queengwenaelle · 10 years
"A whiskey will do me fine for now, thank you."  Gwen never considered herself an "ally" kind of gal; it was more like she used people with a purpose and then she was done with them.  But with Alaster there was a level of respect, for his abilities and the way he conducted himself.  Gwen didn't have friends, those require attachment.  Mister Whyte was an acquaintance she thought highly of. "So, enthrall me my dear: what have you been busying yourself with as of late?  I've been meaning to set time aside to speak, though I suppose here will do."
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Alaster let out a deep chuckle, this was why he appreciated the other woman’s company. They understood each other. They knew they had to play by the other rich and powerful people’s rules when around them. But then they could do whatever they liked in own time. Yes it was tiring but it was also necessary. Keeping the powerful happy was a chore that had to be maintained so that Alaster could keep up with his stupidly wealthy clientèle. “They’re always very good to me, Gwen. I’d let you know if they weren’t.” That wasn’t true, he’d probably deal with them himself but everyone liked to feel empowered by others. Flattering the woman next to him was always a good idea. Alaster finished what little he had left in his glass and called over a hostess for another drink before looking to Gwen. “Care for a drink?” 
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
“Hell won’t be so bad, you know. After all, I’ll be there to keep you company.”
Tess Oliver, Camille (via clarkewrites)
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
My poor mother begged for a sheep but raised a wolf.
Michelle K., Four Rhythms. (via michellekpoems)
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
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Zoe Saldana photographed for Harper’s Bazaar Arabia, September 2012
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
She willingly sunk into the seat beside him, feeling herself relax and allowing her true nature to take over, "Always a delight, Mister Whyte.  It's quite exhausting walking amongst others and having to...play nice."  Her nose wrinkled at her last words.  She cocked her head to the side, her ever present amusement dancing in her eyes as she smiled at her company, "You seem quite please with my faeries.  Glad to know they are only giving the utmost of service."
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Alaster was sat with the best whiskey they had in hand, just watching the place move around him. The girls were so incredibly willing that it got him smiling more than usually. And then he saw a familiar face that his eyes couldn’t help but track. “I say nothing and I see nothing, Miss Afolayan.” Alaster gestured to the seat next to him for the woman to sit. He hadn’t heard much from the Unseelie’s and the unrest between the mermaids and sirens was just increasing by the day. Fever Dream certainly wasn’t the place but he’d organise a later time and place if she’d allow. 
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
Gwenaëlle stepped from within the doors of Fever Dream, giving an approving nod to one of the faeries inside before brushing off her crisp clothes and heading down the street, humming a cheerful tune as she went on her way.  Her eyes sharply cut off to the side and met the pair that had been watching her, and a coy smile crossed her face, "What?  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."  Though of course business is the reason she had gone to the strip club in the first place.
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
Gwenaëlle could still sense the strong wave of uncertainty in him, but hope sprung within her as she began to see him becoming conflicted with the truth. "I'm searching for my son," She took a deep breath, not wanting to overwhelm Rowan and get ahead of herself, "And seeing as you were drawn to me by my call, that would be you.  No one else could come but you."  There was so much she wished to say, and she was so overcomed that she wasn't even behaving like herself--giving into nervous habits such as biting her lip in an effort to not inundate Rowan with her world.
"If you could please give me the cha--," Gwenaëlle stopped short, and a bitter taste rose to her mouth, "He is not your father!" Anger contorted her face briefly before she closed her eyes and sucked in a breath, putting a hand to the pulsating ache behind her forehead, "I apologize for my outburst, just that...I had to go to great lengths to find you, and even greater lengths to..." She could feel herself fast-forwarding, "Just allow me the chance to explain to you and if you don't believe me then...please."
A soft smile curled her lips, and for the first time Gwenaëlle really looked at Rowan.  He looked strong and healthy, and he stood tall.  She could sense he was a kind soul, and a surge of pride caused her smile to spread even wider, her eyes taking on a watery gleam. "That sounds about right, twenty-two years....," She stared at him in awe, "Wow."
Family Reunion // Rowan & Gwen
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
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[1/?] Favorite pictures of Zoe Saldana
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
His words brought Gwenaëlle back to the reality of the situation and she smoothed her hair, swiping the fallen tears that had stained her cheeks. "I am very serious.  You have...no idea how long I have been searching for you."  She sniffed, fighting the urge to hold him tight and bring him home, knowing that she had so much to explain to the young boy.  Gwenaëlle could hear the doubt in his voice, and her spirit dwindled slightly.  Who knew what Kellan had convinced him of what his life truly was?
She took a sharp intake of breath at hearing him say that he was not her son.  Of course he was hers!  Though Gwenaëlle had never seen him other than those three minutes that she had held him, she knew in the very fiber of her being that she was staring at her baby.  She could see the pity Rowan held for her in his eyes, for he was truly convinced that he was not hers.  Gwenaëlle could only imagine who he thought to be his mother, and a wave of jealousy washed over her.  Someone had his love, the love that she deserved.
She hesitated a moment before speaking, doing her best to separate herself from her emotions in order to give a logical response.  She had to stay composed. "You are my son.  Your fa--...a horrible man took you away from just when you were newly born.  He must have..given you away to someone else." The thought made her stomach knot, and she swallowed back her anger to remain calm, "Yes, I called to you.  I have been calling to you for years.  You would not have come if you were not my son."  She searched for understanding in his face, "Can't you feel our connection?  Please, if you have questions I will answer them."  She swallowed nervously, feeling oddly vulnerable in front of Rowan.
Family Reunion // Rowan & Gwen
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
you were so weighed down by the pounds of your crown that when i drowned had you have helped you certainly would have drowned with me and i can't blame you when your knees became weak that you wrapped your bleeding ego in her sheets her bed frame supporting your fatigue so honey i hope you understand just as i did that you must hurt to feel and when i cut your head right off, please baby remember your crown i am only helping you heal.
thank you for saving me
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
If you get sleep or if you get none (The cock’s gonna call in the morning, baby) Check the cupboard for your daddy’s gun (Red sun rises like an early warning) The Lord’s gonna come for your first born son (His hair’s on fire and his heart is burning) Go to the river where the water runs (Wash him deep where the tides are turning) And if you fall.... And if you fall....
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
"Can we not handle both?  They should have some at the coffee shop, correct?  Now, I understand you don't want to get too wild on a first date, but bread pudding is something I can not let you pass up."
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           “—bread pudding? Wow, okay, hold on a sec, Gwen. All these topic changes are making my head spin. Does this mean we’re passing on the coffee and hunting down bread pudding?” His mood lightened visibly, grateful for the change in topic.
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
She pouted, "What makes you say that?  You're quite lovely so far." She titled her head, observing the woman, "Perhaps I'll get your name at a later time.  Maybe I'll keep calling you beautiful, seeing as I have nothing else to address you by."
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It was at Gwenaëlle’s demand for her name that made Terra realize she hadn’t given it to anybody since her return. Even in her home town she remained anonymous; she couldn’t decide if that made her safe or lonely. Terra laughed half-heartedly and then sighed, “I’m convinced you’ll change your mind about me soon,” she said truthfully and smirked at the woman’s reaction to her compliment. “You should be flattered. I don’t give out compliments easily,” she said, all the while, she kept her name private. 
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
"Not sweet, just generous." The older woman noticed the girls blush, and she gently took her hand in her own, give a soft shake, "Cordelia is just as beautiful.  How are you enjoying your day?"
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"You’re very sweet." The blonde blushed lightly, averting her gaze. "That’s a gorgeous name. I’m Cordelia. It’s lovely to meet you." She held out her hand to the older woman.
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
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Style icon : Zoe Saldana
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
"You flatter me, and I love it." Gwenaëlle feigned bashfulness before letting a soft giggle escape her, "I must have your name.  Its not every day you meet such delightful company."
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"I am positive I won’t be having any problems with my shoe laces," Terra said convincingly, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. "I’m perfectly content where I am, thank you," Terra remarked. "I have a good view from here," she said, subtly returning the earlier compliment about beauty the woman had made. "Pleasure, Gwenaëlle."
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queengwenaelle · 10 years
She smiled more to herself than towards her companion, continuing on as if she had implied nothing at all, "You know something that is a divine treat?  Bread pudding.  This town holds many faults but its bread pudding is not one."
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           “… never heard that saying before. Sorry.” He didn’t like what she was dancing around, and being around her was confusing, conflicting—the urge to cut this conversation short in an uneasy balance with the urge to stay. He didn’t feel the need to make a decision just yet.  “The type of coffee they serve around here you’ll want to drown the taste in sugar and cream. Trust me.”
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