quynhtrangnef · 1 month
Digital Citizenship and Conflict in online environments
Digital Citizenship and Conflict in online environments
Global connectedness via the Internet has created new avenues for social interaction, conversation, and the exchange of ideas in the modern world. On the other hand, as information and communication technology advances, new problems pertaining to citizen sovereignty and online conflict also arise.
Online Digital Citizenship:
The term "digital citizenship" describes the ethical and nonviolent use of technology and the Internet. This involves more than just abiding by the laws while using social media, sending emails, or doing online research; it also involves creating a welcoming and encouraging online community for one another.
When engaging in cyberspace, online people must understand their rights and obligations. This entails preserving your personal information, refraining from prejudice, and honoring the privacy of others. Furthermore, civic sovereignty necessitates knowing how to recognize and react to internet fraud, fake news, and disinformation.
Online Conflict:
While the Internet offers a wealth of options for connection and information exchange, it also fosters a climate in which disputes may spread swiftly and widely. Issues that are receiving special attention include cyber security problems, inappropriate use of personal information, and using the Internet to propagate violent or aggressive messages that are unique.
Cyberbullying, online demonstrations, hacking, and privacy intrusions are just a few examples of the behaviors that fall under the category of online conflict. These behaviors can have major repercussions for the community and society, in addition to harming the mental and psychological well-being of the people involved.
Creating a Peaceful Digital Environment:
International organizations and the internet community must work together to address issues with citizen sovereignty and online conflict. Governments must create and implement specialized legislation pertaining to cybersecurity and the privacy of personal data. Technology companies must also make sure that the safety and privacy of their users are respected in the creation of their goods and services.
Building a supportive and tranquil online community also heavily relies on teaching and raising awareness about online citizen sovereignty. Educating young Internet users on responsible and safe technology usage will contribute to the development of a new generation of informed and perceptive online citizens.
Moving forward, collaboration and efforts from all parties involved will be needed to create a peaceful and secure online environment. We will be unable to advance in creating a constructive and long-lasting social media environment until everyone understands the significance of online conflict and citizen sovereignty.
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quynhtrangnef · 1 month
The Gaming Industry's Evolution and Future
The gaming business has grown and changed at an unparalleled rate in the last several decades, going from a specialized pastime to a multibillion-dollar worldwide phenomenon. The gaming industry is growing quickly due to changes in consumer behavior, technological improvements, and the emergence of virtual reality and esports. Examining the elements influencing the game industry's growth and making predictions about its future course is crucial as we set out on this trip.
Unprecedented Innovation and Growth The gaming business has undergone amazing expansion, spurred by technological breakthroughs and shifting customer demands. From the early days of arcade games and home consoles to the era of mobile gaming and cloud-based platforms, innovation has been the driving force behind the industry's rise. Today, gaming spans a vast range of genres and platforms, appealing to gamers of all ages and interests.
The widespread use of mobile gaming has been one of the main factors propelling the gaming industry's expansion. Millions of gamers may now enjoy games on the move thanks to the growing use of smartphones and tablets, which has made gaming more accessible than ever. Additionally, developers now have more options to reach a wider audience and experiment with cutting-edge gameplay techniques thanks to mobile gaming.
The Growth of Competitive Gaming and Esports Another big development in the gaming business has been the advent of esports and competitive gaming. What previously started as small-scale competitions has turned into a worldwide phenomenon, with professional esports leagues, large prize pools, and millions of spectators tuning in to watch their favorite players and teams battle. Esports has converted gaming into a spectator sport, blurring the barriers between traditional sports and digital entertainment.
The gaming business as a whole has been greatly impacted by the rise of esports, which has increased demand for professional players, high-caliber games, and immersive gaming environments. Developers are increasingly working on producing games designed for competitive play, integrating features such as matchmaking, ranking systems, and spectator modes to appeal to the burgeoning esports audience.
Future Trends and Forecasts in Gaming In summary, the gaming sector is expected to have sustained expansion and advancement in the years to come. Future gaming promises to be incredibly exciting for developers, players, and fans alike, thanks to changes in consumer behavior, technological breakthroughs, and the emergence of new trends and possibilities. To ensure that the gaming business is alive and well for many years to come, we must embrace innovation, diversity, and inclusion as we navigate this always-changing terrain.
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quynhtrangnef · 1 month
Face Filter Evolution: Examining the field or AR Filters
Face filters have become a common tool for digital self-expression in the age of social media dominance, where selfies are everything and personal branding is crucial. With the use of these augmented reality (AR) filters, users may alter their look in real-time, improving features, adding animations, and adding fun effects to images and videos. Face filters are becoming more and more popular on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and other apps. This gives users a wide range of choices to improve their online profile. Let's take a closer look at face filters, their present condition, and the emergence of augmented reality filters.
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Face Filters' Pervasiveness Face filters are now an essential component of using social media, having been widely adopted by sites like Snapchat. Face filters were first released as straightforward overlays to add amusing details to selfies. Since then, they have developed into complex tools with a wide range of modification possibilities. With the help of interactive effects, beauty filters, and augmented reality masks, users can now turn their ordinary selfies into eye-catching digital artwork.
The AR Filter Epidemic The next wave of face filter technology is represented by AR filters, which use augmented reality to provide engaging and interactive experiences. AR face filters provide an additional level of interaction by dynamically reacting to users' motions and surroundings, in contrast to regular face filters, which are static overlays. These filters may be used to create wacky animations that follow users' facial expressions or virtual reality experiences. AR filters have gained popularity on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, where users may utilize Spark AR Studio to make and share their own personalized filters. Due to the democratization of filter production, a wide range of distinctive and creative filters that satisfy various tastes and preferences have proliferated. The rise in popularity of AR filters has also benefited brands and influencers, who use them as marketing tools to interact creatively with audiences.
The Effect on Identity and Self-Image Face filters are a fun and interesting way to add effects to images and videos, but there are concerns about how they may affect identity and self-perception. Unrealistic beauty standards and body dissatisfaction have been connected to the ubiquity of artificially filtered photographs on social media. Face filters, according to their detractors, reinforce unrealistic beauty standards and put more pressure on people to meet digitally modified notions of perfection. Furthermore, the growing use of AR filters casts doubt on the veracity of online interactions by obfuscating the distinction between fact and fiction. There's a chance that users may start to portray a controlled image of themselves through filters, which might undermine real interactions and encourage a culture of insecurity and comparison.
Towards the Future: The Evolution of Face Filters Face filters have countless possibilities in store as technology develops further. The possibilities for innovation are endless, ranging from AI-powered filters that provide incredibly realistic changes to filters that work perfectly with virtual and augmented reality experiences. Face filters should be seen critically, though, as we accept new technological advances and take into account how they may affect social interaction, identity, and self-perception. In summary, face filters have completely changed how we engage with digital media by providing a medium for artistic expression and self-representation. With the introduction of AR filters, a new era in filter technology is beginning, one in which interaction and immersion become paramount. Maintaining authenticity in our online connections while embracing innovation must be balanced as we traverse this changing terrain.
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quynhtrangnef · 2 months
Using Social Media to Promote Public Health Effectively: Techniques and Outcomes
It is impossible to overestimate social media's ability to support public health efforts at a time when it has become an essential aspect of our everyday lives. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, with their billions of users globally, have unmatched reach and engagement, making them effective tools for spreading health-related information, increasing awareness, and encouraging changes in behavior. Social media public health initiatives can improve population health outcomes and save lives by promoting healthy practices and countering misinformation.
Social media's capacity to quickly spread information to a large audience is one of its main advantages. Public health messages may spread swiftly and virally thanks to social media platforms, in contrast to traditional media outlets that can have long lead times and a restricted audience. In public health situations, such as disease outbreaks or natural catastrophes, when prompt communication might mean the difference between life and death, this real-time distribution is especially important.
Social media also enables customized messaging, which enables campaigns to be tailored to certain geographic areas, demographics, or health conditions. Public health organizations may identify high-risk populations and provide customized material that speaks to their specific needs and preferences by utilizing user data and analytics. A campaign to encourage immunization, for instance, may target parents of small children, but one to encourage quitting smoking might target young adults.
Social media's interactive features, which enable two-way connections between the community and public health authorities, are another benefit. Users may interact with material, ask questions, and share their own experiences via social media platforms, in contrast to traditional media channels, which are primarily one-directional. A sense of community and trust is fostered by this interaction, and both are necessary for bringing about significant behavioral change. Public health groups may establish credibility and encourage adherence to advised health behaviors by using social media to address issues, debunk myths, and deliver correct information in real time.
Social media also makes it possible for public health initiatives to leverage the impact of peer networks and influencers. Influencers are people with sizable social media followings who have the power to spread public health messages to populations who may be hard to reach through more conventional means. Public health organizations may increase their reach and promote healthy habits by collaborating with influencers who are well-known and trusted in certain areas. Peer networks also have a significant influence on attitudes and actions, and social media gives people a forum to discuss their health experiences, offer support, and inspire others to lead better lives.
Though social media has much potential for public health efforts, it also poses hazards and problems that need to be properly considered. The dissemination of false information and rumors, which can erode confidence in public health authorities and encourage dangerous conduct, is one of the biggest problems. In order to refute erroneous claims, public health organizations need to keep a close eye on social media platforms for disinformation and quickly reply with the correct facts. Furthermore, while gathering and utilizing user data for targeted messaging, privacy and data security considerations are critical.
In summary, social media has completely changed the way public health campaigns are carried out by providing previously unheard-of levels of engagement, targeting, reach, and interaction. Public health organizations may successfully address urgent health concerns, encourage healthy behaviors, and increase awareness by using the power of social media platforms. To guarantee that campaigns are evidence-based, culturally aware, and responsive to the changing needs of the community, success necessitates meticulous preparation, strategic communication, and continual review. Social media has the power to revolutionize public health, enhancing health outcomes and saving lives globally with the appropriate strategy.
Gatewood, Johanzynn, et al. “Social Media in Public Health: Strategies to Distill, Package, and Disseminate Public Health Research.” Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, vol. 26, no. 5, 22 Oct. 2019, pp. 489–492, journals.lww.com/jphmp/fulltext/2020/09000/social_media_in_public_health__strategies_to.14.aspx
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quynhtrangnef · 2 months
Slow Fashion Movement: the development and future of the movement
The slow fashion trend has arisen as a logical response to the 21st-century growth in both life pace and commodity consumption. Conscious consumers and forward-thinking designers are taking notice of this trend, which is well-known for showcasing sustainability, innovation, and refinement.
Origin and Significance
The idea that we should consume less and show greater respect for manufacturing processes is the foundation of the slow fashion movement. Slow fashion is a word used to describe a movement in the fashion industry that aims to reduce the negative environmental impacts of pollution and fashion waste, as opposed to fast fashion.
Rather than following the latest trends every season, slow fashion promotes the use of high-quality, enduring items that require time and work to create.
This is a great approach to opposing waste, and it's also a significant step toward valuing variety and the environment. This movement promoted individuality above uniformity in style, as well as creative freedom and self-discovery.
Naturally, the term "Slow Fashion" emerged when Kate Fletcher used it for the first time in September 2007's issue of The Ecologist magazine. Following the "fast food" vs. "slow food" controversy in the culinary world, Fletcher felt that there should be a slower pace in fashion because of the relationship between food and fashion.
The term "Slow Fashion" evolved throughout time, broadened its definition, gained widespread recognition, and served as a new "playground" for several firms.
Design Philosophy
A design philosophy is fundamental to the slow fashion movement. Utilizing state-of-the-art, humanely manufactured products and materials supplied responsibly, slow designers construct their items by hand. They honor the labor-intensive nature of handmade goods and their creation process.
Cultural Affect
The goal of the slow fashion movement is to promote a refined lifestyle in addition to exquisite clothing. Customers are urged to recognize the benefits of having fewer, higher-quality, and more meaningful possessions.
It also serves as a call to action for the conventional fashion industry to modify its ethical standards and production processes because young people nowadays have a propensity to modify their lifestyles from an ecologically conscious perspective and because they are more conscious of the need to purchase high-quality items with sustainable characteristics.
The Movement's Future
The slow fashion movement is a sustainable and creative strategy used in the fashion business, not merely a passing fad. This movement has the potential to gain significant traction in the future as people become more conscious of how the fashion industry affects the environment and local communities. In summary, the slow fashion movement is a manifestation of understanding and conscience about sustainability and refinement, as well as a response to the fashion industry's unceasing expansion. It fosters a new way of living founded on authentic values by making room for creativity, personality, and significance.
Kim Thu (2023), “Kiến tạo nên thương hiệu thời trang chậm, dễ hay khó”, Style-Republik.com | Thời Trang, sáng tạo và kinh doanh, https://style-republik.com/3-buoc-tao-ra-mot-dong-thoi-trang-cham/
Levents, “Slow Fashion là gì? Đặc điểm nổi bật của xu hướng thời trang chậm”, https://levents.asia/blogs/kien-thuc-thoi-trang/slow-fashion-la-gi
Flora Symons (2023), “Oxfam GB | What is slow fashion?”, Oxfam GB, https://www.oxfam.org.uk/oxfam-in-action/oxfam-blog/what-is-slow-fashion/
Minh Trang (2022), “Slow Fashion – Mặc “chậm” sao cho đẹp và thoải mái”, Vietcetera, https://vietcetera.com/vn/slow-fashion-mac-cham-sao-cho-dep-va-thoai-mai
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quynhtrangnef · 3 months
Platformization: the platforming of connectivity and diversity
"Platformization" is growing more and more significant in the current digital era, signaling a revolution in how we utilize and harness technology. Platformization is more than simply a fad; it's a strategic move that fosters innovation and builds a worldwide community. Platformization is the process by which a business modifies or tailors its platform's architecture to better serve its goals.
What is meant by "platformization"? The process of converting conventional goods and services into adaptable and scalable digital platforms is known as platformization. In addition to selling goods, businesses nowadays now develop platforms that enable customer interaction, sharing, and even content creation. This encourages innovation, improves communication amongst stakeholders, and produces a more varied and vibrant company environment.
Benefits of Platformization: a. Improve interaction: Platformization offers advantageous conditions for users to interact with one another and with enterprises. This creates an environment conducive to conversation, idea exchange, and the formation of online communities. b. variety and creativity: Technology that expands and connects people inspires variety and creativity. Platformization contributes to the creation of an environment in which users and companies may test new ideas in a flexible and timely manner. c. Flexible business models: Platformization provides firms with options to adopt more flexible business models. Instead of simply offering things, they may create ecosystems in which consumers can interact and enjoy them.
Platformization's drawbacks a. Security: As integration and connection increase, security takes on more importance. To protect the security of private data and online transactions, extra care must be taken. b. Data management: To guarantee the secure and efficient use of information, managing massive volumes of data across platforms calls for efficient methods and tactics. c. Market sharing and competition: Because this company model is so well-liked, there is a lot of pressure to share the market with rivals.
The Future of Platformization: It appears that platformization will continue to influence how we utilize technology in the years to come. Building a connected and inventive society will depend on making the most of digital services' flexibility and the power of online communities. ​
Plattformization: Some Common Definitions – CIMdata | www.cimdata.com https://www.cimdata.com/en/platformization-some-common-definitions
Thomas Poell, David Neborg, Jose van Dijck, (2019) | Internet Policy Review, https://policyreview.info/concepts/platformisation
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quynhtrangnef · 3 months
Reality TV
An Explanation of Reality TV One of the most watched entertainment genres globally now is reality television. Reality television draws a sizable viewership due to its realistic qualities and resemblance to everyday life. Television programs such as "Survivor," "The Amazing Race," and "Running Man" present viewers with real-world obstacles, set up captivating scenarios, and enable them to live a genuine existence. The main focus of reality television is frequently documenting and sharing the participants' everyday activities, ranging from easy to difficult. The content's spontaneous and unscripted quality makes for exciting viewing and unpredictable moments. Because of this, reality television is a demanding and fascinating form of entertainment.
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The Evolution of Reality Television in the Digital Age
Reality television has evolved significantly in the digital age, creating numerous new options. Advances in shooting and image processing technology have made it possible to create reality television programs with high-quality pictures and sound. Furthermore, the proliferation of the internet and online platforms has allowed for increased engagement between viewers and events. Today's reality talent shows and culinary competitions frequently use social media, resulting in a strong bond between viewers and content.
Simultaneously, the range of reality TV genres is expanding, encompassing daily life, sports, and education. This broadens the viewership and produces a variety of engaging entertainment experiences. In summary, the convergence of high-caliber production values and interactive internet platforms has ushered reality television into a novel era, therefore enhancing and broadening the scope of global entertainment offerings.
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quynhtrangnef · 3 months
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Tumblr is a platform for sharing brief material, photographs, and other kinds of information, in addition to being a social media and microblogging site. Tumblr is a hybrid of a blog and a social networking platform, similar to Facebook and Twitter. Compared to other social networks, Tumblr appears to have a younger user base. A Tumblr blog requires you to be at least 13 years old to register. There are currently 300 million monthly users on Tumblr, with around 53.5% of visits being female and 50% of users under 25. The amount of traffic to Tumblr is increasing at a rate of 74% annually. Furthermore, there are more than 300 million distinct visitors each month
In many respects, this platform serves as a digital community.
Microblogging and Rich Content: Users can post brief messages that include GIFs, videos, photos, and text. As a result, people have a quick and varied place to express their thoughts, produce material, and engage with others.
Hashtags and Search: Hashtags are a useful tool for users to help organize material and make searching easier. This facilitates the development of linkages between users and postings about related subjects.
Special Topics and Communities: Through particular topics, users can take part in special communities. This creates places where people may meet and engage with one another who share their interests, viewpoints, or needs.
Content Freedom: Tumblr is well-known for both its variety and content freedom. It is encouraged for users to creatively and personally express who they are and what they think.
All of these elements together create a unique and creative community on Tumblr. A place where users not only share opinions and art but also connect through common interests and hobbies. Tumblr is a place that values creativity and independence in addition to being a media platform.
Tumblr's vulnerability With a large number of users, including children from 13 years old. Too many images and sensitive content on Tumblr are the result of loose control and unclear usage regulations. Pornography also appears. This affects many users. It also cannot meet the standards of the iOS app store. Since December 2018, Tumblr has banned the posting of any sexually explicit material. Thanks to that, Tumblr is back on the iOS platform, but it comes at a price: more than 100,000 accounts have disappeared, and that number will continue to increase.
2014, "Explainer: What is Tumblr?" , webwise.ie, https://www.webwise.ie/parents/explainer-what-is-tumblr-2/
Admin_khuong (2019), “Tumblr là gì? Những thành công Tumblr trước khi đi đến hồi kết” | Guru.edu.vn, https://guru.edu.vn/tumblr-la-gi-nhung-thanh-cong-tumblr-truoc-khi-di-den-hoi-ket/
“Blog Basics: What is Tumblr?” | GCFGlobal.org, https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/blogbasics/what-is-tumblr/1/
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