How long have you been a spyair fan?? Thank you so much for making this blog!! 🥺 I’m a new fan and I’ve been trying hard to dig out more spyair stuff everywhere lol 😂 you’re an angel! These posts are so cute >_<
Hi! Thank you for your message and welcome to Spyair! So glad you found them. I started in early 2013, a little bit after Sakura Mitsutsuki was released. I accidentally listened to My Friend on the radio, and the song and the vocals really captured me so I looked them up. I was very surprised to know they made songs for Gintama, which was my favorite manga series at the time. I tried listening to their other stuff and the rest was history. I try to translate as much as I can, but these interviews are a handful because they get very technical at times...
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This is from Natalie.mu about Wadachi (part 1 of 2)
──Your new work Wadachi has been released. Since the title song was made for the movie Gintama THE FINAL, I want to ask KENTA-san, what kind of image did you have when making the song?
IKE (Vo): I also want to know about that (laugh).
KENTA (Dr): (laugh) About how I started creating this song, it's because the impact of coronavirus is big, I think. We had plans for our 10th anniversary since our major debut for 2020, but we couldn't do any of it. Around the end of last year, we were talking about how the next album will include a song created by a member other than UZ (G). Because of coronavirus, I had time and could gather the tools. The talk about doing Gintama THE FINAL theme song came just around that time, so I thought I would just do what I could. I wasn't thinking so much about, "I should create this type of song." It was more like, "Let's just create a good song."
IKE: So you didn't really have an overall image for the song?
KENTA: "It shouldn't be a song for a battle scene," I think I had that image. Up until now, there are many Gintama songs that suit the battle scenes but since this is the last movie, I wanted to do a song that will make people look back, or be able to say, "Gintama was a good manga and a good anime, right?" Rather than a hard and intense song, I thought that a refreshing song, moreover, one that has a sense of sorrow would be good.
──Because it's a song that adorns the last of Gintama anime that started in 2006, right?
IKE: That's right. How was the creation process?
KENTA: It was interesting. The process of creating a song. Because it's like the materialization of something that exists in my head.
IKE: What did you start with?
KENTA: I started from the melody. I hummed the melody...
IKE: Then you keyed it?
KENTA: Right. But it wasn't like I knew the notes right away, so I had to look for them one by one. It really took time. 
IKE: I see. I was curious, it's like, did he start from the melody? Or did he start from the chords?
KENTA: I don't understand chords (laugh). Of course UZ, and MOMIKEN (B) as well, since they work with stringed instruments, they understand the chords. I play the percussions so making a song starting with the melody is the easiest. Because anyone can hum (laugh).
──There are also cases in which drummers create a song, they start with creating the rhythm, then add the chords, and lastly the melody.
KENTA: On the contrary, starting with the track is difficult. In regards to drums, I have the confidence that I can work with whatever the rhythm is just if the song exists.
IKE: Is that so. Wadachi has four-on-the-floor rhythm pattern so I thought you started with producing the beat.
KENTA: Not at all. The first demo also wasn't four-on-the-floor.
IKE: Eh?!
──IKE-san, you're very surprised (laugh)
IKE: The sound of first demo he sent us was pretty much a completed song, you know. I didn't know how he made it so I only had the impression, "KENTA is amazing!"
KENTA: That's right (laugh).
IKE: Moreover, the sound of that demo was really good. I thought that it was a song unfolded by facing outside. The melody line is honest as well.
KENTA: I can't be wishy-washy so I had no choice but to make it honestly (laugh). 
IKE: I think it's good. The melody itself gives this feeling that it's telling you to "Please sing this in a carefree way." Without adding acoustic or harsh singing parts, just giving the feel of sprinting and power in the chorus is good, for this song. But it just has one difficult part. The "sa" part from the line "takaramono sa" for me it doesn't have a step, so I listened to it many times to determine the interval. Moreover, I wanted to sing it with a tender voice so I really worked hard (laugh).
──If the composer is different then naturally the melody will be different as well. Was KENTA-san conscious about the usual SPYAIR-ness?
KENTA: Not at all. I thought, "If these four people perform it and IKE sings it, whatever I do it will become SPYAIR." I wasn't conscious at all of the songs UZ made until now. On the contrary, I was probably even thinking about aiming to do what UZ won't do. So the change can be felt more. We also mixed Wadachi using a technique we've never done before.
IKE: Certainly it's different. I don't know what exactly, though (laugh).
KENTA: (laugh) It was something the engineer and I decided so I didn't say anything to the members. To put it simply, a more refreshing image. Up until now, we often made music that presses the sound barrier, like "Ba--n!" but not this time.
IKE: There's a sense of being blanketed tightly, it's light.
KENTA: Yes. If a member says that there's something that doesn't sit well with him, I thought I'd drop it, but since there was nobody who had that kind of opinion, I went through with it.
IKE: It's leaning pop, and there's brightness in it. But the performers are a rock band, it also has my vocals in it, so in the end it becomes a SPYAIR song. Also, since it's a song infused with a genre we haven't tried before, I tried changing the mic during the recording.
Japanese text below
──新作「轍〜Wadachi〜」がリリースされます。タイトル曲は映画「銀魂 THE FINAL」の主題歌で、作曲はKENTAさんですが、どんなイメージを持って制作に臨んだのでしょうか?
IKE(Vo) それは俺も聞きたい(笑)。
KENTA(Dr) (笑)。作曲を始めたことに関しては、コロナ禍の影響が大きかったと思いますね。2020年は本来、デビュー10周年に関連する活動を予定していたんですけど、それが全部なくなって。もともと去年の終わりくらいから、「次のアルバムはUZ(G)以外のメンバーも作曲した曲を入れよう」という話になってたし、コロナの影響で時間ができたから、まず機材をそろえていたんです。そうしたらちょうどそのタイミングで「銀魂 THE FINAL」の主題歌の話が来て、とにかく自分のできることをやろうと。「こういう曲を求められていて」みたいなことを考える余裕はなくて、ただただ「いい曲を作ろう」と思ってました。
IKE 曲の全体的なイメージがあったわけじゃないんだ?
KENTA 「戦闘シーンの曲じゃないな」というのはあったかな。これまでの「銀魂」の曲は戦闘シーンに似合う曲が多かったんですけど、今回はアニメ版最後の映画ということもあるし、これまでを振り返るというか、「『銀魂』っていいマンガだったし、いいアニメだったよね」ってみんなで言えるような曲にしたくて。ゴリゴリの激しい曲というより、さわやかで、しかも哀愁があるような曲がいいなとは思ってました。
IKE そうですよね。制作はどうだった?
KENTA 面白かったけどね、曲を作るのは。自分の頭の中にあるものを具現化する作業だから。
IKE 最初のとっかかりは何からだったの?
KENTA メロディからだね。鼻歌でメロディを歌って……。
IKE それを鍵盤で弾くんだ?
KENTA そう。鍵盤が弾けるわけではないし、1音1音探していくから、めちゃくちゃ時間かかるんだけど。
IKE なるほど。気になってたんだよ、メロディから作るのか? コードからかな?とか。
KENTA コードのことはわからない(笑)。UZはもちろん、MOMIKEN(B)も弦楽器だからコードの理論をわかってるんだけど、こっちは打楽器だからメロディから作るのがいちばんラクなんだよね。鼻歌は誰でも歌えるから(笑)。
KENTA トラック先行は難しかったんですよ、逆に。ドラムに関しては「歌があれば、どんなリズムでも付けられる」という自信があるし。
IKE そうか。「轍〜Wadachi〜」は四つ打ちが軸になってるから、最初にビートを組んだのかと思ってた。
KENTA いや、全然。最初のデモは四つ打ちじゃなかったしね。
IKE へー!
IKE 最初に送られてきたデモ音源がほぼ完成された形だったんですよ。どうやって作ったかわからなかったから、「KENTA、すごいじゃん!」という感想しかなくて。
KENTA そうだよね(笑)。
IKE しかも、そのデモ音源がすごくよかったんです。外に向かって開けた曲だなと思ったし、メロディラインも素直で。
KENTA ひとひねりができないから、素直に作るしかないんだよ(笑)。
IKE それがいいんだと思う。メロディ自体から「伸びやかに歌ってください」と指示されている感じもあって。アクを入れたり、ドスを効かせたりしないで、サビのパートに疾走感とパワー感を乗せるだけでよかったんですよね、この曲は。1カ所だけ難しいところがあったんだけどね。「宝物さ」の“さ”の音程が自分の中にはなくて、何度も聴いて音程を確かめて。しかも柔らかい声で乗せたかったから、すごい苦労した(笑)。
KENTA いや、それはまったく。「この4人で演奏してIKEが歌えば、何をやってもSPYAIRになる」と思ってるし、今までUZが作ってきた曲を意識することはなかったです。むしろ「UZはやらないだろうな」ということをやろうと思ってたかな。そのほうが変化があるので。「轍〜Wadachi〜」のミックスも、今までにはやったことない手法なんですよ。
IKE 確かに音の組み方が違うよね。具体的なことは知らないけど(笑)。
KENTA (笑)。エンジニアさんと俺が2人で話して決めたことだから、メンバーには伝えてなくて。わかりやすく言えば、よりさわやかなイメージなんですよ。今までは音の壁がバーンと迫ってくるようなサウンドにすることが多かったんだけど、今回はそうじゃなくて。
IKE 大きく包まれてる感覚もあるし、軽やかだよね。
KENTA うん。もしメンバーの中で違和感があったり、「これはちょっと……」ということがあればやめようと思ってたんだけど、そういう意見は出なかったから、そのまま進めました。
IKE ポップな方向性というか、キラッとした感じもあって。でも演者がロックバンドだし、俺のボーカルも含めて、結果SPYAIRの曲になるんですよね。あと、今までになかったジャンルを突いている曲だから、歌録りのマイクも変えてみたんです。
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As you might know, SPYAIR is holding an online live on January 31st. You can get the tickets from their site. Lawson ticket has English site but if you need help navigating through the Japanese site let me know.
You can just click the URL I put as source of this post, it will lead you to the English Lawson ticket site. If it doesn't work, let me know.
SPYAIR digital LIVE RE:10th Anniversary~KICK OFF~
January 31, 2021
OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00 JST
Ticket:3000JPY (+ handling fee, about 300JPY or so)
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Hi. Did you watch the acoustic performance on Airgate?
Also thanks for all the translations.
No, I think I missed it 😭 Can I kick myself hard now?
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Hi l. I wanted to know how did you watch Spyair? How do you buy tickets to the digital live? There's another live stream coming up and I wanted to know how I can watch it. Thanks.
Hi, yes. You can buy the tickets online. Let me know if you need help with navigating through the site.
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As some of you might be aware, Spyair held an online live because they couldn't hold JLT 2020 at Fujikyu.
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I was hesitating at first because it'll be no different than watching a DVD, but this is JLT, and as much as possible, I want to continue supporting them (especially because I don't always buy their CDs and DVDs lately).
So I went for it.
Eventually, wanting to be able to watch it again in the future, I recorded it using screen recording. It's backed up on my Google Drive account because I don't wanna lose it.
(I don't think anyone should do what I did. Please support your favorite artists as much as you can. They work hard even if it may not look like it.)
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Interview with barks in 2011 about Japanication PV 
 We have seen the Japanication video, and it was shot in South Korea. It's a street live in South Korea but did you know that Spyair has been doing street live performances since their indie era? 
IKE: That's right. We grew in the streets, so we wanted to try street live. And as for the reason why we chose South Korea, it's because isn't K-Pop popular right now? So we thought, how is it the other way around? Without understanding the words, how much power does this song have. Of course it's also partly we wanted to know how much power we have, so we wanted to go and see that. 
--How did you feel about doing a street live, which is your origins, abroad?
KENTA: It's like returning to our initial intention! Like, that's right, it's this feeling! 
IKE: If we're afraid, nothing will start, we bump into our own wall.
UZ: It's true. Gathering people one by one just by the power of music alone, it has been a while since we have that sensation. I thought, actually, it doesn't matter if it's Japan or South Korea, whether the words can be understood or not, right? If there's power in our music, naturally people will start gathering. We felt like we could confirm this once again. Including rehearsals, we've played Japanication seven times there, and it's for a seven episode drama, too. This part is also interesting. 
KENTA: ENZEL☆ was super popular in South Korea. 
ENZEL☆: Strangers ask to take pictures of me. I also received mochi. The taste is exactly the same as in Japan. 
Original text below
IKE:そうです。僕らはストリート育ちなので、ストリートで腕試しをしたくて。韓国を選んだのは、今、日本でK-POPが流行っているじゃないですか。 その逆はどうなの!?っていうところで。言葉が通じないにせよ、この曲がどれだけパワーを持ってるか。もちろん自分らのパワーがどれだけあるのかってこと でもあるんですけど、それを確かめに行きたかったんです。
UZ:そう。で、音楽の力で1人ずつお客さんが集まって来るっていう感覚が本当に久しぶりで。実際、それは韓国だろうと日本だろうと、言葉がわかろうがわ からなかろうが関係ないんだなって。やっぱり音楽に力があれば、1人ずつでも集まってきてくれるんだなっていうのを改めて確認出来た感じがしましたね。リ ハも合わせて、あの場で7回くらい「ジャパニケーション」をやったんで、この1本の中に、7回分のドラマが詰め込まれているんです。そういう部分でも面白 いですよ。
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This is a report for this year’s Just Like This concert in Fujikyu, taken from Natalie.mu
SPYAIR successfully held a concert “definitely not to be forgotten” in front of a 15 thousand audience under torrential rain in Fujikyu
SPYAIR’s outdoor concert “JUST LIKE THIS 2017“ was held on July 29 in Fujikyu Highland Conifer Forest, Yamanashi.
This year welcomed the third JUST LIKE THIS concert in Fujikyu Highland. The tickets were sold out, and fifteen thousand fans gathered under the grim looking weather with towels and rain gears, waiting for the concert to start.
As the time for the concert drew close, from the right and left sides of the audience seats the members arrived in two carts, surprising the audience. Without leaving the carts, the band arrived at the sub stage in the back, then proceeded to the mainstage through the passage, each holding a flag adorned with the band’s emblem. Armored soldiers followed the four them, befitting the theme for the concert, “Rock Kingdom”, and the venue heated up with excitement.
The first song was also the concert’s theme song, “The World is Mine.” The dynamic sound resounded as though  to blow the rain clouds away, the audience raised their arms in unison. After his enthusiastic performance of “Liar”, IKE (vocals) greeted the audience, “Welcome to SPYAIR’s concert!” Then “Imagination” and “Glory” were performed back to back. The members played their instruments with a smile, seeming to enjoy the concert to the fullest.
IKE looked up at the sky and said, “It’s really a nice weather, huh! (laugh)” making the audience laugh. “For a moment I thought about what would happen. However, no matter what happens let’s do this together until the end!” “Come in Summer” followed after. Female dancers appeared onstage and taught the audience the coreography to dance together. In “Blowing” KENTA’s (drums) trademark danceable rhythm intertwined with its soft melody, while UZ (guitar) and MOMIKEN (bass) walked through the passage among the audience.
Opened with UZ’s heavy guitar was “Firestarter” followed with “Rage of Dust”. IKE’s strong vocals with heavy rock sound filled the venue. “Come On” was a passion-filled medium tune. Support members tasuku (guitar) and Takato Daiju (keyboard) played the peaceful intro of “No where, Now here". The majestic ballad “Be With” reverberated through the rain, the audience were enraptured.
The usual Spyair’s acoustic cover unit, Campfire, were up next. The main stage was drenched in rain, prompting the staff to consider building a tent just before the corner started. However, UZ said, “We want to get drenched, though,” choosing to have the same environment as the audience, inviting cheers from the crowd. “Maybe our instruments won’t make a sound because of the rain (laugh) when that moment comes, please sing with us.” They covered “I Want a Place". After that IKE announced, “The Campfire guys have gone home, so… (laugh)” and with UZ, they introduced the next song, “Stand by Me”. The simple composition brought music world straight to the listeners.
Next, the band and the two support members were divided into Fashion and Muscle teams and a video of them arguing which is more important was shown. Team leaders IKE and UZ were both holding a microphone, and they started with “Bring It On ~Battle of Rap~”. With IKE, MOMIKEN, and Takato clad in stylish suits, and UZ, KENTA, and tasuku shirtless, the audience cheered loudly. Dancers were present during “Rockin’ Out” which came after. Before they played “This Is How We Rock" UZ, KENTA, and MOMIKEN played the percussions, then IKE sang under the light from the torches the soldiers brought, resulting in a very extravagant performance, hyping up the second half of the concert.
In the later half of the show, the members were soaking wet as they went down the passageway in defiance to the rain that had started to pour harder. The audience responded to the band’s passionate performance by raising their hands tirelessly. The concert’s final stage was a successive performance of killer tunes, such as Japanication and Samurai Heart. Even though they were faced with the problem of IKE’s microphone and ear monitors breaking from the rain, the guys performed with all their strength until the end.
In the last MC, IKE said while smiling, “Even though it’s raining, unexpectedly we can carry on with the concert. I feel, we’re creating a concert that’s definitely not to be forgotten together. We want to continue doing this JUST LIKE THIS concert every year with all our strength. Won’t you come play with us too next year?” The question was greeted with cheers from the audience. “Although we’re in this rain, I want to keep singing. I will sing the next song with these thoughts,” and with these words, “Just Like This” followed. The last song was “Genjou Destruction,” bringing the show to an end with its aggressive sound.
For the encore, new single “Midnight”, the main theme song for drama Utsubokazura no Yume, was played live for the first time. The song is painted with jazzy piano tones, the band are charting into a new territory. During this year’s winter’s arena tour, “SPYAIR ARENA TOUR 2016-2017 Mafuyu no Dai Circus’s final show, we had a janken competition to decide the encore song and the defeated UZ said we’d do it at JUST LIKE THIS! (laugh)” Accordingly, “My Friend” came next. The song, overflowing with warmth, invited the audience to sing and move along to the beat.
Coming to the last number, IKE announced, “We have an announcement for you. We, SPYAIR, have made our fifth album! The album title is Kingdom!” The fans were ecstatic. “Finally the time when I can say, ‘We made an album!’ in front of people important to me has come. Everyone, please look forward to it!” He then announced the song that brings JUST LIKE THIS 2017 to a close, “Singing”. After the performance ended, fireworks were shot into the night sky, painting the concert’s ending in colors. At the end of the concert, announcements about the new album release date and a nationwide tour were shown on the LED display above the stage, surprising the fans.
After the concert ended, each member was asked about his impression of the concert. Sympathizing with the fans, IKE’s answer was, “It was raining hard!” UZ said with a smile, “It’s become a concert that leaves behind memories!” KENTA replied, “Rather than records, it leaves behind memories, I was able to see the most amazing scenery.” And MOMIKEN said, “Our summer festival, we do it under the rain!” once again reminding us that they are a band that do not lose against the rain.
Original text below
SPYAIRの恒例野外ライブ「JUST LIKE THIS 2017」が、昨日7月29日に山梨・富士急ハイランドコニファーフォレストにて行われた。
今年、富士急ハイランドで3回目の開催を迎えた「JUST LIKE THIS」。チケットはソールドアウトし、あいにくの空模様の中で会場に詰めかけた1万5000人のファンは雨具やタオルをまといながら開演を待った。
開演時刻を迎えると、客席の左右からメンバーが二手に分かれてトロッコに乗って登場し、オーディエンスを驚かせる。トロッコはそのまま会場後方のサブステージへ到着し、4人はバンドのエンブレムをあしらったフラッグを手に花道をメインステージへ進む。4人の後には鎧姿の戦士たちが続き、今回のテーマ「ROCK KINGDOM」にふさわしい演出で会場を盛り上げた。
ステージに立った4人が最初に披露したのは、今回のライブのテーマ曲でもある「THE WORLD IS MINE」。ダイナミックなサウンドが雨雲を吹き飛ばすように響き渡り、オーディエンスは一斉に腕を挙げる。「LIAR」を熱唱したIKE(Vo)は「ようこそ、SPYAIRのライブへ!」と1万5000人に挨拶し、そのまま「イマジネーション」「GLORY」を連発。4人は笑顔でそれぞれの音を奏で、このライブを全力で楽しんでいる様子を見せた。
IKEは空を見上げて「ほんとにいい天気ですね!(笑)」と叫んで観客を笑わせる。「一時はどうなるかと思いましたが、最後の最後まで何があっても一緒にやり遂げましょう!」という彼の言葉に続いては「COME IN SUMMER」。ステージ上には女性ダンサーたちが登場し、オーディエンスと一体になった振り付けで楽しませる。KENTA(Dr)が刻むダンサブルなリズムと柔らかなメロディが絡み合う「Blowing」では、UZ(G)とMOMIKEN(B)も花道へ進み出た。
UZのヘヴィなギターで幕を開けた「ファイアスターター」からは「RAGE OF DUST」につなげ、IKEの力強いボーカルとハードなロックサウンドを響かせる。「Come on」では熱の入ったミディアムチューンをじっくりと聴かせた。さらにサポートメンバーのtasuku(G)と高藤大樹(Key)が穏やかなイントロを奏でた「No where, Now here」、壮大なバラードナンバー「Be with」が雨の会場に美しく響き渡り、オーディエンスはうっとりと聴き入った。
そして恒例の“SPYAIRのアコースティックカバーユニット”「キャンプファイヤー」のコーナーへ。雨が降るセンターステージで、本番直前にここにテントを建てるかどうかをスタッフと協議したというUZは「でも(自分たちは)濡れたい、と」と、ファンと同じ環境を選択したことを明かして歓声を浴びた。「もしかしたら雨で楽器の音が出なくなるかもしれないんで(笑)、そのときはみんなで歌ってください」と語った彼らは「I want a place」を“カバー”。その後は「もうキャンプファイヤーの皆さんは帰ったので……(笑)」とIKEが語り、UZと2人で「Stand by me」を披露。シンプルな編成で、楽曲の世界をストレートに届けた。
続いてはSPYAIRの4人とサポートの2人が「ファッション」と「マッスル」の2チームに分かれ、それぞれのどちらが人生にとって必要なのか対決する映像が流れる。各チームのリーダーを務めるIKEとUZがマイクを握り、始まった曲は「BRING IT ON ~Battle of Rap~」。スタイリッシュなスーツ姿のIKE、MOMIKEN、高藤と上半身裸のUZ、KENTA、tasukuという対象的な姿に、オーディエンスからは大歓声が上がった。その後「ROCKIN’ OUT」ではダンサーを従え、「THIS IS HOW WE ROCK」の前にはUZ、MOMIKEN、KENTAがパーカッションを叩き、さらに戦士たちが掲げる松明に照らされたIKEが熱唱するなど、ド派手な演出で後半戦を盛り上げていった。
後半でますます雨脚は強まるが、メンバーは物ともせずずぶ濡れになりながら何度も花道へと飛び出していく。オーディエンスも彼らの熱演に応えて力強く腕を上げ続けた。終盤では「ジャパニケーション」「サムライハート(Some Like It Hot!!)」など、キラーチューンを連発。IKEのマイクやイヤーモニターが雨の影響で故障するトラブルに見舞われつつも、4人は最後まで全力のライブを展開した。
最後のMCでIKEは「雨が降っても、意外とライブってできるんだね」と笑顔を見せ、「絶対忘れないライブを一緒に作れてる気がします。俺らは毎年全力でやって、しっかりこの『JUST LIKE THIS』を守り続けたいと思います。来年も遊びに来てくれますか?」とファンに呼びかけ、大きな歓声を浴びた。「こんな雨の中だけど、ずっと音を鳴らし続けていたい。そんな気持ちを次の曲に込めて歌います」という言葉に続いて披露されたのは「JUST LIKE THIS」。本編最後は「現状ディストラクション」のアグレッシブなサウンドで締めくくられた。
アンコールではドラマ「ウツボカズラの夢」の主題歌であるニューシングル「MIDNIGHT」をライブ初披露する。ジャジーなピアノの音色が彩る、シリアスで色っぽい雰囲気のこの曲で、彼らの新たな境地をアピールした。そして今年1月のアリーナツアー「SPYAIR ARENA TOUR 2016-2017『真冬の大サーカス』」ファイナル公演で、アンコールの曲を決めるじゃんけん大会で敗北したUZが「『JUST LIKE THIS』でやります!(笑)」と勝手に宣言した「My Friend」へ。温かみにあふれたこの曲を、観客も合唱や手拍子で楽しんだ。
ラストナンバーに入る前、IKEは「みんなに報告があります。俺たちSPYAIR、5枚目のアルバム作りました! アルバムタイトルは『KINGDOM』!」と新作のリリースを発表し、ファンを大喜びさせた。「やっと大切な人の前で堂々と『アルバムできたよ』って言えるときが来ました。みんな楽しみにしててね」という言葉のあと、「JUST LIKE THIS 2017」を締めくくる曲「SINGING」を披露。演奏が終わると夜空には花火が打ち上がり、ライブのエンディングを彩った。終演後、ステージ上のLEDビジョンではニューアルバムの発売日、さらに全国ツアーの開催が告知され、ファンをどよめかせた。
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Taken from Wikipedia Japan
AB blood type. Graduated from Aichi Prefectural Kariya Technical High School. Originally, he aimed for Anjo Gakuen High School but gave up. The artists he likes are Michael Jackson, Inaba Koshi from B’z, Oda Kazumasa, and others. He respects bassist MOMIKEN. Has a nephew who often appears on his blog. He has a regular column on PATiPATi called “IKE no Ikenai Asobi”. He is a relative of DIAMOND☆DOGS’s vocalist, TAKA. He belonged to the same basketball club as KENTA in middle school. Originally aimed to be a motorboat racer, but even though he passed the acceptance test, he failed the eye test. Son of grape farm owner.
A blood type. After dropping out of high school, he graduated by taking correspondence course. Afterwards, he graduated from Nagoya Visual Arts. He writes the songs, and often talks about them on his blog. Likes Hi-STANDARD’s album, MAKING THE ROAD. Wears AIR JAM, a Hi-STANDARD sponsored rock festival, wristbands on both wrists. Has a regular column in the guitar magazine “Go!Go! GUITAR” called “UZ no ONE LIFE”. The guitars he uses are dragonfly Original Flying V, dragonfly HI TEE CUSTOM 666, dragonfly HI TEE CUSTOM, K.Yairi DY-62. He’s on training to quit smoking. Son of gas stand owner.
B blood type. SPYAIR’s leader. He writes SPYAIR’s lyrics, and other members deem him to have a unique perspective on poetry. He used to wear a gas mask during the indies days, but has taken it off with their major debut. Now he puts on eyeliner around his eyes (he once used Black Magic eyeliner). At the beginning of the music video for LIAR, a gas mask falls down. Son of izakaya owner.
A blood type. Graduated from Anjo Gakuen High School. Had a web radio program called “Dora Ii Kanji” with UZ. He’s a smoker. Doesn’t like green peas. He has a GREE account. His hobby is online gaming. He was in the same basketball club with IKE in middle school. A fan of Yoshiki Risa. Son of a ramen shop owner.
Ex-member ENZEL☆ 
A blood type. Graduated from Nagoya Commercial High School. Even though he’s called DJ, he usually didn’t do anything DJ-like, and during live concerts his role was mostly to pump up the audience. During the time he was a support member, he helped out SPYAIR’s live, and did things like tuning UZ’s guitar and changing MOMIKEN’s bass strings. He had appeared on Fuji TV’s quiz show, “QUIZ! HEXAGON”. Had a regular program on Niconico Live called “ENZEL no Nico Jockey”. He opened a Twitter account on July 20, 2011. On October 10, 2012 on the radio program All Night Nippon 0, they announced their one-man live at Nippon Budoukan on December 18 that year, and his retirement after. He retired on the same day as the performance. Son of automatic mahjong table sales and repair shop.
Note: I think ikenai asobi can either be translated to play (as in having fun play, not drama play) that must not be done (because it’s bad) or can’t be done (because you’re busy, etc). In that column, IKE talks about his interests and hobbies (I assume, as I only have one issue of that magazine. He talks about photography in that one).
(The “no” in “IKE no ikenai asobi”, “UZ no ONE LIFE”, and “ENZEL☆ no Nico Jockey” is the Japanese particle no, not the English no.)
Dora ii kanji seems to mean a very, very good feeling in Nagoya-ben.
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IKE(イケ、1984年4月18日 - ボーカル)
AB型。愛知県立刈谷工業高等学校卒業生。元々は安城学園高等学校を志望していたが、断念したという[34]。 好きなアーティストは、マイケル・ジャクソンや、B'zの稲葉浩志、小田和正など。ベース担当のMOMIKENを尊敬している。 甥がおり、ブログにしばしばに登場する。 音楽誌『PATiPATi』に「IKEのイケない遊び���という連載を持つ。 DIAMOND☆DOGSのボーカル・TAKAとは親戚にあたる。 中学時代は、KENTAと同じバスケットボール部に所属していた。 元々競艇選手を目指しており、試験も受けたことがあるというが、視力検査で落ちたとのこと。 ぶどう園の息子。
UZ(ユージ、1984年12月13日 - ギター、プログラミング)
A型。高校を中退した後、通信で卒業。その後専門学校名古屋ビジュアルアーツを卒業する。 SPYAIRのすべての楽曲を作曲しており、ブログでも楽曲について語ることが多い。 お気に入りのアルバムはHi-STANDARDのMAKING THE ROADである。 両腕にはHi-STANDARD主催のロックフェスAIR JAMのリストバンドを着用している。 ギター専門月刊音楽雑誌『Go!Go! GUITAR』にて「UZのONE LIFE」という連載を持っていた。 ギターはdragonfly Original Flying V,dragonfly HI TEE CUSTOM 666,dragonfly HI TEE CUSTOM,K.Yairi DY-62を使用。 喫煙者であるが、現在は卒煙トレーニングしている。 ガソリンスタンドの息子。
MOMIKEN(モミケン、1984年11月14日 - ベース)
B型。リーダーである。 SPYAIRのすべての楽曲を作詞しており、メンバーには「詩の世界観が独特」と評されている。 インディーズ時代はガスマスクを着用していたが、メジャーデビューが決まったのを機に外した。現在は、目の周りにアイライナーでラインを入れている(かつては黒いマジックを使用していた)。ちなみに、「LIAR」のミュージックビデオの冒頭で、脱がれたガスマスクが落ちている。 居酒屋の息子。
KENTA(ケンタ、1985年3月16日 - ドラムス)
A型。安城学園高校卒業生。 UZとともに『どらいい感じ』というWEBラジオをやっていた。 喫煙者である。 苦手な食べ物はグリーンピースである。 GREEをやっている。趣味はオンラインゲーム。 中学時代は、IKEと同じバスケ部に所属していた。 吉木りさのファンである。 ラーメン屋の息子。
元メンバー ENZEL☆(エンゼル、1985年5月11日 - エセDJ) 
A型。名古屋市立名古屋商業高等学校卒業生。 DJを名乗っているが、普段はDJプレイを全くせず、ライブの時などは、盛り上げ役に回ることが多い。 サポートメンバー時代は、ギターチェンジでUZにギターを渡したり、MOMIKENのベースの弦を張り替えたりするなど、SPYAIRのライヴの手伝いをしていた。 フジテレビ系のクイズ番組『クイズ!ヘキサゴンII』に単独で出演したことがある。 ニコニコ生放送で、「ENZEL☆のニコジョッキー」というレギュラー番組を持っていた。 2011年7月20日よりTwitterを開始した。 2012年10月10日OAのSPYAIRのオールナイトニッポン0(ZERO)で、同年12月18日の日本武道館単独公演をもって脱退することを表明し、同日に脱退。 全自動麻雀卓販売と修理の息子。
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SPYAIR’s 2005 - major debut history taken from Wikipedia Japan.
June: After IKE’s, KENTA’s, and MOMIKEN’s band from high school was dissolved, UZ joined. In the one year after their formation, they dedicated their time for making music and doing rehearsals.
August: The first live concert at Mochi no Ki Hiroba was held.
Around October, they started doing outdoor lives in the center of Sakae Hiroba. Around this time they were invited by an acquaintance to a club event and met ENZEL☆ there.
September: Held a one-man live at Nagoya Apollo Theater. From around this time onwards, ENZEL☆ joined their activities as a support member.
November: Runner up in “HOTLINE 2007″ sponsored by Shimamura Music.
Started doing live shows in Tokyo.
September 10: Released the self-produced album “alive” limited to Tokai area.
October: A school festival tour was held.
November: Their second one-man live was held at Bottom Line Nagoya. Tickets were sold out.
January: Participated in the nationwide rock and mixture rock event tour “CROSSING POINT”. Through audience votes, it became their first grand prix win.
February 6: Support member ENZEL☆ officially became a member.
April 15: Their first indies single “Japanication” was released, their nationwide debut.
April 18: Scheduled to hold their 100th outdoor live at Nagoya’s Sakae Hiroba but IKE was hospitalized. They apologized in front of around 500 fans that had gathered.
June: Performed at the ZIP-FM sponsored SAKAE SP-RING, resulting in a full house at Nagoya Club Quattro.
July: Their regular corner on Nagoya’s ZIP-FM started.
September 16: Second indies single “Kanjou Discord” was released, from around this time offers from major labels started pouring.
October, November: The second school festival tour was held. (performed in 8 universities in Tokai)
Signed to the management company Ken-On.
April 1: Their program “AIR’s ROCK” started on ZIP-FM.
June 27: Their 100th outdoor live was finally held, mobilizing a total of 2000 people.
August 7, 8: First time performing at SUMMER SONIC.
August 11: Major debut through the single “LIAR” from the major label Sony Music Associated Records.
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9月:名古屋APOLLO THEATERで初のワンマンライブを開催。この頃から、ENZEL☆はサポートメンバーとして活動を共にするようになっていく。
11月:島村楽器主催「HOTLINE 2007」に出場し、準優勝。
11月:2度目のワンマンを名古屋ボトムラインで開催。SOLD OUTとなる。
1月:全国巡業ロック&ミクスチャーイベント"CROSSING POINT"に参戦。オーディエンスの投票で初代グランプリ獲得。
6月:ZIP-FM主催SAKAE SP-RING出演。名古屋クアトロを満員にする。
8月7日・8日:「SUMMER SONIC」に初出演。
8月11日:メジャーレーベル、Sony Music Associated Recordsより、シングル『LIAR』でメジャーデビュー。
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This is an interview from Pati-Pati May 2012 isssue.
KENTA: UZ’s room is usually clean, you see. But recently, when we drove him home, his room was unusually dirty. I wondered what happened.
UZ: Actually, I don’t have that many stuff to begin with, so it’s almost impossible to get my room too dirty. But when I’m busy with recording or tour rehearsal or TV appearance, I really don’t have time to clean my room. Even up to a point when I can’t help not washing the clothes I wear.
KENTA: I see… Don’t tell me you also can’t clean up your room when you’re being chased with songwriting?
UZ: If my room is dirty, I feel like there’s a fundamental part as a human that’s amiss, so yesterday on my day off I spent one whole day cleaning my room. Now, it’s squeaky clean!
IKE: You’re really diligent…
ENZEL☆: During our Nagoya era, your car was really dirty, though.
– Because you feel that the car is not your room?
UZ: Exactly! It was handed down from my dad so I felt like it’s not really mine somehow. Maybe if I had bought it on my own, I think I would've kept it really clean.
ENZEL☆: I’m the exact opposite.
KENTA: That’s right. ENZEL☆’s room is dirty, but his car is very clean.
IKE: That’s so, but why?
ENZEL☆: Well, nobody comes to my room, but other people ride my car, right?
MOMIKEN: You should also invite people to your house!
ENZEL☆: Why? If we’re going to have fun, it’s best to go out, right?
KENTA: Speaking of which, when I went to help you with moving, you said with a smug face, “Of course I have Mario Cart!” but when we opened the case, the disc wasn’t in there. He’s pretty much a guy with no sense of hospitality.
– MOMIKEN tidies properly, right?
KENTA: Unlike UZ’s room which is clean and mostly empty, his room has a lot of stuff but it gives off the impression of being kept tidy and in order.
MOMIKEN: That’s right.
IKE: That’s nice… I also want to be that kinda person.
KENTA: I’ve said this often before, but IKE’s house is the only one I haven’t entered so I don’t know how it’s like.
– Then what kind of hospitality will we get if we come to IKE’s house?
IKE: Hospitality? Um… I think that’s impossible. To begin with, I don’t have anything I can serve tea with.
UZ: You mean, you don’t have a cup?
IKE: Right. Whether it’s glass or cup, I only have one.
MOMIKEN: You’re saying that you don’t want to invite us over?
IKE: No, really. I decided to stop eating at home because garbage will pile up, so I threw away my tableware.
UZ: Seriously? I also don’t eat at home but I have some tableware, you know?
– So you guys don’t cook.
ENZEL☆: I do. But I don’t use fire, and I also don’t wanna use the oven, so I only eat natto and kimchi.
– It’s enough to make you full?
ENZEL☆: It’s fine! Sesame or spring onion is enough.
MOMIKEN: That can’t be enough. (laugh)
UZ: If you like natto that much, you should just cook rice and store it in the fridge.
ENZEL☆: But I don’t have a jar.
IKE: Then I’ll give you mine.
ENZEL☆: Really? Yay!
KENTA: Eh… Do you have an extra frying pan? I want it.
IKE: I only have one set of T-Fal, I’ve thrown away the rest, so no, I don’t have it.
KENTA: That T-Fal is also fine, then.
IKE: No way. It’s full of my fleeting dream of the future. (laugh)
– UZ-san doesn’t seem to be very interested in food, but do you cook?
UZ: Only when I have enough time and will, I make pasta properly.
– What’s your specialty?
UZ: I want to be good at making spaghetti aglio e olio, but the carbonara that I take very little time to make tastes better.
KENTA: I’ve never eaten it.
MOMIKEN: I also haven’t tried it.
– So it’s all talk? (laugh)
UZ: What?! Being perceived as being unable to cook is upsetting. I will definitely make you eat it!
KENTA: UZ seems to seems to do it properly so I’m sure it’s tasty. IKE’s cooking on the other hand, I don’t want to taste it a second time. Do you remember? Before our debut, when we lived together for recording and took turns cooking, the curry from that time!
IKE: It’s soup curry. (laugh)
ENZEL☆: It’s just curry that doesn’t have enough thickness!
IKE: I was troubled because no matter what it wouldn’t become thick, so I added some potato starch and boiled it for three hours.
MOMIKEN: If you'd had three hours, I wish you’d bought more curry roux.
IKE: But the town was far.
KENTA: We could complain and say things like “What the hell is this?” but that time, the engineer who was with us for the first time just quietly added some soy sauce. (laugh)
UZ: I have confidence that anything I make with my eyes closed will definitely be more well made than that.
IKE: When you do that, I’ll tell you what to do.
UZ: No need! (laugh)
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Woah thank u so much for running this blog! I feel like I can get to know a bit more about them through these interviews and since I'm knew to the fandom this helps a lot xD Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for the kind words! I really, really appreciate it. I’m usually a quiet fan so I’m actually stepping out from my comfort zone here, and I’m glad I did it. I'll continue to do my best! And welcome to the fandom! Here’s wishing you a very pleasant stay 😀😀😀
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A 2012 interview from Vif.
―Do you guys fight?
KENTA: We usually don’t. But during meetings, the ones who catch fire easily are IKE and UZ. And the pacifier role belongs to Momiken
MOMIKEN: Isn’t that KENTA? Once I’m on fire, there’s no stopping me, you know.
IKE: Rather than the pacifier, KENTA watches from afar. He does his best to create a gentle atmosphere for us. In a peaceful way. (laugh)
―So, KENTA-san is the mood maker. How about ENZEL☆-san?
ENZEL☆: I’m part of the scene.
KENTA: How depressing. (laugh)
MOMIKEN: Because he has no right to speak. (laugh)
―Eh? Then, what is ENZEL☆-san’s role?! (laugh)
ENZEL☆: I’m the pet.
IKE: If I was to compare it with a family, KENTA is the mother, MOMIKEN is the father, UZ is the older brother, I’m the younger brother, ENZEL☆ is the pet.
―A four person family and a dog. (laugh) So KENTA-san is the mother?
KENTA: I’m not the father, you know. When I’m told that I’m the mother, it fits nicely.
MOMIKEN: He really takes care of us.
―So he’s a gentleman.
KENTA: Ah, thank you very much!
UZ: That’s a different thing, though.
―Huh? (laugh) And Momiken-san is the father?
KENTA: MOMIKEN constantly watches from outside, and if he finds something bad, he’ll glide in. Once he says a few words, everyone will go, “Ah, yes.” That’s how MOMIKEN is.
―So he’s being relied on.
MOMIKEN: It’ll be nice if it’s so. (laugh)
IKE: This guy is very dependable. Generally speaking, he’s organized. That’s why he’s our axis.
KENTA: IKE is obviously the youngest child.
―He gives off a natural airhead feeling.
IKE: I don’t!
KENTA: (immediately) He’s very much a natural airhead! Really. (Laugh)
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MOMIKEN:なだめ役はKENTAじゃない? 俺、火が付いたら止められないもん。
――ええ! ENZEL☆さんの役割って(笑)!?
――あれ(笑)? そしてMOMIKENさんはお父さん?
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– MOMIKEN-san has said in an interview before that the verse “there’s no place to go back to for us who have no name” in the song Firestarter was inspired by IKE-san’s words during the hiatus. How were the circumstances during that time?
IKE: I tried to run away from SPYAIR but there was no place to run to. Wherever I went, I was still SPYAIR’s vocalist, SPYAIR’s vocalist who had quit. Every time I met someone, I got asked the reason I quit… I thought it was not something I could stand. I thought, “This kind of life really sucked!” At that time, I was given some opportunity to talk with the members and we were heading to the direction of deciding a come-back. But even though we had decided on a come-back, I suddenly had no confidence at all. That’s why in the previous (I’m a Believer release) interview, I said, “I’ll rely on everyone for the come-back period.” I asked everybody to stand at the front while I’d stand at the back!
KENTA: You always said that. (laugh) “I will be at the back,” was so conservative.
UZ: In terms of role in the band, no matter what it was impossible though. (laugh) 
IKE: Well, it’s true, (laugh) but it’s a problem regarding feelings. I thought I’d just stick to everyone. The 4 album was created little by little in the midst of those twists and turns… I think each of those times’ atmosphere is very much present in the album’s nuance. You can say it’s very human-like… But I think people listening to it might find it fascinating – The objective is to have people listening to it think, “Ah, it’s good stuff,” so I think this is our album that can reach out the farthest so far. This fourth album is the catchiest, it’ll be the album that represents us from now on, I think. There are parts where it sounds loose, and then there are also serious parts. I think that interchanging pace has become the album’s flavor.
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IKE:俺はSPYAIRから逃げようとしたけど、逃げ場所がなかった。どこに行ってもSPYAIRのヴォーカル で、SPYAIRを辞めたヴォーカルだったんです。人に会うたびに辞めた理由を訊かれて……これは耐えられるものじゃないなと。こんな人生クソく らえだ!と思っちゃったんです。そういうときにメンバーが少しずつ話す機会を設けてくれて復活の方向に向かっていって。ただ、復活は決めたものの、すぐに は自信を持てなかったんです。だからこの前(「アイム・ア・ビリーバー」リリース時)のインタビューで話した"復活後にみんなを頼ろうと思った"というの は、そういうところもあって。みんなに前に立ってもらって俺は後ろにいこうと! KENTA:それずっと言ってたよね(笑)。"俺は後ろにいる"って超保守派だった。 UZ:パート的にどうやったって無理なんですけどね(笑)。 IKE:まあそうなんだけど(笑)、気持ち的な問題でね。みんなについていこうと思ってた。そういう紆余曲折ある中でひとつずつできあがっていったのが 『4』なので……実際、ニュアンスとしてそのときそのときの空気がめちゃめちゃ入っていると思う。すごく人間的というか……。でもそれは 聴いてくれる人にとっては魅力的に映るかもしれないし――客観的に聴いて"あ、いいものだな"と思えるので、今までで1番広く届いていくアルバムになるん じゃないかなとも思います。この4枚目が1番キャッチーで、今後SPYAIRを代表する作品になっていくんじゃないかなと思ってます。ユルくやっていると ころもあれば、締めてるところは締めてて。そういう緩急が味になっているかと。
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– UZ-san’s rap has increased quite a bit after SPYAIR’s comeback. Not only rap, but for track 10 “4LIFE” you’re also in charge of vocals. This song was written during the hiatus by the 3 members for IKE-san, right?
UZ: The song itself was written last year during Zepp Tour. Before that “I quit” tweet, when we had about two weeks free because IKE’s throat condition had gotten worse and we had to stop the tour. The lyrics was written after the incident.
MOMIKEN: After that incident, UZ told me that he had that song, and had me listen to it. It was during the time when we still didn’t know whether IKE was coming back or not. So if he wasn’t coming back, if the three of us sang this song on stage, he’d probably hear it, then our thoughts would probably reach him… With that, the three of us made it.
– … It’s a tear-jerking story.
MOMIKEN: Right? (laugh)
UZ: It has become an extremely melancholic song. (laugh)
IKE: Ah… How embarrassing… (laugh) As expected I’m embarrassed. But I think after some time has passed, it will become a song that can be enjoyed without thinking about any of that. When that time comes, something new will become visible. Because for this song I can watch SPYAIR from the audience seat.
UZ: This is SPYAIR, but it’s not SPYAIR.
KENTA: Right. It’s a complicated song.
– It’s a song in which each four of you have his own responsibilities to carry.
IKE: If a band doesn’t have music, they can’t go on, no? If there’s no music, they can’t even create rationalization. This is a very important song as it’s a record of various things that had happened.
KENTA: The time when we will be able to laugh and perform it live, to be able to laugh and watch it, will be the time when all (ill feelings) have disappeared, right?
UZ: Yeah, it’s quite a slow process, right. (laugh) I think people who simply like SPYAIR’S music will wonder, “Who is this person singing?” but for people who like SPYAIR and understand SPYAIR’S history or relationship, I think it will become a special song. That’s why when it comes to this song, everyone will feel a tinge of sorrow. To be able to listen to it without tears is… [note: UZ is implying it’ll be hard] Well, it’s because of the lyrics, right.
IKE: It kinda strikes home, huh… Music is a sly thing.
UZ: It’s our youth.
KENTA: That’s late!
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-UZさんのラップ、復活後から結構増えてますからね。ラップだけでなくTrack.10「4 LIFE」ではメイン・ヴォーカルを担当してらっしゃいますし。この曲は活動停止期間中にIKEさん以外のメンバー3人でIKEさんに向けて作った楽曲なんですよね。
UZ:曲自体を作ったのは昨年のZeppツアーを回っているときで。"辞めます"ツイートの前にIKEの喉の調子が悪くてライヴを中止して2週間くらい空いたときですね。歌詞はその事件のあとに。 MOMIKEN:あの事件が起きたあとにUZから"こういう曲があるんだけど"と聴かせてもらって。そのときはIKEが戻ってくるかどうかもわからない時 期だったんです。だからもし彼が帰ってこなくて3人でステージで歌ったとしたら彼もどこかでこの曲を耳にするかもしれない、そしたら自分たちの想いが伝わ るかもしれない……という話から3人で作っていったんですよね。
MOMIKEN:ですよね~(笑)。 UZ:そういうエモさ極まりない曲になっています(笑)。 IKE:あ~……恥ずかしいっすねぇ……(笑)。やっぱり俺は恥ずかしいですよ。でも時間が経てば何も考えずに聴ける曲にもなっていくと 思うし。そうなったときにまた新しい何かが見えてくるんでしょうね。俺はこの曲でSPYAIRを客席から観られるんですよ。 UZ:これはSPYAIRだけどSPYAIRじゃないからね。 KENTA:そうなんだよね。複雑な曲なんだよ。
IKE:バンドは曲がないと進んでいけないじゃないですか。曲がないと理由づけもできなかったりして。この曲はいろいろあった事件のうちのひとつの記録として大事な1曲ですよね。 KENTA:この曲を笑ってライヴでできるようになって、笑って観れるようになったときが、(わだかまりが)全部なくなったときだろうね。 UZ:んー、結構遠いっすね(笑)。単純にSPYAIRの音楽が好きっていう人には"歌ってるこいつ誰?"で終わると思うんだけど、SPYAIRの歴史や 人間関係を含めてSPYAIRを好きでいてくれる人には特別な曲になると思う。だからこの曲に関してはみんなしばらく憂いを帯びますよね。お涙なしに は……な歌詞ですもんね。 IKE:ちょっとグッとくるんだよな……。ずるいっすね、音楽って。 UZ:俺らの青春です。 KENTA:遅いなー!
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– As a mixture of heart-throbbing and heartrending chords that result in latin-style summer number “COME IN SUMMER”, the approach for this song’s base rhythm sounds complex.
UZ: Even though the song has a loose impression, the base rhythm is no joke. (laugh)
KENTA: That’s right. (laugh) In the main background beat, there are a lot of parts with 16 beats and syncopation, so to be honest I didn’t like it at first, but after I actually tried it, even as a drum player it’s fun and interesting. For me it felt like challenging something new because I’d mostly never done something like that before, but I also realized the main beat had a good feeling. After I tried playing it, I understood that it was good just as it was.
MOMIKEN: For the bassline the first vibrato is an important point. We never had that in a SPYAIR song before so I got an opportunity to practice vibrato earnestly. (laugh) If I make a mistake at this part during a live show it’ll be the worst…
KENTA: If you make a mistake there, it’s out right away! (laugh) MOMIKEN’s moment of highlight.
UZ: I made the song seriously, and handed it to Oshima-san who then told me to make it however I like. So I did as told. (laugh) Even so, neither the melody nor the chords really changed that much, because there was no part that I felt need to be changed. Up until now, I haven’t really been making very bright songs, so for example the bright guitar part in the intro is new for me. Using the atmosphere of the song to the fullest, it’s a very Oshima song.
IKE: It’s a technical orchestra, a pop song but surprisingly it has a lot of syllables, so I was careful not to fall out of tune. During the D melo, the pattern and the atmosphere change so I tried to change the vocal character. I sang the only emo part in the song as emo as I could. Because this song is… ‘Kami-sama’. I think this is the first time SPYAIR sings ‘kami-sama’. But I thought it was a good word.
MOMIKEN: (turns to IKE) Oh, thank you very much. I wanted to say ‘kami-sama’ so I gave this song the title ‘COME IN SUMMER’. The song has a summer feel so I wanted to use the word ‘summer’, and I wondered what to put before the word summer. I was struck by the idea to use ‘kami summer’, and ended up with ‘come in summer’. (laugh)
– ‘COME IN SUMMER’ and ‘kami-sama’, the phrase seems like it’s about to be used but then it’s not used.
KENTA & UZ: Right? Definitely, definitely.
IKE: MOMIKEN simply dived into somewhere too embarrassing for anyone to go to, no? (laugh)
All: Hahahaha!
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-胸をきゅんとさせる切ないコードも効果的なラテン的なサマー・ナンバー「COME IN SUMMER」は、リズム隊のアプローチがなかなか複雑��。
UZ:ユルい印象の曲なのに、リズム隊はガッチガチだよね(笑)。 KENTA:そうだね(笑)。16(ビートの)裏のキメとか食って入るところが多くて、最初は正直あまり好きじゃなかったんですけど、実際やってみるとプ レイヤーとしてもすごく面白かったし楽しかったです。自分の中にあまりないものだったので新しいことに挑戦してる感じがあったし、キメの気持ちよさもある んだなと気づけたので。"これはこれでいいものがあるな"と叩いてみてわかったし。 MOMIKEN:ベースは最初のビブラートがキモですかね。SPYAIRの楽曲で1回も使ったことがないので、ビブラートだけをひたすら練習する機会を得ました(笑)。あれライヴでミスったら最悪だよね……。 KENTA:あれミスったらすぐバレちゃうしね(笑)! MOMIKENの見せ場ですね。 UZ:曲を俺が結構かっちり作って、それを大島さんに渡して"好きなようにやってください"と。そしたらその言葉の通りキメッキメになりました(笑)。と は言ってもメロディやコード感もそんなに変わってないし、"これはちょっと"と思うところはなかったので。俺はここまでカラ明るい、カラ明るすぎるような 曲をそんなに作ってきてないから、イントロとかの明るいギターでチャッチャッみたいな、そういうのも新しいかな。曲の雰囲気を活かしつつ大島節炸裂の曲で すね。 IKE:テクニカルなオケだしポップだけど案外音数が多い方だから、歌うのも声が抜けるように気をつけたかな。Dメロでガラッと雰囲気が変わるので、そこ はヴォーカル・キャラクターがしっかり変わるように意識して。唯一エモい部分は思いっきりエモくいきました。この曲ね……“神さま"ですからね。 初めてSPYAIRで"神さま"って歌ったと思います。でもいいワードだなと思った。 MOMIKEN:(※IKEに向かって)お、ありがとうございます。この曲は"神さま"と言いたくて"COME IN SUMMER"というタイトルにしたんです。夏っぽい曲だから"SUMMER"という言葉は使いたかったんで"なにサマーかな……神サマーか!” と閃いて"COME IN SUMMER"に(笑)。
-ははは。使われてそうで使われてないですよね"COME IN SUMMER"で"神さま"。
KENTA&UZ:ね、たしかにたしかに。 IKE:恥ずかしくて誰も行かないようなところにMOMIKENが突っ込んでいっただけじゃない(笑)? 全員:はははは!
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– What does senpai lyricist MOMIKEN-san think of the lyrics written by IKE-san and UZ-san?
IKE: Wait! Let’s stop asking that sort of questions! (laugh)
MOMIKEN: I thought their personalities came out. (laugh)
IKE: I wrote what I thought MOMIKEN won’t write. (laugh) If I wrote MOMIKEN’s “do your best!” style lyrics, it would just sound like the usual me from MOMIKEN’s point of view. It’s impossible for MOMIKEN to write extremely erotic lyrics. (laughs)
UZ: Because he’s a serious man. (laugh)
MOMIKEN: Because it’s tactfulness, isn’t it. Because my position is to give those lyrics for IKE to sing, I thought I can’t make him sing those kinda words. (laugh)
IKE: From the position of someone who writes lyrics for others to sing it’s like that. That’s why because I’m writing lyrics I will sing myself, I wrote things that gave me the feeling, “This kinda person exists, right?” Because if the lyrics are written while thinking about SPYAIR-ness, and the song is also very SPYAIR-like, the lyrics will become MOMIKEN-like lyrics. (laugh)
KENTA: Even for an erotic song, if MOMIKEN’s lyrics are done without properly considering the aim of the lyrics, it will become an unfamiliar writing style. I think in Dareka no Sei, the lyrics could be written because they were done by the singers themselves.
IKE: Because if the theme we choose is something that MOMIKEN doesn’t write about, we can also get MOMIKEN’s advice from a different perspective. MOMIKEN helped bringing the stuff UZ wrote and the stuff I wrote closer together.
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IKE:ちょっと! そういう質問やめましょうよ(笑)!
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