ragingronno · 10 years
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ragingronno · 10 years
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Besides being a giant jerk, I actually like Ronno.
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ragingronno · 10 years
"--Oh, but I thought you were ignorin' me?" Mockingly, he looked over his shoulder at the girls with an innocent face. "But fine -- before you start bugging me."
"And I'm Ronno, and this is goin' to hurt." Ronno crouched down beside her. Thankfully, he had yanked glass out of skin plenty of times... due to his own rage. Without warning, also so that Lady wouldn't have time to get nervous, he quickly pulled the two shards  out of her arm.
"Done. You're  w e l c o m e."
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Anyone out there?
With a roll of her eyes, she nodded to Madellaine and, with her help, slowly stood up. “Yeah I’ll figure out the glass issue later, thanks.” She grabbed at the bridge of her nose, clenching her eyes shut, “God my head is killing me!”
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"No thanks to you, captain." Glancing back to Madellaine, she smiled softly. "Thank you, really I appreciate it. Even if captain smartass found me, I appreciate help from both of you."
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ragingronno · 10 years
"--Oho, alright. I was just askin'." In mock defense, Ronno lifted his palms with wide eyes. "I was goin' to help you get the glass out, but fine. Ignore me. Though, don't go crying if you need my help," 
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Without further ado, he busied himself with cutting out some bark from the trees with his knives to make a fire.
Anyone out there?
Lady sent a glare up to him, “No, because I enjoy laying on the soaking ground with glass in my arm.” She snapped back, grabbing her head.
"Concussion. My car just rolled and I managed to get out of my car. It’s back there somewhere." 
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"An now my head…" She sighed, glancing to the girl, "ugh it’s killing me and I can barely get to my feet. Can you and not captain sarcasm help?" 
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ragingronno · 10 years
"--Huh?" Wheeling around, Ronno found a girl crumpled on the ground. 
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"Whoa, what happened to you? Can't help you out, ma'am," he laughed coldly, "sorry. But if you wanna tag along with our ragtag survival group here, go ahead."
Anyone out there?
"Hello? Anyone? Is someone there? My…my head is spinning…"
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ragingronno · 10 years
A Message to Whomever:
Ronno: ha, who are you miss talk a lot..? wait what. WAITING? why the fuck are you waiting?? find help or somethin!
Ducky: No that is not my name Ducky is my name but you can call me that if you would like yes I am waiting I was told not to move and I can not find help right now, no I can not, I am one movement away from falling to my death, you see who is this?
Ronno: im callin you that then. youre one movement from..? are you on a freakin cliff or something? lol thats kinda funny.
Ronno: it's Ronno and i am seconds away from dying of hunger.... or permanently livin in the forest. fun.
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ragingronno · 10 years
Text to Angel
Ronno: hey blondie where are ya?? im kinda stuck in the forest here so it would be cool if someone could, uh idk, HELP ME OUT?
Ronno: wait
Ronno: youre not dead right
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ragingronno · 10 years
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Bambi - Bambi II paralell: Bambi vs Ronno
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ragingronno · 10 years
A Message to Whomever:
Ducky: They gave me this number when I first started here I do not know who this is but I very much hope you are ok and if you are in a position to talk to me I would very much like to talk to you while I wait here.
Ronno: ha, who are you miss talk a lot..? wait what. WAITING? why the fuck are you waiting?? find help or somethin!
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ragingronno · 10 years
text to Roxanne, Rodger, Ronno
Merida: are ya all alright? Where are you guys? I'm still on the bridge with Flynn, Nani, Charlotte and Hades. Please tell me you guys are okay..
Ronno: uh N O? my hands are f-ing bleedin so im pretty much MESSING up my phone txting you right now
Ronno: but i.. idk. im in the forest and i cant find the way out. has someone called 911 yet or what???
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ragingronno · 10 years
Ronno, unfortunately being as impatient as he is, didn't wait for Madellaine to back away. He tried giving the window a sturdy kick. Nothing. With an agitated grunt, Ronno scrutinized his surroundings.
   Looks like sticks will do. 
Picking up a sturdy and thick looking stick, he held it like a baseball bat and managed to smash the glass, sending little fragments and shards this way and that. Unfortunately, this involved him getting cuts on his hands himself in the process. "Come on. Hurry up and climb out -- we've got to find the others before they walk out on us," Ronno urged, his eyes wide as he pointed back to the endless woods behind him with his thumb.
If there was anything he hated, it was being left behind or forgotten. 
Escape || Madellaine & Ronno
A small wave of relief washed over her at the sound of someone else nearby. The voice that reached her through the metal of the train was vaguely familiar, but not someone she knew on a personal level. His name was Ronno, if she remembered correctly. He had joined the Carnival quite recently as a knife thrower. He was really good at his act, and she enjoyed watching the performances he put on—as she did with most all of the performers. She hadn’t really had much time to get to know him, but she had heard he was quite arrogant. But at this moment she didn’t really care what everyone had said about him; he was helping her and that’s all that mattered.
"I—I blacked out!" The girl’s voice was uneven and cracked near the end, the panic showing through. She tried to take a deep breath to calm  herself, but it was to no avail.
Her vision was still blurry as she searched around the destroyed train car. Nothing that seemed to be of use reached her eyes. She jumped with a shriek at the banging on the train car’s door that sounded just behind her. Her eyes went wide at his words when he told he the door wouldn’t open. Don’t panic, she told herself but it was already too late. Her mind had already drifted onto the worst possible outcomes. Suddenly breathing became harder to do. She vaguely heard him tell her to move away from a window. She tried to stand, but didn’t get far. Her legs were too shaky to hold her weight. Instead, she pulled herself behind an overturned table to shield herself from the flying glass.
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ragingronno · 10 years
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ragingronno · 10 years
Ronno was wondering aimlessly in the forest, cuts on the side of his face from shattered glass, and he was most definitely fuming; he had only spent a few weeks working here, and already a wreck had occured.
Stopping in his steps at the distant voice, Ronno turned on the spot to find a train car not far away. Usually, he'd prefer to find a way out of the woods alone. But this time, he was almost desperate. Racing over to the train car, Ronno found a girl about his age inside. "What the hell are you doing still sittin' about in there?" He demanded, bewildered. Ronno tried the door but it was jammed by the couch, which was probably heavy. Impatiently, he tried to shoulder his way through the wooden door. To no avail, the door didn't budge. "Fuck!" 
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"Alright, I'm going to break through the glass, so move it!"
Escape || Madellaine & Ronno
Carefully, Madellaine placed her foot down in front of her. Currently she was in the lounge using the edge of a sofa as a tightrope so she could practice her walking. There was a sudden jolt and the blonde tumbled into the cushions of the couch. She quickly glanced out the window, trying to see what could’ve caused the motion. Suddenly, everything tilted and she was thrown into the wall. The last thing she remembered was hearing screams and the train car derailed.
Slowly, the blue eyes of the girl fluttered open. The sight that greeted her wasn’t one she ever expected to be in. The train car she had been residing in was upside down. Her vision was blurry and black spots were appearing every once in a while. She lifted her head up off the ground and looked around. Furniture was thrown around and laying upside down while glass was shattered and the lights flickered and sparked. Madellaine grunted before pulling herself into a sitting position. It took a minute for everything to catch up with her, but once it had she began to freak out.
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"Anyone there?!"
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ragingronno · 10 years
"No point in being a bitch," Ronno quipped back, before getting up and leering at her -- with a brow arched in a very arrogant manner, to make things worse.
"So, what, found civilization or were you just lookin' for company?"
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I can hear some of you. Which means you’re in fact, not as dead as a crash like that may lead me to believe. Come on now, get up. No point in being useless.
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ragingronno · 10 years
"--It wasn't a comeback. It was a nickname," Ronno replied smoothly, shooting her a sideways glance with a smug smile that looked annoyingly innocent. "Uh, yeah you were, smartass; you told me to shut up, and this had better be the last time you do." 
When Merida apologized, he finally turned around to face her with his brows lifted, only to have his eyes flashing with rage at her words:
   I don't do shoot offs with boys
As she shot fire, he wheeled back around to watch her -- admittedly -- perfect aim, his eyes narrowing. Deftly, he caught her wrist before she could head off to the side. "Not so fast, Merida. I didn't lose. Splittin' your own arrow in half doesn't even mean you won, so don't look so fucking smug." He glared down at her.
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the new sharp shooter II Merida & Ronno
Merida growled, ‘Ginger?! that’s really the best comeback you’ve got git?’ she raised her eyebrows and gave him a mocking smirk. ‘How creative of you! And I wasn’t tellin’ ya what to do, ass hat, I was simply saying Scar’s the one puttin’ the roof over our heads so if you could try and be a little nice, it would go a long way.’ her smirk turned sly. ‘ya couldn’t lay a hand on me anyway.’ with that she gave a curt nod and headed deeper into the circus tent.
Angus snorted at Ronno, pawing the ground with one huge hoof. Seeing Merida get rallied up a little bit always got Angus rallied to. Turning to her horse she started to stroke his neck to calm him down. ‘Rodger’s a sweet guy..’ she mumbled. ‘Don’t make me regret trusting you with his life.’
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For a moment she watched his silent rage as he flung his knife- she was a little impressed she had to admit. And he was pretty cute, but he was still an ass. Yet Merida was open and thought perhaps he was just trying to show he was better then everyone else, still making him an ass. The red head only shrugged, just because he was cute, she wouldn’t make her mind up just yet.
'Sorry lad~' she smirked as she took her bow off her back and loaded an arrow into it. 'I don't do shoot offs with boys.' with a grin she stood next to him and fired her arrow, it hit home right next to Ronno's knife, so close they were touching. Without batting an eye she had loaded another arrow and fired, splitting her first arrow in half. 'They always pout when they loose.' with that she headed off to the side lines to let him practice. 
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ragingronno · 10 years
"I don't have too much," Ronno snorted, rolling his eyes. Folding his arms, he looked her up and down before deciding to give her a slight chance. The girl had guts; he had to give her credit for that. "Or not. But we'll have to see, Blondie -- callin' you that whether you like it or not."
"But for the record, what's your name, huh?" 
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"Who would want to live life goin' unnoticed? That's like hiding your entire life, and, psh, you wish." He lifted a brow in an unimpressed manner. However, there was a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his lips. 
"Well, when someone, such as yourself has too much self confidence it wanders over into ‘arrogance’.” Her blue eyes held his gaze before nodding her head. “Just wait, you’ll come to appreciate my remarks in time.”
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"I don’t answer to ‘blondie’." Her smirk grew at his surprise. Catching people off guard was rather entertaining. "What? Not everyone wants the spotlight y’know. Plus, it gives you more room if I’m not competing for it. I mean, if I were, it’d be a losing battle for you."
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ragingronno · 10 years
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