragged youth, hair spiked, hands in pockets, staring at me. he stood amid a pile of discarded jars and boxes. he was as gray as the inhabitants of the dark village, except for his grin, which gleamed sardonically even in the swirling dusk and was somehow most familiar. he stretched out an arm, pointed behind me.”
what the heck
What the heck
W. H. A. T. T. H. E. H. E. C. K.
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lockwood and co??
how bout lockwood and no
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what i know, is that you're putting your own curiosity over the safety of your team! risk your own skin if you must, but - holly's? lucy's? do you want any other deaths connected to your name?
- jonathan stroud, the creeping shadow, p. 351
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Two characters that I’ve grown to love as the series progresses: the super-efficient assistant and the sour rival.
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i’ve missed you so much, lucy.” “okay, what with the wig and the makeup, and his blacked-out teeth, he didn’t look too great then; but behind his gappy grin shone the old lockwood smile, and that smile and those words together swept everything else aside. all guilt and queasiness were gone, and i was conscious of nothing other than the thrill of being there with him.
jonathan stroud, the creeping shadow, p. 233
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