random-of-random · 2 days
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 3 - The Ball
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If anyone ever said pirates weren’t efficient, they should be told the tale of Alice and her crew getting ready to host a ball for a new Commodore.
Hiding anything suspicious was the easy part. The locked extra pantry was plenty enough to stow away any of the papers they needed to keep from prying eyes. Their gear was locked into trunks in their personal rooms.
What wasn’t easy was shelling out the money for caterers and extra servants to make the night perfect. While they had the money, Alice had made a fortune sailing with Sam Bellamy and then even more in her exploits, they all hated spending it on posh pricks who would more likely give them a bullet than the time of day under normal circumstances.
Most pirates on ships had duel roles. Everyone chipped in, and just like on a ship, the men dove head first into getting ready.
By the time the night arrived everything was absolutely perfect.
Three of the men would be carefully and quietly sneaking into the Fort while the rest of the town partied at the mansion, courtesy of Vicountess Somers. Their goal was it make it seem like no one have ever been there. They didn’t want to get captured, and they didn’t want to have to kill. Alice and her crew took a page from Sam Bellamy - they didn’t kill if they didn’t have to.
The men left before the extra servants arrived for the night, and Alice went upstairs to get ready. Edward stayed at the mansion, her even present bodyguard.
When he knocked at the door to her room to let her know guests arrived, he couldn’t help but smile.
“You may not be a noble, but you wear the outfits quite well.” She turned to look at him with a smile on her face.
“Let’s be honest, I look better in trousers and my jacket.”
He motioned to her dress. “I see you’ve picked your signature color.” The red dress was her most fashionable. Bright red, matching the bow weaved intricately through her hair. Instead of an updo, she wore her hair down. The black hair fanned across the red dress she had commissioned to match that bow. The dress itself was more old fashioned than she had been wearing and the corset fit just perfectly. There were no color accents except around the sleeves and chest, and was intricately woven with gold and red fabric.
“Well, I wanted to stay partly me.”
“I wish Sam could see this.” Edward said and Alice took a calming breath.
“Me too.”
“Where should I wait during dinner?”
“You’ll be next to me.” Alice said simply and Edward raised his eyebrows.
“I don’t think it’s proper to have your bodyguard sitting at dinner. Robert would faint.”
Alice laughed. “Tonight is our last night with these people. I don’t particularly care what they think and they’re not going to question a noble.”
“Sounds good, Captain.” Edward was dressed in mostly black, fine quality that most would expect of a bodyguard. “People are going to be arriving soon.”
“Alright, let’s get ready to play our parts.” She effortlessly switched into her posh accent.
There were murmurs throughout the party. The red was certainly making some heads turn. When Governor Swann and Elizabeth arrived Alice was there to greet them.
“Lady Frances, you look marvelous!” Elizabeth said with a smile. They two women held hands for a moment.
“As do you, Elizabeth.” Her dress was a light blue which paired with her quite well. Her hair had been curled delicately and put in an updo worthy of a coronation, she was sure of it.
“That is such a stunning color.” Governor Swann started. “You stand out, in the best way.”
“Thank you, Governor.” Alice replied, trying her best not to smirk. “I felt it was appropriate since the ball is on behalf of a member of the Navy. Navy blues seemed a bit too pompous, don’t you agree?”
Governor Swann searched for something to say as Elizabeth politely held her laugh behind her fan. “You look absolutely wonderful, Lady Frances.” He finally said. Safe, complimentary.
“Thank you, Governor.” From behind him she caught the eyes of James. “Please excuse me, sir. I want to wish the man of the night my congratulations.” As she made her way over, James couldn’t seem to even think. She was beautiful. James was in his Navy dress. An outfit that should send Alice’s anxiety shooting upward. Yet, she was sure she had never seen a man so handsome.
“Captain Norrington.” She curtsied and he bowed back. Alice knew that there couldn’t be a repeat of the night of the dinner. The best thing would be to treat James Norrington with civility and step away as quickly as she could.
“Thank you for your generosity with this night.” He started. “And, if I may say, you look absolutely beautiful, Lady Frances.”
“Thank you, Captain. It is a pleasure to celebrate you.” James could tell she was being more formal, putting more of a guard up. He had no right to wish for something different. To wish anything different was downright improper. “Please, enjoy yourself.” She curtsied again and turned to greet her other guests. The bow going through her raven hair caught his eye and something stirred in his memory. Just for one second a moment of fear crept into his mind, but he couldn’t, for the life of him, understand why.
As everyone made their way into the dining room, there were whispers at the fact that while Lady Frances sat at the head of the table, her own bodyguard was to her right. To her left was Governor Swann, beside him Elizabeth, and James was surprised to find himself placed next to her.
Once everyone was seated Lady Frances stood.
“Good evening. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves.” There was some murmurs of approval. “Tonight we are here to celebrate Captain James Norrington, who will not be called Captain in twenty-four hours. Now, I have only known Captain Norrington for a few short days. I could regale you all with the kindness and character he has shown me. However, I wanted someone who knows him more, who served with him, to speak here tonight. Lieutenant Groves, if you would please?”
A few seats down from Edward, Groves stood, and Alice took her seat. She knew her brain would betray her if she was forced to give a speech about James. She could hardly talk about how handsome he looks in the moonlight. She was supposed to be married. More than that, it was about to be James’ job to be in charge of hunting her and the people she cared about. The thought soured her mood considerably. More so when she realized she shouldn’t even be thinking about James Norrington. She should be wondering how we men were doing at the fort. By the time she came back into focus, Groves had finished his speech and she held up her glass in a toast before the first course.
Once the food was cleared and the band had begun to play, Alice whispered to Edward to go and be on the lookout for the returning men. The hope was they would be back quickly and efficiently. One of her men named Simon had offered to help in the kitchen. He had been a chef back in Ireland and then became the chef for her crew, and he would be waiting to move any papers to the locked pantry.
“My dear Lady Frances.” Governor Swann said as he walked up to her. “Would you honor me with a dance?” He held out his hand and she took it immediately.
“It would be a pleasure.” They danced to a lively tune. The laughter around the floor told her everyone seemed to be having a great time. She made sure they had enough stock of wine to last them, and making sure everyone was good and drunk could only help her in the long run.
As the Governor turned her she caught a glimpse of James who was dancing with Elizabeth. He was smiling, she was laughing. Alice felt a pang of jealousy go through her, but she quickly pushed that away. Any thoughts about her and James Norrington needed to stop at that moment. And, more than that, she knew he would make a great husband to Elizabeth. He was kind and gentle. When he showed emotion it was sincere. In the first night she had watched his eyes flicker to Elizabeth which such adoration. Alice knew she would be taken care of and loved. She couldn’t ask for more than that from two wonderful people.
The dance came to a close and there was a small round of applause. “Thank you for the wonderful dance, Governor.” He bowed. “If you would excuse me?”
“Of course.” He beamed. His cheeks were red from several glasses of wine and Alice found herself thinking that wasn’t a bad idea. Find a servant with the wine she took a glass for herself. When she turned back to the party she was surprised to see James walking toward her.
“Lady Frances.”
“Captain Norrington.” She acknowledged. “Are you having a good time?”
“I am, thank you.” He promised. “I came to ask if you would honor me with a dance.” She couldn’t say no. Maybe it was knowing that after tomorrow she would, hopefully, never see him again.
“I would be delighted-“ She was interrupted by Edward.
“I am terribly sorry, my Lady.” He bowed.
“What is it, Edward?” She asked.
“May I speak with you, privately?”
Her eyes turned to James. “My apologies, Captain.” She and Edward turned, heading for another room. James couldn’t pretend he wasn’t disappointed.
The study was a place she had wanted to spend more time in, if they had the time. It was dark wood with books lining the walls. Giles stood outside on guard to make sure no one came within earshot as Edward closed the door behind them.
“Is everyone alright?” Was her first question.
“Yes, everyone made it back safely.” Alice let out a sigh of relief. “They were in and out quickly, no one saw them. It’s what they found that’s concerning.”
“What did they find?” Alice asked.
“A list of spies for the Royal Navy and where they are located. Some are on Tortuga.” Her jaw clenched. “There’s also a few pirate havens that they know about. I think your Captain Norrington intends to go raid them after his promotion is made official.”
“Go, get Robert, will you?” She asked and Edward gave a quick nod before leaving. They would have a head start on anything Norrington had planned, which was key. She sat in silence for a few moments. If her mind wandered too far, she could almost feel tears threatening to spill. So, she pushed them down. Edward and Robert came back in a few minutes.
“Captain.” Robert acknowledged.
“I need you to get to the docs and get first passage that you can. You have to get to Tortuga as quickly as possible.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “Hopefully those pirate havens can be cleared out before the Royal Navy gets their hands on anyone. And make sure the right people in Tortuga know the names of the spies.”
“You can count on me Captain.”
“When you get to Tortuga send someone for us. We’ll want to leave late tomorrow night.”
“I will.”
“The winds be with you, Robert.” She shook his hand and he headed back out the door.
“What’s the plan?” Edward asked.
“Tomorrow, after the ceremony,” Alice started. “We will spend the day carefully packing, not drawing any attention. Once night falls we will gather everything up. We can’t leave a trace of us behind. Not a single piece of clothing.”
“Understood, Captain.”
“We will leave an urgent note with the Swann’s. My husband has taken ill and we were quickly recalled to England.”
“Will they believe it?” Edward asked.
Alice shrugged. “Once we’re back on the seas, it won’t matter.”
“I’ll start telling the men.” He said and she let out a soft sigh. “You should get back out there. The hostess will be missed.”
Alice seemed to clench her jaw. “I can do this for one more day.” He nodded before opening the door for her.
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random-of-random · 6 days
I’m just saying I could save and fix him.
Or… at least… I could write a story where that happens. 😅
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139 notes · View notes
random-of-random · 6 days
Well, I feel attacked.
Whenever I start babygirlifying some middle aged actor it is my god given responsibility to investigate his entire filmography 💪
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random-of-random · 6 days
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 2 - About the Topic of Pirates.
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This time in a gold dress that fit her like a glove, Alice made her way out of her temporary home with Edward in tow. Both wanted to walk, so she gave Charlie the night off.
“Have fun and don’t get into too much trouble.” She had told him with a wink. She needed a break from being nobility, and would rather have spent the couple precious minutes walking with Edward than the thirty seconds it would take to ride in a carriage. The sun setting did nothing to stifle the heat and humidity. Alice found herself, once again, wondering how her fellow women survived in clothes like this while in the islands.
“Remind me, Edward, when we get back to the ship?”
“Yes, Captain?”
“We’re burning this corset in particular.” It seemed to be slightly tighter than rest.
“Will do, ma’am.”
As they were almost to the door, Alice slipped into her posh accent. “You don’t have to stay here, Edward.”
“Are you sure?”
“It will be a quick walk home and anyone who dares try to mess with me well-“
“At their own peril.” Edward agreed with a chuckle.
“Go get drunk, have some fun for both of us.”
“Is that an order, Captain?” He whispered and she gave him a soft smile before walking toward the servant at the door.
When the servant announced her, the first one to greet her was Elizabeth.
“I am so happy you came.” She said with a bright smile. The lights flickered behind her, casting a glow of gold over the room. Alice could feel the eyes of the guests on her, but she tried to ignore the sensation.
“I was delighted to get your invitation. Thank you.” They both curtsied. “The invitation said a small guest list?” Alice joked.
“I know compared to the parties you have probably seen back home this is not grand. There will be dancing after dinner though.”
“My dear Elizabeth,” she said with a smile, “I am happy to be here with you. That is enough in itself.” Elizabeth smiled and walked arm in arm with her into the dining room. Alice got a sense about Elizabeth. That, despite her upbringing, the pomp and circumstance didn’t sit well with her. She seemed to go along with it for her father, but she was clever and funny. Though, she tried her best to conceal it around Alice. No doubt thinking she should impress Lady Frances, the noble, with being as mild mannered as she could be.
Norrington had already arrived, dressed in his Navy blues, and Alice couldn’t deny that she was happy to see him. He gave her a polite bow as the two women walked up to him.
“I want to thank you again for the tour today.”
“As I said before, the honor was mine.” His green eyes took in her dress. “You look lovely, Lady Frances.”
“Thank you, Captain. You look quite handsome yourself.”
“Lady Frances!” Governor Swann’s voice caused her to break eye contact. “A delight to see you.”
“You as well, Governor. Thank you for the invitation.”
“Of course. Come, you will be sitting next to me.” He led her to the end of the table. Governor Swann sat at the head. With Alice to his right, his daughter to his left, and Norrington beside Elizabeth. To her surprise, on the other side of Norrington was a man she recognized as Lieutenant Gillette, one of Norrington’s men.
As everyone took their seats Governor Swann stayed standing. “I am delighted to see all of you here this evening. To be dining with friends old and new, on this joyous night. I have wonderful news.” He took a beat to let the tension build. “The ceremony to promote Captain James Norrington to Commodore James Norrington is to take place in three days time!” There was a round of applause and several people immediately congratulated James. “Now, don’t you all worry, the plans for the ceremony have been carefully kept quiet for some time.” Alice stifled a laugh. “I could think of no one better to keep Port Royal safe than our dear James Norrington.”
“It is truly an honor, thank you so much.” There was a tinge of red to James’ cheeks and he looked to Alice who mouthed “Congratulations” before standing herself.
“Governor Swann, if I may?”
“Of course, Lady Frances.”
Alice took a steadying breath. “I did not know what to expect when coming to Port Royal. But, I can say for certain just how warm and inviting the people here are. I have been welcomed with open arms and I couldn’t be more grateful. Particularly by Governor Swann and dear Elizabeth who are the embodiment of kindness. Captain Norrington, you as well have gone above and beyond in your kindness to me. So, in your honor I would like to have a ball at my home.” A delighted murmur ran through the people gathered. “You are to be celebrated. As you should be.” Her eyes seemed to burn as she said it. James didn’t miss a moment. “So, the night before your ceremony we shall have a ball.”
“Can you get everything together that quickly?” Governor Swann asked.
“Watch me work miracles, Governor.” She said with a smile and the group laughed. “I shall invite the whole Navy stationed at Port Royal, it will be a grand event.” She grabbed her wine glass. “So, let’s raise a toast to Captain Norrington.” The group followed her lead. “To a good man, who has earned this.”
“To a good man.” The crowd echoed before she sat down. James just smiled at her.
“Of course, Governor,” Alice said as she leaned toward him. “I shall need your recommendations for the best caterers.”
“And you shall have them.” He replied back with a smile as the first course was brought out.
The conversation flowed with the wine. Some smaller groups broke into different topics. By the third course the topic had shifted… to pirates.
Alice tried not to let his discomfort show as she carefully ate her food and drank her wine.
“Well, I just don’t understand why the Navy can’t catch more of them.” A woman at the end of the table was saying. “They deserve to all be put in prison.” Alice was determined to never learn her name.
“They have no respectability to them.” A man beside her said. “Can you imagine a pirate sitting down to a nice dinner such as this?” The group laughed. “They would be eating with their fingers like barbarians!” The sudden urge to eat with her fingers just to see that man scandalized crept into her brain and she pushed it away.
“The Navy has been doing quite a good job at successfully getting rid of Pirates.” Norrington asserted. “Most of the pirates of any renown have been killed or captured.”
“As they should!” Governor Swann proclaimed. Alice took a steadying breath in. She knew some of those pirates, and sailed with some of those pirates. She looked up and to her surprised Elizabeth seemed as annoyed and frustrated as she felt. “Let them come to Port Royal.” Governor Swann joked. “Any pirate. They will be strung up and put on display.” Elizabeth actively stopped eating.
“Have you at all considered,” Alice started before taking a sip of her wine. “what could make someone turn to a life of piracy?”
Governor Swann laughed. “Because in their heart every pirate knows they are hell bound.”
“It’s simple Lady Frances,” James started. “Pirates are not decent people. They could choose another way, but they don’t. Which means, they do not deserve any sympathy from good people like you and me. Trust me, I know. I have met my fair share of pirates and they’re… they’re not like those gathered here.” Alice took in a deep breath as the conversation continued down the table. She could feel the anger coursing through her. The rage threatening to burst, mixed with an urge to laugh. Pirates weren’t barbarians. Little did they know who sat amongst them, portraying a noble no less. She knew pirates that were worth ten Navy sailors for their courage and loyalty alone. She stood slowly and carefully.
“Please excuse me, I would like to get some air.”
“The back balcony has a beautiful view of the garden.” Elizabeth recommended.
“Thank you, Elizabeth.” She had a feeling Elizabeth had used this escape more than once. Alice put on the best fake smile she could and forced herself to walk slowly toward the back of the house. The small breeze in the air carried the scent of the ocean and Alice breathed it in as deeply as she could. She missed her ships, she missed her crew. The group in that dining room, wishing death on her and her friends, would think it backward, but she missed the more caring and happier atmosphere on the ship. The music playing at night and stories being told. The men playing cards and telling jokes. How everyone was equal. It didn’t matter their background or who their parents were.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a set of boots and James Norrington’s voice. “Lady Frances, are you alright?”
“Yes.” She said turning to face him with a smile. “I am quite fine.”
“Is it the heat?”
“The heat?” She asked.
“Most, when they come to the Islands from England, find the heat hard to contend with.” Alice gave him a genuine smile. He was right. When she was first in the Caribbean at a younger age, the heat had been hard to deal with.
“I am sure that plays a part.” She replied with a nod.
“About the topic of pirates-“
Alice held up her hand. “If we could not continue that line of conversation, I would be grateful. I don’t expect a man of the Royal Navy to have a differing opinion.”
“Nor do I expect a Viscountess to have a differing opinion.”
“I wasn’t always a Viscountess, Captain.”
He looked at her carefully. He couldn’t be sure what made his next sentence tumble from his lips. “But you have always been a Craven… haven’t you?” Her stomach sank to her toes. In letting her mouth run away with her, she had forgotten she was supposed to be the daughter of Baron Craven. For a moment her mind raced until she let out a small laugh.
“I am going to let you in on a secret, Captain, that most nobles don’t want you to know.” She took a few steps closer to him and he almost seemed to hold his breath. “The children of nobility aren’t all angels.” She whispered and he let out a laugh, the tension seeping from the situation.
“No, I should hope not.” He couldn’t stop the smile on his face. While James had his suspicions, he found Frances so charming and lovely. They did say every noble had their secrets. Alice’s mind was still racing. He came dangerously close to putting two and two together. Music began to play from the ballroom and he held out his arm.
“May I have the first dance, Lady Frances?”
“You may.” She took his arm as they walked back into the grand home. The scariest part of that interaction for her was how much she wanted to tell him. How much she wanted him to know her. The same man who just said she had no decency and he had no sympathy for her… if he knew.
Several couples were already dancing when the two came in and they joined. The tension of the previous situation all seemed forgotten as they moved about the room together. Their eyes not parting for a moment. It was as if they were made to dance together. It couldn’t have been more than a minute before Norrington felt a tap on his shoulder. Lieutenant Gillette stood with a strained smile. “May I cut in?”
“Of course.” Norrington said and Gillette leaned in to whisper to his Captain.
“Governor Swann wishes to speak with you.”
Gillette then bowed to Alice who curtsied back before they begun dancing. Alice caught the tension in the conversation between Governor Swann and James.
“That doesn’t look good.”
“I dared not ask.” Gillette said carefully. “But I can promise Governor Swann was not happy when he demanded me to ask for this dance.” His face flushed. “Not that I am not honored to be dancing with you, Lady Frances.”
“It is quite alright, Lieutenant.” She absolved him of his worry. “You, so far, are a marvelous dance partner.” He let out a small breath of air as they continued to dance.
“Do you have any idea what that looked like, James?” Governor Swann was saying. “You followed a married woman outside in the dark, where you proceeded to stay for some minutes. Then the two of you come back arm and arm and share a first dance!” He was trying to keep his voice low.
“There was nothing improper, Governor, I assure you.” James was saying carefully. “I was asking the Viscountess if she was alright. That is all, and then I escorted her back in.”
“Might I remind you, Captain, that you have made it know to me your intentions with my daughter?”
“Yes, sir. I apologize, sir.”
“I suggest you go ask my daughter to dance and ignore the pretty eyes of Lady Frances for one night.” James clenched his jaw and gave a strict nod before making a bee-line for Elizabeth. He hadn’t realized his transparency. He would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t feel something for Frances. How could he not? Still, the Governor was right. He needed to focus on his priorities.
As the night wore on, Alice found herself increasingly in need of a pair of trousers and to be out of a corset. Since his quiet argument with Governor Swann, Norrington had been avoiding her, and she was pretty sure he had already made his exit.
When Elizabeth was between dances, she pulled her carefully to the side.
“You have to forgive me Elizabeth, but I must away.”
“Are you alright?”
Alice smiled. “Yes. I just would like to be rid of this dress and comfortably in bed.”
Elizabeth laughed. “I understand completely.”
“Think you can help me sneak out of here so I can avoid the long goodbyes?”
“Say no more.” She carefully and slowly led Alice toward the kitchen and out the side door.
“Thank you. I shall see you soon, Elizabeth.”
“Good night, Frances!” Elizabeth whispered excitedly.
“I knew I would get you to call me Frances.” Alice said with a small laugh as she walked into the darkness. Her home was on the other side of the Swann residence so she took the path slowly.
“Lady Frances?” Norrington’s voice startled her.
“Captain, you gave me a fright.” Alice had taken a few steadying breaths. Despite what she told Edward, she wasn’t exactly sure how to fight in this kind of dress.
“My apologies. Are you heading home?”
“I am.”
“Where is your bodyguard?”
Alice smiled. “I gave him the night off.” Norrington looked scandalized in the light of the outside lamps.
“I must insist that I accompany you on your walk home.”
“It’s only a minute’s walk. Plus, I fear I have gotten you in trouble enough with your future father-in-law.”
“How did you know?” He asked.
Alice smiled softly. “Governor Swann is not a subtle man. I take it Elizabeth has not been made formally aware. Though, she is smart as anyone I have met, so I’m sure she knows as well.”
James looked troubled for just a moment. “Still, I insist, please let me walk you back. It would be ungentlemanly if I didn’t.”
Alice couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “Well, if it would call into question how much of a gentleman you are, I see no other choice than allow you to accompany me.” He held out his arm. His other priorities be damned, so it seemed.
“May I ask you something, Lady Frances?” He asked as they began to walk.
“You may.”
“Why did your husband send you here alone?” The question had been plaguing him. What husband would? If he were honest with himself, if he was married to Frances he would never want to be parted from her.
“I’m not alone.” She responded. “And I promise you, I am more than capable of taking care of myself.”
“I am noticing that.” He chuckled.
“Congratulations again, on Commodore.”
“Thank you.” He responded, and she felt a bit of sadness go through her. Soon he would be hunting her. As they got closer to her house he noticed it was dark, no servants to greet her. From a small, well designed, bag hanging around her waist she pulled a key.
He smiled, torn between impressed and concerned. “Your servants aren’t here to do this for you?”
“Captain, my servants are my friends. They are my family. They deserve the night off too.”
“You continue to surprise me, Frances.”
“I make that a goal when I meet people.” She jested. He took a step forward, crossing into her space. Instantly she wanted to kiss him. He was close enough. He was right there. In the darkness, with just moonlight, they seemed to feel emboldened. She knew he felt it too, the way his eyes flickered down to her lips and back up. Instead, she took a small step back which he mimicked.
“Thank you for walking me home, Captain Norrington. Your status as a gentleman is no longer in danger.” They both took in the double meaning of that sentence.
He let out a breath of air and tried not to laugh. “Good night, Lady Frances.”
“Goodnight, Captain. I will see you at the ball.”
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random-of-random · 6 days
The Pirate Queen - Masterlist
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Chapter 1: The Vicountess
Chapter 2: About the Topic of Pirates
Chapter 3: The Ball
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random-of-random · 9 days
The Pirate Queen
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Author’s Note:
Here is the start of my new series. I hope you like it!
Chapter 1: The Viscountess
The string band was playing a lively tune and the wine was flowing as everyone who was anyone from Port Royal enjoyed the party that Governor Weatherby Swann was hosting. They all were waiting to see her. The noblewoman. Just the day before, a new woman had arrived in town and took up residence in the mansion next to the Governor’s. It was mere hours before the town knew - a noblewoman from England had come to Port Royal. Her husband - a Viscount in his own right - was the third son to Baron Somers. The news had been that Somers and his son, the Viscount, were looking to buy land and start harvesting crops.
What was known of his wife, so far, was that she was sent ahead with a small contingent of servants and a bodyguard. The husband was to sail in a months time and join his wife.
Captain James Norrington listened to the gossip with interest. Why would a nobleman with no ties to the Navy want to come to Port Royal?
“I have only spoken with her for a few moments, but she is delightful and very beautiful.” Governor Swann said with a smile.
“I am interested to hear of the business prospects her husband has in mind.” Norrington added.
“Come, come now Captain Norrington,” Governor Swann said with a chuckle. “Be more hospitable to our new Viscountess. If they enjoy it here and the soil is plentiful they could bring people like them to the area. Plus, should they have children you can encourage them into the Navy.” A few people around laughed and James gave a curt nod but a small smile. He knew, as well as the Governor knew, the nobility in England very much looked down on the islands - no matter how much money they made them. “Ah, here she is.”
Walking gracefully through the crowd, Viscountess Frances Somers was gorgeous. For a moment all James could do was stare. Her dress was the color of the deep ocean with a golden pattern throughout, with winged sleeves it came together it joined at the top of the shoulders and under was a corset and dress the same ocean blue. Her dark hair was tied up in and intricate design.
Behind her and to her side, in an even darker blue, was a man who’s eyes landed on everyone in turn. Her bodyguard, James guessed. He wore a sword and a pistol.
“Viscountess Somers.” Governor Swann walked forward to greet her.
“Governor Swann, it is lovely to see you again.” She spoke with a posh accent, common among the nobility.
“We are delighted you could come. I am sorry we could not have put on a proper party.” He apologized and the Lady did her best to hide a small amount of shock before covering it with a gracious smile, but not before Norrington caught it.
“Governor Swann, your home is beautiful and this party is a very kind gesture. I would not miss it for the world.” Her voice was soft and kind, but she was absolutely intriguing to James. Something about her seemed to not fit. Like a puzzle with a missing piece. Governor Swann put his hand behind his daughter’s back and slightly moved her forward.
“This is my lovely daughter, Elizabeth.” Elizabeth curtsied and so did the Viscountess in turn.
“Elizabeth, it is wonderful to meet you. Your father speaks so highly of you.”
“Thank you, Viscountess.” Elizabeth started with a kind grin.
“Please, dear Elizabeth call me Frances.”
“I do not believe I could be that informal.” Elizabeth said quickly and her father looked on proudly.
“Then I insist on Lady Frances, how would that be?”
Elizabeth gave a small laugh. “Wonderful, Lady Frances.”
“Good! But in no time at all I am determined to have to call me Frances.” The more she conversed with Elizabeth the more her eyes calmed.
“Lady Frances, your dress is beautiful. I don’t believe I have seen anything like it.” Elizabeth’s voice seemed strained in the compliment. As if it was one not really thought of by her, but that she was asked to say. Lady Frances ran her hand down the sides proudly.
“It’s called a robe battante.” She explained. “They are currently the talk of all things fashion in Paris.” A few people gave an ‘ooh’ as she had drawn a crowd around her. “You know, Elizabeth, I brought several with me. They are new and I would love to gift you with one. You could pick the color you like best and a seamstress could fit it to you.”
“Oh, Lady Frances, that’s incredibly kind of you.” Governor Swann said brightly.
“For all the hospitality you and Elizabeth are showing me, it is absolutely no trouble at all.”
“I would also like you to meet Captain James Norrington.” Swann indicated James. “He is one of the best Naval men on the island.”
Frances eyes lit up. “It is wonderful to meet you Captain.” He took her hand and kissed the top of it. The rush he felt go through him was expounded when he looked into her eyes. What looked like brown eyes from across the room were in fact Amber, he imagined they would look almost gold in the sunlight.
“The pleasure is all mine Viscountess Somers.”
“If I am not mistaken, Captain, you are going to be promoted to Commodore within a short time.” It was true. There had been talk of it for nearly a month. The date had, not yet, been set for him to receive the official title.
“How did you hear that?”
“I have only been here a day, Captain. However, small towns seem to be built for gossip.” Her eyes shone in a different way when she was talking to him. It was the same calm and genuine ease she had with Elizabeth as well. Governor Swann moved her toward more people he insisted she must meet and Norrington’s eyed followed her.
“Sir.” Lieutenant Groves walked up to him. “Have you met her? Everyone is talking about her.”
“She is quiet lovely, Lieutenant, but-“ he stopped talking to think for a moment.
“But what, sir?”
“I can’t seem to articulate it, Lieutenant. It is like she is acting in a play around certain people.” In her interactions with Elizabeth he noticed she wasn’t as tense. She talked calmly. When she talked to others is was a false sense of confidence. As if she was putting on a show, and Norrington didn’t know why.
“With all the people a noblewoman has to meet, I expect she is in a way.” Groves responded.
“Quiet right, Lieutenant.” James replied, She stayed merely an hour before she decided to leave, blaming it on the extraordinarily long travel time. Governor Swann, of course, said he understood and she promised to dine with Elizabeth as soon as she was available. Before she left the room her amber eyes found him she gave him a small nod. He nodded back, already looking forward to seeing her again.
Lady Frances’ bodyguard walked her securely toward the waiting carriage, even though the house she rented was a mere minutes walk. If nobility don’t have to walk, they wouldn’t. When they were out of earshot Edward Gorman let out a low whistle.
“They all hounded over you as if you were the last piece of meat among a pack of dogs.”
She laughed in return before dropping her posh accent. In reality her accent had been a mash of different cultures. Growing up in the colonies had afforded her to know people from various walks of life. The closest she came was Irish, having been born in Ireland and brought to the new world when she was just four.
“All they want to eat is the power that comes with my ‘title’ and we both know that would leave them starving.” With a low chuckle Edward helped her into the carriage and they headed for their temporary home.
As James Norrington sat at his desk in Fort Charles his mind kept wandering to Lady Frances. Her surprise at the Governor saying they party wasn’t grand enough, the difference in her countenance between people. He was missing something, and he couldn’t grasp at what it was. Part of himself reasoned it was just nobility, as Groves had suggested. It wasn’t as if he had met many, or any, real nobility direct from England. But then he remembered the way his heart raced and her eyes seemed to pierce through him. For that he felt guilty. He had already made his intentions toward Elizabeth known to her father.
In that moment a woman’s laugh rang out in the corridor followed by the tone of Governor Swann. He rose from his seat and entered the hallway to find the same woman he had been thinking about. Her hair still pulled back but in a modest green dress that somehow made her eyes even brighter.
“Captain!” Governor Swann said with a warm smile.
“Governor. Lady Frances.” He bowed toward her and she curtsied back. “I didn’t expect to see…. It’s highly irregular to have visitors at this time at the Fort. Especially women.”
“Captain-“ Governor Swann started but Frances interrupted.
“Oh, please don’t be cross with the Governor. I wanted to see everything that Port Royal has to offer and I asked to see the Fort.”
“I understand, Lady Frances, just that this is a prison. And we do have inmates, some of which are pirates,” She gave a small, almost imperceptible, smirk but he caught it. “Are you sure your husband would be comfortable with you being here?” Once again something in her seemed to shift as she gave him a genuine smile.
“I assure you, Captain, my husband knows I can be impetuous. Plus, I am standing here with the Governor and a Captain. Some of the best soldiers the Royal Navy has to offer are in this building. Even with my bodyguard outside, I don’t think I have felt safer in quite some time.” James couldn’t help but give a small smile. “I would be honored, if you aren’t too busy, if you would join us on this tour, Captain.”
He thought for a moment of the work he had, but then he looked at her again. The hopeful expression on her face won out. “It would be my delight, Lady Frances.”
They walked through the fort, skipping the actual jail cells - Norrington couldn’t even begin to think about bringing a Lady near the scum they had in there - as he showed her around the rest of Fort Charles. He talked about the history of the Fort and the Royal Navy. Showed her the battlements and the courtyard.
“Did you know,” Governor Swann started, “Captain Norrington’s father was the famous Admiral Lawerence Norrington?”
“An admiral?” Lady Frances asked. “As they say, talent begets talent, Captain. Though I suspect your success is your own.” He looked at her with surprise. In fact he almost stopped walking. Most everyone in Port Royal based who he was on his father, especially when he was starting out. He worked hard to make his own path and step of out the shadow of the man that came before him. Yet here was someone who saw him without a second thought.
“Thank you.” He said with a small nod.
As they turned another corner a messenger came. Slightly out of breath, it was clear he had run part, if not most, of the way from town.
“For Governor Swann.” He said as he handed him the note, and the Governor began to read it.
“Nothing serious, I hope.” Frances said softly.
“No, thank heavens not.” Governor Swann responded. “Though, I must away. Captain could you please continue the tour, and then escort her to her carriage?”
“Of course, sir.” Norrington answered and Swann said a hasty goodbye. “Probably a dispute among the merchants. What a busy and trying life he leads.” He said when Swann was around the corner.
Frances laughed, such a genuine laugh. Now Norrington was sure she was putting on a show for some of Port Royal, but he was determined to see the real side of her as often as he could.
He showed her the little things that only the soldiers really knew about. Talked about battles and traditions. However, slowly the conversation shifted and they were just talking. About the town, about the sea. He was surprised, yet delighted to find out how much she loved the ocean. He couldn’t think of a time when he had a more agreeable and pleasant conversation. When the topic of family came up again, they were on their way out of the fort.
“You seem to be able to see through me, if I may say so, Lady Frances.” He started, surprising himself with his own words. James Norrington was not one to show what he was thinking or his emotions. That had been trained out of him by battle.
“You’re referring to Swann bringing up your father.” She guessed.
“Yes, I am.” She seemed to give his arm and slight squeeze.
“Truth be told, Captain. I have never heard the name Lawrence Norrington before now. I judge who I see in front of me. So, you are your own man with me.” His eyes turned to her. She was looking straight ahead as they continued to walk. No hint of sarcasm, no sign that she didn’t genuinely mean what she was saying.
“That’s refreshing to hear.”
“It is I, Captain, who am grateful. Really, thank you for showing me around. It was made better by your addition to it.”
“I was happy to.” He replied quietly as they made their way outside. Somehow, talking to her made her even more of a mystery.
He could see the same bodyguard waiting for her by a carriage. A coachmen sat at the front.
He was right. Her eyes looked golden in the sun. The two of them seemed to walk slower as they didn’t want the interaction to end. The bodyguard climbed in first and James took her hand to help her in. When she was seated and turned toward him their eyes locked. His eyes were such an intense green that she couldn’t recall having seen a shade like that before. Neither wanting to look away. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, Lady Frances.”
“You as well, Captain Norrington.” He took a step back and the carriage headed off. Norrington stood in place for a few more seconds watching it go.
In the carriage she leaned back against the seat letting out a slow breath.
“How was the walk about Port Royal?” Edward laughed. “It’s the same small island town we have seen before.”
“I expected as much. The fort is pretty similar to everything else. The battlements are higher. It would be foolish for anyone to assault the city directly.”
“They say it’s one of the safest.” He eyed her a moment. “You were in there longer than expected.” His tone took on a teasing note. “Enjoying the company of Captain Norrington, are you?”
She took a deep breath and promptly ignored the question. “Any idea what the men got?”
Edward shook his head with a laugh. “They were out and headed to the house before I got back. Charlie says he found something you will like, though. Didn’t ya Charlie?” He tapped the top of the carriage.
“Just wait and see, Captain.” Charlie called back.
Captain Alice Buckley. She had several nicknames, but the crew just called her Captain. It had taken months of planning to come up with Lady Frances and to forge the correct documents that would secure her everything she needed. Now, the plan was in full swing and everyone had to play their part perfectly. If the authorities of Port Royal figured them out, they would end up locked in Fort Charles awaiting the noose. And she already didn’t want to see the look on James Norrington’s face if he found out who she was. For she hadn’t been able to have that good and calm and pleasant of a conversation in quite some time.
They made it to the house within several minutes. Edward got out first and held his hand out for ‘Lady Frances’ to keep up appearances. The two of them, followed by Charlie, walked into the house.
The house that Lady Frances and her Viscount husband were supposed to move into was enormous. Three stories of imported stone, many bedrooms, and the kitchen was set for a master chef and his team. The view from the balcony, out to the ocean, was the only thing Alice really loved. The grand staircase was easily eight feet across and the chandelier in the front room was magnificent. Off to the left were French doors to the massive dining room. They were currently open. The table, which could easily sit up to twenty people alone, was covered in many different papers that five men were pouring over. They turned when she walked into the room. She pulled her black hair down from it’s design and let out a long sigh.
“Captain.” Giles Dolan called to her. He had been sailing with her a long time, only a year less than Edward. He first sailed under Blackbeard, then Sam Bellamy, then he chose to sail under her.
“I know you respect the command, Giles but please call me Alice for today. If one more person calls me Lady Frances I’m going to vomit.” There were a few chuckles. “Elias.” “Alice.” He said with a smirk and she gave him a nod. “What did you find.”
“Not enough.” He answered in a disappointed tone. “We confirmed the routes the Navy takes to get to the different islands. They’re sneaky. They take alternating routes and change it every few weeks.”
The fact was the Royal Navy had made it their job to end piracy. Sam Bellamy had died in a storm. But Blackbeard was killed in the colonies and Stede Bonnet was hung. Anne Bonney disappeared (most fellow pirates believed the Navy had her locked up in a prison somewhere), and Black Bart was killed in battle. The Navy was winning. And aside from just robbing the crown, something that the crew and Alice had come to love doing, they hated the East India trading company. A company that stopping seeing the profit in alcohol and started seeing the profit in trading people. Sam Bellamy had made it his job to go after slave ships - something Alice Buckley was proud to continue.
“That doesn’t sound like nothing Elias. That sounds like something that will give our ships and advantage. Good work.”
“I know there is more in there.”
“I found something.” Charlie announced. “This one I didn’t even copy down, I just took it.”
“Are you trying to get us caught?” Robert Murray asked. Once a member of the Royal Navy he took the opportunity to jump sides when Alice and her crew raided his ship.
“They had more than one. Trust me.” He pulled the paper from his pocket and opened it slowly. They all started laughing at Alice’s wanted poster.
Under a poor drawing that looked nothing like her read:
“Wanted: Dead or Alive
Alice the Enchantress
Also known as Mad Alice.
She is described as having black hair and eyes so dark brown they look black.
150£ REWARD”
She was laughing. “Guys, are my eyes black? Have you been lying to me this whole time?”
“Everyone who’s anyone knows,” Edward started, “anyone who gets too close to Mad Alice to see that her eyes are golden won’t live to tell the tale!” The men cheered and Charlie handed her a glass of whiskey from which she took a sip.
Carefully sitting at the table she took a deep breath in, trying to move with the corset she was wearing. It was rigged specially by a seamstress in Tortuga. She could get out of it and into it completely on her own. Save the guys from having to try to tie it every morning.
“So, the question is, how do we get back into the fort to try to find out more?” Edward asked.
Charlie asked the next question. “What specifically do we want to know?”
Alice took another sip of whiskey before speaking. “We want to know if they know about any pirate havens and which ones. If they have any spies on the islands, who and where. And, lastly, what they know specifically about The Banshee and the Wild Cherry.” She listed the two ships in her fleet.
She had left her first mate, James Callahan, in charge while she and a small crew came to Port Royal. The Navy would love to know they had men working for them that reported information to pirates. And right now the Royal Navy was pouring money into Port Royal. They needed to know everything the Navy did.
“Plus, we need to find out if any one man or set of men has been assigned to find our ships and our captain.” Giles said seriously. “We don’t want to get caught in the open like Blackbeard did.” They were quiet for a few moments.
“I can’t ask for another tour.” Alice sighed. “Norrington is smart. Smarter than the Navy deserves. Too bad we couldn’t make him a pirate.”
“He wouldn’t turn?” Edward asked.
“James Norrington?” Robert said with a laugh. “Son of Admiral Lawerence Norrington? Not in a million years. Lawrence Norrington made it his goal to catch and kill any pirate he found. It doesn’t surprise me James is smart. His dad was smart. Ruthless and cruel and smart.”
“I don’t think James Norrington is ruthless,” she replied as she remembered his green eyes and his kind smile. “but I don’t think he’ll be hosting the colors any time soon either.”
“We can’t go at night.” Elias said quickly. Elias was the stealthiest man on Alice’s crew. They joked he could be in a room full of broken glass and someone still wouldn’t hear him coming. “We don’t know any of the guard rotations, or how many their are.”
“Maybe we could change that.” Alice said quickly. “We throw a ball. Norrington is going to be named Commodore soon, and that would give the island a reason to celebrate.” She looked to her men with a wide grin. “We invite the entire Royal Navy on the island. Very few aren’t going to accept. The Fort will be at minimal guard and all of the big hitters will be here.”
“Are you sure that’s going to happen any time soon?” Giles asked.
“Governor Swann is a nice man, but he does like to brag for nobility.” Alice explained. “He mentioned Norrington’s promotion and that he is having a sword crafted for him. So, it must be happening within a fortnight at the latest.” They knew they were on a deadline. Their forged paperwork would only work for so long. Should someone get word to the crown and the crown send word back they would be forced to flee. They gave themselves a month.
Edward smiled. “Could work.”
“We would have to make this place really look like a noblewoman is living here.” Charlie pointed out.
“Well, we already have the furniture.” Robert said. They had rented it as is, and the person renting to them was easily fooled and manipulated. “We carefully hide any of our actual property, hire local servants and caterers. I am sure the Swanns have recommendations.”
Alice gave a nod. “Let’s put it to a vote. All in favor of a ball?”
Eight voices said in unison: “Aye!”
The knock at the door made them all uneasy for a moment. Charlie, still dressed in his coachman uniform headed for the main door while Edward and Elias closed the French doors and the curtains.
They heard low voices and the door shutting again before Charlie let himself into the dining room. “That was a servant from the Swann residence. The presence of Lady Frances is requested at a dinner tonight. They made sure to mention it would be a small dinner. Only fourteen including yourself.”
Alice leaned her head back. “I was looking forward to getting out of this.” She motioned to the corset.
“Of course you will.” Robert said with a shrug. “You can’t wear the same outfit to dinner that you wore to tour the Fort. What kind of noble are you?” The men laughed as Alice threw her crumpled up wanted sign at him.
“Careful with that!” Charlie said smoothing the paper. “I want to bring it back to the ship.”
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random-of-random · 1 month
Am I working on a new story?
Appreciation for James Norrington in DMC:
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102 notes · View notes
random-of-random · 1 month
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random-of-random · 1 month
Chapter 9 - Not the Start of a Relationship
A/N: Here it is, guys! The final chapter. Thank you so much to everyone who read it, saved it, said anything! It means a lot.
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“You’re making a mistake!” Y/N yelled as she was sat down in a chair. Magic held her down and she could barely move her arms, let alone her legs.
“You are a wanted woman. The man you just brought in here, half dead, is the one who reported you!”
Her breath caught in her chest and fear spread through her slowly like ice. “Is he going to be alright?”
“That is none of your-“
“Is Percival okay?!”
Walter clenched his jaw. “What makes you think you get to ask about him.”
“He’s my fiancé.” She said simply and Walter cracked a smile.
“Really, and how long has he been your fiancé?”
“Not long. Only a few months.” She said softly, her eyes misting.
“And how long have you been together.”
“Since the day Percival returned to work after his arm injury. Before he became head of Magical Law Enforcement.”
“Years? You really expect us to believe you and Graves have been together for years? And he made you a wanted person for what? A lovers quarrel?”
“He didn’t! The man I brought in here tonight was Percival Graves. He has been kidnapped since the battle with Grindlewald.”
“Oh really? And who has been here this whole time?”
“Grindlewald.” Walter’s eyes went wide.
“You presume to tell me that the man who has been running our department is…” He paused before letting out a breath of air. “You’re out of your mind.”
“Please! You have to believe me. Wherever he still is as Percival - he is Grindlewald! He’s using a spell or maybe Polyjuice potion.”
“And who can vouch for any of what you’re saying?”
“Arnold knew.”
“Arnold is DEAD! Killed by Grindlewald.”
“Queenie!” She said quickly. “I have been friends with Queenie for years. She knows about me and Percival. She always has.”
“If this is true,” Her voice startled Y/N, she didn’t even realize Madame President had been cleverly concealed in the back of the room. “when did you know that Percival Graves wasn’t Percival Graves and how.” President Picquery was studying her with interest.
“The night he came back.”
“And you didn’t report it?” She asked, sitting down in front of her. With a nod to Walter the spell on the chair was lifted.
“I wasn’t sure right away. We have kept our relationship a secret. So, when we’re around others we act normal.”
“Why a secret?”
“I was worried if anyone knew they would think I wasn’t getting the job of my own merit. That Percival pushed it through, and Percival hates gossip. So, we just maintained professionalism. How is he? Is he alive.”
“Yes. He woke up demanding to see you, I am told. They gave him some medicine to calm him down and make him sleep so he could rest.” She answered and Y/N let out a strangled cry of relief. She took a few deep breaths before continuing.
“I realized when we were alone that night. Usually when one of us is gone or in a battle we take those moments to just be close, hold each other. He acted like I was a mere employee. Like he barely knew me and-“ Y/N clenched her jaw. She didn’t know if the President knew about Queenie and what she can do. She had to protect her too.
“As part of my advanced training, I took it upon myself to train in Occlumency. I had read that powerful witches and wizards would have extreme advantage if they could read our minds.” Picquery nodded, urging her to continue. “I could feel him trying to read my mind. Like something crawling up my spine. I used Occlumency. He knew he couldn’t trust me in that moment and I knew he wasn’t Percival. I went right to the elevator and was told you had gone home for the night. Rather than risk a panic, I didn’t know who he was at that point, I decided I would come back early - first thing. Be waiting for you when you got it.”
“But you weren’t here. And you were already wanted.” Picquery said.
“He broke into my apartment that night, looking for me. Luckily, for me, I was already awake. He attacked me and I was able to escape. When I came here I was injured and I knew no one would believe me. So, I went looking for the real Percival.”
“Where did you find him?”
Y/N let out a sigh. “He was held in a house. In the pocket of my coat is a list of homes on the outskirts of the city. He was in the second to last on the list. With three of Grindlewald’s followers. They’ve all been stunned. Well, I don’t know if they still are. The wands that were taken off of me - they belong to them.” She handed the list to the President.
“Madam President.” Another Auror burst through the door. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but we just got something we don’t understand.”
“What’s that?”
“An Auror downtown, when you sent a patronus to ask for the status of Mr. Graves?”
“They just sent a Patronus back saying Mr. Graves just went into the subway to go after the Obscurial.”
Picquery’s eyes turned back to Y/N. “It’s Grindlewald.”
“Walter - you get three Aurors and get to this address right away!”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Collins - collect every hit witch or wizard we have. We’re going to that Subway station.”
Y/N felt her breaths coming in gasps. At least they believed her.
“Velma!” One of the President’s assistants came into the room. “Help Y/N down to the healing floor and take her to Mr. Graves.”
“A-are you sure?”
“That is an order. And while your at it send a memo to every department that Y/N Y/L/N is no longer a wanted woman and she has been falsely accused.”
“Be careful, Madam President, and thank you.” Y/N said with a nod and Picquery left the room in a hurry. Y/N stood on shaky feet and Velma quickly caught her.
“Don’t worry, Miss. Y/L/N. I’ve got you.”
“Please, I just want to see Percival.”
The walk down was slow. Y/N didn’t realize how exhausted she was before. Now that she knew Percival was safe, that the right people had been alerted to Grindlewald, she was aware of every ache and pain. She felt lightheaded and dizzy.
“When we get to Percival, I need to see a healer.”
“Would you like me to bring you straight to-“
“Just Percival.” Y/N answered quickly. The nurses on the healing floor looked on in confusion.
“Don’t worry, Miss. Y/L/N, that memo is going around now. Sent it as soon as we left the room.”
“Thank you.”
The door to Percival’s room was open. He was laying comfortably on the bed, his eyes closed and his breathing even. He wasn’t nearly as pale as he had been and Y/N let out a relieved sigh before Velma helped her into a seat next to the bed.
“I will get you a healer.” She was out the door in a flash. Y/N meant to thank her again, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of the man in front of her. Reaching a hand up she traced his jaw softly. She felt him stir and his beautiful brown eyes opened, looking at her.
“Y/N.” He tried to sit up but she stopped him and sat on the edge of his bed.
“It’s okay. I’m here.”
“They were taking you away. I tried-“
“I know.” She gave him a small smile. “Picquery came to talk to me. It’s all settled. They’re going after Grindlewald.”
“Why did they arrest you?”
Y/N took a shaky breath. “Grindlewald has been impersonating you. Came back as you. I realized it wasn’t you.”
“I am so sorry. Y/N…” He sat up and his hand cupped her cheek.
“I’m just glad you’re back. I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He kissed her softly. That familiar kiss that she could never get enough of. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” They held each other for a few moments. Just letting the quiet of the room surround them. For the first time in days they both felt safe and right where they needed to be. While across the city Grindlewald was being captured, their battle was over.
The sun shone brightly overhead. The breeze was warm, and the smell of flowers permeated the air.
President Picquery’s voice talked to the crowd. “We have come together today not to mark the start of a relationship, but to recognize a bond that already exists.  This wedding is a celebration of love and I invite you to listen with peace and joy in your hearts while you share in this most joyous ceremony.”
Percival, in his finest dress robes, stood opposite of Y/N. The dress she picked couldn’t have been more perfect. When he saw her his heart raced. He mouthed “I love you.” as the President continued her speech. Queenie was in the front row, already crying. Her sister, Tina, was comforting her. It seems like all of the Magical Law Enforcement Department had turned up for their wedding.
The vows were exchanged, as were the rings. All Y/N could hope for, a life with the man across from her was happening. Through all the trying times, they had made it. When Percival kissed her, the first time has husband and wife, the crowd cheered. As he pulled away Percival was wearing a beaming smile. He knew his wife would fight through hell and back to save him, and he would never let her fall.
“I love you, Mr. Graves.”
“I love you, Mrs. Graves.”
They kissed again, as if they were the only two people in the world.
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random-of-random · 7 months
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This. THIS. So much this. Can we talk about this?
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random-of-random · 10 months
This is why I love fanfiction writers and readers. We’re absolutely nuts.
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53K notes · View notes
random-of-random · 11 months
I’ll try to keep this updated with every story I write. I also post stories on A03.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The Secret - Percival Graves x Reader (Completed Series)
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Pirate Queen - James Norrington x Reader (Ongoing)
Hold My Hand - Robert Romano x Reader (one shot)
With Me - Emil Antonowsky x Reader (one shot)
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random-of-random · 11 months
With Me
Pairing: Emil Antonowsky x reader
Fandom: Robocop
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Gangs, violence, language, Emil. Emil should be his own trigger warning, if we’re being honest.
Author’s Note: Clearly this isn’t going to follow the plot of the movie exactly.
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She always knew Emil Antonowsky had potential. He was smarter than he ever gave himself credit for. Once in tenth grade he figured out a problem in science before every single student. Emily Standish sat in a group with him, urging him to speak up, but he didn’t. When the correct answer was given - ten minutes later, the same one her friend had come to easily - Emil just winked at Emily, a bright smile on his handsome face. He was never one to take the lead, take charge. Though she pushed him to more than once. Emil was the kid that got in trouble because he found it funny. He didn’t care for authority and hated anyone who told him what to do, except for Emily. She could get through to him. Not all the time, but at least a little bit.
When he moved into the heart of Detroit she followed him. Renting a two bedroom apartment together, they both tried to strive to be exactly what they wanted. More importantly, away from their families and out on their own. Emily found herself deep in journalism. Caught up in the crime wave that was brought on by Reagan’s politics, Emil reveled in it. It wasn’t long before he found himself a group that thought like him. Emily hated it. He didn’t need to tell her what he had done, but he would come home days later. Hung over, tired, and with a satisfied smirk stuck his face.
“Emil…” her voice was soft as he walked into their kitchen.
“Emily!” He kissed her cheek with gusto, wishing for more. He couldn’t deny his feelings for her, he had them since he was a kid, but in the back of his mind he knew he didn’t deserve her. For some reason, that he couldn’t fathom, she put up with his antics as his friend though.
“Where have you been?” She asked as she closed the book in front of her.
“Having fun!” He answered with a bright grin. “Have you been studying this whole ass time?”
“Well, some of us want to graduate, Emil.”
“You already got your bachelors.”
“Not my masters.”
“Emily, come on.” He put his hands on her shoulders and she shook them off quickly.
“Where were you?”
He sat across the table from her. “Clarence needed someone taken out, we helped.”
Her jaw clenched. “You killed someone?”
“Well, no…. I didn’t.”
“Come on.” He laughed. In that moment she hated the way she loved his smile. She always loved his grin. His laugh usually infectious, but this was anything but funny.
“Listen, some cops busted in on us. Clarence had to stop them.”
Her brown eyes studied his for a moment. “Remember when we were in junior year?” She started. “We had nothing to do for, like, four periods and you snuck us out of the school? We went to that park. What was it called?”
“Right, Woodbridge.” She remembered. “I said we were going to get in trouble and you said it was worth it?”
“Of course I remember.” Emil answered her. It was his favorite memory. Watching her amongst the trees. The sun shining through her hair. If he wasn’t already in love with her, he was then.
“What happened to that Emil?” She asked.
He scoffed. “I was a kid. I have stuff to do, a living to earn.”
“Why do you have to earn it like that?” She asked. For a moment she pressed her hand against his bare arm. Her skin was warm, inviting. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing her hand lightly with his. “I miss you.”
He let out a long sigh. “Emily, I have to…”
“No you don’t.”
“You don’t understand Clarence. I can’t just leave.”
“Yes you can!” Her eyes bore into his. “If you wanted to leave tonight, I would leave with you.”
“Yeah, you’re my friend.” He said as he backed away. “But you don’t mean that.” Emily put her head in her hands. She had been spelling out that she was in love with Emil for months, but it was like he didn’t want to believe her.
“Emil…” her voice was soft as their eyes connected. As if on cue, the phone rang. “Don’t get it.”
“I have to.” He said as he stood. For some reason that Emily could not understand he wouldn’t let himself believe that she cared about him. She left her family to live in a Detroit apartment with him, put up with what he was doing, tried every time he came home to get him to leave the gang. She didn’t know what more he needed. For some reason just saying: “I love you” to his face seemed impossible. Especially now, now that he had become the man who would help murder someone. The thought made her sick to her stomach. She should have told him in High School.
“Hello….. Yeah, Boss?” Her heart sank. Clarence Boddicker had seen “potential” in Emil more than a year ago. He had fostered Emil’s anger and hatred for most people. The one person he couldn’t get the man to abandon was Emily - and Clarence absolutely hated that fact. Soon the phone call was over. “I gotta go.”
Emily stood up, stepping in her best friends way. “Please don’t.”
“Emily…” He whined. Every time he had to leave it was a fight with her.
“Emil, stay with me.” She pleaded.
“For what?!” His voice was raised.
“Because I want you to stay.” She raised her hand and touched the side of his face. The touch was light, caring. Trying to pour something into it that she couldn’t say with words. The air in the apartment was thick. She had crossed that line. It wasn’t friendship. It was more.
For a moment his breath was halted until, “I have to go.” Emil walked around her and out their kitchen door, and Emily was left behind alone.
It was after 10PM and Emily had dozed off when the phone began to ring. Jutting her out of a solid sleep on the couch she made her way, in a zombie-like fashion, to the phone.
“Hello?” She asked.
“Emily?” His voice sounded hurried. “I need you to come bail me out.”
“I’m at the jail. Come get me.”
“What? What for?”
“Robbing a gas station.”
“Please, Em…” His voice was quiet, scared. “Please come get me.”
“I’m on my way.” She hung up the phone and rubbed her face. Quickly grabbing her keys, she silently prayed to whatever deity might be listening, that she had enough money to even get him out. She knew Emil had money hidden around the apartment, but she didn’t know exactly where and the way his voice sounded, she didn’t want to waste time searching.
The jail was busy, not that she was shocked. With all the crime that had been hitting the streets, she would expect the place to be crowded 24-7. It wasn’t cheap, the bail, but she managed. Granted, she was going to have to write articles non-stop for a month.
“Emily.” His voice was tired as he wrapped his arms around her, his leather jacket giving her more warmth on the chilly night than he had expected.
“Hey, I’m here.” She whispered into his ear. Of course she was. No matter what he did, she was there. “Let’s go home.” With a nod he followed her to her car and climbed in the passenger seat. They were out of the parking lot before she started talking again. “Robbing a gas station? Really, Emil.”
“I know.”
“No you don’t! When are you going to stop this shit?”
“Emily, I saw something.”
“The error of your ways?” She joked.
“I’m serious.” His eyes were focused in front of him. “The cop that arrested me, I knew him.”
“You knew a cop. As a criminal? Shocking.” Emily answered.
“It was the guy the gang killed, Emily.” Her eyes glanced to his. “I know it was.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have killed him.”
“This isn’t the time to joke.”
“I’m not joking!” She had given up. “I can’t wait around anymore for you, Emil. Am I just suppose to love someone who can’t even think for himself? What the fuck does that get me?” His head quickly turned, eyes staring at the side of her face. The silence in the car was heavy. He wasn’t sure he heard her right, but he hoped he had.
“You love me?” He asked, his voice quiet.
“Of course I love you! I have loved you since we were teenagers!” Emily couldn’t hold back anymore. “Why do you think I moved in with you? Stayed with you through all the bullshit?”
“You love me.” Emil’s voice was in awe.
“Yes! How many times to I have to tell you that?” She pulled into their driveway and got out of the car, slamming the door behind her. For a moment Emil just sat, stunned, before following her into the apartment.
Emily was standing with her hands on the kitchen table. She wasn’t sure why she told him. Her mind had been made up to leave, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. The tears were falling freely, and she was aware that she was shaking, but it didn’t matter. When he walked up to her she stood quickly. His jaw was slightly slack. The harshness of the kitchen light bounced off his thinning red hair. He started going bald before he turned 20.
“You love me.” His voice quiet.
“Is that all you can say?” She asked. Instantly his hands were cupping her face and they were close.
“I love you.” He answered. “How about that?” His thumbs gently wiped away her tears. “I have loved you… for so long.” When he pressed his lips to hers, she could have sworn the world stopped moving. There was an actual shift in reality as he kissed her. He was in Heaven. If he wasn’t grounded to the spot by how sweet her kiss was, he would have thought that he was in heaven.
The phone rang again and they both pulled back. She glanced at the receiver on the wall and back at him.
“That’s probably for you.” Her voice was apprehensive.
“I don’t care.” He pulled her back toward him, kissing her with everything he had.
Emil was watching a TV on display in a department store as the city seemed to destroy itself around him. He didn’t want to be there. In fact, he only was because Emily was a shop over buying a few things. Not being able to hear the TV, he threw the whiskey bottle he had been drinking from through the store window and turned up the volume. Hell, the rest of the city was in chaos, who cared for a window.
A car pulled up in front of his truck and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Clarence. He hoped he could placate and get rid of him before Emily came back.
“Hey, Emil.” Clarence shook his hand and pulled him slightly toward him. “How’s the grey bar hotel?”
“Not bad, they let me keep my shirt.” He opened up his jacket to reveal the prison shirt was still wearing. Well, that he had put back on. “And nobody popped my cherry.”
Clarence laughed. “I called you after I knew you were out.” His eyes narrowed. “You didn’t answer.”
“Must not have heard the phone.” Emil said with a shrug as another car pulled up. “I was exhausted and crashed pretty hard. Sorry, boss.” The rest of the gang was there, clapping him on the back and asking about getting arrested. Joey was bragging about the car he stole, making Clarence laugh, before the boss climbed into his own car retrieving a massive gun.
“What do you got there, Clarence?” Joey asked. “A new toy!” Emil looked around quickly, still no sign of Emily.
“Watch this.” Clarence pointed the gun at Joey’s new car, as the man protested. Suddenly there was an explosion as the car burst into flames. Emil first felt dread. That car was close to the store Emily was supposed to be in.
“Aww, shit!” Joey exclaimed, much to Clarence’s delight. Emil couldn’t help but feel a rush of adrenaline and an idea.
“Let me try that.” He asked as Clarence handed him the gun.
“Cobra assault cannon.” Clarence said. “State of the art bang bang.” Emil pointed it in the other direction and with one squeeze of the trigger took out an entire storefront.
“I like it!” He exclaimed.
“Emil?” Her voice seemed jarringly soft against the burning and crackling of the fires. Emily stood, her eyes fixed on the gang.
“Well, well, well.” Leon said with a smirk. “Who do we have here?” Clarence glanced from Emily to Emil. “Emil, you know this pretty thing?” He picked up a strand of her hair and twisted it around his finger.
“Stop it.” She said as she swatted his hand away, making Leon and Joey laugh.
“Ooo a fighter.” Leon laughed. “I like fighters.”
“Hey, enough man.” Emil said quickly as he handed the gun to Joey.
“Don’t worry, Emil,” Leon started. “I won’t play with your toy.”
“I’m not a toy.” Emily shot back.
“By all means, Emil…” Clarence started. “Introduce us.” Emil’s heart began to race. If he wasn’t careful, Emily would get killed. In an instant, every ounce of affection he had for the men was gone. He regretted signing on to help Clarence. He never thought Emily would be around them. None of the guys even knew where he lived to keep his worlds separated. But now the game had changed and the stakes were even higher. She loved him back. If he had just taken her up in the offer to get out of the city days ago, she wouldn’t be here - caught in a viper’s nest. And it was his fault.
“Guys, this is Emily.” He said as he stepped toward her. Placing an arm protectively around her.
“Awww!” Joey teased. “Emil and Emily. Isn’t that perfect?”
“Why don’t you run along home, Emily.” Clarence warned. “Emil has a job to do.”
Emily clenched her jaw, thinking better of a biting remark, know that man was not one to be trifled with.
“It’s dangerous out here, sir.” Emil said carefully. “Let me take her home and I will meet you guys as soon as I’m done.”
“Emil is in love!” Leon laughed.
“You work for me, Emil.” Clarence warned. “Not her.”
“I know.” He said with a stiff nod. “Just let me take her home.” Leon and Joey were still laughing as he and Clarence had a silent conversation. It was clear. If he didn’t come back, they would hunt him down and she would be first to die.
“The Steel mill.” Clarence finally said. “Take her home and then meet us at the steel mill.” Emil nodded and placed his hand on Emily’s elbow, carefully moving her past the guys. They didn’t speak until the fires were nothing but a glow in the distance.
“You’re not actually meeting them, right?” Emily asked.
“I have to.” His tone was flat, anxious.
“No you don’t.” She pushed.
“Emily, if I don’t they will come find me. They’ll come find us.”
“Then we run.”
Emil shook his head with a small laugh. “It’s not that simple.”
“Emil if you go you are going to get yourself killed.”
“Better me than you.”
“Better neither of us!” He pulled into the driveway and turned off his truck.
“Clarence has money, connections, friends… he will never stop hunting us.”
“I don’t care.”
“Emily, get out of the truck!” His brown eyes bore into hers.
“Please…” She almost whimpered. “Please stay with me. I know you have money stored away. Let’s just pack up and leave. We’ll take my car. We can be hundreds of miles away before they come looking. I would rather run for our whole lives than have you get killed. Please.” She was laying herself bare. She didn’t care what he did in the past, she loved him. She was asking her, just one more time to choose her over them. Emil didn’t want that life for her, where she was always running. But the way she was looking at him, the way he loved her was unmatched.
“Okay.” He said finally and he saw her body relax as she let out a sigh. They went into the house and quickly both began packing their bags. They couldn’t bring everything, but they could bring enough. When he finished packing his suitcase and brought it into the living room she was already there.
“How did you pack so quickly?” He asked, partly amused.
“Emil, I have been asking you to leave for a while. I’m always packed.” He slowly walked over to her, his hand cupping her jaw.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
She pressed a soft kiss to his palm. “With you? Absolutely.” For a second he was sure he was dreaming. He didn’t deserve her, yet here she was- ready to run away from the life she had made for him. Now, however, this time he trusted her. He didn’t need to know why she loved him. He just had to believe that she did.
“I love you.” He whispered and she kissed him lightly.
“I love you too.” Their foreheads were pressed together as they stood in the silence of their living room. He pulled back, giving her the grin that she absolutely loved.
“Let’s get the hell out of here.”
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Had to add this little gif at the end because… yeah.
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random-of-random · 1 year
Hold My Hand
Trigger warnings: Character death and mention of surgery and stabbing.
Word Count: 1,965
Author’s Note: This takes place during season 6, the episode where Lucy Knight dies. It’s inspired by the song “Hold My Hand” by Lady Gaga.
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They weren’t even out of the parking lot when Robert Romano got a call on his cell phone. A clunky thing, he hated it. Hated it especially when he was about to have a night off with the woman he loved. He hated it even more now that someone was on other line telling him John Carter and Lucy Knight had been attacked by a patient. Both of them had been stabbed, it wasn’t looking good. Weeks, months, even years later he couldn’t remember exactly who had called him. Maybe a secretary, hell maybe Kerry Weaver. His adrenaline was already running high as he pulled back into his parking space.
“You have to come in with me.” He had told Emily Gorman. They had been dating for more than two years. He loved her. He loved her so much that he kept her hidden from the hospital. None of his colleagues needed to know about her. She was his. But this attacker was on the loose, no one knew where he was and Robert was not going to take his chances.
“Okay.” Emily didn’t hesitate. She climbed out of the car and was next to him as fast as she could be. Robert was complicated. On edge a lot, he certainly believed no one was going to fall in love with him. Then there she was. On a rare day off he had visited a museum and she was the curator. He was floored when she agreed to go out with him, even more when she loved him back. For Emily it was as easy as breathing. Yes, Robert had his prickly side, but the moments where he thought no one was looking - the moments he let himself be kind and calm - that was where she fell in love with him.
After work she had taken the L train to meet him as he was finishing at the hospital. She didn’t mind that he never introduced her to coworkers. Part of her suspected that he was worried she would see the infamous “Rocket” Romano personality she had heard of. She wasn’t ignorant of the fact that his co-workers had a certain disdain for him. She heard how he acted on occasion. Most prominently when Lucy Knight had shown up at their house at nearly midnight on Christmas Eve to ask him to perform a surgery only he was qualified for. When he talked back and down to her, the young woman didn’t blink - she called him out. He started to get ready to leave the second he closed their door. Apologizing to Emily with a soft kiss, she just smiled and told him good luck. Getting to see that side of Robert was a Christmas present unto itself.
They climbed into the elevator and up to the surgical floor.
“I have to change.” He said quickly. “There is a lounge or you could wait in my office if you wanted.”
“Robert, go help Lucy and Carter. I’ll be here.” She assured him and he allowed himself a moment where he didn’t care if he was at work as his lips found hers. In need of calming and assurance, which Emily was always willing to give. It would be the talk of the hospital by the next morning.
She had only been in Robert’s office once when she surprised him for lunch. He had hurried her quietly through the hallways and closed the door behind him.
“If I didn’t know any better, Robert, I would think you were ashamed of me.” She had joked.
Immediately his arms were around her. “It’s more I want to keep you to myself. The barbarians in this place don’t need to know my personal business.” He showed her off when they were at galas and the occasional parties. His mom absolutely adored her, but people like Peter Benton didn’t need to know he was kind to anyone. It would ruin his reputation.
She sat at his desk, lazily reading through some medical journal. Well, trying to read through a medical journal when he walked in late. It was clear he was exhausted.
“Hey.” She said standing. “How are Lucy and Carter?”
“Lucy is in post-op. Lizzie and I had to crack her chest. That bastard butchered her. Carter is still in surgery. They had trouble controlling the bleeding, but they were able to save his kidney.” Emily brought her hand to his cheek as he let out a sigh. He didn’t want to go home in case anyone needed him. Not to mention the mountain of paperwork and administrative meetings he was going to need to attend to deal with how a patient got a butcher knife and attacked two of his staff. The couch in his office was looking mighty comfortable and if he could have his arms around Emily as he slept - all the better. He was about to suggest it when his pager went off - 911 to post op.
“I have to go. I’m so-“
“Robert, don’t apologize. I’m here.”
“I love you.” He said quickly before he pecked her lips.
“I love you too.”
“Order some food. You should eat.” He called as he headed out the door. Emily did just that. She ordered his favorite food from his favorite late night spot. Being a surgeon, a highly respected one at that, Robert’s hours were all over the place. Emily had gotten to know what restaurants in Chicago stayed open late.
It wasn’t long until the food arrived and she set it out on his desk, pushing the medical journals to the side. Surgery could take hours, so she settled in slowly eating, but she was surprised when he came back quickly. Robert’s face was pale, his eyes cast toward the ground.
“Robert?” She was immediately in front of him, he didn’t even bother to close the door.
“Lucy threw a clot.” He said quietly. “We tried to get her into CT to remove it, but she threw more.” His voice was monotone, almost like he didn’t believe the words he was saying. “She didn’t make it.”
Emily threw her arms around him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Robert respected Lucy. He couldn’t not respect Lucy. He told Emily that she was smart. Emily loved her gumption when she showed up on Christmas Eve. Now she was gone. Emily pulled back to look at the man she loved. His deep brown eyes looked lost, sad, and angry. “This wasn’t your fault, Robert.”
“I should have been better. I should have-“
“No.” She cut him off quickly. “I know you. I know how you work. You’re an incredible surgeon. Elizabeth, from what you’ve told me, is an incredible surgeon.”
“One of the best.” He said with a small nod.
“Then Lucy had the best.”
“I have to.. I need to go close her up. We had to open her chest again and I… She shouldn’t stay like that.” Emily nodded. “Will you come with me?” She grabbed his hand lightly and let him lead her through the halls of the surgical floor. She could tell there were whispers from nurses, other doctors, that Robert Romano was walking hand in hand with someone. Neither of them cared. Leading her into a room, Lucy was laying on a table. Her chest open and bloody, it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.
Putting on a fresh pair of gloves, Robert grabbed some equipment and slowly began sewing her wounds.
“She would have made a hell of a doctor. A hell of a surgeon, really.”
“Coming from you, I know that’s a compliment.”
“Do I not compliment people enough?” He asked.
“Not from work, no.” Emily remarked. She stood next to him as he continued to work. Still wearing a light blue surgical gown over his dark blue scrubs, time seemed to tick by slowly. He was almost finished when a woman walked in. Wearing green scrubs, with a crutch in her right hand and short, deep red hair, her eyes were fixed on Lucy. Based on listening to Robert’s complaints and comments about work, she knew this had to be Kerry Weaver. Emily took a few steps back, letting the doctors have a moment together.
“I had to close her chest.” Robert explained simply. She stood on the opposite side of the table and grabbed a small pair of scissors, cutting the thread as he finished. “Thank you.” She began pulling the sheet over Lucy. “The nurses can do that.”
“I know.” She answered before her eyes fixed on Emily and then again on Robert.
“It doesn’t seem a good time for introductions, but this is Emily Gorman. Emily, this is Dr. Kerry Weaver.”
“Dr. Weaver.” Emily said with a small nod.
“It’s nice to meet you, Emily.” The woman answered back. Kerry didn’t know what to think. At first she wanted to be angry. Robert letting some random person into this room, but then she looked at him. Robert ‘Rocket’ Romano was not one to be rattled. If you had asked her 24 hours earlier, she would almost think Robert incapable of it. Now, he looked almost shell shocked. Kerry has suspected he had been seeing someone. Robert accused the ER of being a gossipy place, but the surgical floor wasn’t innocent of it. After the surgeons gala more than a year earlier there were talks of Robert dancing with a pretty brunette who he held to his side the rest of the night. This must be her, and he clearly needed her by his side now.
“You should go home, Robert.”
Robert shook his head. “There’s going to be meetings and calls.”
“I can handle it.” Kerry assured him. “Anything that needs your attention can wait until your next shift.” He nodded and took off his gloves. His hand finding Emily’s again.
“Have a good night, Kerry.” He said quietly.
“Goodnight, Dr. Weaver.” Emily added as they walked toward the door.
“Goodnight.” Kerry called after them. They returned to his office and Emily packed their food. He was silent as they walked to the parking lot. He didn’t even try to object to Emily driving them home. He was quiet as they unlocked the door and Emily put the food in the fridge. Gretel trotted up to him and he sat on the couch, allowing her to jump up and he softly scratched her neck and ears. When Emily came into the living room he was staring into the TV, which he hadn’t turned on.
“You should go to bed.” He said as she sat down next to him.
“I’m okay.”
“You have work in a few hours.”
“I’ll call out.” She saw his jaw slightly clench.
“You shouldn’t.”
“Yes, I should.”
“Damn it, Emily! Go to bed!” His outburst was even louder in the middle of the night. Emily saw it for what it was. Robert was very good at pushing people away. He perfected it, even. He didn’t like anyone seeing him vulnerable. It was much easier to get angry, to make people leave. Slowly she reached her hand toward his. As soon as their fingers touched he held on for dear life as he couldn’t stop the tears anymore. He leaned into her, his head on her shoulder.
“It’s okay.” She whispered before wrapping her free arm around him and he moved himself closer to her. It was like a dam breaking. His shoulders shook as he sobbed. How dare this happen? How dare Lucy die? It wasn’t fair. It was anything but fair. “I’m here.”
“Emily.” His voice was broken.
“Just hold on to me.” She urged. “Don’t let go.” It didn’t matter if he cried for a minute or for hours. She was there, she would always be there.
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random-of-random · 1 year
Don’t worry guys - I haven’t abandoned “The Secret”. I am working in the next chapter now. However, I did write a little something else in the meantime. I don’t know if any of you are ER fans. Especially Romano fans. (I know there is more than just me). Anyway, just a one shot coming your way.
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random-of-random · 1 year
Chapter 8 - The Mansion
Author’s Notes - Minor injuries in this chapter. I have a tag list at the end, so let me know if you want to be tagged! Thank you!
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Queenie’s nerves were getting the best of her as she walked into MACUSA. Putting on a fake smile, she headed toward her desk before taking a seat and doing everything in her power to make it seem like just any other day. Deep breaths, she told herself. In a few minutes she would be stealing. Something she had never done. More importantly, she would be stealing from MACUSA.
She believed Y/N. She honestly did. Her friend had never once tried to hide from her. Now, something sinister was brewing. Her mind flashed to her sister, Tina. Hopefully she would understand. Queenie went over Y/N’s instructions in her mind. Hit witches and wizards had unprecedented access to the healing potions. They were supposed to get hurt - it was literally in the job description. A simple spell would allow Queenie into the room of potions that was on the healing floor.
Taking a few deep breaths she left her desk and walked confidently toward the elevators. People didn’t really know that Queenie could read minds. Tina had warned her to keep that fact about herself hidden, warning her that people could exploit her talent. It had been both a blessing and a curse. Some had dark secrets to hide and she was able to fish them out quickly. They would practically scream them at her. Others would think awful things in every day life as if they were going over a grocery list. She learned to tune a lot of it out.
“What floor?” The House elf asked.
“Healing floor, please.” She said with a sweet tone. He didn’t ask too many questions and it was all too soon before the elevator stopped. Walking with confidence, she passed the secretary and into the main hallway of the healing floor.
“One… two… three…” she counted in her mind as she passed patient doors. “Four…” the wall next to the fourth door was a plain cream color. “Sanitatem Aperta…” she whispered, her wand pointed at a bare wall. For a moment nothing happened and she was worried Y/N had the wrong spell, but slowly the wall started to open. She slipped quickly inside and marveled at the various potions displayed all over the walls. Reading the labels carefully, she ended up grabbing an emerald green one that was used to cure magical wounds. Slipping it carefully in her pocket she left the room, the wall closing behind her.
Y/N laid on Queenie’s couch trying her best to not let out a shout. The wound kept opening and she kept closing it as best as she could. The various food and drink in front of her was meant to keep her energy up, but if Queenie wasn’t fast she would bleed to death before anything could be done. Grindelwald was a menace but a genius. Unless she got the right potions she would die, and she knew it. It seemed, as she had long suspected, the man loved to mentally torture his victims. Right now he thought he had her cornered. Either she died or she came to him for assistance. But to get it, she would have to pledge him loyalty and she refused. Y/N would rather die than give in to that sadist.
Still, the possibility existed that if she did she would find the real Percival. No doubt sequestered in some dungeon, used to brew polyjuice potion for Grindelwald to keep impersonating him. Hopefully safe, hopefully treated well, hopefully alive.
It was tempting, giving into Grindelwald. Getting everything she currently desired. Yet, she could picture the look on Percival’s face if she did. The disappointment that she would see, even if it was just to find him. Would he even still truly love her if she gave in? Probably. Was she willing to hurt him and hurt the wizarding world to find him quicker? No. No, she would keep on her own path.
The sunlight pouring in from the outside world almost felt like an insult.
When the door opened she quickly moved to stand, her jaw clenched in pain.
“It’s just me, doll.” Queenie said in a hushed tone as she closed the door behind her. Y/N was pale. Even more pale than she had been that morning. Her hands were shaking and she could hear her breathing hitch in her chest.
“How did it go?” Y/N asked before coughing.
“Great. No one suspected a thing.” Queenie hung her coat next to the door and quickly walked to her friend. “How many times has it opened.”
“A few.” Y/N answered. Pulling the vial of green liquid from her picked she uncorked it. “Ready?” Y/N nodded and Queenie helped her down the liquid. It was ice cold and tasted vaguely of alcohol mixed with something sweet. Y/N leaned back against the couch as a chill spread down her throat and into her stomach. Immediately it moved to her side as her red scar began to burn. Queenie watched in amazement as the angry skin seemed to heal, Y/N’s breathing returning to normal. There was barely a faint line where the jagged and long scar had been.
“Thank’s Queenie.” Y/N managed once the cold had seeped from her.
“That was amazing.”
“The healers in MACUSA are the best.” Y/N said with a smile as she carefully sat up. The pain was lessened. More like new skin trying to adapt. It was clear the curse wouldn’t be able to reopen the wound. “Did you run into Grindelwald?”
“No, but I didn’t go anywhere near the Magical Law Enforcement floor. Why?” Y/N’s thoughts stood out loud and clear. “You can’t go back to Percival’s?”
“I have to Queenie.” Y/N answered as she slightly stretched. “If he’s staying there I could find some clue as to where they’re keeping Percival.”
“What if he goes back while you’re there?” Queenie asked.
“That’s something I’m willing to risk.” Y/N admitted.
“At least eat. Take something.” Queenie pointed to the food. “You’re pale and weak. Just because it wont open again, doesn’t mean you’re fixed.”
Y/N knew she was right. “Thanks, Queenie.” She grabbed one of the sandwiches. “I promise I will come back here as soon as I can.”
“Be careful.” Queenie helped her friend to her feet and the two women hugged.
“I will. See you soon.” Queenie nodded and with a pop Y/N was gone. Queenie couldn’t pretend to really know why Y/N was making the choices she was, but then again - love was a mystery like that.
When Y/N’s feet hit the hardwood floor of Percival’s living room she didn’t even allow herself to breathe. The apartment was quiet. The only sounds coming from the busy streets outside. After a few moments Y/N let out a slow breath as her eyes raked around the room. Nothing. Nothing had changed since she had last been there. The book she was reading was still on the coffee table. Her coffee cup she had promised Percival she would wash after dinner sat untouched. A small layer of dust had settled over the surfaces and the air was stale.
Still, something wasn’t exactly right. Someone had been there, something was different. Just, not recently.
Y/N made her way around the apartment. Percival’s clothes from his closest were gone. Papers in his study were just slightly off from where they had been. Clearly someone was trying to figure out more about the famous Auror. More of who he was. But, no one has been there for at least a day.
Y/N didn’t know what she was expecting. Some grand clue about where they had taken her fiancé. But there was none. A deep depression seemed to settle over her as she walked back in the living room. Sitting on the couch, she placed the sandwich on the table and her head in her hands. A sense of panic threatened to overwhelm her, but she beat it back down. She had been trained better than that. Slowly she took bites of the sandwich, needing some amount is strength.
Grindelwald had to be hiding somewhere. Somewhere to his tastes. Somewhere grand. He always thought he deserved grand. Somewhere close, he was arrogant like that. It could be abandoned, or he could have killed the no-maj’s who owned it. She resolved to had to the no-maj courthouse. Surely some great homes were left abandoned. Somewhere Grindelwald would see to his liking. Somewhere that he was keeping Percival.
Blending into the no-maj world was easy. She walked confidently, her wand carefully concealed in the inner pocket of her jacket. And with Grindelwald plastering her face all over MACUSA, she was safer where she was headed.
The courthouse sat in the center of the city, most unassuming compared to the skyscrapers that were in the process of being built.
When Y/N asked the secretary about old homes and mansions in the area, the woman had eyed her with curiosity. She had to, poorly, pretend she was asking for her boss. A wealthy man who was looking for a home to renovate.
Just for a second she thought the woman was going to turn her away and Y/N would have to resort to magical means, but the secretary rolled her eyes and led her toward the deed room.
Large stacks of books filled the shelves.
“If you’re looking for something outside the city, it will be in that section.” The secretary pointed to the far left wall. “I can’t tell you which homes aren’t occupied currently, you’ll have to search for that.” She turned on her heel and headed back to her desk as Y/N let out a soft sigh. She was in for a very long day of research.
Hours had gone by. Her back was aching from the wooden chairs. The sandwich seemed to help a bit, and she had paused more than a few times to grab the complimentary coffee and water. Now, she had a list of several possible homes.
Based on Grindelwald’s previous hideouts, it would be older. Classy. Fancy. She discounted places that had a lot of updated remodeling on a later deed. It also would most likely be somewhere remote. Not with houses right next door on either side. By the time the sun had begun to set she had a list of fifteen places. It was a good start. And if she couldn’t find anything there, she would come back and start again.
Not willing to risk apparating, Y/N took the train to the outskirts of the city. The wealthy neighborhoods. Pulling her cap lower and her jacket higher, she knew she needed to be careful. Many wizards and witches lived in this part of town. If the no-maj’s knew who some of their next door neighbors were, maybe the Second Salem group would have much more support.
The sun had set, giving her a slight edge as she tried to walk softly, not allowing her heels to click loudly on the road. The first house she was immediately able to rule out. The family sitting in their living room was almost picturesque from the front window. The lights bright. So, she kept walking. It was the same story with the next house, and the one after that. And the one after that.
By then it was very late, her legs were almost numb in the cold air, but she told herself she needed to keep going. The next address in question was at the end of a dirt road. The front gate was half open and Y/N slipped her wand from her coat. The city sounds were replaced with animals scurrying and leaves rustling. But something wasn’t sitting right. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.
Y/N barely registered the movement from her left and she turned just in time to see a spell fired at her. Quickly countering it, she fired one back that seemed to bounce off a shield. The man, hidden in shadow, didn’t wait for the next attack. The spells flew back and forth, Y/N’s heart practically in her throat, trying to take in all her surroundings. Clearly, this was the right house, but how many people would Grindelwald have here. She felt a brush of heat on her arm and clenched her teeth. A spell had grazed her. Ignoring the pain she ducked another one and fired off a powerful non-verbal stunning spell. Finally, one of her spells hit its target and the man fell to the ground unconscious. She walked over to him and grabbed his wand, putting it in her coat before slowly circling the house.
“Henry?” A voice whispered from the darkness and Y/N concealed herself behind a tree. From a door at the back of the house walked another man. Y/N had been right. This house was grand. Three stories. Stonework and classic architecture. It was massive. Though, it had been sold less than a year before. Y/N didn’t want to think about what had happened to the owners. There was firelight coming from a room on the second story.
“Henry?!” The man called out again, slightly more frantic. He stepped into the yard and around the side of the house, directly into Y/N’s line of fire. Using a non verbal spell, the second of Grindelwald’s men was now as unconscious as Henry. Just like before she took his wand and continued toward the back door he had just come from.
She couldn’t stop the sound of her shoes on the stone entryway so she paused. Straining to hear anything. The back door opened up to the kitchen. There was a light farther in, steps to her left, and a door all the way at the end of the kitchen to her right.
“Homenum Revelio.” She whispered. Two. There were two more people in the house. Footsteps above her began running. A single set. Y/N quickly curled herself into a corner, the shadows making it impossible to see. She knew both people would have felt that spell. Footsteps came down the stairs, and a woman ran right past her and through another door. There were more steps going down to, what Y/N had to assume was, the basement.
“How did you get-“ the voice shouted and stopped abruptly. Silence settled for just a moment before someone was slowly walking back up the stairs carefully, as if to minimize the sounds their shoes were making. Y/N pushed herself more against the wall, her wand clutched in her hand. A thin sheen of sweat covered her forehead and she knew she was shaking. Whether it was from the fight, the anticipation of another, or the pain that was becoming more prevalent in her arm she didn’t know. The footsteps reached the main floor and the woman came back into the kitchen, her eyes wide. Wand in front of her she moved more into the room. Her non dominant arm reaching for something on the wall. Y/N realized quickly what it was. A knob that would light the lamps in the kitchen, suddenly making her starkly visible.
“Stupefy!” She called out her wand pointed at the woman. The spell struck the woman in the shoulder as she was still reaching for the wall and she fell with a crash to the floor.
Again, Y/N took her wand. Her eyes on the door to the basement. One more. When she had gotten all of them, she would tie them up and try to get any information about Percival out of them. For one brief moment she wondered where Grindelwald was. Why he hadn’t come back yet. But she didn’t have time to wonder. Right now it was the best lead she had. Trying to mimic the woman’s footsteps, she kept careful control of her wand as she headed into the basement. If whoever was down there realized it wasn’t his friend coming, she could be hit with a spell before she saw anyone.
With every step she could hear her heartbeat in her ears, but she stayed as calm as she could. From the outside, it might just look like she was cautious about tripping. Right now she couldn’t afford to panic and make stupid mistakes. The basement was dark, too dark to see, and it was freezing. Every step was like descending into a pitch black lake. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she had a decision to make. Pulling out one of the wands she collected, she held it in her off hand, her own wand ready to go. As soon as she lit up the room, she could have another fight on her hands. But she also would be making herself vulnerable. It was a risk she had to take.
“Lumos.” She whispered quietly, holding the other woman’s wand in front of her. The light shone on every wall in the small unfinished basement. She didn’t notice the old trunk of clothes or the paintings. She did noticed the man tied to a chair in the center of the room. “Percival?” His eyes looked up at her in surprise.
“Y/N….” Letting out a deep breath that came with a cough. She walked over slowly, carefully. “Y/N, get me out of here.”
“Is this a trick?” She asked, her eyes beginning to tear. His pants were dirty, the T-shirt he had been wearing under a button up was left, but the button up was gone. His face was bruised and beaten, arms and legs tied behind the chair. His hair was a mess and partially hanging in his face.
“It’s me, Y/N, I swear.” He let out a soft groan and she was quickly in front of him.
“Percival…” Her eyes took in his and she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Using her wand she quickly untied him and he fell forward. Catching him she carefully helped him sit on the floor. He was clearly weak. But he was alive and he was in her arms. That was what mattered.
“How long have I been here?”
“A couple of days.” Y/N held onto him as he looked up to her. His hand came to cup her cheek but his strength failed and his arm fell back toward the ground. Still, he moved as much as he could and she leaned down to meet him, their lips connecting. It was as if each of them could finally breathe for the first time in days.
“I knew you would find me.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t have stopped looking, ever.” He tried to smile up at her but he started coughing again. His skin was so pale. His arms were freezing but his face warm. He clearly had a fever. She could feel his body shaking and hear his breath getting weaker. “We need to get you to the healers. Can you stand?” He shook his head no. Y/N knew there was no time to waste. She would come back with Aurors for Grindelwald’s people. “I’m going to apparate us. Hold on to me as tonight as you can. I’ve got you.” Percival nodded and before he knew it they were in the designated apparating spot in MACUSA.
“Y/N…” his breathing was becoming harder.
“HELP! WE NEED HELP!” Y/N screamed. Within a few seconds there was a rush of people and murmurs. “He needs to get to the healing floor.”
“How did he get out from downtown?” Someone asked softly.
“He must have found her.” Someone else whispered. A few people clamored into the room and grabbed Y/N by her arms pulling her back. “What are you doing?!”
“Y/N Y/L/N, you’re under arrest for crimes against the Magical Congress of the United States…” Percival was now on a stretcher and being slowly lifted.
“Percival!” She called as she felt her wand, and the others she had collected, taken from her.
“Y/N!” He tried to sit up. “Y/N!” Soon the little strength he had failed him and he fell back onto the soft material. Colors popped in front of his eyes before he couldn’t hold on anymore and he passed out.
“No!” Y/N was still struggling. “You don’t understand what’s going on!” They dragged her toward the elevator and she knew they were headed for the magical law enforcement floor.
“You have to let me go!” She tried once again to struggle before a wand was promptly shoved in her face. She knew the guy. Walter, she thought his name was. They had started at the same time.
“If you don’t calm down, I’m going to make you calm down.” Her own wand taken, she didn’t really have any other choice.
Taglist - @chikiballs @weekendswithnewtmas
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random-of-random · 1 year
Chapter 7 - The Fugitive and the Ally
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Author’s Notes: Injury warning in this chapter.
Y/N’s heart was racing. Faster than she had ever remembered it. Something was very wrong. That wasn’t Percival. And if it wasn’t - she could only guess who it was. Maybe one of Grindelwald’s spies had taken Percival’s place. Getting information to him from inside MACUSA. What better way to stay hidden?
Keeping her mental barriers up she paced for a few minutes. The office she once shared with Lovell seemed unnaturally large without him in it. A distinct fear seemed to have hold of her every time she thought about leaving her office. As if some monster would be waiting right outside the door.
Steeling herself she grabbed her purse from her desk, and she practically flew out the door. Slowing only when she realized the man who called himself Percival was standing on the main floor of the magical Law Enforcement office. Giving a quick wave, he returned it, but the malice she saw in his eyes almost stopped her in her tracks. Instead she focused on keeping her mind empty and getting to the elevator.
The office of the President was on a different floor and she was almost desperate to reach it. Her mind briefly wandered to - if this wasn’t Percival, where was he? But she wouldn’t allow her brain to explore that. For right now she had to believe that he was alright. Had to believe that he was somewhere safe.
“Are you sure you want to stop on this floor?” The house elf who ran the elevator asked.
“I have business with Madame President.”
“She’s not here.“ The elf responded casually.
“Went home just a few minutes ago. Do you know what time it is? She will be back in the morning.” Y/N leaned back against the elevator. “You still want to stop?”
“No. Take me to the floor with the apparating room.”
“You got it.” He said quickly as he took the elevator down. Normally she would apparate directly from Percival’s office - it was one of the few places in the building set up for it. Somehow, she didn’t think the imposter would take it too well if she tried.
Y/N’s mind went over a hundred different scenarios, but she settled on one. She would wake up early and head in before whoever was impersonating Percival had a chance. She would get to the President, tell her what her worries were, confess their relationship. It would be more proof than the President would need. Then they would capture whoever the impersonator was and make them tell her where Percival was hidden. Because he was hidden. There was no other possibility than he was alive somewhere.
Y/N barely registered the elevator stopping and she walked in a daze toward the apparating room. It felt weird, not going back to Percival’s apartment. The apartment she had come to know so well. Her own apartment was cold and dark. Her jaw clenched as she turned on the light beside her bed. Whoever he was, she was going to fight - no matter the cost.
It was 2AM as Y/N turned over in her bed. The double bed somehow felt large with no one laying next to her. She had gotten, maybe, 30 minutes of sleep before nightmares woke her. She couldn’t leave everything as it was. Standing and stretching, her shoulder cracked painfully. An old injury that not even magical means seemed to be able to cure. Dressing quickly, her mind was running a million miles an hour. What was she going to do? Find the President’s address and scream outside her door until she listened? Maybe? Grabbing her wand, she tucked of safely in her coat. The sound of boots on her hardwood living room floor stopped her in her tracks. Blocking off her mind, she stood in the darkness as she heard footsteps make their way through her apartment.
Carefully taking her wand from her pocket she stepped lightly over the wood floor, avoiding spots that would creek. The only light was spilling into her apartment from lamps outside. Not enough to see more than a few feet in front of her. As the bedroom door began to open Y/N did her best to hide behind it. A silhouette walked toward her bed, the light coming from his wand illuminating the disheveled sheets. When he turned their eyes met.
“Mr. Graves?” Y/N asked carefully. Her wand concealed behind her back.
The man laughed. “Now we both know that isn’t true.” The voice she had come to know so well speaking in such a dark tone unnerved her. Immediately Y/N broke into a cold sweat. “What I want to know is how you figured it out?” With a flick of his wrist the light next to her bed was on. “And where are you going this late hour?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” Y/N leaned against the wall casually. “Seems it was for the best. I didn’t know someone would be breaking into my apartment.”
He laughed and she felt that tingle down her spine. “How did you become so skilled at Occlumency?”
“A woman has to have her secrets.” She answered.
“I am sure we could use someone like you.” The man offered.
“Where’s Mr. Graves?” Y/N asked carefully. “The real one.”
“Oh, somewhere.” He sat on the edge of her bed patting the mattress next to him in an invitation. Y/N didn’t move.
“Why does it matter?” He asked rolling his eyes, but Y/N didn’t answer him. It was quiet for a few seconds and he began to laugh. “He fought, you know. The torture.” The smile that contorted Percival’s face was scarier than it had any right to be. “He’s… talented. Was able to keep a lot of thoughts from us. His mind was on you a lot though. I wonder, do you know that your boss is in love with you?”
Is… He said is. Y/N held onto that one little word that Percival was alive somewhere.
The imposter turned his head slightly. “Aww, don’t tell me the two of you were secretly in love, neither knowing.” He laughed. “Too bad you won’t get the chance now. Because I guess I can’t convince you to join us, can I?”
“It would be a tall task for you.” She answered.
“Hmmm…” he stood slowly. “Then what am I to do with you?” His presence seemed to fill the room, it was almost suffocating.
“Who are you?” Y/N asked, eyes wide. Her grip on her wand tightened.
“Someone you don’t say no to.” In a second his wand was pointed at her. The spell hit her side before she could completely disapparate. Landing hard on the ground in the middle of Central Park, she could feel the blood pouring from the wound on her side.
Saying a silent thank you to the universe that he was cruel and wanted her to suffer instead of just outright using the killing curse, she began to slowly stand. A bench under a light was only a few feet away. Pulling up her shirt she could see the deep gash that had been magically cut into her.
Y/N looked around carefully, making sure no one could see her do magic. A silent healing spell began to close the wound, but she realized quickly that this was no ordinary curse. Instead of the skin looking new there was a red jagged scar. It was incredibly painful to the touch.
Her mind raced back to the man who had just tried to maim or kill her. Something about the way he talked. His quickness. This wasn’t some Lieutenant of Grindelwald. Her jaw clenched. It WAS Grindelwald.
Standing slowly Y/N knew she had to make her way toward MACUSA. Who could say the damage Grindelwald would do there? For a moment she thought about apparating, but she didn’t have the strength or energy. She had lost more blood than she initially realized and she felt weak. Sticking to the shadows she made her way toward the Woolworth building, slow and steady.
It was still the middle of the night when she finally arrived. Barely anyone to see her come in. The Magical Exposure Threat Level Meter was back at 4: Danger. Y/N would wait outside the President’s office. Madame President would have to listen to her. The pain in her side was getting worse as she headed for the elevator, but a bulletin board of wanted criminals stopped her in her tracks. There, in the middle of the board, usually reserved for the biggest threats, was Y/N’s own moving picture looking back at her. The words: “Wanted - Y/N Y/L/N. Highly dangerous. Proceed with extreme caution” was printed under her. Her heart rate sped up and the pain in her side made her hand fly to the area. It was wet. To her horror, the wound had begun to open up again. As calmly and carefully as she could, Y/N turned around and headed for the front door. Surprisingly garnering no attention she made it outside and down an alley.
For the first time she was feeling helpless. Now all of MACUSA would be after her. She had no idea where to go. No idea how to cure her wound, which was again bleeding heavily. No idea where Grindelwald was keeping Percival Graves.
“I don’t believe it, Tina.” Queenie said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Y/N would never.”
“The orders came directly from MACUSA, look.” Tina handed her sister the wanted poster. “She’s dangerous.”
“She’s my friend. I have never heard thoughts like this from her.”
“You said she was good at Occulumency.” Tina reminded her.
“Yeah, but that’s only because she practiced with me. Said it would be good training.”
“Or she always knew how to do it and she pretended she didn’t.” Tina put a soft hand on her sister’s shoulder. “I’m sorry Queenie. Just be careful, alright?”
“Sure.” Queenie said with a nod. Tina began to pull on her jacket. “Where are you going? We don’t need to leave for work yet.” Tina’s eyes flashed. “Tina you need to stay away from the Second Salem group.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll see you at work in a little while.” Tina gave her sister a comforting smile before leaving. Queenie knew better than to argue with her. It wouldn’t do any good. Her eyes looked at Y/N’s wanted poster again. A quick knock at her door made her jump.
“Tina? You forget your keys?” Queenie asked as she opened the door wide. There in the hallway was Y/N. Her skin was pale and there was blood on her hands. Queenie quickly tried to shut the door but Y/N pressed her body against it.
“Wait. Please.” Her voice was weak.
“Y/N you can’t be here.” Queenie said in a whisper. “MACUSA is looking for you.”
“I know.” She took a sharp breath in. “Please help me Queenie. I’ll tell you everything. You can even take my wand if it will make you feel better.” Queenie bit her lip. Quickly ushering Y/N inside, she knew Tina would be furious.
“Why is their so much blood?” Queenie asked and as if Y/N’s thoughts were screaming at her, she heard a few choice words. “Grindelwald???”
“A curse he threw at me when he snuck into my apartment. As Percival.”
“What?” Queenie laid Y/N on their couch and pulled up her shirt.
“Every time I close the wound it opens again within thirty minutes.” Y/N explained. “There are potions to help, but I can’t get far enough into MACUSA to get them.”
“Let’s close it again for now and I will see if I can get them.” Queenie said as she muttered a spell and the would began to close, leaving a jagged scar. “Y/N, what do you mean Grindelwald was Percival?“
“When Percival came back from the battle, it wasn’t him. It was Grindelwald. Probably using polyjuice potion or a spell. He was trying to read my mind and when he couldn’t, he must have known I suspected him. He used Percival’s influence to declare me dangerous. Queenie, I swear…”
“I believe you.” She answered with a small smile. “We just have to find a way to prove everything. First things first though. I need to get you those potions.”
“Whatever you do - you have to avoid Graves at all cost.” Y/N begged. “If he even suspects you…”
“I’ll be extra careful.” Queenie promised. “Let me grab you a change of clothes first.” Y/N’s shirt and jacket were both stained with blood. “And I will make some tea while I do that.”
Y/N nodded. “Thank you, Queenie.”
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