randosrandomrhetoric · 2 months
Final Fantasy Games Ranked
Now, to get a few rules set up. This will only be ranking 13 of the 15 mainline entries of the series. So this means that all spinoffs, such as the best game in the franchise, Final Fantasy Tactics, will not be included. Neither will sequels, such as X-2, or the MMOs, 11 and 14. The reason for the latter is that they can vary WILDLY patch to patch, and I'm not super familiar with the changes. Now let's get on with the List.
Number 13: Final Fantasy 2
I know I'm not the first to call this the worst, and its reputation speaks for itself to most. Those of you not familiar with this one, I'm not sure where to even begin. We can say that it's the poor story, unremarkable cast, or the baffling leveling system. The fact of the matter is, there's just really nothing to like about this game for the most part. Some of the ports and remakes try and fix this, but there's just so much fundamentally wrong that there's just no really correcting it. So, unless you're trying to complete every game in the series, I say just avoid this one.
Grade: F
Number 12: Final Fantasy 3
Now, this is where things get hard for me because, aside from 2, every entry has a lot to offer and has a lot to criticize. I've struggled to put this one here, but only because I feel its negatives are just a bit heavier than its other siblings. This game started one of the best RPG systems that I love for FF: Changing Jobs at any time. The biggest complaint is that while it started this, others perfected it. The story is fairly decent, if not standard. 4 warriors of light journey to protect the crystals. It's just a more in-depth version of the story of FF1. The ultimate thing that kills this game for me is the absurdly difficult final dungeon. It goes from a pretty difficult game to REALLY difficult without you grinding like crazy. So if you want to see the start of the proper job system, check this one out. Otherwise, it's passable
Grade: D+
Number 11: Final Fantasy 12
How mad are some of you right now? I know what some people are thinking: How is this on here before 13?! Hear me out. This is one of, if not, the best looking PS2 games ever made. It's got great Cut Scenes, the character models are great, and the environments and cities all look amazing. So what do I not like about it? Nearly everything else about this game. You have 2 main party members who are completely pointless. The gameplay can be tweaked, even a lot of the bosses, to where you don't even have to touch your controller. People can say 13 plays itself, but 12 literally can. Aside from Balthazar, every character in this game lacks charisma, or any strong traits at all for that matter. The license board is a poor idea as well, I have to get permission to equip a feathered hat? If not for the spectacle of this game it'd be lower for me. A lot of people like this one, but I say skip it.
Grade: C-
Number 10: Final Fantasy 13
Even to this day, this is a gorgeous game and a shining example of 7th gen graphics. So, how did it get here? This is one of the most divisive games in the franchise. The positives of the game? An interesting take on the job system, gorgeous visuals, and really well voice acted. The paradigm shift mechanic is pretty neat, and it's what makes it more involved than 12's combat system. The negative aspects? Again, I have to say: Everything else. With the game being mostly just hallways, one of the most unlikable casts in franchise history, as well as my least favorite character period. Looking at you, Hope! The story itself isn't bad and has some nice ideas. The cast at least feels connected to the plot as well. These very small and minor things are what put it above 12 for me. Another one that if you're not a hardcore fan, you should pass
Grade: C
Number 9: Final Fantasy 15
This is the game that I struggle with the most to place, but I feel like it can't sit anywhere else on this list. While this game started as a spinoff, it developed into a full-fledged entry. Due to a troubled development cycle, this is one of the most flawed games of the series. A lot of these flaws were kind of ironed out in subsequent patches and DLCs, but upon release, this game was barely more than mid. Needless to say, the game is beautiful, with the best summon spectacles in franchise history. A mediocre story, with a small but honestly great cast of guys, keeps this from being any lower, but not good enough to get higher. If it weren't for the absolute slog that is the back half of the game, this would definitely rate higher on my list. It's definitely worth a playthrough if you're into Final Fantasy.
Grade: C
Number 8: Final Fantasy
The game that started it all. Admittedly, from a technical, storytelling, and graphical standpoint, the previous games were better than this, but I just couldn't bring myself to not take its legacy into consideration. The gameplay is simplistic, the narrative is barely there, and there's so many things that have been improved on. Despite all of that, there's still this aura about the game knowing not only did it revolutionize RPGs on consoles, but started the juggernaut that is this franchise. While it may be antiquated by today's sensibilities, and many will find it hard to go back to, I can't help but recommend that people should at least get eyes on this, just to see how far the series has come. So, for nostalgia sake, I recommend checking this one out.
Grade: C+
Number 7: Final Fantasy 8
We now are at my least favorite of what I refer to as: The Classics. For a PS1 game, this game looked amazing, a running theme admittedly, and has what is one of my favorite systems in an RPG game ever, the Junction System. This system is also, what ultimately leads to its downfall. This is by far the easiest game in the franchise. With enemies always being your level, to the awesome powers your GFs get, and the sheer exploitative nature of the Junction system leads to a cakewalk of a game. If the story was better, or if it had a likable MC, this game would be so much higher. Squall is just so unlikable. Even after he "grows," he still just comes off unappealing to me. With the story just going from "Let's fight this sorceress!" to "Now let's fight another sorceress who's from the moon!" and finally,"Let's fight ANOTHER sorceress…from the future!". The game is just inconsistent. I hate to love it, it's got Triple Triad for God's sake, and I recommend this one.
Grade: B
Number 6: Final Fantasy 4
Now, a lot of problems I have with 8's story are present in this game as well. It's "Gotta protect these 4 crystals!" To "Oh no, we failed but there's 4 more crystals we have to get, but in the underworld!" to finally "We gotta get those OTHER crystals…from the moon!". Coupled with the 3 or 4 instances of "Hey we got an airship! Oh it got destroyed, but we got a new one!". Combined with the constant coming and going/deaths of multiple party members, this game just feels like it's jumping through hoops to tell, admittedly, a good story of redemption and accepting your past. With likable characters and good twists and turns in the narrative. These factors are what puts it over 8 for me, despite it having a much more basic gameplay.
Grade: B
Number 5: Final Fantasy 6
We have now entered the hallowed Top 5! Here on out, there's not going to be a lot of negatives to really complain about. With a very diverse cast of characters, several with their own mechanics, one of the greatest villains in gaming history and with one of the most iconic sounds in gaming, there's a lot to love here. So what puts it below the others? That honestly boils down to me not playing it when I was a kid, so I don't have as much nostalgia for it. This is one of the greatest SNES games of all time, and should be experienced by everyone. It has a great story, memorable fights, and one of the most memorable scenes in gaming: the opera. Combine all of this with amazing sprites, cool old school effects, being able to suplex a train, there's no reason anyone should not play this. Especially since the pixel remaster is out, I can't recommend this one enough.
Grade: A
Number 4: Final Fantasy 7
And in this corner we have the towering behemoth known as Final Fantasy 7. A dynasty unto itself. With multiple spinoffs, animes, a big budget CGI movie, and so much other merchandise. It's not really hard to see why so many people love this game. I know for myself, this was my first RPG proper, that I played. With amazing cut scenes, for its time, the charming, if not silly, Lego style sprites, to the bombastic story, and its now iconic cast of characters, including another of the most notable villains in gaming. This game has had more of an impact than any other entry in this franchise, and it shows with the recent full blown remake on modern day consoles. While it may have garnered an "overrated" status by a lot of people these days, and it does have its flaws, such as the poor translation being a highlight, there's just always been something special about this game for me. It was my first JRPG love and maybe that has blinded me, but hey, I've had more than my share of fun, so who cares. Very much recommended.
Grade: A
Number 3: Final Fantasy X
This game may have gotten this high due to my own cherished memories of playing this with my, now deceased, brother. That being said, I feel its placement is also justified by the game itself. With one of the strongest casts, an interesting leveling system in the sphere grid, being the first fully voice casted, looking absolutely stunning, and one of the best stories in the series. This game was the peak of turn- based combat, with the ability to switch members on the fly, each character's weapons having unique advantages against certain enemies, and the ability to manage your turn order with certain spells and abilities. Hell, I even like Blitzball, but to hell with the lightning dodging minigame. I'm also a sucker for a more jovial protagonist, rather than the broody ones the series has mostly consisted of. Easily one of the most emotional games in the series, and it comes with a big recommendation.
Grade: A+
Number 2: Final Fantasy 9
Hands down my favorite protagonist and cast of characters in the entire series, save for a certain red headed monk stand in. There's not really any negatives I can pick out, although some may find the art style a turn off, though I do not. With a fun system of learning skills from equipment, and the character all harking back to the classic jobs, such as Zidane is a Thief and Freya is a Dragoon, it feels like a love letter to the classic Final Fantasy games, after years of the more kinda Sci Fi fantasy style. With a more whimsical, yet still mature enough story, this game embodies everything that Final Fantasy games stood for, for so long. For the longest time this was my favorite in the mainline series, but several years ago I went on a journey through the entire franchise, and I found a new king. Being as it's the only one left, it's obvious which one I'm referring to.
Grade: A+
Number 1: Final Fantasy 5
Here it is, the big winner, FF5. Now I'll be the first to admit that the gameplay plays a huge part in this decision. Now that's not to say that that's the only merit for it, far from it. With one of the most adorable scenes in the franchise, where everyone is enamored by a party member's sleeping face, a great recurring boss, to the best death out of all the games, yes even better than Aerith's. Combine all of that, with the best implementation of the job system outside of Tactics, which I am an absolute sucker for, it makes for my game to play in the whole series. Discovering this game for the first time was something, as it was not available in the states till its release in the ps1, which was not the best port,I didn't play it till the Steam release. If you like Final Fantasy Tactics, this is an absolute must play. If I could only pick one to play ever again this is mine.
Grade: S
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randosrandomrhetoric · 6 months
Rando's Top Ten Command Grabs
Keeping in line with my first post, I think I'm going to continue that grappler love and list out my 10 favorite command grabs in fighting games. After this one, the next post WILL be more random of a subject, but I just wanna get this one out. To make this more interesting, I'm going to limit it to one per character and one character per franchise. Unless some monstrous epiphany happens that I can't ignore anyway. I'm also going to try and include some Gifs of the moves, but a couple I just couldn't find one for.
10. Muscle Buster
(King, Tekken Series)
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It's one of my favorite wrestling moves ever, although it's done a bit safer in real life. It is placed here because although the game does a great job of selling the move, with great camera cuts and high impact sounds, it falls a bit flatter in pure flare. It lacks the sheer bombastic nature of its, mostly 2d, counterpart, which means that it's still great enough to land on the list, just not great enough to overcome the spectacles to come.
9. Grave Digger
(Solomon Grundy, Injustice)
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Born on a Monday, grabbed you on Tuesday. Solomon Grundy was the grappler for the first injustice game, and he wasn't bad at it. His super consists of him stabbing you with a knflife from his own back and ending with a tombstone, and not the Undertaker kind, to the head. Again, it may not be the flashiest grab, but there is a nice cadence and pacing to it that just gives it the right amount of impact, enough that it beat Number 10 by just a hair.
8. Moonlight Shake
(Condor, Breakers Revenge)
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This one is just pure fun to watch. It's got the right amount of absurdity but still has spectacle and impact. Whether it's the spins or the explosions upon impact, Moonlight Shake has everything you'd want in an old 2d command grab. While Breakers Revenge may have faded into obscurity, I'll never forget the first time I saw this move. My Zangief loving brain was instantly drawn to it. If you love grapplers and you get the chance to play this game, you should strive to hit this every match. It's pure satisfaction.
7. Darun Super Bomb
(Darun Mister, Fight Ex Layer)
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While the above gif may not be the exact one, it's pretty much the tamer version. Just picture more rotations and an explosion. This one names it here for 2 reasons. 1. I love powerbombs, and 2. The absurdity of the spins just gives it the right amount of flare. While Darun may have started in StrretFighter Ex, I'm choosing his Fighting Ex Layer version here. His appearance also adds to the fun of the move, with his proto-hakan look and one of the best mustaches in gaming.
6. The Man Series: Brofist 
(Kanji Tatsumi, Persona 4: Arena Ultimax)
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First off, unfortunately, I couldn't find a gif of this one, but let's not let that ruin an amazing grab. After tossing the opponent into the air Kanji's persona, Take-Mikazuchi blasts them back down, and then they sandwich the opponent between their fists. With the presentation of P4AU, this super comes off with tons of flare and impact, and being essentially a duo technique, it just looks rad. It's one of my favorite insta-kills in the game and one of my favorite grabs ever.
5. King of Tager
(Iron Tager, Blazblue)
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Sadly, this is the other one I dont have a gif for. So picture if you will, Tager picks you up over his head, he begins pulsing with energy, then he leaps up into the atmosphere, and drives you into the ground, as he slowly walks out of the crater he created. I think that visual speaks for itself. This is one of the best, visually, looking command grabs in fighting games period. If I were younger and didn't have the nostalgia for some of these later ones, this would easily be higher on my list. Try and find a clip of this one, it's worth it.
4. Airwulf
(Beowulf, Skullgirls)
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This is a move that had made it here on one thing and one thing alone. Personality! While the grab itself is good, a nice anti-air grab that slams your opponent down. Nothing super amazing.. but! If you have max hype and land this as the finishing blow, a referee runs out and counts the fall! I'm a sucker for the pro wrestler grapplers in games, and this is the creme de la creme. If this is your main and you've never landed this, you have failed yourself.
3. Ultimate Atomic Buster
(Zangief, Street Fighter)
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Now, I struggle with this placement. This is the classic super command grab that really all others were weighed against. So it's hard to say that it's the flashiest, the most dynamic, or even the most impactful super out there. This one, though, just hits me with that nostalgia blast that's hard to deny. This is the first super grab I ever did, and it took some soul searching to not just call it the best by default, so I think I'm OK with this placement. Still God-Tier, though.
2. Ultimate Argentine Back Breaker
(Clark, King of Fighters)
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Now I feel this may be controversial, that it places higher than Geif, but I can't deny the impact that I feel when I see this. I'm also a sucker for the trifecta moves. The repeated back breakers into the burning hammer, one of my favorite wrestling moves, is just pure crunchyness that I can't help but love. I struggled the most, which KoF grab to put on here, but this is always the first one to come I to my mind. Amazing.
1. Heavenly Potemkin Buster
(Potemkin, Guilty Gear)
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I'll admit, this may be cheating, but this wasn't my number one until the new Guilty Gear games. The new presentation, especially in Strive, is just so amazing. Whether it's the expressive face of the opponent or the heavenly deities, it all adds up to a show. Combined with the shouting of the move and the camera cuts, it feels straight out of an anime. So it may be heresy to some, but to me, this grab is purely divine.
Thanks for readin folks, and remember: Join the Throw World Order.
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randosrandomrhetoric · 6 months
Fighting games, the most glorious rage inducing, pull out your hair, yet satisfying experience this side of getting one up on that particular family member that you hate to be around. This feeling is what ultimately brings me to my topic, Grapplers!
While there are many fighting game archetypes that people hate, mainly all the ones they don't play, it seems grapplers and their players seem to get a lot of hate. Well, at least in the wide casual perspective. Why is this? Is it because of our superior mental acuity? Our superior might? Is it jealousy of our sheer intimidating presence? Despite being the best, grapplers to this day often get chastised for being brain dead, cheap, and just unfun to play against. Who's fault is this? Is it the developers fault for making us so strong while being so mid? Is it the busted AI because they always know when they can grab you? Is it because of their soft spines and fragile necks? We can only speculate.
In all seriousness, it really seems like grapplers get people up in quite a fit. I only ever seem to get rage quitters or 1 and dones when I play grapplers. My wife, who doesn't even play fighting games, but from the few times she played SF2 on the SNES, hates Zangief to this day. She will give me shit every time I start a new game and pick the grappler. Even with actual players, there's discourse over them. Some lunatics have tried to call out and get Zangief nerfed in SF6. Zangief!! The character generally considered the bottom 2, if not THE worst character in the game. Even playing Tager, in the first Blazblue, or Kanji in P4A, online, I got hate messages.
In the end, though, nothing is more satisfying than landing that throw. This hit of dopamine, every time you read your opponent like a book, or in the minor few instances, make a lucky guess, the feeling is amazing. And maybe I'm just an arsehole,but just imagining my opponent raging after I dash up and hit that SPD for a 3rd time in a row, chef's kiss. So if you've ever raged, gotten upset at a grappler, or chuckled along as you throw your opponent to the ground, bless you. As for me? I'm thinking of changing my name to Jebediah because I'm gonna stay churning butter every day. May the grappler gods bless you and join the Throw World Order. Later friends.
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