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Standing outside so the cold wind blows aggressively into my face and hopefully magically cures my jet lag. The view is incredible but my eyes hurt. I long for a reprieve!! Please! A reprieve!
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I thought I’d posted this this morning but instead I appear to have saved it as a draft. So please imagine you’re reading this at 7:30am
I made it!! On Saturday. Today is Monday. But I have been deathly jet lagged. I’ve been awake since 4 but on my way into the office!! i like my commute so far. And the trains have 4G so I can catch up with everyone at home which is PLEASANT. confusingly the trains are far less frequent than the tube but way less busy.
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Tonight is my last night in my flat and I feel EMOSH. This is my first proper grown up home that was all mine, and I love it so much. Il obviously be back but WHO KNOWS when. I’ve been so busy and so tired that everything has been a whirlwind and I’ve not processed or said proper goodbyes but… I’ve almost made it. somehow.
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Accidentally went to the hairdressers 3 hours early, so I used my surprise free time to do another coat of gloss paint on my stairs. Now I am at the hairdressers at the correct and have decided I will get pizza on my way home. There’s so much food in my fridge and freezer that I need to consume asap because my freezer needs defrosting, but who CARES. it’s weird that this is the last time I’ll come to this hairdressers! I’m feeling wistful this week now we’re on the final countdown, and every little mundane thing I do is possibly for the Last Time. Walking teary eyed down the freezer aisle in big sainsburys. Hopefully I never step foot in a Primark again though because I’ve bought about 8000 suitcases this month. Can’t wait for next years Monzo wrapped because there’s n still 11 months left of the year and I do not believe any other human is going to be a greater customer of large suitcases from the Oxford Street Primark. anywya here are my valentines nails which I’m hoping actually last that long. I got them cut short last time so they’re still not quite long enough for French tips to look normal but 🤷🏼‍♀️
(the other pic is the coffee and popcorn my hairdresser just brought me)
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I was really looking forward to the cinema even though I’m exhausted but we just got an email saying it’s been cancelled! The others are going to the pub but I have truly never been so tired in my life, so I’m going to buy a nice wrap as a treat and then sleep for a 100 years. (Until 8am) because god knows when this photographer will arrive.
I have made a LOT of progress with my packing, but my baggage allowance is a cabin bag, a handbag, and 4 checked bags that each weigh under 23kg.
Turns out I have more stuff than that. I've been doing quite well at throwing stuff away, and have made a big clothes donation pile, but I've already overspilled into 2 additional suitcases to give friends to hold for me (plus 1 I already gave my dad). And they are HEAVY. Within the limit, but difficult for a kind friend to carry.
I'm also worried I'll need a third friend overspill bag, but I've still got one large suitcase to fill so FINGERS CROSSED I can get everything in. Annoying weight limit is more limited than physically fitting stuff, coz I bought some fun little vacuum bags. But yes. That's where we're at with packing.
And then tomorrow the letting agency is coming to take photos so I have been manically trying to make packing progress, and then start to tidy away the packing and any general clutter (ie shove into cupboards) and CLEAN. I've got about an hour and a half, then I'm going to the cinema. I won't be home til after midnight so I need to get it all done before I leave. Nooo idea what time they're coming tomorrow - could be 8am, could be 10pm. So must be prepared for all eventualities!!!
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I have made a LOT of progress with my packing, but my baggage allowance is a cabin bag, a handbag, and 4 checked bags that each weigh under 23kg.
Turns out I have more stuff than that. I've been doing quite well at throwing stuff away, and have made a big clothes donation pile, but I've already overspilled into 2 additional suitcases to give friends to hold for me (plus 1 I already gave my dad). And they are HEAVY. Within the limit, but difficult for a kind friend to carry.
I'm also worried I'll need a third friend overspill bag, but I've still got one large suitcase to fill so FINGERS CROSSED I can get everything in. Annoying weight limit is more limited than physically fitting stuff, coz I bought some fun little vacuum bags. But yes. That's where we're at with packing.
And then tomorrow the letting agency is coming to take photos so I have been manically trying to make packing progress, and then start to tidy away the packing and any general clutter (ie shove into cupboards) and CLEAN. I've got about an hour and a half, then I'm going to the cinema. I won't be home til after midnight so I need to get it all done before I leave. Nooo idea what time they're coming tomorrow - could be 8am, could be 10pm. So must be prepared for all eventualities!!!
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Ive spent literally the entire weekend painting my kitchen and bathroom, and sacrificing seeing friends to do so. And I feel like it just looks really messy and shit 😭
the estate agent is sending photographers round on Thursday to take pictures, and I’m out all day Tuesday and Wednesday. So I’ve got Monday night to TIDY - I don’t even have time for more painting now.
and I thought I’d have time to painting up the stairs as well but I just don’t think I will now. And that looks so shit too because I partially did some and it looks such a mess. basically I’m just sad and overwhelmed.
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I THINK the floor is kind of maybe nearly done? It’s 7:11pm now.. maybe by 8? I just want a big bowl of pasta and silence.
If my dad wasn’t hear I would have combusted. Anyway it looks good and I’m pleased and will share pics tomorrow!
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we gave up on the stair carpet! He’s GOING BACK, and we’re going to paint and gloss the stairs instead. It would have looked nice but this is cheaper so I don’t care that much. The man doing the floor has just arrived and my dad is project managing which makes me feel 10000% better because I get such unreasonable anxiety around having strangers in my flat. Anyway all the sawing and stuff is so loud and I feel so guilty about disturbing my neighbours. Breeeathe.
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can we post Twitter content here? Who cares! I’m a maverick!
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i keep forgetting to write on here but in 30 minutes time I have 4.5 solid hours of meetings so I am relishing the opportunity to sit in a toilet cubicle on my phone, en route downstairs for some green tea. firstly MY VISA GOT APPROVED LAST WEEK! I’m still waiting for it to feel real and exhilarating. I’m super excited but also I now have 2.5 weeks to sort my whole life out and package it into 4 large suitcases and one small one. Plus one I need to give to my dad to pick up later. I’m giving away possessions to my friends, and manically finalising DIY projects I’ve ignored for 2 years before the letting agents come next week to take photos of my flat. I’m getting new floors tomorrow, and then I need to PAINT. I’m locking myself away and doing 2 solid days of painting over the weekend. my dad is here this week helping with smaller jobs which has been super helpful, but we’d been preparing to fit a carpet runner up my stairs today which was due yesterday and is now opaquely ‘delayed’ until maybe the 22nd. They couldn’t give any further info. So if it doesn’t arrive by 4pm today I am angrily cancelling and demanding a refund and trying to assuage my deep deep stress with the consolation that I get the carpet money back and also the £40 I spend on fucking carpet tape. just little things!! I’m so tired and stressed!
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january is one of those months where you experience every feeling on the human spectrum and you just have to go about your day like that isn’t happening
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also a surprising amount of people have told me they didn’t know you can still even test for Covid. You can! And vulnerable people do still die from it so maybe spend a teeny lil £2.99 at Boots!! Idk you do you
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Turns out I don’t have a ‘terrible cold’ guys I have ‘SARS-CoV-2’
ie Covid. At CHRISTMAS. Fuck everyone sneezing on the tube with merry abandon
I can’t stress enough that I read all of your blogs every day and love it
In other news I have a terrible cold and am counting down the work days I need to complete before Christmas (2 and 3/4). Tonight I’m going to start packing coz I’m going to bring an extra suitcase of stuff to my mums to collect at a later date, just so I have less stuff to carry over with me in one go (if the move happens)
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I can’t stress enough that I read all of your blogs every day and love it
In other news I have a terrible cold and am counting down the work days I need to complete before Christmas (2 and 3/4). Tonight I’m going to start packing coz I’m going to bring an extra suitcase of stuff to my mums to collect at a later date, just so I have less stuff to carry over with me in one go (if the move happens)
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Had a productive morning!! Got up early and went to the gym, and then sold a whole load of books via Ziffit that I cba waiting to sell individually on Vinted. They actually don’t take a lot of contemporary fiction anyway tbf. I do wish I’d checked before whether they provide boxes coz they DONT and I have 25 books (half of which are bulky textbooks) to ship off, but thankfully I’m getting a big ikea delivery on Sunday so I should be able to repurpose that packaging. And then a courier just comes and gets it all 🎉
anyway that’s been the limit to my non-work productivity but it was a pretty good pre-9am run.
I am now ITCHING to get home and list more things on Vinted. Even if my visa isn’t approved, this is still a net positive clear out because I have way too much crap
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Don’t know if you guys have heard of the jewellery brand Hey Harper, but they do waterproof/ tarnish free jewellery which I’m obsessed with. Anyway they are doing a little pop up today which is super close to my office where you swap some old tarnished jewellery for something new for free! And what a delight! (My other necklace is also from Hey Harper, as is most of my jewellery)
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