queenofyokai · 9 years
Due to the lack of muse i won't be here for some time. I kinda need some time ro regain my muse for Hagoromo and i don't want to force it so this might take a while. I can't promise anything but i feel like this might go away by the start of October -Mun
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queenofyokai · 9 years
She smiled and nodded at his obedience or was it just him listening to her advice. Either way it pleased her
" Good. Now that we went over that let us go have some tea "
“ There’s always a next time.” Hagoromo just about whispered as she took in his looks. Really she wondered who his mother was.
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“ No use to wallow in the past “ if only she could have taken that advice for herself when she had the chance. But she knew now what she did was wrong but to her it was justified.
   The whole family seemed to have this trait, to wallow in the past until it consumed them all. His father most importantly. His face remained calm as he thought about this. 
   “…Yes…grand mother.”
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queenofyokai · 9 years
The fox shook her head weakly swating Otome's hand away. " I don't need any help from you " she hissed. Though she glanced briefly at the handkerchief and grabed it from the others hold " I am fine, no need to worry. I just need a minute "
Glances at Otome and tiltes her head " You're an ayakashi... " she finally noticed
Sweat poured down Hagoromo’s face, clear that she is somehow not in the best of shapes. The sword was still held onto thightly just in case if the woman might try something.
The fox closed her eyes briefly and shook her head “ Shouldn’t you be somewhere else? Quit worrying about me you fool” came the harsh response but Hagoromo did not move from her spot on the ground being content on resting more.
Somewhere to go? There was no where to go, but that was not the issue here. “No, I—” She changed the subject. “Are you hurt somewhere?” Of course, Otome was still quite afraid of the fox; though she was not going to just ignore someone in need. The other was probably just defensive due to her vulnerable state, or so Otome reasoned naively. 
From the sleeve of her kimono, Otome took out a small plain handkerchief. She then knelt down and offered the fabric to the other. “Here, you may use this. It is newly clean.”
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queenofyokai · 9 years
   He had heard about the battle, and how she had become one with …  the host body. His eyes reflect nothing for a moment but he allows a singular pain of regret to reflect upon amber eyes. 
  He had never met his grand father, his birth coming too late. Much too late for any noticeable relationship to form with the other members of the family that came from his human side. 
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   “Next time… how can there be a next time?”
“ There’s always a next time.” Hagoromo just about whispered as she took in his looks. Really she wondered who his mother was.
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“ No use to wallow in the past “ if only she could have taken that advice for herself when she had the chance. But she knew now what she did was wrong but to her it was justified.
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queenofyokai · 9 years
 Confusion, for he was certain that he had never met his own grand mother at all during the supposed times that she was alive in the mortal physical realm. But than he thinks to that statement. And thinks of his family. 
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   “…Am I… truly outstanding?     I have let many of my descendants      die in battle for his ideals…”
   Regret is always there. 
“ You are confused , rightfully so. I only met you once when you were too little to remember. “ she explained lifting her hand from his shoulder.
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Hagoromo smiled at his humble answer “ I’d say yes. You’re better than Seimei” the name came out with slight detest and bitterness but also sadness.However her expression did not change ”  You’re more like your grandfather if I were to be honest” she admited before saying her mind “ do not let regret cloud your mind or your heart. Keep it in mind  so you will do things differently next time “
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queenofyokai · 9 years
Okay somone who knows their shit , help me. I downloaded the new x-kit  and I still don’t know how to change that awful thing that happens when you reblog. I just want  that freaking square that has all the reblogs to disappear. I mean I know that you can click the x but that makes all the reblogs disappear wich isn’t conventional. I don’t know maybe I’m being stupid and overlooking something. I just needsome instructions on what to do to make the editing of posts easier cause I swear I am a second away from throwing something out of the window
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queenofyokai · 9 years
“ No need to be so polite my dear. “ Hagoromo chuckled a bit at his manners but secretly she was pleased. “ It’s nice to see you after so long Yoshihira”
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She smiled, it was a sight to see him. The feeling of pride enveloped her and she walked closer to place a hand on his shoulder “ You’ve become quite an outstanding man haven’t you”
“Well what a surprise” drawled the fox with a smile “to what do I owe this visit”
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queenofyokai · 9 years
Devil May Cry {Sentence Starters}
"So, you must be the handyman who'll take any dirty job, am I correct?"
"This is my fight, and I will finish it."
"So sad that humans will always be humans, no more."
"Glad I got your attention. I was beginning to feel a little ignored."
"I have retreated once, and I will not do so again!"
"Don't come any closer, you devil."
"Wait! We should leave. For the moment, we have all that we need."
"I promise, I'll make things right for you."
"Strange and ironic that it will end the same way."
"What are you doing here!? Forget it, I don't have time for this."
"Didn't your mother teach you how to use a door?"
"I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light!"
"I've told you, you can't do it! Don't you get it?"
"It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go?"
"You are not human, are you?"
"Oops, sorry. I must have knocked on the door a bit too hard."
"Wait, do you really want to shoot me? Can you shoot me?"
"So, this is what they call a heartwarming family reunion, eh?"
"Come on! Get up! You can do better than that."
"Well, if you want to use the bathroom, help yourself. The toilet's in the back."
"What's the matter? Why the glare?"
"Look at you, making a big dramatic entrance and stealing my spotlight!"
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queenofyokai · 9 years
When you spend hours working on something and finally take a step back to admire it and realize that you hate it.
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queenofyokai · 9 years
“Well what a surprise” drawled the fox with a smile “to what do I owe this visit”
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queenofyokai · 9 years
Hagoromo humed and glanced at the clawed hand dagerously close to her face. She didn’t do anything , only smiled” I see, fascinating. Died a killer , came back as many people’s nightmare.” 
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The fox didn’t know how to feel about that hand or his later answer. Excited? In what sense ... There were only two answeres to that. She didn’t want to think about neither. “ You still torture humans even now? How gruesome” Hagoromo didn’t mean it though ,she didn’t care much about human lives. Her cold black eyes say as much.
An amused chuckle escaped her andher black eyes twinkled  “ Oh I can only imagine what you’ve done but a ‘bit naughty’ translates into ‘very’ for me. No need to hold back on such details”
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Hagoromo finally moved from her spot and closed the distance between them.She circled around him , like a predator would its pray before coming to a stop in front of him “ Oh I can belive that my dear. However how much worse interests me, usually human turned demons do not amount to much. But I suppose I shouldn’t be too fast in my judgement , promising iduviduals just keep coming afterall. “
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Freddy did not move from his spot as she wander about and in front of him, there was a silent challenge here and he was not one to lose ground so easily. Peering down at her he smiled, showing filed teeth while he eyed her almost hungrily. “I was a killer,” he granted unabashed and proudly. “Kidnapping children and killing them how I pleased. Some quickly and others…oh, others I took my time with.
“Little girls excited me most,” he continued by raising a clawed finger to touch her hair lightly, skilled and not even cutting a strand. “Eventually I was found out, arrested but I was set free and when the parent came to kill me? Well, I became what I am now.”
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queenofyokai · 9 years
how to plot with me
Step 1:Come into my askbox, press the capslock, and casually ask for the opportunity to plot with me whilst mimicking the act of hyperventilating
Step 2:Wait for me to inevitably respond with an over-enthusiastic "FUCK YEAH"
Step 3: Shout AUs and ideas at each other over the internet
Step 4: Bam, starter, courtesy of me or you
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queenofyokai · 9 years
Meet the Muse
Hover over the links for a brief description. REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG.
t h e    b a s i c s .
Name:  Hagoromo Gitsune Nickname(s): Fox, Trecherous fox Age:   1000+ Species:  Demon
p e r s o n a l .
Morality:  Chaotic Evil Religious belief:  N/A
Sins:  lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath Virtues:  chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice Primary goals in life:  To protect both humans and yokai , it used to be something else but she had changed Languages known: English, Japanese Secrets:  Sometimes she still hears the voice of Yamabuki inside her head Quirks:  chews on the inside of her cheek when frustrated Savvies:  Search and Destroy
p h y s i c a l .
Build:  slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other Height: 164cm Weight:  55 kg Scars/Birthmarks:  Nothing  Abilities/Powers:  Reincarnation: She is a spirit demon and once her host body dies she just goes on to another suitable  vessel. 
Fear: Presence based fear makes opponents weaker than her freeze on the spot. Not only that but she can apply this fear on anyone( even those stronger than her) , momentarily to stop their movement. Restrictions: If her host body is cut down she has to leave it. It is the most vulnurable moment for her. If she is cut down before she finds another host body , her reincarnation cycle will be cut off and she will die
f a v o u r i t e s .
Favorite food:  Japanese Favorite drink(s):  Black tea, bitter Favorite pizza topping:   N/A Favorite color:  Black Favorite music genre:  Clasical Favorite book genre:  Historical Favorite movie genre:  N/A Favorite season:  Autumn Favorite curse word:  N/A Favorite scent:  the scent of the forest or lillies Favorite sound: Rain
f u n  s t u f f .
Bottom or top:  Either. Loud burper or soft burper:  Soft Sings in the shower:  yes / no / Likes bad puns:  yes / no / doesn’t particularly care
Their opinion on the mun: “That lazyness of hers will end her someday “
Was tagged by: timestrandedodst
Tagging: dunno
 anyone who wants to take part!
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queenofyokai · 9 years
Smiling at the fact that it was summer, Chopper approached the young woman before him, poking her leg a few times in order to get her to look down. His wide smile never faded as he stood to hide the volleyball behind him. "Come to the beach and play with me!" He demanded playfully before awaiting a reply.
“ Oh , I don’t do well on the beach. It’s too bright , crowded and I’d rather avoid humans” was the simple answer. Hagoromo knew already that mingling with humans always ended bad. She liked dark places better anyways
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“ Go ask someone else. “ she pat the raindeer and walked into the nice and dark shadow of her room
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queenofyokai · 9 years
 An amused chuckle escaped her andher black eyes twinkled  “ Oh I can only imagine what you’ve done but a ‘bit naughty’ translates into ‘very’ for me. No need to hold back on such details”
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Hagoromo finally moved from her spot and closed the distance between them.She circled around him , like a predator would its pray before coming to a stop in front of him “ Oh I can belive that my dear. However how much worse interests me, usually human turned demons do not amount to much. But I suppose I shouldn’t be too fast in my judgement , promising iduviduals just keep coming afterall. “
Lifeless black hues fixated on the man , taking care to watch those claws of his closely. The vixen smiled “ Then you should be careful because mice like me have a nasty bite on them”
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Hagoromo stood still, silent and observant. The man before her didn’t seem to be affected by her presence based fear for he was not petrified. “ You’re not exactly human yourself, but you’re not a demon either. So that begs me to question on what exactly you are.”
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queenofyokai · 9 years
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queenofyokai · 9 years
the wolf among us || starters
❝ Is that a threat ? ❞  ❝ These lips are sealed . ❞ ❝ It is better to be feared than loved .❞  ❝ I’ve seen the way you look at ___ , okay ? You’re not foolin’ me .❞ ❝ You’re not as bad as everyone says you are . ❞ ❝ Anyone ever tell you you got a big fuckin’ mouth ? ❞ ❝ Whatever . I’m too out of it to get into it . ❞ ❝ We all have our parts to play . ❞ ❝ You can’t change the past . ❞ ❝ ____ , I’m gonna break your fucking face . ❞ ❝ I’ve heard stories about you . ❞ ❝ In some tiny little bottled up way , deep inside … you kind of enjoy it when things go wrong . ( Because it gives you an excuse to just … stop pretending ) . ❞ ❝ Life is easier with friends . ❞ ❝ Well I’d appreciate it if you’d fuck off . ❞ ❝ But no , hate’s the wrong word . They fear you more than anything . ❞ ❝ I know you like this whole ’ lone wolf ’ thing you got going for yourself . ❞ ❝ I wish I could have seen it. ❞ ❝ I’ll see you around . ❞ ❝ You almost looked peaceful . Except you’re lying in a dirty alley . ❞ ❝ Just … try not to be like ( yourself ) … ❞ ❝ Pardon the intrusion . I wasn’t aware this was a munchkin’s house .❞ ❝ I didn’t realize you were the bitch of the bitch . ❞ ❝ Hey , what are your plans now ? ❞ ❝ I’m not yours to lose ! ❞ ❝ Blah blah … blah blah blah . ❞ ❝ Are you saying you need a friend right now ? You can trust me . ❞ ❝ People are scared of you . I mean , look at your hands . ❞ ❝ You looked like when you take an action figure and bend it’s limbs the wrong way . ❞ ❝ But at the end of the day I’m still the bad guy . ❞ ❝ Everything used to be so simple … we had a beginning , a middle , & an end . ❞ ❝ When we suffer , we do it in silence . ❞ ❝ You should worry about your own fucking situation . ❞ ❝ I’ve made mistakes . ❞ ❝ You do what you want … you always do what you want . ❞ ❝ I’m glad you’re not dead . ❞ ❝ We need to do things the right way ! ❞ ❝ You’ll pray to any god who’ll listen that your mother never shit you into this fucking world .❞ ❝ Wait a minute … someone’s watching . ❞ ❝ I know it’s dangerous , but I’m not helpless . I can take care of myself . ❞ ❝ Not now , not now , shhhh , the grown ups are talking. . ❞ ❝ Out of my way ! I’ll show you how it’s done ! ❞ ❝ Do you want the Big Bad Wolf to take you away ? ❞ ❝ That was about 8 on the asshole scale … ❞ ❝ Cut the bullshit & quit wasting my time . ❞ ❝ This was really the wrong day to try & pull this shit ! ❞ ❝ You’re a monster ! A fucking monster ! ❞ ❝ You understand wanting to protect what you care about , don’t you ? You’d do anything . ❞
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