rafblue · 3 years
01 - don't add to it
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At the age of 21 years old, a timer would appear on your wrist, telling you the time you have until you meet your soulmate. Except yours was a negative, minus 17520.
Pairing: Yunho x m!reader
Taglist: @marsophilia @xuxiable @kittensyoonie
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rafblue · 3 years
ATEEZ Masterlist
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Minus 17520
At the age of 21 years old, a timer would appear on your wrist, telling you the time you have until you meet your soulmate. Except yours was a negative, minus 17520.
-> Masterlist
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You are my star
Y/n's sister was always nice, she never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
-> Masterlist
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rafblue · 3 years
Minus 17520 - Yunho Squad
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Pairing: Yunho x M!reader
At the age of 21 years old, a timer would appear on your wrist, telling you the time you have until you meet your soulmate. Except yours was a negative, minus 17520.
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rafblue · 3 years
Minus 17520 - Masterlist
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Pairing: Yunho x M!reader
At the age of 21 years old, a timer would appear on your wrist, telling you the time you have until you meet your soulmate. Except yours was a negative, minus 17520.
Tags: Soulmate AU; male reader; gay; time travel;
Warning: mentions of death
Tag list: @marsophilia @xuxiable @kittensyoonie
Y/n squad
Yunho squad
01 - don't add to it
02 - coming soon
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rafblue · 3 years
Minus 17520 - Y/n Squad
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Pairing: Yunho x M!reader
At the age of 21 years old, a timer would appear on your wrist, telling you the time you have until you meet your soulmate. Except yours was a negative, minus 17520.
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Twenty One: Siblings interractions
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!Reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Twenty: I got fired?
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Nineteen: Steal my fans
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Eighteen: You're not a Kardashian
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Seventeen: Cute, still an asshole though
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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"I'm alright I swear, I can perform!"
Hongjoong sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose. Sometimes it really felt like he was dealing with children.
"San, you just screamed and almost fainted as you tried to get up ; answered Seonghwa, a disapproving look on his face
-Ok but I'm feeling better now...
San turned his head to Wooyoung who had just put his hand on San's shoulder. He frowned and groaned.
"We can't let Atinys down like that! We can't just end the concert right now!
-He... He has a point ; said Yeosang"
San smiled, they were agreeing! And then suddenly, Y/n barged through the door. The idol frowned as the whole group turned his head to see him.
"Oh, Mr Park, what are you doing here? ; asked Mingi, frowning a bit"
Y/n was out of breath, he really rushed as soon as Zoe's call ended, worried by her cries. But looking at the group, he really thought he shouldn't have done it. Ah right, they hate me...
"Zoe called me... ; he took a short break, ruffling the back of his neck ; She was worried"
San would have frowned more if it was possible and he gnashed a bit.
"It's nice of her but i'm fine. So you can got."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, really it seems like it became an habit thought San, without even thinking it was his fault.
It was a lie, and a very bad one at that. Even Minho could lie better, and everyone who met him could agree he was a really bad liar.
"Yeaaah right... Your ankle is turning blue..."
Everyone refocused on San's ankle, and he groaned, glaring at Y/n. He was mean okay but really he could have AT LEAST left him alone.
"It's fine I can perform."
Y/n approached the vocalist and kneeled to take a better look at San's ankle.
"No, you absolutely can't.
-You're we can't but we can't let you perform too Sanie..."
It was Yunho who spoke up, and San hated the worried look on his face. Without this damn makeup artist, he wouldn't worry like that, San could just perform. It was wrong. But in his brain numbed by pain and anger toward himself, it made sense.
"See we can't...
-Let you perform, yes. I understood ; Y/n grinned
Y/n had poked San's ankle, proving the pink haired guy wrong. He grinned more visibly and the idol was really REALLY trying to hold back.
"San I think... Y/n isn't wrong ; replied Mingi
Y/n sighed while shooking his head.
"Then why don't you just perform while sitting down?"
San opened his mouth. The whole group opened their mouth and then closed them. He wasn't wrong...
"I can't believe we didn't think of that ; said Jungho in disbelief"
Y/n laughed. Ok maybe he is cute but that doesn't change the fact that he is an ass...
Well now that they found a solution they could perform! Or so they thought...
Because just as the members hold him to help him go on stage, San screamed and fell to the floor.
"Fuck ah I can't I can't... Why can't I
-It seems more serious than we thought ; responded Seonghwa
They all looked at eachother, the anxiety building up in the room.
"Okay but you visibly can't even move your leg... What do we do?"
Y/n sighed, he knew what he was going to say would seem a bit rude but, it was the only solution in his mind.
"Do you really need him on stage?"
That's it. San snapped. And the others members too. They were trying to be at least a bit polite towards him and he was just there being all mean.
"What are you insinuating?!
-Of course we need him!!
-Wow wow calm down there ; shouted Y/n, holding his hands up in a peaceful sign ; He obviously can't go up on stage. And you can't end this concert now for obvious reasons. It would be better for him to just go to the hospital right now while you go perform."
They all cringed. They didn't like this option but... They all could admit that they didn't see another one, except ending it all now but it wasn't an option. Well everyone except San.
"No! The fan would be disappointed and...
-I don't think it's a bad idea..."
They all turned their head to Zoe who just appeared.
-I actually agree too ; said Hoongjoong
-But Hyung I can't...
-No San. You need to go to the hospital, we'll handle...
-Ok now boys, go on stage, the public is waiting..."
The members waved at San while going on stage. He looked defeated, he lowered his head as Y/n took a step forward to talk to Zoe. He couldn't understand but he didn't want to. He would miss a performance. It never happened. Is this how Mingi felt?
His mind was going in circle, he felt as he would cry but he held back, or more he couldn't really cry... He looked pathetic, he knew it.
"Okay now let's go."
Huh? San raised his head looking at Y/n. Zoe was missing, she surely left earlier.
"Zoe asked me to drive you to the hospital, the staff has to stay here because... Well, you know why."
He shook his head. Of course. He wasn't important. Only one staff member, and not even a bodyguard at that would suffice...
Y/n bowed and San glared in disbelief. So now that he was hurt he pitied him? He really was...
"Climb up my back. You can't walk so..."
"Oh. Okay.."
He climbed looking a bit embarrassed. It seems his mind was going wild...
"You're good? Okay now let's go. To the hospital."
San snorted. Yeah, he was cute, still an asshole though
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Sixteen: You're a brat
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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It really took every fiber of his being for San to NOT run away. He didn't want to see him. Actually none of them wanted to, but they had to accomodate, they had no makeup artist for him, everyone was busy, and even if it cost to him to admit it but... Y/n was actually really great as his job. It's the only thing he's great at... He thought.
"Tilt your head a bit."
San glared without moving an inch. Y/n lifted an eyebrow. What was with him? He KNEW they weren't in best terms but at least San always behaved... Now it seemed he only hated him? For no reason or it seems... He refrained a sigh.
"Please San, can you tilt your head?"
San frowned at the rudeness. He never used the honorifics and it really bothered him.
He looked a bit surprised but proceeded to tilt his head like Y/n asked. Maybe it's how he worked, by actually telling him no? A bit like a brat. San almost laughed. Seems on point...
Y/n sighed, were all the idols like that? Just spoiled brat? They were lucky he was REALLY patient... Also he was paid for that and he would be fired if he actually spoke up but eh... Details am I right?
"Can you pout please?"
Seeing as he still wasn't cooperating Y/n sighed. Well it's going to be a long day...
San smirked. Working with a brat? He could do that.
Or at least that's what he thought because after one hour of rude talk, sighs and growns, San was ready to dropkick Y/n...
And it seemed like Y/n was finally on the same page because he wanted to punch San.
He finally sat down after the idol left, he was tired, exhausted, dead beat, all shot up, he was...
"Y/n? You're okay?"
Y/n raised his head and gave a hint of a smile seeing who was here.
"Oh Hana, you're here...
-Ahah well... We work together"
He laughed, she wasn't wrong even though that's not what he meant. She probably knew it as she was grinning, looking all proud.
"You didn't seem alright so I went to check... Choi-ssi went a bit rough on you huh?
-Yeah... Guess the guy just hate me ; he shrugged
-Nooo don't say that... They just are... A bit slow to warm up? I mean you only see him like for one or two hours and twice a week?
-That's more than I see my sister...
-Hm... Well then... Barbecue?"
He chuckled, she really knew how to make him smile huh? Well food would make anyone happy but, details... Who cares...
"You're paying?
-Does that mean you'll stop sulking?
-Hmm... Maybe?
-Tchh you're a brat."
He laughed and shrugged again, at least he got free food.
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Fifteen: Safe
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Fourteen: A Mess
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Thirteen part 2: Average 23 Years Old Man
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Thirteen part 1: The Whoritude
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Twelve: Mario Kart
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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rafblue · 3 years
Chapter Eleven: Extra
Plot: Y/n's sister was always nice, never whined or throwed a tantrum, so when she asked him to help her, he knew it was important. But maybe he shouldn't have accepted because now it seems like he made an enemy of the famous group ATEEZ.
Pairing: San x M!reader
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