So i just came back from my hiatus of Sangcheng fics and went to tumblr for insipiration to continue the novel i made. I was surpirsed to see Niehuaisang Slander as well as slander for the ship Sangcheng.
Now i get that everyone of us has diff opinions but sladering characters without a solid standpoint on who they are is just pathetic and if you ask me the people who do it are only looking for attention they'll never get.
First of all. Niehuaisang slander. If yall say he is worthless, pathetic and stupid... I dont think you've read the full novel and or watched The Untamed. That's all i'm saying. I will only elaborate to the people who are open to his character and not the ones who only come to argue and debate without giving his character a chance.
Second of all. Sangcheng ship slander.
People say that they have no basis and or foundation of their "dynamic" and that it will never work with them anyway. So? If that is what you think there is no need to come for the people who ship them, they ship them because of diff reasons, for me personally their so called dynamic is a challenge for me as a writer. And so i write for the plot and not solely canonically based. There is a thing called "Self undulgent" writing people, not you trying to come for indulgent writers when you yourself have probably written or enjoy fics of your other ships as well. Writers will be writers, instead of coming for them just give them credit and or if you dont like the ship just leave it alone. We write Sangcheng for the poeple who LIKE sangcheng, not to disrespect the story.
With that being said for all the people who come for me in the comments, i will only reply to those who i see has sense and actually has a brain because coming after people who just enjoys their FICITIONAL ships are just as pathetic and or petty.
I say this as a fellow writer because we get so much hate just because we love a ship. So yeah, thay's that. Thanks for reading.
To all the writers you are all great and beautiful souls. Keep writing and make us happy we support you.
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