raphael-schreave · 2 years
Challenge 8 (Part 3) The... END?
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[Anya’s Message]
After a rollercoaster of an eighth season for the OC, I just would like to thank everyone for being with us and sharing your time as we all try to get by during this scarily uncertain time. We started the OC sometime during the start of my senior year, and I’m only now two months away from graduating! Having the OC has helped keep me sane at my last uni year here at home, and I’d like to thank all of you for wanting to be a part of this. I’ve always wanted to be host and you guys have brought such an amazing cast of characters with rich backstories into the mix. So thank you thank you thank you for making this OC come to life. 
To Myr, who brought in Alassie and kept her principles and advocacies rooted in valid and important issues faced by Indigenous People and have made some of the spiciest edits through her edits and the details in those song titles. 
To Ana, who created Suzy with her fearlessness to have fun but also have fun with Raffy and her constant energy in RPs. 
To Bri, who always makes wonderful characters like Ivy who just knows how to hit the right romantic moment beats in RPs. 
To Milo, who continues to write some of the funniest dialogue with Rhea and some of the best and funniest grade A fics. 
To Sanji, whose put in so much wonderful effort and detail with Diana and who I still suspect as Lady Illéa– I hope she becomes the embodiment of “mom I am a rich man. 
To Simone, with her attention to detail in creating such real-feeling characters that is so alive in Nellie who we hope would reach her dreams and would heal from her past with her parents. 
To Ester, we hope engineering exams are treating you well and who has brought in such detail and fun with Kaden into Sam’s life and making him so flustered. 
To Emi, who continues to pull off such rich and beautiful characters with fics to match in Andreia, and keeps Archie’s life just as colorful and grounded. 
To Anna, who never fails to bring characters out with such elaborate details that are fun to always look back on with Meredith. 
To Elise, who keeps RPs always spicy and fun and for collectively making all of us 🔪🔪🔪 against the character of Illinois Jones with Ramona and bringing in the live ape cam and being our trusty song blogger and tagger.  
Most especially, I’d want to thank Chris, beautiful and wonderful and ever patient Chris who listened to my own crack theories about everyone and for grounding me when things in the OC became overwhelming. I couldn’t have asked for a better co-host who brought to life half of the cast of characters we had, bringing in our steadfast Sam and our lovable Archie into the side romance team and making Sam and Archie her own characters which are better than any way I could have played them. It’s been an honor to be your co-host and you’re always one of my reasons for going at it. Here’s to retirement? HAHA
Lastly, Elise and Anna: who have made it literally phYSICALLY AND MATHEMATICALLY difficult to choose a winner between Ramona and Meredith, you’ve done both great jobs throughout this whole OC. Thank you for giving this so much of your effort and energy and making this such a difficult decision. 
Alright so this is it! This is Anya, OC-veteran signing off for OC 8. 
Love, Anya 
[ Chris’ message ]
HELLO! for the last time from this account, I suppose, which is sad but refreshing at the same time... I have been feeling a bit emotional lately so I’m sorry if this gets... weird or like “what are you even talking about, Chris.” 
First of all you must remember how terrified I was to host an OC before I begged Anya to join the ride and I want to thank for all the encouraging and supportive words back then. It wasn’t so hard to convince me, but it was certainly hard to calm my nerves. You all did great at that! I’m glad you did because otherwise I really wouldn’t have done it and I would miss the opportunity to finally host with Anya. Many of you maybe don’t know but she and I had tried to host before a few times and... we are here now! at the end of this OC! All because she took well to accept me, and share with me all these characters she already had created. I’m still thinking Anya was incredibly kind to share Archie, Alessandra, Samuel and Bellamy for me to make them part mine to mess with hehe I certainly hope still I didn’t ruin the image she had of them. 
It was as challenging as incredible to host this OC along side with Anya. She always being ahead, anticipating things, using her magical and amazingly useful documents, sheets, CODE!! I was in awe! During this process we stressed, we work hard, we... get conflicted sometimes haha but not more than we enjoyed and scream with every epic moment you all help us create in rps and for that I’m beyond thankful. 
THANK YOU, really thank you for letting us meet these special ladies. Not only special as character but also as ideas that came out of your creative minds. I know how much energy, research and love it’s behind a character and having that in mind I am still excited about the fact I had the opportunity to interact with almost everyone of them!! I wish everyone could get someone but unfortunately, there’s a limit of voices I can keep inside my head before it explodes! But your characters were unique in their own ways and getting to know their goals, their motivations and their vulnerabilities was a BIG deal for me! Thank you everyone again for let them apply to this selection and making each rp this thing full of emotions!! jdfkjhgbfg Thank you also for bear with us! 
I still remember how HARD was to make decisions when it was my turn to make them and I really don’t miss those times but I still mean what I say on those posts. Thanks for going for the sides and show them so much love. I really enjoyed the fact they were able not only to find ~true love~ but also to develop nice and meaningful friendships.
I don’t address you individually because Anya already do that and I can’t do it better.
As I said we cried, we SCREAM (in a good and in a bad way sometimes), we get  🥺🥺🥺 but most of all I had and I’m still having FUN!!! My men got their good share of gorgeous, talented, and extremely wonderful girls courtesy of two excellent friends Emi and Ester who have been the most comprehensive and now have to deal with my ideas and my random babbling about future plans, etc... I really hope they have the nerve to shut me up when it’s needed hahaha. I know Archie and Samuel LOVE their girls SO SO SO MUCH no matter what they are saying or doing because you know men are dumb. 
In resume, recognition to everyone for the effort, for the creativeness, for being here despite how hard real life can get with school, work, thesis, family, holidays... In the end, the idea is to get some fun and nice distraction from all that, in this game. Hope you, after all enjoyed it as much as I did /do <333 
Recognition and standing ovation for Anya. I’m a witness of how hard he worked and how every decision she took was thoughtful and taken with the best intentions (including this last one. Believe me it took a while! We analyzed EVERYTHING! ) and even most of the times putting everything before her own health (tsk tsk) but I love this team we made!! <333
So see you at group chats and rps! 
Retirement? ... Look, I really need to get into searching my rl true love, okay?! 
Did you read all that?? kjdsngg then thanks again hahaha 
Bye OC8  with my sentimental heart...  - Chris
To Lady Illéa, Song Blog, SOC8 Memes, and Swendway, Chris and Anya would also like to thank all the extra pages in the OC who made some of the funniest content in making the OC World more real, funny, and spicy!
Without further ado, Chris and Anya present to you: The Final Fic.
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
Almost done
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Hello everyone! It’s us again. We are almost at the end of this OC dsjhgbfg and we are more than exciting to know who’s going to be the next queen and Raffy’s true love. But in the meantime we are here to finally resolve your doubts, untangle the confusion, and put an end to the speculations hehe. 
We had so much fun reading your theories and we hope you had fun trying to solve the mystery. Really THANK YOU so much for playing along with us :´)
Without further due please click on [[ HERE ]] (12.1K) to read the RP before reading the rest below
What happens after that?
Raffy gets cleared for all the tests they’ve done— but obviously Doctor’s Advice was given about his condition. 
DKA definitely takes time to recover physically so it was agreed among the doctors and the family that Raffy should take time off. 
So it was decided on that same day that Syl would take over the regency briefly until Raffy is okay which doctors advised should be at least a month. 
The press release was out the next day with the new decree on Dec. 31.
Bellamy and Sylvan wait the year they promised, but a year became two and three until they decided they were going to stick together because time made them realized how much they loved each other and to make time for their relationship in the middle of all their work.
Sandra always have loved her family a lot, but deep down she wished for a normal life out of the spotlight and the public expectations, that’s why when the time came she decided to make a life out of the Royal life and got rid of her title. 
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
Challenge 8 (Part 2) : The Break (Finale)
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You’ve read it right, due to popular demand OOC, Raffy is officially on a break and Uncle Syl is Prince Regent!  While he is on break, Raffy continues to recover and honestly get a well-deserved break in Conway. 
During this break for the entirety of January, Raffy would be officially focusing on the last leg of the Selection aka this last challenge before he makes his big decision. 
For our final two Selected: OOC, you will be picking a date idea that must be done outside of the palace and within the area of Conway. (the town). 
In the OC, it’ll be the date idea Raffy intended to take them. The dates that these final dates happen will remain ambiguous, meaning we won’t know which RP happens chronologically ahead of the other. 
This is to prepare for the intended endings of these dates. These final date RPs will go on for two weeks OOC, and will eventually be paused with a cliffhanger wherein it resumes once the final announcement is out for us OOC. The RP would have him revealing to your OC, that he has made a decision and what that decision is. 
Kaden Price
Andreia Oliveira-Knight
The two girls were notified about their official elimination but they were invited to stay as guests for the New Year’s celebrations if they want to stay in Conway Castle and taking their leave whenever they want until January 4th.
To our two Side Romances ladies, thank you for being with us for this whole ride. Chris and I are very excited to see what happens between Kaden/Sam and Andreia/Archie now that these ladies are technically free of the Selection. ;) As the chat name goes: the story continues,,,, ;))))))                                                                                 -Anya
As I have said many times before I feel so happy that Archie and Samuel got to be with two incredible ladies. (One of them not really deserving it and the other never imagined it could happen to him haha.) I’m really excited to know what happens next with these two relationships and I just hope you guys are having as much fun as I am! Thank you Emi and Ester :))                                                                                   -Chris
This challenge is a little more ambiguous in terms of date depending on the ending, but expect OC-verse-wise, this challenge happens from January 5 – January 21, 2171. 
OOC this challenge pauses on Saturday, March 9, 2022 for the decision to be made. One week will be asked for Chris and Anya to discuss, deliberate, and write a final decision fic. 
On March 16, the final fic and the decision will be posted. WE’RE VERY EXCITED! 
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. Of course we didn’t forget about everyone’s questions, theories, and conspiracies on the leak. Tune in to our post next week for that final piece of information ;)
Our (Last) Table Arrangement
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
Bonus: Coronation Day
Greetings from Anya and Chris!  As we announced in the GC, we will be extending the challenge until February 23, 2022 (6 PM). While we prepare for the grand finale 😈, here is a bit of bonus material from the two of us. This was actually our first RP as most of the characters, and we hope you are entertained and perhaps a little enlightened ;) by this.  Find the Coronation RP here
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
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Still Life with Books, Jan Davidsz. de Heem, 1625 - 1630 (detail)
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
Challenge 8 (Part 1): The Emergency
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Hello, hello! Welcome to the first part of our last challenge this OC.
Please read this fic first: [[ ficlet ]]
What Happened
As you read from the fic above, the stress as well as fatigue, finally got to Raffy (among other factors). Due to his Insulet’s Cannula (needle) being bent and not going through his skin properly when he replaced it the day before (right before Christmas Eve Dinner), he’s gone without insulin for almost a whole day leading his Blood Sugar reaching a BSL of 724. This all leads him to go into Diabetic Ketoacidosis, going unconscious and unresponsive, and in need of immediate medical attention. This is what happens on Tuesday, December 25 from 6:34 PM:
Right before dinner Plato starts barking indicating something is amiss. 
Archie was heading to Raffy’s room to finally talk to him.
Archie hears Plato and hurries into Raffy’s room finding him unconscious laying on the floor in his room.
Archie breaks down crouching by his cousin's side and calls for Officer Sheridan screaming for help.
Sheridan comes in and the family comes out of their chambers to see what happens. 
The doctor comes shortly after and Raffy is moved to the hospital wing and into ICU to go on an insulin drip. (Note: The hospital wing is on the second floor on the other side of the Selected rooms so probably they would be able to see everyone as they head to it.)
A few hours later the doctor informs the family that Raffy is awake and that they can see him.  (The selected are updated too but they are not permitted to see him yet.)
Raffy stays in the ICU until December 27.
From December 28 to December 29 Raffy is moved to a regular hospital room much more recovered and the visits are now open to everyone including the selected. 
OOC this challenge ends on Saturday, February 19, 2022.
For everyone, have an RP with Raffy while he’s in regular care in the hospital from 28-29. 
Cornelia Fisher @nellie-fisher​
​ We want to thank Simone for her participation in this OC. We have had so much fun RP-ing with such a great and complete character.
Table Settings 
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
A Christmas Eve Interlude
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*record scratch* We Interrupt this Challenge for a Christmas Eve Interlude. 🎄🎅❄
Read the RP here 
Once you’re done reading, click the Keep Reading. Again, please read the RP first before you look under the Keep Reading. 
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Press Drop #13 |  Alessandra Atkins
Featuring @alessandra-schreave​
Published by Blab Magazine on December 24, 2170
OOC: Welcome to Part 1 of what will be leading to our last and final Challenge, Challenge 8. Part 2 will be coming this Wednesday, 6PM. 
To be continued
- Anya and Chris 🤠
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
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Press Drop #12 |   A Chance for the Spare? More Likely than you Think: What happens if King Raphael becomes incapacitated by chronic illness
Featuring @raphael-schreave and @sylvan-schreave
Published by  Laureen Kentworthy and Olga Wright for Capitol Eyes on December 11, 2170
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
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Press Drop #11: Prince of Hearts
Featuring @archibald-schreave @ramona-lisa @rey-oliveira @theotherladydi @raphael-schreave
Published by Exposé on December 20th, 2170
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
Challenge 7: The Photoshoot
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Hello, Welcome to Conway Castle! aka Challenge 7: The Photoshoot! 
On November 25, the remaining members of the Elite will be brought to Conway Castle in Conway, Hansport. The usual Selected program resumes a few days after they all arrive which mostly begins with preparations for: a Selection Photoshoot! 
The Photoshoot will be happening on the afternoon of December 2, where after a week of preparation and fittings, the girls will be having an official Holiday themed Photoshoot with Raffy. The photos will be used for media publications after the month™️ the country had after the earthquake and to get people to focus that the Selection is still going on. Bianca will also be flying from Angela’s with the Selection Communications Team to help arrange the shoot. 
For the ladies who are still here for Raffy, it will be to have an RP of the two of them during the photoshoot (getting their photos taken by a photographer trusted by the royal family).
For our side love interests, you will not be required to have a photoshoot RP with Raffy but you can have one if you would want to. 
For everyone: Post what exactly your OC would be wearing for the photoshoot, with the dress code/theme being more glamorous, formal, and elegant. Raffy will be in the shoot wearing his full regalia (crown included 😉). 
Side RPs
Everyone can have a side RP that goes on anytime during the challenge with any character. The limit will still be at a limit of 2 side RPs. Enjoy the snowy ~vibes!! ❄️ RPs can happen on the premises of Conway Castle or even outside. 
This challenge will be going on from November 25 - December 24, 2170 in the OC-universe.
On December 24th  the Royals will host the Family’s Annual Christmas Eve dinner for the Schreave family and the selected. They will be informed about this by December 15. 
Please note that any RPs in this challenge should happen until the afternoon of December 24, before said dinner.
OOC, this challenge will be held for three (3) weeks from January 15 - February 5, 2021. 
For the previous challenge, we will now be saying goodbye to two wonderful people but we’d like to thank Rhea James @rheajames​ (Milo) and Diana Devan @theotherladydi​ (Sanji) for being with us for the OC. 
At the end of Challenge 7, there will be another round of eliminations. 
Seating Arrangements
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
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Press Drop #9: Vegas’s Favorite Showgirl
Featuring @rheajames
Published on November 2170
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
Any tattoos?
Just a small one on my ankle I got when I was 18, it’s the letter S. It was for my mom.
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
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Press Drop #8 |  Lady Ivy Min, #OutcastForQueen
Featuring @ivy-min
Published by the Tatter on October 2170
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
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Press Drop #7: Ten Times the Cambridge-Devans Screwed Each Other After the Divorce
Featuring @theotherladydi
Published by the Grapevine on November 2170
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
what's your favorite thing about each of the remaining selected?
((Someone also asked for 1 thing he likes about everyone so this is kind of a combo of it))
Meredith: she does these rhymes when she speaks like later and alligator
Diana: The way her tenacity shines and how she can keep her chin up in the most difficult situations
Ramona: her brows, more expressive sometimes than her own eyes, when they knit, when they rise and everything in between
Rhea: There’s a sing song quality in her voice that I like listening to
Cornelia: Everytime after she has a serious look on her face and then she smiles
Kaden: The rings she’s always got on and I can’t keep track of how many she actually owns
Andreia: her ability to interpret and have some kind of direct line to the meaning of art pieces
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raphael-schreave · 2 years
Challenge 6 Updates
Hey everyone!
Just to update everyone, we’ve decided to extend Challenge 6 by one week since the Holidays happened and don’t want to hastily finish the RPs.
Another spicy update is that this challenge will have two eliminations. The reason why we haven’t done it before is because we wanted all to have the opportunity to rp the awesome characters you created as the families and friends of your selected ladies, but unfortunately the time has come to narrow the number down in order to keep the game going as usual and ease on the load heading towards the end of the OC.
This Challenge will end on January 15, 2022, and eliminations + the new challenge will be posted on January 15, 6PM — Saturday.
- Anya and Chris
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