random-toiletry · 11 days
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lady of the moon has an offer 🗣️🗣️
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random-toiletry · 19 days
ok so i'm feeling proud of myself
and i'm gonna post this infographic material of my OC for artfight 2024 and here it is:
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i tried with all the fancy shmancy descriptions but either way i feel like this is going somewhere the right direction im heading ^^! <3
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random-toiletry · 2 months
Dislyte timeline/ will be pinned
I'm going to be constantly updating this and if anyone wants me to add something or I got something wrong please tell me
*I took a lot of creative liberties with this and added false dates so I will be bolding the ones where the dates are completely correct
*I can promise that the years are correct other than when Yun chuan has his transformation because that is extremely unclear
timeline (to fit canon):
2010- narmer and cang ji unearth the Raya/rhea legand that compiles deities and powers and whatnot
*I genuinely have no idea where I got the 2010 date it's either I gaslit myself or I saw it on Twitter / Facebook
1/6/2012- a big half buried purple rock is dug up. Experts find that it's glowing and unlike anything they've ever seen
3/8/2012- funny purple rock is studied and a research expedition is planned
21/10/2012 2:00 am utc- the miracle rises and the first miramon appear
*revealed by multiple times stated by how everything started in 2012
13/3/2014- Abigail girl bosses Jin yuyao's family
*revealed by a flashback in rulers law
10/4/2014- fu shi meets his big titty goth gf
*revealed by fushi in dream of redemption
12/5/2014- Joseph dies , Leon L
*revealed in Hilda's event
9/6/2014- LIAN WTF WAS THAT/cube miracle appears
9/6/2014- Hannah dies lol take the L hyde
*revealed in Lian's event
?/?/2015- founding of the esper union
*line in inescapable fate
2016- embla doesn't have a very good time/ Jiang man doesn't have a very good time
7/12/2016- Hyde seemingly starts a pharmaceutical company and generally is doing better (plot twist he started the shadow decree LOL)
* in dream of redemption it stated to be 2016 and they don't say any year passes
1/1/2017- su jue gets tf out of tangton
*line in yu ran event
?/?/2017- chaos miracle spawns
*line in yu ran event
?/?/2017- Jin Qiu commits murder
*line in cell block chaos
?/4/2017-yun chuan goes to jail :(((
*it can be seen in Yun chuans signed confessional
13/10/2017 - Yun chuan death sentence
*it can be seen in Yun chuan's file in truth unveiled where he is confirmed to be dead likely on the same day his death sentence was put
?/?/2018- rip Archibald
*offhand line in Mavis event
11/2/ 2021 - beginning of Mateo's bullshit
*line in immortal fire
10/5/2021- ollies mom dies in a lab accident (massive skill issue tbh)
*offhand line in lonestar
1/6/2021 - Mateo fucking kills a man
*based on the different time skips that happened which I calculated from the beginning time of February 2021 that was specifically given to us in immortal fire
10/10/2021- Ollie's dad takes a massive L and dies (w to Leon)
2022- su jue girlbossing event (and yu rans bullshit ig)
*because of line that states that the chaos Miracle appeared 5 years ago I'm choosing to believe that everything here is taking place in 2022 despite the comment about yu ran's age
6/10/2022- Chuans esper transformation
*offhand line in truth unveiled
27/3/2023- burning of the union, marks the shadow decrees official independence
*offhand line in burning glimmer
2023- garrison incident (rip ikkis dad:( )
15/5/2023- javid causes the death of hundreds of people and gets arrested I shit you not this is what happens
*offhand line in javid's event
2/1/2024- espers become more common due to the shackled miracle
*offhand line in desparado
5/6/2026- Liam escapes from the union like the chad he is
*offhand line in devouring beast
6/10/2026 - Lu yi makes biggest mistake of his life by meeting Brewster
*offhand line in desparado
2026- idk what fumis doing BUT SLAY IKKI
19/12/2026- Ollie's bullshit
1/2/2027- brynns bullshit ig idfc
6/5/2027 - qius bullshit
24/12/2027 - truth unveiled
Event stuff vaguely taking pace after Brynn but also somehow in 2027
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random-toiletry · 4 months
GAY MUGS☕☕🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈
Outfit Designs are made by: @random-toiletry
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random-toiletry · 4 months
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random-toiletry · 4 months
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I'm letting them have a pause after the Temporal Tower 💀🌱
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random-toiletry · 4 months
hey yo kiddos
another dislyte artist this time they're dropping scrap concepts
you know the rules: scrap concept art = your new oc starter kit
let's see here
what do we got
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We got a Koropokkuru(?) esper Ainu mythos are still under japanese mythos so maybe we can still get some version of her eventually
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going by the design I'm guessing JUST GUESSING this was suppose to be Unas and going by the beetle even though he has a bull face I'm gonna say this was suppose to be the Khepri Esper.
I do like the design but it's too fantasy for dislyte's vibe. hope the come back to it tho. I do want a Khepri esper at some point
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This one I have zero clue what he was going to be but he does look cool.
again like the other guy too fantasy so I hope they revisit this one
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glad the surgerys were a success fellas
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random-toiletry · 4 months
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random-toiletry · 5 months
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Little Bloom - Submitted by 5thCloud
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random-toiletry · 5 months
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late holidays gift for my adopted son @shokuarts <3 they are two mugs in the cupboard in love
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random-toiletry · 5 months
This is my coping mechanism
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random-toiletry · 6 months
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are there isaac people on this website? i've brought food
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random-toiletry · 6 months
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The names of the main Aphelium trio!
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random-toiletry · 6 months
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not dislyte related this time so i can post here again <3 heres that steven meme but with two of my comfort characters theyre talking abt putting me down frfr
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random-toiletry · 6 months
Something a lil different, I'm going to try posting some writing to see how much interest there might be.
A long form piece inspired by and extending upon the excellent work of @1-800-daylon with oversight and blessing
With a Heavy Heart
After a disasterous mission, Raven demotes Li Ling from his rank as Operations Chief. He is placed under the tutelage of Drew, who is tasked with his re-training and assessing when, or if, he is able to earn his title back.
In his brash attempts to regain his lost position and pride, Li Ling stumbles into long-buried pasts, and comes to realise the terrifying depth to his unassuming teacher and the house he served.
Contains themes of emotional hurt, grief and loss, with mention of Canonical character death, and use of organised crime-adjacent tropes.
Chapter 1
Raven slammed the holo-disk down on the table with a crash that sent papers and stationery flying. The abused disk sputtered into life, replaying a short clip of a ruined building collapsing into rubble on constant, destructive loop.
“So what do you call this?” She demanded of Li Ling, who was in the middle of using an extra arm to re-balance the dangerous chair lean Raven’s outburst had toppled as he sat across from her.
“I call that stopping the Shadow Decree from finding an occupied Miramon Shelter” Li Ling casually retorted, satisfied that his balance on the two chair legs had been restored.
“Oh do you?” Raven her voice rising in both pitch and volume with incredulity. “You see Shadow Decree agents stumbling into a building and your first instinct is to drop the building around them?”
“Well, they didn’t find it, did they?”
“Didn’t find – Alright, Li Ling, puzzle me this. Say you’re Hyde sitting in whatever sewer you’re squatting in. Two of your agents walk into a seemingly inconsequential ruin, and a Union Chief deems that a grievous enough transgression to topple the ENTIRE building around them. Do you think he thinks that area is important or unimportant?”
Li Ling didn’t answer immediately, still miffed he wasn’t getting the heroes welcome he was expecting.
“I…suppose they’d think it was import-“
“That’s right, I think they’d come to the conclusion that it was VERY important.”
Li Ling leant back and forth on his two chair legs, unperturbed by the lashing.
“Someone needed to show the strength to stop the Shadow Decree” He said in justification.
“If someone was trying to get into or out of the shelter, they’d be dead. What would your strength do THEN” Raven began heatedly.
“Not to mention the people inside. If the shelter wasn’t repaired properly, they’d be dead. If the shelter wasn’t stocked, they’d be dead. If the rescue operation I need to now schedule doesn’t get them out of the rubble in the next week, they’ll be dead. It’s a Godsdamned MIRACLE there are no reported casualties, and we’ll need to abandon the shelter ANYWAY because…”
She gestured for Li Ling to finish the sentence.
“Because the Shadow Decree know it’s Imp-“
“Because the Shadow Decree KNOW it’s IMPORTANT.”
Raven slumped heavily into her chair. She rubbed her good eye with one hand, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“I had hoped we were past this. I thought I’d trained you better.”
“In fairness,” Li Ling grumbled, “There are no rules in the rulebook that explicitly say don’t drop buildings.”
“Rules 1, 5, 6, 13 and 27.” Raven retorted.
There was a pause.
“…. what was rule 27 again?”
“Not Leaving a situation in more chaos than you found it.”
Raven sat, deep in thought.
“What am I going to do with you?”
Li Ling decided, finally, to keep his mouth shut. After what seemed like an age, Raven rummaged through her desk, grabbed something inside, and balefully wandered to the large window looking out of her office. It was nearly sunset in Raven’s high-rise office overlooking Gyrate. the afternoon light was starting to tinge gold as the last remnants of the day’s sun burned as white-hot points on the glass sea beneath them. Citizens went about their lives far beneath them. In the distance, the Miracle hung imposing over the city, casting a long shadow in the afternoon light.
“Clearly we need to go back a few steps.” Raven said, half to Li Ling, half to herself.
“Effective immediately, you are relieved of your position and duties as Operations Chief-”
“Wait, what, you can’t- “
“-and you will be immediately reassigned to general Union Operations-”
“Raven, don’t be stupid, you NEED- “
“Additionally, you will be assigned a tutor who will evaluate your progress, and determine when, or IF, you are fit to have your station-”
Raven swept around and clamped a solid metal cuff onto one of Li Ling’s regular forearms. The cuff extended from wrist to elbow and tightened around Li Ling’s arm in a vice-like grip.
“-and your powers returned to you.”
As the cuff clamped shut, Li Ling felt it burn red hot. He felt his power, that he usually channelled effortlessly, flow against his will towards it and dissipate into a mirage of heat. He fell backwards on his chair as his extra arms started dissipating into magenta particles. On the floor, Li Ling felt helpless and heavy, as if the earth was suddenly pulling him down with twice the force.
“What did you-” he heaved.
“An emergency resource from the Nether Gaol.” Raven replied, coldly “for if we ever needed to handle a rogue Esper. And right now, that means you, Sunshine.”
Li Ling could only gasp. He felt like there was an iron weight on his chest as his power dissipated, sapping his strength and his superhuman energy.
“Report to Clara immediately to make sure there are no adverse effects from the gauntlet…”
Li Ling barely pulled himself to his feet, his own weight almost too much to hold up.
“...And await further instructions on your tutor and your new responsibilities. You are dismissed.”
It is said that there are fewer more powerful Espers who have lived than the patriarch of House Ramses. Certainly, other Espers may be physically stronger, or better known, or in command of more powerful energies, but none can be said to truly be more powerful. Few can say they have the ambition, the drive or a persuasive power to affect change on the world quite like he could. The Ramses Dynasty ascended to greatness on the back of Esperhood, being one of the first to recognise the power a single Esper could hold over the world, let alone many. He is remembered as kind, as grounded, as caring for the small folk of the world and while that may be true, few can say they were truly witness to his shrewdness, his cunning, his loyalty, and his cruelty. When Lateef Ramses died at the hands of an unknown assassin, it sent ripples throughout Grandis that resonate to this day.
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random-toiletry · 7 months
Commission of Apple and Norm I bought!! I'm gonna cry this looks AMAZING please go check out Scotticity, the artist. She does amazing artwork!!
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random-toiletry · 9 months
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